A carriage ride trough Willin...

By AmandaBecker4933

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Sanditon Fanfiction; Another story of my "What if?" series. What if Sidney Parker was in the crashed carriage... More

The accident
smoothly shaved
the cool morning by the river
either side of the path
promise at the picnic
A carriage ride to Sanditon
A new houseguest
The ball
insightful dream
coolness of the heart
be alone together
I am happy

intensity of feelings

637 8 0
By AmandaBecker4933

As Charlotte watched Georgiana as she slowly slipped into a well-earned sleep, her thoughts gushed over the events of the previous night. The sheer fear for Georgiana's well-being gave her a strength that surpassed anything she had ever felt in a crisis situation. Her thoughts were clear and ordered. She could calm Sidney, who almost beat Otis, with a single glance, from fear and frustration. That his ward was in this horrible situation because of him. And this guy had truly claimed to love Georgiana. Charlotte felt stupid for ever beliving him.

But all these feelings, which she had not known until then, came back up inside her. The small nagging pain of jealousy when she learned in this "boarding house" that Sidney had been a guest there before and had paid for "love". Even though she didn't really know what was going on behind the doors, she knew that men did. She had often heard the term "indoor sports", especially in the hotel in Sanditon but also in the small inn in Willingden, when she picked up the mail and watched how the ladies left their work and accompanied the gentleman to his room. She was curious to find out exactly what Sidney had done there and why. His guilty look and the temporary loss of his language showed her a completely different side of him. He seemed exposed and embarrassed. He was ashamed and could barely stand her gaze until he blurred out "erm...later... I'll explain, if you really must know."

But the worst feeling was the all-pervading fear of losing him as he jumped from the speeding carriage onto the carriage of Georgiana's captors. In the blink of an eye, horrible scenarios penetrated her thoughts about what could have happened. If only he had made the slightest misstep! When he jumped off the coach box, her heart stopped for exactly this one beat until he landed safely on the other side and made the coach stop.

She would have loved to throw herself into his arms, but she suppressed this feeling and ran to Georgiana when he had freed her from the monster's clutches. Of course Georgiana needed her now, and she also needed the certainty of being able to hold her friend safely in her arms again. A penetrating look between them had to suffice for the time being, while the journey back to London was a silent one. Georgiana tried to stay strong, but could not help but fall asleep at some point when the events of the last few days took their toll.

Georgiana's calm breathing now in her bed in Bedfrod Place convinced Charlotte that she was fast asleep and this gave her the opportunity to leave the room. She desperately needed a tiny moment alone with him. She wanted to feel his strong arms around her and hear his heart beating. Feel that he was there. The fear she had felt for him penetrated her again, she had to feel him alive and tell him what she had felt. Charlotte never wanted to be separated from him again. She had to tell him that she felt the same as he did. That the need to marry him immediately and that to be close to him in every possible way was vital. When she heard him talking to Tom downstairs, she literally flew down the stairs.

Sidney was physically hurt not to be able to hold Charlotte in his arms, but he didn't want to show their love in front of a heartbroken Georgiana. After leaving the two ladies in the room, he went to Tom to briefly tell him what had happened. And although it was probably the biggest drama their family had ever experienced, Tom managed to talk about his much worse problems right away. Sidney reassured his brother by assuring him to pay for the workers.

"...and because of Mary, you must try everything to make her happy."

"Very wise brother!" giggled Tom, "it almost sounds like you know what you're talking about..."

"I hope I do, Tom."

"Oh, yeah? Who..."

"Charlotte!" he exclaimed and shocked not only his brother but also himself with the intensity with which he said her name.

"Our Charlotte?"

"Yes, Tom. She loves me." The warm feeling flooded through him as he thought of her words, still unbelieving that he was worth her love.

"And I love her." He got up and poured another port for his brother and himself.

"Oh, Sidney," a smile spread across Tom's face "since when?" Tom seemed stunned.

"I think, from the first moment we met."

