The Multiverse Of Oscar Pine...

By GodzillaFan15

192K 1.2K 2K

Title says it all. I noticed that there is only multiverse fanfics about Jaune Arc from RWBY and decided to c... More

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What I'm going to do.
What I got in mind so far
Intervening worlds.
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Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year y'all Pt. 2
Christmas gifts exchange finale w/ Teasers

He's A Pirate! And A Good Man! Part One

10.1K 55 65
By GodzillaFan15

Viewing: Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse Of The Black Pearl.

Oscar Pine -Captain Jack Sparrow

Lie Ren- Will Turner

Nora Valkyrie- Elizabeth Swan

The rest, you'll find out. Now, from the last chapter:

(1) I am pretty sure that after the Battle of Haven Academy, Adam doesn't care about Salem and her plans.

Now enjoy.

The Audience sees a large ship and on the bow is a young version of Nora Valkyrie about the age of ten.

"Hey, it's me!" exclaimed an excited Nora. "Yes Nora, we can see that," Ren said calmly. Blake looked at the Boy, "I thought this was about Oscar." She said questionably. The Boy shrugged, "In this he will show later, just be patient."

"We pillage, we plunder, we rifle and loot." Nora sang, surprising those who knew her in the Audience. "Drink up me 'earties yo ho! Yo ho, yo ho, A Pirate's Life For Me."

Nora: We extort, we pilfer, we filch and sack. Drink up-

Then,  a hand is placed on her shoulder, causing her to spin and see Roman Torchwick. "Quiet missy!" He exclaimed. "Cursed pirates sail these waters. You don't want to bring them down on us, now, do you?"

"Huh, didn't expect me to appear like this," Roman commented to Neo who had two flags with Chibi Roman faces on them. "Did I just hear you say 'cursed pirates?'" Emerald said with a raised eyebrow. "Did you just say missy?" Ruby asked. "And what are you and Nora wearing?" asked Weiss. "Oh, my bad. This viewing takes place like before the Great War in your world." The Boy replied leaving the others shocked. "The viewings in this world are in the past. Oh, and in most worlds we'll see, Aura, Grimm, Semblances, and Dust won't exist." And the shock escalated.

Back on the screen, Cardin Winchester walked behind Roman wearing a Lieutenant's uniform. "Mr. Torchwick, that will do."

Those who knew the leader of Team CRDL glared at him. He may have apologized to Jaune and Velvet but he didn't stop his bullying towards others, especially Faunus. "Yeah, some of the people you'll see are the ones you wouldn't see or want to see." said the Boy whose head morphed into that of a shark and ate some meat. This reminded Yang of the Clone troopers in the first viewing. While they had helmets on, she noticed that they sounded like the twins from Junior's bar.

 "She was singing about pirates!" protested Roman. (Nora: I can sing whatever I want! Roman: Other me!) "Bad luck to be singing about pirates with us mired in this unnatural fog. Mark my words."

Cardin: Consider them marked. On your way.

The Good side rolled their eyes at Cardin's attitude. While the adults don't agree with Roman, (Doesn't matter if it's a different universe, apparently.) the fog wasn't a good sign. The Bad side agreed that something was amiss in the fog. In fact both sides had a feeling about the fog.

"Aye, Lieutenant." Roman complied and said as he walked away. "It's bad luck to have a woman abroad too. Even a miniature one."

"Well, considering my partnership with Cindy," Roman said causing Cinder to glare at him, "I agree. Women are bad luck." Now this caused every woman in the room, even Ruby, Salem, Raven, Summer, Glynda, and Neo to glare at the master thief. "Hooboy." The Boy muttered under his breath.

"I think it'd be rather exciting to meet a pirate," the Nora onscreen said. (Nora: Yeah, and I could break his legs! Mercury: Okay seriously, what is with her and breaking legs?) "Think again Miss Valkyrie." replied Cardin. (Nora: Okay that is making me uncomfortable.) "Vile and dissolute creatures, the lot of them. I intend to see to it that any man who sails under a pirate flag or wears a pirate brand gets he what he deserves. A short drop and a sudden stop" Nora stared, confused until she saw Roman behind Cardin, miming like he was being hanged. This caused Nora's eyes to widen and stare.

