secret gem • haikyuu !!

Από jjelinotes

171K 5.5K 1.9K

Kuroo Mai. Little sister to Kuroo Tetsurō and childhood best friend to Kozume Kenma. They did everything toge... Περισσότερα

Author's Note
1 ; New Arrival
2 ; Home Sweet Home
3 ; Surprise!
4 ; Reunited
5 ; No Longer Apart
6 ; New Friends
7 ; Hanging Out
8 ; The Crows
9 ; A Few Encounters
10 ; Matched Up
11 ; Birthday Twins
12 ; Watermelon
13 ; Déjà Vu
14 ; Sleepless
15 ; Questions
16 ; Similarities
Bonus ; 10K/15K Special
17 ; Last Day
Bonus ; 30K Special
18 ; Barbecue
20 ; Messaging
21 ; Headache
22 ; A Chance
23 ; Jacket
24 ; Left Behind
25 ; Rhythm
Bonus Chapter ; 100K Views

19 ; What Now?

2.2K 88 52
Από jjelinotes


I took a long inhale and exhale, letting the air flow through my nostrils and into my body. Warm air filled my lungs as I hauled my strap over my shoulder. I was back in Tetsurō's jacket, having the fabric hang a little past my fingertips. My hand was tightly grasped around my phone, as I stared out into the empty room. Everyone on campus has packed up, some were rushing while others took their time.

"Let's go, Mai." My brother hollered from the end of the hallway. I carefully slide the door close and walk over to my brother, mazing our way through the school.

On the way, we said goodbye to some of the new friends I made and the teachers. Both of us said our farewells to Bokuto and Akaashi, though they were planning to meet up together soon anyways. As we passed by, we met up with the rest of the team, but we weren't the last ones out. We waited beside the bus for Coach Naoi, he was driving us back to the school.

I gaze out just past the bus, admiring the scenery. The sun was just inching above the horizon, the darkness was just about to fall. Although the daytime was scorching, the evening was colder. I swayed in my place, mentally singing a song to myself. My eyes shift around, trying to find interest in anything. I felt a nudge at my shoulder and it was my brother. I looked up at him with a small confused expression, wondering what he might've wanted. He pointed into the entrance of the bus, telling me that it was time to go.

I step up into the bustling bus, just behind Tetsurō. The bus was fairly big, so they filled in from the front instead of the back. Hmm.. I wonder, who shall I sit next to? I scanned over the team and I decided that I'll just sit with Tetsurō. Just as Tetsurō made it into a compartment, he was sitting next to Kai. I furrowed my eyebrows, my plan were just foiled. I took another look around to see Kenma with an empty seat next to him. I'll just sit with Kenma. As I made my way through the aisle and towards Kenma, I didn't notice the smile on my face grew bigger as I got closer. He was in his usual setting - playing games on his phone.

I slid off my gym bag and place it down onto the bus floor. I followed after, dropping myself onto the seat next to him. I took off my jacket and buckled myself in, tucking the jacket just above the bag below. Content, I took another glance over at him, he was very into whatever he was playing. I didn't want to disrupt him so I just preoccupied myself with my phone.

After unlocking my phone, I pondered around my apps, not really thinking about anything important. As the bus started to drive out of the school, I had opened my social media apps. I looked over at some cute posts on my explore page, seeing some of my favourite foods being made too. Though, something did dampen my mood quite a bit; as I scrolled through my feed, I saw a picture of my old classmates at a reunion party. Yes, we only left around three months ago, but everyone had been busy with university and college. My instinct smile slowly faded as they seemed to be enjoying themselves. There were also videos and pictures that I was tagged in, but it made me envy them even more. It would've been fun.

That's right, I've finished school, I'm in Japan. What now?

It hit me like the ball Boktuo spiked, what do I really want to do now? What kind of career do I want to go into? How am I gonna earn money? Do I want to go to university here?

That doesn't sound half bad actually...

I clicked off the app and went onto my phone's web browser. I started to think of my grades from my GCSE - well I did pass all of my subjects. My lowest was English, as if I was ever good at it. Though the rest were fine, ranging from B's to A*'s. What career do I want? I would love something in the performing arts - definitely in dance.

Applying that, I started to search for different universities that specialised in the performing arts. There weren't many close to where I lived now but they were all around Tokyo. But then I have to think about money and applying. I do have my CV but it's in English, not Japanese. Gosh, this is harder than I expected.

