I Know What Comes With This G...

By SymbioticSpider616

225K 5K 4.9K

Y/N L/N, A boy who was born with a powerful Quirk, but has suffered through so much pain and loss in his life... More

Chapter 1: Origin
Chapter 2: Start Line
Chapter 3: The First Day
Chapter 4: Combat Training
Chapter 5: Izuku vs Katsuki
Chapter 6: The Spider vs the Bird and the Frog
Chapter 7: Class Rep
Chapter 9: Evolve or Die
Chapter 10: The Other
Chapter 11: That's the Idea, Ochaco
Chapter 12: Roaring Sports Festival
Chapter 13: In Their Own Quirky Ways
Chapter 14: Strategy, Strategy, Strategy
Chapter 15: Cavalry Battle Finale
Chapter 16: The Girl Born With Everything
Chapter 17: Victory or Defeat
Chapter 18: Battle On, Challengers!
Chapter 19: Katsuki vs Ochaco
Chapter 20: Izuku vs Shoto
Chapter 21: Fight On
Chapter 22: Y/N vs Katsuki
Chapter 23: Save! Rescue Training
Chapter 24: Time to Pick Some Names

Chapter 8: Encounter With the Unknown

9.7K 268 213
By SymbioticSpider616

The villains began to slowly walk towards the stairs while the villain with multiple severed hands and the monster stayed back.

???: The only real heroes I see are Thirteen and Eraser Head. Perplexing. According to the schedule we retrieved from U.A.

Suddenly a pair of glowing yellow eyes appeared at the top of the fog, revealing to also be a villain.

Fog Villain: All Might should be here as well.

Shota: So you scumbags used the press as a cover and sneaked onto campus.

Hand Villain: Where is he? I went through the trouble of bringing so many friends who're eager to meet him. They want All Might. The great Symbol of Peace. I can't believe he's not here. Maybe if I kill a few kids, he'll come out to play.

Eijiro: What? Real villains? No way. How could so many of 'em get into U.A. facility this secure?

Momo: Yeah, Thirteen. Why aren't the alarms going off?

Thirteen: Good question. I'm not sure.

Shoto: Is the entire campus under attack? Or is this their only target? Either way, if the alarm sensors aren't being triggered, then one of these villains must have a quirk that's masking their presence here. They carefully chose this isolated facility as an entry point at a time when a class was being taught. They're fools for trespassing here, but they've thought this out. Whatever their plan, they must have a concrete objective in mind. But what is it?

The students just continued to stand in place, not knowing what to do.

Shota: Thirteen, get them out of here. And alert the main campus.

He said as he walked forward, preparing to fight.

Shota: Actually, if they've got the ability to block our sensors then they might be jamming our regular communications too. Kaminari, try using your quirk to contact the school.

Denki: Yes, sir.

He said before trying to use a white earpiece that was on his right ear.

Izuku stepped forward and looked at Shota with concern.

Izuku: What're you going to do? You can't fight them on your own! There's too many of 'em. Even if you can nullify their quirks, your fighting style's not suited for this. Your power works best in stealth and one-on-one fights. That's not gonna help with a group.

Shota: You can't be a pro if you only have one trick.

He said as he continued looking at the villains.

Shota: I'll leave it to you, Thirteen.

He said before jumping into the air and down the stairs.

Random Male Villain 1: Shooting squad, take your aim!

A villain said as he aimed his gun barrel-like fingers at Shota while two other villains joined him.

Random Female Villain 1: Didn't our intel say it was just gonna be Thirteen and All Might out here? Who's that?

She said as her hair lifted into the air.

Random Male Villain 2: Don't recognize him. But if he thinks he can take us down easy, he's dead!

Shota landed and began running towards them with his scarf in his hands.

The villains then aimed their quirks at him.

Shooting squad: Let's gun him down!

Before they could fire, Shota used his quirk on all of them, canceling theirs.

Random Male Villain 1: Uh! My quirk!

Random Male Villain 2: Where're my bullets?

They were all then suddenly wrapped in Shota's scarf before being lifted into the air and getting their hands slammed against each other, knocking them out.

The other villains gasped in surprise.

Random Male Villain 3: Idiots! That's Eraser Head! A pro! He can cancel your quirks just by looking at you!

Random Male Villain 4: Cancelation?

A villain, who appeared to have rock-like skin and four arms.