"Wow, never thought Cardin would sound like that," Commented Jaune. "He's doing his duty," Winter said having Ironwood nod in agreement. "James, Mr. Winchester's attitude is similar to our version, I'm totally sure if that is good." Replied Glynda.

"Lieutenant Winchester," said Governor Lionheart approaching Cardin. "I appreciate your fervor but I'm concerned about the effect this subject will have on my daughter."

Cardin: My apologies Governor Lionheart.

"Daughter?!" shouted nearly everyone in the theater in surprise. Team RWBY and the remnants of Team RNJR glared at the traitor, Salem and her fraction rolled their eyes at seeing him. "Yeah that will happen a lot in these viewings. You'll have other people be your parents than what you had in your realm." the Boy said drinking some tea.

"Actually I find it all fascinating," Nora said quickly. (JPR: Yeah I'm not surprised. RWBY: Same.) "Yes. That's what concerns me," said Lionheart as he walked off. (Pyrrha: I'll admit I'd be concerned as well.) Nora looks over and sees a parasol  floating by. Then she sees a piece of wreckage with a young boy on it. Eyes widening in horror, she turns to Cardin and her father. "Look! A boy! There's a boy in the water!" She called out.

"Wait is that..." Blake said before Nora shouted out, "RENNY!" The pitch caused many to reach for their ears. "Nora, calm down," said Ren, "I'm going to be fine."

"Man overboard!" Cardin exclaimed to the crew, "Fetch a hook. Haul him on board!" Quickly, the crew haul young boy on the deck. "He's still breathing." Cardin said causing those who knew Ren to sigh in relief. Roman looks out and sees a burning ship. "Mary Mother of God." he muttered. (Summer: Those poor souls.) "What happened here?" asked Lionheart.

"It's probably the powder magazine," Cardin said dismissively, "Merchant vessels run heavily armed." Both Romans disagreed. "A lot of good it did them," he said. "Everybody's thinking it, I'm just saying it: Pirates." Lionheart shook his head, "There's no proof of that. It was probably just an accident."

"Rouse the Captain immediately!" Ordered Cardin, "Heave to and take in sail. Launch the boats."

"Huh?" asked Ruby, Jaune, Nora and Mercury. "He means tell the captain and send boats to the wrecked ship." Said Weiss, Ren, Pyrrha, Emerald, and Winter at the same time. "Oh," those who didn't understand what Cardin's counter part said in unison.

"Heave to!" called out another sailor as Lionheart spoke to Nora. "I want you to accompany the boy. He'll be in your charge. Take care of him." She nods and walks over to Ren. (Ren: I'm concerned for my safety.) The boy wakes up with a gasp and grabs her wrist. "It's okay." Nora said reassuringly, calming the boy down lightly. "My name's Nora Valkyrie."

"L-L-Lie Ren," Ren said with a stammer. "I'm watching over you, Ren." Nora response  before Ren fainted. Nora then notices a medallion and examines it. It was gold in color and had a skull with crossbones etched into it. "You're a p-p-pirate!" exclaimed Nora in a whisper.

"Renny, you're a pirate!" excitedly exclaimed Nora. Ren shrugged, not sure what to think about this. "Your other better hide that before Cardin sees that," Weiss said causing ReNora to look at her confused. "Cardin said he'll kill anyone that is a pirate." This caused Nora to gasp in worry.

"Has he said anything?" asked Cardin. Nora turned around and hid the medallion behind her, "His name's Lie Ren." She said quickly. "That's all I found out." (Cinder: Quick. Now you have to make sure he doesn't find that gold medallion. Emerald: Agreed.) Cardin nodded and turned to the sailors, "Take him below," 

Nora studies the medallion closely and upon looking up, sees a black ship with black sails and a pirate flag sailing away from the wreckage she closes her eyes and the title of the Viewing appears.

  Pirates of the Great Sea: Curse of the Black Pearl.

"Okay, my interests is piqued." admitted Adam, surprising most due that they forgot he was there. "Think the Black Pearl is the ship Nora just saw?" Yang asked her dad. "Probably." he replied.

