Shadowhunters/Malec One Shots

By piadreamer

18.5K 930 1.5K

One shots of my favourite otp, Malec. May also contain other pairings but mostly Malec. Contains fluff, angst... More

A giggly morning.
What are you?
My immortal boyfriend
We always seem to find a way back to each other.
I will carry you.
Perfect Criminal
Perfect Criminal •Part 2•
Perfect Criminal •Part 3•
Perfect Criminal •Part 4•
Drunken mistake
My boyfriend's a cat-fox.
I'll always protect you.
Thunderstorms and cuddles.
Relationships... they take effort.
Relationships... they take efforts. •Part 2•
You might be gold but I love Silver.
The story of Madeline Lightwood Bane.
Dimensional Issues
My Sleeping Prince
War of hearts
Beautiful Evening
My innocent Fiancé.
First date
Heartbreak and misery
Lost willpower
Lost willpower •Part 2•
Lost willpower •Part 3•
I'll love you for a thousand more.
Together, always and forever.
Play day •Part 2•
Portal Mishap.
Portal Mishap •Part 2•
Melodious escape
Melodious Escape ~ 2
Melodious Escape ~ 3
Melodious Escape ~ 4
Melodious Escape ~ 5
Deal with the Devil
Love that never fades
The Return - Chapter 1
The Return - Chapter 2
The Return - Chapter 3
The Return - Chapter 4
The Return - Chapter 5
The Return - Chapter 6
The Return - Chapter 7
The Return - Chapter 8
The Return - Chapter 9
Deal with the Devil • Part 2 •
Will You Still Love Me?

Play day.

344 19 17
By piadreamer

A low whine rung in Alec's ears making him stir in his sleep who was sprawled under the blankets. Soft zephyrs were sweeping in through the ajar window and the soft blue curtains were dancing on the rhythm of it. As the painful whines increased in pitch, he slowly fluttered his eyes open, adjusting them to the brightness of the early morning, and noticed his husband's wolf form sprawled over his torso and the soft yet painful whines he was making, indicating that he was having a nightmare making him worried.

"Alpha?" He softly whispered in his morning husky voice and ran his fingers through his brown fur, adjusting his position so that his face could rest just above his scent gland.

"Kmmpphh... Kmmmppphhh... Kkkpphhh..."

"Alpha? Wake up, alpha." He held the front leg gently that his wolf was pawing in the air as he kept whimpering. Last night when they slept, Magnus was in his human form and was cuddling in his arms so he had no idea when and why he shifted into his wolf form but he certainly wasn't liking the sounds he was making. "Alpha...."

Snuggling closer, he proceeded to give him belly rubs which finally seemed to make the whimpering wolf calm a little. After good fifteen minutes of soft and soothing belly rubs, Magnus slowly opened his eyes and the first thing he noticed was his mate's worried hazel eyes. He tried to speak but then realized that he was in his wolf form. Lifting his head from the crook of his husband's neck, he gazed at his body then at the sweet omega with adoration who was still giving him soft belly rubs.

"Alpha? Are you okay?"

Licking his mouth, Magnus rested his head over the man's chest and pawed his front leg over Alec's mouth, and that was all Alec needed to know that he was completely fine.

"You had me worried, love. I didn't even realize when you shifted, but I'm not complaining." A warm smile crept on his face when he felt his husband's fluffy tail wagging against his lap.

Magnus slowly blinked but lifted his head to gaze out of the window when he felt the familiar soft breeze hitting his thick soft fur and noticed that the streets were covered in thick coats of snow making him realize that it had been storming for long. His tail wagged in excitement as he witnessed the snowflakes pouring down from the sky. As a true shapeshifting alpha wolf, it was his territory, the snow, which made him realize how and why he must have shifted in the middle of the night.

Alec looked in the direction where his husband was gazing with excitement and a loud gasp escaped from his lips as soon as he noticed the snowfall. Now he realized what caused his mate to shift.

"Wow, it's so beautiful." He turned towards his mate and saw how he was rolling on his torso from the excitement making him laugh wholeheartedly. "Stop it, weirdo."


