By ohbrosey

143K 3.3K 1.9K

Twin telepathy is when one twin can assess the thoughts or feelings of another twin without the other twin gi... More

00 → blurb
01 → first freshman captain
02 → hanging on the edge
03 → bestiary
04 → emma's first party
05 → emerald green
06 → apology accepted
08 → honey baked ham and lemon jello
09 → emma and mason save the pack
10 → the end to the dead pool
11 → will brake for ducks
12 → i heart mexico

07 → emma the helicopter mom

6.9K 170 73
By ohbrosey


⇠ ✽ ▧ ✭ ⇢

Emma Dunbar was being summoned from the comforts of her house – she's making it out be more extreme than she was making it up to be. How it really was happening: Lydia had asked Emma if she could go with her up to the lake house, so she could contact Meredith. All of her friends were taking the PSAT, so she was left to go by herself or invite Emma.

Inviting Emma was not a bad option, it was actually an option Lydia liked. She enjoyed having Emma around, and Liam was practically begging for her to give him some space. Emma for four days was playing helicopter mom since their real mother was unsuspecting of what actually happened to Liam. She just assumed that they were at Mason's, they weren't but if Jenna calls Mason about it, their best friend will lie for them.

Emma didn't know Meredith; well she didn't know lots of people. It seemed like every day she was meeting someone knew from the supernatural world. This time she didn't get to meet Meredith, all that she was told about her was the fact that she had given them the second cipher key, breaking the second part of the dead pool.

When they went to ask her for the third, they were too demanding of it. Which sent Meredith over the edge and caused her to kill herself. Emma could see why Lydia needed a friend to go with her for this one, it didn't hurt to have some moral support. And she couldn't think of anyone better than the compassionate, kind-hearted freshman that had nothing better to do today than make Liam cupcakes to make him feel better.

Emma looked over the window as they made the drive up to the secluded lake house in the woods, a smile was rested on her face as the endless amounts of trees that past her. "Thank you for inviting me" Emma looked over at Lydia, the strawberry-blonde had been quiet most of the drive, she was in her head a little about everything that had happened with Meredith.

"You should really thank Liam," Lydia teased as she glanced over at the blonde, "I wanted you to come, though. I find most freshman rather irritating and immature, but not you." Emma bit her lip unsure how to respond to that, she was glad that Lydia enjoyed her company, but was she supposed to agree, that most freshmen were immature and irritating.

Emma peeked over at her, she nodded her head, "Same," Emma nodded her head, she cringed at her words. Same? She's sitting next to one of the smartest people in the whole school and she just said 'same' as a reply. "My friends – well ex-friends – used to tell me I remind them of a seventy-five-year-old woman."

"I can see that," Lydia hummed, Emma let out a giggle before she leaned her head back on the headrest. "How's your neck doing?" Lydia stopped at a red light; the bandage had gotten a bit smaller since her last one. It's been a whole school week since Violet had strangled her with her thermo-cut wire. Emma didn't sound like she had a cold anymore, her voice still had a bit of raspy sound to it, plus if she spoke in a high-pitched voice, it would become as squeaky.

"It's better" Emma replied, as the light turned green and Lydia pressed the gas pedal. Her wound began to heal like Mrs. McCall and her father said it would. She also managed to keep her mouth shut like Mrs. McCall also told her to. Emma only talked when it was absolutely necessary, like when she needed to say 'please' and 'thank you'. "It's going to scar though."

"Mine didn't, the doctors told me it would, but it didn't," Lydia said, Emma, furrowed her eyebrows. She sat up straight in her seat, looking over at Lydia.

"The same thing happened to you?" Emma quizzed.

"Well, I was strangled with a garrote, not a thermo-cut wire," Lydia told her, stealing glances at the freshman who chipped away at her freshly painted nails. "We're survivors Emma. Someone tried to strangle both of us, and we survived. Not only that but also managed to save someone's life in the meantime."

Lydia's words made her feel proud of herself, but the overlying factor in all of this was Scott McCall. If Violet didn't have the obsession of wanting to take out the Alpha, she wouldn't have stopped. If Scott didn't call Emma's name, Violet wouldn't have known he was coming and it would've been too late.