On the screen, a beautiful dress and an impressive sword was shown. A full grown Nora wakes up and takes out the medallion from it's hiding place in her drawers. She puts it on as there was a knock on the door. "Nora?" the voice asked, telling the Audience that it was Leonardo Lionheart. "Are you alright? Are you decent?" Lionheart asked again. Nora quickly hides the medallion in the bodice of her night gown and  throws on a robe. "Yes, yes!" she called out. "Still abed at this hour?" Lionheart asks as he walks in and opens the curtain and the windows. "It's a beautiful day. I have a gift for you," he says as he reveals the dress.

"It's beautiful," Nora comments, "Isn't it?" responded Lionheart. "May I inquire to as the occasion?" Nora asked. (Ruby: Hey, Nora's talking like Weiss.) "Captain Winchester's promotion ceremony." Answered Lionheart. "I knew it!" responded Nora.

  "Huh, a big dress for a promotion?" Yang asked confused. "It's how it was in the military back then, Ms. Xiao Long." Ironwood replied.

"Commodore Winchester, as he about to become," Lionheart says cheerfully as maids lace Nora into a corset behind a wall. "Fine gentleman don't you think?" he asked, "He fancies you, you know."

In the Audience, Weiss, Glynda, Summer, Raven, Salem and Winter felt pity for Nora wearing a corset. "Poor girl," they all said in unison. "What's wrong? I wear a corset." Ruby said confused. "Ruby, you are allowed to adjust your corset. The corsets I wore in ceremonies, I wasn't allowed to adjust them," Weiss replied. "Plus they could be quiet suffocating," Salem said having the other women nod in agreement.

When they heard Lionheart's description, the students disagreed. "Your definition of fine gentleman is different from mine," Blake said having others agree, even Cinder, Emerald, and Neo agreed. "He tried to make moves on Emerald and I," Cinder said when the students gave them confused looks. "Rather pathetic moves," Mercury added. They looked at Neo who held up a sign that said, 'He made fun of my height.' "I was honestly glad you moped the floor with him and his team, Ms. Destiny," Cinder said to Pyrrha who couldn't know how to respond.

After hearing that an older Cardin had a crush on her counterpart, Nora felt like puking. And the only thing that made her loose her lunch was Ren's health drinks. Ren, seeing his childhood friend in distress, wrapped his arm around Nora. Seeing how Nora felt, Jaune and Pyrrha went and gave her a hug in comfort.

Back on the screen, Lionheart asked. "How's it coming?"  

"It's difficult to say," replied Nora as the dress was nearly done. "I'm told it's the newest fashion in Vale. (1)" Leo said. "Well, Women in Vale must've learned not to breathe." Nora said sarcastically, trying to pull on the dresses collar as a servant walked in. "Milord, you have a visitor." The servant says.

  Ren is shown looking at a scone, and upon touching it, a piece of it comes off in his hand. (Nora: You broke it, you bought it, Renny. Ren: Nora, it was an accident.) He buries it in a vase that's holding canes and umbrellas as Lionheart walked down the stairs behind the servant.

The room was filled with laughter and chuckles coming from the students and the teachers at Ren's accident, knowing it was something he wouldn't do at their world. Ren sulked in his seat groaning in embarrassment.

"Ah, Mr. Ren," the Lion Faunus greeted. "It's good to see you again." Ren greeted him back, "Good day sir," he said. "I have your order." He opens a case and takes out the sword. (Ruby/Summer: Ohhh. Impressive. Raven: It's just a weapon. Ruby/Summer: JUST A WEAPON?! Yang: Oh boy, here we go again.)

Lionheart picks it up and unsheathes it, "Well," the governor said as he inspected it. "The blade is folded steel," Ren said, describing his work on the blade. "That's gold filigree laid into the handle. May I?" Lionheart gave it back and Ren balanced the blade on his finger. 

"Perfectly balanced." Ren said, "The tang is nearly the full width of the blade," Then he flips the sword and gracefully presents it to Lionheart. "Impressive, very impressive." The Governor said as he took the sword back. "Now Commodore Winchester is going to be very pleased with this. Do pass my compliments to your master. Hmm." He said. "I shall." replied Ren. "A craftsman is always pleased to hear that his work is appreciated."

