Back to Goode

By theuwuisajoke

5.6K 142 226

This is a oneshot. Percy goes back to Goode after the gods revealed themselves to be real. More


5.6K 142 226
By theuwuisajoke

I don't own PJO or HoO, it belongs to Rick Riordan. This book will remain an one-shot.
Percy POV

Well uh-

The Gods revealed themselves.

I'm fine with that.

But sending me back to Goode?!

That's a crime.

Annabeth, my best friend, isn't even with me.

We broke up after finding out it wouldn't work especially after Tartarus.

Then again I could skip school...

But Annabeth will kill me...

Yeah not taking any chances.

I walked through the doors of Goode and immediately everyone stared at me.

"Percy?" Someone near the lockers infront of me asked incredulously.
It was Andrew, Rose, James and Stella.

Andrew was the type that likes to party but he studies hard too. He has midnight back hair and brown eyes

Rose plans to be a fashion designer, she was quite popular for being confident in her style. She has blonde hair with pink streaks in it, her eyes are a startling shade of blue.

James was the captain of the Football team. So of course, naturally he would be popular and well-known. He has brown hair and blue eyes.

Stella was the quiet nerd, she only talks to people she was comfortable with. She has black hair that faded to brown along with brown eyes.

"Hey guys, what's up?" I said casually. Gods, I'm so dumb, I disappeared for a year and just say what's up...

"What's up?! What's up?! You disappeared for a year and that's all you say??" Andrew shouted at me with an shocked look as if he was looking at a ghost.

"Have you heard about the Gods?" Rose asked. "Yeah I did..." I was still upset at Zeus for sending me to school.

"Let's go to English early, I don't want to make a bad impression." I said, trying to ignore the attention placed on me.

|~~~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~~|

Halfway through English class, I heard a familiar voice but couldn't quite place it.

"All students and Teachers assemble in the hall."

Of course the teacher led us to the hall like we were 5 years olds.

My class arrived and I saw the 14 thrones on the stage, Hestia and Hades was there cause I asked Zeus for them to have a place on the council, back to the thrones, I tried to turn back but another class was coming in and it was useless to run away.

I pulled up the hood of my blue hoodie and sat down at the back.

"Mortals! I am Zeus, God of Lightning, King of the Gods, these are the Olympians along with Hades and Hestia." Zeus thundered, thunder sounding out in the background.

I rolled my eyes, of course he would take this chance for dramatics.
Everyone frantically bowed down, it was amusing to watch them trip over themselves in their haste to bow.

"We are here to tell you of the 2 times saviour of Olympus, he saved Olympus from Kronos and Gaea." Athena said, glaring at the crowd trying to find me with her stormy grey eyes.

"He is among you all right now, may he please step up!" Zeus shouted, lightning could be seen outside the window.

"Who do you think it is?" Stella whispered from beside me. I refused to meet her gaze and shrugged.

"Brother, you know he doesn't like attention, I'm not surprised if he actually skipped school..." Hades smirked.

He knows me well.

A bit too well...

"Come on Cuz! Get up here!" Apollo and Hermes yelled.

I was so distracted by them, I didn't notice a god standing behind me with arms crossed.

I only noticed when everyone started staring behind me. I gulped and turned around.

"Hi?" I laughed nervously at my Dad standing behind me with his trident in hand, staring at me amused.

"Percy that's a god, you can't just say hi!" Andrew whispered outraged.

"Percy, get up or I'm getting Annabeth." Dad said.

I ignored the shocked looks.

I pouted.

"I'm not moving." I stated.

"Perseus Jackson, you will come up here before I smite you." Zeus glared.

"You can try Drama Queen."

Everyone stared at me like I just talked back and pissed off Zeus, the supposedly All Mightly King of the Gods.

Oh wait-

I just did. I take back what I said about him being all mighty.

"Fine I'll come down." I relented. I stepped down and jumped onto the stage.

"Full titles cuz." Hermes smiled.

I grumbled,"My name is Perseus Jackson, you already knew that though. Call me Percy since only people that wants to kill me calls me that, son of Poseidon, Earthshaker, God of the Sea and stuff, I helped retrieve Aphrodite's scarf, Duelled Ares and won, Slayer of Medusa, slayer of the Minotaur, Retrievor of the Master bolt and helm of darkness, killed a bunch of Titans and Giants, survived the sirens and Circe island, helped get the Golden Fleece, survivor of the Labyrinth, blown up Mount Saint Helens, yeah that was me, visited Ogygia, Owner of Blackjack and Mrs O'Leary, killed Kronos, ex-praetor of New Rome, freed Thanatos, ex-boyfriend of Annabeth Chase, Survivor of Tartarus, one of the seven of the 2nd great prophecy, member of the Twelfth legion, and a bunch more of titles that I'm too lazy too name."

The crowd stared stunned, Paul looked proud and had a smug grin on his face as he took in the other Teachers dumbfounded looks.

As if on que, a portal appeared, peering into it, there only an empty void.

Styx, I've seen that portal before, and I'm not fond with what follows. I tried sneaking out at quietly as possible.

A man stepped out. He had black hair with purple streaks and specks of white. His eyes contained the galaxy and seemed to be constantly moving. He was wearing a normal jeans and a black denim jacket with blue shirt, but the best part was his black angel wings, they were beautiful,they had speckles of white like stars and they folded neatly behind his back.

He looked around and finally noticed his audience.

"Hello, I'm Chaos, Creator of the universe." He said, smiling politely.

"Lord Chaos!" Zeus hastily mumbled and bowed down along with the other Gods. The mortals noticed how Zeus and the others bowed and quickly followed his example.

