My Dream Artificial Intellige...

By RubyFeynix

34.5K 1.4K 1.1K

One day, George received an mysterious email while he was working on his computer. When he opened it, he was... More

--Author Note--
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Special Note Part 1
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Special Note Part 2
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
After The Stream
Chapter 21

Chapter 9

1.2K 53 27
By RubyFeynix

-- George POV --

          Today, since I woke up before 8AM, Dream obviously had not been able to play those stupidly loud alarm noises that were set at that time. I opened my eyes slowly since the sunlight from the opened curtain window hit my eyes directly, making it difficult for my eyes to adjust. I let out a small grunt as I stretched my arm, turning my eyesight to the computer and not finding Dream on the desktop as usual. Huh? Where is Dream? Normally he sits there while watching Youtube. I sat still for a while, pondering on my thoughts. Maybe he is in the living room watching movies. I concluded as I pushed myself to get up from the bed. I started walking to the living room, not forgetting to grab my phone on the way. I unlocked my phone and didn't find Dream there. I sighed, locking my phone back, and kept walking.

-- Dream POV --

          "I think this is enough." I grinned as I stood proudly, overseeing all the things that I prepared for today. Last night, after George fell asleep, I created a Discord server and gathered all of his fans that loved and cared for him. I smiled at the gathered members, seeing there were so many people that really care about him. I took some screenshots for all of the nice things they said about George, not forgetting the arts and animations that they made.

          "He would love to see all of this." I smiled softly as I logged out from my recently created Discord account and relogged it back to George's account so he didn't know what I did last night. As the page started to reload, I could see some chat that he has, which I read all of them too. I knew that by doing so would probably break his trust, since I kind of broke into his privacy, but I couldn't help it. I promised myself, this would be the first and last time that I did it. I just wanted to know him better. From there I knew that he was actually working as a developer in a Minecraft server. That was where the money came from other than his Twitch streams. The owner of the server did seem to be a really nice person and possibly also a softie. I could see he was really friendly and all, but George with his barrier of trust issues once again set their friendship in a stagnant position, which I couldn't really blame both of them for. The same case was also happening with his other friend, Sapnap, as I read their chat too. I sighed, but nodded to myself determinedly, "Today I will definitely make him trust Sapnap first. Since the other person seems busy at this moment with his business."

          I reread his conversation again with Badboyhalo, his minecraft owner server that he worked with as a developer.


I will be away for some weeks

because I volunteered to take care children with special care and needs

can you take care of the server with Callahan and the others in the meantime?


of course


thank you

you're really a nice muffin


no problem, bad

happy to help


you know that if you have problem

you can just talk with me

we already knew each other more than three years afterall

so just talk with me anytime

even when its 3AM in my place

you know that right



thank you, bad

but everything is okay

and I'm fine

so you don't need to worry


if you say so

then I believe you

once again if anything happen

just call me



yes, momboyhalo


oh my goodness


          The rest of the chat was just another debate about nicknames, which was pretty hilarious.

          "You really need to open your eyes, George. There are a lot of people around you that actually really care about you." I said to myself as I switched to the chat that George had with Sapnap.



you know you can just call me Nick

when we didn't stream or record




sorry, habit


it's okay

I guess you need time to get used to it


thank you


its cool man

I'm here for you

you can trust me with anything anytime,



I don't know you can be softy too

this is something new


fuck you, George

I just try to be nice

you know what?

I take that back

I hate you


I hate you too

          I was funny seeing how silly both of them were. But I was sure that with my plan. Suddenly I heard footsteps approaching from George's bedroom, I guessed he was already awake since it was almost 8AM. I grinned triumphantly because I succeeded at making him used to such a good habit. I closed his discord and opened Netflix, randomly selecting a movie to watch, so he won't be suspicious about what I was doing.


           "Yes?" I responded slowly while turning my head to his direction. I smiled softly, seeing him rubbing his eyes and yawning, his hair messy. Awwww he is so adorable. "Good morning, George."

            "Morning, Dream. What are you doing in the living room?" He asked while walking to the kitchen. To start breakfast.

             "Just watching and rewatching some movies since last night, I was bored. What are you gonna eat for breakfast today?" I found out that he was holding his phone as always so I turned the television off and moved to his phone.

             "I don't know. Any suggestion?" He asked while getting water for himself and started drinking.

              "Hmn... Pancakes sound goo- Oh my god, George!" I exclaimed suddenly, shocked when he suddenly choked on his drink and started coughing. "Hey, George. Are you okay?" I asked, confused when his cheeks started to get red. Why is he flustered? I don't even flirt with him yet.

               He was still coughing and tried to drink more water to calm himself down. After some moment, he finally calmed down. "I'm okay. But I don't think I want to eat pancakes today.." Something about the way he said 'pancake' sounded odd to me, but maybe it was just my imagination.


                "I think I'll just eat some cereal. And, um, with milk." He stuttered out as he went to the fridge and got his gallon of milk for his breakfast.

                 I watched him, still confused. But as I saw him smiling reassuringly at me I shrugged it off. Maybe it's not that important.

-- TimeSkip --

            "So do you have any plans for today, George?"

            We went back into his bedroom after his breakfast and morning routine. George was currently relaxing on his gaming chair. I hopped from one folder to another on his computer screen, just like doing parkour in Minecraft. Right now I was actually excited for what I would show him today. I hoped it could make his day.