"Magnus, really? Not everyone in our neighborhood knows you're shapeshifting alpha so please, stop howling!"

A snarl escaped from Magnus' throat at that making Alec chuckle. "Hey! Behave, else-" he was cut off mid-sentence when a frightened yelp echoed in the room. Tilting his head towards the direction of it, he saw that their daughter was standing beside the open door, holding her teddy bear tightly and looking at Magnus with her tiny frightened hazel eyes.

"Hey, Maddie..." Alec cooed.

"Da... danjerr... big wolfie..." she pointed towards Magnus' wolf form while trying to hide behind the door.

"No, Maddie, it's pa. You've seen pa like this before, hmm? At your birthday, remember?" He tried to reassure, knowing well that her interactions with Magnus' shifted form were very less and that needs to change now.


"Yes, pa. Come on, come up here. There's no danger." He spoke softly while Magnus kept looking at his daughter with his soft blue eyes as he kept laying on his husband's chest.

Slowly, Madeline walked towards their bed, her tiny eyes fixed on Magnus as she crawled up and sat far away from her parents.

"Hey, come here." Alec cooed and reached out his hand for her to take. "It's okay, sweetheart, it's pa. Come here, pa is waiting for his bumblebee."

Putting her tiny knuckles in her mouth, she stared at her dada's hand for some time, then slowly wrapped her hand around his index finger as he guided her where both men were laying.

"Dada..." She looked between Alec and Magnus while sitting crisscrossed near them.

Magnus lifted his head from his husband's chest, stood up to turn towards Madeline, then sat right in front of her and rested his head on her tiny lap, snuggling his nose over her tummy making her giggle.

"Dada, what is pa doin?" A warm smile appeared on Alec's face by watching their interaction as he stroked the tail that was slowly wagging over his lap.

"Pa can still listen to you, sweetheart. And pa is trying to tell his bumblebee that he's her glittery pa and not a big bad wolfie."

"It's pa." She looked up at Alec then at Magnus and put her tiny hand right over his head making him scrunch his eyes at her naughty antics.

"Yes, Maddie." He couldn't help but chuckle when he noticed his husband's expressions. "Be careful, sweetheart, don't poke your pa's eyes." Taking her hand in his, he guided it to teach her how to stroke her pa's head making the alpha wolf smile when her tiny soft fingers ran through his thick silky fur.

"Awwwooo... Awwwoo... Awwwwwwoooooooo..."


"Pa!" Madeline giggled and looked up at Alec. "Dada, pa ow..owlin.."

"Howling, Maddie." He corrected. "Yes, pa's howling because he's happy and Magnus, stop howling so loud!"

Magnus tilted his head back to stare at his mate but rested it on Maddie's lap again when she softly slapped his head and pushed it to keep it on her lap for longer making him slowly blink his eyes at his naughty daughter.

"Hey, bad manners, Maddie, don't slap your pa. Say sorry to him." He softly scolded.

Sadness filled in her eyes as she looked down at her pa who was pawing at her hands, why, she didn't know. "Sorry, pa."

"Kmmmppphhh... Kmmpphh..."

She looked up at Alec, not understanding what her pa was trying to do, making him smile warmly at her.

"He wants to play with you, sweetheart. Keep stroking his head like you were doing, or know what, I have a better idea." He reached out to pick his daughter in his arms then planted a soft kiss over her head as the alpha wolf kept watching his mate's actions. Not a moment later, the tiny little storm was sitting over his back, holding onto his thick fur and giggling continuously. He tilted his head to look at his husband who was biting his lip and had a mischievous glint in his hazel eyes.

"What? Go give her a ride!"

"Yay! Yay! Pa, ride!" She giggled and wrapped herself tightly on his back. Slowly and carefully, he stood up on the bed as the naughty little storm kept giggling. How could he deny his daughter's wish when she commands him in that sweet giggly voice.

"Hold on to your pa tightly, okay?" Alec cooed and helped her to position in the right way. He knew he was going to have a lot of fun by watching his husband obliging to their daughter's wishes.

