Return (GirlxGirl)

By SkylarJapera

753K 16.7K 2K

Only weeks after the big battle against Sue and the human hunters Violet and Chloe never expected for Chloe... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41

Chapter 16

18.1K 377 21
By SkylarJapera

Sorry for the long wait. Hoped everyone had a nice Thanksgiving..

Chapter 16

The bright sun shines through the windows waking the tired wolf. She throws her hands over Chloe body pulling her closer. She blinks a few times and then groans looking at the clock. Waking up in the morning had never been a problem until a few weeks ago. Dealing with Virgil, Cassandra, being kidnapped, and then re-building the main room in the mansion was hell and school starting back wasn’t helping at all.

Chloe turns around and buries her head into Violet chest then mumbles, “Can we just skip the first day.” She takes her hands up under Violet shirt feeling the muscles flex and then says, “I just want to rest. God you’re warm.” Violet in takes a breath feeling Chloe cold fingers gliding up her stomach then nails running down. They needed a break from the world maybe staying in wasn’t a bad idea.

Violet was about to agree until she heard banging on the door. She growls and then someone barges in. “Violet.” It was her mother.

“Mom.” Violet groans.

“Don’t mother me.”  Rose snaps. “Now you two get up you are not missing first day school.”

Chloe lifts up making the sheets fall showing her yellow lace bra. She blushes deep red and quickly pulls the sheets back up. Violet on the other hand throws the sheet off her barely clothed body and walks towards her mother and says, “I’m up now leave.” She rolls her eyes and walks towards her closet pulling a pair of jeans out and a black hooded. Rose rolls her eyes at her daughter choice in clothes.

Chloe leans on the wall and watches the two. It was so entertaining when they argued. She giggles when Violet finally snaps, “Mom get out!”

“I just think the skirt and blouse is better on your body.” Rose explains and then walks out the door. Violet groans sitting on the bed. Chloe crawls towards her kissing her shoulder. She then mumbles, “I’m really going to need some coffee.”


Violet and Chloe walks into a school full of annoying humans or so Violet thought. One had already bump into her making her growl. She quickly snapped, “Watch where the fuck you are going.”

“I’m sorry.”

Violet looks up and is surprised when she sees Kimberly she quickly says, “My bad didn’t know it was you.” She never was good at apologizing. Chloe smiles, “I didn’t know you attended this school Kimberly.”

Kimberly stares at the floor and then replies, “Well yes Kate thought it was best to get out the house. Thinking about C….” Kimberly coughs, “Being trapped in the mansion for a week depressed wasn’t good for me. So she enrolled me and here I am.”

Chloe bites her lip feeling bad. No one has heard from Cassandra and she knew the young girl was broken hearted.

“Well if you need anything don’t be afraid to ask ok?” Violet replies.

Kimberly gives a half smile then answers, “Sure I think I should be going.”

Chloe and Violet watches Kimberly walk away. Violet then walks with Chloe to their first class. Once she was in the class she sat far in the back. Chloe frowns and then says, “Violet I cannot sit in the back.”

Violet rolls her eyes and then demands, “Sit down Chloe this isn’t an important class anyways.”

“Honey this is history.”

“History always changes.” Violet replies. “We’re making history now.” She sits down and pleads, “Please sit back here with me.”

Chloe rolls her eyes and sits next to her wife and watches as the class quickly builds up once the late bell rings. Once the teacher was done with his speech on how this year was going to be a great year Chloe pulled her history book out ready for her lecture. She turns towards Violet noticing the wolf was very quiet.

“Babe?” she questions but doesn’t get an answer making her look up from her book to see Violet asleep. She rolls her eyes and lets the wolf sleep.

When first period was finally over and the teacher was finish lecturing Violet on how she shouldn’t sleep in class they was heading to second period. Violet looks at her schedule and growls. She and Chloe only had two classes and lunch together. She chews on her lip and runs her hand through her hair hoping she wouldn’t kill anybody today. Chloe was the only one who could keep her in place.