"Scott's the only reason I'm alive" Emma replied bashfully, her fingers went back to the chipping of her nail polish. Lydia was cringing over it, so she reached over and grabbed her wrist to stop her. Emma looked back over at Lydia, who had a smile on her face as she kept her eyes on the road.

"Stiles' dad is the only reason I'm alive," Lydia pointed out. Emma bit her lip; they were in the same boat. If Stiles' dad hadn't shown up, would Lydia still be alive? The only reason she was alive, was because the Darach took him for the next sacrifice, which was guardians. The crazy thing, it only happened at the beginning of this school year. "It doesn't matter – we both survived. You should be proud of that scar on your neck. Because that means that Brett Talbot gets to go back home to his family."

Emma let a proud smile appear on her face, Lydia grabbed hold of Emma's hand giving it a gentle squeeze before she put her hand back on the wheel. "Thank you, Lydia. For putting everything into a new perspective for me" Emma said cheerfully. Lydia smirked proudly, she helped a normally shy and self-conscious freshman, feel a little bit better about herself. Lydia thought it might be best to take Emma under her wing a bit. Emma reminded Lydia of herself, maybe that's why she felt a little drawn to the girl.

Stiles had already admitted to the group on multiple occasions that Emma is his favorite out of the twins, and Lydia found it quite amusing, as did everyone else. Except for Scott, he scolded his best friend. Lydia figured it was partially because Liam punched him, and Emma didn't Also because Emma had made really good cookies, and she had promised to make him a batch whenever he wanted them.

They pulled up to the lake house, Emma's mind kept flashing back to the last time she was here. She had arrived in Stiles' jeep, with Stiles, Lydia, and Malia. This time it was just her and Lydia, no freaking out over Liam believing that he's a werewolf, no full moons, no parties where Brett Talbot shows up. Emma felt relaxed this time because this trip they were only going to try and contact a dead banshee. Still not the most normal activities to do, but she figured that normal high school activities were no longer in her planner.

They both got out of the car, Emma looked around as Lydia grabbed a box from her backseat, "Em, you ready?" Lydia called; she was already halfway to the house as Emma just reminisced Liam's first full moon. Her head shot over to Lydia, her whole demeanor has changed, much like Emma. Maybe once she arrived at the lake house, the reason why they were there beginning to set in.

"Yeah," Emma replied, she jogged over to Lydia. She handed Emma the box as she unlocked the door, once the two girls were inside and the door was closed. Emma's eyes landed on the large min paper with large black words that said 'Meredith Walker destroy all contents if not claimed.' Lydia took the box back into her arms. When Emma woke up that Saturday morning, after the 'party' the house was still covered with red solo cups and chips crumbs. It's spotless at the moment, but she was sure it had to be because Lydia didn't want her mom knowing that she threw a party when they're trying to sell the lake house. "It doesn't even look like there was a party here."

"Yeah, I owe that to Kira," Lydia said with a shrug, they made their way upstairs. They entered the white-walled room. The last time Emma was in this room, was when Lydia cracked the dead pool, well the first part of the dead pool.

Emma looked down at the carpet looking for the red wine stain, she hummed to herself. She was glad that the cleaners had gotten the stain out of the carpet. Lydia set the box down in front of the record player, she kneeled down. Emma walked over the colorful armchair. Emma wanted to give Lydia space, she wanted it to seem that she wasn't there, but was still around for emotional support.

Emma had never met Meredith; she had only learned about her through her friends. But the blonde-haired girl understood that she was the only other person that was like Lydia, of course, that she had met. The world's a big place full of billions of people, there's definitely more out there who are experiencing things like her.

Lydia opened the box; she began to place Meredith's things in front of her. Emma's heart began to break because there wasn't a lot of items that were in the box. And if Lydia hadn't claimed them for her, then Eichen House would've just thrown them away. How heartless could the people at Eichen House really be?

Lydia placed a perfume bottle on the ground, then a dead bouquet of yellow roses, a picture, and a small gray teddy bear. Lydia reached forward and turned on the record player. Emma's eyes watched as the record dropped and the needle began to play static. Emma chewed on the inside of her cheek, as she waited for Lydia to speak or get some kind of feeling. Lydia looked over her shoulder to Emma, the freshman gave her a thumbs up and a warm smile. Lydia sighed and faced forward.

