The Mysterious Gift

By ChynaJudai17

137K 5.1K 547

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Author Note*
Characters -Pt 1*
Chapter One*
Chapter Two*
Chapter Three*
Author Note*
Chapter Four*
Chapter Five*
Chapter Six*
Chapter Seven*
Chapter Eight*
*Author Note*
Chapter Nine*
Chapter Ten*
Chapter Eleven*
Chapter Twelve*
Chapter Thirteen*
*Author Note*
Chapter Fourteen*
Chapter Fifteen*
Chapter Sixteen*
Chapter Seventeen*
Chapter Eighteen*
Chapter Nineteen*
Chapter Twenty*
Chapter Twenty-One*
Chapter Twenty-Two*
Chapter Twenty-Four*
Chapter Twenty-Five*
Chapter Twenty-Six*
Chapter Twenty-Seven*
Author Note *

Chapter Twenty-Three*

2K 94 11
By ChynaJudai17

Christoph's POV

As we pulling up to my parents house I knew my mom went over the top with this party. There was cars all down the street. You could see all the outside decorations as well as part of, what I'm guessing is like some bouncy houses or something in the back.

This is going to be a long day.

"She did it again, huh?" Apollo chuckles as he gets Claire out her seat then helps AJ and Sarah.

Shaking my head, "seriously".

I helped Makayla out as well as Nikolai who was finally up from that whole fiasco back at the house.

When he is really panics he sometimes passes out from what Makayla told me a while back. So we usually calm him into a nurturing sleep. Strange but it's been working since they lived with Spencer.

"Papà look! Look!" Nikolai is excitedly exclames.

While bouncing him in my arms a bit I looked at Makayla whose eyes were extremely wide looking at the house too.

"Makayla what's wrong", I ask while I gently intertwin our fingers.

"You don't think this is a little over the top for a child's party, just seems like too ...", she trails off.

I squeeze her hand slightly to get her to focus on me.

"Makayla it'll be fine and trust me, this is what she does for all of her children and grandchildren unfortunately so you're going to have to get used to it", I gave her a smile.

She looks back at the house and then at me again before nodding.

I put Nikolai down and grab his hand. Trying to walk forward, I'm stopped by a little tug. I look down at my boy.

He moves his eyes from me to his mother and grabs her hand making her smile brightly.

"Ready?" I said looking between both of them .

Watching heads nod with excitement we continued to the door. I opened the door and it was a little bit quiet so I already knew where to go.

I lead them to the big open space just to see a shīt load of people.

She really went over the top.

"Buon Compleanno Nikolai!" The entire room screams.

"Grazie", Nikolai yelled from between us.


Nikolai full on sprints to my mother giving her a big hug, then she whispers something in his ears and he takes off running somewhere with AJ right behind him dragging Claire along.

Shaking my head, Makayla and I walk over to her.

"Hello son, how do you like all my decorations? I couldn't pick between this or maybe do a Disney character or something but then I thought nope he is a little prince so I'm just going to go with this. Plus it can have a grown up feel to it but the kiddie feel as well with the backyard activities I got," she rambles. "Oh son did Makayla come?"

I looked at my mother strange, why would she ask that Makayla is right ne-. I turn and Makayla is not by my side but behind me still in a daze with all the decorations my body must of been hiding her from my mom.

Pulling her by the hand that was still holding hers, she was finally front and center with my mom.

"Here she goes and here I go", I say and walk off chuckling at the faces she was giving me. She'll get over it.

Walking off I spotted my dad talking to someone but I couldn't see who it was because their back was too me.

"Excuse me, hey dad".

"Oh hey son, where's my piccolo combattente?"

"I think he went out back with the other kids on them bouncing things mom got."

"That damn woman. She always goes over the top with these kind of things. I remember when we had her baby shower for you, ha that thing last for what felt like a week but just like 8 or so hours," he turns to the guy, "you remember that shīt" they both started laughing.

That laugh.

I looked up and it was Antonio Matthias Smith.

This man has known my father since before he met my mother. They have been close friends since they were kids and even went into some businesses together. So the fact that he was standing here in my son's party isn't all that shocking.

"Chris did you hear me?"

Looking up at my dad I guess I spaced out, again. "Umm no my bad what you say?"

"Damn boy you need to be listening, I don't be talking for my health. I said do you remember our meeting with Tonio tonight, it's going to be at my office. He has some things to discuss with us."

I look over to him then back at my dad, and nod my head. That'll be the perfect time to find out if that information we received was accurate.

"My son's will be in attendance as well," he said with a tight tone.

I slightly grinned while giving a head nod towards them.

"Perfect, meet at the office around 11 hopefully this is over by then and these people leave my house," my dad says making me laugh hard.

He acts like majority of the people here aren't family, haha.

* * *

Makayla's POV

So when we arrived to Chris's parents place I already knew it was going to be over the top but what I saw on the outside really surprised me. Then when we entered I honestly felt like a deer caught in some headlights. It was so extravagant that I was at a loss for words.

Looking around while in my thoughts  I didn't feel someone grab me until I heard Chris say "here she goes and here I go", I came smack in front of his mom.

That ašshole.

"Well hello Makayla, wasn't sure if you was going to show up or not". She was so mellow with her delivery that I couldn't tell if she was upset with how I kept Nikolai away or that's just her demeanor.

"Hello. Yes I decided to come and be here for Nikolai."

She starred hard into my eyes. Awkward.

"Are you sure that's the only reason why you came? Because I couldn't help but notice you and my son holding Nikolai's hands like a family", she says with a small grin appearing.

"I-", before I could even get my words out Sarah comes out of nowhere and says the last thing I want Christoph's mother to hear.

"So KayKay how was the sex with your baby daddy", she says loudly.


"You has sex with my son".

I didn't want to turn around. Just imagining the look on her face made me feel so embarrassed.

"Makayla, honey", she says sweetly.

Sighing I turned around.

"Did you have sex with Christoph?"

I opened my mouth then closed it. Trying again to see if I could get the words out and nothing did so I just settled with a simple head nod.


More what!?

I look over at Sarah for some help in understanding what she said. When I see sarah mouth 'grand babies' I nearly felt my heart jump out of my chest.

"Oh no! Me and Chris are not having any children. We just are figuring things out ... I guess", I shrugged not even fully believing those words myself.

"Well dear let me tell you this. You may not want to but it's happening whether you like it or not. You and Chris have this energy that I thought only my husband and I had, but as I watch my boys grow into men, especially Chris, it shows me that he will be everything you need in a man," she finishes while giving me a hug.

She pulls away and gently wipes my face of the tears that I didn't realize had fallen.

She looks me in the eyes, "I know you're scared Makayla but just take a chance".

I nod once more.

"Alright enough with the sappy shīt, let's get these little rugrats some food and cake," sarah cuts in to say.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

1427 Words.

Vote. Comment.

Language Translations:

Buon compleanno Nikolai - Happy Birthday Nikolai

Grazie - Thank you

Nipoti - Grand babies

A/N: Hey Peeps!
My mother's birthday is today so I decided to honor her day by giving y'all an update.
Also to those that have left/sent uplifting comments in my rough time I greatly appreciated it!

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