Ill Appearances

By Born_OfChaos

1.4K 24 0

NOTE: This is a rewritten version of a story that is already on this account. (Internal screaming cause I spe... More

Chapter 2: Carmen
Chapter 3: Andy
Chapter 4: Carmen
Chapter 5: Mara
Chapter 6: Andy
Chapter 7: Mara
Chapter 8: Andy
Chapter 9: Carmen
Chapter 10: Andy
Chapter 11: Carmen
Chapter 12: Mara
Chapter 13: Carmen
Chapter 14: Andy
Chapter 15: Mara
Chapter 16: Carmen
Chapter 17: Mara
Chapter 18: Andy
Chapter 19: Mara
Chapter 20: Carmen
Chapter 21: Mara
Chapter 22: Carmen
Chapter 23: Andy
Chapter 24: Mara
Chapter 25: Carmen
Bonus Story Chapter
Chapter 26: Carmen

Chapter 1: Carmen

52 2 0
By Born_OfChaos

My thoughts raced as I sprinted toward the clearing in the woods. My heart felt like it would leap out of my chest at any moment. I knew they'd seen me. I knew that if I didn't keep running, I'd end up like anyone else in school who tried to block their path.

Jackie and Aaron were the most infamous "delinquents" in my school. I was supposed to be figuring out why my best friend, Mara, was with them, but some things didn't go according to plan.

"Mara!" Jackie's voice snapped. "Get her!"

Mara yawned. "Get her yourself," she mumbled.

I grinned. "That's my girl."

Aaron growled. "If neither of you will do it, I will."

"No!" Jackie yelled. "I'll do it." 

I forced my legs to move faster. I'd nearly made it out. But if I exited the woods running, I'd look suspicious. The police had already been called, and I didn't want to give them a reason to arrest me when they arrived. I sucked in a heavy breath then looked behind me.

Jackie wasn't exactly on my tail, but she was pretty close.

Deciding to take the risk, I slowed. This, undoubtedly, was a big mistake.

Jackie was suddenly in front of me. She grinned, then lunged at me.

Thanks to the adrenaline rush, I was able to dodge. I forced myself to pick up the pace once more. I breathed a heavy sigh once I emerged from the woods.

A brownish-green minivan was parked in the nearly empty parking lot of the gas station.

With my last burst of energy, I made a mad dash toward the van.

"Thank heavens," the man inside the vehicle breathed. "I thought you'd never come out of there."

"Just step on it, Castar!" I exclaimed. "Someone called the police on them a bit ago!"

Castar scowled. "That's not good." 

"Yeah," I snapped. "So could you like, drive?"

Castar huffed. "Whatever. You better have some useful information when we get back."

Castar was a biologist, and my current employer. I was quite interested in the science field, but biology seemed to speak to me the most. Toward the end of the summer, I was job hunting so I could save up for a new phone and other things my parents wouldn't buy me. I found Castar's ad for an assistant online a few weeks later. It was currently halfway through September. The job wasn't anything to exciting, but it payed well. Although, Castar was a strange man. He was about seven years older than me with long, curly dark blonde hair and brown eyes. He wasn't very tall, but he made up for it with his broad shoulders. Overall, I'd say he wasn't revolting. It was mostly his...personality that was questionable. He'd only been out of college for a few years and wasn't part of any really big or important research projects. This seemed to get to him quite often.

"You've been staring out of the window for a while now," Castar observed.

"I'm thinking," I huffed.

"Understandable," Castar muttered. "Although, you should probably start telling me about what happened."

"I overheard Aaron telling Mara that she was supposed to meet them at the abandoned warehouse at ten thirty tonight," I explained. "That's why I asked you to be out here this late. I'm sorry if I've caused you trouble..."

Castar sighed. "I assume your parents don't know about this."

I nodded.

"You must trust me a lot," Castar mumbled. "When I was sixteen I wouldn't have gotten into a car with anyone but my parents."

"Well it's not like you're a stranger," I grumbled. "Besides, I'm sure you think of me as a friend too. You wouldn't be driving me home if you didn't like me."

Castar sighed again. "I'm just warning you, that's all. Now finish your story."

"You told me to see what Mara was doing since she quit working for you so suddenly," I continued. "I thought this would lead to something. I didn't anticipate that they'd make a ruckus and end up getting the police called on them. I was being stupid and made something fall so they caught me. I knew I should've asked Mason to help but—"

"It's quite alright," Castar interrupted. "I understand where you're coming from. Next time, though, please make sure to do things safely. I know you should be getting your license soon so—"

"I know," I cut in. "You don't need to repeat yourself."

A small smile stretched across Castar's face. "Fair enough."

I continued once again. "I didn't really understand what they were saying most of the time. It was confusing...Mara talked with them like they've known each other for years."

Castar made a startled noise.

I glanced over at him. "What?"

Castar quickly covered his surprised expression. "I-it's nothing. Please continue. We're nearly back to your house so..."

I sighed. "Well, they were talking about some guy. His name was—"

"Oh look we're here!" Castar exclaimed as we pulled into my driveway.

I frowned. "O-kay." I opened the car door slowly. "I'll see you on Monday..."

"Wait," Castar said.

I turned back just as I was about to close the door. "Yeah?"

"Come see me tomorrow," Castar replied. "I have someone I want you to meet."

I nodded. "See you, then."

My brother, Mason, was waiting for me in the kitchen. "Dad'll kill you if he finds out you went out this late," he snapped.

I waved a hand lazily at him as I opened the fridge to grab a can of soda. "That's why he won't find out."

Mason's amber colored eyes narrowed slightly. "If you get any louder he'll know."

I scoffed. "I know you're just upset that I called Castar instead of you, so don't try to be all cryptic about it."

