T. B. Sangster Imagines [REQU...

By BloodyinspiredTri

305K 5.4K 5.6K

~REQUESTS ARE CLOSED~ the title says it all.. some of them are imagines with his characters. Some of them are... More

Hello Shanks!!
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Thomas Brodie-Sangster- Pre-nups and Wedding photos pt. 2
Thomas Brodie-Sangster- Pre-nups and Wedding photos pt. 3
β†’ Simon Brown- Scullery maid's Voice ←
β†’ Donald Clarke- My Escape is Gone ←
β†’ Newt- Nice to See ya, But I'm Not Her ←
Newt- Nice to See ya, But I'm Not Her pt. 2
Newt- Nice to See ya, But I'm Not Her pt. 3
Newt- Nice to See ya, But I'm Not Her pt. 4
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β†’ Newt- You can't give up ←
β†’ Thomas Brodie-Sangster AU- Royal Arrangement ←
Thomas Brodie-Sangster AU- Royal Arrangement pt. 2
Thomas Brodie-Sangster AU- Royal Arrangement pt. 3
Thomas Brodie-Sangster AU- Royal Arrangement pt. 4
β†’ Newt- Please.. ←
β†’ Thomas Brodie-Sangster- Read Me Your Fanfictions ←
β†’ Paul McCartney- Beauty and the Beast ←
Paul McCartney- Beauty and the Beast pt. 2
Paul McCartney- Beauty and the Beast pt. 3
β†’ Sam- Mistletoe ←
β†’ Thomas Brodie-Sangster- Mental Institution ←
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β†’Newt- "The hell is your problem?"←
Newt- "The hell is your problem?" pt. 2
Newt- "The hell is your problem?" pt. 3
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Newt- "The hell is your problem?" pt. 5
Newt- "The hell is your problem?" pt. 6
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β†’ Romulus Augustus- Sweet Mornings ←
β†’ Thomas Brodie-Sangster- Tension in the Convention←
It's been fun!

Newt (AU)- I wish I was her... pt. 2

2.6K 65 140
By BloodyinspiredTri

It was lunchtime, and the Gladers shared the table right beside the wall.

Y/N sat by the very wall, highlighting the lines of her textbook that she found very important for studying for Mr. Janson's test on Social Studies on Monday. Until she realized she basically just coloured in that one whole page she was stuck in, compared to the other pages she highlighted. 

She sighed and closed the book to continue consuming her lunch as she continued binging the show she was watching this morning. She chuckled as the characters practiced dancing for the country fair.

She was in her own little world again.

"Isn't your phone low battery yet from watching that show?" Until Newt, who was beside her, snapped her out of it. She held up her power bank to him without taking her eyes off of her screen, "Nope." She replied as she folded her arms on the table.

Newt rolled his eyes at her. He was getting worried for the girl. She hasn't been talking much to him as much as she used to for a month (the same day him and Heather started dating). Back then, she would even come to him to just talk until there were no words left to say.

Eventually he shrugged it off when Heather arrived with her lunch. She sat across from Newt, "Hey, guys!" She greeted.

Y/N glanced up for a millisecond to give her a tight-lipped smile as if she was saying hello and went back to watching as she takes a bite of her kiwi fruit (or any kind of fruit you like, I just had a sudden craving for kiwi😂).

She thought she was getting away that easily. But Heather called her, "Y/N?"

She hummed kindly in response.

"I was wondering if we could meet them in the cinema together with Brenda and Teresa later? You know, get ready and whatnot." Heather asked, "Like we used to do?" She added.

Y/N blinked and looked at her blankly. Of course she couldn't say no. Even if she wanted to. "Y-Yeah, sure. Your house at 4:00?" Heather nodded.

As if on cue, the bell rang. Telling them that it was time to go back in class. With that, Y/N gathered all her things and stood up, "I'll see you later." She chuckled at Heather as she waved at her nicely before leaving.


