By BarbzzyBooks

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"He'll never embrace you the way I do." he murmured into my ear, his voice trailing away. I tensed as his war... More

~ Summer of 2002 ~
Chapter one - High School
Chapter two ~ Mixed Emotions.
Chapter three ~ Party.
Chapter four ~ Blood Shed Tears.
Chapter five ~ Hospital
Chapter six ~ Confusion
Chapter seven ~ Missing
Chapter eight ~ Bleeding Heart
Chapter nine ~ Perfectly Destroyed
Note from Author!!!! ^_^
Part Two of Kismet Affection....
Chapter ten ~ Fresh Start
Chapter eleven ~ New Feelings
Chapter twelve ~ Secret Ocean.
Chapter thirteen ~ Like the wind
Chapter fourteen - Confrontation
Chapter fifteen ~ Rebirth
Chapter sixteen ~ Melody (part one)
Chapter sixteen ~ Melody (part 2)
Chapter seventeen ~ Sunrise
Comment Love...
Chapter eighteen ~ Race Me
Chapter nineteen ~ Fully Alive.
Chapter twenty ~ Night out (Part One)
Chapter 20 - Night out (Part 2)
Chapter 21 ~ Farewell
Chapter 22 ~ Mother's Return
Chapter 23 ~ Uninvited
Chapter 24 ~ Old Times
Chapter 25 - Proof
Story update.
Chapter 26 - A single Kiss

Chapter 27 ~ Dreams of Long Ago

40 1 2
By BarbzzyBooks

Hello readers. It has been a year since I have posted an update. I am sorry for leaving my story abandon. When life calls, you have to answer. Kismet Affection is just one chapter away from the end. I have started to work on book two. I hope you enjoy this update.
-Barbie Ann

-Gregory Pov-

It was three in the morning when I got home. Suri had her father's driver drop me off once she had gone to bed. We ended ditching the Winter Ball and had gone to Joe's Pizzeria downtown followed by a late movie. Our winter ball outfit was a big hit. The hostess at the pizza shop could not get enough of Suri's dress and my tuxedo. She practically treated us like royalty. Perhaps it was because she knew who Suri was and how rich her father was. Even though Suri politely sent her away like ten thousand times, I sort of enjoyed everyone's reaction towards us-more Suri than me. I wanted her to be happy.

After an hour of sadness, Suri found it hilarious, and even though she was smiling, it never touched her eyes. There was something she was hiding, or something she was not telling me. Her mood seemed odd almost soar to the core. Perhaps it had something to do with Derek. He was nowhere to be seen in the gym when she went missing, and his friends were acting strange. I sighed. I did not want to speculate. I couldn't help it though. My gut was telling me to stand clear. Derek was a never-ending baggage of stress that continuously weighted down on Suri's shoulders. She only needed to be loved, and I intended on doing just that. However, there was another gut feeling telling me this was a battle, and I was fighting against Derek. For now though, I just wanted 2006 to be over.

February 20, 2007 was what I wrote down on my essay draft for English. Time had flew so fast. It made me forget what time it was being around Suri. Her beautiful essence was like a pause button, freezing time and causing me to abandon the scenery around me. It was like the two of us existing and no one else. Her smile, her laugh, the alluring color of her eyes, her aura, the smell of her long dark brown hair and when she hugged me . . . I couldn't ask for more.

I wouldn't change her for anyone else. She meant everything to me, and I loved that feeling. What more can a guy ask for?

For a while, Derek was like a vulture flying over us, hunting me like a prey. Sometime I felt Suri would leave with him but then she would assure her love for me and those doubts would vanish. I couldn't help but wonder why Derek was fighting suddenly. Then my mind drifted to the dance, something Suri left unexplained.

"Gregory," I heard someone call out. I turned around finding Nick with a curious look on his face. "Dude the bell rang, you coming?" He said standing by the doorway.

I search for the clock. Class was already over three minutes ago. I looked at my essay draft. I had only three paragraphs written and six more to go. We were supposed to write a piece on a historical event. I've been so caught in my little world. I don't know exactly what I was writing about. I just stared at the computer.

