METANOIA ~ The Hobbit

By Moonlight_writing27

2.3K 89 5

Ida was never normal. She never understood herself. When she gets sent back home, a certain wizard is sure... More

M E T A N O I A: The Lost Daughter
M E T A N O I A: The Survival Game
M E T A N O I A:The Sacrifice For Light
M E T A N O I A: The End


49 4 0
By Moonlight_writing27

Black Ice

IT DIDN'T TAKE long for the witch to catch up with the two elves, the battles becoming easier without having to deal with massive hoards of the foul creatures.

Eventually they parted again, Idalina going in search of Thorin, Fili and Kili.

The witch climbed the steps of the frozen ruins when a familiar drum began to play, her eyes widened as she realised what was happening.

Swiftly, the witch ran over the hill to see Azog in a tower, Fili clutched in his pale hand, clearly in pain.

Ida couldn't let the happen.
She would save him.

Before she even had time to think of a plan, a sudden force collided with her, sending her flying into the cold stone.

Thankfully it wasn't enough to knock her out, although she wish it had. Using her forearms to push her upper body of the ice, Ida raised her fingers to her forehead, blood trickling down the side as Fili cried out.

"No." It had meant to be a cry, an agonising scream as the prince fell to the ground; dead. Instead it was a pathetic whisper, a choked sob.

It was then that she realised Thorin, Bilbo and Dwalin were only a staircase away, so close and yet she knew there would be a fight before she could reach them.

Building up enough strength, Ida pushed herself from the ice, searching for whatever had knocked her down in the first place.

And she found it.

Five witches, each in black armour, each with pale and cracked faces.

"You have got to be joking."

She was exhausted, her whole body was practically burning and all she really wanted to do was collapse into a deep, never ending sleep.

"Idalina!" Bilbo cried out for her, trying to get her attention.

"I'm a little busy!" She yelled back agitatedly, before turning to the grinning witches again. "Don't suppose you can reschedule this can you?"

They didn't reply.

Idalina sighed as one of them lunged forward, raising her blackened talons in an attempt to grab her, but missed repeatedly. The other four eventually joined the fight and it wasn't long until only two remained, the others having been an easy fight.

"It's not long now." One of them snarled.

"Stop talking." Ida replied, jaw clenched before sending her dagger into the wenches head, killing her.

The final witch looked around desperately, almost as though she was scared.

With a sly grin Ida raised her hand, letting the witch colapse to the ground in agony, shooting pains penetrating her skull so intensely she was sure to wish for death. Satisfied with her work, Ida grabbed her victim by neck, dragging her to the frozen lake where Azog watched Thorin fight two of his vile orcs.

The witch continued to cry out, catching the pale orcs attention.

Azog growled angrily, his back now turned to Thorin, who was approaching from behind, an elven blade in his grip.

"If you wish to kill me." Ida began, holding the witch infront of her. "Do it yourself."

With that she snapped her neck before chucking her at the orcs feet carelessly.

Azog was evidently angry but he didn't make a move to attack, he wouldn't kill her and she knew that. A small grin emerged on her face as she chuckled softly.

"But you won't, will you?" She taunted. "He won't let you." Azog glared at her. "Because whether you like it or not, he needs me." Ida stepped forward, her eyes daring him to make any move against her. "But he doesn't need you."

He had had enough, with one swift movement he had sent his blade into her stomach.

Thorin's heart stopped as he watched, blood dripping from the wound as she gasped, her eyes meeting his before darkening.

Ida didn't collapse, she didn't writhe in pain.

Instead she looked up at the pale orc, who stepped back in confusion before grabbing the blade which remained in her stomach, grinding her teeth as she pulled it out, suffocating the pain. She dropped the bloody weapon to the ground before collapsing onto her knees, her nails digging deep within the palms of her hand as she began to cough up a sticky substance. At first she thought it was blood. At first she thought she was dying.

But she was changing.

Her eyes burned with violent delight. Her skin on fire with an essence of power.

And then it all stopped.

Azog and Thorin watched in horror as she slowly stood, using the back of her hand to wipe away the blood. She was not happy.

"You think you can kill me?" She spat, the recognisable purple dancing around her fingertips, except this time it was darker. "You think you stand any chance?" She asked rhetorically, satisfied with the terrified eyes of her prey. "I am the one you answer to!"

She began to step closer.

"Not Venefica."

Another step.

"Not Sauron."

Another step.


Thorin couldn't take it anymore. This was the woman he loved, the woman who changed him. And this wasn't her. This woman was merciless and tyranical. This wasn't Idalina anymore.

"You cannot do this, Idalina." Thorin finally spoke, focusing her attention on him. "You must remember who you are." She tilted her head in curiousity, observing the man before her. "For Fili and Kili." He pleaded, Azog could've sworn he saw her eyes soften for a moment as he hatched a new plan to deal with his replacement.

A shining white light caught all of them by suprise and when it finally dissapeared, the witch turned to see Gandalf the Grey, standing tall with his petty staff and pointed hat, a worisome look on his face.

"Gandalf the Grey, you'll do well to stay out of my way." Venefica warned, abandoning the delightful images of tearing Azog limb from limb before ripping out his heart. "You will lose."

The man only sighed before stepping forward and then, without warning, smashed his staff down on the ice, a force of white light emerging from it. Venefica was quick to react, sending her own magic hurtling towards him, the two clashing in the middle, each trying to overpower the other.