"All right, Meredith. I'm not sure how to do this. I'm not a psychic, and apparently, I'm not much of a banshee either," Lydia began, she shifted on her knees and cleared her throat before talking into the static that filled the room, "But I'm trying to help my friends. I don't know if you can hear me. Or, uh, what I'm supposed to ask you. But if I have this thing, it's got to work some of the time. It's gotta help someone," Lydia paused taking in a short breath. The room fell silent, Lydia just stared at the wall in front of her. Emma stood up walking over to Lydia, she sat down criss-cross applesauce next to her. Emma felt the tension and the emotion in the room shift, and she wanted to be there for Lydia.

They were alike in many ways, and if Emma's right sometimes someone sitting next to you and supporting you. Just makes you feel better. Lydia glanced over at Emma sending her another smile. Lydia nodded her head before speaking again, "Maybe what I really wanted to say was --I'm sorry. I wish I could have helped you. I'm sorry."

Emma placed a hand on her back giving it a gentle pat, Lydia leaned forward shutting off the record player. Lydia sat there for a while, "You know she might've not replied. But she heard you – I know she did" Emma said dropping her hands into her lap. Lydia wiped the tears from her face before placing her hands on her thighs.

"How do you know?" Lydia quizzed, peering over at the blonde. Emma was unfamiliar with the banshee supernatural world. But she did believe in ghosts and spirits. She did believe that they're always with us.

"Well, growing up every time we go see my grandma and grandpa in Florida. My grandfather would always give Liam and me a quarter, so we can a gumball from this huge gumball machine he had in his condo. When my grandpa died, I was having a rough time. On really bad days, I would always find a quarter on the ground," Emma explained to Lydia, the strawberry-blonde's gazed softened at the mention of Emma's stories. "Only on days that were bad, he knew to drop a quarter on the ground so I can get a gumball. That's how I know Meredith knows."

Emma wrapped an arm around Lydia's shoulders, she gave the junior a squeeze which made Lydia let out a sad chuckle, "I hope she does know, especially how sorry I am" Lydia bit her lip. Emma sat back down on her bottom, she brought her knees to her chest, and her arms hugged her legs.

"She does, and I bet she's grateful that you grabbed her stuff," Emma told her, Lydia bit her lip, she let out a sigh as her green eyes examined the wall in front of her again. "We're going to figure this out Lydia, Stiles' told me that you're a literal genius, and then he bragged about how he's smart too. But he really put emphasis on you." Emma rambled.

Lydia snickered playfully at Emma's words, and her cheeks tinted pink at Stiles' complement. But she wasn't surprised at the mention of how smart he was. "I'm just scared that it's going to be too late when I do."

"We just have to remain optimistic, even in this pessimistic supernatural world," Emma told her, she honestly had no idea what to actually say. How was she supposed to give advice to a down on her luck banshee? She could barely give advice to Mason, mostly because she doesn't have much life experience to give advice on. Emma is trying her best though; this whole supernatural lifestyle is a learning curve.

Lydia nodded her head slowly before she reached over to grab Meredith's belongings, she gently placed the perfume and the flowers back in the box. Lydia grabbed a hold of the teddy bear and picture; she placed the bear back in the box. She took a double-take at the picture; her green eyes went wide. Emma sat up trying to glance at the picture, "What?" Emma quizzed.

Lydia stood up quickly glancing at the wall in front of her, and then back to the picture. Emma stood up as well walking over to Lydia. She leaned in next to her to look at the picture. Emma's eyes went wide, "Oh my God, she was here. Meredith was here" Lydia muttered. The picture of Meredith looks like it was taken in this room if Emma were to take one step. She would be in the same spot in the room. Everything matched up, the layout, the crown molding.

"What does this mean?" Emma asked Lydia, the strawberry blonde turned her head to look at Emma.

"This means, we need to go talk to my mom," Lydia told her, she placed the lid back on the box and picked it up. Handing it to Emma, which she took. Lydia began to, quickly, walk to the door. When Emma says quickly, she meant that Lydia practically ran. Emma followed holding on tightly to the box, not wanting to destroy any od Meredith's items. "My moms at the school, she's helping out with the PSAT's."

"Okay," Emma responded as the ran down the stairs, well Emma just kind of walked quickly and gently. She knew that there was a perfume bottle in the box, and if it broke it would be a mess and Emma would feel bad, and quite possibly Meredith might haunt her from breaking her items. "Why aren't you at the school taking the PSAT's?"

