Only You

By SamShelly_

3.9K 247 68

All is fair in love, war and Business. Is it though? Grace never had it easy when it came to life. First she... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
Chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 11
Chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

chapter 10

151 5 2
By SamShelly_

I plopped down on my bed after kicking off my heels. I groaned staring at the ceiling. Why can't things go my way for once? Another day wasted. If I don't pay tomorrow, then I won't have a place to live! God please help me! I beg you!

I got up and changed out of the dress. My stomach growled making me glare at it. Moving towards my kitchen, I grabbed an instant noodles packet from the cabinet and started boiling it. After having my so called dinner, I succumbed to sleep. 

The next day, I was extra nervous when I made my way to the office. This didn't go unnoticed by many people and Stephen even approached me to ask if I was ok. Giving him a fake smile and a polite answer, I started making my way to the employees elevator. But I stopped in my tracks when dizziness enveloped my head. I swayed a little, stumbling on my feet but still managed to balance myself. Stephen was quick to run to me and hold me by my shoulders.

"Woah there! What is happening to you? You are definitely not alright!" Stephen spoke with worry.

Brushing my hair out of my face I gave him a soft reply. "I'm fine Stephen, just ....." My words were cut short when the same black dots reappeared and felt my self losing to the numb feeling.

Fluttering my eyes open, I was met with white walls. I looked around to find my self in a hospital room. My eyes fell on Stephen sitting beside me  with his face buried in his hands and his elbows resting on his lap.

"Stephen?" I whispered lightly.
His head whipped up to meet my eyes.

"Oh goodness! I was starting to think you won't wake up!" He exclaimed with worry plastered on his face.

"I'm fine," I gave him a small smile.

"Fine?" He stood up with a sudden jerk.

"You say you are fine? Are you kidding me?" He sounded angry and his expression only made it clear.
"You fucking fainted in in my arms. And you say you are fine?" His voice exploded as my eyes widened at his response. "The doctor told me that your reports said your body is iron deficient and you say you are fine?" His words shocked me.

"I..." He cut me off to what I was going to say.

"You what? Obviously you are going to say that I'm fine blah blah!" He sat down on the chair while rubbing his forehead in worry. The room was silent for sometime until he decided to speak again.

"Look. Grace, you are the only true friend I've had in years, and I don't want to lose you. I really care for you ok." I looked into his eyes that were speaking volumes. They were telling me that he had been alone for a long time. They were reflecting pain. They were reflecting anger.  I understood his pain. The pain of being alone. Quite honestly he was my only friend too. And yes by friends I just mean friends. He had never once tried to disrespect me or make me feel uncomfortable. From the beginning he showed his pure intentions of just being friends.

"I have lost a lot of people in my life before. My sister was one of them. And you remind me of her." His words sent my mind to ponder over my brother. My family. The pain was mutual. "I don't want to lose the person that makes me feel she is still with me," his voice sounded low as he pouted those words out.

"Hey! You are not going to lose me! I promise" I gave him a huge smile and he smiled back.

"Also please remember you can always come to me whenever you need anything!" He faked being a little stern.

"Yes I will!" I giggled lightly. Everything was going ok until I remembered something.

"Oh my God!" I exclaimed jumping out of the bed. "Stephen what time is it?" I panicked. "It's 12," he said eyeing his watch. My eyes widened in pure horror as my jaw dropped low. All the air escaped my lungs as I continued staring at Stephen blankly.

"Grace what's wrong?" He asked carefully.

"I... I had a meeting to attend at 11:30 with Mr Knight." I panicked again, even shivered a little.

"It's ok Grace. I'm sure he'll understand.." Stephen started but beat him to it.

"No he won't understand. He had to sign off the deal with Mr. Steve today and I'm not there! Fuck, I have all the documents and the contract in my cabin. Shit shit shit!" Stephen advanced towards me and gripped my shoulders.

"Stop! Calm down! Breathe," I took a deep breath as he instructed me.

"I'll take you to the office now. It will only take us ten minutes." I nodded furiously at his offer and we made our way towards the exit.

