The Nephilim Book 1


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The Nephilim is a fantasy which has it's root around the heavenly entities that dwell on Earth. Tyson Mars,th... More

Author's Note
Chapter One: Encounter with the Demon
Author's review
Chapter Two : Encounter with the Demon II
Chapter Three: A ride with Bonnie
Chapter Four: Training
Chapter Five: A spy
Chapter Six: Hunting Flauros
Chapter Seven: A word with Samyaza
Chapter Nine: Duel
Chapter Ten: A warrior's heart
Chapter Eleven : A selfish choice
Chapter Twelve: Why
Chapter thirteen: Right on time
Chapter Fourteen: The five Generals
Chapter Fifteen : No way out
Chapter Sixteen: A cup of tea
Chapter Seventeen : No wrong or right choice
Chapter Eighteen : Deal
Chapter Nineteen : Guardian of Eden
Chapter Twenty : The last stand.
Author's appreciation

Chapter Eight: unexpected events

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"I think we missed our turn. " Bethel said.

"What!? No way, gimme that." I snatch the map from Flauros.

" We certainly haven't missed our turn, it should be route 57." Flauros replied.

"Nahhh, the Highbridge leads to the express. We can cut in from here." I said as I touch a shortcut on the map.

"I insist we keep a low profile and take route 57." Flauros replied.

"Ok that's it." Bethel ignores Flauros and then opens a portal, she drives the bus through it. " We're here."

"Or we could just do that." I said.

" Yeah, that works fine too" Flauros added.

Bethel parks the bus at a discreet location, we leave Flauros in the bus then meet up with Castiel at a coffee shop.

"How are your injuries?" Bethel asked.

"Almost completely healed." Castiel replied.

"Good to hear." She said.

"We must leave immediately, the spear is kept under an abandoned church. It is under the watch of an immortal named Zasalamel." Castiel said.

"Woah! That's going to be a whole lotta headache." Bethel replied.

"Who is he?" I asked.

"He is a Wizard and a warrior, he once fought and scarred Archangel General Michael in a brawl." Castiel said.

"Scarred!? And we're supposed to steal a spear from someone so powerful!?" I asked.

"Not entirely..." Bethel replied.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked.

"Zasalamel believes... Get down!!!" Bethel exclaimed as she grabs me and ducks under a table.

Machine gun bullets burst through the windows, killing almost every body. The shooting stops then a missile blows up the coffee shop.

"They're still alive, Dantanian restrain the Angels. Furcas use a time warp to keep everyone in this city at Bay. I do not want cops or civilians getting in the way." Raphael said.

Name: Raphael
Title: Infinite Healer
Ethnicity/Race: Archangel

I cough as I slowly regain consciousness, I'm covered under Bethel's wings protecting me from the scraps.

"Are you ok?" She asked.

"Yeah I'm fine."

A large hand suddenly breaks in and grabs her head, almost covering it all. He flings her onto to a car.

"Urg!" She crashes into the car.


"No!" I throw a punch at Dantanian but he catches it like it's tissue.

"Nah na naaahhh." He squeezes my knuckles.

"Arrrggghhh!" I yell as I kneel.

Castiel breaks out from under the burning logs, he charges at Dantanian but there's a forcefield protecting him.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you" Raphael said while holding Bethel's wings, ready to rip it out from her back.

"Raphael..." Castiel said.

"Where are your manners?" Raphael replied.

"All done with the time warp." Furcas added.


"Great, now there shouldn't be any more causalities." Raphael said.

"Why are you doing this?" Castiel asked.

"Don't take this personal Castiel. I am not here to kill or cause harm to any of you, surrender the Nephilim to me and we can all go home peacefully." Raphael replied.

"Don't listen to him..." Bethel said.

"I'm on a mission here Raphael, directly from Uriel." Castiel replied.

"I'm fully aware. However, I do not trust the judgement of Uriel, I believe he is up to something. I shared my visions of Suriel's offspring to the board but Uriel insisted on this godforsaken gamble. How long do you intend to feed this abomination? It will grow beyond measures and bring destruction to the world. He will be the one to free Lucifer, the one who will become the Nephilim King that will bring chaos to the world, I cannot allow such to fall upon my father's beautiful creation."

"Lord Uriel won't let that happen..." Castiel replied.

"He is a lower Archangel than I am! I should have been listened to!!" Raphael's anger causes an energy surge destroying every car and building within fifty meters" look, I'm not the enemy."

Suddenly a bus hits Dantanian into a wall, freeing me from his grip.

"Let her go!" I shoot a ying-yang blast at Raphael, he crashes into a car, I rush to help Bethel. " Are you alright?"

Bethel retracts her wings " I'm fine."

"Look out!" Flauros said from the bus.

"Arrgghh!" Furcas use his hammer to bash Bethel, it sends her flying to Castiel. She hits him, they crash into the burning building.

Dantanian lifts the bus from the front...

"Woah!!!" Flauros jumps out quickly.