"Dude!" Nick called again and walked over to my side. "Where is your head at today, come on."

I chuckled and saved my draft, grabbing my flash drive from the computer and gathered my stuff. "Let's go." I said in deep voice.

"You have been like a zombie for the past hour. You alright?" He said concerned, mockingly touching my forehead. I elbowed his side.

"Nick, I'm fine." I assured him.

"You sure? You were looking out the window for an hour straight. I bet you didn't feel the paper I threw at you."

I laughed quietly. "When did you throw at paper at me?"

"See, what's up?" He pressed. "Is it Suri?"

I shooked my head and trying to brush off his questions. "She wasn't here yesterday or today." He added.

"I know."

"When is she coming back?"

"Tomorrow, I believe. She had to go out of town for a few days.

"Is she okay?"

"A family friend passed away." I said opening the gym doors and headed down the stairs.

"Really, how is she holding up?"

"She was a little upset about it." I said.

"Have you talked to her?" Nick wondered.

"I did last night and then this morning."

"And how is she?"

I stopped and looked at him. "Dude. She's a trooper. We're fine." I smiled and headed to the locker.

"Ever since you asked her to be your girlfriend she has been different. What are you doing?" He joked.

I grinned. "Loving her like a man should do is the best thing you can do for a girl."

"I agree. I got the doze of that when I met Rachel."

"Rachel is a nice girl." I shifted the conversation to him. All this Suri talk was turning a negative screw in my head.

"What are you trying to say punk?" Nick said giving me a shove. I laughed and pitched his shoulder making him whether in agony. We wrestle our way to the locker room before stopping in our tracks. Derek stood by the locker doors with his gang of friends. He gave me the glare of death and shoved passed me. His friends glared at us like we were trash.

I glanced at Nick when they walked away. Nick stood defensively watching them. "Man let's just fight them and get it over with."

"What good is that going to do?" I objected kicking the locker room door open.

"Man, screw it. Respect. He does not own this school. Your my friend and Suri is not here." Nick said. He was getting pumped taking off his shirt. I gave it a thought closing my eyes and taking a deep breath. Beat him at his own game. I knew I was going to regret this if Suri found out.

"Fine. Let's do it." I finally agreed punching the locker. Nick and I quickly changed into our gym clothes. Nick was enjoying this way too much. What would I do without this kid? I shook my head when he grinned and turned for the door.

We walked out of the locker room with only one mission on our mind.

Derek was in the far end of the gym. They were waiting for the coach to come. This was the perfect time. Just a gym filled with seniors, juniors and a few freshmen scattered around. Nick said something quick to a freshman who ran to the gym doors. Freshmen do anything for junior and seniors. I shoved one of his friends aside when we reached them and tossed my bag to the bleachers.

"What's your problem man?" Derek said instantly getting to his feet. I saw Nate and Jerry stop what they were doing and started running over to us. This was about to get ugly.

"You're my damn problem." I said right before jabbing my fist square in his face. It only took about ten seconds for him to react. Then the gym erupted into a rumble.

In that moment, everything passed in a blur, each one of us fighting. Anger pulsed through me when I felt Derek hit me right in the jaw and slammed me to the ground. I got up again and sent a nice upper cut, but he was wild and head butted me right in the face. Just as I was about to demolish him, the little freshman yelled.

I punched him twice in the face before Derek kneed me in the gut hard and slammed against the wall. I caught his punch before it hit my face and secured his wrist in a tight grip. Our faces were almost touching. I could see the blood running from his busted lip and his anger beaming into my soul. Then something caught my attention. I loosen the grip just a bit, shocked. He was fighting for Suri.

"This isn't over." He threatened, breaking the grip I had on his wrist and shoved me back to the wall again. He walked backwards wiping his mouth and turned away. His friend backed up too following behind him.