Sidney laughed embarrassed for a moment and thought back to their first moment in Willingden as she hovered above him in the darkness of the carriage, with the glint in her warm eyes and the lovely voice of an angel. He hadn't understood it then and had been confused, but she had slowly worked her way into his heart and his walls of solid steel had begun to melt and that began the very first moment they met.

Suddenly the smile on Tom's face disappeared and gave way to a worried expression.

"But that means... you were out all night, unchaperoned... oh, and..."


"Reputation!" Tom suddenly shouted excitedly and jumped up to run up and down the room.

"But we're engaged, and I have her parents' permission."

"Not hers!" cried Tom, shaking his head and staring out the window "if this gets out, what will people think of us, they won't go to Sanditon!"

"Tom, this is nonsense!" Sidney couldn't believe what Tom had just said.

"The 'Cesspool of Sin Sanditon', no one will come! Babington's efforts are in vain!" He screamed desperately.

"Tom! Really!" shouted Sidney and touched his brother's arm briefly.

"If you travel through London married, it's all right, you must marry at once to save Sanditon!"

Even though Sidney longed with every fiber of his being to finally be married to Charlotte, Sanditon was really the last reason why he wanted to do it.

"You must convince her to do it," cried Tom as he turned to Sidney and desperately grabbed him by the arms and shook him.

"I will certainly not marry Charlotte here in London without her family." Sidney said calmly, looking for his brother's gaze, but it seemed a little distant.

"I don't care!" cried Tom, now completely out of his mind.

"You never do anything for me or Sanditon!" The words were unfair and untrue, yet they hurt. It was never enough! But Sidney said nothing and took a few steps back before turning to leave the room, he froze in his movement.


Shocked that she might have overheard the conversation, he tried to explain Tom's behaviour and to smooth things over as he approached her.

"He didn't mean it."

"I know, you do so much for Sanditon."

She noticed with an unreadable expression and looked for his gaze. There was some kind of glint in her eyes that Sidney couldn't quite make out.

"I meant the idea that you should marry without your family." He crouched his head and smiled slightly at her.

"I'm sorry, Charlotte!" cried Tom in his suddenly exuberant way.

She nodded shyly and looked at Tom with those big honest eyes and apparently they had a similar effect on Tom as they had on Sidney.

"I'm desperate that it might cast a bad light on Sanditon. I have problems..."

"I understand." She said calmly and nodded to him.

"When are you planning the wedding?" Tom asked as if he was really interested.

"As soon as we can," she replied with a smile and Sidney's heart lifted at the thought that she wanted it to happen as soon as possible, as well. Their eyes locked and their faces shone with love. The two of them forgot they were not alone in the room. Sidney reached for her hand.

"It takes time to get the papers..." Tom pondered and looked at his feet and sighed heavily as if it was a heavy burden for him to carry.

"I already have the papers..." Sidney remarked absent-mindedly and led her hand to his lips. He was about to kiss her knuckles, as Tom grabbeed his arm and stopped him.

"Then what are you waiting for?"

Sidney would love to shake his brother or even give him a slap in the face, he really couldn't be serious! The brothers stared at each other, then at Charlotte when she said...

"Yes, Sidney... what are you waiting for?"

The practical thing about having a lord as your best friend was not only that you could be invited to a really exclusive ball at short notice, but also that you could borrow a charming dress for your sweetheart from his sister. Babington had also organised and accomplished other important things which left him forever in his debt.

But as Charlotte glided quietly and enchantingly down the stairs, Sidney's mouth became completely dry. He had never been so convinced of one thing in his whole life as that there was definitely one person too many in the room at that moment. How he wished he could take her in his arms and kiss her. Her soft pink lips almost called his name as his eyes caught on them and he swayed closer as if pulled by a magnet.

But since Tom was standing behind him, all he could do was reach out to Charlotte and escort her outside. During the carriage ride, he stared at her cheek glowing with anticipation as she talked to Tom. How he would have loved to stroke the soft skin of her cheek with his knuckles, following the line of her neck with his fingertips, she now laid her head to one side as if she had heard his thoughts, making it appear even longer. Her excitement literally vibrated out of her and he clasped her hand a little tighter to show her that he was with her. Unfortunately, this was the only physical touch they had been able to do all day. They had not been left alone for a moment since Tom had learned they were in love.