Mason scowled. "I just don't understand why you trust that guy so much."

"He may be my boss, but I consider him a friend," I grumbled. "Like I already said, I know what you're thinking."

Mason sighed. "Whatever. Just get to bed."

"But it's the weekend," I whined.

Mason chuckled, ruffling my hair. "That's not my problem."

I frowned. "Meanie," I huffed.

Mason smirked. "Whatever you say, Shorty." 

After Mason had dragged me upstairs, I laid in my bed silently. I sighed heavily. Unable to fall asleep, I typed out a text to Mason.

I cant sleep :(

You're in luck! I hear tiny footsteps coming down the hall

Just as I read the message, my door creaked open.

"Carmen?" a small voice asked.

I sat up. "Yeah?"

My little brother, Alec, tiptoed into the room. He was sniffling.

My heart melted. "What's wrong?"

Alec pouted. "I had a bad dream..."

I frowned. "Mom and Dad are fighting again, aren't they?"

Alec nodded. "I thought...I thought Daddy would yell at me if I went to them..."

"You can lay with me," I said gently.

Alec climbed into my bed and snuggled up against me. "Thank you, Carmen," he whispered.

I smiled, leaning over to kiss his forehead. "You're welcome."

"Will Grandma come to visit again soon?" Alec asked quietly.

"I'm not sure," I replied, stroking his head gently. "We're doing okay, so I don't think she'll be around any more than she has to. Even though she doesn't live far away at all, I miss her."

"I do too," Alec whispered.

I sighed. "It's really best if you tried to get to sleep. Mom doesn't like it when you're up this late."

Alec buried his head into my shoulder. "You're warm," he murmured as his eyelids began to droop shut.

I chuckled, suddenly feeling sleepy myself. "Goodnight, Alec..." With that, I drifted into a peaceful sleep. At least it was until...

I found myself in an empty, rectangular room.

The walls, the floor—everything—was concrete.

I frowned. Knowing I was dreaming, I attempted to wake myself up to no avail.

Suddenly, the lights flickered out.

I was swallowed up into pitch black darkness. "Hello?" I called out timidly.

Of course, there was no answer.

My frowned deepened. I squinted, trying to make out at least something. It was no use, though. It was as if I was staring into a pool of ink. After a few moments, I heard the sound of bare feet running across concrete.

I just about jumped ten feet in the air. Cautiously, I took a step forward. Then another, and then another. "Is anyone there?" I called out again.

There was the slightest sound of a crackle, then a fire sprang up not even two feet in front of me.

I yelped and stumbled back in surprise, falling hard on my butt in the process. Dreams don't hurt, I thought frantically. So what the heck is going on?

The fire—which seemed to have a mind of its own—slowly moved toward me.

My thoughts raced with infinite possibilities of how this could end. "Stay back!" I yelled.

The fire obviously didn't listen.

I cringed at the heat as the fire licked my feet.

Then from the fire, a pair of hands emerged.

I shut my eyes tight, bracing myself for the immeasurable heat, but I didn't feel anything. I opened my eyes the slightest bit. A gasp escaped my lips.

A beautiful woman had taken shape in the fire. Her hair flowed like lava down her back, and her eyes were as green as emeralds. She smiled as she took my face in her hands.

"W-who are you?" I stammered. I was utterly shocked that the fire wasn't burning me.

The woman only continued to smile. She lifted her hand to stroke my hair.

It was an oddly calming gesture. I found myself relaxing in her embrace.

After a few moments, the woman leaned down to speak gently in my ear.

"Go now, Child," she said quietly. "Your time has come."

My expression morphed into one of confusion. "My...time...?" I asked. I frowned slightly.

The woman nodded. "Wake up now, Young One. You have somewhere to be, don't you?" She smiled pleasantly, pulling her hands away from my face. "Until we meet again."

I sat bolt upright in bed.

Alec still laid fast asleep at my side.

I breathed a sigh of relief. What the heck was that dream about? I wondered anxiously.

It wasn't like me too have dreams—or remember my dreams, for that matter—and when I did they were mostly nightmares. It confused me, but more or less made me worry.

I reached over Alec and pulled my phone off my nightstand. It was seven o'clock in the morning. Heaving a heavy sigh, I dragged myself out of bed. I normally wasn't able to sleep in after eight o'clock, so I figured Mason would get worried if I didn't get downstairs to eat breakfast by seven thirty. I gently pulled the covers over Alec, then gathered my things to take a shower.

My thoughts were still all scattered as I began washing my hair. I couldn't erase the face of that woman from my memory.  It was seared into my brain as if it had burned a hole through my skull. Unable to shake the confusing memory, I turned the water cold.

After my shower, I threw on a hoodie and a pair of leggings, and messily braided my hair. It was seven forty-five when I got downstairs to the kitchen.

Mason was sitting at the table eating a plate of sausage and eggs. "Mornin'," he muttered.

"You tired?" I asked.

He nodded. "I didn't sleep well. Guess it was pent up worry from not knowing exactly where you were last night."

"Sorry," I mumbled. "I didn't mean to cause you trouble."

"Don't apologize," Mason said stiffly. "It's not like I was going to sleep much anyway."

I frowned. "Is your insomnia getting worse?"

Mason nodded. "But I'm fine, so don't worry."

I gave him a cross look. "So I'm not allowed to worry about you, but you can lose sleep over me?"

Mason laughed, then reached up to ruffle my hair. "Cheer up, Carmen."

I smiled. "Alright." I walked over to the fridge and took out the carton of eggs. "By the way, Castar told me to come in today."

Mason frowned. "But it's Saturday."

"I know," I grumbled. "He said he has someone for me to meet."

Mason's frown deepened. "Just be careful, Carmen."

I turn back to him. "You worry too much. I'll be just fine."

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