The Walking Dead - My Story.

By KimMaitlen2

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Dess Is a 14 year old when the world was changed and at just when she thought everything was over she's Meeti... More

1 - Walking Alive Girl - Chapter 1.
4 - KiLLER WitHIn.

2/3 - day 38/39

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By KimMaitlen2

Overall of chapter 1 -

Daryl: Cut a hole in that fence over there by the guard tower. Andrew: That easy, huh? Daryl: Where there's a will, there's a way. Andrew: Easy for you to say. Big Tiny pokes one of the bodies with a stick. Big Tiny: So what is this like a disease? Rick: Yeah, but we're all infected. Axel: What do you mean, infected? Like AIDS or something? Daryl: If I was to kill you, shoot an arrow in your chest, you come back as one of these things. It's gonna happen to all of us. Thomas: Ain't no way this Robin hood cast's responsible for killing all these freaks. Andrew: Must be fifty bodies out here. Thomas: Where do you come from? Rick: Atlanta. Thomas: Where you headed? Rick: For now, nowhere. Thomas: I guess you could take that area down there near the water. Should be comfortable. Rick: We're using that field for crops. Thomas: We'll help you move your gear out. Rick: That won't be necessary. We took out these walkers, this prison is ours. Thomas: Slow down, cowboy. Andrew: You snatched the locks off our doors. Rick: We'll give you new locks, if that's how you want it. Thomas: This is our prison. We were here first. Rick: Locked in the broom closet? We took it, set you free, it's ours, we spilled blood. Thomas: We're moving back into our cell block. Rick: You'll have to get your own. Thomas: It is mine. I've still got personal artifacts in there, that's about as mine as it gets! Thomas pulls his gun out, Daryl threatens him with his crossbow.

Axel: Whoa, whoa, whoa, maybe let's try to make this work out so everybody wins! Thomas: I don't see that happening. Rick: Neither do I. Thomas: I ain't coming back into that cafeteria for one minute. Axel: There are other cell blocks. Daryl: You could leave. Try your luck out on the road. Thomas: If these three pussies can do all this, the least we can do is take out another cell block. Big Tiny: With what? Thomas: Atlanta here will spot us some real weapons. Won't you boss? Rick: How stocked is that cafeteria? Must have plenty of food, five guys lasting almost a year? Daryl: It sure as hell don't look like anybody's been starving. Thomas: There's only a little left. Rick: We'll take half. In exchange, we'll help clear out a cell block. Andrew: Didn't you hear him? There's only a little left! Rick: Bet you've got more food than you've got choices. You pay, we'll play. We'll clear out a block for you, then you keep to it. Thomas: Alright. Rick: Well, let's be clear. If we see you out here, anywhere near our people, if I so much as even catch a whiff of your scent, I will kill you. Thomas: Deal. In one of the cells Lori and Carol are still trying to save Hershel, but the bleeding continues. Lori: It has to stop eventually right? It slowed down quite a bit already. Carol: If we can get him through this... Lori: When we get him through this. Carol: We'll need crutches. Lori: Right now, we could use some antibiotics. Pain killers, some sterile gauze. There's gotta be an infirmary here. Carol: If there's one, we'll find it. You gotta be worried sick about delivering the baby. Lori: Look at me. I look worried? Carol: You look disgusting. They laugh. Lori: So do you. (she looks at Hershel) We'll get through this.