Random Male Villain 4: Bet you can't erase the quirk of a heteromorphic type like me, can you!?

He said as he ran towards Shota and jumped into the air.

Shota: Yeah. You're right.

He said as he dodged the villain's punches before delivering one of his own to the villain's face, sending him back before Shota threw and wrapped his scarf around the villain's right leg.

Shota: But a villain like you is only dangerous if you can reach me.

He said before quickly dodging the punch of another male villain behind him and kicking him into two other villains, making them all fall.

He then pulled down on his scarf, launching the four-armed villain at the three on the ground.

Shota then turned his attention to the remaining villains.

Shota: Now, which one of you gutter punks is next?

Hand Villain: There he goes, trying to intimidate us. He is strong, and since he's hiding behind those goggles, you can't tell whose quirk he's erasing. He's making it hard for us to work together or rely on each other's powers.

A female villain tried using her quirk to make her pigtails into drills but was suddenly canceled out by Shota before he kicked her in the face, wrapped his scarf around the male villain next to her, and pulled him in close before elbowing him in the face.

Hand Villain: How annoying. The worst thing about dealing with pros is when they live up to all their hype.

He said as he scratched his neck.

Shota then wrapped his scarf around a male leech villain, making the villain yelp in fright before getting pulled in.

From atop the stairs, Thirteen began leading the students out of the facility while Izuku stayed back and watched Shota fight the villains.

Izuku: He's holding them off. I guess I shouldn't have underestimated him.

As she continued to look, a web line was suddenly shot at her back before she was quickly pulled away, making her yelp in surprise.

She was then caught in the arms of  Y/N before being set down on her feet.

Y/N: Sorry, Midoriya, but we need to go!

She nodded in understanding before they began to run with the others.

A circle of fog suddenly appeared on the floor ahead of them and the fog villain appeared, making everyone immediately stop.

Fog Villain: There is no escape for you.

Shota looked back at them from the corner of his eye.

Shota: *Thoughts* Damn. I blinked and the guy who seems like the most trouble got away.

He kicked a villain in the face before trying to get to them, only to be blocked by multiple villains.

Fog Villain: It's a pleasure to meet you. We are the League of Villains. I know it's impolite, but we decided to invite ourselves into this haven of justice to say hello. And besides, isn't this a fitting place for All Might, the Symbol of Peace, to take his last breath? I believe he was supposed to be here today and yet I see no sign of him. There must've been some sort of change in plans we could not have foreseen. Ah, well, in the end, I suppose it doesn't matter. I still have a role to play.

Thirteen aimed her index finger at him, but before she could use her quirk, Katsuki and Eijiro suddenly jumped forward and attacked him.

Eijiro threw a punch before Katsuki released an explosion at him, creating a big cloud of smoke.

They both smirked.

Eijiro: Did ya think we were just gonna stand around and let you tear this place to shreds?

The smoke cleared to reveal that their attack did not affect him.

Fog Villain: You live up to your school's reputation. But you should be more careful, children. Otherwise, someone might get hurt.

Thirteen: You two, get out of the way, right now!

Fog Villain: I'll scatter you across this facility to meet my comrades and your deaths!

He said as he quickly began to cover the entire area in his fog.

Eijiro: Crap! What is this!?

Everyone tried to block as strong winds were being blown their way.

Tenya grabbed onto Ochaco and Rikido jumped out of the area with the help of his quirk while Mezo knelt and covered Mina and Hanta with his arms in an attempt to protect them from the fog.

Y/N was about to jump out of the area, but before he did, he saw Toru get pulled into the fog as she screamed in fright.

Y/N: Hagakure!

He then quickly jumped into the fog after her and suddenly appeared high up in the air in a different location of the facility and began falling.

Y/N: *Thoughts* Where am I!?

He suddenly heard the screams of Toru and quickly looked around and saw that she was ahead and below him.

Y/N then straightened his body and began diving after her, quickly catching up.

Y/N: Come on!

As soon as he got close enough, he grabbed onto her and pulled her in close.

Toru: Y/N!?

Y/N: It's okay! I got-!

His Spider-Sense suddenly went off, making him look forward and see that they were heading straight towards the roof of a destroyed building.

Y/N: Oh, Shock, this is gonna hurt! Brace for impact!

He then quickly turned so that his back was facing the direction of the building and covered Toru with his body as best as he could before they crashed through the roof of the building, came out the side, and slid against a road.

