Fairy Tail One Shots

By AshleyBlackmoore

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A bunch of one shots for my favorite anime~ Fairy Tail If you want to see one on a specific character comment... More

A masked ball for Winters hand Laxus one shot
Happy New Years Natsu
A contest for attention~Graylu and Laxusxoc
Return of the cursed-Loke aka Leo the Lion
Rogue One Shot ~ Little mate
Gajeel Redfox ~ Valentines Day Mate
Natsu one shot ~ Magic spell
Princess ~ Gajeels sister a Rogue One shot
Sting Eucliffe ~ Master
Gray one shot ~ It'll only happen again
Elfman one shot ~ Such a Woman
Natsu Dragneel one shot ~ You know what I mean
Rogue Cheney One Shot ~ A Place To Call Home
Laxus One shot ~ Idiot

Rogues Sister ~Hormones~

10.5K 71 15
By AshleyBlackmoore

Rogues sister

People moved aside as i walked through the streets a scowl on my normally smiling lips. I knew why, everyone was in awe and terrified knowing who my older brother was besides my black hair fell after my butt my bangs brushing my dark scarlet eyes. Like my brother I was pale and it made a impression I guess. Normally people would smile at me but today they stared shocked not accustomed to my uncheerful mood and frightened by it. My scarlet dress had black lace covering it givig it a gothic appearance the short poofy skirt rustled my black half jacket covered my arms. My black boots rose to just above my knees.

I stopped once to fix my boot before setting off again anger raging through me as I tried to restrain my power.

It wasn't until I reached Sabertooth head quarters that I stopped. My black shadow dragon magic hung about me like darkness as I thrust the doors open. Everyone watched me as I slowly very slowly took a step into the room then ever so slowly walked towards the bar heels clicking ominously on the stone tiles. People fell silent to watch they no doubt wanted to see what would happen. I could see Rogue sitting at the bar with Sting and my ominous aura grew as I glared at them. The two seemed to sense me and watched me approach.

"Eva." said Rogue but I glared at Sting. He watched me lazily knowing what had ticked me off, I wanted nothing more than to smack that high and mighty look off his face. So I did I punched him right in the face But then as I watched him rub his cheek looking shocked at the red mark my anger turned to pain and my power and scowl quickly fell away as tears sprung to my eyes.

"I hate you." I murmured. Sting seemed unmoved and this hurt more than anything. Rogue placed his hand on my shoulder but I pulled away running out of the entrance hall tears streaming down my face guild members watching on in surprise.

I sat at the top of the hill on part of the ruins castle wall overlooking the plains. I knew who was behind me and didn't bother to turn around.

"I can't take it anymore I just want to get away away from here." tears leaked down my cheeks once again and a soft hand landed upon my shoulder. "I need to."

"I know." Rogue responded when I looked at him I could see the sad expression in his eyes and how he didn't want me to leave. "The train leaves at seven." I nodded grateful and hugged him.

"I'll cook one last dinner for you before I go come on." I told him taking his larger hand in mine and as I had done as a child led him away. My heels gone I know only reached his shoulder and Rogue noticing scooped me up in his arms in a way that was very close and caring.

"Rogue I'm gonna miss you." I murmured.

"I know." he replied then quietly added on "I'll miss you too Eva."

For my big brother that said a lot and I smiled contentedly and leaned into him as he carried me home to pack.

Rogues POV

I glared at anyone who looked at me on my way to the house. I opened the door to our apartment and walked inside irritated and sad.

"Hey Rogue whats up?" Sting was lounging on the couch.

"Nothing." I responded cooly. Of course this meant he then began to talk as he chowed down on the food Eva had made and we had not finished for as usual she made too much.

Sting sat there feet on the table picking his teeth with a tooth pick

"Man that was delicious best dinner ever." he seemed to realize something and looked around as he sat up "hey wheres Eva I wanna tell her she needs to cook like this more often. I paused in cleaning up the dishes and Sting noticed.

"Hey what's up?" he asked "Is Eva hurt or something if someone touched her I'm gonna-"

"Gone." I cut him off not want to hear about people hurting her from him. He was her mate after all and he treated her like a play toy.

"What do you mean gone!" he yelled after lector I should have realized those words would bring him panic but I didn't care.

"She left." I murmured.

"Le-left?" he stuttered "Where?-why!"

"She left don't know where too." I told him, in truth I didn't know I didn't ask what train she was boarding or where.

"She's just going out to get something right she'll be back before midnight." he was hoping though he knew from the look on my face it was not true.

"No!" he yelled anguished and raced away probably upstairs to her room to see for himself. The sound of something being broken greeted my ears and I heard an angry cry before he came tearing down the stairs.

