De NyanKittyPug

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DISCONTINUED!!! Book 2 of the Numb Series Everything had been perfect since Marinette and Adrien has revealed... Mais



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De NyanKittyPug

Marinette's first (well, first with her mind freshly wiped that is) day back at school since she had run away (that could be argued as well since she didn't entirely realize she was doing it) was, well, it was difficult to put into words. Confusing didn't entirely cover it, but neither did strange. Horrible wasn't the right word, but then again good wouldn't have even been put on the same page with it. Unforgettable. That's what she'd go with.

Marinette's first day back was, ironically, unforgettable. First off, she woke up in her crush's arms, who she had told last night that she remembered having a crush on him and at one point (although the memory was very vague) him telling her he loved her, and despite that making her blush beet red, Marinette couldn't help feeling like she was missing something. Like maybe this was a regular occurrence but she was missing another one. Another person. Who? Marinette could vaguely remember the feeling of happiness, a bright smile that she couldn't picture.

A laugh she couldn't hear, and a name she could barely remember. What was her name? Who was she missing? She was a she, that she knew. She didn't know how, but she did. Her ears felt cold, she felt almost naked, exposed. Fragile.

An alarm went off on her phone and Marinette completely forgot the train of thought, as she looked at her phone and silenced it.

Marinette sighed as she realized she was tense and went back over her list.

My name is Marinette.

I̸̞̩̔̽̽̒̀̅̀͗͛͒͝͝͠͠ ̵̨̞̝͇̥̘͈̙̫͂͂̓ų̵̰͎̜̜̲͖͖̫̦͚̗̞́͌̂̄̀̋̆̕͜͝͝ͅs̷̜̪͈̊̐̿͘ẻ̸̢̧̡̖̺̳̞́͐̔́͗̃̀̃͝d̵̨̛̺̽͗̔̀͑ ̵͚̲̠̯̩̓͗̃͜ͅţ̷͎͙̼̖̱̙̠̰͉͕̭́̅̒̅̓̐̓̓͒͌͝ơ̶̧̨͙̮͉͎̝͚̹̘͍͚̺̒̋̎̓͌̇͒͐ ̶̳̪͙͓̖̭̠̱̳̻̑̐̍̽͠b̶̡̧̛͇͚͖̦̮̙̲̼̘̲̝̳̯̊̈̐̅̉̐͑͂̚ę̴͖͚͉̍̏̇̇̈́̍͛̋̕͘͝͝ ̵̙͇̥̻̈̇̒̃̽̓̀̉̔̾̉͝L̶̮̥̳̮͈̙͊̓̉̋̑͋̈́͆́̓̐̈́̌a̸̢͍͖̯̯͖͚̮̻̳̞̩͙̮̦͛̍̒͌̽̚d̴̢̡͉̤̞̠̃̔̿̊̐̄̑͐͐̊̽͆͝ͅͅy̶̧̥͔͎̗̞͔̩͌̃ͅb̷̡̰͕͛̐͘ͅu̶̦͉̘̦̻̝̔̍͊̅̌̀͛̆̀͛̇̄̚͝͝ģ̷͙͋̑͋̈́̾͂̔͋͋̆̎̾͛̚͝.̴̧̢̪̜͎̜͉͙̫̝͇̘͊́͘͝ͅ

I am nineteen years old.
I̶ ̶a̶m̶ ̶o̶k̶a̶y̶.
I am a liar.
Chat Noir loves me.
I like to design clothes.
I have school today.

Marinette snuggled back into Chat Noir, only to realize he was detransformed. "Chat, Chat wake up. You have to go so that I can go to school." All she was met with was Chat pulling her closer and rolling over onto his back. "Chat, Chat come on, I-I think I'm usually late, I need to get up." Marinette says with a laugh as Chat mutters a quiet "no" and tucks her head under his chin.

"Please Kitty? I need to go and make sure my other friends, Alya Nino and Adrian are okay too. Come back over tonight and we can watch a movie." She said quietly, her lips brushing against the skin of his neck sweetly, however accidental it was. Chat's face warmed with a blush as he gave a fake sigh and said "Well fine I guess," before looking around and then whistling.