In the cafeteria Thomas leads Rick and his group to the cafeteria to check out how much food is left. Thomas: Pantry's back here! T-Dog: You never tried to break out of here? Oscar: We tried to take the doors off. But if you make one peep in here, then those freaks will be lined up outside the door growling, trying to get in. Windows got bars on them that he-man couldn't get through. Axel: Bigger than a 5*8. Big Tiny: You won't find me complaining. Doing fifteen. My left leg can barely fit on one of those bunks. Oscar: Yeah, they don't call him Big Tiny for nothing. Thomas: You're done jerking each other off? I'm getting sick of waiting back here. They go where the food is kept, there's still a lot. Daryl: That's what you call a little bit of food? Thomas: Goes fast. Daryl: Mm-hmm. Thomas: You can have a bag of corn, some tuna fish. Rick: We said half. That's the deal. (he shows a door) What's in there? Big Tiny: Don't open that. Rick opens the door, and the smell in the room is so bad he almost vomits. Thomas and his group laugh. Thomas: You wanted to know! Axel: Can't wait for my own pot to piss in. In the cell block C Maggie gets out of the cell where Hershel is, and goes hug Glenn. Maggie: It was stupid of us to let him go. We cleared this whole cell block, just the five of us. Glenn: Could have happened to anyone. Maggie: What are we gonna do without him? Glenn stops hugging Maggie to look at her. Glenn: Hey, stop it. Alright, stop it. He's still here. Maggie: What if he does wake up? Then what? I mean, he can't even walk... All we do is run. Glenn: Hey. This won't break him. He's got you, and Beth. Maggie: Am I the only person living in reality here? Glenn: We've been through so much already. Maggie: You're expecting it too. Glenn: I'm not expecting, alright? I'm just preparing. Why don't you go check on Beth? Go on, I'll watch him. Maggie leaves. In Beth and Hershel's cell block Beth is cutting Hershel's pants. Maggie: What you doing? Beth: He's gonna have a hard time walking around with one side of his pants dragging on the ground. You know, he could trip or something. Maggie: There's a good chance he won't wake up. Beth: Why are you so eager to give up on him? Maggie: I'm not giving up on him. Beth: Sure sounds like it! Maggie: I don't want you to get your hopes too high. We're not equipped to deal with something like this. Beth: We have Carol. Maggie: She's not a doctor. Dad taught her a few things to help with the baby. Beth: She stopped the bleeding. (showing the pants) These will do just fine. Cell Block T-Dog and Rick arrive with some food, Carl opens the door for them. T-Dog: Food's here! Carl: What you got? T-Dog: Canned beef, canned corn, canned cans! There's a lot more where this came from! In one of the cells Rick: (to Lori, about Hershel) Any change? Lori: Bleeding is under control and no fever, but his breath is labored, his pulse is way down and he hasn't opened his eyes yet. Rick: Take my cuffs, put them on him. I'm not taking any chances. Glenn reluctantly takes Rick's cuffs. Cell Block Rick and Lori get out of the cell while T-Dog and Carl carry the food in one of the cells. Lori: So what about the prisoners? Rick: We're gonna help them clear out their own cell block and then they'll be there, and we'll be here. Lori: Living beside each other. Rick: I'm not giving up this prison. Lori: Do they have guns? Rick: Only saw one. I don't know if it's gonna work... Lori: Well, what are your options? Rick: Kill 'em. Lori: If that's what you think is best. Rick: (laughs nervously) You say this now but... Lori: Look, I know that I'm a shitty wife, and I'm not winning any "mother of the year" awards, but I need you to know that not for one second do I think there's malice in your heart. You're not a killer, and I know that. I know that so... so do whatever you gotta do to keep this group safe, and do it with a clear conscience.

Rick nods and leaves. Cell Block C Rick's group give the prisoners some weapons to fight walker. Thomas: (showing one of the weapons) Why do I need this, when I've got this (showing a gun) ?

Axel: Whoa, whoa, whoa, maybe let's try to make this work out so everybody wins! Thomas: I don't see that happening. Rick: Neither do I. Thomas: I ain't coming back into that cafeteria for one minute. Axel: There are other cell blocks. Daryl: You could leave. Try your luck out on the road. Thomas: If these three pussies can do all this, the least we can do is take out another cell block. Big Tiny: With what? Thomas: Atlanta here will spot us some real weapons. Won't you boss? Rick: How stocked is that cafeteria? Must have plenty of food, five guys lasting almost a year? Daryl: It sure as hell don't look like anybody's been starving. Thomas: There's only a little left. Rick: We'll take half. In exchange, we'll help clear out a cell block. Andrew: Didn't you hear him? There's only a little left! Rick: Bet you've got more food than you've got choices. You pay, we'll play. We'll clear out a block for you, then you keep to it. Thomas: Alright. Rick: Well, let's be clear. If we see you out here, anywhere near our people, if I so much as even catch a whiff of your scent, I will kill you. Thomas: Deal. In one of the cells Lori and Carol are still trying to save Hershel, but the bleeding continues. Lori: It has to stop eventually right? It slowed down quite a bit already. Carol: If we can get him through this... Lori: When we get him through this. Carol: We'll need crutches. Lori: Right now, we could use some antibiotics. Pain killers, some sterile gauze. There's gotta be an infirmary here. Carol: If there's one, we'll find it. You gotta be worried sick about delivering the baby. Lori: Look at me. I look worried? Carol: You look disgusting. They laugh. Lori: So do you. (she looks at Hershel) We'll get through this.

