Your Secret's Safe With Me

נכתב על ידי ithinkikindayaknow

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Another role play between @LibbyLou814 and I. (She's Nini and I'm Ricky, and we fill in for the rest). Nini S... עוד

Chapter 1: 42
Chapter 2: Dress Shopping
Chapter 3: Chloe
Chapter 4: Party Time
Chapter 5: "defending" Nini
Chapter 6: Why do you hate me?
Chapter 7: You Hurt Her
Chapter 8: The Real Ricky
Chapter 9: He's excited to see me!
Chapter 10: Honesty: Part 1
Chapter 11: Honesty: Part 2
Chapter 12: Five Guys
Chapter 13: Glasses Ricky
Chapter 14: Titanic
Chapter 15: Don't. Hurt. Nini.
Chapter 16: Baking Date
Chapter 17: Ej's Suspicious
Chapter 18: Beauty and the Beast
Chapter 19: Monster
Chapter 20: Chloe's Dance Show
Chapter 21: I'm Ricky Bowen
Bonus Chapters!
BC 2: Your Secerts Safe with Me
Hiding Behind Hatred

BC 1: Johanna

700 21 4
נכתב על ידי ithinkikindayaknow

**Time Skip* It's the next day, and Finnick just finished his chemistry class, and plans to go ask out Johanna.*
Finnick: *Oh my gosh what am I doing?! She's never gonna say yes! I should have never decided to do this in the first place. And- wait, no. I promised Nini I would and I told her I'd try to live a little. You know what, you got this Finnick, just walk on over and ask. You can do it, you can do it. Do it for Nini, do it for Nini* *I walk over to Johanna* Hi Johanna
Johanna: Oh hey Finnick! How are you?
Finnick: I-I'm good. *oh my goodness, man up!* How are you?
Johanna: I'm good. I'm honestly ready for the semester to be over though
Finnick: *laughs* Same, it's getting a little bit stressful
Johanna: a little bit... more like a lot a bit! You must be crazy smart Finnick *laughs*
Finnick: Oh *laughs* I guess you're right, a lot a bit stressful
Johanna: so what's up? Do you need something?
Finnick: Oh, um I just wanted to ask you if you would be interested in uh, going on a date with me. Like this Saturday or something
Johanna: oh let me check my schedule... Mmm looks like I'll be busy going on a date with this boy named Finnick *smiles*
Finnick: Oh that's okay- wait, that's me *laughs* Sorry, I was just really nervous
Johanna: no need to be nervous *laughs* count me in! Where are we going?
Finnick: Um I was thinking like Olive Garden. Unless you're like gluten free or something, because it would suck to not be able to have any bread sticks *laughs a little*
Johanna: oh I'm so in! The bread sticks are the BEST part.... I mean you really can't go wrong at all. 7 okay?
Finnick: Yeah, Perfect. Um can I get your number?
Johanna: Yeah of course *I type it in your phone*
Yeah of course
Finnick: Thanks, so I'll pick you up Saturday at 7?
Johanna: perfect! I'll text you my address
Finnick: Sounds great, I'll see you later Johanna
Johanna: bye Finnick!
Finnick: *Oh my god I did it! I actually asked her out! Oh, I have to tell Nina! *I get back to my dorm and call Nina*
Nini: Hey Finny what's up?
Finnick: I asked her out Nini
Nini: JOHANNA?! Oh my gosh what did she say!?
Finnick: She said yes...
Nini: FINNY! I'm so happy for you!! You deserve someone to make you happy instead of just dealing with my stupid emotions all the time *laughs*
Finnick: Hey, your emotions aren't stupid, you just have a lot of them *laughs*
Nini: that's true *laughs* so what's the plan? Where are you taking her?
Finnick: This Saturday, I'm taking her to Olive Garden
Nini: ooooo Olive Garden! You know I'm a sucker for Olive Garden. I'll have to get Ricky to take me one day
Finnick: I bet he will *laughs*
Nini: yeah? *laughs* well, you'll have to tell me all about your date
Finnick: Of course *laughs* So, how are you?
Nini: I'm good, great actually. Ricky just left. We just worked on homework then we played uno. I didn't get to see Chloe today though, so that's kind of sad
