Lonely Souls - Rebecca James...

By MichelleBernier0

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Rebecca James is just a normal high class girl in her Florida high school, until her mother brings home a guy... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five

Chapter Six

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By MichelleBernier0

The next day I was very careful of my footing around the school. I wasn't in trouble there, and Duke had left me alone thus far, but I was worried that I would run into Nathan again. Luckily, I didn't, because I disappeared from the school before lunch to go to the library. I wasn't sure we were allowed to leave, but I did anyway.
     "I'd like to register for a library card," I said and the secretary from the other day came out from the office as the girl got out a page of the documentation and identification I would need to get one. I needed something addressed to me at my new address, like a phone bill or something from the government. I sighed, that was the only thing I didn't have. "Thank you," I said and walked out as Kyle walked in. I gave him a tight-lipped smile, and he gently took my arm. I felt a static shock and jumped a little, then laughed. "You shocked me," I said, and he laughed too. "Is there something you want?" I asked, and his face never left the nervous state he was in from the shock.
     "Yes, actually. Were you here to get a card?" he asked, and I nodded with a smile. "Did you get it?" he asked.
     "No," I replied and he gently pulled me back to the reception desk.
     "I'd like to be the witness of her card," he said and I looked at him, confused.
     "I need something with my address on it," I said and the secretary smiled.
     "Actually," she said, "you need that or someone to say you live here that has lived here for more than two years."
     Kyle looked at me with a grin. "Four and counting."
     After I had my pretty library card in hand, we made to walk out when one of Nathan's friends walked in, the one named something weird like Demitri. He watched us walk out before he came in and Kyle invited me in the car for a ride back to the school, but I told him I wasn't going back yet, so I would pass.
     "Where are you going then?" he asked, and I shook my head. "Come on, I'll take you wherever you want to go."
     "No thanks," I said, and he shut his door and walked around, sitting on the hood. "Don't you work?" I asked, getting annoyed that he was everywhere I was.
     "At night," he said with another grin, like he cracked a joke. Made me think he was high on glue. "I've got insomnia," and again with the grin.
     "Right, I don't know what's so funny, insomnia's not a good disorder."
     "Are any disorders good?" he asked and patted the hood. I walked closer but declined the space he left for me to sit. "They were all bad last time I checked."
     "A thousand years ago they weren't called disorders," I said with my own grin, and his fell. His face twisted in curiosity, and he seemed to stare right into me. I cleared my throat and looked away, trying to break the awkwardness that just came up between us. But why had that made the conversation so inept? It was a joke. "I should be going," I said and started without a response. "If I start walking now I'll make it to class for the bell."
     "I'll give you a ride, it's practically just up the road," he offered and I shook my head and turned back to him, walking backward.
     "No, I don't want to make it before class, I'm trying to avoid someone," I said and smiled, then turned again as he slid off the car. He drove past me and waved, I waved back.
     I made it to school and back home in one piece, seeing Nathan in the hall on the way to my last class. He'd been waiting where I went yesterday and followed me until I slipped into the girl's change room.
     Like yesterday I left the school with Victoria, and parted ways with her to go home. I walked into my house and found Jenna sitting in the kitchen with my dad.
     "Let me guess," I said and leaned against the doorframe. "You work at night too, right?" She smiled. I put my things down.
     "You could be a little nicer," my dad said, and Jenna waved it off.
     "Oh Allen, it's nothing. She's just trying to figure things out. She's only been here a few days," Jenna said and smiled again while I kicked my shoes off and brought my bag to my room. Did any of these people take a break?
     "Mm, figuring things out," I hummed as I opened my door. I heard a small laugh and knew I was almost at something here. Everyone was acting weird lately, except my dad and my new-found friend Victoria. At least those two weren't crazy. Maybe that's why I liked them, they weren't like me. "So, what's for supper dad?" I asked, trying to ignore Jenna's constant stare as I came back out.
     "Well, Jenna was going to take you out tonight," he answered, and I fumbled with my phone and ended up losing it, the battery spilling out across the floor. "That's alright, isn't it?"
     "Could I take a rain check?" I asked and thought about my options, and how easily I could get back to Florida within the next two days.
     "How about Friday? Maybe we'll catch a movie," she suggested, and I shrugged. Maybe it wouldn't be horrible, but still. Nothing in my body wanted me to go.
     "Umm, sure. As long as I'm not too late coming home, I have myself on a timed schedule. Go to bed at a certain time, get up at a certain time. Trying to get back into it."