I sighed as I leaned my elbow onto my right arm rest, readjusting my back to the right side. I tapped my foot a bit, scrolling through the list of website links. I took a careful notice of each of them and saved some of the pages to look back on later.

As the bus rattled, I yawned while nearly letting my phone slip out of my hands. Thankfully it didn't but my grip loosened quite a bit. It was relaxing in the bus - many of the boys were knocked out and asleep, or had a low level of chatter. I took control of my breathing, feeling a wave of sleepiness overcome me. My eyelids felt heavy, but I tried my best to keep them wide open. Many methods like blinking, turning my phone's brightness to max, rubbing my eyes but the yawns would break through. Before I knew it, my eyes would shut and whenever the bus would jolt, I would wake up.

Third Person's POV

However, within those few seconds, she had dozed off. Her whole body relaxed and her hand holding her bright phone had slowly went down to her lap, mid scroll. She was still leaning out towards the aisle, but it was soon to change when the bus made a hard right, causing her body to veer towards the left.

Kenma felt a sudden gentle press against his arm and he looked to see Mai had fallen asleep besdie his arm. Though he didn't mind, he readjusted to make her neck feel comfortable whilst also placing her jacket onto her lap to make sure she doesn't get cold. But doing so, he was able to see her lit up phone still on in her hands. Slightly curious, he put his own phone away and carefully pried the phone out of her hands to turn it off. Just before he did, he saw how she was looking for universities in Japan. It reassured him but made him tense.

'At least she isn't leaving Japan,' He thought as he turned off the phone and placed it into her jacket pockets, 'but it does mean I'll have to be away from her again. If Mai and Tetsurō leave to university next year, I'll actually be alone... Please Mai, just hold off for a year and we'll go to university together...'

Kenma sighed at his own thoughts, trying to wave off his doubts. He wanted to focus on what's happening in the present and try not to indulge too much on the future. It seemed like Mai was comfortable so he kept his position, watching how calm and unbothered she looked.

Slowly, but nervously, he brought her slightly closer to him so her whole head was resting on top of his shoulder. Because the two were seated in the back, he hoped nobody would notice this. His right arm that adjusted her was now wrapped around the back of her waist, so he could lean his head on top of hers. What he didn't realise himself was that he was drowsy and was very close to falling asleep too.

It was the perfect scenario in anyone's head - having someone who you hold very dear to fall asleep on your shoulder. It really felt perfect...

"Psst- Kuroo-" Yaku poked a finger through the seats to alert the captain. In response Tetsurō turned around with an annoyed expression to see Yaku pointing towards the back. "You're sister and Kenma is-"

"Let them be!" Tetsurō hissed back as he saw everyone staring at the two. Many would've mistaken them for a couple, him included. "But.. When we get back, make sure everyone gets a picture and sends it to me. It's the most perfect blackmail material I have ever witness."


Just as the bus came to a stop, everyone was quietly rushing to get their phones out and take even more photos. Though many videos were made during the bus ride back but somehow the two sleeping didn't budge. The first one to get out of their seat was, of course, the brother and best friend. He made sure to take pictures because in all honesty, he found it really cute. After taking enough blackmail material, he silently shooed everyone off the bus. Many tripped over each other, trying to get out. Or in other terms, Yamamoto was definitely tripping on how Kenma was able to score the sleeping Mai.

Tetsurō made sure everyone was out of the bus and he took full responsibility to get the equipment out too. With the most sneaky smirk, he lightly kicked the side of Mai's chair. It caused her to slowly wake up and groan, shifting out of her place. Which made Kenma wake up and stare at her brother.

"Rise and shine you two.." Tetsurō teased as the two replied with incoherent mumbles he could quite understand. "We're back so get your things quick."

Mai and Kenma understood and they started to gather their belongings. But strangely, the two didn't speak a single word to each other, considering that the mood wasn't at all awkward or embarrassing. That's probably due to the fact they didn't have the team watching them when they woke up. Within a minute tops, everyone had left the bus and were crowded around the coach.

"Well done this week, you all have definitely improved and I'm sure you enjoyed it too. Next time we see you, we'll be going over the preliminary matches and the tournament" Coach Nekomata announced as the team nodded along, "Now go home and rest up."