Chloe smirks, “I will not be far honey.”

Violet rolls her eyes and walks Chloe to her class. She notices all the boys in the hall staring at Chloe and watching her with lust. She hated Chloe had to put on a skirt. Once at Chloe door Violet grabs the back of her head and pulls her into an endearing kiss. It starts slow until Violet nibbles on Chloe lip entering her tongue making the witch moan. She squeezes Chloe hips pulling her closer while their tongues connect. The kiss then slow down and they pull back. Violet stares at Chloe noticing the witch was in a daze. She smirks and kisses Chloe on the forehead and says, “See you later.”

Chloe jumps out of her naughty thoughts and then pulls Violet back towards her and asks, “What was that for?”

The bell interrupts Violet making Chloe frown. The alpha laughs pecking Chloe on the lips and says, “I got to go.”

Chloe watches Violet walk away and then heads into her class. She sits in the front and notice this was English one of her favorite subjects. She notices everyone was staring at her. She looks down at her paper not paying attention to anyone. Five minutes later during the teacher lecture a boy whispers, “So you and the other hot girl are like a couple.”

Chloe rolls her eyes and replies, “Yes.”

“That’s hot.” The boy speaks. “I never thought anyone as beautiful as you could want another girl.”

Chloe hisses angrily, “I never thought anyone as ugly as you could even label yourself.”

The boy frowns and then snaps, “Fuck you slut.”

Chloe had enough she punches the boy in the face immediately breaking his nose. She stands grabs her books and says, “Pathetic bastard.”

“Chloe office now!” the teacher screams. “You go to the nurse.”

The class was still laughing when Chloe walked out with the rude boy struggling to keep up. She burst through the doors and then sits in the waiting sit. The principle calls her in and she slowly begins to feels guilty once the anger goes away. She never got in trouble in school before. It was always Violet who couldn’t control her anger. Speaking of Violet she hoped the alpha wouldn’t find out she would destroy the poor boy for his comment. She gulps when the principal finally speaks, “Chloe your records are clean. Could you explain to me what happen?”

“He called me a slut and talked bad about me and my girlfriend relationship.” Chloe explains. “I’m sorry I do not know what came over me.”

The principals tosses Chloe file and asks while picking up her glass of water, “Well who is this special girl.”

“Violet Randers.” Chloe replies and jumps when water is spit all over the principal’s desk.

The principal immediately grabs napkins and coughs, “I’m so sorry. How?” Mrs. Ris continues to cough and when she is under control she asks, “I’m so sorry that just took me by surprise. So you and Violet?”

“Yes.” Chloe confirms.

“Wow.” Mrs. Ris comments. “She’s a beautiful girl but she can’t seem to stay out of trouble and can never stay awake in class. Before I became principal of this school I was Violet Geometry teacher and let me tell you I had never wrote so many write ups. She stayed in trouble. I requested anger management to her parents and one day she came back a little better.”

“Well she’s a big softy on the inside.”

Before Mrs. Ris could reply a big huge man burst through the door while gripping Violet. His lip was busted and Chloe could tell Violet was trying very hard not to kill the man. ‘Spoke to soon.’ She thought.

“Coach Riley.” Mrs. Ris speaks.

“Sorry ma’am but I had to get Violet off of one of my top kickers.” Coach Riley complained. Chloe bites her lip she already knew Violet found out and took her anger out on him.

“He now has a broken nose from Chloe here and now a busted lip and black eye.” Coach Riley says. “And look at my face.”

Mrs. Ris sighs and then asks calmly, “Sit Ms. Randers.”

Violet pushes Coach Riley away from her and the coach steps back surprised at her strength. He completely forgets about his lip and asked, “Ever consider wrestling young lady I really could use another player.”

“Get the hell away from me.” Violet screams. “Fuck off.”

“You will not speak that type of language with me young lady.”