     "Not a problem," she said calmly. "Well I should get going Allen, I'll see you when I pick her up on Friday." With that she was gone, and my dad staring after her.
     "Do you like her? She's like half your age," I said when I turned to him and noticed his stare. He snapped out of it and laughed it off.
     "No, no, she's just really mature for her age. She went to a University over in the East, studying History," he said. I didn't know my dad was all that interested in History. History of food maybe, but not general history.
     "Interesting," I said and wondered how at twenty-four she had already gone to university and studied history and moved here and "worked at night" doing who knows what. It didn't seem practical. I looked in the fridge and noticed something new. Steaks. "Did you just get those?" I asked, and he nodded. "Cool."
     "How do you like 'em?"
     "Barbequed usually, but rare or medium-rare," I answered, and bitterly added. "My mother never let me have them that way. She always made sure they were cooked all the way through and she usually made them tougher than leather. I hated it."
     "Well my buddy is bringing his wife and his barbeque over tonight, seeing as I don't have one, and we were going to have a small celebration for you. I know it's late, but after last night I feel you need something different than a joke," my dad said, and I waited for the argument to come. "Why did you hit Duke with the cake and no one else?" Here we go.
     "He's been bothering me since I lived in Florida. Almost every day since I've been here," I said, and my dad stopped. "I don't feel very comfortable around him, and he admitted last night that it was him that ordered the cake, and he was surprised I knew it was him."
     "How is he bugging you?" my dad asked cautiously, standing from the chair and walking over to me.
     "It's nothing, really," I said and he seemed to stand there like he wanted an explanation anyway. I stood from the fridge. "Seriously. Nothing I can't handle."
     "Are you sure?" he asked, and I nodded with my most innocent face that should have alerted him into thinking I was going to do something crazy, but he hadn't known me for the last eight years. "Alright," he said and walked into the living room and opened the curtains in the main window. Someone did a good job at ruining the house's decor, or my dad had bad taste and no clue about color theory.
     A very loud truck came screaming down the road and stopped in our driveway. I covered my ears and ran for my dad, thinking it a sudden tornado. He laughed at me and pointed out the window as the engine shut off. I growled.
     "Sounds healthy," I grumbled and walked back into the kitchen, took the steaks out of the fridge, and noticed a sack of potatoes on the counter. Unopened, obviously new. "Potato salad?" I asked and went to take the bag off the counter and unintentionally dropped it. Just like a sack of potatoes would drop. My dad laughed and walked to the door.
     "Try not to bruise them!" he called as a woman walked in. I stared at her fire red hair that was a puffy mess of curls, her complexion of a blonde-gone-auburn and her semi-dark chocolate eyes. Wow, what a mix. Was my dad's life messed up in every aspect? I was starting to think so. "Looks like you get to meet my daughter tonight," my dad said and smiled at me as his friend walked in the door. The huge fire-decorated barbeque was sitting in the back of the truck. "Denton, Beatha, this is Rebecca." Beatha pronounced bay-tha. Wonder how her parents got that name.
     "Nice to meet you," I said and picked up the potatoes and set them down by the fridge. "Nice truck, sounds amazing," I said, and Denton chuckled.
     "She's a funny one, Allen," he commented. I suddenly felt like I wasn't there. Beatha turned to hug my dad and neither of them said hello to me. "I'll go get the beer," Denton said and I turned from the potatoes and stared at the door where they stood.
     "Oh, Denton, I'm not drinking tonight," my dad said and then Beatha looked at me.
     "Because of her?" she asked, and anger started to bubble inside me. I'd show them funny. Oh, yes.
     "No no, go ahead, I'll go get it for you!" I volunteered. Denton opened the door for me and I walked like a speeding train out the door. I grabbed the case of twenty-four, and my dad saw the look on my face and was about to tell me not to do anything drastic when I pretended to trip and let go of the case. The two friends screamed as the box hit the pavement and the bottles smashed inside of it. I landed on my hands to make it look like I hadn't done it on purpose. Talk about sting.
     Denton ran out of the house screaming profanities and opened the box. He picked out a single one that survived the crash. He turned to me angrily as we stood. I stared at him, no regret or apologies on my face.
     "Look what you did!" Beatha yelled and came out, getting right in my face. "The liquor store won't be open by the time we get there now!"
     "Look at my face," I said and paused. She stared. "Does it look like I care? It's just beer." Just as she was going to raise a hand to me, her husband grabbed her and pulled her back. "No wonder you don't have kids. Your beer would mean more than their lives."