After hours of spending their time on their classes, they headed home.

Newt, Brenda, and Y/N walked together since the three of them live in the same neighborhood. Y/N and Brenda lived in a duplex house and Newt lived right across from them.

Y/N had her eyes roaming around the bald trees. The wind gushed as they walked silently. She noticed Newt was cold. So she took off the sweater he lend to her and handed it to him, "Here."

He looked at her in refusal, "No, no, you need it more than I do." He insisted as they kept walking.

"Trust me, I'm not cold anymore. Now wear it before you catch your death. It's your sweater after all." Y/N urged only to have him look at her and not take it.

As much as she wanted to look back at him, it made the the girl frown. So she got on her toes and put the sweater on him herself without bothering to slip his arms on his sleeve and continued walking.

Newt slipped on his arms through the sleeves as he followed, wanting to engage a conversation with her. However, he didn't have a single idea of what to talk about. He was hoping she would ask something like how she used to. But one thing he had learned about her since she became distant to him, she rarely starts the conversation anymore.

He was beginning to question himself, Am I still in love with her?

Before anything else, he snapped himself out of the question. He's with Heather for goodness sake. Those feelings were left from the past.

Besides, he knew he was never good enough for her. Or so, he thought

Y/N realized how unusually close Newt was beside her. So close that the back of their hands were brushing together. Newt found it out soon enough and let it be like that for some unknown reason.

The H/C haired girl immediately entwined her own hands together on her back just as she could feel the back of their fingers touching. She shouldn't give in. She wouldn't do such a thing to hurt anyone or get in between them. It would've been worse than it already is.

She didn't want to talk, but Newt thought otherwise. "So, ehmm, Ms. Shirley informed me I was flunking her class." He started. Which was true, he's been getting lower scores on her tests.

"Did she now?" Y/N replied with a hum, without looking at him.

Newt nodded, "She suggested I should have a tutoring session with some of her best students." He was referring to her, to be exact.

Y/N was beginning to think he was making her jealous. Seeing as Heather was the top of the class, she thought he was referring to Heather and not her. But who was she to make a big deal out of it?

"All right then. I'll be sure to inform Heather about your session later on." She glanced over him with a smile that he knew it wasn't a genuine one.

"I was.." Newt was about to tell Y/N he wanted her to tutor him instead. But he figured she would be busy, "Thanks."

Soon, they've arrived at their homes. "All right," Y/N exhaled as she faced him, "See you later."

"Yeah." Newt chuckled, until he got lost in her E/C eyes that the both of them ended up staring at each other's orbs.

Brenda waited for them so her and Y/N could come inside now. She looked at them, back and forth, with such confusion. More specifically, she was more confused about Newt. I thought he didn't feel the same? She internally questioned.

"Uhm, Bye." Brenda chimed in. They both of them blinked and avoided each other's gaze.

"R-Right, bye." Newt waved at both girls before walking towards his home.


As soon as Y/N received her parents' permission to go to the movies with her friends, she went over to her room and waited for the clock to strike 4:00.

It was now 2:55 pm and she decided to write a reviewer for her test on Monday to study. Now, she knew she would still have time for those on the weekend, but she didn't want to hustle herself the next day.

Y/N quietly listened to the music through her earbuds, reading one highlighted sentence at a time and then writing it on index cards.

While doing so, she wondered why she agreed to come together at Heather's. She doesn't even do makeup, not even a lip balm. She just throws in her clothes and she done. Her hair? She would only brush it and/or put her hair up in a ponytail.

She finished just in time for her to get herself cleaned and leave. So she took a shower, picked her clothes that she would settle in for tonight and got dressed.

As soon as she was finished packing her keys and money along with her phone in her bag, Y/N greeted her parents a goodbye and walked all the way to Heather's house with Brenda.

The both of them talked as they walk. At this point, they were playfully arguing about who do they ship Stiles Stilinski with.