Chloe tries to use her bond to calm Violet down but she knew the look on Violet face meant terminate. She quickly stands in between them and whispers in Violet ear while squeezing her hip. “Please calm down for me. We are already in big trouble.”

Chloe breath and voice instantly calm Violet down and Mrs. Ris couldn’t believe it. “Leave now Coach.”

Mr. Riley nods and walks out the office slamming the door.

“Both of you sit now.”

Violet and Chloe does as asked and the principal starts, “Violet what the hell I told you about taking your anger out whenever you feel like it.” Chloe eyes go wide it was like the principal attitude was completely different. “I thought we were passed this.”

“What the fuck you expected me to do Jessica!” Violet slams her fist on the desk and the principal seem completely unfazed by the situation. “I should have ripped his fucking throat out. Do you know what he called my WIFE!”

“This is a school full of humans everywhere. How the hell could I or your parents explain you killing someone?”

“Fuck them all.” Violet yells.

“Yell at me again and see what you will get.” Ms. Ris threats. This made Chloe jump she look towards Violet and saw the wolf shut her mouth. Violet had to close her eyes and breathe to keep in control. She open her eyes and Chloe see’s they are glowing. She then stares at the human to see Jessica leaning back in her chair unfazed. “I dare you.”

Violet growls and bites her lip and rolls her eyes and replies, “Don’t try an alpha Jessica.”

Jessica rolls her eyes and smirks, “You wouldn’t dare hurt me. So you’re married.”

 “Where the hell have you been?” Violet rolls her eyes crosses her arms over her chest and Chloe looks completely confused.

“Um.” Chloe speaks up. “You too know each other.”

“She was my anger management counselor.” Violet answers “My mother and father thought it was best for this devil to control me.”

Jessica smiles, “Well I never thought you could marry but it seems you don’t need me anymore. Chloe seems to have you in complete control.”

Violet growls and asks, “Can we leave. It’s that thing called school.”

“You both may leave.” Jessica answers. “Don’t let me see you in my office anymore.”

“Whatever.” Violet grabs Chloe hands and walks towards the door fast. Chloe smiles, “It was nice meeting you.” Before getting dragged out the office.

When Chloe and Violet walked out the principal’s office the bell had rung and children crowded the halls. Violet throws her arm around Chloe shoulder pulling her closer glaring at every human who looked in their direction. Every human step out their way and Chloe could all the whispers. She bites her lip nervously. Could their first day get any worse?

They made a stop at Chloe next class and Violet peck her on the lips and smirks, “Have fun and don’t hurt anyone again. I don’t want you getting into trouble. I will take care of them.”

“Violet you should know I can take care of myself.”

Violet rolls her eyes and says before walking away, “Don’t get into trouble you can’t handle the guilt.”

Chloe frowns it was partly true. She hated getting into trouble in school. She walks into her class and is happy when she sees a familiar face. She sits down next to Olivia and the dirty blonde smirks and asks, “So you punched the kicker?”

The witch groans and explains, “He was being disrespectful I don’t understand how I lost control so quickly.”

Olivia runs her hand through her hair, “Look you’re frustrated. You and Violet has been through a lot this pass month so your patience is really thin.”

“Maybe if you and Violet have some good sex then you will be the old Chloe again.”

Chloe blushes red and looks up to see Catherine who sits down on the other side of Olivia. “How long has it been?”

Chloe opens her mouth but then closes it when Catherine waves her hand and interrupts, “Do not answer that. It’s been too damn long. I suggest you too fuck tonight.”

“Catherine!” Olivia hisses.

“Look I’m being a good friend here.” Catherine explains. “We all know that Violet and Chloe had a very healthy and loud sex life. I understood the reason you guys stop was because Cassandra didn’t deserve the satisfaction of feeling everything but now she is gone and the spell is broken my question to you is why haven’t you and Violet had sex yet.”

“We’ve been busy.”

