The Wrong Mate

By KuroEngel_OG

9.2K 394 75

Being in High School, SUCKS! Being a werewolf in High School, SUCKS! But being forced as the next Alpha King'... More

Author's Introduction
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 1

793 15 11
By KuroEngel_OG

{ ⋆ Selene ⋆ } Finally, last fucking year!!

Selene says as she begrudgingly gets ready for school with several groans and zombie like movements.

Yup, you heard that right. It's the start of my last year of high school.  Thank you Moon Goddess! Oh! Where are my manners *scoffs* yea like I have any...   Whatever, anyway as you can see, my name is Selene.

⇧ ⇧ ⇧ ⇧ ⇧ ⇧ ⇧ ⇧ ⇧ ⇧ ⇧ ⇧ ⇧ ⇧ ⇧ ⇧ ⇧ ⇧ ⇧ ⇧ ⇧ ⇧ ⇧ ⇧ ⇧ ⇧ ⇧ ⇧ ⇧
See, that's me!! Aren't I fucking awesome?

I'm adopted. I don't know the reason why, but all I know is that I was found on the doorstop and was raised by who my current parents are. And even though I'm a bit of a troublemaker, foul mouthed, pain in the ass and don't act like it, I do actually love my parents. Oh, and if it wasn't already stated, my parents and I are werewolves.

Yep, indeedileedoo! I am one of the most overly used clichés in modern society's entertainment cluster... thing... you know what I mean. But it's not like what you think, and it's definitely NOT like all those Hollywood movies or generic supernatural novels flooding the market now days.

Ok, maybe SOME things are similar or even the same as what you've read or seen, but most of it is just made up garbage to entice the weak minded drones into buying their books or movies.

For example; we do not have an in between wolf and human hybrid form. It's either human or wolf. And our wolf forms are us, not some other entity that fights to come out or some bullshit like that when we get angry or whatever. Nope, we are our own individual being and we are the only ones to be at fault for our actions. We can change to our wolf forms at will. It hurts to some degree but you get used to it after a while.

We DO sort of live in a pack, but its more of like we live normally like any other humans, but maybe street A to street K is this certain pack while from street L to T is this other pack, and so on and so forth. Kinda like how the Native Americans used to back in the undiscovered days.

We do have only one Alpha King, who rules over all of us and for the most part, there isn't any warring packs. That isn't to say there HASN'T been packs that fought in the past, the world has just evolved to better handle the demands of the packs, just like with normal humans. There is actually some rogue wolves that like to cause problems though. We also do have what is called a "pack house" but it's almost like a fraternity house where the orphans tend to be raised.

When we become "adults" at the age of 18, that is when you are able to smell your mate's unique and special scent. Not all werewolves find their mates, but there is one out there for everyone... or so the stories are told. Now it IS possible for one that is already passed the age of 18 to find their mate that is NOT of age yet, but that is rare... like really really really rare, and it can not be fully determined without a shadow of doubt until the other reaches of age and the marking claim can be completed. It is possible to marry, have sex, have kids or whatever with someone who is NOT your predestined mate, but it has been known to make quite a mess later if they are found. It is also possible to marry and have sex with a human, but no children can be born. Something to do with the inter-species bloods not being simpatico or whatever. I don't know, its a lot of science junk. Oh, and it is also allowed to reject your mate all together, but that is the only one you'll get, there isn't some magical re-roll on mates.
- - --

{ ⋆ Selene ⋆ } SONOFABITCH!

Selene jumped around her room holding onto her foot before falling onto her bed.

Fuck! Don't mind that, I just stubbed my toe on my bathroom door getting out from taking a shower... damn that hurt! Now where was I?.... oh yea! Enough of all the werewolf crap and lets get back to me! I've lived here in the outlining forests outside of the main city of Ridgemont, with the rest of the Crimsoncrest Pack, all my life.

And I'm super excited cause this weekend, I'm turning 18 motherfuckers!! Hell yea!! Now I just gotta survive the first week of the new school year at *sarcastic tone* Wolf Ridge High! *laughs* Totally cliche', right?!

But I guess whomever the idiot was that named all the schools didn't have much of an imagination, since they all are named closely similar to the city. I mean come on, there's Ridgemont High which is in the center of the city and there's also Cougar Ridge High to the south, and Horse Ridge High to the east. So unimaginative... but whatever. Just one more year and I am outta this lame named school!
- - --


{ ⋆ Selene ⋆ } I'M ALMOST DONE, BE DOWN IN A MINUET! *quietly* fucking chill already...

She sighs as she finished getting dressed, putting on her favorite outfit, accessories and light application of dark eye shadow.

And can't forget the awesome accessories!

She grabbed her bag and went down the stairs with soft carpet padded thumps on each step before a loud one at the bottom.

{ ⋆ Mom ⋆ } DAMN IT SELENE! Ugh! Every damn time you jump off those stairs, it scares the crap out of me!