I glanced at my friends. Nick wore a bloody grin with his hands on his hips. He raised a fist and punched it with mine. Some seniors gave us dirty looks and turned back to what they were doing five minutes ago.

" Next time why don't you give us a warning." Nate hissed ripping off his shirt and walked away.

"It was a last-minute decision." Nick shouted to Nate who stormed out the gym door.

"Yeah but totally worth it." Jerry laughed punching my shoulder.

"And well deserved. Lets ditch this place." Nick said.

"Seriously." I said grabbing my bag and headed for the gym doors that lead to the parking lot.


When I turned the corner of my street, I was surprised to see my mother's car in the drive way. Usually, she was not home until six in the evening. I glanced at the time it was only two. Strange.

"Dude your mom is home. Do you think she will say something since we skipped school?"

"I don't know man. Wipe the blood you got with these napkins." I said opening the dash board.

"Ah crap." Nate said.

We all climbed out of the car. Nate put his hoody over his head. For some reason he was cut on the said of his face. It must have been from Tommy, the boy he was fighting.

"Mom," I called out once I entered the house. "I seen your car in the driveway, where are-" I stopped in mid-sentence. My body became frozen as if time stopped. This couldn't be. My sister. My beautiful, young, joyful little sister. She was here, standing in my kitchen and much older. A young lady.

"Laura, is that you?" I spoke in a disbelief tone.

"My Gregory, you have grown. Look at you, you're a man." She smiled charmingly. She walked over and gave me a warm hug. I wrapped my arms awkwardly around her, giving her a light squeeze.

"Oh don't be so awkward. We are permanently related after all." She grinned stepping back.

"Laura it's been years. How do you expect me to react?"

"Like I never left." She smiled.

"Dude will be up in your room." Nick said. "Hello Miss Martin." He greeted, nodding at my sister and trailed upstairs with Jerry and Nate waving and disappearing too.

"Hey boys, are you guys staying for dinner?" Mom asked before they could fall out of earshot.

"Yes." I heard Nick say.

"Jerry what happened to your lip?" Mom asked.

"I tripped on a rock and fell over Nate." He shouted from the top of the stairs.

"Want me to take a look at it?" She spoke from the edge of the stairs.

I heard his laughter. "No mom." Jerry said playfully.

Mother smirked and turned back to us. "Extended brothers should I say." Mother told Laura. She nodded and sat down at the table.

"So are you staying or just passing? What is the deal?"

"I am staying." She answered and glanced over to mom.

"What made you change your mind?" I asked and instantly regretted it.

Her eyes met mine and she shrugged. "Dad's job transferred him to Paris for quite some time. I was originally going to go. It's Paris." She sighed. "But I got a call for an audition to an amazing ballad school in Boston. So I decided to come here instead. Besides, I really missed you guys lately. So I got in contact with mom. She said I come live with you guys."

"Is dad okay with this? I mean you both left for a reason. You never called, emailed, sent some type of letter. . ." I trailed off crossing my arms.

"I know. I'm sorry. Dad was so angry for a while. But that time has passed. I kept in touch with mom after I turned 14." Laura said waving off everything I was feeling.

I looked over to mom. She wore an understanding look and wanted me just to let it go. I mean I wasn't angry she was back. This was something I hoped for a long time. Now here my little sister stood.

"So what about school?" I asked.

"What about school?" She smirked.

"What school are you going to attend?" I asked again.

"Where you go, duh. My audtion is not till July, then I will transfer." She grinned this time.

I sighed. My head turned to the sound of my phone ringing.

"Excuse me, it's Suri." I told them, giving them my back. Finally something right in this miserable day.

"Hello," I muttered into the receiver walking over to the sun room.

"Well hello grumpy pants." She giggled into the phone.

"Tell Suri I say hello." Mom said behind me.

"Who is that?" Laura said curious.

"My mom says hello." I mumbled annoyed.

"I say hello." Suri spoke cheerfully.

"She said hi." I said before shutting the door for some privacy.

"Greg has girlfriend." Mom told Laura.

"Really, no way."

I sighed. Can this day get any more annoying?