No sooner had they entered the ballroom than Crow called their names and headed for the newcomers.

"Who is that spellbounded creature, Parker?" he shouted, leaning closer "since you're into that spunk little Charlotte, why don't you let me take this lady?" He licked his lips.

"Certainly not." Sidney whispered, clenching his jaw and the hand of Charlotte still clasping in his. Babington giggled softly beside Crow.

"That's her, you fool!" Babington shouted to him from behind.

"Oh, I had no idea!"

Later, after they had walked around the room advertising Sanditon, not one moment alone, without observing eyes on them, Sidney couldn't stand it any longer and slowly pulled Charlotte into a dark alcove. He smiled softly at her and leaned in terribly slowly until she broke the distance between them and pressed her lips lovingly onto his. Only a blink of an eye later they stood there tightly embraced and kissed each other deeply until Sidney broke away from her and stared feverishly into her eyes. He moved one step away from her.

"Charlotte..." he whispered and she smiled at him full of emotion at the sound of her name on his lips.


"May I have the next dance?"

The crackle between them was physically felt as they walked around each other and their eyes burned deep into each other's soul. They floated towards and away from each other, but still an invisible bond held them captive. The tingling in his hand as she slid hers into his flowed through his body, drawing her closer than it was proper. He pressed his spread hand into her narrow back. Sidney could feel the vibration of her trembling that his touch caused in her. Her slightly open lips cast their seductive spell on him, that he almost forgot himself and leaned closer.

The beguiling music touched every thread of his body, played every string of the instrument in his heart. Every touch and every movement intensified with the feeling of what seemed to come out of her eyes. She reflected him. The rhythm was slow, backwards, forwards, backwards, his forbidden thoughts whirled around, he felt as if she was already lying under him. He wanted to dive into her, love her with all his senses, become one with her. The sensual seduction blurred into a devoted rhythm.

She danced with a combination of elegance and passion, with a deep fire that blazed in her eyes. Her restraint seemed like a provocation and he completely succumbed to her charm when she smiled innocently at him before she let him whirl her around.

His arms tight around her as if she were in a solid cage, protected from the wickedness of the world. The warmth of his fingers gnawed through her clothes and burned on her skin. She longed for his hand on her skin without the disturbing clothes in between and she blushed deeply at the unseemly thought.

At that moment he pushed her away from him before he caught her again and it seemed to her as if he had come one step closer. She felt his leg between hers, it tickles in places she had only felt before when she kissed him. Charlotte wanted to seal this feeling deep inside her. It burned. Her stomach was tingling and she was almost dizzy from the intensity of his feelings he was blatantly throwing at her.

The ecstasy that penetrated both of them and could be seen on their faces almost made her stumble. They laughed and lost themselves in the feeling of happiness, until the heaviness of their deep feelings rushed across their faces again. Her feminine charms faded into the background as he lost himself completely in the feeling of holding her in his arms and pressing her hand over his heart. The hand on her back grabbed her more strongly, so that he elicited a small groan from her and he knew that her blood was also flowing. When the last sound of the melody faded away, he pressed her a little closer to him and he knew they could no longer suppress it. It was time.

She lowered her eyes, also to catch her breath again. It had been so intense that it seemed to her as if she was still being whirled around by him.

"Shall we go?"

He whispered into her ear and when goose bumps formed on her neck and the blush of her cheeks spread to her cleavage, Sidney could no longer control himself and, without waiting for her answer, pulled her behind him off the dance floor.

The two lovers were about to leave the dance hall when a clear, cold voice, which in the past could have immediately sent a cold shiver down his spine, called his name intimately. But he was happier at that moment than at any other time in his life, except perhaps the moment in Charlotte's room when she confessed her feelings to him.

"Ahh, Mrs. Campion."

He bowed briefly and was about to walk on with Charlotte by the hand without introducing the two women properly. He had to find out where those goose bumps and blushes were going, he had no more patience for any interruptions.