"Why! Why did you let her leave!" he yelled angry his eyes filled with emotion lost pain panic and if I was not mistaken aching loneliness for his mate.

"Because she was hurting. She couldn't take it anymore so I let her go." Sting grabbed the front of my shirt.

"How could you let her go!" he yelled.

"She wasnt happy, she was in pain Sting." I told him.

"Pain from what!" he yelled in disbelief.

This time I hesitated did he know? "Pain...from finding she had a mate and that he kept toying and playing with her and pain from finding out he knew she was his mate and didn't care." Stings face fell into one of utter disbelief, he hadn't known she knew he was her mate you could see it, he looked heart broken. The anguish, guilt, torment, remorse, sorrow and absolute horror. Sting fell onto the floor limp tears filling his eyes at the realize of how he had hurt his mate.

"No." he whispered "No...No!" he began to cry. I watched as he fell apart all his mister tough guy acts all his walls his demeanor of I'm too cool or important the way he acted like he didn't care it all came crumbling down until he was calling her name in quiet sobs apologizing.

Eva's POV

I grimaced as I walked into Fairy Tail everyone stared at me for a moment and some cringed away frightened. Others seemed puzzled as to what I was doing here.

"Eva?" sai Lucy, sure enough upon hearing my name and seeing me Juvia and Gajeel raced to my side. Gajeel could smell it on me While Juvia knew from my calls in the lacrim.

"That bastard." growled Gajeel crushing me to his chest this only made me burst into tears. I was forced into a bench by the two and Gajeel kept a protective stance over me. It wasn't until he yelled at Natsu and Laxus for fighting that they pulled out off their pety argument and smelt it. The next second Natsus fist descended on the table hard enough to make it splinter slightly.

"Who did this?" he demanded eyes furious. Even Laxus looked angry. They knew how hard it was how unlikely it was too find your mate for a dragon slayer it was a one in several million chance.

"Whi did what?" asked Erza unable to understand.

"Began the mating process and messed around with her emotions only to reject her. Reject their true mate." spat Laxus "Dispicable."

"Mating process?" asked someone else confused.

"Yeah like dragons who find mates we have soul mates the one person who would be the perfect one for us. The chance of a dragon slayer actually finding them though..." Gajeel shook his head as he squeezed my shoulder.

"Yeah and those that do get an instant connection they can either reject their mate which will hurt them but will be able to get over it eventually or they can begin the mating process which causes the female and male to have certain emotional and hormonal changes. The male can cause or abuse these changes depending on what he does." Explained Wendy softly.

"And somebody went and fucked around with the process which you don't do!" growled Natsu "Now tell me who did this? How dare they torture and mess with you like that."

Tears sprang to my eyes as I knew he could sense my hormones raging in my body and sense the pinning sensation I was experiencing for someone to quench my need.

I pretended to scowl as Erza Lucy Levy Juvia Cana and Wendy oohed as I walked out of the dressing room. They had taken me shopping. After hearing what had happened to me all the girls no longer felt afraid of me and many were angered by it. They had really become my friends and considering that I had never really had female friends before other than Juvia who I met on one if her missions because I was surrounded by my brother and Sting and whoever they allowed near me it was hard. I mean if rogue or sting wasn't intimidating people or they weren't scared of me the rest of the guild would scare them off mainly the guys who sting and Rogue used to watch me or protect me as a kid or just keep others away from me because they were stupidly over protective.

"Eva." I was brought back to reality as I stepped onto the small stool in front of the girls to show them my outfit normally Rogue and Sting helped me but it felt nice to do this and the girls could tell I was enjoying it despite my forced scowl.

"Oh smile you look beautiful." said Lucy, I blushed and looked away stubbornly. It was then that I noticed Gajeel outside leaning against the door. The men of Fairy Tail aka Natsu Gajeel Gray Romeo Loke Elfman and surprisingly even Laxus all were taking turns watching over me guarding me. The dragon slayers and Loke were especially keen on this as they could sense my mating process and know if any male near by had accidentally caught it and was making a move or worse causing my hormones to spike.

"Please smile." I couldn't help it at Wendy's plee my lips twitched.

"You know you really should do something with your hair." said Lucy

"But my eyes." I mumbled pulling at my bangs.

"Are very mysterious and cool, having your hair like that is what makes you look so dangerous." stated Levy.

"But what would I do with it." having been raised by a male dragon and a male older brother I really had no clue what to do with it.

"For now let's get these taken care of." stated Cana looking around at all the bags I had. After lugging them back to fairy heights where I was renting a room the girls and I all took a bath then they sat me down in front of a mirror and bureau.