     "Actually we do have a child, you little brat," Beatha spat and I had to admit, I was shocked. "His name is Nathan, and he's much better behaved than you."
     "Oh really? Does he know who lives here?"
     "Good. Keep it that way. I've been avoiding him at school for the last two days," I said and walked inside to peroxide my hands. At least my dad carried medical supplies.
     Victoria met me at school the next morning. She had her hair down this time, and it was very wavy, almost curly in a way, as dark as mine if not darker. Her eyes were a beautiful seaweed green, and she had a milky complexion. She was shorter than me by a few inches, but athletic just the same.
     I found out during a family history talk at lunch that her mother was a model, and they fought a lot. I told her my mother tried to take all my father's money, and instead he opted to give it to me. She never met her father. She had two sisters, I had none. She lived with her grandparents, I never met any of mine on my father's side, and on my mother's side they hated me for ruining the wedding.
     "Oh there's soccer tryouts tonight," Victoria said and I paused. Did I want to play against my team in nationals? Why not, I knew all the old plays, I could prove who the better team was, or rather, who was the team. "Are you coming?"
     "Yeah, for sure." Walking out to the field that afternoon was alright, and there was a lot of parents there waiting and watching their children. A lot of other kids from the school were there too, to see who would make a fool of themselves. Nathan was there and watching me, but so were four others that had no reason to be there.
     I stared at Claude, Kyle, Duke and Jenna, and then pretended none of them were there as the team captain spoke out the rules of soccer, the basic concept of how it's played, and what we were going to do this afternoon for the tryout. The basics. I rolled my eyes and got into one of the lines behind Victoria.
     "Before we begin," the captain said with a smile. "My name is Kelsie, and this is what's left of the team from last year. This is Leah, Jane, Emma, Jessica and Melaney. Alright, on my whistle." I watched her put the whistle to her lips, and as she blew, a few of the cheerleaders came out of the school.
     Girls began dribbling in and out of pylons, some of them give wide births, others cutting very close. The point of a pylon was for it to act as a human, and some of them were so close they were almost jumping over them.
     When it came to my turn I dribbled down the field in record time, knowing I had at least five people watching me.
     "Don't mess up," came Duke's taunting and I glanced to my left, he was hovering with me. "I couldn't resist."
     "Back off," I whispered. "Cost me my spot, and it'll cost you your job." He faded behind me and I kept going. I came back down the field and passed to the next person. We did this twice more, and Duke looked uncomfortable on the seat. Claude looked angry, and Jenna and Kyle were the same as they were before. All smiles.
     "Next, we're going to practice passing." We made two long lines while the team members picked up the pylons. There was an odd number, and I had managed to be with Victoria for the first try, but it wouldn't be the same the second or third time down the field. Victoria and I were swift and diligent down the field, passing back and forth no problem. We kicked the ball back down the entire field and took the sidelines to get back.
     The second time was a little difficult. I had to move closer in order to get the ball from her, and she was having a hard time receiving. We made it through, and the next people went. I made it to the line and looked at who was going to be my next partner, and she had the dirtiest looks for me. I didn't know why, but then I was distracted by a girl, a cheerleader nonetheless, flirting and showing off her skills right in front of Claude, more than once showing off what was covered under the mini skirt.
     I rolled my eyes and turned to realize that there was only one person left in front of me. On my turn the girl opposite me started with the ball and we set off down the field. She smirked at me and kicked it way ahead of me, but I took it in stride. I caught up to it and waited for her to get ahead, slowing down a little for her, and then kicked it directly at her. The ball sailed through the air and smashed into her face. The impact was so hard that she fell backward and didn't get ack up. Many of us ran to her, and Kelsie took me aside after she was up and brought into the school to clean up her bloodied nose and face.
     "That was done intentionally, and uncalled for," Kelsie said and I made a face. "That may have cost you your spot. The coach doesn't like that kind of behaviour."
     "Look, she was giving me dirty looks, she kicked the ball the way she did on purpose, AND she could have moved from the line of fire. She stood and let herself get hit so I would be the one in trouble."
     Kelsie paused, as if recalling the entire event, and shrugged with a quick eyebrow raise. "Alright," she said and sighed. "You'll be off the hook for pure logic, but really, I shouldn't let you on the list of people to consider for that."
     "And if you don't you'll lose to my old team again," I said as she started walking away. She turned back to me slowly. "Yes, it was my team that knocked yours out of the International preliminaries last year."
     "Why would you help me defeat a team you practically built?"
