Falling, Fallen

By Lady_Daunting

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"It's not that I don't believe in love, I'm a very strong believer in it actually. I'm just terrified it does... More

Chapter 1: Destiny
Chapter 2 Slave
Chapter 3: Fights
Chapter 4: Forgivness
Chapter 5: Betrayal
Chapter 6: Black Sun
Chapter 7: Zuko
Chapter 8: Burned
Chapter 9: Firebending
Chapter 10: Fishing Trip
Chapter 11: Southern Raiders
Chapter 12: Ember Island
Chapter 13: Melon Lord
Chapter 15: Lightning
Chapter 16: Sleep
Chapter 17: Sparing
Chapter 18: A Dance
Chapter 19: Deals
Chapter 20: Ferry
Chapter 21: Tea
Chapter 22: Festival
Chapter 23: Risky
Chapter 24: Fights
Chapter 25: Peaceful

Chapter 14: Missing

1.7K 43 3
By Lady_Daunting

Later that night, Team Avatar shares a meal outside. Aang faces away from the rest of the group. "I have a surprise for everyone!" Katara smiles holding a scroll. "I knew it! You do have a secret thing with Zuko!" Toph smiles while Sokka, Suki, and Zuko look at her strangely. Zuko and Katara blush and scoot away from each other. "Uh, no." Everybody else starts eating again. Zuko a little more disappointed than the others. "I was looking for cooking pots in the attic, and I found this!" She unravels the scroll showing a painting of a happy dark-haired baby playing at the beach. "Look at baby Zuko. Isn't he cute?" Everybody except Zuko laughs. "Oh, lighten up. I'm just teasing." "That's not me. It's my father." Katara rolls up the scroll. "But he looks so sweet and innocent." Suki comments. "Well, that sweet little kid grew up to be a monster, and the worst father in the history of fathers." "But he's still a human being." Aang mutters. "You're going to defend him?" Aang stands up "No, I agree with you. Fire Lord Ozai is a horrible person, and the world would probably be better off without him, but there's got to be another way." "Like what?" Zuko crosses his arms. "I don't know." Aang suddenly perks up. "Maybe we can make some big pots of glue, and then I can use gluebending to stick his arms and legs together so he can't bend anymore." Zuko rolls his eyes. "Yeah, then you can show him his baby pictures, and all those happy memories will make him good again." Suki and Sokka laugh behind him. "Do you really think that would work?" Aang says hopefully. "No!" Zuko says bluntly. Aang paces back and forth. "This goes against everything I learned from the monks. I can't just go around wiping out people I don't like." Sokka shrugs. "Sure you can. You're the Avatar. If it's in the name of keeping balance, I'm pretty sure the universe will forgive you." Aang turns back to Sokka; losing his temper. "This isn't a joke, Sokka! None of you understand the position I'm in." "Aang, we do understand. It's just ..." "Just what, Katara? What?" Katara frowns not appropriating being yelled at. "We're trying to help!" "Then, when you figure out a way for me to beat the Fire Lord without taking his life, I'd love to hear it!" He walks away. "Aang, don't walk away from this." Katara starts toward Aang. Zuko a hand on Katara's shoulder to stop her. "Let him go. He needs time to sort it out by himself."

