Mech X4, Spyder x OC (book 2)

By Bexxy-writes

11.8K 231 39

Hi. I'm Elizabet Walker. Only call me that if you don't know me. I'm known by Liz, or Lizzy, or Eli, Liza and... More

Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
Episode 15
Happy Birthday!
Episode 16
Episode 17
Episode 18
Episode 19
Episode 20
Not an Update
Episode 21

Episode 7

513 12 1
By Bexxy-writes

"I mean, he threw the robot like a rag doll." Spyder continued on with his rant.

"Spyder we get it. Traeger's powerful. But you guys didn't have me fighting with you." I said. Harris then took out the drone with a metal bar.

"Why would you?" Ryan asked

"Watch." Harris said. So we did. The robot began assembling itself back together.

"You used nanites, didn't you." I said

"Yup. So we'll never lose any intel on Grey or Traeger." Harris said. "And once it confirms it's targets, it'll attack." I realized where this was going so I quickly changed the targets to Grey and Traeger before it could attack.

"New target accepted." The computer said

"Fly! Be free!" Harris said

"Oh, Mark's calling me." I said and quickly pulled him up.

"Hey Dingus, you're Mech Link was off, I had to call Lizzy. Didn't you get mom's text. She wants us home, now! Lizzy too" Mark said.

"Great. Bye." I said, turning off my Mech Link. "Have fun, don't be irresponsible, do your homework and if someone gets hurt, it's Harris's responsibility. Also Harris, you're in charge." I said

"Yes mom." Both Spyder and Harris said, rolling their eyes

"Ha ha." I said dryly. I grabbed my backpack and waved goodbye as Ryan and I left. Mark picked us up in his car and we arrived at the Grub Buggy.

"What do you think your mom wants?" I asked, zipping up my jacket. What it's cold.

"I don't know but whatever it is, we'll get it done and get back to the robot." Ryan said

"Whole weekend on patrol, right?" I asked. Ryan nodded. Then someone touched my shoulder. I turned around and quickly hit whoever it was in the face. It was their dad.

"oops." I muttered. "Sorry Mr Walker." I apologized.

"Not a problem. You've got a killer punch. Anyway, you guys seem on edge today." He told us

"We thought you had a couple of weeks left working at the hospital in Bolivia." Mark said

"Yea well, we finished up early and I got to come home. Nice meeting you, Elizabeth. If you're Ryan's twin I consider you my daughter." He told me

"Sorry again about the whole... face thing." I said.

"It's fine. I scored four tickets to the Future Technology Convention." He said

"I've been trying to get tickets for months. Nada." I said in awe. "And some basketball dude is also there." I added on

"How perfect is that. Science for Elizabeth, video games for Ryan, sports for Mark and music for everyone. You know DJ Live Rats performed there last year." He said. Grace walked up to us.

"Eh. She played a set in our living room once." Grace said.

"Really. An international superstar played in your living room." Their dad said, obviously not believing us.

"Yeah. Mom's billionaire tech-genius, previously adoptive father of Lizzy, ex-boyfriend payed her to." Mark said

"And then he tried to destroy the world." Grace said

"We should talk more." Their dad said, concerned.

"Thanks. This is... this is amazing." I said

"I'm glad you're so excited. You guys didn't have any other plans this weekend, did you?" He asked us. Ryan, Mark and I looked at each other.

"Nah." We all said

"Come on, lighten up. It's a couple days with your dad, not the end of the world." He said, patting Ryan on the back. I nodded and got into the car as we headed to the expo.

We arrived at the expo and walked through the door.

"Hi there, Davis Walker, Ryan Walker, Mark Walker and Elizabeth Walker." The computerized voice said

"Walker, huh?" I questioned

"I mean, you already sleep at our house and do you really wanna be known as a Harper?" Ryan asked me

"Fair point. Oh! I thought I saw Veracity. I'm gonna go now... Okay bye." I said, quickly and ran off. I started navigating through the crowds and made it to the back of the 3D printer crowd.