The rest of her friends were there taking them, but not Lydia. She was honestly surprised to get the text from her because they were told in the group chat, yes she and Liam were put in their group chat, that the PSAT's were Saturday. Stiles texted it, and also said 'if there are any supernatural emergencies, deal with it themselves.'

"I took it freshman year" Lydia explained as they walked out of the front door, she turned to lock the door. Once it was locked, she rushed past Emma to her car.

Emma paused and furrowed her eyebrows, "You can do that?" Emma questioned. Lydia opened her car door, looking back to see Emma standing in the same spot, staring back at her with her eyebrows raised.

"Emma, come on!" Lydia called before she got into her car, Emma quickly made her way over to Lydia's Toyota. She set the box in the back seat before getting into the passenger seat. Lydia turned the car on, she put the car in drive and went on her way.

Emma's phone started to ring, Liam was calling her. Emma furrowed her eyebrows before she answered, "Hello, have you gone bored without me yet?" Emma teased her brother, Lydia snickered at her comment.

"No, I'm enjoying my time alone. You and Lydia aren't at the school, right?" Liam quizzed, his tone shifting from joking to serious. Emma's eyes stayed on the trees to her right.

"Oh no, we're heading there though, why?" Emma asked she brushed some hair out from the side of her face.

"The whole school is under quarantine" Liam answered, her brother's answer took her by surprise. She was not expecting to hear that, what the heck happened? This had to be a normal thing, right? Certainly not a supernatural thing, that was a stupid assumption of course it had to be.

"What?" Emma quizzed loudly, she looked over to Lydia who was confused. Emma turned her speaker on, "How did that happen?" Emma glanced over to Lydia, whose eyes were wide with the shock and fear. Lydia's mother was at the school, now she knew why her mother wasn't answering her.

"I don't know, I'm just getting what's on the news. Em, moms at the school" Liam's words sent a chill down Emma's spine. Not only was Lydia's mom at the school stuck in the quarantine, but her mother was also there as well. Both of them had no idea if their mothers were sick or healthy. Emma blinked a few times as she chewed on her cheeks.

"What is mom doing at the school?" Emma asked quickly. Their family really has had bad luck lately. Their mother told them that she was going to be at her office today, she no reason to be at the school. Unless she got called down and was told that Emma had punched someone, Mrs. Martin told her that she didn't have to worry about it, mostly because she was almost murdered on school property. So, it's kind of canceled everything out. Malia told her that the twins 'could basically do what they want, and if the principal got onto them, they could threaten to sue'.

Emma found out that Malia really confuses her, but she kind of likes her, "She's the one that's helping Mrs. Martin sell their lake house. She was just dropping off papers," Liam explained, she looked over at Lydia. Surely none of them had no idea that the twin's mom was the real estate agent for the lake house. Emma's heart began to race at the thought of her mother stuck at the school, sick as can be. "Then they locked everyone up in quarantine. She's not answering her phone, dad won't let me go."

It became quite clear what Liam was telling her to do, at first, she thought he was warning her to stay away from the school. But she was being told to go and investigate. Their father had the day off today, he said he was spending his whole day on the couch. It made sense why he wouldn't let Liam go, he had been out of it since the yellow wolfsbane took a lot out of him. To anyone who wasn't aware of the supernatural world, he was just sick. So, their dad isn't going to let him rush out into the middle of the quarantine.

Emma looked over at Lydia, Lydia shifted in her seat and pursed her lips, "I know, we're on it" Lydia said before pressing the gas pedal down.

Lydia parked rather poorly in the school parking lot, there were tons of cars in the parking lot. Emma figured it was a mixture of the student's taking the PSAT's and worried and concerned family members. Not to forget the giant CDC van taking up a majority of parking spots.

The two girls made a sprint towards the crowd, Emma just followed after Lydia as she tried to look above the crows, once she spotted whoever she was looking for, she grabbed Emma's writ and began to pull her through the crowd.

"Sheriff! Sheriff!" Lydia called, as she made it to the front but a deputy held his arm out to stop her. The look Lydia gave the deputy would've caused Emma to cower in a corner. Sheriff Stilinski noticed the tiny strawberry-blonde ready to attack the deputy with her vicious words.