     "I want them to know that it was me that pushed them through, and they were nothing without me."
     "Well we only made it there through default, one of the teams from this area couldn't make it. We weren't even meant to go," Kelsie admitted and I raised my eyebrows. "Yeah, we're not that good, which is why I chose basic skills to work with rather than the advanced. I noticed you were like a breeze on the feild, and obviously your anger radiates. You're dangerous. I want that, but not at the expense of the team."
     "It won't happen again," I said, and she whispered what sounded like an "I hope not."
     After the tryouts Nathan made his way to me through the small crowd but turned away as Claude met me first. I turned to him, a smile hinting on his face. Victoria moved back from me and Kelsie called her over to make it look like she wasn't being rude.
     "You were really good," he said.
     "Yeah, you want a ride home?" Duke asked, and I smiled in an angry way in his direction.
     "Not from you, that's a death sentence," I spat, and he glared at me. "I'd sooner jump from a cliff into water with rocks only a foot beneath the surface."
     "How high is the cliff?" he asked with a smirk.
     "Three hundred feet, the same distance I wish you were from me at all times. Physically and mentally."
     Kyle and Jenna raised their eyebrows and looked at Duke. He smiled and shrugged it off. They looked back at me and Jenna took hold of my arm. The shock was worse than with Kyle, and I had to pull away from her as we walked. She looked at me oddly, and I shook my head. Nothing, it was nothing.
     My phone started to ring, and Duke snorted. I shot a glare at him and answered.
     "Hi sweetie."
     "Yeah, it's me. I've missed you."
     I couldn't say the same. I hesitated. "Mom, this isn't really the greatest time."
     "Well I just wanted to talk for a while. I'm sorry I sent you there, and I regret it. Come home," she said, and I wondered if she was drinking. "Everything was fine with you here, and I'm sorry I hurt you by marrying him."
     "I can't do this right now," I said, feeling a lump come up in my throat.
     "Honey, please don't hang up..."
     I kept walking and took a deep breath, holding back the tears that were forming in my eyes. Jenna came up to me and was careful not to touch me but made me stop.
     "You didn't have to hang up because of us," Jenna said and I shook my head.
     "It wasn't you. I'm not ready to talk to her yet," I whispered, and Duke chuckled behind me. I wanted to turn around and tell him what for, but I just sighed. "Just forget it, I'll see you around. I always do." I started jogging off in the direction of my house.
     I walked in and my father was sitting at the table, waiting for me with supper cooked and cooling on the table.
     "Dad," I said as I walked in and looked at the table. He'd made us steaks and I saw some sort of dessert on the counter. His friends hadn't stayed long last night. "I didn't know you were making something special."
     "It's a good-bye dinner," he said, and I paused on my way to sit.
     "What?" I asked, my heart threatening to beat out of my chest.
     "Your mother called, she wants you home," he said and looked me straight in the eye. "I'm sure you'd want to go, so I made our last dinner together."
     "No," I said and shook my head. "No, I'm not going back there." I found that I was pleading and nearly begging him to let me stay, but it was my choice by what he said.
     "Why wouldn't you want to go back to Miami? You had everything there."
     "I didn't have you," I said quietly to him. "Dad it was horrible there without you."
     He softly laughed at my reaction. "I suppose the food was pretty bad, wasn't it?" He asked, and I laughed too. He had no idea that it had nothing to do with the food. No idea at all.
     The next morning there was the Lamborghini look alike in the driveway, but I ignored it. Claude was out of the car and at my door a few minutes after I noticed. I sighed and rolled my eyes, but answered it anyway.
     "Hi Claude," I said and opened the door wide. "Come in."
     He stepped in and we smiled at each other. "Are you still set for tonight?" he asked as I walked into the bathroom.
     "Is today Friday already?" I asked, and he hummed. I took a deep breath. "Yeah, I guess so." I walked out, and he was sitting at the kitchen table.
     "Kyle and I will be there too," he said, and he watched my face. I nodded, happy he didn't say Duke was coming. I would have pulled a knife on him, I swear. "So, you'll come?"
     "Yeah, I'll be there," I said. "Here, rather." He smiled at the same time I did, and I sat down, my coffee only just warm. He watched me drink it, and I wondered if he had something else he wanted to say. "Is there..."
     "No, nothing else."
     I looked at the clock and got up with my half cup of coffee, drinking it quickly before going back into the bathroom to brush my teeth. He waited again until I came out, and I felt the air start to get awkward. Then he spoke.
     "Do you want a ride?"