{ ⋆ Selene ⋆ } *giggles* Yea, sorry mom... ooo a full on hearty breakfast you got going on there. Trying to butter me up to enjoy school for once? *wiggles brows*

Her mom rolled her eyes as she put the last of the cooked meal onto the table.

{ Mom } Actually no. I am buttering you up because me and your father are going out for our first date night in months, and I want you to actually STAY at one of your friends house for the evening.

Selene loaded up her plate with food as her mom talked and spilled the beans on her hidden motives.

{ ⋆ Selene ⋆ } *talking with mouth full* Awww mom, you didn't have to schmooze me, you just had to ask.. but I won't turn down this delicious food! *swallows*

Her mother just laughed and turned around to gather up the dirty pans and dishes she used to cook with.

Ok, so this lovely lady is my mum.

Her name is Milly and here in a little bit she is going to be heading to work. What does she do? Honesty, I don't really know. She's works in some hospital or something...a nurse? Doctor maybe? I don't know.. I don't really ever pay much attention to be honest. I just know that she doesn't seem to have normal hospital hours, so maybe she's an office person? Whatever, doesn't matter, I'm done eating and I need to get my ass to school.
- - --

Selene stood up, making the chair screech against the floor, grabbed her plate, put it in the sink and gave her mom a kiss on the cheek.

{ ⋆ Selene ⋆ } Alright mum, I'm outtie!

{ Mom } Bye, have a good day at school... DON'T RUN OVER ANYONE THIS TIME!

Selene giggled because even though her mother's tone was playful, she had actually meant it... she didn't want a repeat of last year. Selene ran towards the front door, grabbing her helmet from the little table next to it and shut the door with a slight slam, jumping over the stone steps to the stone pathway at the end. She ran over to her bike, got on and was about to put her helmet on, when there was a car that screeched to a halt right at the end of her driveway.

In the car was her three closest friends, Randal who was driving, his girlfriend Aeron in the passenger seat and Lilith in the back.

I bet they are going to want to race... *smirks*
- - --

{ ⋆ Randal ⋆ } HEY SELENE!!

{ ⋆ Aeron ⋆ } SELENE!

{ ⋆ Lilith ⋆ } SELENEEEEE!!

Ok hold up, freeze scene! Let me introduce my friends properly. Oh and before you ask, yes they are werewolves too.

First up we have Aeron. She is a typical easily enraged fiery redhead who's actually a real sweetheart. (I'm not sure how Rand handles her temper though.) She is already 18 and found her mate, which you guessed it, is Rand. Also her parents are tattoo artists and what she aspires to become as well. Can you guess who gave me my tat?

Next up we have Randal, or Rand as I call him. He doesn't really like it, he prefers Randy but he tolerates it from me cause he knows I'll kick his ass. He too is 18 and as I mentioned before, he is Aeron's mate. He is a soft spoken guy, generally when out in public, but when he's with us, he's quite rambunctious. He, like many of the more built members of the pack, is part of the school's rugby team (we don't do football around here). GO WOLVES!

Both his parents are dead from a pack on rogue pack skirmish that happened about 10 years ago, while they were defending the current Alpha at that time, so Rand just lives in the pack house with all the other randoms and parent-less kiddos. Aeron definitely won the mate lottery on that one... he's super cute right!? Right, moving on...

Finally we have Lilith. She is still 17, will be until towards the end of school, but like me, she isn't looking forward to getting a mate. Why? Well she's into girls more than guys and she's afraid the Moon Goddess will give her a guy. Me? I just am not sure I want my life decided for me right away. Besides, I kind of have this particular guy in mind and I would LOVE it if he was my mate... so finding out he isn't, kind of scares me.

She's your typical scene emo type girl (without all the moping, woe is me, suicide bullshit) she's actually quite friendly and sweet to be around. She only has her dad, mom died a long time ago, and he's some sort of corporate head honcho, so he always has bootycalls at their house often... not that Lilith minds.. wink wink, nudge nudge. Ok, unfreeze scene!
- - --

{ ⋆ Randal ⋆ } You ready to do this, Selene?

{ ⋆ Aeron ⋆ } Yea, ready to lose?

Yup, race.
- - --

{ ⋆ Selene ⋆ } Come on, you guys know I always win!

{ ⋆ Randal ⋆ } Not this time, I got my baby powered up even more over the summer!

Selene shook her head with a smile, just as Rand pumped his gas revving his motor into a high powered growl.

{ ⋆ Selene ⋆ } You're on buddy boy!

With that she put her helmet on, made sure her backpack was strapped tight and started her bike up, letting it roar to life with a need for speed. Just as she started it up, Rand took off in his car giving him a head start. Selene only laughed.

{ ⋆ Selene ⋆ } Like that's going to help you.

She said out loud to herself as she kicked up the stand and shot out of her driveway like a bat outta hell.

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