To save those I love

By Megan22998

2K 31 8

The war with Zeref has finally ended, but not the way everyone hoped. The Fairy Tail guild has one sole membe... More

Into the Past
Fairy Tail
Friends both Old and New
Trying to Change the Past
Master Mavis
Tenrou Island
Luca Heartfilia
'She's not the only one who remembers'
I am Lucy

Try to Save Lisanna

125 2 0
By Megan22998

After two months on the island, Lucy was ready to head home. Using her Aquarius star dress, she walked across the water making it back to Hargeon in half a day. When she was back however she was exhausted, once back to normal and rested Lucy made her way back to the guild hall. Once back Natsu and Happy crashed into her causing her to tumble to the floor, laughing Lucy sat up and began to cough. It was a side effect of Magic Deficiency Syndrome, coughing Lucy sat up and smiled.

"It's been a while you two." She said with a smile.

"You ok Luce? You look pale." Natsu said resting his hand on her forehead.

The soft gesture sent small shockwaves through Lucy's body, and a flush to rise on her cheeks.

"You have a fever." Happy said resting his paw on her head.

"I'm just tired from the trip, I'll be ok in a day or so after some good rest." Lucy said with a smile as Natsu helped her up.

"Yeah but you should get that checked out, you won't be able to go on jobs while you're sick." Happy said while Natsu looked concerned.

"Tell you what, I'll go speak to Master Makarov about the job and then I'll head home for the night. I'll be much better tomorrow you'll see." Lucy said with her usual happy smile before making her way to Master Makarov's office.

After explaining her training to Master Makarov, Lucy began to feel exhausted. Noticing this Master Makarov jumped onto his desk and rested his hand on her forehead, concerned he looked at her.

"You're unwell Luce, did you come home due to being unwell?" He asked her.

"Kind of." Lucy admitted shyly. "I was training then started feeling strange, so I decided to come home."

"I think we should send you to Porlyusica, see if there's a tonic or something she can give you." Master Makarov said as there was a knock on the door. "Come in."

Mirajane made her way in with a slip of paper in her hands, her long white hair tied in a pony tail atop her head. Lucy had to admit she found it weird to see this side of Mirajane, however knowing this Mirajane since she was six made it easier to deal with her. However Lucy's eyes widened when she noticed the red S-Class mark on the paper, then realising the date Lucy was stunned. This was the job that sent Lisanna to Edolas!

"Hey Master, someone just dropped this off. Can I take it, plus I want to take Elfman and Lisanna with me." Mirajane said passing him the paper.

"You want to take those two with you?" Master asked reading the paper.

"Yeah, Elfman has been saying that he wants to work on his magic a little more. And Lisanna needs more practice too." Mirajane said as Master Makarov approved the job.

"Very well, but if things get out of hand you send them away so you can deal with it." Master Makarov said to her as he passed her the paper.

"Can I come?" Lucy asked Mirajane. "I've been training for the past couple of months and want to see how strong I've gotten."

"I don't know Luce, you're unwell and need rest." Master Makarov said looking at the blonde.

"I'll see Porlyusica when I get back, please Master?" Lucy pleaded.

"If you're ok with this Mirajane." Master said looking at her.

"Sure, come on then Luce." Mirajane said as Lucy picked up her bag and followed her.

Following Mirajane the pair made their way to Elfman who was super excited about the job, then the trio made their way to Magnolia's South Gate Park where Cana said Lisanna, Natsu and Happy were. Lucy was familiar with the story, Natsu and Happy had argued and Lisanna was trying to help them solve it. With a bag draped over her shoulder Lucy smiled as Lisanna helped Natsu.

"Come on Lisanna, it's time to go." Elfman said, trying to hold back his excitement.

"What? Didn't we just get back from a mission? Oh hey Luce." Lisanna questioned and then greeted Lucy happily.

"Yeah but this job's an S-Class job!" Elfman cried happily.

"Wait S-Class!" Natsu cried. "And your going Luce! I wanna come!"

"Sorry Natsu, Luce is only coming because she wants to work on her magic from her training trip." Mirajane explained.