"Heads up" Dantanian throws the bus at me.

I catch it, making sure it doesn't get damaged also leaving an opening for Furcas to attack, he gives me a punch.

"Quit playing and restrain them" Raphael said.

"I hear you" Dantanian replied.

Bethel, Flauros and Castiel join up with me ready to battle.

"Time to put your training to a real test." Bethel said to me.

"Do not make this troublesome, you three are no match for me. I am the fourth strongest Archangel and Heaven's greatest healer, what hope do you have?" Raphael said.

"He's right, we can't take him, not even Uriel. I'll hold them off, Bethel open a portal and get out of here." Castiel whispered.

Bethel nods in agreement " don't die" she replied.

"What!? No way, we're not leaving anyone behind, we stand and fight together or not at all." I said.

Dantanian suddenly opens fire, shooting paralyzing bullets at us

"Take cover!" Castiel exclaimed.

Bethel spreads her wings, using it to shield herself along with Flauros and I " stay put" she said.

Furcas charge in with his hammer, Castiel spawns his sword and shield to battle him.

"Not so fast Demon!" Castiel said to Furcas.

"I'm gonna enjoy this." Furcas replied.

"We have to stop his shooting" Flauros said.

"I got an idea. Bethel open a portal directly above him." I said.

"On it." Bethel opens a portal, I jump in...

I land on Dantanian, I use my chained dagger to tie his neck, I try to cut off his head.

"Oh no you don't." Dantanian uses both hands to grab the spiked chain trying to free his neck also releasing the firepower against Bethel and Flauros.

Bethel throws a spear into Dantanian's chest.

"Gah! You little..." Bethel suddenly lands a massive punch on his face, it causes a slight shockwave before he crashes into the ground.

"Damn, I think you broke his face..." I said to Bethel.

Castiel and Furcas brawl, the energetic hits coming from Furcas's hammer makes Castiel's shield feel heavy and his hand numb, he is forced to drop his shield and fight with his sword alone.

"What's the matter? Feeling disoriented??" Furcas said as he attacks more furiously, Castiel dodges his attacks rather than blocking waiting for an opening. Furcas finally put more force into his attack making him lose balance, leaving an opening for Castiel to strike. Castiel cuts of his right hand

"Arrgghh!" Furcas yelled.

Castiel then cuts of his head " good riddance" he said.

Castiel regroups with the rest to face Raphael who is standing at ease.

"You still don't get it?" Raphael sighs " let me show you". he resurrects Dantanian and Furcas in an instant.
" give up Castiel, they can be no victory here for you."

"Any bright ideas?" Castiel asked me.

"No you?" i asked Bethel.

"Nope, Flauros?" Bethel asked.

"I most certainly do not." Flauros replied.

Castiel takes a deep breath. " then we fight till we can no longer."

"Foolish words, kill the boy but spare the Angels, you can kill the Demon as well." Raphael replied.

Flauros swallows his saliva after hearing the statement...

In a flash, Dantanian and Furcas's fall on their knees headless.

"Another abomination" Raphael said.

"What just happened?" I asked as I look at Castiel hoping for an answer.

"Don't look at me, I didn't do anything." He replied.

"Then who did!?" Bethel asked.

A Demon lands from above between Raphael and the others, in it's hands are furcas and Dantanian's heads.


The Demon snarls at Raphael...

"Who are you?" Raphael asked.

"Oh my gosh, it's them." Flauros said with fright on his face.

"Who?" I asked.

"The, the...the twins who wanted to kill me" he replied.

"Twins? I can see just one Demon" Bethel said.

"They, they fused together to form that." Flauros replied.

"Is that even possible!?" I asked .

"Never heard of it... " Castiel added..

"We better hope they won't attack us after attacking Raphael, I think it'd be best to use this opportunity to escape." I said.

"Leave now or be killed, I have no business with you and you do not have what it takes to best me." Raphael said to the Demon

It growls at Raphael. "we do not have what it takes to kill an Archangel but we do have have the weapon to seal one." It replied

"We?" Raphael asked.

The Demon points a diamond mirror at Raphael, the mirror pulls Raphael into it.

"Nooo!" Raphael yells as he tries to resist the pull. " this is an holy item, where did you get this!? Demons shouldn't be able to touch an holy item. Unless😮...". The mirror sucks Raphael into it.

The Demon lets out a loud long roar but the roar slowly fades into two different voices as it separates into two naked humans, a male and a female.

"Wow! That was crazy😃we just sealed an Archangel 😆😄😁" the male said.

"Yeah, can't believe it worked." The female replied.

"I told you it would 😌" he said.

"Yeah, you win this time" she replied.

Castiel moves closer to them. He clears his throat loud enough for them to notice...

They turn to him.
"Oh! Forgive out behavior, we just got a little carried away. You must be Castiel 😃, I'm Vladimir ". extends his hand to shake Castiel. " and this is my sister Krystal."

"Howdy" Krystal said as she waves to Castiel.

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