In unison, they all started to walk their way out of the parking lot of the school. Mai followed closely behind Tetsurō, nearing on the verge to fall asleep again. Luckily, upon waking up, the cold breeze of the night woke her up more. But everything was easier when they reached the train station and she was able to sleep on the train.

Walking back through their neighbourhood, their only source of light were the overarching lamp posts around. Tetsurō had decided it was best to let Mai sleep longer - she doesn't have a great sleeping schedule to begin with. He had placed Mai on his back to piggy back ride while Kenma helped with her bag.

It was quiet as they walked, which reminded both of them of how they first met. All three were very awkward upon meeting each other. The two bright Kuroo siblings were very introverted and timid like Kenma. So it was hard at first, but it didn't take long for the siblings to finally show their happy-go-lucky attitudes. It was Tetsurō that introduced both his little sister and Kenma to volleyball, which helped them build a common interest between the three. Sometimes it felt like yesterday when they would run along these streets with a dirtied white ball. It was like they could imagine and see their younger selves wondering past them in the opposite direction towards the park.

It didn't take long before they were by Kenma's house. Kenma had handed him Mai's bag before making his way to the front porch. Tetsurō called out, "Don't stay up too late. I'll know."

"I won't." Kenma waved off as the three separated. Tetsurō carried on towards their house, trying to keep Mai up on his back while carrying another two bags.

When reaching the front door, he lightly woke her up and placed her to her feet. She was able to keep herself up as Tetsurō opened their front door. They did the ritual things upon entering their house. Both of the siblings took their bags and drop their stuff onto the sofa. They both decided to sort their things out the next day.

Within an instant of entering her room, Mai had removed her jacket and chucked it over her chair. She flopped herself onto her bed, letting the darkness take her over. But something was off. Something in her mind didn't let her sleep.

Out of all the times she wants to sleep, it was now when she couldn't.


As midnight fell onto the Kuroo household, Mai slowly walked herself through the halls of the house. Her hands traced the grooves of the soft wall, making her way closer to her brother's room. Her mind spiralling about a topic she just wanted to forget. She didn't want to think about it but it was something she couldn't get off her mind. It would always be there to taunt her. She firmly grasped the door handle, seeing how the frame had light illuminated into the dim hallway.

'He's studying...' She thought as she pressed her forehead against the door. She placed a gentle knock on the door, humming her name quietly.

"Come in..." Tetsurō replied softly, giving her the signal that she could walk in. She slid the door to reveal her brother lying lazily on his bed, reading chemistry notes and muttering information. One thing's for sure is that the siblings much enjoyed learning about chemistry. "What's up?"

"I can't sleep.." Mai mumbled lowly, seating herself down onto the foot of his bed. Doing so, Tetsurō had sat up from his lying position to sit cross-legged beside his sister. He placed his notebook to the side and gently pat her head.

"Why's that?" He questioned; he saw how she didn't make eye contact and it made him worry a little. He pouted a bit, seeing her fiddling around, knowing how anxious she could get.

"I don't know.. I just-" She started, giving a small sigh before continuing, "You'll be finishing school soon. And... You'll be going off to university too. That's three, maybe even four or five years without you, again."

"Mai, you don't need to worry about that." He tried to reassure, rubbing her back while trying not to tangle her long hair. However, he would be lying if he said he wasn't thinking about the same thing.

She was right to worry. Tetsurō was ecstatic to know his sister came back, it was one of the best things that happened this year. But he knew the celebration was going to be short-lived. He was in his last year and he was preparing to go to university after high school. He would've had a gap year if he knew his sister was coming but some things don't work out like that. He would only get to see his sister for half a year before he set his life back onto school - then all three would be separated again.

"Those three years will run by faster than you know it. I mean, we've done it before." He reminded, thinking of the five years away from his sister. Even before leaving Japan, Tetsurō hadn't let his sister out of his grasp. "You still have Kenma to bug~"

He hoped that last sentence would sweeten her sour mood - thankfully it did. She let out a small scoff and a smile rose on her lips. Though, it soon fell as her mind went back to their current situation.

"I just, I don't know what to do with my life." She simply stated, taking a little shuffle and she leaned herself to the wall behind her. "Kenma might go to university and then what? You both have goals and aspirations - you know what you want in life. Me? I'm hopeless- I don't know what to do, let alone what job I want.."

