Kaiju girl, The Two Queens an...

By BlazeDX7

147K 2.4K 1.8K

Imaging a world where Female Kaijus and Humans exists together. And two of those Kaijus are in constant battl... More

Bio and Harem
Episode 1 Normal.
Episode 2 Queen vs Queen
Episode 3 One Month Later
Episode 4 Revival.
Episode 5 King Of School.
Episode 6 Monster Island.
Episode 7 Survive.
Episode 8 Meeting The Queen.
Episode 10 Prisoners.
Episode 11 Mutation
Episode 12 Escape The Queen
Episode 13 City destruction.
Episode 14 Kaiju battle.

Episode 9 Capture

3.9K 126 56
By BlazeDX7

4 days later.

Gojira: Again!

Noah: HA!

Gojira: Again!

Noah: I think I had enough!

Gojira: *sight* fine. Take a break and well get back to training.

Gojira is been training Noah for the past 4 days none stop.

Gojira: You are able to lift 500 tons, run 200 mph and withstand more punishment. Good. But not enough.

Noah: Give me a break would you! I'm still human!

Gojira: You are a human with Kaiju blood, my blood. So in a way your part Kaiju.

Noah: *heavy breathing*

Gojira: *sigh*

Noah: I don't understand why you want me to become stronger?

Gojira: I have my reasons.

Noah: And those reasons are?

Gojira: You'll find soon enough.

Noah: Can you at least tell me one of them?

Gojira: No. And don't ask any more.

Noah: Come on Gojira.

Gojira: Just trust me on this. It's not like I'm planning something horrible.

Noah: *sigh* fine.

Gojira: Good. Now I'll teach you how to absorb radiation.

In the distance Dilo was sitting on top of Mothra head, while they both were watching Gojira training Noah.

Dilo: Mind if I ask, why does Gojira wants to train Noah none stop?

Mothra: To tell you, you have to understand how we Kaijus works.

Dilo: How is that?

Mothra: We Kaijus are fighters, some are healers, Tanks, speedsters, tactician and so on. We each fight differently because each Kaiju body works differently. To fight is part of us.

Dilo: What type of fighter are you?

Mothra:  A healer, Speedster and a bit of a Tank.

Dilo: And Gojira?

Mothra: She's a heavy heater Tank, She can take a lot of damage and get up. She's fast too. But not a healer like me.

Dilo: So what does Gojira wants to train Noah then?

Mothra: Well.... Noah has Gojira blood in him right? So there for in a way she sees him as a Kaiju. Gojira is the only one of her Kaiju specie like all of rest of us. In a way she's sees Noah as another Gojira. So maybe for that reason she wants him to become stronger.

Dilo: Is Gojira truly the strongest Kaiju?

Mothra: Yes, but she's not that immensely powerful. She's at least 1,000 stronger then all of us.

Dilo: What about Ghidorah? Many believe she's Gojira equal.

Mothra: Well they had fought in the past plenty of times. There has never been a winner between them, it's always 50/50 with them. Or something or someone that prevents for one of them to win. At this point is normal for them and us.

Dilo: Wow....

Mothra: Now can I ask you about this Elis you told me early.

Dilo: What do want to know?

Mothra: How does he look like?

Dilo: He has short brown hair with brown eyes, his 16 years old and his 4 feet 9 inches.

Mothra: How is his personality?

Dilo: His extremely kind and honest, his soft, the girls at the school calls him adorable and cute. Even I think his too pure for this world, his a bit of a scary cat, but he can be brave too sometimes.

Mothra: What does he like?

Dilo: A lot of thing, but for what I hear he mostly likes you.

Mothra: *blushing* really?

Dilo: He loves your wings, he likes your figure and really things you beautiful too.

Mothra: *blushing* I want to see him now.

Dilo: What you like him or something?

Mothra: *blushing* Well..... Maybe.

Dilo: Can an Human and a Kaiju breed together?

Mothra: Perhaps it's possible. But Kaijus are ginormous and humans are very small.

Dilo: So is the size that prevent Kaiju and Human to breed together.

Mothra: Indeed. Well.... I am aware in the past that Kaiju had the ability to change their size into Human size.

Dilo: So Human and Kaijus breed together in the past?

Mothra: Yes, it the past human and kaiju were together as lovers. But that happen more then a trillion years ago. Now only full bred Kaijus exist.

Dilo: If full bred Kaijus exist, then why are there only one Kaiju of each specie? Why not more?

Mothra: There was a war in the past. Perhaps hundreds of years ago. Went the war ended, millions of different Kaijus specie die. My ancestors were one of the many of Kaiju specie that survive. Strangely enough only the female Kaijus survive, not a single male Kaiju survive. Gojira ancestor also survive, they were the one that stood at the top of all other Kaijus, as Kaiju alphas.