"Wait, I thought other me was Ren's master," said a confused Nora. "It was most likely for the voyage, Nora." Pyrrha said. "And after the voyage, Ren was given to someone else to be his caregiver." Nora sulked at this.

Nora walks down the stairs now and Lionheart notices. "Oh Nora, you look stunning." He exclaims. "Ren! It's so good to see you." Nora said noticing her friend. "I had a dream about you last night."

"About me?" Ren asked surprised. "Yes, well, is that entirely proper for you to-" Lionheart said but Nora interrupted him. "About the day we met remember?" Nora asked. "How could I forget, Ms. Valkyrie?" Ren replied. (Mercury: I mean, he almost died, so that's kinda hard to forget.) "Ren, how many times must I ask you to call me Nora?" The woman asked. "At least once more, Ms. Valkyrie, as always." Ren replied. "There, see?" Lionheart pointed out. "At least the boy has a sense of propriety. Now, we must be going," He hands Nora a parasol as they leave the house. "Here you go."

"Good day, Mr. Ren," Nora said as she and her father walked to a carriage. "Good day-" Ren called back but the father-daughter duo drove off before he could finish. "Nora." he whispered to himself.

"So, anyone else think Ren has a crush on Nora?" Yang asked teasingly. Almost everyone raised their hands. Even Cinder's faction and the teachers. "Uh-uh-uh," Ren said as Nora chuckled nervously. "We're not together-together."

  "Sure you're not," Everyone said, amused.

            Not far away from the shore on the mast of a small sail boat, stood Oscar Pine. He seemed to be in his mid-thirties. His long hair blew in the wind as the Audience saw water was getting inside his boat's hull. I feel like I should be concerned about that, he thought as he dropped to bail the water out. He stopped as he spotted a couple of skeletons hanging in between a few sea stacks, hung by ropes with a sign that said 'Pirates ye be warned.' Oscar took off his hat and gave a salute like gesture to the dead.

     A young boy notices the pail Oscar used to get the water out of his boat floating past the dock he stood on.

Some of the Audience criticized Oscar's choice of vessel, especially noticing how it was leaking. A few took notice how he nice his clothes looked. Ruby blushed a little. James, Glynda, Winter, Penny and Salem's faction saw Ozpin's cane next to his sword. Roman and Neo did the same salute gesture when they saw the dead pirates. Then, they all got confused when they saw the pail Oscar used to get the water out floating past the docks. "Wait, with the pail there, how is Mr. Pine going to get the water out?" Glynda asked.

To answer the Boy pointed to the screen, and the Audience saw Oscar standing atop the mast again. The entire noticed that his whole boat was underwater as he approached the docks. He lifted a foot up and stepped onto the dock. (Jaune: Okay that was a grand entrance.) The Harbormaster noticed this and got confused. "What?" he said. "Hey, hold up there you." he ordered as he got in front of Oscar. "It's a shilling to tie up your boat at the dock." They both paused to look at Oscar's sunken boat.

   "Honestly, I don't think he needs to tie it up, given that his boat is sunken in the docks," Yang joked getting groans from everyone and only laughs from her Dad. Summer found it cute, Raven felt Deja vu.

"And I shall need to know your name," the Harbormaster said looking at the book in his hands. Oscar paused before placing three coins on the page. (Emerald/Neo/Roman: Nice.) "What do you say to three shillings? And we forget the name?" he asked. The Harbormaster gave in and said, "Welcome to Port Patch, Mr. Smith." Oscar nodded and walked off. Only to stop and take the Harbormaster's money pouch.

 "It's disappointing that Ozpin's host is a criminal," James said in disappointment having Winter and Ozpin's Inner Circle nod in agreement. This gave Salem an idea to manipulate the boy. "Cinder, make a note about this boy." She said. Ruby heard her and glared at the Grimm Queen. "Maybe I can improve my skills by watching this pirate viewing," Emerald said in thought, getting Neo to think the same.