"It's... a butt. It's supposed to look like my face." The navigator complained

"It does." I called out and snuck away, leaving the laughing crowd behind me.

"Veracity! Lily!" I yelled, waving my arms. They waved at me and motioned for me to come join them.

"Am I interrupting a date or something? I don't wanna be rude?" I said, uncertainly.

"It's fine." Lily said and Veracity nodded.

"I am displaying all my inventions." Veracity said

"Cool." I responded. Lily took out her phone.

"Speaking of cool, my little brother did something to our freezer and I gotta go. Bye Lizzy, bye Veracity." Lily said, giving Veracity a quick kiss on the lips and I grinned. We started talking about her inventions.

"Awww... this little guy's so cute!" I said, petting her robo-dog.
"Yea. He likes intellectually superior people." She told me.

"So it would hate Spyder, in other words." She nodded and I laughed. Ryan approached us.

"Hey Veracity! You won? That's awesome." Ryan said. He then started petting the dog who barked at him.

"What's this?" He asked

"That's my robot dog. I call him Li'l Harris. I was gonna call him Li'l Lily but it turned out to be a boy so... yea." She finished

"Woof Woof. Dang Son." The dog said

"Harris would actually love that." Ryan said. "Wait you invented all of these and won every prize?" Ryan asked

"Except for sixth. Kristi Medlin." She said her name with disgust.

"But! This baby, right here is what won me first place." She said, grabbing a remote, "The buzzkill." She announced

"What does it do?" I asked

"A hand-held annoying person device disabler. Here watch!" She said, aiming her device in the direction of someone who was arguing through the phone.

"Hello... grandma?" The girl asked into the phone

"So it stops asshole behaviour." I summarized

"Language! But yes." She told me.

"You're kinda scary." Ryan said, his voice cracking

"Later." Veracity said, laughing.

"Look! Mark's getting a girlfriend." I said grinning.

"Here. This amplifies his voice and whoever he's talking to." Veracity said, handing me a megaphone. I aimed it at them

"You're lucky you're cute." The girl said

"Is she talking about Mark?" I asked.

"No! Can't be." Veracity said

"It really does help." Mark said. I made a face.


"Yea... I can't do this anymore." I said, putting down the megaphone.

"How boring can two people be?" Veracity asked

"oooh. I know. Ryan and his dad are doing the VR thing and I need new content for Instagram." I said, grinning. Veracity and I approached them and grabbed our phones and started videoing them fighting air

"Straight to the internet." We both said, fist bumping and recording them. I then saw one of Harris's drones. It was aiming right at us. I pushed Veracity and I out of the way and onto the floor, the drone firing at where we were.

"Thanks. Uhh what's going on?" She asked

"Good question. I have no idea. This is one of Harris's inventions but he isn't answering his phone." I told her.

"Why would he make a killing drone?" She asked me. I just shrugged. It fell over with a loud crash. The nanites escaped the drone.

"OHhhh this is bad. You get yourself to safety and I'll be fine." I told Veracity

"What no! I'm not leaving you." Veracity protested

"Do you wanna die?" I asked

"Nope!" She said and quickly moved out of the way. I ran over to Ryan and Mark.

"What's going on?" I asked them. They both shrugged.

"The bots looked like they were after you or Ryan." Mark said

"Well no shit!" I said. Then a drone launched itself directly at my head. I ducked and it almost killed Veracity. Ryan quickly blew it up and more tech got up in the air.

"So now regular tech is after me?" Ryan said

"Not regular tech. The nanites. There must be a glitch in the system." I said to Ryan

"Can't you zap em?" Mark asked

"No there's too many. It's like a thousand tiny little robots." Ryan said. Then the vacuum exploded.

"Okay! So new plan. Destroy all the tech in here before it kills us." I said

"We can't just do that!" Ryan said

"The nanites aren't compatible with the tech. It'll either blow up or attack." I said

"I'm gonna call Harris." Ryan said and we nodded, hiding behind a box.