The next morning Appa eats some hay while Sokka sits on his saddle loading everything. "Okay, that's everything." "No, it's not. Where's Aang?" Toph asks. Team Avatar runs to the beach house. "Aang? Aang!" "Come on, lazy bones, let's go." Suki and Katara run to check one side of the beach house. Sokka, Zuko, and Toph run to check the other side. Zuko opens a door, but does not find Aang. Toph shrugs to show Zuko she has not found him either. Zuko checks the porch, scratching his head. He spots Aang's staff as Katara and Suki follow him. "He left his staff." Sokka picks up the staff. "That's so strange." Zuko walks onto the porch with Toph. "Aang's not in the house. Let's check the beach."
"Look, there's his footprints." They follow it down the beach. "The trail ends here." Sokka says pointing to the water. "So, he went for a midnight swim and never came back?" Suki asks. "Maybe he was captured." Sokka examines the footprints. "I don't think so. There's no sign of a struggle." "I bet he ran away again." Toph admits. "Uh-uh. He left behind his glider and Appa." "Then what do you think happened to him, oh sleuthy one?" "It's pretty obvious. Aang mysteriously disappears before an important battle? He's definitely on a Spirit World journey." Sokka says. "But if he was, wouldn't his body still be here?" Zuko asks. "Oh, yeah. Forgot about that." "Then he's got to be somewhere on Ember Island. Let's split up and look for him."
Toph latches onto Zuko's arm. Zuko blushes. "I'm going with Zuko!" Sokka, Suki, and Katara stare at her. "What?! Everyone else went on a life-changing field trip with Zuko. Now it's my turn."
Sokka rides on Appa, searching the shores for Aang. In Harbor City, Suki and Katara approach a group of people gathered in a circle. "Aang! Aang! Aang! Aang! Aang! Aang! Aang! Aang! Aang! Aang! Aang! Aang! Aang! Aang!" Katara and Suki glance at each other and simultaneously run into the circle. They find Actress Aang in the center of the crowd. "Avatar State! Yip-yip!" Actor Toph lifts her up in the air as the crowd cheers.
Suki and Katara become frustrated by the false lead.
Toph and Zuko walking along the beach. "And then when I was nine, I ran away again." "Uh-huh." Zuko mutters not really listening. He wished he was with Katara right now. "I know I shouldn't complain. My parents gave me everything I ever asked for, but they never gave me the one thing I really wanted, their love. You know what I mean?" Zuko sighs and stops walking. "Look, I know you had a really rough childhood, but we should really focus on finding Aang." "This is the worst field trip ever." She sighs. and continues walking.

