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By Katsukiisthebest

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This is the no quirk au. Bakugou and Deku are 20 years old. Deku is a famous popstar. Bakugou is looking for... More

First Performance
A Talk With Todoroki
A Talk With Bakugou
Back to Todoroki
When will I be ready?
Love me asshole!
Trust before love
Face reveal!
New Album
A Surprise
Customize your character!
Movie Date
The chosen one
Not all surprises are good surprises
Wanted dead
Gone for good
What exactly went down...
Alternative Endings?


614 21 33
By Katsukiisthebest


We were all catching up with each other and talking about relationships. We then heard the doorbell ring.

"I'll go get it!" I exclaimed excitedly jumping up from the couch and going towards the door.

When I opened the door I saw the 'Bakusquad' as they call themselves which is cute how they dedicate themselves to the most stubborn person of the group. I welcomed them in and they started fangirling when they saw Todoroki sitting on Shinso facing the table in front of them.

"Heyyyy Bakubro! How ya been?" Kirishima asked.

"Good good. I got a boyfriend." Kacchan said smirking at me as we sat down.

"It's about time since you know... the incident." Sero said scratching the back of his neck.

"Alright I got it Tape Shit."

"Incident? What incident?" I asked

"O-oh it's nothing! Don't worry about it! Now let's talk about that new album of yours." Mina said switching topics.

Kacchan sighed in relief and I was planning on confronting him later when we're alone.

"Let's play truth or dare again!" Denki said excitedly not caring for the album as much.

"Yeah sure. We could get to know each other better like that." Todoroki said monotonously.

"Speaking of which maybe we should introduce ourselves before we start it'd be rude not to you know?" Mina said rubbing her arm.

"Yeah that wouldn't be manly of any of us." Kirishima said shaking his head in disapproval.

"Well I guess I'll start since I haven't said anything really. Hi I'm Shinso Hitoshi and as you can see I am the top in this relationship I mean just look at how cute he is!" Shinso exclaimed squishing his chubby face.

"Well um I'm Todoroki Shoto and um well he basically said everything for me so yeah." Todoroki said sheepishly blushing.

"Well I'm Mina Ashido and this is my boyfriend and I love Izuku's music!" Mina exclaimed after hugging Sero close.

"Yo I'm Sero Hanta obviously I'm the boyfriend." Sero said chuckling at his girlfriend's antics.

"Hi I'm Denki Kaminari I'm gay." He said goofily.

"Oh okay guess it is my turn. I'm Kirishima Eijiro Denki's top-I'm his boyfriend." Kirishima said trying to cover up as Denki nudged him.

"Well now that we've introduced ourselves let's play Truth or Dare spin the bottle! Whoever spins the bottle is the questioner and whoever it lands on is the questionee. Everybody got it?" I asked.

Everyone nodded and I got an empty water bottle and we all sat in a circle. I put the bottle in the middle of us.

"Okay I'll go first!" I exclaimed clapping my hands in excitement.

I spun the bottle and it lands on....


"Alright Denki! Truth or Dare?" I asked.

"Truth!" He said happily.

"What is your most embarrassing most recent moment?" I asked tilting my head curiously.

"Oh haha..." Denki nervously chuckled scratching the back of his neck.

"Well... last week I uh... I accidentally got stuck under the fridge and cried cause I wanted chicken nuggets." Denki said.

It was silent.

Dead silent.

Until Todoroki busted out laughing with everyone following along. Kacchan was basically in tears. I held back. I had to. I didn't want Denki to feel worse. Denki looked down holding his knees to his chest. Kacchan and Kirishima were the first to take notice out of the bunch and calmed down. The group took notice of the lack of laughter from the two and stopped. Again. Dead silent. Until I cared to break the silence.

"So uh how did you end up under the fridge?" I asked nervously trying to milk out information without hurting his feelings.

"So... I dropped a chicken nugget and it rolled under the fridge... a-and since it was my last one I dived to go and get it. Since you know I'm so skinny and shit...I got stuck and a bunch of ants decided to steal my nugget too so I scream and cried until Eji-Sama saved me...then made me some more nuggets." Denki said flustered from embarrassment.

"Why the hell would you go under a dusty crusty sticky ant infested fridge like an idiot? For one damn nugget? That shit was long gone from the get go." Kacchan said.

"Five second rule?" Denki said in more of a question.

"Tch whatever it's your turn anyway." Kacchan said dismissing the poor loveable idiotic dunce.

Denki spun the bottle excited that the topic was finally changed. The water bottle landed on Mina.

"Alrighty Momma-Mina Truth or Dare?" Denki said as we snickered at the silly joke.

"Dare me bitch!" Mina said smirking.