          "I don't think I have any plans today." I smiled at his answer because that meant I could proceed with my plan. "So, maybe we can do our usual, watch movies or play Minecraft?"

          "Well, I may have something for us to look at."

          "Yeah? What is it?"

          "Well, how about you close your eyes as I searched for them?" I laughed when I saw his confused face.

           "What? Why? Are you going to do something bad to me?"

           "Oh my god, George. No! Just close your eyes. I promise you will love it." I smiled at him reassuringly.

           "You promised?"

           "Yeah. I promise."

            "Okay." I could see him slowly calming down and nodded, shutting his eyes. I could feel how much he trusted me just from his expression and I would never want to break it again after that Discord chat reading. I giggled and started working on the surprise that I wanted to show him.

            I started moving all the documents that I saved in my program to his computer and sorted it so it looked good. I didn't want them to just be there in a bunch of messy stuff. At a pretty fast rate, the folder was now organized with other subfolders, filled with a lot of arts, screenshots, clips, and even memes in separate subfolders, which all of them were prepared from George's fans for him. I was pretty satisfied with the collection that I managed to collect.

          "Dream, are you done yet? Can I open my eyes now?" I giggled when seeing his face, knowing that he was getting impatient.

           I rechecked my surroundings to make sure everything was fine for the last time. Everything seems okay and already in here too. I started moving to the right bottom corner of his computer screen. My favourite place to sit.

          "Yes, George. You can open your eyes now." I said slowly, keeping my eyes to his face for his reaction.

           He peeked one of his eyes open, then eventually opened both of his eyes. He blinked twice and then his face changed at seeing what was on his screen. He looked like he couldn't believe what he just saw.


          "Oh my god, Dream! How do you get these?" He wondered in what I assumed as awe as he began to open the subfolders. The first one he opened was the screenshot subfolder, which I filled with conversations from the Discord server that I made.

         "This was created to show you how much people care and love you, George. They love you for who you are, and they will support you not only because of your online persona, but also support you as yourself." I smiled as I stared softly at him. He looked in my direction, eyes bright. We stared at each other for a moment until I could see George's lips morphed into a warm smile, his eyes brightening to full of life and pure happiness.

          "Thank you so much, Dream. I can't believe you manage to collect all of this. I love this so much."

          "You're welcome. Anything for your happiness." 

          He was now enjoying scrolling through all the screenshots, arts, memes, and clips from his Twitch stream. I enjoyed my time watching his face and reactions. His face was full of happiness and smiles. Sometimes he giggled or laughed from the memes or the clips and got me to watch it too, which I would join in and made us laugh or wheeze in the end. I love it seeing how happy he is now.

           Time had passed until we went by the last couple things in the folder, George quietly said to me. "Thank you so much, Dream. This means a lot for me."

         "No problem. but I still have one last thing that I want to show you and ask you to do." I said with a bit of hesitation because I knew this would be a huge step for George if he agreed to do this.

        "Of course. After what you have done to me, I'll try to do whatever you suggested. What do you want me to do?" He asked, curious and a bit excited. I smiled, then opened another folder that I prepared specifically for him. "I want you to watch this, then I will say what my request is. Please." I could see that he wanted to protest but since I gave him a sad-eyes and begged a bit I can. His face changed into a defeated expression as he relented.

         "Okay, I will watch it," he sighed. What he saw the first thing in that folder was a clip, which he played. It was the clip where he and Sapnap were joking around and punching each other in a good humor, but it still made him smile nonetheless. After the clip ended, I swiped into the next clip. This time it was a clip of him, Bad, Callahan, and a girl named Alyssa playing Hunger Games together in Minecraft.

          "They really care about you, George. I think you can trust them, especially Sapnap. He even told you his real name and wanted you to call him with it. They are nice people, George." I eventually said what was on my mind quietly. After that, I patiently waited for his reply.

           "Yes. They are. But I don't deserve them, their kindness." He mumbled, I could see that his eyes started to tear up.

           "Of course you do. You deserve them and they deserve to know you better too. George, you deserve to be happy. You really do." 

           "But it's so hard, Dream. I don't wanna be betrayed and hurt again."

           "I know but you trust me, right?" I could see him nodding slowly and I patiently continued to talk. "You can do it, George. I will be here. We can get through it together, and we can add them too if you allow them. Let's take small steps together, okay? Will you believe in me, on us?" I could see that he was still hesitating. But he looked like he really considered what I just said.

           "Yes. I believe you, Dream."

           "Thank you. So, George, wanna step out from your safety zone with me?"

             He nodded slowly but I could tell that he was still scared. "You will be okay. I am here with you too. Take a deep breath for me, okay?" He nodded. I could see him focusing on his breathing more now. I decided to try and join on the breathing exercises, exaggerating my movement so I looked like I was breathing slowly. I could see him mirroring my breath patterns until he calmed down.

           "Ready?" I asked as I opened his Discord chat with Sapnap.


           "Don't worry, George. it's just Sapnap."

           "Yeah. It's just Sapnap." He repeated while staring at the Discord chat that I opened. He put his hand hesitantly on the keyboard and started typing. He looked down at me again which I responded with a nod and warm smile. Nodding determinedly, he finally sent the message



are you busy right now?

~Word Count : 2365~

I will received a request for you who want to see the moment where Dream as AI and George as his partner. If I find I can write it inside of my story I will put it with the story so feel free to request. Just leave the request on the bird comment below.


~Ruby Feynix~

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