Everything was quiet until Y/N let out a groan in pain.

Y/N: ...Ow.

He then opened his arms and looked at Toru.

Y/N: Hagakure, are you okay?

He asked, worried.

She then pushed herself up and looked at him.

Toru: Why are you the one asking that!?

Y/N: I'll take that as a yes.

They both then got up off the ground and began to look at their surroundings.

Toru: Where are we?

She asked him.

Y/N: Looks like a destroyed city.

He answered before turning his attention to her.

Y/N: Come on, we should try and regroup with the others.

He suggested.

Toru: Right.

She agreed as she pumped her fists.

They both began walking, trying to find a way out of the area, when Y/N suddenly felt his Spider-Sense go off again, making him widen his eyes.

He quickly turned to Toru and pushed her out of the way before a tall, muscular man with a scorpion tail and green armor burst through a wall of a building to their right and tackled Y/N to the ground.

Y/N: Hide, Hagakure!

Toru hesitantly did as he said, hid behind the corner of a building, and watched as Y/N fought the villain.

The villain looked down at Y/N before focusing on the spider symbol on his chest and smirking.

Scorpion Villain: A scorpion and a spider. What are the chances?

He said before lifting his tail and aiming it at Y/N's head, but as he thrust it forward, Y/N quickly moved his head out of the way and kicked the villain off before quickly kicking himself up, jumping over the villain and webbing his tail to his back.

Y/N quickly looked to his right and saw a fallen streetlight nearby.

He quickly shot a web line at it and pulled it towards himself before catching it and running back toward the villain with it in his hands.

Y/N: Weak!

He yelled before smashing it against the villain's back.

Y/N: Puny!

He yelled as he used his right arm to redirect a right hook from the villain before using his left arm to punch him in the back.

The villain then tried to swing his right arm back, but Y/N quickly ducked under it.

Y/N: Waste of life!

Y/N then threw a right hook of his own, sending the villain back and making him do a backflip.

The villain barely had enough time to get up before Y/N ran in and punched him across the face with his right fist.

Y/N: Pathetic excuse for an arachnid!

Y/N then turned to his right and elbowed him across the face with his right arm, making the villain turn around before Y/N grabbed him from under his left arm and threw him.

Toru just watched in shock and amazement at how Y/N was completely dominating the villain.

Scorpion Villain: A little help!?

The villain called out before Y/N's Spider-Sense went off again.

Suddenly, a giant lizard villain jumped off a nearby building and landed on the ground.

Toru stared in fear before another villain suddenly landed behind her.

She quickly turned around to see a man with bird-like hands and feet along with black wings under both of his arms wearing a red jacket, pants, and mask that covered the bottom half of his face.

The villain began sniffing the air before suddenly turning to her, making her flinch in fright.

The villain then pulled down his mask, revealing to have no lips, just razor-sharp teeth.

Bird Villain: Come here, girl.

He told her, making Toru run from her hiding spot and into the open.

Y/N crashed into the side of a car before seeing the bird villain chasing Toru down a street.

Y/N: Hagakure!

The scorpion villain got his tail free from Y/N's webbing before turning around and seeing the same thing.

He smiled evilly before joining in the chase.

Y/N: *Thoughts* NO!

Y/N quickly got up from the car as the lizard villain jumped at him with his mouth wide open.

Y/N then jumped over him, making the villain bite into the car before Y/N webbed his head in place.

As soon as Y/N landed, he immediately began to chase after the villains before they could reach Toru.

The scorpion villain was quickly gaining on Toru before Y/N suddenly ran up from his right and tackled him down.

The villain got up and tried to stab him with his tail, but Y/N quickly grabbed it before using it to lift him and slam him back into the ground.

Y/N then quickly turned around as the bird villain tried to jump at him from behind and grabbed the villain by the throat with his right hand before yanking him towards himself, releasing his grip from his throat, and punching him in the back of his head with his left fist, making the villain stumble past him.

Y/N then quickly spun to his right and hit the villain in the head again with his right forearm before wrapping his arm around the villain's neck, making the villain bend backward while the scorpion villain got back up and jumped at Y/N from behind, but Y/N quickly turned to his left and kicked him away with his left leg.

Y/N then turned back to the bird villain and used his left hand to grab the front of his torso and used his right hand to grab his back before flipping him upside down and lifting him into the air.

Y/N then released his grip and used his right leg to kick the villain in the chin, making him flip and fly forward before hitting the ground.