"Hmmmm...I dare you....to call your mom and tell her about the last time you had sex!" Denki said proud of himself.

Mina pulled her phone.

"Siri, call Motherkins!" She said.

"Calling Motherkins." Siri replied.

I giggled at the Willoughby reference.

"Hello?" Mina's mom said as we all went quiet.

"Hey mom." She replied.

"Hey Ash what's up?" Her mother asked chirpy.

"Um...we need to talk." Mina said seriously.

"What's wrong?" She asked nervously.

"Well....it's um it's about Hanta." Mina said cautiously.

"What the hell did that boy do to my baby!" She asked angrily.

"So he uh he and I were talking right?" Mina said turning away from the phone to snicker.

"Yes..." She said in a way as if begging for her to continue.

"And he just said fuck it and pinned me down." Mina said trying her best not to laugh.

"Wait what?" She asked confused by change of pace. It went from 0-100 real we quick

"Apparently he noticed that my nipples were hard." Mina said laughing so hard it was silent.

"Um..." Her mother said uncomfortable.

"Heheh then he kissed me and it turned me on more." Mina said smirking at zero who was covering his blushing face in embarrassment.


"O-okay?" She said anxiously.

"He noticed and ripped my shirt off and I wasn't wearing a bra I was prepared." Mina said confidently


"She hung up." Mina said blandly probably disappointed that she wasn't warned.

We all bursted into tears of laughter. Mina spun the bottle and it landed on Shinso.

"Truth or Dare New guy." Mina said teasingly.

"New guy? You know what whatever dare." Shinso said testing her. Bad decision.

"I dare you to hm... I dare you to slap Bakugou-kun as hard as you can!"

"Aight bet!" Shinso said confidently.

Shinso walked over Kacchan who was glaring at him. Kirishima pinned down his arms as he struggled. Shinso raised his hand and slapped him so hard Kacchan was on the ground and no longer being pinned down. Kacchan just laid there in shock from the impact and speed. It was so quick that if you were to blink you were to miss it. Shinso quickly ran back to his spot in hopes of not dying. I rushed over to Kacchan to see if he was okay because that sounded like it hurt. Kacchan got up and had a deep red slap mark.

"Kacchan! Maybe we should put some ointment on your face." I said reaching to touch his face.

I guess I triggered something because he slapped my hand away harshly. He looked at me angry sending shivers down my spine.

"I'm fine." He said plainly.

"B-but your face it has a mark! I have to treat you!" I exclaimed gaining the courage to speak up.

"I said I'm fucking fine Deku!" He yelled at me.

I ran back to my spot with tears threatening to spill. Todoroki walked over to me and comforted me. Why did he yell at me? I was only trying to help.

"U-um I guess we should... continue r-right?" I said trying my hardest not to cry. Kacchan walked over to me and Todoroki. He gave him a look and Todoroki took the hint and sat right next Shinso again. Kacchan pulled me into a tight hug as I cried into his shoulder. He shifted us so I was in his lap my back turned to everyone.

"Hey I'm sorry I shouldn't have yelled at you." He said softly.

"It's okay." I mumbled.

"Do you want to stop the game?" He asked.

I shook my head no.

"I don't want to end the game so early for something so silly." I mumbled.

"It's not silly love."


I was practically cradling him. I nodded towards Insomnia and he spun the bottle. It landed on Tape Shit.

"Truth please." Tape Shit said not even giving him a chance to speak.

"Alrighty then. What is the worse moment of your life?" Insomnia asked.

"When my ex broke up with me then told me she was in love with my brother." Tapey said looking down.

"But if she never dumped me I wouldn't have ever fell for Ashido so...yeah. But at the same time I most definitely don't want that again and for my brother too." Tapey said scratching the back of his neck chuckling nervously.

He then spun the bottle and it landed on me and Deku. I looked at Deku silently asking if he wanted to be a part of the game. He nodded and turned to face everyone.

"Welp Truth or Dare?" Tapey asked.

"Dare." Deku said.

"I dare you to stay in the closet with Bakugou for a good 30 minutes. We'll time it on Kirishima's phone." Tapey said.

"You got it bro!" Kirishima exclaimed.

We went into the hallway closet and shut the door behind us. I sat against the wall as Deku turned the lights on. He sat down in front of me and came closer. He then gently placed his lips against mine. I held him close as he leaned against me. I buried my face into his hair and drifted off to sleep. The last words I heard before so we're:

"My perfect bodyguard"


We have been waiting for longer than supposed to so I went to go see what was up and when I opened the door...

I saw the cutest thing ever. The two were cuddling asleep.

I decided not to take a pic out of the respect for my friends personal life and privacy.

I went back to the group and explained everything to them. No one wanted to wake them up so we all left a note and went our separate ways.

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