Later, back at the beach house, Toph, Zuko, Suki, and Katara sit on the beach house stairs. Sokka lands Appa below the stairs. "Judging by the looks on your faces, I'm guessing you guys didn't find Aang, either." He jumps off Appa. "No. It's like he just ... disappeared." Zuko says. "Hey, wait a minute. Has anyone noticed that Momo is missing, too?" "Oh no! I knew it was only a matter of time! Appa ate Momo!" He lifts up Appa's mouth. "Momo, I'm coming for you, buddy." "Sokka, Appa didn't eat Momo. He's probably with Aang." His sister said rolling her eyes. "That's just what Appa wants you to think." He says as he slides into Appa's mouth. "Get out of the bison's mouth, Sokka. We have a real problem here. Aang is nowhere to be found and the comet is only two days away." "What should we do Zuko?" The water bender asks.
Katara, Suki, and Toph turn to stare at Zuko. In the background, Sokka slips out of Appa's mouth, covered in bison saliva. Zuko stands up. "I don't know." They keep staring. "Why are you all looking at me?" "Well, you are kind of the expert on tracking Aang." Katara shrugs. "Yeah, if anyone's got experience hunting the Avatar ... it's you." Toph agrees.
Sokka tries standing up, but falls back down. Zuko nods.
They fly on Appa Zuko leading. "Zuko, I don't wanna tell you how to do your job, but why are we heading towards the Earth Kingdom There's no way Aang's there." Suki asks. "Just trust me." And that's all he says.
Inside a tavern, lively music plays. Zuko enters, followed by Katara, Sokka, Suki, and Toph.
"And the reason you've brought us to a seedy Earth Kingdom tavern is what now?" Katara asks taking in the place. "June." He answers pointing To a woman, who holds a drink. A thug tries to attack her, but she makes him fall down and uses him as a foot rest. Another thug tries to punch her, but she dodges every punch, still holding her drink. "Oh yeah, that weird bounty hunter with the giant mole." Sokka remembers. "Mole? Her skin is flawless." "No, she has this giant mole creature she rides around on." He reply's. "The shirshu. It's the only animal that can track Aang's scent anywhere in the world. It's the one shot we have of finding him." Zuko answers.
The second thug continues punching June. She throws her drink into the air, throws the thug at a table, catches her drink and takes a sip. Toph grins. "I don't know who this June lady is, but I like her." June kicks a chair and sits down and begins drinking her tea they all walk up to June.
"Oh great. It's Prince Pouty. Where's your creepy grandpa?" June asks. "He's my uncle. And he's not here." She looks at him and Katara who stands next to him. "Isee you worked things out with your girlfriend."
Zuko and Katara who become flustered and embarrassed, looking at each other as they speak, before looking to June. "I'm not his girlfriend!" "She's not my girlfriend!" They say in unison. Toph smirks a knowing smile. "Okay, okay. Sheesh. I was only teasing. So what do you want?" "I need your help finding the Avatar." Zuko yells her. She takes a sip of her tea. "Hm. Doesn't sound too fun." Zuko angrily leans closer, while clenching his fists. "Does the end of the world sound like more fun?"
Outside Appa and Nyla growling at each other. After watching each other Appa licks Nyla, and they lay down. Once the gang comes out they stand back up, June walking toward them holding up a piece of meat.
"Nyla." She throws the meat to Nyla who catches it in his mouth and starts chewing it before swallowing it; June walks up to him and starts petting him. "Who's my little, hmm, Snuffly-Wuffly?" Nyla sticks his toxins-coated tongue out and she dodges it and forces his mouth closed. "Whoa! Careful there." She looks to team Avatar. "Okay. So who's got something with the Avatar's scent on it?" Katara stands on Appa's back and pulls out Aang's glider from the saddle. "I have Aang's staff." June takes it and holds the staff out in front of Nyla. He sniffs it then begins to walk around in circles, trying to sniff the scent out somewhere else. Nyla returns to June and continues sniffing before he lies back down and covers his nose. "Well, what does that mean?" June petting Nyla. "Means your friend's gone." "We know he's gone. That's why we're trying to find him." Toph says. "No, I mean he's gone gone." June turns to face everyone else. "He doesn't exist." "What do you mean Aang doesn't exist? Do you mean he's ... you know, dead?" Sokka asks. June pets Nyla. "Nope. We could find him if he were dead. Wow, it's a real head-scratcher. See ya." She starts climbing on top of Nyla. "Helpful. Real helpful." Toph rolls her eyes. Zuko stops June. "Wait. I have another idea. There's only one other person in this world who can help us face the Fire Lord. I'll be right back with a smell sample."
Zuko holds up a sandal. The members of Team Avatar are holding their noses in disgust, except for Zuko and Toph. Zuko looks embarrassed. "You saved your uncle's sweaty sandal? Ugh!" Sokka groans as he pinches his nose even tighter. Toph smiles. "I think it's kind of sweet."
Nyla jumps forward as the he sniffs the sandal.
"Let's do this." June as she and Nyla run off. "Hey! Wait up!" Zuko yells as he and the rest of the team climb on Appa.

Appa and Nyla approach the destroyed Outer Wall of Ba Sing Se. The group stops near the rubble, Appa lands and Nyla starts digging at the wreckage.
"We're going to Ba Sing Se?" Zuko asks. Nyla continues scratching the wall. "Your uncle's somewhere beyond the wall." Nyla stops digging and walks away. "Nyla's getting twitchy so he can't be too far. Good luck." Nyla and June leave and Zuko turns to watch. As they disappear over the hill he turns away to the others. "It's been a long day. Let's camp and start our search again at dawn."