Toru continued to run until she saw a car and hid behind it before looking back at Y/N, who was beginning to get overwhelmed by the villains.

Scorpion Villain: You think the three of us can't handle you!?

He rhetorically asked.

Y/N ran towards him and uppercut him away with his left fist, but the bird villain quickly jumped forward and slashed Y/N across the face with the claws of his right hand, making him stumble back before the lizard villain grabbed Y/N by the head with his left hand, lifted him into the air, and bit into the right side of his ribs, crushing them and making him bleed.

Y/N grunted in pain before using his right elbow to hit the villain in his left eye, making him drop him, but the bird villain quickly slashed at the back of Y/N's left shoulder with his left hand, making Y/N stumble to the right before trying to swing his left arm back at him, but the villain grabbed him by the wrist with right hand and slashed him across the chest with his left before backing away and punching him across the face with his left fist, making Y/N stumble backward before the scorpion villain suddenly shoulder charged him from behind and wrapped his tail tightly around his neck, choking him.

The scorpion villain then lifted him into the air and turned around before slamming him into the ground and releasing him.

Y/N quickly got up, but the scorpion villain used the stinger of his tail to slash upward across the left side of his face and eye, cutting in deeply, ripping the left side of his mask, and partially blinding him.

Toru: Y/N!

She yelled as she stared in horror.

Y/N struggled to get back up, but as soon as he did, the bird villain spit an acidic liquid in his face, burning him and making him stumble backward before the scorpion villain came up from behind him and elbowed him in the face with his right arm.

The lizard villain then picked up an entire car and swung it against Y/N's body, sending him flying backward into the air before crashing down.

Y/N laid on the ground and spat out some blood along with a tooth while the villains slowly began walking towards him.

Scorpion Villain: If you weren't such a pest I would've made your little friend's death quick and painless, but now that you've really pissed me off, I'm gonna finish her nice and slow.

He said as he smiled evilly.

Y/N pushed himself up and got on one knee while he had his back turned to them.

Y/N: You'll never lay a finger on her.

His right lens faded to black and a glowing red dot appeared in the center before he suddenly raised both of his arms and released his top stingers.

Y/N: I'll take you all on!

He then turned around and charged at them.

The bird villain jumped at him, but Y/N quickly spun to his right and went behind him before stabbing his right stinger through the back of his right shoulder.

He then quickly took it out and replaced it with his left stringer before turning to his right and slashing the lizard villain across the face as he dragged and threw the bird villain forward.

He then got behind the lizard villain and used his left stinger to slash him across the back before swinging it back to slash him across his right calf and swinging it back again to slice off his tail.

Y/N quickly retracted his stinger and grabbed the tail with his right hand and threw it at the scorpion villain who wasn't expecting it and fell backward as it crashed into him.

The bird villain ran back in but was slashed across the face by Y/N's right stinger before said person spun to his right and slashed the lizard villain, who was now behind him, across the chest with his left stinger.

The attack made the bird villain spin around to his left and he began preparing to shoot Y/N with more of his acid saliva, but Y/N quickly jumped forward and stabbed his right stinger into the villain's left hand before rolling across the villain's back, making him unintentionally spit his acid at the lizard villains chest, making him roar in pain.

After Y/N was off the bird villain's back and was facing the opposite direction, he pulled his right arm, which still had the stinger in the bird villain's hand, forward, making the villain stumble back and get behind him while Y/N quickly pulled the stinger out and turned back around to the lizard villain before aiming his right arm and shooting out his right stinger at the villain's right thigh, making him roar in more pain.

Y/N then quickly turned back to the other two villains and ran at them.

The bird villain tried throwing a right hook, but Y/N stopped it with his left arm before grabbing the villain's left shoulder with his right hand and head-butting him, sending him back and making him fall to the ground.

Y/N turned around to see the scorpion villain launch his tail at him, but Y/N quickly moved to the right, dodging it, before grabbing his tail with his right hand and ripping off his stinger with his left, making the villain yell in pain before Y/N threw away the scorpion stinger, ran up to him, and stabbed him in the left side of his torso with his left stinger, making the villain fall to his knees before Y/N pulled his stinger out and stabbed through villain's left shoulder.

The villain tried to get back up, but as soon he looked up, Y/N punched him back down with his right fist, making him spit out blood before uppercutting him into the air with both of his fists.