Throughout the ride I was shouting at him to drive fast. As soon as we reached there, I quickly hoped out of the car while Stephen was stuck to my side helping me in the office because I was still feeling slightly dizzy. Getting in the building, I dashed towards the elevator and punched in the button for the top floor. Bitting my lips and tapping my foot impatiently against the surface of the elevator, wishing for it to just teleport me to the meeting room.

The elevator finally dinged and I ran out of it to my cabin. Collecting all the documents in a haste, I took off for the meeting room.

I entered without even knocking to see Mr Steve already present along with his assistant. Mr Knight gave me a very hard glare and Stella stood at a distance from him, giving me a sympathetic smile. She excused herself and left me alone to deal with the situation. With a very heavy heart I started moving towards the table when Mr Knight's words stopped me in my tracks.

"So you finally decided to show up?"

"Mr Knight I..." I tried explaining but that man wasn't going to have any of that.

"I don't need your excuses at this point. Just shut up." Ok now that was very rude. Especially in front of people. I looked down not being able to meet his gaze as I tried to calm my now thudding heart. "I'll deal with you after this meeting is done. For now just bring me the contract." His face was void of any emotion but his voice was still strict.

With shaky hands, I handed him the contract. He read it once before asking me to hand it over to Mr Steve.
I did as I was told, and starting proceeding towards Mr Steve. He was sitting opposite to Mr Knight, beside his assistant. I handed him the contract as he gave me an evil smirk. I frowned at his expression before he took the contract from my hands.

He turned his face to look at the document. Flickering his eyes over the papers, he played with the pen in his hand. At the same time Mr Knight was attending to an important message I'm guessing. While playing with the pen, Mr Steve accidentally dropped it.

"Oops sorry!" He didn't sound sorry at all. I looked at the ground where his pen was lying before giving him a glare. Bending down, I picked up the pen that was lying near his feet. Clutching it, I handed it back to him.

"Thank you," he smirked. What is with him smirking so much. I waited until he signed the papers and handed them to me so I could give them to Mr. Knight for his signatures. As I was making my way to Mr.Knight, my eyes feel upon the heading of the paper on which I halted in my steps. I read further only to be left flabbergasted.

The papers I was holding in my hands had nothing relating to the deal. Instead it stated that Mr.Knight was signing of his whole company to Mr.Steve, that too willingly? I whipped my head in Mr. Steve's direction only to see a casual grin on his face, and his assistant gave me a smirk. Those bastards! They did it again. It was like switching papers was in their blood! Heck they even made sure to have everything in same format as the original document.

"Are you going to keep standing there or finally going to bring those papers to me?" Mr Knight spat, pinning me with his glare. He was obviously oblivious to the recent events that took place not seconds ago. 

"Mr Knight..." I badly wanted to tell him what was happening but nothing came out of my mouth. I was already very embarrassed  after being late and didn't want to be in that position again. 

"I do not have the whole day Miss Miller!" he exclaimed.

With heavy steps, I made my way towards him. Let him sign his own doom for all I care! That man deserves it anyway, spoke my brain. But the little goodness in my heart was begging me to do something before everything goes out of his hands. 

I knew I was going to end up without a job if he signs the contract or if I tear the contract right now.  So pretty much my boat had sunk. Stopping in front of him, he stretched his hands to take the document from me.  But I abruptly moved my hands away. He gave me a scowl before trying to take the contract again, but this time I moved my hand away, only to raise them higher so Mr.Steve and his bitchy assistant could have a nice view. 

I knew after this I will be thrown out of this office but I wasn't selfish enough to destroy everything for him. I knew it takes years of hard work to build an empire like this. With one final sigh, I held the papers from the edge and ripped them into two pieces. Mr Steve and his assistant jolted up from their seats and so did Mr.Knight.




"Are you crazy Miss Miller. Are you even in your right mind?!" Exploded Mr Knight's voice through the corridor  

Mr Steve had a look of horror in his face because he knew that he lost. In a few minutes his reality will be revealed and Mr.Knight will have the worst punishment for him. Thus to save himself and his company from humiliation, he did the only thing which made sense to him as he tried to play it cool and escape the situation. 

"Mr Knight, I don't think I am interested in signing the deal with you anymore. We will take our leave," the loser spoke before hurrying out of the office before Mr Knight could stop him. While I waited  for the remaining drama.