"Close your eyes Princess," he said quietly as Plagg brought over an exhausted Tikki. She had insisted on coming and neither of the boys had the heart to stop her. "Morning kids," Plagg said quietly, trying not to wake up his Sugar Cube. "Morning Plagg," Marinette answers first and then freezes up. Adrian can feel her heartbeat start to pick up as her breathing comes out in huffs. She grips onto him and holds him as tight as possible. "Princess? Princess it's okay." He says quietly, holding her close with gently hands while he rubs shapes into her back.

"How do I know their name?" She whispers quietly and Adrian can feel the wetness of her tears begins to gently fall. After a few minutes they get it cleared up that Marinette had met Plagg several times and that it wouldn't be surprising if she remembered his name because of it despite everything that had happened.

Marinette didn't believe him, something deep inside her told her he was right but she felt that she had met the creature before. The moment she thought about it, she forgot again, and instead gave her friend a tearful nod. She feels as the leather takes over his regular clothing, the fabric was soft to the touch and smelled like the expensive detergents and soaps she would sometimes smell whenever she would f̶l̶y̶ ̶o̶v̶e̶r̶ walk past the stores that sold them. The smells complimented him, the clash of baby's breath flowers and honeysuckle from the soaps, and then his smell.

Marinette would think about what he smelled like for the rest of the day but wouldn't be able to name it. Shortly after Chat left Marinette got dressed, hurriedly brushed her teeth and then zoomed out of her parent's bakery right as the bell rung. Her ankles stung from being sprained but they surprisingly didn't hurt as bad as she thought they would. Almost like she was experienced in pain.

The moment she walked in apologizing, her hair sticking out in certain places and wearing baggy clothing with her eyes still red and puffy from having a near panic attack just twenty minutes earlier, Adrian was beside her doing the same thing. He was out of breath and bent over with his hands on his knees and Marinette nearly told him to stand up straight so that he could breath better. He also had messy hair and crinkled clothing, his bag had papers sticking out of it and his cheeks and nose were red like when the wind blows too hard in the winter.

Mrs. Bustier blinks, looking up from her clipboard where she had been taking roll call before furrowing her eyes rows and becoming conflicted. She knew she should do something, give Adrian lines or send him to the principal for running out the day prior and abducting Marinette in his doing so, plus he was late but then she looked over to Marinette.

Marinette had always been a good and respectful student, she always dressed nice and made sure to be kind to everyone. Even during that year or so when she separated herself from everyone, she was still helpful and kind to most, and still dressed in nice clothes however dark or big they were. Whenever she didn't have a smile on her face she still partook in class and work and did her best to keep her grades up.

But a good teacher always noticed the signs. She could separate the truthful excuses from the lame ones, she could tell whenever a student didn't have the heart to do something, and she could tell whenever a student wasn't always—er well, particularly on the bright side, like they always had a dark cloud looming over them.

Marinette had her cloud, a possibly even bigger one than before she disappeared, and it was sticking to her like glue. So the teacher sighs and welcomes the two to the class but tells them that they'll have to pay extra attention today and sends them over to their seats. They both thank her for her mercy and smile at each other, a small kindness neither give up the chance to gift to each other.

Marinette goes and sits down next to Alya who is ecstatic to see her but questions her a lot about where she went with Adrian yesterday and why she wasn't answering her calls and where her earrings were. "I never had any earrings Alya, and Adrian took me to old friend...I think." Marinette had replied, her eyebrows furrowing with frustration at not being able to remember.

"Woah, okay girl, don't blow a fuse, it's okay! I'm just glad that you're back, I was really scared that you wouldn't come back." Alya had said with a tearful and pitiful smile, taking her best friend's hand. "Yeah, yeah okay. Sorry, the doctors told me it's normal that my memory would be messed up, I'm probably just forgetting stuff still," once again Marinette recalled the fact that she was a liar. The doctors were right, she did forget some stuff. But she could feel that that wasn't the only thing, something was making her forget, she could feel it. She knew it she knew it she knew it she knew it.

And then she forgot it, and that was okay. She didn't know what she was thinking about, but she also knew she didn't want to know for some reason. During the lesson everyone was giving her looks. Looks of relief and giddiness, looks of sourness and dislike (although those were admittedly only given by a certain liar and blond), and looks of admiration and joy. She could tell that her appearance amused and stroked curiosity throughout the classroom, all she had done was just grabbed the comfiest clothes she could find.