     I stopped to consider and decided yes. I nodded, and he smiled back at me, getting up to go start the car. People around here sure smiled a lot. Walking out the door with only my bag, I thought about going back to the store for my other bag and wondered whether it was really worth it. Yeah. I'd go back today.
     "So what are you doing for lunch? Kyle told me he saw you out and about the other day." How right he was. I sat down in the passenger seat. Before I could respond, "I was thinking maybe we could go out." I was stunned for a minute, and then asked him where we would go. I still didn't know the area that well. "Well I was thinking a pizza place, or Chinese maybe. It depends what you like."
     "Both," I said, just to make it more frustrating for him.
     "Well think about it," he said and started to drive. We got to the school, and the same girl was with her friends and waiting by the doors. "Wait for a minute." He smirked and got out of the car, and she seemed to squeal upon seeing him, and then looked overly confident as she walked to him, but he came around the car and opened my door. She didn't seem to get it, but he told me to talk to him, he wanted to see her reaction.
     "Thanks for the ride," I said a bit louder than I needed to and took a sneaky glance in her direction through my hair. I moved my hair away with my hand, and looked at her directly, noticing her face drop and anger strike her face. I looked back at Claude and he smiled, again, closed the door and gestured for me to walk in front of him.
     "No problem," he said out loud. A lot of people were watching now, and that included the soccer captain, Kelsie. I smiled at her and she smiled back on the verge of laughter with her friends. "Have a good day," he said, and I nodded, just like a little school girl and walked away from him, toward Kelsie.
     He got back in his car as I walked into the school, followed by Kelsie and her posse into the cafeteria where I was supposed to meet Victoria. I spotted her, and she waved to me. I waved back, going to head to her when I was tapped on the shoulder.
     "You have a lot of nerve," the girl said as I turned to her. "Thinking you can do whatever you want at this school. You're a nobody, and now you think you can just join things that had nothing to do with you? It doesn't work that way here."
     "Really? Do you have cheerleading tryouts?" I asked.
     "I'll be there," I said, and she growled.
     "No, you can't do this! You don't understand. You could ruin everything!" she said and one of the girls took her wrist. "Don't you dare show up at my tryouts!" she nearly yelled. I smiled and waved as she was pulled away with her friends. Kelsie came up to me afterward, laughing.
     "You have ruined her entire weekend. She's going to be so worried about you showing up that she won't even sleep," Kelsie said and put an arm around my shoulder. I looked and acted like I didn't comprehend anything she was saying.
     "I am going," I said, and Kelsie's smile dropped. "Of course, I am, I'm going for everything I can."
     "Do you think that's a good idea?" she asked, suddenly cold as her arm recoiled from around me. "I mean, you made the first cut for soccer. It takes a lot to get through that."
     "Yes, I'm sure that's what I want to do. I want to check out all my options."
     My spare came, and I said goodbye to Victoria, saying I was sorry but i wouldn't be back for lunch. She said it was okay, she'd just be in the art room, and if I got back early, that's where I should go. It was more than a hint. She wanted me back early.
     I walked out of the school, slipping past the cafeteria where Nathan was, his back to the doors. I made it to the sidewalk when I heard him call my name, and I barely turned to acknowledge him when I saw Claude's silver lamb-alike on the road.
     "I need to talk to you about the other night," he said as he ran to catch up to me. "My parents are jerks, and I'm sorry about them. They told me what happened, and to stay away from you, but I think it would really tick them off if we went out on a date tonight."
     "Forget it." I could feel the anger radiate around me, targeted at me. "I'm going out tonight, and I don't like you. So, no."
     "You like him though, huh?" Nathan asked as Claude's car pulled up behind me. "He's too old for you, and yet you won't date someone your own age. Nice. The principal won't like that. I'll be sure he knows and has you put in counselling."
     "Like you can do anything about who I hang out with. It's none of your business anyway. Get lost." I turned, and he spun me back around. "Let go of me Nathan."
     "Get rid of him then."
     "Screw you," I said shrugging his hand off my shoulder. "You have no control over me."
     "Oh we'll see about that," Nathan growled and stalked back into the school.
     "You handled that well," Claude said through his open window. I turned back to him and shrugged. "Of course I couldn't expect any less from you."
     We had lunch together, and I made time to see Victoria before classes, and everything went pretty well until the end of the day.
     "So what are you doing this weekend?" she asked.
     "I'm going out with Claude, Jenna and Kyle tonight," I told her. "We should hang out tomorrow or something."
     She said, "yeah, that sounds cool." It never happened.