Lucy smiled slightly, she was happy that Natsu wasn't coming because she didn't want him to have to go through the grief that might come if she isn't able to save Lisanna. After clearing everything up Lucy followed the Strauss siblings to the train station, anxious for what the job would entail.

Before Lucy could even comprehend what was happening fire and rubble surrounded her, coughing hard she looked up and saw Elfman completely taken over by the beast they were fighting. She had tried to stop him but he had been determined to prove him self, cursing Lucy forced her self to stand. She was covered in cuts and scrapes but so far she wasn't too bad, reaching to her side she plucked one of her keys from her belt and cried out.

"Open, gate of the golden Bull! Taurus!" With a flash of golden light Taurus appeared.

"Stay back miss Luuuuce!" He cried swinging his axe.

Turning Lucy saw Mirajane holding her arm with a face full of pain, rushing over Lucy knelt down next to her.

"Mira are you ok?" She asked looking at her arm.

"I'll be fine, you should get out of here. Het Lisanna and run for help, I'll try to hold him off for as long as I can." She said trying to stand.

"Mira! Luce!" Lisanna called using her wing arms to land next to us on the floor.

"Look Lisanna get out of here, Luce you go with her." Mirajane said collapsing back onto the floor.

Biting her lip Lucy ran towards Taurus, slamming his key into her chest she exhaled as the Taurus Star Dress exploded around her. This was the first time anyone in the guild will have seen the star dress forms, but Lucy knew that if there was ever a time to reveal them it was now. Using her whip she swung it around and managed to grab Elfman's arm, however he didn't appreciate that. Roaring loudly he swung his arm causing Lucy to fly through the air, crashing into a nearby boulder she felt something snap and a searing hot pain in her head. Landing on the ground she felt Taurus's gate close and her star dress dissolve, as her vision began to grow dark and blood trickled down her head she saw Lisanna walk towards Elfman. With a final ounce of strength she cried out.

"Lisanna look out!" She yelled as loud as she could, before everything faded to black.

Lucy couldn't remember what happened, she was lying on a soft bed with cool sheets draped over her stiff and sore body. Her eyelids felt heavy as did her head, opening her eyes she was greeted by bright lights. As her eyes focused however she realised that she was in the guild's infirmary, she tried to move her arm to shield her eyes but realised she couldn't. Looking over she saw Natsu fast asleep on her arm holding her hand, he had dark circles under his eyes like he hadn't slept in days. What had happened? Wiggling her fingers in his hand he's tired and then shot up looking at her.

"Luce! You're awake!" He yelled then jumped to his feet, running to the door he yelled. "Happy, Gramps! She's awake!"

Confused Lucy watched as Natsu made his way over to her and helped her to sit up, she was covered in bandages and her head felt like it was full of cotton. Happy came flying into the room and crashed into Lucy's chest, tears falling down his blue face. Smiling softly Lucy stroked him and held him tightly as he sobbed, Master Makarov then walked in and had a look of overwhelming relief on his face.

"Thank goodness you're awake." He said making his way to the bed. "What do you remember?"

"Not much really." She said honestly. "I remember going on a job with Mirajane, Lisanna and Eflman and that's it."

Natsu looked over at Master Makarov shaking his head no, Master Makarov however sighed.

"She needs to know Natsu." He said softly.

Natsu clearly annoyed stood up and moved away from the bed towards the door, holding onto the door handle. Master Makarov jumped onto the seat next to Lucy's bed, his face grave.

"Luce, on the job you went on, there were some complications." He said carefully. "Elfman tried to take over the beast, however it failed. He ended up loosing control hurting you, Mirajane and Lisanna."

"Are they ok?" She asked holding Happy a little tighter.

"Mirajane was able to get you back to the town so you could get help, and Elfman was finally able to return back to normal. However, Lisanna unfortunately didn't make it." He said tears filling his old eyes.

Lucy leaned against the back of the bed, tears soon filling her eyes. All the memories of the job came flooding back into her mind, the smoke, the flames, he defending roars from Elfman and the cries of Mirajane. There was a loud slam as Natsu slammed the infirmary door, storming out. Happy however stayed with Lucy as she cried, she had tried so hard to change the past in order to change the future, but she had failed. She had failed to save Lisanna.

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