Awaken Book 3: The Rise of Kn...

By WhitmoreYoung

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Preparations started surprisingly fast. It's amazing how motivating the threat of total annihilation can be... More

Chapter 1: Four Years Later..
Chapter 2: Sweet Jazz, Sweet Jazz
Chapter 3: Kids
Chapter 4: Progress
Chapter 5: The Council
Chapter 6: Tension Boils
Chapter 7: Dance of Light
Chapter 8: Good Ebon, Bad Ebon
Chapter 9: Surprise, Surprise
Chapter 10: 100 Percent
Chapter 11: Trouble in Paradise
Chapter 12: Hunting Season
Chapter 13: Ash
Chapter 14: Last Words
Chapter 15: Sync.
Chapter 16: Transporter Man
Chapter 17: Amy. Amy WildFire.
Chapter 18: All the Marbles
Chapter 19: Betrayel.
Chapter 20: Animal Formation!
Chapter 21: The Real Me
Chapter 22: Triumph
Chapter 23: One glass, too many
Chapter 24: Rules
Chapter 25: Blind, but can still see
Chapter 26: Bereave
Chapter 27: Persephone
Chapter 28: Hell on Earth
Chapter 29: Strategy out of hand: Knight vs Monk?
Chapter 30: Hell of a Day
Chapter 31: Knonus' first steps on Earth Realm The 100,000 Demon Army
Chapter 32: Too Late
Chapter 34: War
Chapter 35: Past meets Present
Chapter 36: Human with Determination
Chapter 37: Omni
Chapter 38: Roar, Pride, Roar.
Chapter 39: One Last BadAss Hoedown
Chapter 40: Knonus Versues All
Chapter 41: Big Ass Satellite
Chapter 42: Battles of Battles
Chapter 43: Out of Options
Chapter 44: Chance
Chapter 45: At Death's Door
Chapter 46: Champions over Losers.
Chapter 47: Era
Chapter 48: Vocal Cry
Chapter 49: Tables has turned
Chapter 50: Compromise

Chapter 33: A Hero's Gamble

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By WhitmoreYoung

Lucifer laughs as everybody around him are breathing hard and bleeding from multiple wounds, he breaks Miyaki's spear as he stabs him with it. He rips the blade out of his torso and throws it aside as he smiles at him. Miyaki drags his leg behind him and faces him head on, Lucifer's eyes light up and he faces his hand towards them. "Inferno Incinerator." He says as his fingertips bursts into flames and he unleashes an gigantic wave of fire. The fire rapidly charges towards them as Axel lands in front of it, he appears to have something in his hand and he swings it as the fire hits him. The fire disappears, it turns into a golden mist of sprinkles and it swirls in the air around them. Axel stands tall, his golden scales shine as bright as the sun and a hammer matching his brightness in his hands, "The Holy Knight, Axel, is defeat you." He says as the demon looks at him with a blank stare. Miyaki summons another spear as he attaches it to his holster on his back, "Just like the old days huh, big guy? I'm glad you're back." He says as Axel tightens his grip on the hammer. "Well I've never left, just needed a rest. One misstep and fell on my ass, now nothing will stand in my way!" Axel says as Lucifer laughs loudly, he sees the two renowned warriors get ready, he punches the ground and magma erupts out. Axel swings his hammer as the magma hardens around the hammer to cushion the blow, Lucifer slams the ground again and more magma forms up his arms. His arms steam and absorb the magma, his arms illuminate some strange aura that only covers his arms down to his fingertips, he gains the higher hand and appears under Axel. He pushes him back with a sudden force, Lucifer throws his hands in front of him and Axel swings his hammer again, it strikes the ground hard. He lands on top of it, smiling as he effortlessly dodges his destructive swings, the ground traps Lucifer's feet as Sim sets a spell in the distance. Miyaki flies high in the air along with Mary and swings his spear towards him, Mary in his wolf form sends a blast towards him and creates an explosion. A shadow illuminates off his body, it guards him from Mary's attack and grabs the blade of Miyaki's spear, it sends a roar that pushes everyone back. Axel stays within distance as the shadow withers away as his hammer glows, "BRUTE CRUSHER!!" He yells as the hammer hits Lucifer's body and the force wipes anything around them away within a several mile radius. He flies through half the island and becomes motionless as he finally lands hard to the ground, the hammer releases steam and Axel exhales, "Ahh. Nobody could survive a strike like that." He says as Genesis walks to him. Rio walks in the temple as everyone else follows him in, "It seems that demon set off all the traps this place had over the years, it should be a straight shot." Sim says as Mary gets on all-fours and starts sniffing around. "I don't smell anyone or anything, we should be ok." Mary says as Miyaki catches up to Rio. "Hey. You didn't fight back there...what happened?" Miyaki says as Rio looks down. "My powers...don'" Rio replies as Miyaki gives him a confused look. "Before I met Axel, I limited myself...I couldn't control them." He says as he spits an acid drop and it burns the wall nearby. "I have like these glimpses of my powers coming back, but I don't see it coming back." He says as Miyaki hands him a dagger. "I guess this is it." Axel says as he swings back the hammer to break down the door. "Wait, you destructive buffoon, don't just swing away and break the damn thing." He says as the door opens and Seses is on the other side.

