The guardian

By Rhys2624

136K 7.2K 602

Forth is an omega from the blood moon pack. He is treated as a lowly servant there. Although he has tried to... More

chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19 M
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
Chapter 37
chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 39 (Full)
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45 M
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51 (End)
Bonus Chapter

chapter 13

3.2K 163 6
By Rhys2624

kai's pov:

Since it will be easier if i just explain everything, Forth let me take over.

So, i am not a normal wolf. I am not only 10 times stronger than any alpha but i also possess many other powers. I started.

"10 TIMES?!" Kit yelled.

Yes. I answered. 

"What powers?" Pha's dad asked.

Many powers. I can control all the elements. I also have other psychic powers such as telekinesis, apportion and remote viewing. Those are only a few of the many things i can do. I explained.

At this point they were all staring at me with their jaws hanging and eyes wide open. 

"Are there others like you?" Pha asked.

There are two others. But we don't get along really well. They are really arrogant and have way too much self confidence.  I started getting irritated just thinking about those two bastards.

The moon goddess chooses 3 packs and sends down three of her guardians. Our job is to Stop the catastrophe that is going to befall on the whole werewolf world in the near future.

"Catastrophe? What kind of catastrophe?" Pha's dad spoke up.

Have you heard of the Huge war that occurred between the werewolves and demons 700 years ago? I asked.

"Wasn't that just a myth? Do demons really exist?" Yo spoke up.

Yes demons do exist. They are not as powerful as us, but they are great in number. They hide among the humans and werewolves and gather information about the weaknesses. When they have enough information, they will attack all at once.The last time the moon goddess didn't see that coming so many werewolves and humans died. But this time she sent us so we can stop that from happening. 

"But how are you so sure they are going to try it again in the near future?" Kit asked.

The moon goddess sent out one of her guardians to keep an eye on the demon's movements. The guardian disguises itself as one of their kind and gathers information and sends them to her. According to the information we have got recently they are planning another attack in the near future. 

"If there are so many how are you going to take them out all? You said there are only three of you."Pha's dad.

That's why we are sent to 3 packs. So we can share our powers with the pack members. Especially our mate. Each one of us originally supposed to share our powers with two packs each. The one our human is born into and the one our mate is born into. But i can't really share my powers with the dead.

I could tell Forth was surprised at my statement. 

"How did you-"Pha.

I was sealed and couldn't come out but i have a connection with the members in that pack. Not like a packlink but something more. It's like i can feel if they are injured, dead or alive. The moment you killed all of them i could feel the connection breaking. Although I can still feel the one with the children, the alpha and his wife. I'm guessing you spared the alpha and his wife so you can get information out of them. And the children are innocent so i'm glad you spared them as well. 

Plus, even if you didn't kill them, i had no intention of sharing my powers with those power hungry bastards.

"How are you going to share your powers?" Pha's mom.

I'll share it with Pha when the mating bond is complete. When that happens he will be 6 times stronger than any other alpha. As for the rest of the pack, I'll share it with them through the packlink. They won't get any extra powers but their existing ones will be enhanced by 5 times. And when their lives are in danger, a strong shield will be activated and surround them to protect them from harm. Of course this includes you two as well. I pointed at Pha's parents.

 And as for the children who can't fight, my powers will protect them at all times. A shield will be activated and surround them whenever they are in danger. 

"That still doesn't explain why Forth's body grew so much." Pha's dad.

That's because he trained with me in my dreamworld. The time there is different from the time here. One year in my dreamworld is only one hour here. So he already has 5 years of training. Although i still haven't taught him any spells yet. We worked on his physical strength and hand to hand combat skills. In his current state he can beat 50 warrior wolves by himself without having to use any weapons.  



Yes. He will be able to wipe out an army of around 1000 werewolves by himself when i finish teaching him the spells.

At this statement, all of their jaws dropped even lower and their eyes opened wider. 

Any more questions?

"You said each one of you is supposed to share your powers with 2 packs. But now you can share it with only one. Doesn't that give you a disadvantage?" Pha's dad.

It does actually. But there's another way to increase the amount of people i share my powers with. 

"And that is...?" Yo.

I can share it with the packs you have alliances with. I can tell just by looking who are the ones who have malicious intent and who don't. So i'll know who to trust my powers with. But i prefer to do that only when we are fighting. I don't want to give them my powers from now on. I might know who to trust from the first glance but i people are unpredictable. I don't want to take any chance with people i have known for only a few minutes.

They all nodded.

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