Now -

Daryl: You don't fire guns. Not unless your back's up against the wall. Noise attracts them, really riles them up. Rick: We'll go in two by two. Daryl will run point with T, I'll bring up the rear with you (showing Andrew). Stay tight, hold formation, no matter how close the walkers get. Anyone breaks ranks, we could all go down, anyone runs off, they could get mistaken for a walker, end up with an axe to the head. Daryl: And that's where you aim. These things only go down with a head shot. Thomas: Ain't gotta tell us how to take out a man. T-Dog: They ain't men. They're something else. Rick: Just remember, go for the brain. In one of the cells Glenn handcuffs Hershel to the bed, when Maggie arrives. Maggie: What's going on? Glenn: We had to. Carol: It's just for precaution. Maggie: You think maybe I could have a minute alone here? Glenn: Yeah, do you want me to... Maggie: No, just... by myself. Carol: Of course. Glenn: I'll be right outside. Carol and Glenn leave, Maggie sits down on Hershel's bed, holds his hand, with tears in her eyes. Maggie: Dad? You don't have to fight anymore. (she starts crying) If you're worried about me and Beth, don't. Don't worry about us. We'll take care of each other, we'll look out, me, Beth and Glenn we'll look out. Go ahead, dad, it's okay. Be peaceful. You don't have to fight! If it's time to go, it's okay. I just want to thank you. For everything, thank you. She kisses him on the cheek, and puts her head on his chest. Corridors in the prison The prisoners and Rick's group are trying to clear out another cell block for the prisoners to live in. They're walking slowly, in order to see if walkers arrive. Big Tiny: Man, it's too damn dark in here! Daryl: Gotta hold it up high out in front of you. You're gonna hear 'em before you see 'em. Axel: It's coming! Daryl: Shhh! Two walkers arrive. Before Daryl, Rick and T-Dog can do anything, the prisoners run towards the walkers, screaming, and start to attack them by aiming somewhere else than in the head. Axel: You wanna taste me? Axel stabs the walker in its stomach. Rick, Daryl and T-Dog look at the prisoners failing to kill the walkers. In one of the cells Glenn holds the watch that Hershel gave him in his hand, while looking at Hershel, unconscious. Everyone is in the cell, waiting for Hershel to open his eyes. Carl arrives with a bag. Glenn: Thought you were organizing the food. Carl: (smiling) Even better! Check it out! Carl drops the bag, Carol and Lori open it, it's full of medical supplies. Lori: Where did you get this? Carl: Found the infirmary. Wasn't much left, but I cleared it out! Carol and Maggie put new bandages on Hershel's leg. Lori: You went by yourself? Carl: Yeah. Lori and Maggie look at him, they are shocked. Lori: Are you crazy? Carl: No big deal, I killed two walkers! Lori: Alright, (showing Hershel) do you see this? This was with the whole group! Carl: We needed supplies, so I got them! Lori: I appreciate that, but... Carl: Then get off my back! Beth: Carl! She's your mother, you can't talk to her like that! Lori: Listen, I think it's great that you want to help but... Carl leaves the cell running. Corridors in the prison Daryl: It's gotta be the brain! (he shoots an arrow into a walker's head) Not the stomach, not the heart, the brain! Another walker arrives. Axel: I hear you, the brain. Oscar stabs the walker in the head, but others arrive. Oscar: Like that? Daryl: Uh-uh. Axel and Rick kill two walkers. Rick: Stay in tight formation, no more prison riot crap! There begins to be a lot of walkers, everyone fights, except Big Tiny, who's afraid, and goes behind the wall to hide. But walkers start coming towards him. Rick stabs one of them, and the other one bites Big Tiny before getting shot by Thomas. Rick sees that Big Tiny was bitten. In one of the cells Carol puts new bandages on Hershel's wound. Carol: These bandages will help prevent infection. Glenn: That's good. It's good that he taught you all these stuff. Carol: He didn't teach me everything. (to Glenn) I need your help with something. Glenn: Now? Carol: Yeah, now. Glenn: What is it? Carol: Not here. Glenn: I can't leave Hershel. Carol: This is important. Glenn: Carol, I can't. Lori: Go on, we got it. Glenn: No way. Beth: We'll be fine. Carol: We're not gonna be gone long. Glenn: Rick said for me... Maggie: We're fine. Glenn: ...Alright. Glenn leaves reluctantly with Carol. Corridors in the prison Rick looks at Big Tiny's shoulder which was bitten. Big Tiny: I'm telling you! I don't feel anything, it's just a scratch! Rick: I'm sorry man... Big Tiny: I can keep fighting! Andrew: You cut that old guy's leg off to save his life! Rick: Look at where the bite is! Big Tiny: Guys, I'm fine! Just... I'm fine. Look, look at me, I'm not changing into one of those things. Oscar: Look, man, there's gotta be something we can do, we could just lock him up! Axel: Quarantine him! Andrew: We gotta do something! Why are you just standing there, we gotta save him! Rick: There's nothing we can do. Andrew: You son of a bitch! Big Tiny: I'm al... Thomas stabs Big Tiny in the head, and continues stabbing him with a hammer. His face is full of blood, and he walks away. In the prison's yard Carol and Glenn are behind the fence, the walkers start coming towards it. Carol shows Glenn a female walker. Carol: That one. Glenn: Everything you're saying is completely sane, you wanting to use a walker for practice is a sane thing, I mean it. Okay? I'm just, trying to wrap my mind around it. Carol: Lori's overdue. She had Carl by C-section, she's probably gonna have to have this one the same way. Hershel had a little bit of experience with this kind of things, but he's not gonna be able to do it anymore. I need experience! And we have plenty of cadavers. Glenn: Uh, well... Like I said it's completely sane. Carol: I need to learn how to cut through the abdomen and uterus without cutting the baby. Glenn: Why not? Glenn is about to kill the walker, but Carol stops him. Carol: I'll do it. She stabs the walker in the head. Glenn then tries to draw the walkers in his direction so Carol can take the body. Glenn: Come on, hey follow me! Come on! That's right, there we go! Come on! Corridors in the prison Daryl: (to Rick, about Thomas) You see the look on his face? Rick: He makes one move... Daryl: Just give me a signal. Entrance of the cell block They arrive in a room which contains a set of two doors, probably leading to the cell block where the prisoners would live. Daryl gives Thomas the keys. Thomas: I ain't opening that. Rick: Yes, you are. If you want this cell block, you're gonna open that door. Just the one, not both of them. Because we need to control this. They hear the walkers behind the door, Thomas picks up the keys.