"Pa! Ride! Pa! Ride!"

Rolling his head back, Magnus looked at his daughter's laughing face and that was enough for him to get into the stance. Not a second later, he was running freely in their whole house, careful of his daughter's grip on him while she kept laughing and giggling the whole time.

Alec had a bright smile on his face as soon as his mate sprinted out of the room with their daughter riding on his back. He was glad that Madeline was enjoying with her pa and wasn't scared anymore. After what felt like an eternity but were barely ten minutes, Magnus was sprinting back towards the bed and Madeline was a giggling mess while holding onto her pa.

Magnus jumped over the bed, ran towards his mate who was grinning at them, and sat on his lap right over his privates while panting and licking his mouth again and again making his grin vanish.

"Pa! More! More!"

"No Maddie, enough for now. Pa is tired."

"But, dada... want to.. play with pa..." she spoke sadly.

"You have a whole day to play with your pa, my queen, let him take bathy first, then we all will eat our breakfast, then you can play again, okay?"


"Good girl, now come here!" He took her in his arms and felt his mate relaxing as soon as she was off of his back. "Love?" He carefully stroked his back as the wolf tilted his head in their direction, noticing the sad look in those tiny hazel eyes.

Carefully, Magnus stood up from Alec's lap, walked towards the headboard where there were a bunch of pillows kept, sat just beside his husband, closed his eyes, and focused on his human form. A few seconds later, he was back in his human form and was laughing out loud because of the way his personal storm was hopping on her foot, clapping and laughing after seeing him transforming, and the expression his mate had was utterly priceless.

"Jesus Christ! Calm down, little storm!"

"Pa back! Dada, pa back!"

Alec simply shook his head. "I know that my queen, your pa is back!"

Magnus opened his arms for his bumblebee and not a second later, she jumped on him and snuggled into his neck as he showered her with lots of kisses.


"Good morning, my naughty little bumblebee!" He turned towards his mate who was pouting adorably at them, leaned down, and pecked over that adorable pout, feeling the man relax into their kiss. "Good morning, darling."

"Morning, love. Are you okay? You had me worried, you know that. Did you had a nightmare?"

"I'm fine, darling. And honestly, I don't remember anymore what I was dreaming about. Though this naughty girl had me all exhausted first thing in the morning, don't you bumblebee, hmm? You were scared of your pa?"

"Pa's a wolfie!" She giggled as her pa dig his face in her tummy, giving her tickies playfully. "Pa! Pa!"

"Yes, my personal storm? What do you need?"

"Payday! Payday!"


"Yes, payday with wolfie pa!"

Magnus's expressions went blank as he looked at the naughty girl's giggling face. He barely transforms into his wolf form, it's only when it needed to be done and not willingly but if he had to transform for the sake of his daughter, he'll oblige her without any question.

"My bumblebee wants to ride on her pa's back?"

"Yes! Yes! Ride!" She started clapping happily while Magnus picked her up in his arms, held her above his face, and started jumping her in the air, catching her every time she was about to land over his face, smiling brightly as she laughed her lungs out.

Alec noticed how the man was squirming while playing with their daughter making him sigh. He picked up the pillow and hit it over the man's chest making him lose his focus and the three years old landed right on his face, laughing her guts out at her pa.

"OWWW! Alexander! Bumblebee!"

"Go rush to the bathroom, weirdo!" Alec stated while picking up their daughter from his husband's face, put his index finger over her soft pink lips, and gazed at her tiny face who didn't seem to stop laughing, at all. "Hush now, sweetheart!"

Magnus pouted. "I can hold longer, let me play with my little storm!"

Alec raised his brow at his husband. "Really? That's why you sat on my lap like that? Giving me the sign that you need to use the washroom?"

Magnus cleared his throat. "I did, but I can hold it." He reached out for his daughter again but stopped in mid. "On a second thought, no!" Without any warning, he jumped out from the bed and ran towards the bathroom, slamming the door shut behind him making Alec shook his head at his silly alpha.