With the main threat distracted, Azog turned back to Thorin Oakenshield, the two engaging in their own fight, knowing that one of them would have to die at the hands of the other. Afterall, not even if they worked together could they stop the almighty witch, only one force stood a chance, and he needed her to claim Middle Earth as their own.

Gandalf struggled to fight back his enemy. She was younger, stronger and more determined. She held no remorse for the wizard who was once her friend whilst he couldn't bear the thought of being the one to end her - not that he'd ever be given the chance and he knew that. If laying down his life meant bringing her back, he would do so.

"You are a prophecy, Idalina!" Gandalf managed to cry out. "You are a white witch!"

Venefica only scoffed. "I am not so weak, or pathetic."

Gandalf sighed deeply, he was running out of time. Soon the girl in front of him would become just like her mother, there would be no bringing her back no matter what a prophecy said. With one final push, Gandalf forced both of their magic towards the ice, sending them flying away from each other and creating a massive crack along the entire river.

Neither of them got up.

Azog and Thorin continued their fight, the cracked ice spreading along to where they were, eventually creating even more cracks, allowing the ice cold water to slosh up onto the surface, making it even harder to get a firm grip.

However a loud screech caught both of their attention. The eagles flew gracefully above, approaching the Gundabad army and immediately attacking,  Radaghast was on top of one, a determined grin on his face, Beorn jumped down off another, transforming into a giant bear as he tore through the army satisfyingly.

Using the distraction to his advantage, Thorin picked up Azog's block of stone, tossing it to him and stepping off the platform of ice. The orc fell backwards with the added weight, slipping under the ice and into the water with a yell.

Venefica groaned as she woke, eyes flaring with anger and pain, something hidden behind her lust for bloodshed as she glanced at the fallen wizard. Thorin looked over to her, but she paid him no attention, only began muttering a spell under her breath as she wiped away the blood from her wounds.

Unfortuneately, the dwarf's cry alerted her as she saw the blade slice through his foot, watching him stumble back and fall, Azog jumping on top of him. With an amused smirk, she stood again, brushing herself off before giving the unconscious wizard a cold glare.

She turned back to the fighting pair, Azog now ontop of Thorin, attempting to pierce him with the blade once more whilst Thorin did everything he could to resist, he even managed to cry out for her help.

Venefica took a step forward, about to flick Azog off the suffering dwarf so she could kill them both herself when the blade slid into Thorin's stomach.

She gasped, as though the pain was hers.

And it was.

Thorin then flipped over, his own blade slicing the orc, digging into the ice for good measure.

A brief silence ensued.

The dwarf looked up with a smile.

Idalina smiled back.

And then she didn't.

Thorin collapsed onto his back, his fatal wounds taking hold as Ida ran to his side, embracing the ice as she fell down beside him, eyes watery.

"I'm so sorry, Thorin." She began. "I-I couldn't stop it, but it's okay, I'm here now." She stuttered, placing pressure on the blades entry point, cradling his head desperately.

"I knew you'd come back to me." Thorin whispered, his voice fading as he looked up at her. She met his eyes, an ocean of thoughts, of things she wanted to say but simply couldn't cascaded down her face. He was dying.

"I can save you, Thorin." She told him, frantically applying pressure to the wound whilst looking around for any kind of help. "I won't let you die." Sh muttered to herself.

Thorin only let a distant smile wash over him as he took her hands into his. "You have to let me go, Idalina."

Those exact words shattered her heart, she shook her head no, choked sobs escaping her as she looked down. If she hadn't changed she could've saved him, prevented any of this from happening. She wouldn't be holding the man she had learnt to love saying goodbye for the final time.

"No.. No I don't, I don't want to." She cried into his chest, his thumb gently wiping away her fallen tears. "It will break me, Thorin."

He only nodded slightly, a sad smile replacing his distant one and Idalina finally came to realise what he meant.

"But that's the point..." She whispered. "When I'm her I feel nothing... And losing you will make me feel everything." She looked down at him, a tidal wave of emotion shaking her body.

He was right, she had to let him go.

It was the only way.

Idalina didn't know what to do anymore. She lay beside him, her hand intertwined with his, the two admiring the wonderfully blue sky. It truly was beautiful, it gave her a new perspective. Middle Earth had become her home, it had become her life because of him. To lose him would change everything for everyone.

"Would you have married me? If we had a different ending?" Ida asked in a whisper, her head turning to Thorin, who was already smiling down at her.

"I would've taken you as my wife, my queen." Thorin nodded. "I would spend my days loving you and advising newcomers not to get on your bad side." He joked, a light chuckle escaping his throat.

"I would make you a father." Ida then said, her heart aching tremendously. "We'd have a mountain full of little royals to take care of."

The thought made both of them happy.

"Promise me you'll love again." Thorin whispered, his breathing slowing down. Ida turned her whole body to face him, gently moving away pieces of his hair away from his face, her fingertips skimming his wounds gently. "Don't let this destroy you."

Idalina only struggled a smile that never did quite reach her eyes. "Thorin." She began, cupping his cheek with her hand. "It already has."

The two remained in silence waiting for the inevitable to happen, the only comfort they had was each other. They were thankful for the time they got even though it had to end. Because everything comes to an end eventually and no matter how sad it is, you have to let go.

And afterall, you won't be sad forever.

Idalina looked up at Thorin for the finaly time, her heart heavy and cheeks damp.

"Please don't leave me."

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