One-shot, Two Kills [A Rainb...

By -Aziel-

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Y/n L/n, The Best Sniper that The UN could offer. Have more than 300 confirmed kills and 99% of them are head... More

Prologue part 1 : Meeting Zofia
Prologue part 2 : Meeting Ela and The Hunting Trip
Prologue part 3 : Goodbye and Meeting Monika
Prologue part 4 [End] : Graduation and Goodbyes
Operator File : [Hawk]
Operator Loadout : [Hawk]
Chapter 1 : The Rescue Mission
Chapter 2 : Truth be Revealed
Chapter 3 : The Problem
Chapter 4 : Justice
[Operator Video Idea ]
Chapter 5 : New Roommates
Chapter 6 : A Harem ?
Chapter 7 : More Girls ?
Chapter 8 : Mission Briefing and A Flashback
Chapter 10 :A Broken Heart
Author's Message

Chapter 9 : Goodbye Old Friends...

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By -Aziel-

A/n : Before we start , here is Xenovia's picture on the last chapter 

A/n : Now onto the story 

Y/n's Mindscape [Present Time] 

Y/n's POV 

"It's been a long time since I visit this place" 

????? : "Indeed it's been a long time" 

I turned around and see Envy , Lust , Wrath , and... 


Then Sin of Pride , Gilgamesh 

"Gilgamesh " 

Gilgamesh : "Mongrel" 

We both releases our own Aura and start staring at each-other , but then 

Gilgamesh : "Y/n! " 

"Gilgamesh! " 

He rushes to me and punched me so hard that I flew a couple meter away 

Gilgamesh : "Cmon Hit me! Hit me! " 

I smirked then dashed at him before punching his stomach making him flew away 

Wrath : "They are like children" 

Envy : "I can't argue with that , But now can we please get down into the matter ?" 

I crossed my hand while Gilgamesh appeared out of know-where with by golden particle 

"Now , why did you call me here ? " 

Lust : "We called you because we are..." 

She has a sad expression 

Envy : "We are leaving this Universe.." 

I was shocked to the point that I think that they are playing pranks on me 

"T-this gotta be a joke , right ?" 

Gilgamesh : "Sadly no.." 

Envy : "But we have some good news" 

"What is the good news" 

Wrath : "For that we have to wait them" 

"Who's 'them' ?" 

????? : "He is referring to us" 

I turned around again and saw 4 figures 

Archer : "Greeting I am The Virtue of Humility or you can call me Archer" 

Yorktown : "My name is Yorktown , The Virtue of Patience" 

Mavis : "The name Mavis , The Virtue of Chastity" 

Kindness : "My name is Kindness and I am The Virtue of Kindness" 

"Wait.. , How come I never met you guys ?" 

Gilgamesh : "It's because we told them " 

"So they're also leaving this universe ?" 

Emiya : "That is correct , but before were leaving- " 

Kindness : "-We will  give you some gifts" 

I stayed quiet , still processing the information that I received right now 

Gilgamesh : "So ? Who's first ?" 

Mavis : "How about we gave him our gifts first ?" 

Gilgamesh/Envy/Wrath/Lust : "Sure" 

Then Mavis walks up to me and tries to touch my forehead , keyword tries  this makes the other Virtues and Sins to laugh at her 

Mavis : "Ugggh , you're to tall! "

I laughed a little bit before kneeling making her easier to touch my forehead 

Mavis : "I Mavis The Virtue of Chastity , give you all magic abilities in the world and the famous fairy tail emblem as my succesor " 

I suddenly got a slight headache and a burning sensation on my right palm before Mavis stepped backwards and smiled at me 

Mavis : "Look at your right palm" 

I raised my right palm to see an emblem with fire-like color and it's emitting some magic energy 

"Thank you , Mavis" 

Kindness : "I , Kindness , bless you with all of the knowledge that available in this universe and the Book of Creation" 

Because of the blessing I suddenly knew that this book uses Runic language . Then She stepped backwards and stood beside Mavis , so I stood up and look at the remaining 2 Virtues 

Archer : "My turn" 

He stepped forward and put his hand on my forehead once again 

Archer : "I , Virtue of Humility , bless you with The Power of Unlimited Blade Works and the knowledge about all Mage-craft that existed" 

And once again , I got a slight headache but I already got used to it right now 

Archer : "Now give me your left palm" 

I raised my left palm and suddenly I felt a burn sensation on it , so I looked at my left palm and saw this on it 

Archer : "This emblem on your arm prevents you from getting recruited into a peerage or become a Brave Saint , and here gave this to an Archangel named Gabriel and she will know what to do next" 

He handed me a weird card and I examined it for a while 

"Alright.. " 

I put it into my pocket before he backed away replaced by Yorktown 

Yorktown : "I , Virtue of Patience , Bless you with the power of USS Yorktown and the ability to create wisdom cubes" 

Then suddenly an image of a ship showed up in-front of me 

Me/Lust :"*Whistle*That's one big ship!" 

Yorktown : "Beck , go to him " 

Then the image disappeared before Yorktown stood beside the rest of the Virtues and the eagle set herself on my right shoulder . Then Gilgamesh stepped forward and hold my right shoulder 

Gilgamesh : "I , Gilgamesh , give you the power of the Gate of Babylon and the intelligence to become a King" 

Then he stepped backwards before Envy replace him by standing in-front of me 

Envy : "I , Envy , give you the power of the 72 Devil Pillars and the strongest Devil form that they will soon find out" 

Then he stepped backwards beside Gilgamesh getting replaced by Wrath 

Wrath : "I , Wrath , give you one of the greatest weapon that the supernatural has seen. I present to you , The Supernatural's Armory

Wrath : "It can transform into any weapons that exist in this universe and if you choose a ranged weapon it will have unlimited ammo" 

"Gee , thanks Wrath " 

Wrath : "No Probs , just use it carefully okay ? Don't want you to use 2 EA's at once" 

"That's actually a good Idea" 

Gilgamesh : "Y/n No" 

"Y/n Yes" 

Wrath : "Y/n No" 

"Y/n Maybe" 

Lust : "Y/n No~" 

It send chills down my spines 

"Y-Y/n , N-No" 

Lust : "Good Boy~ , Now it's my turn" 

She stood in-front of me with a grin that will make even the Doom Slayer shit himself 

Lust : "I , Lust , gives you the gift of Lust's Blessing and The Burning Hands" 

Then suddenly she kissed me right away for a moment before stopping and winking at me 

Lust : "We still have 40 minutes so technically it's 40 hours here , so~" 

'God help- Oh right , he's dead' 

Gilgamesh : "You better start running Y/n " 

"Why ?" 

??????1 : "Ohhh~ Y/n~" 

I frozed in place after hearing that voice 

?????2: "Don't forget about me~" 

I turned around slowly to see 2 girls that obsessed with me 



I look back at the Sins and Virtue 

"Help me.." 

Gilgamesh and Archer just give me a thumbs up while the others looking at me with pity before I suddenly felt a chain wrapping both of my legs 

Envy : "Forgot to tell you but-" 

Gilgamesh : "-They will come with you into this dimension and there's 2 waiting in France , 1 in Vatican , and 1 in U.K . So Good luck!" 


I yelled at them while getting dragged by the Chains of Heavens 

???? : "Don't forget about me to~" 

"Fuck me.." 

Enkidu/Gilgamesh/Amaya/Lust : "Oh we will~" 

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