Blue Rose in a Dark Room

By CarraWhales

4.4K 298 15

(Romantic•Comedy) COMPLETED Dylan grew up in a well-to-do family. He was a young good-looking guy with a brig... More

••☆ INTRO ☆••
••☆ Chapter 1: "Behind Doubts" (Part1) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 1: "Behind Doubts" (Part2) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 2: "Meet Mr. Regret" (Part1) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 2: "Meet Mr. Regret" (Part2) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 3: "Bad Side" (Part1) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 3: "Bad Side" (Part2) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 4: "New Helper" (Part1) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 4: "New Helper" (Part2) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 5: "Independent Girl" (Part1) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 5: "Independent Girl" (Part2) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 6: "Choice of Life" (Part1) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 6: "Choice of Life" (Part2) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 7: "Love or Lust" (Part1) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 7: "Love or Lust" (Part2) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 8: "Old Enemy" (Part1) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 8: "Old Enemy" (Part2) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 9: "Wrong Decision" (Part1) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 9: "Wrong Decision" (Part2) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 10: "Wrong Direction" (Part1) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 10: "Wrong Direction" (Part2) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 11: "Unforgettable Day" (Part1) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 12: "Weird Touch" (Part1) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 12: "Weird Touch" (Part2) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 13: "Saving the Day" (Part1) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 13: "Saving the Day" (Part2) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 14: "Fear of Loneliness" (Part1) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 14: "Fear of Loneliness" (Part2) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 15: "Difficult Words" (Part1) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 15: "Difficult Words" (Part2) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 16: "Sudden Getaway" (Part1) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 16: "Sudden Getaway" (Part2) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 17: "Perfect Confession" (Part1) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 17: "Perfect Confession" (Part2) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 18: "First Pleasure" (Part1) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 18: "First Pleasure" (Part2) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 19: "Complicated Love" (Part1) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 19: "Complicated Love" (Part2) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 20: "Rich Guy" (Part1) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 20: "Rich Guy" (Part2) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 21: "Clever Girl" (Part1) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 21: "Clever Girl" (Part2) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 22: "Two Hearts" (Part1) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 22: "Two Hearts" (Part 2) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 23: "Beautiful Rival" (Part1) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 23: "Beautiful Rival" (Part2) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 24: "Stupid Mistake" (Part 1) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 24: "Stupid Mistake" (Part 2) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 25: "Awful Regret" (Part1) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 25: "Awful Regret" (Part 2) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 26: "Wonderful Gifts" (Part 1) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 26: "Wonderful Gifts" (Part 2) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 27: "Faithful Touch" (Part 1) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 27: "Faithful Touch" (Part 2) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 28: "Sad Truth" (Part 1) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 28: "Sad Truth" (Part 2) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 29: "Wrong World" (Part 1) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 29: "Wrong World" (Part2) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 30: "Painful Choice" (Part 1) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 30: "Painful Choice" (Part 2) ☆••
••☆ Final Chapter: "Hidden Past" (Part 1) ☆••
••☆ Final Chapter: "Hidden Past" (Part 2) ☆••

••☆ Chapter 11: "Unforgettable Day" (Part2) ☆••

59 4 0
By CarraWhales

Dylan grabbed her arm and pulled her back. "Stop! I'm the one you want. She's just my helper. Let her go, man. Please." he begged.

When Conrad released her, Dylan placed her behind him. "Stay there" he said, holding her hand.

From her long coat pocket, she secretly took her taser out and hid it behind her.

Conrad smirked at Dylan contemptuously. "You're only brave now because you can't see me. How do you like me to blow your head off, huh?" he threatened.

Dylan felt something poking on his forehead. He believed it was the gun. He was acting fearless, but he was really very scared at that time. His knees wouldn't stop shaking.

"After you, I'll shoot your little girlfriend's head off too." Conrad glowered.

Dylan held Rose's hand tighter. "If you kill us, you will go to jail." he told him, trying to change his mind.

While they were exchanging words, Rose noticed shadows on the bottom of the door. She braced herself and hoped it was the help she was waiting for.

"Only if they can find out it's m..." Conrad was cut off while talking when the door behind him burst open.

"Put your hands in the air!"

Rose took the chance when Conrad looked away from them. She pushed Dylan aside and swiftly lifted her right hand.

With her handheld taser, she aimed at Conrad's arm while he was pointing his gun down. When he felt the strong electrical dischange from her weapon, his muscles tightened. His arm froze up and the gun in his hand fell off.

The cops quickly seized him and pressed him down the floor.

"I just wanted to scare them. I didn't hurt anybody." he said frantically.

"Are you kids all right?" one of the cops asked.

"Yes" Rose answered, breathing heavily.

When they got out of the restroom, she saw Max waiting outside.

"Hey, are you two all right? Did he hurt you?" he asked in an anxious tone.

"We're okay, Max." she answered.

He heaved a sigh of relief. "Thank goodness... When I heard you said Conrad was pointing a gun at you, I called the cops right away. Good thing you mentioned your location." he told her.

"I was actually waiting for you. Thank you, Max." she replied gratefully, then she approached him and gave him a hug.

"Thanks, bro. I actually forgot you're on the phone." Dylan said.

Max tapped his shoulder. "The important thing now is you're both safe and well."

At the police station, Conrad was charged with illegal possession of firearm and attempted assault with deadly weapon. After an hour of interview, Rose and Dylan were finally sent home.