Dilo: Wow..... The Kaijus have so much back story.

Changing scene.

Gojira was teaching Noah how to absorb radiation.

Gojira: Before I teach you how to absorb radiation. You have to understand there are many types of radiation out there.

Noah: Like what?

Gojira: Liquid, Solid and Gas. Those are the three types of radiation there is. We can absorb liquid type radiation by drinking it. Solid radiation we can eat it like food, and Gas we absorb it with our body.

Noah: Which one will I do?

Gojira: Gas is the most difficult to do for a beginner. So there for you'll do Solid and Liquid. Take this.

She gives him a small rock.

Noah: It's just a rock.

Gojira: I gave this rock a tiny small fraction of my radiation. I want you to eat the rock. And don't worry your teeth and stomach are strong enough to take.

Noah takes a bite out of the rock.

Noah: I feel nothing.

Gojira: Just give it a second.

Noah felt something all over his body.

Noah: I feel a bit stronger.

Gojira: That was radiation does. It doesn't just fuel our stomach, but all the radiation goes to every part of our bodies, to give us more energy, more power to keep fighting. The more we absorb the more powerful we become.

Noah: Is there a limit to how much radiation a Kaiju can absorb?

Gojira: It solid depends on the Kaiju. Some can absorb little amounts of radiation, and some can absorb an extreme amount. I can absorb an extreme amount of radiation without a problem. You in the other hand can absorb very little radiation, remember you only have my blood and does it.

Gojira(mind): Perhaps if I give him more of my blood, he'll turn into a full grown Kaiju.

Noah: Hey maybe if I-


A missile was shot and exploded between them. Gojira took no damage, but Noah was send flying back 300 feet away.

Gojira: Noah!

Gojira looks and sees one of Ghidorah space ship. Gigan, Megalon and Orga jump out and landed in front of Gojira.

Gojira: What the hell are you all doing in my island!?

Gigan: We do us our Queen command us to do.

Mothra, Rodan, Anguirus and Caesar land next to Gojira to help her.

Rodan: Your out number, give up and leave.

Orga: That's where your wrong.

More of Ghidorah ships begin to appear, they were about to shoot more missile at them.

Gojira: Rodan, Mothra deal with the ship!

Rodan: You got it!

Mothra: Go it!

Gojira: Anguirus, Caesar and me will stay and on the ground and fight them.

Changing scene.

Dilo was able to find Noah unconscious body.

Dilo: Noah wake up!

Noah took too much damage, as the missile landed closer to him.

Dilo: Dammit! I had to get us out of here!

Changing scene.

Gojira was duking it out with Gigan. As Gojira was dodging Gigan duel blade hands.

Gojira: Leave my island! Or die!

Gigan: I will not leave until my task is done!

Gojira blasted Gigan away with her atomic breath. Gigan was able to use her duel hand blades as a shield to protect herself from Gojira atomic breath.

Gigan shot her chain whips from her blade and aim at Gojira.

To Gojira luck she dodge the whips without a problem.

Gojira: You miss.

Gigan: Who said I was aiming at you?

Gojira: What?

Gojira turns around and saw that the chain whips capture Noah and Dilo.

Gigan: Our task is done! Return to the ship!

Gigan and her allies were about to fly back to the ship.

Gojira: Your not taken him with you! He belongs to me!!!!

Gojira out of rage was about to shoot a powerful atomic breath. However out of her blind rage, she didn't react it in time and saw that Gigan was able to slash her cheek.

Gigan: DNA acquire.

Gojira: I'm gonna kill you!

To Gojira bad luck, she wasn't able to catch them in time, as they took Noah and Dilo back to the space ship and fly back to space into the mother ship.

Gojira: NOAH!

The rest of her friends land next to her.

Mothra: I'm sorry we couldn't help you.

Rodan: Those other ships were keeping us busy.

Gojira: ........

Anguirus: Gojira? Are you okay?

Gojira: I'm getting Noah back.

Caesar: How do you even plan on doing that? You can't fly.

Gojira: Rodan, Mothra, you two-

Rodan: We can't

Gojira: WHAT?!

Mothra: We can fly at great speed yes. But we can't fly in space. It's our limit. We're sorry.

Out of anger, Gojira roars to the sky, she then falls to her knees.

Gojira: Why...... Just went I found someone that I like, he GETS taken away from me.

Mothra: You like him?

Rodan: First time we ever heard you say that. And his a human.

Anguirus: You actually have feelings for him?

Gojira: I.... Yes I do. He was perfect to be my mate..... But..... Noah....

Gojira(telepathy): Noah..... Return to me now.

Back to the space ship.

Noah was still unconscious, but yet he could her Gojira voice in his mind.

Gojira(telepathy): Noah..... Return to me now.

Noah: Gojira......

Next: Episode 10 Prisoners.

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