Zuko, Katara, Suki, and Sokka all asleep on Appa's legs and tail while Toph sleeps in an earth tent. She suddenly senses something and wakes up. Thee group is suddenly surrounded by a wall of fire trapped. Piandao, Jeong Jeong, Pakku, and Bumi all steph out. "Well, look who's here!" Bumi says as he laughing and snorting. All of Team Avatar looks confused, except for Katara and Sokka, who are both excited. "What's going on? We're surrounded by old people." Toph asks. "Not just any old people." Katara says walking up to Pakku. "These are great masters and friends of ours." Katara bows to Pakku. "Pakku." He bows back. "It is respectful to bow to an old master," he extends his arms out. "but how about a hug for your new grandfather?" Katara is surprised and overjoyed, as is Sokka behind her. "That's so exciting!" She hugs Pakku. "You and Gran-Gran must be so happy to have found each other again!" "I made her a new betrothal necklace and everything." Sokka runs up and hugs Pakku. Camera zooms in on Pakku. "Welcome to the family, Gramp-Gramp!" Pakku gently pushes Sokka away; slightly annoyed. "You can still just call me Pakku." "How about Grand-Pakku?" "No." Sokka walks away behind Katara sadly. Zuko walks up to Jeong Jeong. "And this was Aang's first firebending teacher." Katara tells him. "Jeong Jeong." He announces himself and bows. Sokka bows to Piandao. "Master Piandao." Who bows back. "Hello, Sokka." "So wait. How do you all know each other?" Suki asks. "All old people know each other. Don't you know that?" Bumi laughs and snorts again. "We're all part of the same ancient secret society. A group that transcends the divisions of the four nations." Piandao says. "The Order of the White Lotus." Zuko says. "That's the one." Bumi says. "The White Lotus has always been about philosophy and beauty and truth. But about a month ago, a call went out that we were needed for something important." Jeong Jeong said. "It came from a Grand Lotus: your uncle, Iroh of the Fire Nation." Pakko says causing Zuko to smile. "Well, that's who we're looking for." Toph informs them. Piandao nods. "Then we'll take you to him." Bumi pushes Piandao and Jeong Jeong out of the way. "Wait! Someone's missing from your group. Someone very important. Where's Momo?" Sokka leans backward almost all the way, as Bumi is right in his face. "He's gone. And so is Aang." "Oh well. So long as they have each other, I'm sure we have nothing to worry about. Let's go" Bumi  pat Sokka on the chest, which causes him to almost fall back before he slams in to the ground launching himself away using earthbending while laughing and snorting.

"So, Bumi ... how did you end up escaping your imprisonment in Omashu?" Sokka asked. "Escape? I didn't escape. Everybody else escaped. There I was back in Omashu, waiting for just the right moment. I didn't know what or when, but I knew I'd know it when I knew it." Bumi tells the story of Omashu. "Wow! You took back your whole city all by yourself!" Suki says. "So what about you guys? Did you do anything interesting on the day of the eclipse?" Bumi asks. Sokka and Zuko  look at each other.
"Nah." "No, not really." They say nonchalantly.

Once at the White Lotus campsite Bumi lowers a rock wall to allow entrance to the camp. "Well, here we are. Welcome to Old People Camp." Bumi smiles. Zuko looks around. "Where ... where is he?" Piandao points to a tent on the other side of the camp. "Your uncle's in there, Prince Zuko."
Zuko, who becomes worried and ashamed as he approaches the tent before stopping he sits down in front of it. Katara walks up to him putting a hand on his shoulder. "Are you okay?" "No, I'm not okay. My uncle hates me, I know it." Katara sits down next to him. "He loved and supported me in every way he could, and I still turned against him. How can I even face him?" Katara turns his face to look at her. "Zuko, you're sorry for what you did, right?" "More sorry than I've been about anything in my entire life." "Then he'll forgive you. He will." She smiles. Zuko stands up and exhales deeply before he walks into the tent.
"Uncle?" He's answered by snoring. Zuko smiles and sits down next to him.