Thomas: You bitches ready? (he tries to open the door, but it won't open) I got this. He opens both doors, walkers come in. Rick: I said one door! Thomas: sh1t happens! Everyone kills the many walkers entering the room. When stabbing a walker, Thomas almost stabs Rick too, on purpose. He then sends a walker on Rick, who falls on the ground. Daryl: T, mind the gap! Daryl stabs the walker and saves Rick's life. They killed all the walkers. Thomas: (to Rick, about the walker) He was coming at me, bro! Rick: Yeah... Yeah, I get it. I get it. sh1t happens. Ricks stabs Thomas in the head. Thomas falls down on the floor, dead. Andrew: No! Andrew tries to attack Rick with a baseball bat, but Rick kicks him, and Daryl threatens him with his crossbow. Daryl: Easy now. Andrew runs away, Rick follows him, while Daryl and T-Dog stay in the room with Axel and Oscar. Rick: I got him! Daryl: (to Oscar) Hey, get down on your knees! Oscar knees down. Axel: We don't have no affiliation to what just happened! Tell him, Oscar! Oscar: Stop talking man. Corridors in the prison Rick runs after Andrew in the prison. Andrew opens a door, and winds up outside, in a courtyard full of walkers. Rick doesn't enter, and closes the door behind Andrew, leaving him in the middle of walkers. Andrew: Let me back in, man! Let me back in! Open up, man, open up! Rick: You better run. Andrew starts running to escape the walkers, Rick leaves and hears Andrew scream behind the door, then there's silence. In one of the cells Maggie is watching over her father, who suddenly stops breathing. She's too much in shock to do anything. Beth: What's happening? Beth tries to reanimate Hershel, but he doesn't breathe. Beth: (to Maggie) Do something! Somebody help! Somebody! Please, help! Lori arrives running, she doesn't hear a heartbeat. She tries to reanimate him, while Beth and Maggie are crying. Lori: Come on! Come on! Hershel suddenly grabs her, but Maggie pulls her out. Hershel's awake, he falls back asleep, but he begins to breathe normally again. Carl has his gun pointed at Hershel. Entrance of a cell block Axel and Oscar are on their knees. Rick and Daryl are threatening Oscar with a gun and a knife, whereas T-Dog is pointing his gun at Axel. Oscar: We didn't have nothing to do with that. Rick: You didn't know? You knew! Daryl, let's end this now! Rick points his gun at Axel's face, and Daryl puts his knife on Oscar's neck. Axel: Sir, please, please listen to me! It was them that was bad! It wasn't us! Rick: Oh, that's convenient! Axel: You saw what he did to Tiny! He was my friend! Please! We ain't like that! I like my pharmaceuticals, but I'm no killer! Oscar here, he's a B and E and he ain't very good at it neither! We ain't the violent kind, they were! Please! Please, I swear to god! I wanna live! Rick goes back to threatening Oscar by pointing his gun at his head. Rick: What about you? Oscar: I ain't never pleaded for my life. And I ain't about to start now. So you do what you gotta do. In the prisoner's new cell block Rick, Daryl and T-Dog push Axel and Oscar in their new cell block. There are bodies everywhere. Axel: Oh man! I knew these guys, they were good men. Rick: Let's go. Oscar: So you're just gonna leave us in here? Man, this is sick! Rick: We're locking down the cell block. From now on, this part of the prison is yours. Take it or leave it, that was the deal. Daryl: You think this is sick? You don't wanna know what's outside. Rick: Consider yourselves the lucky ones. Daryl: Sorry about your friends man. T-Dog: Word of advice : take those bodies outside and burn them. Rick, T-Dog and Daryl leave. In one of the cells Rick arrives in the cell where Hershel's still sleeping. Carl: Hershel stopped breathing, mom saved him. Glenn: It's true. Lori: Still no fever. Hershel opens his mouth, Maggie sits next to him. Everybody looks at him. He opens his eyes. Maggie: Daddy? Beth: Daddy! Daddy! She laughs, Lori, Rick and Maggie smile. Rick takes Hershel's cuffs off. Hershel grabs Rick's hand. Beth and Maggie hug, and Carl smiles. Lori leaves the cell, followed by Rick, who puts Beth's hand in Hershel's. Rick: (to Beth) Come here. In the prison's yard Carol put the walker's body on the floor. She uncovers the walker's belly in order to start practicing the C-section. She takes her knife and starts the procedure. Someone is watching her behind a tree. On a bridge between two cell blocks Rick joins Lori on the bridge. Rick: We'll start cleaning tomorrow. Lori: Yeah. Yeah, we'll give Carl a safe place to... do whatever he does these days. Rick: For the record, I don't think you're a bad mother. Lori: Well, wife is a different story. For better or worse, right? I mean, what are we gonna do, hire lawyers, get divorced and split our assets? (they laugh) We have food, Hershel's alive, today was a good day. Rick: He'd be dead if it weren't for you. Lori: You're the one that acted fast, if you hadn't done what you did then... I thought maybe you were coming here to talk about us. Maybe there's nothing to talk about anymore. Rick puts his hand on Lori's shoulder, but still keeps his distance. Rick: We're awful grateful for what you did. He goes back in the cell block, leaving her sad.