"Aren't you going to introduce me at all?" asked the blonde woman pointedly and Charlotte was a little baffled by the cold, almost impertinent tone.

"Oh, yes...erm Charlotte," he smiled enchantedly at the woman on his arm, pointing his head at the lady in front of him without leaving his gaze from Charlotte.

"This is Mrs Eliza Campion."

Charlotte curtsied and smiled kindly at the older woman. Still slightly fogged by the dance and his overpowering emotions, Sidney almost forgot the rest of the introduction and at the last moment stopped himself from just going.

A short jerk of his head was all Eliza got from him, for he just couldn't take his eyes off the golden angel next to him.

"Mrs Campion, this is Charlotte, my wife." His voice dripped with proud.

"You're married...?" Eliza almost choked on the words as Sidney interrupted her with an almost rude "excuse us."

No sooner had they arrived in Bedford Place than Charlotte began to pull the hairpins out of her hair, and by the time they climbed the stairs he had already stripped off his jacket and vest. When they arrived in his, or rather their bedchamber, she had completely stripped her aching scalp of all hair ornaments, Sidney helped her untangle the curls and also began to undo the buttons of her dress in a hurry as she got out of her shoes. She hardly had the chance to shiver at the light touch of his fingers, as he gave her a warm wet kiss on the back of her neck.

Sidney suddenly stood in front of her again with heated cheeks and his already unbuttoned shirt. Their eyes stuck together, with every movement that followed. Her delicate fingers reached for his shirt and pulled it out of his breeches. His hiss chased a jolt through her body.

His heart was about to burn as she touched him. Feather-light fingertips danced across his abdominal muscles that twitched under her heat. On his chest, she paused and put her hand over his hammering heart, it beat in unison with her pulsating body. Slowly she continued to stroke up on his shoulders and pushed the shirt off. She wiped it from his arms and then she intertwined her hands with his and rose to her toes to kiss him.

When they separated after a while, both breathed heavily and Sidney's fingers began his journey up her arms. They remained on her shoulders until his lips caressed the soft curve there and moved terribly slowly up her neck. The kisses became more desperate as he grabbed the dress with his long fingers and slowly stroked it down her upper arms. At first his eyes were still fixed on hers, but then he followed the path of the cloth that had caught on her curves. Charlotte sucked in the air as Sidney gently released the silk from her breasts without really touching them. He wiped it off her, and lingered a moment on her hips and kissed her lovingly on the mouth before he let his fingers and lips move further down. Her neck, her shoulders. He left out the delicate parts, he wanted to prepare her slowly for what was to come. But he could already see through the thin fabric of her undergarment that her body was already on fire.

Her breasts pressed almost painfully into the silky fabric of her chemise, as he slowly slipped down her body and burned every inch of her skin with tender kisses. The sight of him, with eyes closed and havy breathing, drove tears into her eyes.

Sidney lowered himself to his knees and pulled the dress down with him. He ran his knuckles over her thighs and her knees, which trembled slightly. There was a delicate feeling of silky skin under the thin fabric of her underdress.

The sight of him, this tall, broad man kneeling before her, flooded her with a wave of deep desire. His back muscles danced under his skin in the light of the fireplace as he gently stroked her legs up. She gasped loudly for breath as his long fingers slowly loosened the bands of her stockings. Sidney stroked her nacked calves tenderly as he looked up into her face.

And if her sight was not the most enchanting thing that had ever come before his eyes. In the glow of the flickering fire she stood in the golden puddle of her dress around her tiny ankles and smiled down at him, and he was so filled with love that his heart contracted almost painfully. Shocked at the realization that she felt the same way about him, when he saw the tears glistening in her eyes, it brought him to a sudden stop.

Their eyes remained locked together as he stood up and towered over her. His arms wrapped around her small waist as he tore open the already loose ribbons of her stays, tearing it almost violently from her body, which seemed to vibrate with desire, but her eyes were shining with love.

Charlotte felt completely safe and a warmth surrounded her as she reached out to him and touched is face tenderly, bevor she closed the gap and kissed him. Her heart pounded in unison with his as he picked her up and finally carried her to the bed.

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