1 - Walking Alive Girl - Chapter 1.

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It's day 2 of the outbreak!.
Also imma be skipping to the part of the Carl getting shot and not doing season 1 any parts because it was really short and no point so imma speed up the Carl shot scene and go to where Shane dies and the rest of The group leave the farm chapter 2 they end up scattered as Faria has 3 babies and 5 of the kids as Angel meet with her and the remains as The main character Dessina Is by herself- With her baby who's not known by anyone due to her step father and it's the Danny baby 💔🖤🥺😭. So chapter 3 is the start of getting the Prison for the Atlanta's group and As Des is by herself wit her now 6 month old. Chapter 4 Des finds it hard as she's gonna have to take Her own baby with her on runs🥺.

Earlier of that few days.

Dessina POV.
Me and 4 of my siblings Was in this Store it was previously stocked 2 hours before the World ended as everything was spreading. 4 of our siblings didn't make it they're was in the living room when the 17 walkers came
Through The door when my drunken dad lead them there. RIP Emma/2 Months old, Max 3 yrs old, Gia 3 weeks old and Ruby who was the oldest out of the 4 At 14 years old. I've tried but my step sister grabbed and we ran to the Store as our mother ran out when we was all really young. Hey Heather says we got a clear shot for nowe My 10 year old sister Alexa says. I sighed. Alright fine.. I looked outside we're planning on getting an car there's 20 of us so far as there's more that's coming in and they're all semi older and we're gonna have to get at least 4 cars so we can get fit a few in each. I'll get my backpack I said as quickly moved to the unit 4 Room. Your ready? Alexa nods as she unlocks it before locking it as my Younger but then 3rd oldest was already waiting. Alexa Ray Is good at getting everyone to safety she's known for he trying to get the babies to safe if stuff happens and when not to. When it's safe to sit out or not. It's been 2 days since and I'm hoping we can get out of the city by the Next Week as it's Thursday and we need an 4 day trip to get of the city at least. How many gas we got in the 2? I asked whispering. Half and full if we can get 2
Semi bigger cars we should be good. Maybe Late Saturday I can go out farther? I said. She sighs. I don't know we'll see. As we made it to The last stocked store besides ours. We started to raid when a few of them was getting riled up. Let's go Ash says as we started to go back. I then seen them everywhere. I looked over as Zach the oldest of the group had sacrificed himself and the 15 other adults so we can get out. I nodded at Alexa as there's 7 babies as the kids are strong enough to hold The babies. Come on the now oldest at 19 Saraiayn says as we started to get of there as the cars was now too risky.

8PM 3.4 Miles Later.
How much on formula? I whispered softly. There's enough for a few months Ash says . I nodded. As A few minutes passed and Derek and His girlfriend Angel comes back. There's an barn and a house we've cleaned it and there's no dead at least for awhile it looked liked. Alright let's go I said as the babies need to go to sleep 4 of them are passed out due to being up for awhile. The rest will most likely get up later for tomorrow now. As we made it around 8:33PM we had the rest on around the little kids and babies as Jala, Kaila and myself was taking post.

We all had walk talkies as we was kinda far apart due to the land being kinda huge and we needed time to haul ass if need be.

Day 3.

I yawned as Hope 7 year old came up. Go take rest I promise to be alert and not be toying with the gun- Hope I pleaded. What! Jimmy is 10 and is going on runs it's not——
It's not not anyone's fault but everyone gets scared okay? I said. She looks down. I'll stay with her Derek walks up to us. He looked at Hope who was excited. I sighed as I nodded before giving Derek my Silent AK47. Before getting some sleep.

Hey Alana I heard as I flutter my eyes open to see it was obviously Sunny out. What- time is it? I said frowning. Noon Hayley says as she's gotten the babies and kids really good to an system/Tea. So anything? I asked as Derek hands me some water. Thanks I mumbled. Well there's an group that was going to this farm because this boy got shot ? Hayley says. We shouldn't oppose not because we're selfish but the old man got enough to feed plus we've gotten what? 8 months worth so we're good. I looked over as I had an thought.  Couldn't we find a few Campers? I said. Hayley sighs looking at me. Where at D? She says as she then gotten the bottle before feeding Amara who's only 14 weeks old the youngest the others are getting to age 1 and 2 thankfully. There's 3 babies so 5 all together who's 3 months, 7 and 8 and also 4 weeks old so we're getting closer. I then went over to my sheet and picked up my pistol who had a silencer on it a lot of us have it so it's not as bad. As I slid my knife on my belt before taking 3 kids and a baby who's Danny 5 months old the rest are with the others safe enough as I took a stroller . D! Hayley says. I turned around. Shut it I said before continuing to walk as Hayley is a bitch but she's good with the kids so I try not to make any drama or anything. Where we goin? Ben says as he's 13 and 2 Are twins Amy and Angelic Who's both 9. We're going to scout see if there's anything coming and getting more supplies in case I said. As we was heading a bit far. I forgot my damn watch. I sighed. Alright let's———-
I heard screaming as I rushed to turn around and there's Angel with 4 grown ups all had 2-3 babies in each hand no weapons. Except for Faria who has 4 bags wrapped around. I hurriedly over. No kids bitten ive got Faria coming from the side we're gong to have to get them outta here so those people don't- I've nodded.
As we've met with Faria and the rest of the Babies and remaining kids we started to get them out and killed when it was 5Pm.
There's going to be more - I know it. Fuck I whispered.

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