Day 39.

In the sky above a field A helicopter is flying above an empty field. In the helicopter It's a military helicopter. There are three soldiers in it. One of them is trying to make contact probably with the rest of the servicemen. Soldier 1: Whiskey 1-2. Whiskey 1-2, do you copy? Going 180, close the distance, get back in contact! There's a problem with the helicopter, it starts to move really fast, there's turbulence. Pilot: Have faith, guys. I've gotten us through a lot more than some light turbulence. Smoke starts to come out of the helicopter. Pilot: Wellsey! Soldier 1: Mayday! Mayday! Mayday! Pilot: Crash positions! I'm putting her down by the road! Soldier 1: Come on... The plane is about to crash. Soldier 1: We're going in! The plane crashes into some trees in the middle of a forest. On a road nearby Andrea, Michonne and the two walkers are walking on a road near the place where the plane crashed. They see the smoke coming out of the forest after the explosion. They go in that direction. 

In the forest Andrea and Michonne arrive to the place where the helicopter crashed. Andrea is still sick, and she's exhausted. She vomits and coughs. Michonne: Don't push yourself. You'd better sit. Michonne helps Andrea to sit down, and she attaches the walkers to a tree. She gives Andrea a gun. Michonne: I'll check it out. Michonne goes to see the helicopter. One of the soldiers is dead, cut in half. The pilot is also dead. She sees two cars arriving near the helicopter, and she runs to Andrea. Michonne: Someone's coming! Andrea: Any survivors? Michonne: Two dead, not sure about the other. The two cars stop next to the helicopter. Andrea and Michonne are hiding. Men come out of the cars. Governor: Fan out. (to one of his men about to shoot a walker) Save those rounds for when you need them.

One of the men shoot an arrow in a walker. Andrea coughs. The governor and his men still look around. Martinez (one of the Governor's men) kills two walkers with a baseball bat. The governor looks inside the helicopter. Governor: Got a breather! Tim! Help me out here. They get the survivor off the helicopter. Michonne sees a walker behind her, she's about to kill it, but it walks right past them, and the Governor's men see them. One of the governor's men: Over here, Shumpert! Shumpert shoots an arrow into the walker's head. The governor and Tim carry the body away from the helicopter. Governor: Drag him out. Andrea: He's saving them. We should show ourselves. Michonne: Not yet. The governor looks at the cut in half soldier that Michonne saw. He turned. Michonne and Andrea think that you only turn when you get bit. They see the soldier, and think he's dead. The governor stabs him in the head. He goes in the helicopter and stabs the pilot who turned too. Michonne and Andrea don't understand, because they think he stabbed two dead men. Michonne's walkers start to do a lot of noise, the governor and his men notice them. Michonne runs to them and cuts their heads off. She hides with Andrea. The governor and his men look at their direction, but don't see them. Governor: Let's roll out. Michonne and Andrea are relieved. Michonne hears a noise behind her, she pulls her katana out. Merle: Uh-uh-uh! Easy does it, girl. Mine's a whole lot bigger than yours. (Andrea recognizes Merle's voice) Now, put down your weapons. That's it, nice and easy. And let me see your hands. (they show their hands) Now spin around. That's it, nice little twirl around. (Andrea turns around, Merle recognizes her) Oh, holy sh1t. Blondie! You're looking... good! (Andrea sees that Merle fashioned a knife onto the stump where his hand used to be, he kills a walker with it). Now, how's about a big hug for your old pal Merle? (Andrea passes out). In the governor's car Andrea wakes up in the Governor's car, she is still dizzy and doesn't open her eyes fully. Governor: Have Stevens prep the infirmary. Milton (man on the microphone) : How many? Governor: Three. One with multiple fractures and severe burns. Another in and out of consciousness, probably shock and dehydration. Milton: And the third? Governor: She's fine. Milton: Female? Governor: Two. Found them hiding in the woods. Bringing a homework assignment for you, so open the lab. Milton: Do tell. Governor: At the gates in five minutes, get off the radio. Milton: Well, what is it? Governor: Now, Milton! Andrea looks at the window, she can't see much but cars, and a man with a gun guarding a wall. Andrea: Michonne? Michonne: Right here. Andrea looks the other way and sees Merle. Merle: Shhh... He puts her blindfold back on, she doesn't see anything anymore. In an infirmary A nurse is examining Andrea. Andrea: Why are we being held here? We want to leave! Nurse: You're not well enough! And it's dark. You should stay the night. Andrea: Where are we? Nurse: That's not for me to say. He'll talk to you. Michonne: Who? Merle enters the room. Merle: Go check on your patient, doc. Bet you was wondering if I was real! Probably hoping I wasn't. Well, here I am. I guess this old world gets a little small towards the end, huh? Ain't so many of us left to share the air right? You know, when they found me, I was near bled out, starving, thinking to myself a bullet might make a good last meal. Take myself a nice long nap after, wait for Daryl on the other side. You seen my brother? Andrea: Not for a long time. Merle: Makes two of us. Andrea: He went back for you, him and Rick. You were already gone. Merle: Yeah well, not all of me! He shows Andrea his cut off hand, and laughs. Andrea: Oh, god... Merle: Yeah... Rick. He's that prick that cuffed me to the roof top. Andrea: Yeah... he... tried. Daryl saw that. Merle: He's always been the sweet one, my baby brother. Andrea: He wanted to keep looking, then things happened, people died. A lot of them. Jim, Dale, Jacqui, Sophia... Amy. Merle: Your sister? Andrea: Yes. Merle: She was a good kid. I'm sorry to hear it. Andrea: There were more, a lot more. We had to leave Atlanta, we wound up on a farm. Daryl stepped up, became a valued member of the group. Merle: Now he's dead. Andrea: I don't know that for sure. We got run off by a herd. Merle: How long ago? Andrea: Seven, eight months. I was separated from the rest of them, got left behind. I know what it feels like. Merle: (showing his "hand") I doubt that. Andrea: What do you want from us? Merle: There she sits, four walls around her, roof over her head, medicine in her veins, and she wants to know what I want from her. I plucked you and your mute here out of the dirt, blondie. How 'bout a thank you? Michonne: You had a gun on us! Merle: (he laughs) Oh, she speaks! Well, who ain't had a gun on 'em in the past year, huh? Show hands, y'all! Anybody? Shumpert? Crowley? Y'all had a gun on y'all? Hell, I think I'd piss my pants if some stranger came walking up with his mits in his pockets. That'd be the son of a bitch you'd really want to be scared of... Andrea: Thank you. Merle nods, Michonne looks at Andrea in dismay. The governor enters, whispers something into Merle's ear. Merle: Sure thing. The governor: (to Andrea and Michonne) How you feeling? Michonne: We want our weapons! The governor: Sure. On your way out of the front gates. Andrea: Show us the way. You've kept us locked up in this room.

