Brokenly Strong

By blackspark270

348 38 16

"Kat" I said closing my eyes, remembering her. Her eyes, nose, lips, hair. "She is beautiful" He chuckled. Oo... More

Chapter 1: SECRETS
Chapter 2: The Gang
Chapter 3 : BAD DREAMS
chapter 4: SPY-MARE
CHAPTER 10: Disaster
CHAPTER 11: Glimpses Of Past


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By blackspark270

Neel's POV:

"I found myself in a small wooden house. I looked my side to find an old man sitting at my side who was maybe at his late 60s. He was called Mr. Denison. He was a good man. He said he had found me in the river on the outskirts of Malicate. His wife and daughter died in some car accident. Even though I heard his story, I never made myself to tell him my story. I never told my story to anyone before this. I never wanted anyone to know my story, but you guys just dug that out..." she sighs. "... By the way I just told him that I was running away from my abusive family. He started to take care of me like his daughter. I started to take self defence classes there. That was a small village. I slowly started to adapt to that environment. I found my second dad in him and he found a daughter in me. I was happy. I was content. I loved my new life. I was thankful to God to let me start a new life until one day. That day I was coming from self defense class when I saw two people were raiding the house. I hid behind the bushes to see what was happening. They were asking Mr. Denison about a girl. I didn't know if they were asking about me or not, but if that's true, I can't let them hurt another person because of me. Then I noticed the same symbol on their hand which every bloodshed gang members had. They were for me. But before I could do anything they pulled the gun and shot Mr. Denison in front of me. As a coward I am, I remain hidden there and let them raid the house, took the small valuables and violate them Mr. Denison's body. After they left, I went there to see the damage. I can never forget that day. I could have done something, but I didn't. I spend the whole night mourning on that dead body." She was silent for a minute. But then she spoke with a confidence, with determination. "At the funeral, I spoke. I spoke my full story to Mr. Denison's body which was six feet under the ground. That day I promised him and myself that I will take his and my revenge from that gang. Neel!" she called me.


"Do you remember Mandy Hasden!..." I remember he was the person we were following when the first time we met Kat. "...He was one of the r@pist. I have no guilt killing him. His death was written by my hands. I will kill the others too the same way I killed Hasden.

"Okay, Now tell the story until we met" Jake spoke.

"Calm down! I know you want to connect all the dots, verify my story blah blah. Have patience. I am going there. So where was I?"

"Mr. Denison's Funeral" Jake commented.

"I know that the headquarters of bloodshed gang is in Roliaden. My mission was to find a job and then investigate the gang about which I knew nothing. I got a job as a dinner girl. I got a house for rent too soon after. I managed to get into that gang a delivery person. Taking my chances, I started to gather information. In this way, I got information about Trent and reached the building where I met you guys. So..." She turned to face us "... That's the full story. Any questions? " Nobody said a word. "Okay then, I am off to bed. Good night" She said and started to go.

"Sis!" She stopped.

***  '\- ("/)-/' ***


"Any questions? " Nothing but silence was there. "Okay then, I am off to bed. Good night." I said leaving the chair. I almost near the door when Nick called out "Sis!"

Huh! I turned and got attacked by a hug. "I am sorry sis!"

"Uh, I-" Before I could say something, I got attacked by another hug from the side.

"I am sorry too." Alex said and withthat everybody hugged me except Tracey and Jake. I looked at them. Traceylooked at me and then joined the hug.

"I- I-" Jake started to saysomething, but Nick cut him "Just come Jake bro" and with that It wasmy second big Group hug.

***  '\- ("/)-/' ***

"I will get it. "I said to Nick when I heard someone knocking the main door. Me, Nick and Alex were eating and watching Television. Rest were in Neel's room doing god knows what. As soon as I opened the door, I was shoved out of the way. 

"Neel, Where are you?" The girl wearing the shortest dress possible enters the door. Nick hopped and came to my side. Hearing her high-pitched voice others came down too.

"Oh my Neely Beely, there you are!" She cooed as soon as her eyes fell on Neel. She ran and literally climbed him in the disguise of a hug.

"Who is she?" I whispered to Nick

"she's the half naked lizard Garry always talked about. " Oh! so she is lazy.

"Who is she Neely Beely?" Lacey asked pointing towards me.

"She is my sister." Nick defended before Neel could have said something.

"Really! Another Rose. She seems more pathetic than Rose."

Tracey was about to say something, but Jake stopped him. What I know is that Rose is Tracey's and Nick's sister who died in some gang shit.

"See! She even don't know how to defend herself. Atleast Rose knew it" How could I defend myself when I don't know a single thing about Rose. In order to defend myself, I don't want to hurt Rose.