"Whoa, hey! I know these girls, let them in!" Sheriff called; Lydia gave the deputy an annoyed look before they walked over to Stiles' dad. Emma's eyes scanned the corded off are, she saw people yellow hazmat suits, people wearing masks and gloves, ambulances, police cars.

"Our mom's in there. What's happening?" Lydia asked she pointed between her and Emma. Emma nodded her head in agreement, her heart beating rapidly. She cracked her knuckles nervously as she waited for his next words. Next to Sheriff Stilinski was agent McCall.

"We're working on it," Sheriff answered. Lydia sighed as she looked over at the school doors. Sheriff glanced over at Emma who looked like she was seconds away from freaking out. Sheriff's words didn't do anything to soothe the nerves, it really only made her want to ask more questions. Sheriff Stilinski cupped a hand over her shoulder, "You alright, Emma?"

"Yeah, I'm just nervous. I just want to know if our moms are okay, and our friends" Emma replied shyly, Sheriff nodded his head to reply. His son was in there, he was as worried as Emma was about the health and safety of the people they care about.

"Trust me, when I say we're working on it" He reassured her, Emma sent him a smile in reply. Sheriff put his hands on his hips as he looked around the schoolyard.

"Do you think this has something to do with the – you know?" Lydia stepped towards Stiles' dad and said her words quietly so Agent McCall wouldn't hear. Emma wasn't 100% sure or not if Scott's father knew about the supernatural or the dead pool. She figured he knew something's to a certain extent but she wasn't sure how much.

"I have a suspicion that it might be," Sheriff answered quietly, he looked over his shoulder to see Agent McCall talking to somebody. He looked forward with a worried expression, "If I'm right, then Scott, Kira, and Malia are in trouble."

"So, it's only infecting the supernatural?" Emma whispered back if it's only the supernatural's issues. That's good for all the humans, like Stiles, and Emma, and Lydia's mom. Not good for her friends which three out of the four of them are supernaturals. It also didn't help her nerves.

"No, it's infecting everyone – but it might be killing supernaturals" Sheriff replied. Lydia and Emma shared a worried look.

"I have to call my brother and make sure that he doesn't come down here," Emma said, that would be a bad case scenario. Liam wanted to come down here and make sure that his mother and friends were okay. But if he does, what if he gets infected?

"Emma, what's going on?" Liam quizzed nervously. She could hear her father in the background ranting about where Emma is and that she better not be at the school. She was going to get scolded later by her dad, she could feel it in her bones.

"It's not good – but it would be even more not good if you came down here," Emma said, she didn't know if her father was listening, plus there were people everywhere. She can't go blurting about how this disease might be killing werewolves and other supernaturals.

"I don't even know what you just said" Liam replied back slowly, Emma sighed blinking slowly. Emma's words didn't make sense to her or her brother. She can't help that her words don't fall smoothly together all the time. Emma bit her lip as she looked around the schoolyard. How was she supposed to say this without nosey people being nosey?

"Just stay home, and don't come here. I'll text you updates, got it?" Emma told her brother, her father chimed in that she should be home as well. She knew should be home, but she couldn't leave her mother.

"Yeah, I got it. Em, just be careful, okay?" Liam responded; Emma felt relief wash away from her body. Liam was safe from a potential supernatural killing virus if Sheriff was right about his suspicions. Even if he's not right, and this is just a regular virus, it was better to be safe than sorry.

"10-4," Emma cringed at her words, "Sorry – I – goodbye and stay home" Emma ordered, she hung up her phone and slid it in her back pocket of her jeans. Emma let out a shaky breath, her eye scanned for Lydia. She found her and quickly jogged over to her; Sheriff Stilinski pulled her gently to the side.

"Lydia... As all this is still very new to me, and I don't know how it works, I still have to ask. Do you have any kind of... Indication? Any kind of feeling about this? Is someone in there going to die?" Sheriff asked Lydia, Emma peered over at the strawberry-blonde. Lydia's face was unreadable, you were never aware of what she was going to say, she didn't give any indication of how she was feeling on her face, especially if it has to do with her banshee feelings.

"Yes. And it's not just a feeling" Lydia replied, chills ran up Emma's spine. Emma's eyes widened, someone in that school was going to die, and if Sheriff is right. It could possibly be one of their friends. Emma's stomach began to churn, she didn't know what to do. She felt so helpless just standing here, waiting for the people she cares about to walk through that door.