"What's the matter? You sound like you have been through hell today.

"I would say. I have some news."

"What?" She said enthusiastically?

"My sister came back from outer space." I said.

Suri became silence when I said that and instantly I regretted my words. I knew the situation she was in with her sister missing and not knowing where she really is.

"She did," She finally spoke.

"Yes and she is going to live here and go to our school." I added.

"That's great news. It's what you've been hoping for. Aren't you excited? At least sound happy you ungrateful fool." She hissed into the receiver.

I smiled, chuckling softly. "Crazy duck. Of course I am grateful."

"You should never question when something good happens, always thank god."

"I know, it's just . . ."

"No hun, no buts. See this as a second chance to pick up where you guys left off."

I smiled. "You know, you're a wonderful woman."

"I know - sayyy . . "

I laughed for a second. My mood was instantly lifting. I just needed my doze of Suri. "What is it silly girl?"

"Why aren't you in school?"

"Umm . . ." I bit my lip, hesitating. If I don't tell her, someone else will.

"I fought Derek today at gym." I admitted.

Another long pause.

"Why?" She asked in a serious tone. The way she said why brought me to my doubts from earlier. What was she hiding?

"Gregory." She demanded in angry tone.

"I'm sorry. I got blinded and Nick convinced me. Forgive me." I said.

"Don't blame Nick, you could have said no, Greg. My dad and his dad are like brothers. Derek could get the upper hand. What were you thinking?"

I closed my eyes. I hadn't thought of that.

"I'm sorry." I whispered.

She sighed. "I am home by the way. If you want, we can hang or I can go meet your sister." I could sense the softness in her tone. My sudden stress disappeared and left to where it usually hid.

"I'll get you in one hour. I am going to shower. Be ready because you are going to meet my sister and you can stay for dinner if you like." I told her.

"I would like that very much, I'll be ready. See you in a hour." She said. I could hear the smile in her voice. I couldn't wait to see her.

"Great. See you in a bit." I said in my best bristish accent.

"Sounds like a plan." Suri played along.

"Bye," I said.

"Sayanora," she said in japanese and hung up. I laughed. Sayanora I thought to myself as I put my phone back into my pocket. I ran my fingers through my hair. What would I do without Suri.

Later that evening we were gathered around the dinning table. Nick, Nate and Jerry had stayed as well. My sister was hesitant to meet Suri, but she did not have a choice. Suri was going to be around for a long time. My sister did managed to pull me aside to voice her opinion. The only reason why I stopped to listen was because if I didn't she would waste no time to throw it in Suri's face.

"Gregory, her love" I replayed her words in my head. "It doesn't run far. You need to watch yourself or your going to end up hurt unless it's you that's going to hurt her." I instantly shrugged it off. Why would we hurt each other. She was wrong. Suri and I, we were more than just a couple. We were friends and that was what made us strong.

Suddenly my brother's voice came to my mind. "Don't trust any girl. They can be indecisive and rip you open in just a second if you give them the chance. Striking you like a snake." I shook those words off too. I pressed my hand to my forehead inhaling deeply.

"Honey are you alright." Mother spoke in a concerning tone.

I pulled my hand away to look at friends and family. To look at Suri, She wore a concerned look with a hand on my shoulder. I didn't even feel when she placed it there. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking of my progress report. I need to bring my chemistry grade up. It has me stressed." I lied. I knew my mom and Suri wasn't buying it.

"Are you sure. The way you were glaring at your plate. . . ." Mother trailed off when I gave her the look to let it go. "Eat up, whatever it is. Worry about it later." She said making her tone final. I just nodded giving Suri's hand a reassuriing squeeze.

I tried my best to remain stress free throughout dinner and ignoring the sudden distress that was forming within me, but somehow it kept nagging. Suri felt the differance but she ignored it as well. Though something in her eyes changed. Something that wasn't there before. Nate, Nick and Jerry trailed off into the livingroom to watch a game when we finsihed dinner. My mom and sister fell into a conversation about her dance school. Suri, however, she sat quietly next to me with her head down. Then she stood taking most of the plates and headed to the kitchen. I glanced at my sister who's gaze followed her for a second then returned to mother's who continued talking obliviously.