The governor: You see any bars on the windows? You're being cared for. Andrea: Under guard. The governor: To protect our people, we don't know you. Andrea: We know enough about you to want out of this place. We watched you drive a knife into the skulls of two dead men, what the hell was that all about? The governor: They turned. Michonne: They weren't bitten. The governor and Merle share a look. The governor: It doesn't matter. However we die, we all turn. I put them out of their misery. It's not easy news to swallow at first but there it is. Now, you're not prisoners here, you're guests. But if you wanna leave, as I said, you're free to do so. But we don't open the gates past dusk. Draws too much attention. (to Andrea) And you especially, you need a solid night of sleep. You wouldn't last another day out there in your condition. Have you brought over to my place in the morning, hand over your weapons, extras ammos, food for the road, some meds, keys to a vehicle if you want one. Send you on your way, no hard feelings. Andrea looks at Michonne, everyone follows the Governor who opens the door. There's a city. The Governor: Welcome to Woodbury.

Andrea looks at the place, she can't believe what she's seing. The governor: Come with me. They arrive at the gates, guarded by men. Merle: (to one of the guards) Go relieve Pete at the back gate. I'll take the spotlight. Andrea: Are you military? The governor: Hardly. A couple of feds but, by and large, we're self trained. Andrea: That's heavy artillery they're packing. The governor: Some men arrive with guns, but most of the weapons are scavenged over time. Andrea: And the other side of the town, the rest of the streets, they're all guarded like this? It can't be. The governor: It can. And it is. Merle: Got us a creeper, Governor. (he shows a gun) May I? Thank you. (he takes it and aims at the walker) Andrea: Governor? They call you that? The governor: Some nicknames stick whether you want them to or not. Andrea: Buzz is a nickname, Governor's a title. There's a difference. Shumpert turns on the spotlight so Merle can see where the walker is. He shoots it. Merle: Got him. He brought his buddies! (He shoots two walkers the same way) Clear. The governor: We'll get them in the morning. Can't leave 'em to rot, creates an odor, makes people uneasy. Andrea: What people? There's nobody here, it's a ghost town. The governor: This way. Andrea and Michonne follow him to a house.

In a room of the house The Governor opens the door. There are beds, a shower, toilets, and other pieces of furniture. The governor: You'll be more comfortable here. It's not the four seasons, but there's a hot shower. Water's limited, so keep it short. We got food, water, fresh clothes, hope this works. (they take a look at the room, Andrea sits down on the bed) I know you'd feel better with your sword, more secure but you're safe here. Andrea: We appreciate it. What about the pilot? Will he make it? The governor: Well, doctor Stevens is doing all she can. Now I know you got a lot more questions, but I've got work to do. My man will be outside the door if you need anything else. I'll see you tomorrow. The governor leaves. Michonne and Andrea look at the man outside, Michonne looks angry. In Woodbury, the day after Andrea and Michonne are walking in the town, they're talking to a woman, one of the citizens. There are a lot of people. Andrea: It's real. The woman: You two have been out there for a long time. While you were, the governor was doing this. Andrea: How many people do you have here? The woman: 73. Eileen's about to pop, so her kid will make it 74. Still a work in progress, but Rome wasn't built in a day. Andrea: That's a bold comparison. The woman: I think we've earned it. Walls haven't been breached in well over a month, we haven't suffered a casualty in the inside since early winter. Andrea: How's that possible? The woman: Our governor's set a strict curfew. Nobody out after dark. Noise and light kept to the bare minimum, armed guards on the fence and controlling the perimeter to keep the biters away. Andrea: I saw what your patrols do on the way in last night. They had a dead one strung up like an ornament. The woman: I won't make excuses, those men, put their lives at risk every day to protect this town. We've lost more than a few friends out there. Everybody copes in their own way. But I'll raise it with the governor. The woman leaves, Michonne looks suspicious. In the infirmary The governor and the doctor are talking to the injured pilot. Pilot: Things were orderly, the fences held, people were protected, food supplies were lasting. Then one of the men inside got bit, not sure how. He went haywire, panic swept through the camp. Someone opened the gate to escape, others were bitten and infected. These people went crazy. The whole place went to hell in a few hours. My team grabbed whatever supplies and vehicles we could abandoned our post.