"Because of you I lost a million dollars deal. You are nothing but a disgrace to this office and your family." Mr Knight gritted with so much venom dripping out of his mouth, it made me cower. "You are a sick excuse for a personal assistant you know. Taking advantage of your position just to flirt with every man you see walking! How shameless can you be? Going on dates during work hours? I do not want to see your face ever again. Get out of this office! You are fired!" I slightly flinched as he spat those words.  Without wasting a second, he moved out of the meeting room, leaving me to deal with my dismay.  Tears ran out of my eyes as my jaw trembled.

How shameless can you be?

Taking advantage of your post to flirt with any man you see walking!

His sharp words stabbed my heart again and again. Is this what I deserve after everything I did for him?

I finally released a breath, I didn't know I was holding and moved to my cabin to pack my stuff, all the while still trembling from fear. Fear of not knowing where to go. Fear of living on streets. 

A tear dropped on my desk as I was collecting my things. 

'You are a disgrace to your family and this office.'

'You are a disgrace to your family'

His words kept haunting me as more tears rolled down my cheeks. Was I really a disgrace? Was that why dad never loved me? Is that the reason he kicked me and mom out but chose to keep my brother? I got my answer. I was nothing but a disgrace to my family. With heavy steps, I started towards the door, only to see Stella standing with her hand crossed and wearing a sad expression. 

"Hey," she started lowly as I gave her a sad smile. None of us said anything for while. We stayed quiet for minutes as I continued looking at the floor. 
"Grace?" I looked up as she called out my name. "Oh my baby!" she cooed after taking in my red eyes with tears strolling down my cheeks. Pulling me into her embrace, she started consoling me. "Don't care about a word that jerk said! You are an amazing person okay." She looked at me in assurance as I sniffled, wiping my tears with the back of my hand. I gave her a nod as I calmed myself down. She only knew half of my problems. She didn't know that I was going to be homeless in a few hours. 

I gathered my stuff in my hands and started moving out of my cabin when her hand stopped me. I turned around to see her one last time. "Remember to stay in touch ok!"  I gave her a short smile and nodded at her demand. "Also come to my house tomorrow! we can have a girl's night maybe," I nodded at her once again, knowing I wouldn't really show up. She gave me one last sad look before I moved out. 

Reaching the ground floor, I saw Valentina giving me a worried expression after taking me in. "Grace are you okay?" She asked with worry etched on her face as a frown marked her forehead. Sighing, I took of my worker ID card and slipped it into her hands. "What... what are you doing?" She asked confused looking at the card and then my face. 

"I won't be coming anymore to the office," I gloomily broke the news. 

"What do you mean? Are you sick honey?" God she is so sweet. 

" No, I'm... actually I'm fired." Her jaw dropped at my statement as she struggled to say her next words.

"But.. I don't understand! Why? As far as I know, you were a great employee!"

"That's not what Mr Knight thinks!" I spat with an unknown anger burning inside me. It's his loss he fired me! I'm sure he will regret everything soon, but then it will be too late! Because I'm done!

"Do you need a ride home?"

"No  I'll take a cab"

"Are you sure honey? I can give you a ride," I smiled at her before reassuring her once again.

"Valentina you really don't have to worry. I'll be fine I promise. Besides it's still your work hours so you shouldn't really leave the office building."

"Ok," she nodded sadly, "Take care of yourself!"

"I will. Bye," I gave her a hug before continuing my way out. Upon exiting the building, I turned round to give it one final glance before promising my self that I will never step in that building ever again.

Continuing to walk, I took my path on the sidewalk. My mind wandered of to all the possibilities of me dying empty stomach or me dying without a roof. My head started hurting further when I thought that Claire would be showing up any time soon to collect her payment and I would have to go through another round of embarrassment after she kicks me out.

I felt light-headed once again as I absentmindedly started crossing the road, without looking at any direction twice. My eyes felt heavy and I started loosing my senses. I stopped in the middle of the road, clutching my head tightly to get rid of the nauseous feeling when I heard a car honking my way. Turning my head slowly to face the car, I saw it advancing towards me at high speed. I tried moving away but my my legs were not complying with my brain. Just as the car was about to hit me, I felt everything turning black as I succumbed to the darkness.


Dun dun dun

What did u think will happen next??

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