"Hey guys, missed me!" Another person entered with two suitcases.

"This is Arnold. Remember? We told you about them." Nick whispered. I nodded. I remembered that they told me that Actually this house belongs to the previous leader of the fire storm gang. He himself lived here with his children, Lacey and Arnold and some important gang members. When he died in some conflict with bloodshed gang, his title was handed over to his brother who had a well settled business and not at all interested in this gang shit. But he can't just quit this gang. It is one of the most powerful gang on earth. So he divided the gang into smaller groups and let them run it according to them. But he, Mr Halter is still the leader so he can call the gang anytime. The gang has to do whatever he wants as he is still the gang leader. After the splitting of gang Lacey and Arnold stayed here while others moved out. And now they are back.

Arnold roamed his eyes around. He put the luggage down as soon as our eyes met. "Oh, hello pretty lady. Arnold is always at your service." He said going on on leg stretching his hand to me. I didn't know what to say and what to do. I never have been introduced to anyone like this. When he saw I was standing there dumbfounded, He reached his hand more to take mine.

"Her name is Kat." Neel said quickly while getting rid of Lacey.

"Is she mute that you are introducing her?" He asked. Before someone could say anything, Lacey said," I think she is. I never saw her speak a word." Arnold turned his gaze to me. I smiled and nodded yes. I had enough of these people. I raised my hand and pointed towards me indicating 'I' then I act like I'm zipping my lips indicating 'I'm mute'. If they entertain mute people, then let them be. I gave a tight smile to Arnold and with longer stride went to my room.

        ***  '\- ("/)-/' ***

"Yes?" I said when I heard the knock.

"It's me Kat" Jake slyly entered my room. I placed the laptop aside and slide back to make room for Jake.


"You are here to say sorry right! " I said, gesturing him to take a seat. 

"I ah..."He sat down "... I am really sorry Kat. I exactly know how you are feeling. I wouldn't like that either if someone had hacked into my past life. "He said looking down, but at the sorry part he looked up. "At the age of 12, I ah, I hacked the database of Fire Arrow's from my father's computer. I love computers and that time I just recently learned to hack. The next thing I know, they killed my dad because they thought he had hacked into their system. I only had my father in this whole world. When Mr. Hatter got to know that I am all alone in this whole world, He gave me a shelter. Here I met Harry, the official hacker. I asked him to teach me like you had asked me in the initial days." He smiled. I smiled too. When I asked them to teach me self defence, I also asked Jake to teach me hacking. When he asked me why, I just shrugged. But now he knows the reason.

"Sis! Wh- what are you doing here?" Nick entered the room, but stopped when he saw Jake.

"Jakey Jakey came to say sorry" Nick sat down beside Jake pinching his cheeks.

"Yeah, yeah" Jake pulled back "why are you here?"

"If you want to find Nick, the top five places to find are his room, the kitchen, drawing room, Tracey's room or mine" I replied

"See. Sis knows me best."

"Hey Katty Patty, I bought a tub of ice cream for... There's no surprise that Nickelodeon is here but Jake!" Alex entered the room.

"My name is Nicholas not Nickelodeon."

"Where is the ice cream?" I asked ignoring Nick. Alex roamed his hand on his tummy with an innocent smile. I wanted to smack the smile out of his face.

"Sunshine!" and there comes Seb.

"And why are you here?" Nick asked, ignoring Seb's mental state being shocked seeing these boys in my room.

"I was here to tell sunshine that even if she has a competitor now, she will always be the ultimate sunshine" Seb commented bouncing on my bed beside me.

As a cue, a knock was heard on the door. "Kat!" It was Tracey. I got nervous as he never acknowledges me. He never talks to me. What does he want? "Yeah, come in" I invited him in.

"I didn't know you were busy. I will come later"

"No big bro. Come. Here is enough room for you" Nick invited his brother by pulling his hand. Tracey looked at me for permission. I nodded.

"Kat. I want to- what! Why are you guys are here?" Ryan entered my room.

"It shows that only Jake and Tracey knocks on the door before entering a girl's room" I stated. Before someone could say something, the door slowly opened. "Kat! What are you guys doing here? Conspiring against me?" Neel entered.

"We were surveying who knocks before entering a girl's room" Seb said.

"And you didn't" Ryan said.

"I don't think anybody left to enter my room so one by one explain why you guys are here?" I looked at my right side to start from Seb.

"I have already told you sunshine. Ask Nick." I looked at Nick who was sitting beside Seb. He gave me a big smile, "I was getting bored so I came here to invite you for a game" I look beside Nick and that was Jake. I looked beside Jake to find Alex.