Finnick: Oh Chloe, she cracks me up *laughs* Did you win uno?
Nini: I won the 1st round, then he won the rest. I kind of think he was just goin easy on me *laughs*
Finnick: *laughs* At least you won once
Nini: this is true *laughs*
Finnick: *laughs* Um I have a question
Nini: what's up?
Finnick: How do you um, flirt with a girl. I haven't really been on a date since like sophomore year *laughs*
Nini: your asking the wrong person *laughs* you know I've never had a boyfriend till Ricky!
Finnick: *laughs* Well what do girls like in a guy? What do you want to hear I guess?
Nini: oh my gosh Finny *laughs* Um, I like when Ricky talks about Chloe, it shows he's a loving brother and cares so much for the other people in his life.
Finnick: So should I talk about you?
Nini: do whatever you want. Whatever feels right in the moment. Just ask her questions, get to know her a little better... maybe throw in a joke or two.
Finnick: Oh, you know I'm the master of comedy *laughs*
Nini: *laughs* Sometimes.
Finnick: *laughs* Okay, well I have some work to do so I'm gonna have to let you go Nina
Nini: okay! I love you Finny! Bye!
Finnick: Bye Nina! Love you too *hangs up*
Finnick: *I could ask... no that's so weird, but- Do I do it? I mean, it's not like we'll start fighting again. We're good now.*
*Texts Ricky* Hey Ricky. So, today I asked out the girl I was talking about yesterday and I wanted to see if you could help me a little. You see, I haven't been on a date since like Sophomore year and I was wondering, how do you like, flirt with a girl? It sounds kinda odd for me to ask this but I genuinely don't know what I should do. So any tips would be appreciated lol
Ricky: *texts* Oh um, hey Finnick. 1st if all I'm happy for you man. You deserve someone that makes you happy. I um, I'm sorry, are you asking me how to flirt?
Finnick: Yeah I am. I know it sounds stupid but I honestly don't know how to. And I'm assuming that you do
Ricky: *texts* well, are you asking what I did with Nini? Because we just kind of hated each other till we didn't lol. I introduced her to Chloe and she pretty much did the "flirting" for me
Finnick: *texts* That's exactly what she said lol. I just assumed you knew things from before her
Ricky: *texts* I never really a girlfriend before Nini.... they were all.... girls that I- that's not important. Um, just be yourself man. I know that sounds weird coming from me, but seeing how you were right up and ready to protect Nini and how you call her each day just to check on her... those are the kind of things that make you special. Just be yourself
Finnick: *texts* Okay thanks. I'm low-key really nervous for Saturday though. I don't know why I am but I just feel like I'm gonna mess up or something
Ricky: where are you taking her?
Finnick: Olive Garden
Ricky: oh! I love Olive Garden! I'll have to take Nini one day. Don't be nervous, there's no need. I legit got on top of the lunch table and shared everything I planned on keeping hidden for going on like 5 years. You will be fine lol. If you see she's not into something your doing, then just switch it up. Don't worry about it
Finnick: Thanks man, I appreciate it. Also, Nina LOVES olive garden. It's probably her favorite place in the world. If she's ever sad or mad for whatever reason, Olive Garden is the way to cheer her up.
Ricky: oh really? Awesome! I'll have to take her! Thanks Finnick
Finnick: You're welcome. Thanks for the advice, I'll have to tell you guys how it goes on Saturday
Ricky: yes please do!
Finnick: Tell Chloe I say hello!
Ricky: haha I will! She basicaly worships the Salzar-Robert's hah
Finnick: She's absolutely adorable lol. Thanks again man. Bye Ricky
Ricky: bye