Time passes and Zuko still sits nearby as Iroh wakes up then stretches. He glances back slightly and sees Zuko, but says nothing. "Uncle, I know you must have mixed feelings about seeing me. But I want you to know," Zuko's voice chokes up. "I am so, so, sorry, Uncle. I am so sorry and ashamed of what I did. I don't know how I can ever make it up to you. But I'll-" He is cut off as Iroh pulls him into a hug, while starting to cry as well before he starts to smile. Zuko who becomes shocked and confused. "How can you forgive me so easily? I thought you would be furious with me." "I was never angry with you. I was sad because I was afraid you lost your way." "I did lose my way." Iroh releases him. "But you found it again. And you did it by yourself. And I am so happy you found your way here." Iroh hugs him again. "It wasn't that hard, Uncle. You have a pretty strong scent."
"Uncle, you're the only person other than the Avatar who can." Iroh sits with Zuko sat next to him. Katara sits to Zuko's right. "possibly defeat the Father Lord." "You mean the Fire Lord." Toph corrected. "That's what I just said!" "We need you to come with us!" Zuko says turning the conversation back to Iroh. "No, Zuko, it won't turn out well." "You can beat him! And we'll be there to help." "Even if I did defeat Ozai, and I don't know that I could, it would be the wrong way to end the war. History would see it as just more senseless violence, a brother killing a brother to grab power. The only way for this war to end peacefully is for the Avatar to defeat the Fire Lord." "And then ... then you would come and take your rightful place on the throne?" "No. Someone new must take the throne. An idealist with a pure heart and unquestionable honor. It has to be you, Prince Zuko." Zuko briefly looks away. "Unquestionable honor? But I've made so many mistakes." "Yes, you have. You've struggled; you've suffered, but you have always followed your own path. You restored your own honor, and only you can restore the honor of the Fire Nation." Zuko looks away. "I'll try, Uncle." "Well, what if Aang doesn't come back?" Toph wonders. "Sozin's Comet is arriving, and our destinies are upon us. Aang will face the Fire Lord. When I was a boy, I had a vision that I would one day take Ba Sing Se. Only now do I see that my destiny is to take it back from the Fire Nation, so the Earth Kingdom can be free again." "That's why you gathered the members of the White Lotus." Suki confirms. "Yes." Iroh says then turns to Zuko. "Zuko, you must return to the Fire Nation, so that when the Fire Lord falls, you can assume the throne and restore peace and order. But Azula will be there, waiting for you." "I can handle Azula." Zuko frowns. "Not alone. You'll need help." "You're right." Zuko nods then turns his head. "Katara, how would you like to help me put Azula in her place?" The waterbender smiles. "It would be my pleasure." "What about us? What is our destiny today?" Sokka says gesturing to the other three members of the team. "What do you think it is?" Iroh asks. "I think that, even though we don't know where Aang is, we need to do everything we can to stop the airship fleet." Sokka nods. "And that means when Aang does face the Fire Lord, we'll be right there if he needs us." Toph says. Iroh smiles.
While Piandao leads Sokka, Toph, and Suki to a giant Eel hound Zuko takes Katara aside.
"I need you to stay by my side when we face Azula. I don't want anything to happen to you." He rests a hand on her shoulder. "Promise me we both will walk away from this." She says to him. "Don't do anything stupid or wreckless." He only smiles. "Never."

Once they are on Appa, Zuko up front and Katara in the saddle they look down to Iroh. "So if I'm going to be Fire Lord after the war is over, what are you going to do?" "After I re-conquer Ba Sing Se, I'm going to re-conquer my tea shop, and I'm going to play Pai Sho every day."
Sokka, Toph, and Suki looked back at the two on top of Appa, Sokka nods. "Take care of her Zuko." "I promise." Zuko tells him. "Goodbye, General Iroh." Katara tells Zuko's Uncle. "Goodbye, everyone. Today, destiny is our friend. I know it."

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