"You skipped Jake" Alex commented "I already know his reason and yours too. So next" It was Tracey. Before he could say something, a knock was heard. Now who? Surprisingly Arnold entered.

"What are you doing here?" Neel growled.

"Easy there. I just came here to introduce myself properly to Kat. Hello Kat. I am Arnold. It's my pleasure to meet you."

"Same here." I said.

"So, you are not mute then. I thought they have kept you here out of pity because of being mute."

"You should see what bullshit you are talking." Ryan growled.

"You have got quite a big fan base..." Arnold said looking directly at me "...You must be something" He said the last bit thinkingly and left.

"Kat be careful with Arnold and Lacey. They are bad news" Seb said. Coming this from Seb that means they really are bad news.

***  '\- ("/)-/' ***

"Get out the way Nick" I yelled because he was constantly blocking my way in GTA.

"And I win. Yeah! Sis you lose" Nick exclaimed.

"Yeah, whatever cheater"

"Now, the loser has to bring the winner a glass of orange juice"

"Yes master" I got up and my way toward the kitchen.

"Hey Mrs Gerald" I greeted her in the kitchen.

"Wait! What did you called me?" She asked. I gave her a tight smile.

"Gary, what's up?" I spoke naturally. Before she could say anything, Neel entered the kitchen

"What is the wild cat doing here? Planning to drink milk or steal fish?"

"Planning to scratch the guy name Neel" I gave him an innocent smile putting en empty glass down. "What is the wounded man doing here? Stealing salt to treat wounds?" I fired back while taking out oranges and the squeezer to extract the orange juice.

He stopped in front of me, looking straight in my eyes. "It's been a while hearing wounded men from your mouth."

"If you like that name so mu-"

"Where is my coffee?" Lacey stormed inside the kitchen.

"Its ready ma'am" Gary replied.

Ma'am! I looked at Neel and mouthed 'Ma'am'. He nodded guiltily.

"Sis! What took you so long to bring my orange juice?" Nick came.

"One minute and your orange juice will be here" I said showing Nick the glass.

"With a maid helping you, you still haven't made my coffee!"

"Excuse me! My sis is not a maid" Nick spat at Lacey.

"I haven't said anything to you, kid. I just want my coffee"

"Ma'am your coffee is ready" she took her cup and was about leave but stopped to say "Stop calling her 'Sis'. It's annoying. Also, I don't want another Rose in this house" She said and left. This made Nick upset. He ran back to his room. I too ran behind him calling his name. He sat down on his bed with his head down. I sat back beside him. I softly ruffled his hair.

"Why does she always mention big sis! I hate her. She has no rights to said things about my big sis" He cried holding his head up.

"Hey kiddo..." I said pulling him closer resting his head on my shoulder. "...if you cry like this then your name will change from kiddo to cry baby" He removed his head from my shoulder, hit me and then hugged me. I hugged him back. Do I really look like Rose? What is the mystery behind Rose? Everybody is quiet sensitive about Rose that's why Lacey always hide behind Rose. What had happened to her? I guess time will answer it. I sigh and rested my chin on Nick's head.

"What's yo thinking sis?"

"Ro- Nothing" I replied pulling back from him.

"You still haven't made me orange juice." He said like he is the commander scolding me because I Messed up a drill. I got up and salute.


***  '\- ("/)-/' ***

"Wait a little longer" Mrs Rouli (If u has forgotten Kat works at Rouli's bookshop. See chapter 9- Surprise)

"I'm already here for last 10 minutes. You Don't know the boys, their blood pressure will accelerate if I don't reach home in time." I said opening the door of bookshop and bumped into someone.

"Hello Mrs Rouli" that someone said.

"Hello Neel, you don't know how hard it was for me to stop Kat." Mrs Rouli replied.

"You called him, why?" I asked.

"Because of your leg" She replied. I had sprained my left ankle earlier while fixing the book shelve.

"But it's almost healed now. I can walk too. See-"I took only one step and he lifted me up.

"Thank you so much for talking care of her. From now on I will take care of her." Neel said and Mrs. Rouli nodded.

"You know what! I could take care of me. So now put me down" I said in irritation.

"I will go first Mrs. Rouli" Neel said. Mrs. Rauli waved at him. Seriously! Am I invisible now?

*** '\- ("/)-/' ***

"We are almost home. Can you put me down now?" I nagged Neel

"Nope!" he said straight faced.

"Oh come on, It's just a small sprain. I can walk you know" I sigh when I got no response Well it is great. I am getting free ride. Why not become more cosy. I circled both my arms around Neel's neck, rested my head on his shoulder and become cosier than ever

*** '\- ("/)-/' ***

"Wake up sleepyhead. We are at the gate" Neel said. What! Oh! His hands were so comfortable that my body allowed taking rest.

