My vampire prince (sequel is...

By Average96Girl

157K 3.8K 237

He looked down at my boobs and my breathing was pants now as he leaned to my left one. He gently kissed the n... More

My vampire prince
My vampire prince 2
My vampire prince 3
My vampire prince 4
My vampire prince 5
My vampire prince 6
My vampire prince 7
My vampire prince 8
My vampire prince 9
My vampire prince 10
My vampire prince 11
My vampire prince 12
My vampire prince 14
My vampire prince 15
My vampire prince 16 final chapter. (look for 'a new life' for continuation )

My vampire prince 13

6.6K 206 9
By Average96Girl


Willow’s p.o.v

God my head really bad, I rolled my head and went to touch where my head pounded but found my hands restrained. I blinked finding myself staring at my hand that was chained.

The first thing that came to mind was that I was in a nightmare. I looked at my other hand and found it chained. I pulled franticly on it and froze when I heard a growl.

I snapped my head up and across from me in the same chained position was the man that said he was going to protect me, what a load of bull.

I ducked my head as tears came to my eyes. This wasn’t a dream. I was in the vampire realm with the vampire prince chained across from me and I was doomed to die.

“Willow?” a soft voice whispered, I sniffed wiping my tears on my shoulder before looking up and met with blue eyes that looked scared.

“Damien.” His name left my lips before I could stop it. He closed his eyes and lowered his head, “I am so sorry, I tired, I really did. Please forgive me.” His voice was like the pleading tone when he asked me to be with him forever.

I looked away unable to talk. How can I trust him? When I first met him that was like 2 weeks ago he tried to kill me multiple times. After he became somewhat soft he tells me about himself and stuff he didn't like and the stuff he did. Then just when I start to like him and have a small feeling he might like me back we get sort of kidnapped and separated. Why were we chained anyways?

“Willow?” I heard his voice beg.

“Why?” I found myself asking, completely ignoring his pleading tone.

There was a moment of silence before he asked, “Why what?”

I lifted my head as tears fell down my face but I kept my voice calm, “Why did you help me that day in the forest? Why didn't you just take me back to my world and to a hospital? Why did you bite me and feed me your blood? Why didn't you just let me die?” my voice had dropped to a whisper at the end. If he just took me to a hospital we wouldn’t be in this situation.

I would begin to pack my stuff to go to my college that I had a free scholarship to and I would be living in a dorm for 4 years, get a nice job, maybe meet someone, someone human, and marry them.

“Just… why?” I whispered as more tears fell down my face. It was so quiet in this room you could hear my tears drip from my face and fall onto the floor.

I saw his face twist up in pain and he looked away not answering. I sniffed wiping my face on my shoulder taking calming breaths.

“He is going to have me kill you.” I looked up at him in confusion. He completely avoided my question but it was nice to hear him talk.

He lifted his head so his eyes locked with mine, “I told him that we had shared blood and this is my punishment. He cut me so I bled almost half of my blood supply. I can already feel the hunger rise in me. In a week he will come back and release me and I will be blood thirsty with only you in the room.”

Suddenly his head dropped not looking at me, I knew what he meant. His father took his blood away so when he goes crazy for blood he will let him feed on me to a point where I die. Making Damien, kill me and I was out of the picture, bastard.

“Cat.” I spoke softly hoping to change the subject.

He looked up at me in confusion, I could see his eyes were watery they were threatening to fall.

“My favorite animal is a cat.” I gave him a small smile, I may be mad at him but hey, I was going to die in a week and ironically on my 18th birthday, I'm going to spend it smiling.

He sniffed and cleared his throat, “Mine is dog.” His voice was still weak from being upset but he offered a weak smile.

I snickered, “And here I thought you hated werewolves.” I joked lamely. He let out a soft chuckle.

Once our laughter died down he spoke, “My favorite super power is flying.” I tilted my head with a small smile at his soft tone.

I pursed my lips, “Um I think I would have to go with walking through walls. I could pretend I'm a ghost.” He chuckled softly looking up at me, but I could see the hurt and sadness in his eyes.