The lizard villain tried to throw a right hook, but Y/N quickly stopped it by blocking it with his left arm before grabbing ahold of it and quickly raising his right arm with his claws now extended and used them to cut off his arm.

Lizard Villain: My Arm!

Y/N then grabbed ahold of the villain's severed arm with both hands before swinging against the villain's head.

The bird villain got to his feet and stared at Y/N in fear as he saw him beat the lizard villain with his own arm.

He then jumped up and began flapping his wings, trying to fly away from the fight.

Y/N hit the lizard villain with the arm again, making the villain fly back before Y/N dropped the arm and jumped towards the bird villain and sank his right claws in his right arm as he tried to fly away.

The villain yelled in pain and fright as Y/N quickly pulled himself up and placed both of his hands on the sides of the villain's head before using his Venom Blast to electrocute him, making the villain scream in pain before passing out and beginning to fall.

Y/N then jumped off the villain and landed back on the ground while the villain crashed down.

Y/N slowly stood back up and looked around him to see all the villains on the ground, unconscious.

He then quickly shot webbing all over them, holding them in place.

He breathed heavily and his eye faded back to normal before he suddenly grunted in pain and fell to one knee and held the right side of his ribs, where the lizard villain had bitten him.

Toru: Y/N!

She got up from behind the car and ran to him, but when she got close she covered her mouth with her hands in shock as she now had a clear view of how serious his injuries were.

She then began to cry.

Toru: I'm sorry! I'm so sorry I couldn't help you!

Y/N slowly looked up at her.

Y/N: It's... okay.

Toru looked at him.

Y/N: I'm just... glad... you're safe.

He struggled to say as he tried to smile.

Toru: Y/N...

Y/N then attempted to stand up before grunting in pain and falling back down.

Toru: Y/N, what're you doing!?

Y/N: The others... need help.

Toru: You need help! Just stay down!

Y/N: I can... endure it... and as long... as I'm still.... breathing...

He began to rise.

Y/N: I refuse... to stay down!

He got back up on his feet before he began spraying webs on his wounds, stopping the bleeding.

He then looked back at Toru.

Y/N: Come on, I'm not leaving you here.

Toru looked at him in shock and amazement at how determined he was before nodding.

Toru: Okay, but please be careful.

She said in concern.

Y/N: I can't make any promises, but I'll try.

They both began walking with Toru on his right until they saw another area that had a huge lake with a ship and multiple villains surrounding it.

Y/N looked closely and saw that Izuku and Tsuyu were standing on the ship's balcony.

Y/N: It's Midoriya and Tsu!

Toru: It is? I can barely see anything from this distance.

She turned to him.

Toru: How are we gonna get to them?

Y/N stared at the ground for a moment before closing his eye.

Y/N: *Thoughts* This is probably an incredibly terrible idea.

He then turned to Toru and placed his right arm around her back and his left arm behind her knees before lifting her.

Toru: Y/N, what're you doing?

Y/N took a deep breath.

Y/N: *Thoughts* This is gonna hurt.

He then bent his knees before suddenly jumping up with the help of his super strength and static repulse, sending both of them high into the air and towards the ship while Toru screamed in fright.

Y/N gritted his teeth in pain as he thought to himself.

Y/N: *Thoughts* Come on! Make it!

They quickly got closer to the ship and were now falling towards it.

Y/N: Look out!

He yelled, making Izuku and Tsuyu look up at him before quickly jumping out of the way.

Y/N then landed on the balcony with enough impact to make the ship tilt to its side for a moment before it straightened itself.

Y/N grunted in pain before gently placing Toru down on her feet and falling to one knee.

Toru: I told you to be careful!

Y/N: And I told you that I couldn't make any promises.

He then let out a chuckle before grunting in pain again.

Y/N: Yup. That hurts.

Izuku and Tsuyu ran over and stared at Y/N in shock.

Tsuyu: Y/N, you're hurt!

She said as they both ran and kneeled next to him, making sure he was okay.

Y/N looked up at them with a smile.

Y/N: Don't worry about me, you should see the other guys.

Izuku: What happened!?

Toru looked at them.

Toru: Three villains attacked us and...

She looked at Y/N.

Toru: He protected me.

She said, feeling guilty.

Y/N: Guys, really, you don't have to worry about me, I'll be all right.

They all looked at him with concern.

Izuku: You should at least rest up a little.