**Time Skip* It's Saturday night, and Finnick is about to pick up Johanna for their date.
Finnick: *I walk up to her door* *Ok you got this. Just chill out and be yourself and you'll do fine, okay? Here goes nothing* *I knock on your door*
Johanna: *through the door* and don't you dare lock me out! *I open the door* Finnick, hey
Finnick: *Holy shit she looks incredible! Oh my god she had no right to be this stunning* Hi Johanna. You look- absolutely beautiful.
Johanna: oh thanks *laughs* you don't look so bad yourself. Sorry, that was my room mate. She likes to hide the hidden key under the mat... so much fun *rolls eyes and laughs*
Finnick: *laughs* You're all good. So, are you ready to go?
Johanna: absolutely!
Finnick: *we walk down and get in my car and drive to the restaurant. We get a table and sit down* So, tell me about yourself, Johanna
Johanna: oh um, mmm let's see. I have 3 older sisters, all graduated and off doing life and 1 brother in middle school. I love superhero's, and hate cartoons. I'm studying to be a cardiologist. I attend Stanford university, and am currently on a date with this super cute guy.
Finnick: *smiles* Sounds like you think I'm cute
Johanna: huh? Did I say that?
Finnick: I'm pretty sure you did
Johanna: that's right, I did. Your turn, guy I think is cute, tell me about yourself
Finnick: Well, I'm your average nerd *laughs* I graduated high school early and I'm studying to be a pediatrician at Stanford University. I love any sort of dystopian/ sci-fi movie. I have one younger sister and she's a junior in high school and she's the light of my life. I would practically do anything for her. She went through a hard break up and let me tell you, even though I live in California, I was half tempted to fly to Salt Lake and beat the crap out of the kid *laughs* But otherwise, I'm just your average student trying to get through medical school.
Johanna: sounds like your sister means a lot to you
Finnick: Yeah, I don't know what I'd do without her. She's been my best friend my whole life
Johanna: that's so sweet! I can only wonder what that awful boyfriend of hers did
Finnick: *laughs* The funny thing is, they're back together now. Nina and I are both Absolute geeks and pretty smart. So, her boyfriend, before they started dating, was like this total douche that she hated. And then she was assigned to tutor him because he was pretty um, dumb I don't know. But then they kinda became friends and it turns out he was this total geek that was exactly like her, just a male version. But he hid it from everyone in fear of being bullied again. So, they dated in secret until they broke up because he wasn't ready to tell people yet and she was done hiding. But then infront of everyone he admitted who he truly was and that he loved her and now they're happy then ever *laughs* Sorry to um bore you with my sisters love life. I got kinda carried away their
Johanna: Damn. Now that's a story *laughs*. Now, let's focus on our story... what do you like most, in a girl I mean.
Finnick: Umm, I mean I think I'm one to look more towards personality and heart than looks I guess. Don't get me wrong, you're beautiful, I just don't think looks are what makes someone attractive. I like someone who is confident about themselves, humorous, caring to others, witty, loving, and someone that'll just bring a smile to your face when you hear their voice.
Johanna: seems to me like your smiling
Finnick: You're not wrong
Johanna: mmmm *smiles* so tell me, why pick a girl like me? Your a good looking guy, get good grades I assume, and whatever else. Why choose someone like me to take on a date?
Finnick: Well for starters, you're like insanely smart and won't make fun of me for my nerd tendencies *laughs* You are one of the nicest people I think I've met and a long time and from the second I saw you enter class for the first time, I was instantly drawn to you. Your smile makes me want to smile, your laugh makes my heart skip a beat, and like I said, you're so very beautiful. So yeah, that's why
Johanna: gonna be honest, I was not expecting that kind of answer. I thought I'd get a "you're pretty" or "you seem nice" so wow, thank you.
Finnick: Yeah, of course. Sorry if I um over do it. I haven't been on a date in like 4 years *laughs*
Johanna: 4 years?! Dang. Let's see, I haven't been on a date in *I count on my fingers* ever.
Finnick: No way! You've never been on a date before?!
Johanna: nope! My sisters ushally stole that thunder.
Finnick: That's crazy to me, how could anyone not want to take you out, you're amazing!
Johanna: oh, *laughs* thanks. I just get all caught up in school stuff or whatever
Finnick: Same, I tend to drown myself in school work a lot *laughs*
Johanna: well, we got that in common! Perfect!
Finnick: *laughs* A match made in heaven
Johanna: *laughs* you're full of super cliche catch lines... I like it
Finnick: *smiles* Thanks. I try my hardest to not be boring *laughs*
Johanna: your doing just fine... I'm not bored in the slightest
Finnick: I'm glad you're having a good time, I am as well