He leaned his head back watching me for a moment, “So you never finished telling me about what you like in guys.” He gave me a small cheesy grin.

I giggled slightly, “Of course you would remember that while in a situation like this.” I shook my head with a smile at him.

He chuckled, “Well better late than never.” I looked back up to him to see him smiling slightly at me.

I bit my lip, “How about this, if I get out of here alive, I will tell you.”

His eyebrows burrowed together and his smile fell to a frown. He looked down for a moment then looked back at me, “Your favorite food.”

I was grateful for the change of subject and answered, “Watermelon.” He nodded and asked me another question and after that another.

This went on for an hour or so it felt like it. Him asking me questions with a small smile on his face, I would make a small comment to make us both laugh softly.

I had to laugh or I was going to cry and my mind would go to how I'm going to die and he was going to be the one that killed me.

Our heads snapped to the door when there was a jingle with the lock. I saw Damien’s face fall to anger when he saw the servant girl.

She jumped when Damien snarled and quickly rushed to me. She shakenly held up a glass with a straw to me, “The queen sent me; she said you would be thirsty.”

I hesitated and looked at Damien; I noticed he looked surprised then nodded.

I smiled slightly at the girl, “Thanks.” I licked my chap lips and grabbed the straw with my lips sipping it up till it was all gone.

She pulled back the empty glass and practically ran out of the room.

I licked my lips and turned to Damien, I noticed his eyes had turned dark and his fangs slid out. I had temporarily forgotten that he was a vampire and his dad bled him so he was thirst for my blood.

I watch his eyes turn back blue and his fangs shrink. He gave me a sad look before ducking his head, “Sorry.”

I nodded and gave a soft yawn, “It is ok. It is in your nature… So want to tell me about what you like in a girl?”

A small smirk touched his lips as he lifted his head and answered, “That is simple.” He lifted his head so he was facing me completely, “It’s you.” He stated simply.

My heart stopped when he said that then took off like it was running as fast as it could. He couldn't like me, he was a vampire. Sure it would be nice for him to like be but he can’t that is why we are in this whole mess!

“W-w-what?” I stuttered out shocked and stunned.

His smile was stunning, it was one with dimples and all, “What I like is you.” He stayed so simply as if he was saying he liked the color red or if he preferred apples over oranges.

My heart skipped a beat then continued on its fast rate. I couldn't speak; even though I just had water it felt as if my throat was sand paper.

“And I am going to make you a promise that I won’t break,’ he spoke with a growl and such fierceness in his eyes that I could almost feel the heat from it, ‘as soon as these chains are off of me I'm going to kiss you again and again till they are swollen and full of need. I will hold you in my arms and will keep fighting till I can’t anymore.” His deep voice spoke and promised.

My heart leaped at the promise and a bit of excitement but a part of reality decided to slap me in the face.

He broke his last promises, they weren’t in his control. Speaking of control, he was going to lose it in a week and I was going to be a dead girl.

You know this all started because I was stupid enough to follow a huge ass wolf into the woods.

“Not if you kill me first.” I muttered out making his face fall slightly. I know I was on the negative side but so what kill me, oh wait! He was going to kill me! Hardy har har; why couldn't this be a dream? Why couldn't I just wake up in my bed and it be the night that Mariah took me to the club and I could just not go?

It was silent for a long time and I started getting sleepy. I looked up at Damien and found him watching me with an expression of nothing but sadness.

I turned my head, “I'm going to sleep, goodnight.” I probably wasn’t going to get much rest but I could still try.

I closed my eyes and found myself falling asleep quiet easily.


I woke up to the door opening and saw the same girl as yesterday except she had a tin cup. She watched Damien as she made her way to me.

She gulped looking at me, “It’s a fruit smoothie.”

I hesitated then decided to drink it. If it was poison hopefully it numbs me first. When I finished I gave her a small smile, “Thank you.”

She gave a nod turned around but I called to her, “Wait.”

She turned around hesitantly, “Yes?”

I gave a sad smile, “Um what time is it?”