Y/N: That's gonna be a bit difficult with the situation we're in, but I guess I'll try.

He then made his way over to a wall and sat down while leaning against it.

Tsuyu: So, let's talk quirks. I'll go first if you want. Obviously, I can jump high and cling to pretty much any wall. And of course, there's my tongue I can stick it out about twenty meters. Oh, yeah, and I can spit out my stomach so I can clean it. That's not really useful. Finally, I also secrete toxic mucus. It just stings a bit. We can probably only use my jumping and my tongue here. Forget about the last things.

Izuku: I figured you were powerful, but that's crazy.

She said in amazement.

Izuku: I'm strong, but it comes at a price. Once I use my power, I'm pretty much out of commission. It's a double-edged sword until I can control it.

Toru: My entire body is completely invisible and I'm pretty good at being stealthy.

They all then looked at Y/N.

Y/N: My quirk gives me dozens of superhuman abilities. You name it and I most likely have it. I also possess spider physiology, which allows me to do whatever a spider can like stick to walls, jump very high, generate my own silk, secrete potent venom, et cetera. I also have powers that aren't really associated with spiders, like my Spider-Sense, which allows me to detect and react to danger before it happens, my Venom Blast, which allows me to generate and manipulate bio-electricity, and my stingers, which allows me to stab into objects and use as an alternative way to inject my venom.

He said before he held up both of his hands, charged his right hand with his venom blast, and released his bottom stinger in his left.

They all looked at him with surprised expressions.

Izuku: Y/N... that's incredible.

Y/N's Spider-Sense suddenly went off before a giant hand made out of water rose from the lake.

Y/N: Look out!

The hand then quickly sliced the ship in half, making it begin to sink into the water.

The villain that was responsible spoke.

Random Male Villain 5: I'm starting to get bored! Let's get this show on the road!

He said as the hand sank back into the water.

Tsuyu: That's a great power. Now the ship's sinking.

A villain with a shark-like appearance began to speak.

Random Male Villain 6: The boat will be fully submerged in less than a minute. And once they're in the water, they don't stand a chance against us.

Izuku stood up and looked at the villains before she began to speak.

Izuku: Listen up. An enemy that's certain of their victory is bound to make a mistake. All Might said something along those lines in a TV interview a while back. Now's our chance. We can beat them!

She then turned around and looked at them all.

Random Male Villain 6: *Chuckle* Poor babies. I bet they're all crying for their mommies now.

Random Male Villain 5: Hey, now. Don't forget, Shigaraki told us to keep our guards up. We can't judge 'em by how old they are but by their quirks. They could do anything. Of course, we'll definitely have an advantage in the water, so I'm not exactly worried for us.

He said as he created a hand from the water.

Izuku suddenly placed her right foot on the railing of the ship and yelled into the air before jumping off the ship and into the air.

Izuku: Now, die!

Random Male Villain 5: Stupid move, kid.

Random Male Villain 6: After she hits the water, she's mine!

She then aimed her left hand towards the water and placed her thumb over her middle finger.

Y/N, Tsuyu, and Toru were still on the balcony of the ship preparing for something.

Y/N looked at them to see Tsuyu and Toru hanging on to each other.

Y/N: You two ready?

They turned to him and nodded.

Izuku: Take this! Delaware Smash!

She then flicked her finger, creating an extremely strong burst of wind and sending it directly into the water, creating a massive hole that pulled in all of the villains.

Izuku was still in the air with her now broken thumb and middle finger.

Izuku: Guys, now!

Y/N and Tsuyu jumped high into the air, with Toru in Tsuyu's arms.

Tsuyu then shot her tongue out at Izuku and wrapped it around her as they passed, pulling her with them.

As they were in the air, Y/N turned around and looked at the villains while he began to charge up his Venom Blast in his hands.

Y/N: Have a taste of bio-electricity!

He then began unleashing giant streams of bio-electricity into the water, electrocuting all of the villains.

Izuku: If a strong force is applied to water's surface, the water will be pushed away, and then come rushing right back to the middle!

The villains were all pulled into the center of the hole and were suddenly shot high into the air before Y/N quickly used all of the spinnerets on his wrists and fingers to shoot out his webs and wrap them all together.

Tsuyu: We rounded 'em all up. Not too shabby.

Toru: You guys are amazing. All of you.

Y/N smiled.

Y/N: I guess we passed the shipwreck zone.

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