Emma's fingers picked at her nail polish; she just stops painting her nails. But if she did that then she'd be biting her nails. She's bought the nail polish that tastes bad when you try and bite them, which definitely stopped her from doing so.

Sheriff placed his hands on his hips and looked up to the sky in exasperation. He thanked Lydia, before walking over to Agent McCall. "What are we supposed to do? Do we just sit here and wait?" Emma asked Lydia.

The strawberry-blonde opened her mouth to speak but shut it, she pursed her lips. Lydia crossed her arms over her chest before she spoke this time, "Yes, for now – I know it's hard because of what I said" Lydia told her. Emma nodded her head, even though she wanted to protest. She wanted to run in there and find her friends, she didn't care if she got sick. Emma's phone began to ring again, she furrowed her eyebrows at the number she's never seen before. She peered up at Lydia, "Are you going to answer it?" Lydia asked.

"Unknown numbers scare me," Emma said sheepishly with a tiny shrug. Lydia slowly blinked letting out a sigh. One time she got a call from an unknown number, and she heard a whisper 'You're going to die in seven days.' She threw her phone across the room and lived under a pillow fort for the next seven days. Turns out it was just Mason and Liam prank calling her, she's kind of scarred from answering unknown number's now. If it's important they'll leave a voicemail.

"Emma – just answer it. It could be Scott calling from a different phone" Lydia told her in an annoyed tone. She would find Emma's strange fear of unknown numbers to be kind of funny. Not when her friends and mother are inside the school with a virus that could kill them.

Emma accepted it, she brought the phone to her ear and before she could say hello, a familiar voice spoke, "Emma? It's Melissa McCall, I need you to do something for me" Mrs. McCall told her. Lydia furrowed her eyebrows, Emma mouthed 'Mrs. McCall' to Lydia.

"Okay, what can I do for you, Mrs. McCall?" Emma replied she bounced on the heels of the feet.

"I'm going to give you a number, I need you to call it. It's the number for Agent McCall –"

"Oh, I don't need a number, he's standing like four feet away from me," Emma told her, Mrs. McCall stopped mid-sentence, Emma swayed on her feet before she spoke again, "I can just give him the phone."

"That would work" Mrs. McCall replied back.

Emma quickly walked over to Agent McCall, she tapped his shoulder and handed him the phone, "It's Melissa McCall, and it's urgent. She didn't say it was urgent but I could tell by her tone of voice" Emma handed the phone to him. Emma looked over her shoulder to see Lydia right behind her.

"Hey – okay, re-reishi mushrooms, in a jar on the shelves in the vault. I got it, I think I got it," Agent McCall echoed Mrs. McCall's words. Emma and Lydia shared a look, the mushrooms must be something of importance to help their supernatural friends, "I'll find a way to get in and tell them."

Needless to say, he did find a way, and the way was named Emma Dunbar, in her groundbreaking performance, her first she might add. Emma walked over to the middle of the grassy schoolyard, and she fell to the ground. Her supporting actors were Sheriff Stilinski and Lydia Martin, they yelled her name and brought all the attention over to her, and not on Scott McCall's father who stole a bright yellow hazmat suit to get inside the school.

Emma found out today that she hated waiting, being told to 'wait and see' while your friends are inside the school dying from a disease that was brought on by a crazy chemist trying to kill supernatural creatures for money. Emma absolutely hated that, after she pretended to faint to get attention on her instead of Agent McCall, she had to wait another thirty minutes. After the talks of how everyone was getting better, they still had to wait, until they were given full approval that they could enter the school and wouldn't get sick as well.

Lydia had gotten a bit of an attitude; she gave short answers to which Emma read the room. They were both tired and hungry. They've spent half of the day driving back and forth to the lake house, and then the rest standing outside the school in fear. She just sat quietly next to Lydia, not wanting to upset her. Because Emma could really ramble on and on. Lydia appreciated it, she knew Emma was a talker, and that it made her feel better. But she put her needs aside for Lydia.

Sheriff Stilinski approached the two girls, "Are you girls ready to see your mothers?" Sheriff asked the two girls shared a look with a smile on their faces. The girls followed after Stiles' father, through the white tarp that shielded the doors and windows.