She looked at her watch and gulped, “8 in the morning.” I gave and nod and she left quickly. 8 in the morning… 6 days left till my birthday and my death day.

“Good morning.” I looked up at Damien who offered me a small smile.

I gave a nod, “Good morning.”

“You remember that white dress you wore from my realm to yours?” I nodded slightly confused at his happy tone, “I just forgot to tell you how beautiful you looked in it.” He gave me a small smile and I gave it back.

“Damien?” I found myself wanting to ask about that night as well. He nodded at me to continue. I took a small breath, “Why didn't you pick a bride?”

I noticed he seemed surprised by my question and then a bigger smile stretched on his lips. He let out a soft chuckle before putting his head back so he could fully see me.

“Because none of them was good enough.” I burrowed my eyebrows confused at his words. There was some beautiful women in that room that day. How could they not be good enough?

He seemed to notice my confusion and shot me a cheesy grin, “None of them looked good in white besides you. Did you know what dress that was?” I was sort of confused at his question but shook my head.

A smirk came onto his lips, “When I was younger I pictured the girl I would marry would be a beautiful vampire princess that would make me fall to my knees every time she smiles. That she would be so perfect that many men would want her, but she only ever wanted me.” I was confused why he was telling me this stuff. It actually made me feel a bit jealous.

He just kept smiling as he continued, “As I got older I found one of my sister’s magazines and found a wedding photo. I was obsessed with weddings for a while so my sister and I decided to find what my bride would wear. We ended up cutting out pieces and putting my brides wedding dress together like that. My sister had that dressed made to a certain size and stored it away in her closet.” I was still confused.

He chuckled softly, “You were wearing my future brides wedding dress.” My eyes widened and my cheeks blushed. He seemed to beam at his as he continued, “And I must say you looked absolutely gorgeous.” My cheeks flushed more. Why was he admitting this now?

He watched me for a moment before asking suddenly, “Where are your parents, I know about your mom… Where is your dad? In the weeks I spent with you, you never once mentioned him.”

My face fell and I looked down. We were quiet for a moment. He was spilling his guts; it was alright to spill mine as well right?

“You know how my mom died when I was 5, right?’ he nodded so I continued, ‘my dad was in love with my mom even with me the annoying little 5 year old. After she died he couldn't handle me anymore. We moved away from home and he sent me to multiple schools since then. I barely begun kindergarten but he sent me to a boarding school for my elementary years. Once I got to 5th grade I was moved again where I went through my middle school years. We moved one more time where I had spent my high school years with my best friend Mariah… in all that moving around and the 12 years of him never being there for me I just forgot about him. He paid for everything for me, at least he didn't forget about me.” I spoke softly, I only told Mariah about him, I was scared that if he found out that I was actually happy he would move me away, he can’t now…

I heard a drip sound and noticed I was crying, I wiped it on my shoulder and cleared my throat a few times.

“Um so… Where is your sister?” I found myself asking.

He looked up with his eyes sad but they changed and he gave me a small smile, “She is probably looking for our brother. You know she really liked you, she told me to marry you since you fit my wedding dress so perfectly.” He spoke with a smirk on his face.

I rolled my eyes but smiled, “Well duh, a body like this fits anything.” I flipped my hair making him chuckle. I went to stretch but couldn't since I was being held to the max.

I looked up at him and gave a small smile, “Damien, if you could would you be human?” I was just asking random questions because I didn't want the silence.

He titled his head to the side with a small smile, “Maybe, but then I wouldn’t have the pleasure of biting you.” He teased but his eyes darkening showed there was truth in there.

This went on for more hours like yesterday. We just asked questions about each other, every now and again, the girl brought water for me or a smoothie. I was even brought down to use the bathroom once; something hit me while I was going though. I didn't feel like I had to use the restroom much.

Damien was chuckling when I told him about the time Mariah and I were at the store and I accidently stole something so I blamed her and she threw it to the guy and we ran.

The girl came in with water and I asked her what time it was.

“8 at night.” I thanked her as she left and I smiled at Damien. We talked for a bit more before I felt tired and fell asleep while he told me about what his brother and him used to do.

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