Why Do You Hate Me?

By musicmaniac116

231K 4.7K 938

Time flies by fast! Darcy Styles is in high school already! Her best friend is Diamond Horan and she has a cr... More

Why Do You Hate Me?
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Sneak Peak
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 1

12.8K 259 38
By musicmaniac116

Chapter 1


Darcy's POV:


"Urg," I moaned as I rolled over and turned off my alarm clock. Time to get ready and go to school. If you are wondering I'm not five years old anymore, I'm seventeen years old. Yeah I know time flies by fast. Even my younger twin brothers are sophomores, and some days they act older than me. Today was my first day of school as a senior. Finally the last year of a place I call a hell hole.

I. Hate. School.

Let me tell you what has changed since twelve years ago. I still have curly hair, but it has gotten darker throughout the years. My eyes switch from green to brown constantly. I'm skinny and I haven't had any boyfriends and here are the reasons why:

1. Carter Edward Styles

2. Aaron James Styles

3. My Dad - Harold Edward Styles

And Lastly




4. Tommy Tomlinson

I hate Tommy so much! Let me do a run down of stupid Tommo. Tommy 'Tommo' Tomlinson is the same age as me. He is very intelligent and is the star football player in our school. He looks exactly like his father. There is just a couple things that he isn't like his father. Tommy is a player, douche bag, the devil, jack ass, bastard, jerk, and to me, a bully.

Ever since we started middle school, he has bullied me. I don't know what I ever did to that ass to make him hate me so much. He never lets me out of his sight practically. When we were growing up we always hung out together. It's just so weird how he changed. I got dressed and went into my brothers' rooms.

They sleep like my Dad and it's hard to wake them up. Speaking of my dad, he's probably getting ready for work. Mom is away on a business trip and won't be back for about three months. I walked into Carter's room. It was a normal teenage boy's room. I walked up to the side of the bed. "Carter," I said while shaking him. "Go away Darce," He mumble in his pillow. "Come on. I can't got to school without my favorite brother. I'll even go and make breakfast." And with that Carter jumped out of his bed, thank god he isn't like Aaron and wears boxers in bed.

Then I walked into Aaron's room. First I grabbed a blow horn and placed it near his ear. You see Diamond and I learned how to make a timer on these things like bombs. I set it for five minutes, then left his room. I ran into the kitchen to find Dad and Carter sitting at the table. "I heard you are making breakfast, Darcy-Cakes." Dad said. Urg I thought he already ate.

"No, I haven't eaten yet." Did I say that out loud?

"Yes, yes you did," Dad replied while smirking. I got out the eggs, bacon, and potato hash. "Okay, but I warn all of you now that a blow horn bomb will be going off in about five minutes." Daddy didn't care and Carter, well Carter is Carter. I made breakfast for Daddy, Carter, and Aaron. I don't really eat much for breakfast and it sometimes gets on my Dad's nerves.

"Five, Four," I started to say.

"Three," Carter continued.

"Two," Daddy said.

"One," We said in unison and on cue the blow horn went off.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! SON OF A BITCH!! SERIOUSLY DARCY?!?! WHAT THE FUCK!" Aaron shouted from upstairs in his room. About five minutes later Aaron came down the stairs. "Why the hell did you do one of your bombs?" He asked me. I handed him his breakfast and replied, "I don't want to see my brother's dingle doo in the morning. What are you trying to do, scar me?" We all laughed and I started to eat an apple when Dad looked up from finishing his breakfast. "Darcy, please eat more than an apple. I'm begging you. You are a beautiful girl and need to eat more than one thing of food." Dad pleaded.

I walked over to him gave him a kiss on the cheek and said as I walked away "Bye Daddy. Love you! Carter, Aaron I'll be in the car." All I heard was, "Love you too, baby girl! You look beautiful by the way. Have a good day! Boys hurry it up," Dad said. Man, I have to love him. I walked outside and got onto my silver Audi r8. Great Uncle Simon got me it for my seventeenth birthday. Carter and Aaron came running out of the house. Aaron got into the front next to me, while Carter took the back.


At School...

We finally arrived at school Aaron had the radio blasting, but I turned it down when we got close to the school. I found my usual parking space, it was labeled 'Harry Styles' Daughter.' Diamond and Andy had already arrived, same with Morgan. Morgan is so shy, but I got to love her. I think Carter has a crush on Morgan too. I got out of my car and locked it.

"Hey girly!" Diamond shouted from where her, Andy, Morgan, Scarlet, Crystal, Juliet, Carter, Aaron, and Diamond's boyfriend Jarred were standing. Andy has a girlfriend name Maria. Thank goodness Tommy isn't here yet. "Hey," I said as I approached them. Andy was texting his Maria and Carter and Aaron were flirting with the girls.

"Darcy! What did you eat for breakfast this morning? You are too skinny!" Diamond shouted. "An apple." I replied. "You need to eat more than that. I know that you are trying not to get fat, but you need to be healthy. Besides I know that Tom-" She started to say, but was interrupted by the roaring music coming from Tommy's truck. Tommy parked his truck, sadly next to my car and jumped out. I also saw the slut of our school, also the head cheerleader, Rachel some out of the other side of the truck.

They met at the back of the truck and started a heavy make-out session. Ew! "Yo! Tommo! Quit sucking faces with your new girlfriend!" Aaron shouted. The stopped the make-out session and came over to us. We all said hi, but I ignored Tommy. Just then the bell rang and all of us filed into the school.

"Hey bitch," Said Tommy, but I ignored him. Just then I felt a hand grab my arm and I was shoved into the lockers and pinned there. "Don't ignore me, Darcy." He said. I was scared to death of Tommy. I tried to get away, but Tommy would just trap me. Just then I felt a stinging pain coming from my cheek, he fucking slapped me.

"Tomlinson! Get away from her!" Diamond yelled, my savior. He let me go, but went over to Rachel and they started another make-out session. "Are you okay?" She asked me. I just nodded my head and we left to our first period class.

A/N This is the third book! the outfit Darcy wore is in the external link. Thank you all for reading the stories. Please comment!

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