“With what?” Both Olivia and Catherine ask confused.

Chloe bites her lip and answers, “We had to fix the main room remember.”

“Olivia and I still had time for sex before, during, and after helping with the main room.” Catherine replies.

“Plus Rue has started having nightmares about Virgil.” Chloe explains. “Sometimes she will come into our room in the middle of the night. She has already caught Violet and I once.”

Olivia laughs, “Rue has caught you and Violet having sex.”

“Well…” Chloe blushes again. “When I was…you know between Violet legs…” Chloe turns away and whispers, “Um Rue walked in.”

“While you were eaten….” Catherine yells until Chloe cuts her off, “Yeah that…. don’t tell the entire class.”

“Sorry.” Catherine laughs. “So what did you tell her?”

“She thinks I was helping Violet with a problem. So we just left it like that since we are not ready to talk about sex to Rue.”

“Smart.” Olivia comments with a smirk on her face. “Look tonight put Rue to bed and then lock your door and do your business. Then if Rue knocks on your door go to her room and sleep in the bed with her.”

Catherine kisses Olivia on the lips and smiles “See my baby is smart.”

Chloe roll her eyes and begins to listen to the teacher and blocks out Olivia and Catherine whispers.


Finally it was lunch and Chloe was standing in line and was surprise when she felt rough hands wrap around her waist. She abruptly turns around and a tall slender boy with blonde hair and brown eyes turns completely pale and waves his hands across his face in defense and says, “I’m so sorry I thought you were my girlfriend. Please don’t punch me no please don’t tell Violet.”

The boy backs up slowly until he feel a body behind him and a growl, “Tell Violet what?”

He turns around to see Violet glaring at him. He steps back and says, “Nothing I just thought your girlfriend was my girlfriend I’m sorry.”

Chloe touches the poor boy shoulder and smiles, “its fine.” He then smiles back and walks away pretty fast. Chloe frowns and Violet asks, “Hey sweetie what’s wrong.”

“I don’t like when people are afraid of me Violet.” Chloe speaks. “I shouldn’t have punched that guy in the face.”

Violet bites her lip nervously. This is what she was afraid of. She knew Chloe wasn’t use to getting into trouble in school and having people fear her as they did Violet. The alpha was use to it. The first day of school she had to always prove herself and make sure no one ever messed with her and even glance her way with an attitude. She had friends and she was normal just has everyone else. But every human in the town of Divide knew what she was capable of.

“Hey Chloe look at me.” Violet uses her finger to lift Chloe chin up and whispers, “Just give them time okay.”

Chloe nods her head and they sit and eat with the rest of the pack. They talk about school and Chloe begins to smile loving her friends. She didn’t need anyone to accept her. She already had a loving family.


A family in Divide sleeps in their home and the husband is awakening by noise from the front of the house. He wakes his wife and orders her to get the children. She doesn’t ask question as he grab the shotgun and go check out the noise. He walks out his front door to see nothing but the dark street but then hears ruckus in the back yard. He walks around his house and is surprise to not hear his dog barking. Once he rounds the corner he is shock to what he see. His dog is whimpering and he now understanding why his dog isn’t attacking like he trained it. He slowly backs up and while aiming the shotgun towards the white beast in front of him. He gulps and then beast stares at him and then takes off into the woods. He immediately runs into this house and calls the police.

Back at the mansion everyone was down stairs watching a movie on the big screen TV. Violet gets a call which makes her stand and go into the kitchen. Chloe watches her leave and then Catherine whispers into her ear, “Remember what me and Olivia told you today.”

Chloe blushes and shakes her head and continues to watch the screen as she hears Catherine and Olivia laughing behind her. She gets up and walks into the kitchen and notice Violet had gone upstairs. She walks into her room and sees Violet still talking on the phone while going through her dresser. Chloe sits on their bed and waits for the alpha to get off the phone.