He coughs, the doctor gives him water, then leaves. The governor: How many of you escaped? Pilot: Maybe it was ten in my group. We got maybe fifty miles from the post, before getting jammed up on the highway. I took the bird up in the air to scout ahead. She took a beating in the riot, but we had no choice. My guys? The governor says no with his head. The governor: Let me go find the rest. Bring them here, where they'll be safe. They're out there waiting for you, exposed. Tell me where they are, and I promise, if they're still alive, I'll bring 'em here. In the laboratory The governor gets out of the building to go in the laboratory, where Milton and Merle are as well. The governor: Did you finish your homework? Milton: Unfortunately, the dog's eating it already. Merle: What the hell you call me? The governor: Hey, where are we? Back in the schoolyard? You want to take his lunch money while you're at it? Merle: Sorry, governor. The governor: Maybe I've wasted my time with you. Maybe you haven't learned anything at all. Milton: He was trying to smoke in here. The governor: And you expect better. Keep poking the bear, and you're bound to get mauled, remember that. (to Merle) Tell me about the girl. Merle: Name's Andrea. Milton: What, you know her? The governor: She's from that group in Atlanta? Merle: Yeah. Same one left me on the roof, forced me to mutilate myself. The governor: Does she know your brother, Daryl? Merle: Yeah, she did. The governor: Then talk to her again, see what else you can find out. Merle nods and leaves. The governor: Show me something! (Milton shows the Governor the walker whose head Michonne cut off before, the one she was carrying with them) What do you make of it? Milton: Oh, pretty impressive, really. Major kudos for ingenuity. You take away their arms so they can't grab, you take away their jaws so they can't bite. Take away their ability to eat, they lose interest in doing so. They're no longer in attack mode, you can be in their presence without threat. They become... docile, in a sense. The governor: Lurkers. Milton: Mmh, docile. Or lurkers, you know? Whatever you like... The governor: Why keep 'em? Milton: Ah, repellent. The governor: Camouflage. (he puts his finger in the walker's mouth) Walk with the biters, they think you're a biter. Low profile, that's smart. (Milton nods) They're still pretty thin. If they're not eating, why don't they starve? Milton: They are... starving, they just do it slower than we do.

