90s Love

By love990

88K 5.7K 796

Set in California in the 1990s, follow Janae in her journey of navigating her high school life in an environm... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51: Epilogue

Chapter 37

1.5K 97 87
By love990

What I loved about Club 90 was the fact that it was 18 and up, but if you made nice with the bouncer and told him you were turning 18 in two months, he'd let you slide in. That was less thing to worry about on the list of preparations for my night with Jackson.

All I really worried about was looking like I was on Jackson's level. He was a college man, while I was still in high school, I had to look and feel the part. So I pulled out a skin tight black dress, heels, and some hoops, wanting to impress him.

As much as I wanted to downplay the situation as much as possible, I knew what this was.

Me moving on.

Those words being what the girls and I cheered to after snagging a booth and some drinks. We decided to get to the club a little earlier to hang out and get the vibe of the night to lessen some of the nervousness I was feeling.

"May Nae get her grind on for the rest of the night." Nicki added, making me almost choke on my sip while everyone else just laughed.

"I'm not a hoe." I spoke, giving her a look.

"I mean for him you can at least try."

I flipped her off as she smiled.

"And we'll be right here watching." Kay said.

I just ignored her as I sipped on my drink, trying to keep my thoughts as positive as possible.

"There he is." I smiled. Jackson walked through the doors and toward our table, only for my smile to falter seeing who came in behind him. "Quincy?"

"And Bianca." Nicki spoke with disgust from next to me just as I got the view of her all tucked under his arm.

I almost missed Jackson approaching us.

"Hi." I beamed getting up hugging him softly.

"Hey, Janae. You look beautiful." He was quick to compliment as his arms wrapped around me. "Ladies." He greeted the girls with a smile.

"Hey." They politely replied.

"Wanna come get a drink with me?" I suggested as I smoothed out my dress.

"Yeah." He smiled, grabbing my hand, the two of us ordering sodas and sitting on stools, just talking casually.

"Nae?" I heard someone say, making me turn, seeing Quincy and Bianca.

"Hey." I forced a smile. "I didn't know you were about to be here tonight."

"Neither did I."

There was an awkward tension that hung in the air. Quincy's and I's eyes lingered on each other, almost questioning what the other was doing. Bianca was a surprising choice, though I should've seen it coming. Bianca was finally in the position she wanted to be in from jump, and I couldn't be mad at her hustle.

But it did make me feel some type of way.

Quincy looked between Jackson and I, with a mixed expression I couldn't decipher. I could just tell he was taken aback by our closeness and the smiles on our faces. And I felt proud, I was better without him, and rather than saying that myself, it could be seen.

Jackson was an upgrade. What Bianca was... it could be debated.

"Oh, I love this song. I finally get a chance to show you my moves." Jackson spoke, tearing my attention to him.

"I can't miss this. Nice seeing y'all." I smiled as I got out of my seat, Jackson leading me to the dance floor.

My arms wrapped around his neck while his hands went to my hips. We had just gotten into a groove when I noticed Quincy and Bianca on the floor, only a couple steps away.

I decided to ignore it, trying to focus on making the best of my time with Jackson. The two of us smiling at each other as we danced. But when I felt a body bump into mine and looked to see it was Bianca and Quincy, Quincy's eyes staring me down with intensity, I knew this was gonna be a problem.

He wanted to show me up, and I wasn't gonna let him be the only one who was able to have a good time.

I amped up my dancing skills, not even noticing I was catching an auidence as I danced with Jackson. I just focused on the way our bodies moved together, how our rhythms matched, and how well we looked together. I was not letting Q have the upper hand to think I was affected by his presence.

It must've been the adrenaline or the surge of confidence I had within me to compel me to pull my next move. I kissed Jackson. I wrapped my arms around his neck while we danced, pulled him closer, and placed my lips on his, allowing our lips to dance instead.

When we pulled away, the growing smile on his face had me feeling like I did something right. He opened his mouth to speak only for an arm hooking around my waist, pulling me away, cutting our moment short.

Quincy had the tightest grip on my wrist as he essentially dragged me out of the club.