"He didn't answer. Like before." I said, as the call went to voicemail. They both looked at me.

"Hey, I'm smart and all but I'm more of a fighter." I told them

"Well then, we'll figure this out ourselves." Mark said. I ducked as a drone flew over our heads and it headed right for Veracity.

"Umm... guys. I don't think the tech is targeting us." I told them. Ryan dismissed me with a wave of his hand.

"We have to protect all the regular people first." Ryan said. He and Mark left and I decided to find Veracity.

"Liza. My tech is going nuts." She told me

"Not your fault." I told her

"Yea but it's like all the tech in the room is after me." She told me. Then her fake dog started attacking her.

"I will put you down. I mean it." I said. I stomped on her dog and she ripped the head off.

"Okay! So it looks like all the tech in this room is targeting you. Don't worry I can probably destroy it all..." I said, uncertainly

"Yea okay." She said, in slight shock.

"Oh! Hi Mark!" I said cheerfully, smashing a car with my boot.

"You were right." He said. I started fighting a fan. It caught my hair on the left side of my head inside of it. The one day I decide to wear my hair out! I just shrugged, grabbed scissors out of my pocket and did a choppy cut, freeing myself. Then I destroyed the fan.

"Hairstyle looks nice." Veracity said.

"Yea actually I was planning on cutting it. Might as well just shave half of it off." I said shrugging.

"It would suit you." She told me.

"Aww thanks." I said, kicking another car. "Okay! How many cars did people make!" I exclaimed.

"Doors are now sealed." I heard the computerized voice say.

"Fuck!" I muttered

"Targeting Veracity Campbell." It said

"I'm sorry. What?!" She exclaimed.

"Get behind here." I told her. I pulled her down next to me and we hid behind one of the tables.
"See! This is what happens when you're the smartest kid in Bay City! Someone programmed all this tech to attack me." She said

"Who would do such a thing." Ryan was feigning ignorance.

"There's only one person smart enough ad petty enough to do this. Kristi Medlin." She said

"If we could get to your buzzkill and amplify it, it may have enough power to destroy all the tech." I said

"It's back at my booth." She said

"We can cover for you." I told her. I went in front and we slowly made our way to her booth.

"Drone!" Ryan shouted at me. I panicked, I didn't have anything to kill it with. No one was looking at me so I blasted it to bits.

"What was that?" Veracity and Ryan said at the same time. Ryan was angry and Veracity was in awe.

"I panicked and I will explain later." I said as we ran.

"Mark! Here take this!" The same girl who we saw talking to Mark earlier said

"She remembers my name cuz I'm cute." Mark bragged once she left

"You're not that cute." Ryan said

"Oh no!" I muttered. We were surrounded by tech. "How many people would notice if I lit that tech on fire?" I asked Ryan.

"too many!" He told me. Mark was by Veracity's station

"Mark! The Buzzkill." She shouted. He nodded and lobbed her the buzzkill.

"Nice catch." I commented. She nodded her thanks and started tweaking it. "DONE!" She said and everything stopped. "wow. I'm more impressive than I thought." She said, in shock.

"You really are." I said and we walked away.


"Okay! I am really sorry about the nanite thing." Harris said

"It's fine. I just gotta figure out a way to explain my powers to Veracity." I said, blowing a strand of hair out of my face. I decided to completely shave the half of my head where the fan attacked and have the other half choppy and straight and it worked for me.

"You WHAT?" Harris asked

"I can't believe you took on Traeger." I said, trying to change the subject. "I mean I almost died trying to fight a possessed fan and damaged my hair, and you took on Traeger and only suffered a broken arm." I told him

"It was awesome!" Spyder exclaimed. "I left out the part about mommy's precious cargo." Spyder whispered

"Mommy's precious cargo." I snickered

"You told Veracity about your powers." Harris accused

"I panicked!" I defended myself. "At least she didn't die!"
"So what's next?" Mark asked

"We watch this guys every move and when the time is right take him down." I said

A/N: That's right! I updated again! Woo hoo. Okay luv u guys.


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