"No, Stiles and Lydia are made for each other since day one, come on!" Y/N exclaimed with a laugh.

Brenda shrugged, "I still prefer Malia with Stiles."

Y/N eventually gave up, "Fine. But we can all agree Derek's the perfect match, am I right?" Brenda laughed but agreed with her.

Soon, they arrived at Heather's house. They knocked on the door and waited for her to open up. As they waited, Y/N inhaled as if it was her first time going to her house (which is not).

"You okay?" Brenda asked as she noticed Y/N getting unsettled.

"Yeah, I'm just.. It's been a while since I came over to someone else's house." The girl replied. Brenda nodded in understanding.

Just she did so, the door opened to reveal a grinning Heather. "Hey, guys!" She greeted perkily, "You're just in time. Come on in."


All of them were in Teresa's car, chatting up just like any other teenage girls. Laughter filled up the whole car as the music played through the stereo.

"So, how are things going on with you and Newt?" That's when Y/N's smile faltered after Teresa created the new topic, although she kept her smile up. Mate, don't even try to be jealous. She lectured herself.

Heather bashfully looked straight on the road as she leaned back to her seat with a flustered grin on her face. "We're doing great." She exclaimed.

"I bet you've been on the second base.." Y/N teased and chuckled, trying to not make her jealousy linger under their noses. She looked out of the window to get herself distracted by counting the trees they pass by.

"Not exactly.." Heather chuckled nervously as she tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear.

"What? What do you mean? It's been a month!" Teresa exclaimed.

By then, Y/N stopped listening before her broken heart got to her. Instead, she listened to the songs that were stuck in her head that she could literally hear the music in her ears such as Stella by All Time Low.

She lightly tapped her foot to the beat as she hummed quietly. And just like that, she zoned out into her random thoughts.

Soon, they've arrived at the cinema. They guys were already there as the girls came in. "Hey!" The group greeted each other in unison.

"You guys been waiting here or..?" Y/N asked Minho.

"Oh, no. We just got here a few minutes before you." Minho replied.

"But we would've been earlier if Mister Sassy fixed his hair faster." Thomas chimed in as he stood beside them.

"Hey, it's a shucking outing. It's an essential." Minho remarked as he started smoldering as if there was someone taking a picture of him.

Y/N scoffed, "Okay, Mr. Good looks." She patted his back which was an unexpectedly hard slap that made his breath hitch. "Let's just go get the tickets, yeah?"

As they were about to fall in line, Minho suddenly tripped and fell into a weird position, which made Y/N laugh. She laughed so hard that she didn't even realize she knocked over a couple of tumblers with little movie characters on it.

As they did so, Newt glanced at them from afar with this heavy and unsettling feeling on his chest. Whatever it was, he didn't love the feeling at all.


Y/N jumped a little as the Hellhound pierced through the ceiling of the teenage girl's car. She kept eating her popcorn while she entertained herself bye scaring her own self.

On her right was Minho, whom she could've sworn his hands gripped tightly on the armrests, closing his eyes from time to time. The person sitting on her other side was Brenda, who was chewing off her nails until there was nothing left to chew.

She was so intrigued by the movie, she has never concentrated on anything as much she focused on the film.

"Calm down, Heather, it's not real." Until she heard Newt's voice in front of her. She looked down at him who had his arm around Heather's shoulder for comfort. The strawberry blonde haired girl held his hand as she hid herself on Newt's shoulder.

And his sweater was worn by her.

All of a sudden, Y/N felt a sudden chill right down to her body from the sight of it. It made her angry. Angry for their 'disgusting' affections, angry at him..

Angry at herself for not preventing herself from the heartbroken pain she was getting.

She didn't realize the film was finish until the credits came. The lights came back and the people were leaving including the whole group.

"Man, that was some movie, am I right, Y/N/N?" She snapped out of her daze when Alby spoke up after they got out.