The governor: Feels like we're trying to impose logic on a chaos. Milton: That is not a bad thing! The governor: No? Well what does it buy us? More questions, more theories, no answers. Milton: Not yet! If I could talk to those women... The governor: Merle's handling it. Milton: I don't want to question your judgment, governor... The governor: Sure you do. That's why I need ya. That and your tea. Milton: Ah... Well then, (he gives the governor a cup of tea) with all due respect, letting Merle talk to those women unsupervised is a mistake. Now, you've always said, every tool kit needs a hammer, but do you really feel a hammer's the right tool for that job? In the governor's apartment The governor, Milton, Michonne and Andrea are sitting at a table. The governor has prepared some food and serves it to everyone. The governor: Eight months? Hard to believe you ladies lasted so long out there. Andrea: Because we're women? The governor: Because you're alone. Andrea: We had each other. The governor: Two against the word. It's long odds. Andrea: We manage. The governor: Oh, we're impressed. Milton: Very. The governor: Survival in the wild is tough sledding. Wake up every morning on the ground, wondering if today's the day. Will it be quick and final or slow and... well without end? Will someone have the good sense to kill my brain, or will I come back as one of them? Milton: Do you think they remember anything, the person they once were? Andrea: I don't think about it. The governor: Milton believes there might be a trace of the people they were, still trapped inside. Milton: Like an echo. Surely, it must have crossed your mind. Andrea: One time, yeah. Right before it tried to bite me. Milton: And then you killed it? I say "it" only because no one here lies to refer to them as "him"... (he looks at Andrea) or "her"... The two you had in chains, who were they? (to Michonne) The way you controlled them, used them to your benefit. You did know them, didn't you? The governor: Let them eat. Milton: My apologies. Andrea: So what you have here, you expect it to hold? What if a herd comes through? The governor: It'll hold. Andrea: What's your secret? The governor: Really big walls. Andrea: (she laughs) That soldier had walls too and we all know how that turned out so... The governor: I guess we do. The real secret is what goes on within these walls. It's about getting back to who we were, who we really are. They're just waiting to be saved. And people here have homes, medical care, kids go to school, adults have jobs to do. There's a sense of purpose, we're a community. Milton: With a lot of guns and ammunition. The governor: Never hurts! Andrea: And really big walls... The governor: And men willing to risk everything to defend them. Compromise our safety, destroy our community, I'll die before I let that happen. There's another awkward silence. Andrea: Looks like you're sitting pretty at the end of the world. The governor: Do I strike you as the kind of man who sits pretty? You reap what you sow. We're the seed, now that winter has passed, it's time to harvest. Andrea: Time to hope? The governor: We're going out there, we're taking back what's ours! Civilization. We will rise again. Only this time we won't be eating each other. Andrea looks at him, at Michonne, then raises her cup of tea. Andrea: To civilization, then! Someone knocks at the door, it's Shumpert. The governor goes to open the door. The governor: Excuse me. Milton: (to Andrea) How's the tea? Andrea: (nods) Yeah... Shumpert whispers some words into the Governor's ears, who then closes the door. The governor: Sorry to cut breakfast short but this can't wait. Michonne: (standing up) We want our weapons! The governor: Well, we can make these meals to go and your weapons will be waiting outside but you should take time to relax. Get your strength back. Have a look around. Who knows? You might like what you see. In Woodbury Michonne and Andrea are walking in the town. Michonne: I don't trust him. Andrea: Why not? Have you ever trusted anybody? Michonne: Yeah! Andrea: Then, give this a day or two, that's all I'm asking! Some time to get our sh1t together. Michonne: My sh1t never stopped being together. Andrea: Didn't look that way when Milton asked about your walkers. I'm surprised he didn't get a fork in his eye! Michonne: It was not of his damn business! Andrea: Guess it's not of mine either. (they stop walking to face each other) Seven months together, all we've been through, I still feel like I hardly know you. I'm sorry, it's the truth, I mean, come on, you know everything about me! And I... Michonne: You know enough! Andrea: Those walkers were with us all winter long, protecting us, and you took them out without any hesitation, that had to... Michonne: It was easier than you think.

Michonne leaves. In the soldiers' camp The pilot told the Governor where his camp was. Now, the governor and his men are going there. There are a lot of soldiers. One of them sees the governor's car approach. Soldier: Vehicle approaching, corporal. Corporal: Alright, stay alert. The car enters the camp, the soldiers aim at it with their guns. The governor shakes a white fabric through the window. The governor: Hey, hey, hey, hey! Don't shoot! Corporal: Identify yourself! The governor: (getting out of the car) Hey, hey, hey, hey! We found your guy, Wells! Lieutenant Wells? His chopper went down! Corporal: Well, where is he? The governor: We got a little settlement. Now, he's badly hurt, but he's alive! And the other guys didn't make it, I'm sorry. But Wells, he told me I would find you here! He wants me to bring you to him! Soldier: (to another soldier behind him) They found Wells, they got him, they found him! The governor: We sure did! (he pulls his gun out and shoots the corporal who was looking behind him and smiling) We found you too! The governor's men start shooting every single soldier, while the Governor watches. They were hiding in the grass next to the camp. The governor takes the gun of a dying soldier on the floor, and then finishes him off by beating his head with the gun. As the Governor's men check that they're all dead, one of them seems shocked by the governor's violence. The governor: Never waste a bullet, son. Pick up the rest of these weapons. One of his men: Yes, sir. They see one of the soldier was hit on the leg, and is trying to escape. The governor shoots him down. He gives a knife to the man who was shocked. The governor: Go put a merciful end to that young man's days. (he goes, and to the others) Let's see what uncle Sam brought us, shall we? The cars return to Woodbury. All the citizens gather around the Governor, including Andrea. The governor whispers something to Merle and Milton. Michonne stays back. The governor stands on one of the cars. The governor: (to the citizens) We brought in three new people yesterday. One was a helicopter pilot with a National Guard outfit. Even though he's clinging to life, he told us about his convoy on the highway, his men. I promised I'd bring them back here alive. But they didn't have our walls or our fences. Biters got there before we did. Now, the men had trucks, the trucks had weapons, food, medicines, things we need. Now, we didn't know them, but we'll honor their sacrifice by not taking what we have here for granted. Won't be long before dark, so go on home. Be thankful for what you have. Watch out for each other. (he gets down and goes talk to Andrea) You're still here. Andrea: Anything I can do? The governor: No, no, nothing tonight. Andrea: Long day? The governor: Haven't had many short ones, lately. Good night. He starts to walk away. Andrea: So what's your real name? If it's not asking too much. The governor: I never tell. Andrea: Never say never. The governor: Never. In the governor's apartment The governor closes the blinds, has a drink. We see a naked woman in his bed. He looks at a photo, then opens a door with a key, and enters. He sits down on a big chair in the middle of the room. He looks at the wall in front of him. We see a lot of big jars with heads of walkers in them. We can recognize the two walkers Michonne killed, as well as the pilot Wells. The governor looks at them.

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