"And that's okay." Tetsurō opened his arms up as a cue for Mai so he could give her a tight, comforting hug. With a glance, she accepted and her body was encapsulated in his arms, "Not everyone knows what they want to do in life. But remember there are people to help you and support you."

She nodded her head a little, though it was hard as his chest was restricting it. He continuously patted and combed her hair out, hoping it help her forget about her worries.

"Well... I was looking at universities that were in the performing arts." She murmured. Mai also considered going to college or university in Japan and/or England; but that meant she had to deal with more school work and deadlines she couldn't keep up with. It also meant she couldn't see her brother and Kenma frequently.

"Really? That's good." Was all he said - he didn't expect less from her. She was always trying to think ahead just in case things don't go the way they wanted. With whatever choice she made, it was Tetsurō who would be the first person to support her. He wants what's best for her, but also what would make her happy. He doesn't want her to have any regrets.

'The world isn't going to gift me the perfect life... I need to work for it.' She told herself in her head. Soon her ears perked as she felt a little drumming against her ear. She knew what was happening and she let Tetsurō be. It was definitely better listening in real life than through the phone.

Tetsurō had started to hum a melody, it was low in tone but had a soft and honey texture. It was a common reoccurrence that he would lull her to sleep by singing. It started ever since the two got phones and when Mai found it hard to sleep.

The song he sang had a soft melody. Mai could imagine the guitar accompanied with his voice, matching perfectly to the solemn japanese lyrics. Mai loved songs like this - ones that held many meanings but all led to the same feeling at the end. Whether it is sad or happy, she enjoyed the journey that songs would take her. How this art form held so much emotion through just a collection of rhythms and notes.

"Just thinking about it makes me sad. So I hope at least you don't have to think about it.. " The lyrics Tetsurō sang held such meaning for the two; it gave them hope, despair, longing and sadness.

The moment he hit the chorus, his grip around his little sister tightened. He wished Kenma was there to listen to the song, 'Maybe next time.' was what he thought.

"Whenever, wherever even if I'm not by your side." It was near to the end of the chorus. The song was dear to them, holding a lovely message for those who listened and sang it.

His voiced trembled as he sang the lines of the second verse. Even though they weren't his words, it felt like he was confessing how his actions hasn't met to his own standards. He felt thankful for everything Mai has done for him, but sorry he hasn't done anything in return.

Sometimes, he feels like he's taken her for granted. Like the beautiful scenery that came by with the seasons.

Hearing him through the words, Mai's heart ached. She felt his burden wash onto her, through the simple saying, she understood what Tetsurō was feeling. She felt the emotions he had and it led hear to sing along with him to the chorus. In her mind, Mai denied Tetsurō's mental claims through the song. In her eyes, she finds she's taken him for granted and that he shouldn't feel this way.

"When we're together, I can laugh. When I'm with you, I can cry. There's nothing I can't do. " They sang in unison, wanting to cry in this moment. But they held off for the rest of the chorus. As they approached the bridge, Tetsurō broke the hug to let Mai relax a bit.

"Ne... No matter what happens," His hand pushed her right bangs behind her ears. She felt slightly droopy and drowsy. He lightly pat her head, combined with a smile, "We'll be together, just like always."

He continued, leaving the song on a soft note. During the end of the final chorus, she was in a dazed state. Within those next few seconds, she was out like a light. "I'll become the spring to your smile..."

Not wanting to disturb the slumbering sister, he lied her down onto his bed. Tucking her in gently and setting himself to the floor. He made a makeshift bed on the floor, deciding that Mai wouldn't like him sleeping by her side. Pulling out spare components of a simple bed, he set his school stuff to his desk. He reached the switch and flick the lights off.

"Sweet dreams, Mai-mai."


A/N: Hey everyone!! A lovely slightly shorter chapter for today, plus it was definitely a much quicker update than my other ones hah~ How did you find this chapter? I hoped you enjoyed it! We got to see Mai trying to figure out her life and the sibling dynamic between Mai and Tetsurō. Do you think Mai will apply to a university early? I wonder if you know the song Tetsurō sang to Mai - if you do, props to you!

I wonder what's going to happen next for Mai. Let's find out in the next chapter, so I hope to see you then! Goodbye my I-Dears <3

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