     Much to my disbelief, the "dinner and movies" turned into a clubbing experience that had nothing to do with a movie. The dinner part still happened, but the rest was incomprehensible. I sat beside Jenna, across from Kyle and Claude. Talk about weird.
     "What do you think?" Kyle asked with a grin as he came back with drinks. I wanted a non-alcoholic beverage, but only because I was in an unfamiliar place with people I didn't really trust with my life, or my sanity for that matter. They'd probably let me have drugs if I wanted them. That's another reason for not trusting them.
     "Looks sort of like a gothic, Victorian style crossed with a pinch of modern. Yeah, it's nice, I like it," I said and smiled at him when he smiled.
     "We own it," Claude said and I looked at him, my smile fading.
     "Cool," I said and tried my hardest not to smile again. That's how I got in. Ha.
     "Come on Kyle, let's go dance," Jenna said. They disappeared into the crowd of dancers without even touching their drinks. I sipped on my pineapple juice, to make as sure as I could that it wasn't spiked, and I didn't want to drink it too quickly. This juice was something to be savored.
     "So how was school?" Claude asked, and I smiled over the music.
     "Good," I said loudly, and he smiled.
     "You can talk normally. I can hear you."
     "Okay," I said in my normal voice. How could he hear me if I couldn't hear myself?
     "Hey guys!" Jenna called over the music. "Why don't you two come and dance?"
     "No, it's okay," Claude said shaking his head and Jenna pulled me up, shocking me again. I pulled away from her grip, and her eyes narrowed. I consciously breathed out, trying not seem alarmed, but that was just too weird not to wonder something. I followed her onto the floor, and she didn't touch me, but we started to dance and somewhere into the next song she just grabbed me, her grip too tight.
     My teeth clenched, and I tried to pull away, but she wouldn't let go. The shock seemed endless, and I didn't understand what was happening. My mind was going crazy trying to stop the pain from her touch, and I cried out for her to let me go. She did, and I walked back to the table rubbing my arms. My eyes were watering, a headache began to pound, and my focus was unclear. Kyle moved for me to sit, and presumably left to go see Jenna. Sitting down I put an elbow on the table and my forehead on my palm.

     "What was that about?" Kyle asked, and Jenna shrugged. "What were you trying to do to her?" He thought maybe she was trying to push her away from them, which wasn't going to improve anyone's situation.
     The moment he saw her he knew. This was the right one. He felt instant attraction, and it scared him. This Rebecca had the same air about her as the last one had. The day she battled Shayna he felt the same thing. Everyone in the coven would agree to that, remembering back that far.
     Rebecca - the name made him quiver. He knew the secret of her death, something even Claude didn't know. Something his partner didn't either. Rebecca had wanted to die, wanted to live as a human, to disappear from the Earth and to return to it.
     He could only hope she hadn't gone to Hell. It wasn't her fault that she was taken to be what she was, it was Claude's doing. He turned her and destroyed anything she ever had for him. Jenna had told him that, so at least she hadn't been completely oblivious.
     "Kyle, I think she is the right one, but her body rejects our touch. I don't understand it," Jenna said to him, beginning to dance again. She took his hands and placed them on her hips, moving slow, about every other beat to the music.
     "It makes perfect sense," Kyle added. The connection was simple. Rebecca was there and trying to keep them away from her. To stop things from happening again.

My head throbbed, and tears came pouring out of my eyes harder and harder the more I tried to stop them. My body was numbing to the reminder of the pain, trying to pretend it never happened. Some other people were watching me, but I paid it no mind. Claude was silent across from me.
     I looked up at him through teary eyes, trying to dry the endless stream. When I finally had the water stopped, Claude was still staring at me. My headache was lessening, but it wasn't quite over. I felt like someone punched me repeatedly in the arms. I could barely focus on anything. My breathing was heavy.
     "Are you alright?"
     "I'd like to go home," I said, it was the only thing I could think about. Going home to cry in my bed and possibly smash something... if there was anything to smash in my room.
Claude put on leather gloves. "May I see your hand?" I shook my head. "Then lay your hand on the table. I don't plan to hurt you." Or so he said.
     I placed my left hand on the tabletop, by my drink and his. He placed a single finger on my palm, and my hand twitched at his touch. I felt a slight tingle, but nothing escalated from there. He took back his hand and seemed to ponder what happened for a moment.
"Alright," he finally said and took a breath. "Finish your drink, and I'll take you home."
     I did.
     And he did.
     So, we left.

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