  Back on the screen, Cardin's promotion ceremony began as orders was given to soldiers. "Two paces forward!" and "Right about face! Present arms!" As Cardin walks forward and unsheathes his new sword.

  Back at the docks, Oscar tries to walk to a Navy ship called the Interceptor but Sun Wukong and Neptune Vasilias stopped him. "This dock is off limits to civilians," Neptune said holding a hand up to Oscar who responded with, "I'm terribly sorry. I didn't know." He held his forefinger up, "If I see one, I shall tell you immediately." He tried to go past the two soldiers but was stopped again. Okay, I'll try a different approach, Oscar thought. "Apparently, there some sort of high toned and fancy up at the fort eh?" He asked gesturing at the fort atop the cliff. "How could it be that two fine gentlemen such as yourselves did not merit an invitation?"

Raven and the thieves rose an eyebrow at Oscar's silver tongue. Roman hummed. "He seems to have a charm around him," He commented Neo nodded beside him. The students were surprised to see the two members of Team SSSN especially the ones they hung out with.

"Someone has to make sure this dock stays off limits to civilians," Neptune defiantly said. "It's a fine goal-to be sure- but it seems to me that a" Oscar said, shifting and points to the Dauntless "ship like that makes this one here," Points back at the Interceptor, "a bit more superfluous, don't you think?"

   Neptune- Oh, the Dauntless is the power in these waters true enough, but there isn't a ship that can match the Interceptor for speed.

Oscar- I've heard of one, supposed to be super fast, nigh uncatchable.

  Most of the Audience leaned forward at this mention of a really fast ship. Ironwood began thinking of upgrading the ships back in their world. Perhaps, Atlas should have an army of ships capable of battle.

"...The Black Pearl." Oscar finished after a moment of silence. "Well, there's no real ship that match the Interceptor." Neptune said defiantly again. "The Black Pearl is a real ship," Sun said, looking at his partner. "No, no it's not." Neptune denied. (Weiss/Blake: Oh boy, here we go.)

Sun-Yes it is. I've seen it.

Neptune (Skeptical)-You've seen it?


"No, you haven't," Neptune said, "Yes I have," Sun argued. "You've seen a ship with black sails, that's crewed by the damned and captained by a man so evil that Hell itself spat him out?" Neptune asked skeptically. Sun deflated and said, "No," getting Neptune to say, "No," in agreement.

 Most of the Audience chuckled in amusement at Sun and Neptune's banter. Weiss and Blake both began to think how the two Mistral students were doing since they seen them at the train station in Mistral.

"But I have seen a ship black sails," Sun says as Oscar slips past while the two banter. (Winter: Those two are terrible at securing a docked military sea vessel. James: If this is something they do constantly while on duty, I would have them shot. Raven: If I was one of your men, I'd shoot myself.) While Neptune said something about the ship with black sails that Sun claimed to have seen, Oscar appeared at the Interceptor's steering wheel. "Hey!" Neptune shouted finally noticing Oscar on the ship. "You! Get away from there!"

Sun-You don't have permission to be aboard, mate.

Oscar-I'm sorry, it's just-it's just a pretty boat. Ship.

"What's your name?" Neptune demanded. "Smith," Oscar lied. "Or Smithy, if you like," he continued to lie with a shrug, causing Ozpin's Inner Circle to frown more. "What is your purpose in Port Patch, Mr. Smith?" Neptune questioned. "Yeah, and no lies!" Sun added.

Oscar-Very well, I confess.

Roman and the other thieves leaned forward, wondering what lie the so-called 'best pirate you would ever see' would tell to the soldiers.

Oscar- It is my intention to commandeer one of these ships, pick up a crew in Oniyuri, raid, pillage, plunder, and otherwise pilfer my weasely black guts out.

"Uh, he said no lies," Jaune, Ruby, and Nora said in confusion. The thieves were confused save for Neo and Roman, the duo were chuckling lightly. Ironwood and the Inner Circle blinked. They didn't the pirate to actually say that. Cinder and the rest of the Grimm Circle wondered why he told them his intentions.