"Your hand must be paining"

"No, Not at all" He said with a convincing smile. Liar.

"Now as we are in front of the destination, care to set me down"

"Nope!" with that he entered the house. I rolled my eyes expecting a drama about to happen which happened too. As soon as we entered, Nick ran to us asking "what's wrong?" without waiting for any answer he started to shout "big bro, bros come down! Something has happened to sis!" Neel set me down on the sofa of the front room. I muttered 'drama started' while Neel chuckled.

"What happened?" Jake asked checking me from head to toe and back to see what's wrong.

"Nothing, I just sprained my ankle" I replied

"Just a sprain and the princess needed to be carried by the knight" Lacey's voice came as she descending the stairs.

"This way Gary" Nick came with the first aid box and Gary.

"Oh my dear lord! What happened?" Mrs. Gerald's concerned eyes started to scan me from head to toe.

"Nothing Gary, I am absolutely fine" I said hopping up from the sofa and started to jump on my good foot. "See, I can walk too." I said hopping around on one foot around the sofa. "I am fine. I just need rest. Tomorrow My leg will be as good as new." I gave her a convincing smile.

"Oh my dear Nick, we need ice pack not first aid box" Mrs. Gerald snatched the box from Nick and went to the kitchen. As soon she said that, the boys started to came toward me in a creepy way. Oh dear god! "I can go on my own" I screamed and started to hop toward the stairs. But before I could st a foot on the first stair, someone carried me and started to climb the stairs. I thought it was Neel but the hands were not familiar. I focused on the face and surprisingly it was someone I wouldn't have expected. It was Arnold. As I was processing all these we were already at the top of the stairs.

"Easy there!" He addressed everyone beneath him. "The way you all were walking towards her, I figured she can't reach her room in one piece. So here, the knight in shining armour did the honour." As soon as the words left his mouth, his legs started to work. With 6-7 strides we were at my room. He placed me on the bed. I was still looking at him dumbstruck. Why did he do that!

"No need to thank me sweetheart. The pleasure is all mine" He said and left. What just happened?

"You ok?" first entered Neel with concerned face and then others. I nodded.

"For f*cks sake she is fine" Lacey's annoying voice was heard and then slamming of her door. Opps. Someone jelly?

***  '\- ("/)-/' ***

"Knock knocks..." I produced the sound from my mouth as my both hands were occupied. "May I come in?"

"Ofcource, come in" Jake answered dashing toward me talking the laptop from my one hand. He set the laptop on his bed while I set the files beside it. I took out a page from the fie and handed it to Jake.

"These are the people whom I need to put in rest. Permanently"

"And the names in red?" He asked looking at the paper.

"Those are the people who deserve torture before rest."

"And what do you want from me?" whoa, Jake is always business ready. During my story too, he showed no emotion but checking facts. He trusts no one.

"Ok so here, these nam-" Before I could finish my sentence, loud banging of plate and spoon sound swam in the room. I questioningly looked at Jake. He silently muttered 'Drama', indicating me to go out and check what is happening. We came down. Nick came and stood beside me. Eventually everyone came down and surrounded Lacey who was standing in middle with Arnold banging the spoon on the backside of the plate. Even Mrs. Gerald was here.

"We all are here. You can stop now" Neel used his authorized voice.

"Ofcouse sweetheart" she replied in a sugary sweetly way. Neel, on the other hand look at me from the corner of his eyes after getting such reply. As soon as our eyes met, he focused on her again.

"As you can see..." she put the plate and spoon down "...we have come back after like ages" she clapped her hands "...and so we have decided to throw a welcome party..." Arnold completed the sentence " will be held after 3 days."

"What!" Tracey exclaimed.

"That bitch, I know why she choose that day" Nick angrily murmured clenching his fist. What is there after 3 days?

"Choose any other day. There's no way we will have the party on that day" Neel commanded.

"Why Neely Beely..." she went to Neel and with her index finger caressed his face. "...did you still can't able to move on from Rose, baby?" Neel walked back. "So that's final, after 3 days we are having the party" she squeaked and ran to her room.

"Get dressed well" Arnold commented and casually walked to his room. Everybody's focus automatically turned towards Tracey. He was standing still, gazing at his feet.

"Big bro!" as soon as Nick exclaimed, Tracey quietly ran to his room. Nick followed him. The atmosphere became so thick that a sharp knife even can't able to cut it. Eventually everyone went to their respected rooms. Mrs. Gerald came to me and with heavy voice said-

"It's... Madame Rose's Death anniversary"



Don't forget to-




Stay tuned for next chapter.

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