**Time Skip* Finnick and Johanna are heading back from they're date and he's dropping her off at her place
Finnick: I had a lot of fun tonight
Johanna: me too... as far at 1st dates ago... and for me it's my 1st 1st date.... I think you did really well. I grade you a 99%
Finnick: Why thank you *laughs* Is their anyway I'd be able to get it up to a 100%?
Johanna: oh for sure
Finnick: And how can I achieve that?
Johanna: You kiss me goodnight
Finnick: *smiles* Gladly *I kiss you*
Johanna: *i kiss back*
Finnick: *after a few seconds I pull away* How did I do?
Johanna: for my first kiss... not that bad
Finnick: That was your first?
Johanna: No *laughs* Let's just say you're up to a 110%
Finnick: *smiles* I like the way you grade
Johanna: yeah?
Finnick: Definitely
Johanna: well, goodnight finnick
Finnick: Wait, Johanna
Johanna: mm?
Finnick: Would you consider going on another date with me, and or possibly being my girlfriend?
Johanna: Yes... and... yes. *smiles*
Finnick: Really?
Johanna: really
Finnick: Oh thank god, I was nervous you were gonna say no for a sec *laughs*
Johanna: nope. i'll see you soon Finn
Finnick: Goodnight Johanna
Johanna: *I find the key under the mat and yell* she didn't hide it *laughs* bye!
Finnick: *laughs* *I drive back to my dorm and call Nini*
Nini: Hey Finny, I'm with Ricky right now could I call you later?
Finnick: Um sure, but I just got back from my date
Nini: Oh nevermind please continue!
Finnick: *laughs* She's amazing Nina, Absolutely incredible
Nini: Oh my gosh... I'm so happy for you! Could I put you on speaker phone or facetime me or something. Ricky wants to hear the story *laughs*
Finnick: Yeah, hold on *I hang up and FaceTime her* I'm back!
Ricky: Hey Finnick
Finnick: Hey Ricky! What are you guys up to?
Nini: we are at Ricky's house and me, Ricky, and Chloe are playing monopoly. Chloe's got the most properties and is definitely winning but.... stop distracting me! How did your date go?
Finnick: *laughs* It was better than I could have expected. She's so funny and just a lovely person to talk to. We have a lot in common, specifically with drowning ourselves in work and she loved that I care so much about Nina. We talked about school and all that fun stuff. Then, I took her back to her place and I may have kissed her...
Nini: FINNY! Yes! Ugh im so happy for you!
Finnick: *laughs* Thanks Nina. I'm pretty happy too
Ricky: so talking about Nini worked?
Finnick: Yeah, she thought that it was sweet that my sister means so much to me. But also just being myself worked nicely too
Nini: Ricky, how did you know he talked about me?
Ricky: oh I uh- *I look at Finnick*
Finnick: I asked Ricky for some advice about girls *laughs* I figured he'd know more than me
Nini: *hits Ricky lightly* why didn't you tell me by brother came to you for girl advice.
Ricky: well, I kinda figured he told you and well, I didnt know if he wanted me to tell you
Finnick: Don't hurt him Nina *laughs* It was just a text don't worry
Ricky: yeah, Nini chill
Nini: oh shut up
Ricky: *laughs*
Nini: so now what? did you guys stick a label on it? is a 2nd date planned?
Finnick: Well, I asked her if she would be interested in going on a second date and if after that, she'd consider Being my girlfriend. And... I got a yes to both!
Nini: thats awesome!
Finnick: Yeah, I'm so happy she said yes. I think you'd like her Nina, she's a lot like you
Nini: Really? how so?
Finnick: She's really sweet and she loves school. She's also just always smiling and knows exactly what to say to cheer you up
Nini: why did you need cheering up? was somebody nervous?
Finnick: Maybe..
Nini: no need to be nervous! just be youself!
Ricky: thats what I said!
Finnick: That's exactly what I did and I think she liked it
Nini: well I'm so happy for you
Chloe: *runs in the room* okay I'm back! whos turn is- is that Finnick?
Finnick: Hi Chloe!
Chloe: Hi Finnick! how was you date? Ricky told me your were goin on a date
Finnick: It was awesome Chloe! Johanna and I are even gonna go on a second one!
Chloe: thats so cool!
Nini: sorry, theres a lot goin on right now. If you want to talk later, I can call you later tonight or tomorrow morning
Finnick: No, you're okay. Enjoy your night with the Bowens. There's not much left to the story anyways *laughs*
Nini: well, keep me updated!
Finnick: I promise I will. Goodnight everyone!
Ricky: bye Finnick
Chloe: bye
Nini: I love you Finny
Finnick: Love you too Nina! *I hang up*

I hope y'all like this little spin off! Just one chapter left!
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