Although admittedly she had begun thinking that that might've been a bad decision when it came to the break in between classes when all of the girls had surrounded her and begun asking her questions. "Did you and Adrian come to class together?" "Why were you late?" "Why were you and Adrian late together?" "Where did you go yesterday?" "Why is your hair so messy today?" "Can I braid it?" "That isn't important right now Rose!" "Sorry Alix!" Were just a few of the sentences and questions thrown at her.

Marinette felt crowded, herded into her locker. She wanted to crawl into it and shut it behind her as the girls overwhelmed her, taking no notice to the discomfort they had accidentally caused her. She answered as best she could, telling them that she didn't come with Adrian and she didn't know why she was late and she didn't remember where she went with him yesterday. Marinette was having a hard time breathing, she could feel a flare going throughout her body, attacking the little scars littering her body.

She didn't like it, she didn't like the itch, she didn't like her headache and she didn't like everyone crowding her. Pressure was building up in her like a volcano as her friends bombarded her with questions, not giving her enough time to answer and enough space to be able to focus on them. Alya was recording and Alix was being loud and Rose kept asking her about whether or not Adrian and her went somewhere romantic even though she hadn't had a crush on him in a long time.

Juleka wasn't saying much but was still staring at her intently and Chloe was glaring at her and Lila was watching with expectant eyes, waiting and focusing on her. Marinette didn't like it, didn't like any of it. She was curling in on herself, she was forgetting to breathe and for some reason she wished that she had something to spin and twirl. She riddled with her purse strings instead and nervously looked around at her friends as she tried to ask them to quiet down and back up a little bit.

Luckily Adrian came to her rescue when one of the girls, their voices were all blending into one droning loud voice that was pummeling her thoughts to the ground, asked if her and Adrian had gone on a date together yesterday and she managed to ask why would they go on a date. That caught everyone's attention.

So apparently she and Adrian, one of her best friends, had started dating a while before she had disappeared. That didn't make any sense though, Marinette had a crush on Chat Noir, her relationship with Adrian was strictly platonic. Adrian had quickly shoved his way through the girls and gently grabbed Marinette's arm and helped her escape, managing to get her out into the hall and sending her on her way to Mrs. Mandelev's class with the promise of him grabbing her books for her.

Adrian had made good on his promise, and even better, and the girls didn't ask her about her and Adrian's "relationship" anymore. The did give him sad glances though, she'd have to ask him about it later. For now though, she was just glad to be able to breath again. She was glad that the voice had stopped speaking.

Marinette tried to pay attention to the class, she really earnestly did, but she ended up doodling during most of it. She'd sketch cheese tarts and butterflies and ladybugs and clothes and cats to the point that she knew she'd have to ask someone else to tell her about physics. Maybe she'd ask Chat, she had the slightest inkling that he knew a lot about it. Maybe his dad was an engineer or something.

It's at lunch that she remembers that her doctor told her to make sure that she ate, but the thought of eating made her feel queasy. She could vaguely remember having eating problems when Adrian was dating Kagami. That thought drudged something up in her stomach. She didn't like how Kagami treated Adrian, how she treated her friends. She's sure that Kagami was a good person deep down or at least in a different more canonical (whatever that meant) universe but at least in this one he was a dick.

Anyways, Marinette sits at a table with Adrian and Nino and Alya when she feels like she's forgetting something else. She reaches into her purse and sees a cookie. She stares at it hard, reaching out for it with a quivering hand and just, watching it. Waiting. She had grabbed it for some reason before she ran across the street to get to school but she didn't know why. She wished she did.

Eventually Nino had jokingly asked if Marinette was going to eat the cookie or marry it and she had offered it to him and when he said he was full she offered it to Alya who thanked her but said that she was fine. Marinette looked to Adrian and knew, she just knew that Adrian needed to have this cookie. That if she gave it to him it would go to the right person, whoever that was she didn't know.

Adrian hesitates when receiving it and nervously breaks eye contact with Marinette to put it in his bag and give it to a crying Tikki. Plagg gives him a sad look but shrugs and thanks him. When he looks back up Marinette's eyes are glazed over and she's staring at the table muttering to herself before joining back in on the conversation.

After the last few classes when school is over she tallies up things about the day, the goods, the bads, and the weirds. Nothing outweighed the others like the weirds did, but that was okay with her. She think she was used to weird.

Marinette had an unforgettable day, and that was perfectly okay to have.

(Sorry reupload new update coming out soon, just found some typos and stuff and wanted to fix it lol)

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