"Come on, come on, chop-chop, we have work to do, we don't have much time." He says as everybody jumps back. "I am no threat, I am Seses, I've been named many things but One Eyed Sage seems to stick." He says as Miyaki kneels. "Oh, great one." He says as Seses taps his head, "To your feet. No time for that, let's go." He says as Miyaki gets up quickly. "Well Axel I'm sorry to break it to you, but you may have to be our generator, the bunch we have here won't make this work." He says as Axel drops his hammer. "How much you need?" He says as Seses shakes his head. "Oh no, you must've misread me, we're using your energy to power this temple. As least long enough for the ritual is complete." Seses says as Axel shrugs. "Do what you must, I act for the greater good." Axel replies with a grin.


SupaSound lands on top of a building as he observes the city around him engulfed in flames. The US Sound Force has helicopters and droids picking up survivors they can, qdemon warriors fan around it and attack those that didn't lift off. He jets off towards the demons as Sin tackles him from a building he swings off of, SupaSound spins and kicks him to the ground. He lands on the ground on his feet, he smiles as SupaSound lands and his head piece breaks off. His armor turns completely gold and shines bright as T-Mac dials in, "It appears you've been given a tremendous amount of power, it's been routed through the mainframe and it's increasing by the minute!" He says as Allen looks at his hands and balls them into fists. "In that case, full speed ahead, let's go." He says as he aims his blasters towards him and Sin disappears and reappears behinds him. His claws scratches his back as Allen steps forward and drives his foot behind him, the broken material on the back of his suit heals over time and hardens. Allen flips back and drives his foot on Sin's head, he punches him with the blasters attached to his wrist, sends him flying off his feet. Sin kicks him in the chest as the suit projects a field to prevent the foot to hit him, SupaSound claps his hands together and concentrates a small ball of sound. Sin slashes through the field and plants his hand to the ground, the ball dispenses into the air, "Expel." Allen says as the suit releases a loud, high pitch sound that shatters the ground around them. Sin immediately holds onto his ears, they both burst out blood and drops to his knees; SupaSound's jet boot flares up and kicks him in the face. Sin cracks his neck, pushes him to the wall behind him, he retracts his claws and punches the wall as Allen dodges it. The wall breaks down after Sin's punch as SupaSound leaps back to strategize a proper plan against this demon, Sin breaks his hand through his own chest. A small device connected to his heart flashes a light and he breaks it, a dark energy pours out to the ground. He grows bigger and his skin seems to rip in several places as his own regenerative cells won't even heal all the way as it's too much skin to piece back together. He roars loudly and charges towards him, "Ah...SHIT!" Allen yells as the suit automatically creates a cannon out of both his arms and uses his chest as a power stabilizer and delivers a full blast at Sin. The blast burns away at Sin's skin, he stands still as the force pushes him back. His arm flies off, Sin jams his other arm in the ground as his feet leave the ground, he vacuums the rest of the blast and his gauntlets light up. Sin charges at him with his newly regenerated arm and swings at him, Allen dodges the punch and sends the leftover energy into Sin's body. The vibrations radiate in his body and disappears almost instantly, he grabs Allen and stabs his claws into his stomach and chest, breaking through the armor and penetrating him. He coughs up blood, "Don't you worry, the nanotechnology will kick in, hang in there." T-Mac dials in as Allen is thrown to a building. Sin turns and walks towards him as his body implodes and blood, bones, and guts scatter everywhere. Allen slides down and smirks as blood runs down his bottom lip, the nanotechnology scatters to his chest and stomach, pieces together the torn pieces of his muscle and adds the lost blood, Allen gets up and he breathes out. "T-Mac. Notify the heads of the WSF(Worldwide Sound Forces)to retreat and rendezvous at the furthest city, additional assistance will be provided." Allen says as the program sends his message to the bunches of soldiers fighting and observing the cities from a bird's eye view. The planes orbiting the areas slowly keep away and soldiers get picked up by vans and huge trucks, more demon soldiers roam through the empty houses and leaving a path of destruction everywhere they went.