Reaching out for Madeline, Alec wrapped her in his arms, fell back on the bed as she cuddled her dada back, giggling softly.

"Your pa is a weirdo, Maddie." He spoke softly, leaving a light kiss over the crown of her head.

"Pa is eirdd!"

"Yes, he's really weird but we still love him, right Maddie?"

"Yes, Maddie loves pa and dada!"

Alec's heart melted at her sweet words. He brought her face over his and left a string of light kisses all over her tiny face who kept laughing innocently and wholeheartedly.


*Few hours later*

The family was sitting in their backyard, snow was still pouring from the sky covering their house in a thick layer of cotton. Magnus and Alec were cuddled under the pavilion, a blanket wrapped around their bodies with cups of hot coffee in their hands. Madeline was playing with the snow near them, dressed in a soft pink bunny eared pullover, bunny printed thermal pants with white and baby pink colored shoes.

"Why can't we have these kinds of days every day?" Magnus pondered while nuzzling into his husband's chest.

Alec tightened his arm around his mate's waist as he took a sip out of his hot coffee. "Because these kinds of days are special, love." He whispered. It was the weekend and neither of them had work so they had the whole day to themselves, just to cuddle and sleep it away.

Magnus hummed in contentment. "Then why can't we make everyday special?"

Alec tilted his head, just a little so that he can gaze at his silly husband's face. "As much as I want that to happen, what is wrong with you today? Weirdo!"

Magnus tilted his face up, narrowing his eyes at the complaining man. "What's your new obsession with this word? You're trying to use it in every sentence possible."

"No, I'm not. I'm saying it because that's what you are, a weirdo."

Magnus rolled his eyes. "Says the weirdest person to ever exi-" he was stopped mid-sentence when a ball of snow hit right over his face, covering his scarf and goatee completely in it and the expression he made was utterly priceless.

Alec was quick enough to remove his coffee mug from the way when the snowball hit his husband's face, but as soon as his eyes fell on the expression Magnus had, he burst into a fit of laughter.

A mischievous laugh came from the culprit making Magnus narrow his eyes at the naughty devil while his husband cleaned the snow from his face and scarf.

"Bumblebee! Not fair!"

Madeline kept giggling. "Pa, dada, play with me! Shhowfi-fit..."

"You mean snow fight, bumblebee?"

"Yes! Play!"

"Nope! No snow-fighting!" Alec retorted making both father-daughter turn towards him.

"Dada, pleazzee!" She tried to give her dada her best puppy eyes.


"Alexander?" Magnus asked with a frown, not understanding his denial.

Alec turned towards his husband, looking him directly in the eyes with a pleading look. It took a moment for Magnus to understand why he was refusing. As a wolf, snow was their weakness but when their heat or rutting periods are near, it becomes their territory and their activities are never innocent when they step out of their caves.

He knew Alec's heat was near and he had started to prepare for his nesting period, so if he gets involved in any kind of activity with the snow, that will lead him to do some stuff which would be really inappropriate for their daughter's eyes and that shouldn't happen but he knew that Madeline would get sad if her dada won't be able to play with her while he could so he needed to find another solution for it.

"Sorry, bumblebee, we can't play snow fight. How about you decide some other game for only pa and Maddie, hmm?"

"No, shhowfigtt with pa and dada!" She looked up at them with sadness filled in her soft hazel eyes.

Magnus exchanged a look with Alec who was biting his lip, trying to resist himself from saying yes to their daughter, which was a really tough job when she gives them her sad puppy eyes look. He turned towards Madeline and spoke in a soft voice.

"Dada can't play with us, bumblebee, he's... he's ill."

"Dada's ill?" She looked up at Alec with her innocent sad eyes that shattered the man's heart.

"Hey..." Alec reached out for his daughter, picked her up in his arms then made her sit on his lap, placing a feather-light kiss on top of her head. "Dada's not that sick, sweetheart, he just can't play in the snow with you both. Don't be sad, okay? How about you play with pa and let daddy watch you both, hmm?"

"But dada... I want to... play with you too!"