"What in the hell are you doing?!" I demanded, snatching my wrist back once we had passed the double doors.

"So you just thought that was cool?! Kissing the nigga in my face?!" He shouted, his eyes blazing with anger.

"You broke up with me!" I yelled back, outraged at the fact he really thought he could be upset.

I looked around seeing my voice was way louder than I intended, and we were gathering outside attention. I let out a frustrated growl, walking to the side of the building, Quincy following.

"He ain't me. And he ain't never gonna be me, Janae."

"And why should I want another you Quincy?! So I could have my heart broken all over again?!"

"Don't even play it like that."

"Play it like what? The truth? Well, truth is you're a punk." I shoved him angrily. "And a liar." Shoving him once more. "You ruin everything!" His back hit the wall as I shoved him with a little extra force. "You ruined everything!"

"Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey." He  grabbed my arms, saving himself from another hit as my eyes filled with involuntary tears. "I'm sorry."

"Get-" I removed his hands from me. "I have a date to tell I'm going home because you ruined yet another thing." I told him, my irritation evident, before making my way back into the club, going over to the girls. "Where's Jackson?"

"What the hell just happened?" Rocky asked.

"Where's Jackson?" I asked again, impatiently.

"Right here." I heard and I instantly turned around.

"I am so sorry." I quickly apologized, grabbing his hand. "He just- I don't even know. He just ruined everything and I'm really sorry."

"I get it, if I was your ex I would do the same thing."

"I think I'm gonna just go, that conversation just really got me upset. I had a really nice time with you and I'm so sorry this happened."

"You sure? I can take you home." He offered.

"No. No. I would never ask you to do that. Enjoy the rest of your night. I needa blow off some steam anyways. But I'll call you. We can plan something for another time."

"Of course."

A small smile came on my face at that. Maybe everything wasn't complete shit 'cause of that idiot.  "Great."

"I hope you feel better." He embraced me in a warm hug.

"Me too." I replied, turning and grabbing my bag.

"What? You're leaving?!" Will demanded, all four of them talking over each other, making me huff.

"Bye!" I spoke loudly. I threw up a peace sign and walked away and out of the club, enduring the walk home.

I just freely expressed my thoughts aloud, cursing Q out for being such an annoying ass wipe. I knew I must've looked more than crazy talking to myself as I walked down the street, but I couldn't help myself.

I was fuming. 

"Who the fuck does that shit?! I mean really. We haven't even-"

A car pulled up beside me, making me pause as I looked over. I instantly rolled my eyes at the sight of Quincy.

"You want a ride?"

"No." I denied bluntly, continuing to walk.

"You're about to walk all the way to your house? In those heels?" Q kept pace with me with his car. I simply ignored him and everything he was saying to me. "You know I worry about you, get in the car."

"Quincy if you do not stop!" I threatened, continuing my walk. "Leave. Me. Alone."

And once I stopped hearing the noise of a car engine at my side, I relaxed thinking I was gonna walk in peace, only to feel arms around my waist and myself being lifted. "Q!"

"Get in." He commanded, opening the passenger door. "In." He pushed at the small of my back,  and after another push I reluctantly  climbed inside the car, Quincy closed the door behind me before getting in his seat and starting to drive.

"You are so damn stubborn." He muttered and I just crossed my arm after putting on my seatbelt. The only sound in the car was the radio and Q's tapping on the steering wheel.

He pulled up at my house minutes later and seeing no other car in the driveway, he pulled in, and I undid my seatbelt moving to get out as quick as humanly possible, wanting nothing to do with him. His hand on my arm halted me.

"You have got to stop grabbing on me." I snapped firmly, glaring at him.

"So you're not even gonna say thank you?"

"You forced me in here. Bye."

"Janae." He sighed, taking off his seatbelt, he moved forward placing his hand over the door handle, blocking me from getting out.

"Quincy." I breathed, frustratedly pushing him.

"You gotta stop pushing me." His attitude came out as he looked at me.

"Then stop getting on my nerves!" I exclaimed.

"Why don't you just tell me how you really feel?"

"I don't have time for this Q, I'm out." I turned to get out of the car. 