"Your hair is so long and beautiful but you need a trim." said Erza I shifted nervously. I didn't want it cut too short. Lucy did a good job trimming the ends and after she did it hung much more straight and perfect. I smiled at my reflection already just by raising the edge of my bangs a little I looked less threatening.

"Now you can style your hair like this." said Cana. Together she Erza and Wendy taught me how to braid put it in a bun part it curl it put it in a high ponytail and how to pin it back. Out of all the styles though I liked the high pony tail with two pieces hanging down in front of my ears or taking the front strands and braiding them and connecting them together in the back.

"Alright alright." I giggled as they began going overboard.

"Your giggle is so adorable." said Mira walking in. "Sorry I'm late."

"No it's fine we were just showing her how to style her hair now were going dress and lingerie shopping we saved that and bikini shopping for you." said Erza

Mira made a funny teehee sound. I couldn't help but think of how Sting had thought my giggle was adorable as well at least he had always said so. As Erza mentioned lingerie and bathing suite shopping I turned red the thought of Sting and those at the same time made me flush and sent a swirl of emotion through my gut. I could see Wendy notice. She must have sensed them changing again.

"Come on shopping time." stated mira. I was dragged out still blushing and hormonally excited at the thought of Sting and sexy lingerie which I knew I would be getting with Mira and Lucy especially.

It had been three long weeks since I had left and the mating process was getting much worse now just by having a male touch me my hormones spiked and I would shake and tremble from want. I was in in heat and I was in bad soon I would be turned on just by mens looks then just by seeing them. I felt so bad Natsu Laxus and Gajeel were protecting me so dutifully though I knew that my smell of heat must be driving them crazy with want. I knew there was only one way to cure it and that was for Sting to complete the mating process, to lessen it Wendy had shown me a old text but the thought made me nervous and although the girls had prepared for it I wasn't ready to do that unless I absolutely couldn't wait the heat out any longer. I knew it would end eventually it would take a while though. I glanced across the room at the bright pink bag filled with sex toys sat on my dresser. I shuddered at the idea there was no way I would ever use them. I don't know what Erza was thinking when she bought them following Wendy's suggestion. Though Wendy's other suggestion wasn't to thrilling either. Complete the process with another male? No I would never. I couldn't imagine completeing the process with Laxus Natsu or Gajeel and definitely not any of the other sex crazed guys in the guild.

I was stuck and in heat I knew, as if to prove this theory Gray brushed up against me and my panties immediately grew damp. I trembled and made a mewling sound on accident as I rubbed my legs together trying rotation relief.

"You ok?" asked Gray placing his hand on my shoulder.

"Get away from her!" I was expecting it to be Natsu as it was his turn to watch me but it wasn't him.

Stings POV

I trembled as I stepped into the guild. My need was urgent but not as urgent as my need to find her and apologize and tell her how I truly felt.

It was then that the smell of her arousal hit. Spotting her a boy beside her my vision grew red.

"Get away from her!" I roared. I glared at the boy and stormed forward ripping his hand off her. I could see Natsu jumping for me see the guys shock but all I could sense was her raging heat. I grabbed her in my arms and she almost passed out. She was melting at my touch and I was quickly growing hard. I growled as several males stepped forward and scooped her up running from the guild all the way back to magnolia to the hotel I was staying in. The moment inside I took a deep breath. Cel was out of my arms in a heart beat.

"Sting!" she hissed. I could see the pain in her eyes the agony of her long time need and arousal.

"I'm sorry." I murmured not moving towards her so she wouldn't take it as me wanting her arousal. "I'm sorry I hurt you I'm sorry I want honest. I love you and I'm sorry please forgive me I'll do anything."

She looked me over angrily and suspiciously. "Even wait until my heat is gone?"

I moaned "Yes." I said tightly "Even though it would hurt I would."

"Well you don't have too because I can't wait that long." she whispered and lunged for me at the same time I lunged for her.

Rogue opened the door and merely stared down at me and Cel. He looked almost like he didn't know what to do as we beamed up at him arm in arm.

"So your together now?" he asked.

"Rogue buddy were gonna be brothers!" I yelled as Cel leaped into his arms. Rogue sighed and rolled his eyes.

"Oh great." he responded walking into our house.

"Hey!" I protested his sarcasm. Cel just giggled and kissed my cheek moving back over to me. I caught the sight of her ring shining brightly and her mark peeking out from under her dress and couldn't resist the smile as I scooped her up throwing her over my shoulder as I walked inside.

Ok I tried to do something different but idk tell me what you think

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