"Oh, Maddie..." He picked her up and gave her a light hug who instantly cuddled him back, wrapping her tiny hands around his neck and shoulder. "We'll play later, okay? Snow will be with us for two months more, and daddy won't be sickie for that long. So you can play with pa and dada after a few days, okay?"


A warm smile appeared on Alec's face. "Promise, Maddie. Now, what do you want to play with pa?"

She looked up at her pa who was already looking at the two of them with complete adoration. "Ride! Ride with wolfie pa!" She giggled when Magnus' expressions changed, then reached out her hand to remove the small flake that was still stuck on his goatee, accidentally pulling it too.

"Oww! Bumblebee! You naughty little girl!"

"Shorry dada..."

"Hey... she was trying to remove the snow from your goatee, not play with it, don't keep blaming her for being naughty!" Alec scolded his mate in a soft tone making him turn towards their daughter with an apologetic look.

"Sorry, bumblebee, pa didn't know that. Thank you for helping pa out." He leaned down to peck on her forehead making her tilt up her head towards Alec, not knowing what to say in response.

"Say, it's okay pa, I am not mad at you and you are welcome." Alec taught his little queen, punctuating each work slowly and carefully so that she can learn it easily.

She looked up at Alec, listening to him carefully then turned towards Magnus who had a soft smile on his face. "Same what dada said...." she said with innocence.

Both men's jaw dropped after listening to her words, they exchanged a look then sighed in unison.

"I'm sorry Alexander, but we need to stop making Jace her babysitter!" Magnus stated matter of factly.

"If she's learning to talk like this from him, then yes, I agree with you." He then looked down at his daughter who was trailing her curious eyes at both of them. "Maddie, did uncle Jace taught you to say like this?"

"Itsh wrong?" She asked, scared to get scolded for doing something bad.

"Yes, bumblebee, it is," Magnus spoke gently. "It's rude to talk to someone like that, okay?"


"Yes, rude. Now answer your dada, did uncle Jace taught you this?"

"But uncle Jace talks like this..."

Both men exchanged a look, now understanding what would have happened. She must have listened to Jace speaking to someone in that way and learned it from there.

"Sweetheart," Alec cooed making her tilt up her tiny head. "Uncle Jace talks like this because he has a problem with words, and only says it when he's upset over something not always, okay? If you say it as you did right now with your pa, it's really wrong and rude. You should not speak like that, okay?"

"Ok-kay. Sorry, pa. Maddie rude."

"It's okay, bumblebee. But my bumblebee should not be rude anymore, okay? She should always speak a full sentence in her usual giggly voice, understood?"

"Yesshh! Under-stud!"

"Good girl!" Magnus said and leaned down to leave a soft kiss on top of her head.

"Pa! Pa! Play!"

"Sure, my naughty bumblebee! How can I say no to this cute face?" He pecked on her temples making her giggle.

"Okay, you two! I'll stop you both here!" Alec stated and picked Madeline in his arms then turned towards Magnus. "Let's get inside, have some brunch then you both can come out again to play, okay? I'm sure everyone's hungry?"

"Yes, dada, pa's sanwichh!"

"My bumblebee wants the special sandwich made by pa?"

"Yes! Yes!"

"Okay then, it's decided, let's go inside you prepare Maddie's food while I prepare ours," Alec stated.

"Umm, well I'm not that hungry so..." Magnus gazed sheepishly at his husband.

"I was actually thinking of hot chocolate with roasted marshmallows and french fries, but if you're not hungry-"

"Wait, no! I mean I am! I want it too!" Magnus licked his lips making Alec burst into laughter, that was his favorite combination, how could he say no to that.

"You're so cute, alpha." He leaned in to peck his redding nose making the smaller man pout adorably. "Come on let's go inside now!"


~~(to be continued....)~~

Reviews and feedbacks are welcomed. ❤️❤️

Prompts are welcomed too. ❤️❤️

If you haven't checked my new Instagram profile, please check it out and follow me there. It's a complete writers profile where I'll be posting more malec stuff.

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