"Sorry... If I didn't ask for a walk, none of it would have happened." Rose apologized when she took Dylan to his room.

"Don't apologize. That was supposed to be just between us. You just got involved. Max is right. Conrad is still a psycho." he replied in a bitter tone.

"Weren't you scared when he pressed his gun against your head?" she asked.

"I nearly pissed myself to be honest." he answered.

She chuckled. "But that was still very brave. You really impressed me." she said, brushing his hair with her fingers.

After he heard that while getting a gentle touch from her, he felt something inside of him. He raised his hand and held hers on the top of his head. "Do you feel something?"

She was confused at first, but when she understood what he meant, she raised her other hand and gave him a light slap. "No, I still don't." she answered.

"Yeah, I was actually expecting a slap." he replied in a disappointed tone as he was releasing her hand.

"My time with you today is over. I'll go home now." she said.

"Are you sure you can? I mean, we were almost killed. Aren't you scared to go home by yourself? ...If you want, you can stay here tonight. Use the guest room." he offered.

"Nah, I'm fine. I can handle myself. Thanks for the birthday treat again, although it was a little disaster... See you again tomorrow, Mr. Always Horny." she replied, then she left.

He pouted. "She left after she turned me on. Guess I'll do it solo again tonight... Oh god. I miss having sex so bad." he murmured in a miserable tone.

He wasn't aware that Rose was still in his room. She went back when she noticed the excess cash he handed to her while they were in the park was still in her pocket.

Without making a noise, she put the money on the table and left while holding back her laughter.


The next day, Rose arrived a bit early. Dylan was still sleeping.

"Tsk... Maybe he fucked himself until midnight." she mumbled. She stayed in the living room and waited.

After an hour, he finally woke up. When she saw the door of his room opened, she got up from the couch and approached him.

"Is that you, Rose?" he asked when he heard footsteps.

"Yup" she answered.

"We need to find a flower shop ASAP." he told her in a worried tone.

"Why?" she asked.

"It's my mom and dad's anniversary today. I forgot to order a bouquet for mom. They'll be here in an hour." he answered. He sounded very stressed out.

"But it's raining" she told him.

"What? Really?" he asked with dismayed look on his face.

"Yeah, can't you hear it? It's actually a heavy rain." she answered.

He only noticed it at that time. "Shit... Mom will be upset for sure. This is the first time she will not receive flowers from me."

"I've got an idea." Rose blurted.

"What is it?" he asked.

"I'll get you flowers from the neighbour. They have a large garden in their frontyard. I'm sure they won't notice if I take a few." she told him.

"Are you sure that's safe? You might get caught." he warned in a concerned tone.

"We'll never know unless we try, and I can't think of another way to get you flowers within an hour." she replied.

Although Dylan wasn't very sure of her idea, he later agreed thinking that he was out of solutions too.

In the living room, Rose removed her shoes and tied up her hair.

"There are umbrellas in the storage room." Dylan said.

"I can't pick flowers if I'm holding something." she replied.

"You mean you'll go out in the rain without any protection? You might catch a cold." he told her in a concerned tone.

"I'll be quick... Okay, I'm ready. Just wait here." she said, then she left.

Without stopping, she walked outside under the rain barefooted. At the neighbour's front fence, she began to pick flowers she could reach.

After she got a hand full, she saw an old woman standing on the house's porch. She quickly ducked her head down to hide. After a minute, she lifted her body a little to check if she was still there. When she assured she was gone, she reached out to get a few more flowers.

Dylan waited patiently on the couch. After almost half an hour, Rose finally came back.

"I got you your flowers." she said, holding a hand full of them in her both hands.

"Really? Thanks! You just save the day." he replied in a relieved tone. "For sure you're soaked in wet right now. Grab some of my clothes and change."

"No need. I have extra clothes ready in my bag. Wait here. I'll just fix myself."
She went to the bathroom and changed. After a few minutes, she returned to the living room. "We still have twenty minutes left to arrange these flowers. Do you have wrappers and ribbons here?" she asked.

"Yeah, in my mom's office." he answered.

She went there and took the things she would need. In just a few minutes, she made him an improvised bouquet for his mom.

"Done. Now, you have a bouquet for your mommy." she said after she finished it.

"Wow. I didn't know you're very creative. Thanks." he replied, smiling.

"Let me take you a picture with that thing before you give it to your mom... Smile!" Using his phone, she took a picture of him.

When Mr. and Mrs. Walton arrived, he gave the bouquet to his mom. She loved it. She didn't even notice the flowers were only taken from the neighbour's garden.

At the table, Rose was invited to join them. There, she met Dylan's father for the first time.

After their lunch, they didn't stay long. Mr. and Mrs. Walton left the house after a quick chat with their son.

"You have very busy parents." Rose noticed.

"Yeah, that's why they don't come home often. Only when there's an occasion or if I'm sick." Dylan replied.

"You got both your mom and dad's genes." she told him.

"I know. Thanks to them, I was born handsome." he boasted, showing a proud smile.

She rolled her eyes, then she coughed.

"You okay?" he asked in a concerned tone.

"Yeah, I accidentally swallowed an air after what you said." she reasoned.

He chuckled.

After a few more hours, Rose's duty finally ended.

"I'll go home now." she told him.

"Okay, thanks for the bouquet again." he replied.

When she left his room, he heard her coughed again.

To be continued....

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