"Excuse us, excuse us. Pardon me" Sheriff called, as they walked through the crowds of students and worried parent's trying to find their children. Lydia spotted her mother in the crowd and ran towards her.

"Mom. Mom!" Lydia called as she attacked her mother in a hug, a smile arose on Emma's face that she Lydia was finally able to see her mother, she was happy that Mrs. Martin was healthy.

"Emma!" Jenna Geyer called; Emma tried to find her mother through the crowd. Her eyes finally landed on her mother's blonde hair. Emma let out a happy squeal and ran towards her.

Emma wrapped her arms around her mother, all the stress and fear had gone away the moment she saw her mother was fine. Jenna held her tightly, on hand rested on the back of Emma's long blonde hair. "I'm so happy you're okay" Emma whispered to her. Emma's voice broke as tears welled up in her eyes.

"It's been a rough couple of weeks for our family, huh?" Jenna teased, she pressed a kiss to Emma's forehead, she went to pull back but Emma tightened her grip. Jenna chuckled hugging her tighter. Emma wasn't ready to let go, the thought of losing her mother scared her, she would've lost her mind.

"You're not allowed to step foot in this school again, so nothing like this could never happen," Emma stated as she pulled away. Jenna shook her head in amusement as she pushed Emma's hair behind her ear. Ever since she was a litter girl, her mother always did that, strangely it calmed her down. "I love you, mom," Emma said as a tear strolled down her cheek.

Jenna wiped it off, "I love you too, Emma." Another kissed was pressed to her forehead, "Are you ready to go home?" Jenna asked. She had been cooped up inside this school all day with a bunch of sick staff and students. She was probably just as tired and hungry as Emma was.

"You have no idea" Emma sighed, she met Lydia's eyes both of the girls sent each other a smile. Emma's eyes shifted over to see Malia walking down the hallway with a slight scowl on her face. Emma felt even better seeing one of her friends before she left to go home. "One second, Mom."

Emma made her way over to Malia; she intercepted her pathway out the door. Malia had slight bags under her eyes, and her skin was covered in sweat. Malia's sharp gaze danced from the door ahead of her, to the freshman who had a concerned look on her face.

"Hey, Malia are you okay?" Emma asked her with a smile, Malia's unreadable face didn't falter.

Malia let out a sigh before she spoke, "Stiles and Scott have been hiding the fact that my real name is Malia Hale. So, no I'm not okay" Malia snapped towards Emma, the blonde knew that Malia wasn't mad at her, she was just mad in general so she didn't take Malia's attitude and glares to heart.

"Oh – I'm sorry" Emma replied she gave her a smile, she just wished she was better with words. Emma didn't know how Malia felt, well she figured that she was angry at the moment. Emma wished she was closer with Malia, so she could give her a hug and maybe over words of encouragement without fear of saying something wrong.

"They're all okay by the way," Malia told her, ignoring Emma's words. "Have a good rest of your night Emma." Malia walked past her; Emma let out a huff of air before she walked back over to her mother.

Her mother threw an arm around her shoulder, pulling Emma into her side. "Pizza?" Jenna suggested. A bright smile appeared on Emma's face; she nodded her head quickly. Which Jenna laughed at. "Let's go." Mrs. Martin and Lydia walked past the two. Looking as happy as they were to finally be reunited together.

"Hey," Emma called, Lydia and Mrs. Martin turned to look at them. Lydia and Mrs. Martin had to be as hungry as Emma and her mother was, it wouldn't hurt to invite them to get pizza with them. "Do you guys want to join us for pizza?"

"I don't see why not" Mrs. Martin replied, Emma hummed happily as the four of them continued walking out the door and most importantly to a pizza place.

⇠ ✽ ▧ ✭ ⇢

I'm sorry this chapter is kind of short, I promise it's the whole episode, but seeing as those the scenes with Lydia in them were not a lot.

Also, I know this should've been updated on Sunday but I wasn't really feeling this chapter, I was considering just skipping over this episode, but I had a lot written and starting over would stress me out. Also, I just loved the moment Emma and Lydia in the car, and I wouldn't make sense in any other ep.

Idk I'm just a little self-conscious about this chapter. But it's updated so yay!!!

I'm only five eps away from season 5 and some Themma!!

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