I resisted the urge to laugh.

3rd Person POV

The creator groaned and said,"Please don't bow and no 'lord' please, it's very annoying..."

"Now have anyone seen Percy?" He asked with a small smile.

"You just missed him" Hermes tilted his head, confused on why Chaos wanted Percy.

"Did my son do anything wrong??" Poseidon frantically asked.

"No of course not, and I happen to know that he is trying to sneak out by the door." Chaos smirked.

Percy stood there with 2 cloaked people holding his arms. "Oh come on! This isn't fair, it's 3 against 1! Plus Luke and Zoë are with you!" Percy whined and pouted at his misfortune.

The 2 cloaked people removed their hoods to reveal the originally dead, Luke and Zoë.

Hermes cried out in joy, seeing his son alive again. Artemis was trying to keep a straight face but inside she was filled with joy with having her old friend and Lieutenant.

Luke smirked, "Sorry Perce but a certain creator couldn't resist seeing you again."

Zoë laughed. "You should have seen him pacing back and forth worrying about you."

Chaos blushed and pouted, "You said you wouldn't talk about that."

Percy laughed and walked back down, kissing the creator on the cheek.

"Sorry, I knew you had a hard time staying away, I'm just too amazing." Percy had his famous troublemaker smirk on his face as he said that.

"Percy, you know the creator?" Hades voiced the question everyone was thinking.

"Oh Percy knows a lot about the creator." Zoë said with a smug grin.
"You didn't tell them?" Chaos raised his eyebrows at Percy.

"Of course not!"

"It would be a shame if someone let it loose that we were dating."

Everyone gasped at the sudden info.



"You are dating the creator?!" Zeus shouted, forgetting about his dramatics.
"Yup." Percy pulled on his hair.

"He disguised himself as a teen and forgot to bring a weapon, so he ended up being chased by hellhounds and I had to save him." Percy's eyes glittered with humour as he remembered what had happened.

"Wait that actually happened?" Luke bursted out laughing, rolling on the floor in laughter. Zoë was laughing too, clutching her stomach as she tried to control her laughter.

Most of the Gods were trying to contain their snickers even Hades let out a chuckle.

"It was an accident! I was trying to buy lunch until it attacked me! I didn't know that would happen!" Chaos frowned, making rapid hand movements trying to hide his embarrassment.

"If I recall... you were running around a tree screaming curses at the Hellhound." Percy continued, laughing a his Lover's misfortune.

This time, the entire auditorium burst into laughter.
"Well, Percy we have to go, I'll contact you later." Poseidon said, a ghost of a smile on his face.

With that the Gods flashed out.

"I have to go too, got duties." Chaos muttered.

"I'll visit you later." Chaos pressed a kiss to The Sea Prince forehead making his cheeks heat up.

Zoë smirked at him before they disappeared.

Percy POV

Well that was eventful.

I rocked back and forth on my heels as the crowd stared at me.

"You all are dismissed..." The Principal whimpered.

I swear I heard her mutter something about getting a pay rise. Everyone dispersed except Rose, James, Andrew and Stella.

"So your a demigod?" James started.

I nodded.

"Son of Poseidon?" Andrew continued.


"Saved the world TWICE?!" Rose practically shouted.

"Along with the fact you are dating Chaos, THE CREATOR?!" Stella screeched. Her mind processing the info.

"Yup, all true last I checked."

"See ya! I'll probably see you again next year or not." I sent them a salute while walking away.

~~~~~~~At Camp~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

(Still Percy POV)

I was just casually sitting on a log roasting a marshmallow with everyone talking to each other.

And Luke just had to run in. Without his hood may I add.

"Percy! Chaos is gonna kill me, I pranked him and now he wants revenge." Luke cried out, hiding behind me and peeking over my shoulder.

Everyone was staring at Luke.

I mean, I would to if a dead person suddenly showed up.

"Luke Castellan! Come out, come out, wherever you are..." I could hear Chaos smirking at the end.

"Luke... your gonna be the end of me and Chaos..." I sighed.

"Found you!" Someone cried out from behind Luke making him squeal and jump a few foot in the air.

The Creator grabbed Luke's arm and said.

"You sir, are in so much trouble."

"What did he do now..." I sighed.

"He knows I'm vegetarian and placed a piece of meat in my food!" He glared at the blonde haired man next to him who smiled sheepishly.

"Wait you're vegetarian?" I burst into laughter.

"Luke!" Thalia and Annabeth shouted grabbing both of his arms and throwing him on the ground.

He groaned in pain.

"How-dare-you-leave-us-and-suddenly-show-up-here!" Thalia punched him or zapped him in every place she could reach.

Once they were done, everyone's attention was on Chaos.

"Well, my name is Chaos-."

Everyone immediately started bowing.

"Quit with the bowing!" He groaned.

Luke snickered at his annoyed face but shut up at the glare the Creator gave him.

"Where was I...? Oh right! Percy, there's a Gala at Planet Chaos, do you wanna go with me?" Chaos asked, face crimson.

Everyone's jaw dropped.

"Close your mouths, you'll get flies, and yes I will go with you!" I teased the campers before answering his question.

"Percy! You don't even know him!" Annabeth shouted out, voicing out everyone's concerns.

Percy just laughed.

"We are dating Annabeth!"

Everyone's eyes widened in shock at the sudden revelation.


Percy went to the Gala where Chaos proposed, when They went to tell Sally, Sally kicked Chaos balls and told him off saying that he must not neglect Percy. They invited everyone over for the wedding.

The end

:D ik its a rush

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