"Huh? Oh, yeah, ehm, i-it was great!" She exclaimed as she glanced at Minho, "Though I think Minho enjoyed it the most." She remarked with sarcasm, trying to bury down her feelings.

Minho rolled her eyes at her, "Whatever." Y/N and Alby started laughing at him.

As much as she was trying, she still had to get these feelings out of her system. So right after they got out of the place, she parted her ways with her friends and headed towards the woods she used to spend her time on, unnoticed.


".. Why do you have to be so vulnerable!" She scolded to herself as she threw a rock harshly to the ground.

"Can't you just face the fact that you're just his stupid friend?!" She asked herself as she snapped a branch in half.

Y/N exhaled as she climbed over a tree and sat on a thick branch. She leaned her head back on another branch that supported her back. She took a sharp intake of breath and let it out with smoke coming out of her lips from the cold, "All right." She began, "From now on, I solemnly swear that I will stop thinking about Newt Isaacson from now on."

With that she folded her arms and stared into space.

I wonder if he–

"I said stop it!" She yelled as soon as she was beginning to think about him again whilst knocking on her head.

"Who are you talkin' to?" She suddenly heard a voice she knew all too well. Before she knew it, he was sitting on a branch beside hers. Their thighs were touching since the branches they were sitting on were close to each other.

She avoided Newt's gaze as she felt him look at her, "N-Nobody. I'm going home now, uh, see you when I see you." Y/N sputtered out as she was about to climb down the tree. But Newt's hand on her arm stopped her from doing so.

She looked up at him, who had eyes that were begging, "Please don't go." He pleaded.

Of course, Y/N couldn't say no to those brown orbs. So she stayed and sat back on the tree. One thing she noticed about him tonight: he looked sad.

"Is there something wrong?" She asked.

He looked away from her and let go of her arm to look at the stars, "Heather and I... we broke up."

Y/N looked at him in disbelief, "What? How come? I don't see anything wrong between you two, why did you two break up?" Although a part of her was cheering in the background, she still felt bad for him. Considering he was one of her closest friends.

Newt shrugged, "Ever get the feeling you thought you've moved on from being in love with the person you loved first even though you know that they don't feel the same?" He asked as he looked at her.

Y/N scoffed, Is that even a question?

"Of course I have." She answered truthfully, "In fact, I'm still in love him even though he doesn't feel the same way." She added.

"But what if he does?" Newt questioned, knowing who she was talking about.

"I guess it would be a miracle, then. Besides, why would he ever go out with me? I'm out of his league." She replied with a sigh, still oblivious of what Newt was pointing out. "Anyway, it's getting late. I should get home."

"Let me walk you there." Newt offered.

"No, it's oka—"

"Y/N, I live right across you and Brenda, you can't really argue with that."


"Thanks for walking with me, Newt." Y/N continued, "It was nice talking with you again." When they were walking, they were chatting up random things like the way they used to. It felt good for Y/N as well as Newt.

"I bloody couldn't agree more." Newt chuckled.

They were standing in front of Y/N's house. The girl was bidding her goodbye to him even though he just lived a few blocks away from her. "All right, Goodnight, blondie."

With that, they both parted their ways as she fumbled with her keys, trying to find the one for the front door.

Until she heard footsteps from behind coming closer. When she turned to the direction where she heard it, she got confused as she saw Newt running towards her.

Until her lips connected with his.

She dropped her keys on the ground from the sudden impact. She closed her eyes immediately as they continued their kiss.

As they pulled away from the lack of oxygen, Newt gave her a smirk as he back away, "Goodnight." As he walked away, he had a grin on his face that he couldn't wipe off.

Y/N, on the other hand, was standing there with her face growing beet red while her heart pounded like a hammer with a nail.

The End.


Wow, what a ride..

Sorry it took so long hehe😅

I wonder if I should do a face reveal... Nah! Just messin' with you. I don't do that here.😜

But yeah, now that that's done, onto the next one! (Of course after I finish it😂)

-BloodyinspiredTri 🖤

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