Violet bites her lip and once she hangs up she turns around and sees Chloe sitting on their bed. “We have a problem.”

Chloe groans and wonders what it could be this time. “It’s nothing big honey.” Violet says reading the witch mind. “Someone called the police saying they saw a huge white wolf in the back of their house.”

“That’s impossible the entire pack is here.” Chloe comments.

“I know that is why my father has order me to go hunt this newbie down before it can cause any more problems.” Violet explains.

Chloe stands and locks the door then turns towards Violet and whispers, “Can you go hunting tomorrow? I need you now.”

Chloe stands right in front of Violet looking into her eyes with want. Violet steps back hitting the wall behind her as the witch step forward. Violet was about to speak until Chloe presses a finger on her lip whispering, “Tonight you are all mines.”

Violet groans and can feel herself getting turned on slowly. She pulls Chloe into a kiss and taste the strawberry Chap Stick on Chloe lips. She grabs the witch hips possessively pulling her closer. Chloe moans and Violet swiftly takes her tongue into the witch mouth. Chloe can feel her heart beating rapidly in her chest. She pulls onto Violet hair receiving a growl while her free hand begins to unbutton Violet jeans. She sucks on Violet lower lip and takes her hand up underneath Violet shirt and feels every muscle flex. She loved kissing Violet and especially loved how soft Violet skin was. She runs her nails down and then begins to kiss down Violet jawline as the alpha head leans back onto the wall.

Chloe whimpers when Violet roughly turns her around throwing her into the wall as their lips connects yet again. The smack of two hands being placed against the wall makes Chloe moan unexpectedly and Violet use this opportunity to slip her tongue inside. Chloe then feels her shirt being ripped open and toss to the floor. She felt the cold air hit her skin but the warmness quickly took over when Violet lean her body into her trying to get as close as possible.

Chloe pulls back breathing hard as she tries to catch her breath. She then says huskily, “I’m not the only one who’s in the need.”

Violet smirks and then pulls her shirt over her head revealing her black lace bra. She then walks towards Chloe with a predatory grin on her face. She picks Chloe up and the witch naturally brings her smooth legs around Violet waist as the alpha carries her to the bed.

Violet straddles Chloe and leans down continuing to kiss the witch. She then sucks onto Chloe neck leaving her famous mark. Chloe shut her eyes tight and moans loudly as Violet hovers over her and begins to trail kisses down her stomach leaving small bites. She hisses when her skirt is ripped from her hips and her legs are spread wide. She opens her eyes to see Violet smirking at her she bites her lip and then turns Violet over pulling her jeans from her body.

Both Violet and Chloe rip each other clothes away until they are both bare. Chloe moans as Violet knee finds its way between her legs. Her nails runs down Violet back while the alpha begins to move back and forth her speed getting faster by the second. Chloe pulls onto the brunette hair and tries to pull her wife closer.

They lips connect once again and Violet pins Chloe hands onto the bed with one hand as the other slowly makes its way between Chloe smooth thighs. Violet moans at how wet Chloe was and she silence the witch moan with her lips and enters her slowly.

Violet fingers speeds up and her breath continues to wash over Chloe’s skin. She smiles while watching Chloe’s face light up in it’s many pleasured forms as the witch head nods and makes multiple small, desperate noises. It wasn’t long before her finger was joined with a second and she was rewarded with a moan of ecstasy.

Chloe’s eyes finally snapped open when her body arched more forcefully then it had yet, and she twisted her neck to face Violet, bringing her hand up to move any and all strands of brown hair in the girls face away. Her hand then slides through those curly locks and onto the back of Violet’s head, pulling her in and cutting off her huge smirk with a passionate kiss. Tongues began to battle and moans escape both of their mouths.

Both of their foreheads came together when the kissing stopped with an exhale, “Shit!” from Chloe and this did nothing but make the alpha smirk wider. She didn’t notice how much she missed Chloe squirming under her and releasing moans with profanity. She speeds up faster knowing her wife was close and a long, loud, and bliss filled scream came from Chloe lips as Violet rode her through the best orgasm ever.