"I said no lies!" exclaimed a confused Sun onscreen. "I think he's telling the truth," muttered Neptune. "If he were telling the truth, he wouldn't have told us," replied Sun. "Unless, of course he knew  you wouldn't believe him, even if he told you." Oscar countered. (Roman: Yeah, I'd do that too. Neo-*Holds up a sign* Ditto.)

Back on the battlements of the fort, the Audience see Cardin ask Nora, "May I have a moment?" Both of them step up on a platform. Nora walks over to steady herself and try to catch her breath by fanning herself. Cardin didn't notice and nervously said, "Uh, you look lovely, Nora." Nora chuckled in response half-heartedly and still fans herself. "I, uh, apologize if I seem forward but I must speak my mind. This promotion throws into sharp relief that which I have not received. Uh... A marriage to a fine woman." He continued. "You have become a fine woman, Nora."

  "I can't breath," Nora responds. "Yes, I'm quiet nervous myself," Cardin replied. As he turned around, Nora fell over the battlement.

 Everyone was silent before Yang said, "Well I guess Cardin... took your breath away,"  Everyone groaned at the pun as the Boy took the Oscar orb out held up a Qrow orb. "Wait, aren't we gonna watch more?" Ruby asked. Yang smirked teasingly. "Aw, does my little sis like seeing the farm boy being a pirate?" She asked placing her robot arm around the red reaper. "Yang, not now!" shouted an embarrassed Rose, getting the attention (and half attention.) of her parents and her step-mother. "My little baby likes someone!" Summer squealed. Tai smirked. Raven shrugged. "Wait," Ruby paused, looking at her Dad. "You're not mad?" she asked.

  "At first I was being the protective dad when you were younger," Tai said, getting Yang to nod "But Yang and I got worried since you didn't start having a crush on any boy at Signal." 

Yang-Yeah I was worried you'd marry Crescent Rose.

Ruby-Yang! That's gross, I'm a weapon dork, plus I made Crescent Rose. She's practically my daughter. And I was planning on getting a boyfriend at Beacon. I just wasn't planning on moving two years early.

"If that's true, why didn't you chase after Jaune or Ren?" Weiss asked, not noticing the glares from Pyrrha and Nora. "Jaune had a crush on you, Ren didn't seem to be my type. (Sorry Ren. Ren: It's perfectly fine, Ruby,) Plus, Pyrrha and Nora scared me." Ruby replied. "If you're done focusing on the Little Rose's love life," The Boy said with an amused expression getting everyone's attention. "To answer your question, yes we will watch more. It's just showing these world's takes time, so I decided to switch between worlds and possible futures, going back and forth."

"On another note, I'm bringing some more guests," The Boy snapped his fingers and Velvet Scarlatina, Coco Adel, Sun Wukong, and Neptune Vasilias fell into the other seats. 

"Ow, my ears," Velvet said, having to painfully fold them when landing. Coco looked around angrily for almost smashing her shades. Sun and Neptune bumped their heads together when they landed and were now rubbing their heads. Then, Ozpin appeared. Yang and Jaune glared at him, Glynda and James were surprised. The others tensed wondering what would Salem do.

  Said Grimm Queen just walked casually to the Ancient wizard who had his hands behind his back. "Hello Salem. Still trying to rid Humanity and the Faunus off the face of the planet?" Ozpin asked. Salem nodded, "Hello dear Ozpin, still throwing teenagers off of a cliff into Grimm infested forests?" Ozpin nodded back and they both went to opposite sides of the theater. 

    "Wait why did he get to come here the way he did while the rest of us  came like we were having Initiation at Beacon?" Blake asked after they explained what was going on to the new arrivals . "Well, unlike most of you, Ol' Ozzie had his soul inside a fourteen year old kid." the Boy recalled, "and splitting two souls is more difficult than bringing the dead, luckily Oscar was asleep otherwise it would've been more painful than a margarine."

  The Audience nodded in acceptance, while Ozpin and Ruby were concerned about the amount of pain Oscar must've felt when the Boy summoned the Headmaster here. Yang noticed that the Qrow orb was darker in color. "Are we watching Darth Vader again?" she asked worried. "No, this is a sneak peek to a Dark universe referred as DC." The Boy replied as he threw the Qrow orb into the screen.

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