"And this is exactly why we broke up."  My head snapped to him. "Why can't you ever be upfront with me? I'm always upfront with you, you know this."

"Then be upfront with me." I dared.

"Okay." He spoke without hesitation, starting to move his face closer to mine, and I quickly leaned back.

"What are you doing?!"

"Being upfront with you." He whispered leaning more into me, his hand going to my cheek and I backed up from his touch, the back of my head hitting the window.

I was a bit too in shock to feel the pain.

"This is not what I meant."

"I know."

His lips found mine, and I tried to fight it, but it was Q, my Q. It all felt so familiar in the best way possible, and just like that, I was falling back in. So, I kissed him back, my eyes fluttering closed as my hand went to the base of his neck.

"Come 're." He muttered, reclining his seat, and I climbed on his lap, reconnecting our lips. It was messy, needy, and passionate as our tongues tangoed together. His hands traveled from my waist to the back of my legs, and back again. My body reacted to every touch as if it all was a brand new feeling of excitement, want, and curiosity. I wanted more, so much more.

"Come inside," I said in his ear after placing kisses along his neck. His hand crept up my dress and his fingers were toying with the fabric of my underwear.

I climbed off of him and fixed my dress before grabbing my purse and heading out the car. I walked up to my front door, trying to control my pace, not wanting to seem too antsy. I turned my head back to the car, seeing Quincy all flustered as he tried to fix his seat. I bit back the smile on my lips.

He's so cute.

I unlocked the front door, walking inside thankful I had the whole house to myself. Turning on the light, I softly shut the door behind me out of habit, not knowing how long Q would take outside.

I sat my purse on the coffee table before walking towards my bedroom, hearing the door open and close behind me. Slipping into my room, I looked around to make sure my bed wasn't a mess. I quickly threw my work outfit in the hamper, turning around at the sound of my bedroom door closing and locking.

I opened my mouth to apologize for my room only for Quincy to pull me closer, kissing me with an urgency he had never expressed to me before. And suddenly nothing seemed as important as focusing on him. The back of my legs hit my bed, and I pulled away from him, taking a seat, my eyes meeting his as my hands went to his belt, undoing the buckle.

"Lay back."

The tone of his voice made me comply with ease, my body falling against the mattress. I felt him take off my heels before placing soft kisses on my ankles, inching up to my thighs as my body throbbed with anticipation and need.

That night we became one, for the first time in a long time. We made up for lost time, picking up right where we left off, and it was seamless.

We made love, love that I felt in my soul. 'Cause there was no doubt in me that the love we once shared ever faded or died. We were still in love.

And this was the moment we needed to remind each other of exactly that.


My hand was interlocked with his as my nose snuggled into his neck. I started to kiss his skin tenderly, causing him to turn to me, our lips connecting for a sweet kiss before he pulled me on top of him, so I was straddling him. 

"You okay?" He asked, his thumb rolling around my cheek softly, and I nodded with a smile. It was an intense night, but I handled it well, and he wasn't complaining.

"I'm fine." His thumb skimmed over my lips, pulling at my bottom lip, making me lean in and kiss him. "You okay?"

"I've never been better." He smiled, his hands rubbing my thighs. "You're beautiful, Janae."

"Stop it," I mumbled with a smile.

"You have got to be the sexiest woman I have ever laid my eyes on." Quincy continued on, biting his lip as he stared at me. "You sure you real, baby girl?"

"I'm sure." I nodded.

"You sure?" He raised an eyebrow.

"So sure." I pecked his lips multiple times, making us smile. "Believe me now?"

"I don't know. Maybe you gotta take this off and let me do a full-body inspection." He lifted up the shirt that was on my body, making me laugh.

"You're a clown." I pushed his hands away from me lightly before I slid off him, the two of us getting comfortable lying down, fixing the sheets around us.

"I'm tired." I sighed, closing my eyes, my head resting on his chest.

"Go to sleep, I'm not going nowhere."

And with that, I fell asleep in his arms feeling content. It was Janae and Quincy again. Nae and Q.

And even if it was just for that time, I was happy.

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