Once Chloe was down from heaven her arm snaked around Violet’s head and pulled the alpha close flipping them over. She breathes in their scent and grins as she trails kisses down the alpha tone body. It didn’t take long to have Violet yelling her name and pulling onto her hair. She pulls back up and buries her head into Violet neck with a small smile on her face.


The next morning both Chloe and Violet woke up extra early with huge grins on their face. They both were in a good mood and didn’t waste any time bringing each other into a mind blowing orgasms. Chloe kisses Violet again glancing at the clock noticing they still had enough time to go again but knocking on their door made her frown. She quickly covers herself and Violet hollers, “What!” Catherine and Olivia walks in with grins on their face. Catherine glances at the blushing Chloe and says, “Sorry to interrupt you too but your father is down stairs. As you know the entire floor can hear you.”

Violet rolls her eyes and stands making Olivia scan the ceiling but Catherine doesn’t do anything but get a quick glance and then pulls her girlfriend out the room. Violet heads to the shower and Chloe follows while whispering, “We can finish in the shower.” Violet smirks and nods her head agreeing.

Twenty minutes later Violet and Chloe walks down stairs and Violet father walks up and says, “I order one of the pack members to seek out this new wolf and he couldn’t find a scent.

“That’s impossible.” Violet comments. “Unless…but that’s impossible also right?” she eyes her father she really didn’t have time to deal with another problem.

“I’m sorry Violet but remember Sue.” Richard comments. “Maybe this could be possible. So the councils called a meeting tomorrow and everyone needs to be there. This is important because the town had another attack today. This guy wasn’t so lucky he shot at the original and the beast attacked ripping his head off.”

“Damn.” Violet says. “Sue wasn’t playing when she said she had an original to kill.”

“Find this Sue and question her.” Richard demands. “I will be checking in weekly okay?”

“Yes sir.”


“Get out.” A tall buff man orders.

“Dude this is my father truck. You can’t take it.” The poor little boy whines.

Ralph grabs the teenage by his shirt and throws him out the car he then gets in and speeds off. Once he hits the main road he grabs his map out his backpack and notice he was only fifty miles from the town Divide. He was so close. It’s been years since he last seen Sue and he was ready for his revenge. Months ago he got distracted because his out of control son Isaac went on a killing spree. The boy was out of control going around creating more beasts. The only hoped he had left been his other son Leo. Once he reaches Divide him and his son can both kill Sue and go on with their lives.

Finally he sees a huge metal sign that says, ‘Welcome to Divide.’ Ralph grins and picks up his cell-phone and dials his son number.


“Leo, son I’m here.” Ralph asks. “How far are you?”

“Father we have a problem.” Leo says with fear in his voice.

“What is it?” Ralph growls.

“Isaac escaped three days ago and I think he is hunting you down.” Leo explains. “I tried to contact you but your phone was off. So I waited for you to contact me. I’m sorry father.”

“It’s fine.” Ralph sighs. “I believe we will have to kill him son. Locking him up isn’t working at all.”

“Yes sir.” Leo whispers. “I understand. He is out of control.”

“Meet me here.” Ralph orders. “Stay strong.” He then hangs up the phone and when he looks up he press down on the brakes almost running over a girl.

“Watch where the fuck you going!” A tall girl with brunette hair screams. Then another girl whispers lowly but Ralph hears from his wolf ability, “Violet honey he didn’t mean to.”

“Whatever.” Violet replies. She then grabs Chloe and continues to walk. “Come on we have business to handle.” Violet then glances at the older man in a red truck and bites her lip wondering why she couldn’t smell any scent on him. Before she could question anything the truck drives off.

“Honey what’s wrong?” Chloe asks.

“Nothing.” Violet replies. She didn’t have time to think of unnecessary things. “Let’s go.”

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