I gathered the rest of the plates, cups and siverware, following Suri to the kicthen. She stood in front of the sink washing the dishes. I placed the plates and stuff into the sink. She froze for a moment but then continued on without a word. Just as I was about to walk away, I changed my mind. I walked up behind her and wrapped my arms around her and placed my chin on her shoulder.

"You're awfully quiet. Would you like any help?" I siad trying to lighten the mood.

She continued to wash for a few minutes then suddenly paused. "Why don't you tell me what's really wrong. Your mood doesn't match when I called you early. You seemed bothered and I know it's not chemistry." She said in a quiet tone.

I sighed taking a step back. She turned her body to face me. I stared at her for a moment. If her eyes didn't seem distant, I wouldn't feel this way.

I cocked my head to the side. "Is there something I need to know?"

Her eyes narrowed and she became serious. "If you did I would tell you."

There it was again. She broke the gaze and looked away. "Okay, I believe you." I told her reassuringly, but part of me was holding onto the doubt. She nodded and turned to the sink. I leaned agaisnt the counter just watching her. I smiled when she gave me a side ways glance. "What?"

"Nothing," she grinned.

"Want me to help?"

"I'm almost done." She smirked. "My parents are out of town. The usual bussiness trip for the weekend. My house." She smiled. I straighten up and pull her over to me. I didn't care if her hands were soaked as she wrapped them around my neck.

"Is someone teasing." I said hugging her tightly.

"Maybe. . ." She trailed off with her lips inches to mine.

"Stop being a minx." I whispered before kissing her. "Because it's working." I murmured.

She giggled pulling away. "Oh really-" she began, but was abruptly cut off by my sister's voice. We looked over to my sister as we stepped away from each other. My sister walked over to where we stood putting her cup into the sink.

"I'm sorry, I hope I wasn't interrupting anything." She said in a innocent voice, but I knew better. I could see the storm of hate forming in my sister's eyes. Suri didn't even notice as she kindly finished the dishes.

"It was nice to meet you. Greg has talked so nice about you." Suri spoke softly as she dried her hands.

"I am not surprised. My brother and I, we always got along so well." Laura said sourly.

Suri smiled,ignoring my sister's tone and glanced over to me. "It's the best thing when you and your siblings have a great relationship. It was nice meeting you again. I'm going to say bye to your mom and the guys."

"Okay, I'll meet you in a second," I said. She nodded walking out of the kitchen.

Laura had a serious face. I rolled my eyes tossing my head back. "Let it go.

"I won't let it go. Rich girls like her. They don't date guys like you. I won't say I told you so when she's gone."

"When you did you become so pessimistic about things?"

"Today. Because last time I checked, when I step foot off that airplane I was your little old Lauree." She gave me the look and left.

I sighed heavily. Rich girls I thought. I wonder who told her she was rich. I shook my head. Suri was leaning against the kitchen doorway.

"How much did you hear." I asked with a lump in my throat.

"Nothing. I just keep wondering if you're okay?"

"Let's go."

I walked into the living room. Nick, Nate, and Jerry were scattered around the sofa. "We're gonna head out," I said.

"You're leaving?" Mom asked frowning.


"Don't worry about us. We figured you guys would leave. Rachel is coming to get us."

"Okay, see you later. Goodnight mom." I leaned in to kiss her cheek.

"Goodnight," mom said in return. She looked deep into my eyes. "Be safe son." She whispered into my ear. I nodded with a reassuring look.

"Goodbye," Suri said before heading to the door.

The car ride home was silent. Neither of us spoke. I knew Suri was feeling the growing tension that formed in just a few hours. Somewhere deep inside of me. I knew this had to be about Derek. After all, he was her love. Maybe my sister was right. Perhaps the flame between them never burned out and it would take was one thing to ignite it again.

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