Madison zaps through several soldiers left and right, "This must be that power of the Holy Knights Banno told all of us back in Heaven. This feels amazing, I feel limitless, everything about me feels amped." She says to herself as Jo Da lands in front of her and smirks. "Greetings.." He says as he flexes his hand and a clear barrier explodes off of him and she neutralizes it with her lightning. He claps his hands as she smirks back at him, "Oh, I love the fierceness of this race, I already have what those soldiers I killed prior to this arrival don't have." He says as he bows to her, "The name's Jo Da, I'll be your opponent." He says to her, she bows down to him as politely as he did. "I'm Madison, pleased to fight you." She says as he raises his hand. "I have one request before we begin." He says as she taps the toe of her left shoe off the ground. "Don't hold back." He says as electricity charges through his body. She jets towards him and her kick strikes his forearm, she tries to kick his dominant leg and the kick shakes her. He throws a punch, she parries it, he jabs him three times , he pushes her off, and she hits the ground hard; she leaps and attack him with a butterfly kick. He blocks it as she surprisingly lands on the ground and he delivers a series of open palmed strikes to her torso and ends it with a chop to his neck. She delivers a strong strike to his ribs, he grabs her other hand and sweeps her off her feet, she dodges a fist behind her as it comes from something else she couldn't detect. It was a clone of Jo Da as she slides back, the clone dashes towards her and she delivers a forearm strike directly to his temple, the clone deflects her following punch and delivers an open palm strike to her stomach. She loses her step as Jo Da sends a burst of air towards her, she puts her guard up as it strikes her and she flies into a van nearby. She opens her eyes as he punches her through the van and she flies and crashes hard to the ground, he sends vicious shots all over her body, leaving her utterly defenseless. The clone dashes her and delivers a kick to her midsection, she hooks her arm around its leg and breaks it as she rolls away from the clone. The clone snaps its leg back together and puts her in a full nelson headlock, the clone merged in the wall behind them and hardens around her arms so now, it's nearly impossible to escape from its grip. "You were holding back, WHY?" He asks as he slaps her in the face. She doesn't say anything as he grabs her by the chin and stares at her intensely. "All a part of the plan.." She says as she reaches her foot to the road as a multitude of batteries start to spark the entire road both her and Jo Da are standing on. He looks down as the electricity zaps him and he doesn't feel it one bit, "Weak attempt of survival, hm?" He asks as she breaks a hand out and touches the road. Suddenly, the road shakes and cracks surge through, she smirks as Jo Da's face explains it all; she disappears out of his sight and appears right in front of him. "You want my all?" She says as she kicks him in the chin, blood comes out of his mouth and he skyrockets high in the sky above. He stops himself in mid air as she kicks him again but in the face, he snaps his neck back as the force completely turns him around. Madison smirks and charges up, clouds start to show around them both as he throws a punch at her. His fist phases through her and it zaps his body, her blue lightning turns golden, lightning strikes as everything around them goes dark, the light appears as Jo Da sees multiple clones of Madison. All the clones charge at Jo Da, he beats some of them as they don't feel damage, they all attack him head on, an endless amount of punches and kicks landing left and tight raining upon him. He falls as multiple clones follow out of the clouds with lightning striking behind them, Madison reaches him before he reaches the ground, she spins and lifts her leg high above his head. "Jupiter...ASSAULT!!!!" She yells as she lands her kick on his head and the road goes up in a massive explosion.

Through the smoke, Madison is seen standing and then she falls next to Jo Da, seems to be unconscious, she looks up to the sky, blood starts to leave her mouth. "Guess I overdid it..." She says in her mind as she sustained internal damage and tears in his organs and muscle tissue. She looks to the left of her, Jo Da disappears into dust as if he was never there. She hears laughter from somewhere nearby, Jo Da walks around the corner and walks towards her. "I have underestimated you, but I'm afraid you may suffer the same fate as all those brave souls who fought alongside you. You'll die with honor and with the most respect." Jo Da says as he turns around and grabs a blade of a sword that burns his hands a little. "Power of Light: Silent Bolt." A voice says as the cloaked being appears behind him and Jo Da's hands, head, and torso started to slide off his body in multiple pieces. The being lands next to Madison and checks on her as Jo Da appears with his expression slightly irritated, "I'm starting to become unpleased with how annoying this race tends to be. But no matter, I'll stop you all...oh? Kiano. As I live and breathe, you show yourself with perfect timing." He starts to say as the cloaked being takes down its hood, "Kiano couldn't make it, but you have the leisure to fight me now.." Quinn says as Jo Da takes his top off and demonic markings appear all over his chest and arms. "Oh. It won't be a fight, it'll be a bloodbath." He says as Quinn reveals his new sword, light shines off it and the blade touches the ground.

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