Forever With a Price

By MegsStories18

40 3 0

Teenager, Vanette Leighton Taylor has a secret. She was born in 1452 in England, she's been alive for 500 yea... More

Hi, my name is...
Stay out.

In the beginning...

17 1 0
By MegsStories18

Maybank, South Carolina; present day:

As far as me and my family new, our secret was safe. We had moved to Maybank, South Carolina during the summer. I had spent most of the summer inside, reading history on Maybank.

My name is Vanette Leighton Taylor, I was born in 1452 in England and I'm a vampire. So is all of my family. I have long brown hair, blue eyes, and rosey cheeks. I was the shortest in my family and the smallest. I have two older brothers.

The oldest out of all us children, Zachariah Abel Taylor, who we usually call Zachary these days. He had dishwater blonde hair, brown eyes, and very red lips. He was quite a bit taller than me and over the years had packed on the muscles.

The second oldest was Conrad Boyd Taylor. He is quite beautiful if I do say so myself. Conrad and I looked a lot a like, actually. We both had brown hair, blue eyes and rosey cheeks. For a guy he was short, but he also had big muscles.

Then, there was my younger twin brothers Josiah Keyon Taylor and Jusitn Kingsley Taylor. They were identical twins with light blonde hair, green eyes, and full pink lips. Josiah had more of a good boy vibe, but Justin was a bad boy through and through. He had small black gages and rode a motorcycle.

Then, there was my father, Harlod Taylor. He was changed when he was in his fifties, so he had gray hair. I don't really remember him being much other than my gray haired father. Before I was changed, I had a mother and two sisters.

My older sister, Victoria Paislee Taylor had beautiful, silky black hair and brown eyes. She had perfect olive skin and all the boys loved her. She was a two years older than me, she died when she was nineteen.

Then there was my younger sister, Kaylun Valentina Taylor she died when she was fourteen. I don't remember much about her except for that she was very pretty. She had strawberry blonde hair and a beautiful smile. She was very loved amongst the family. They both died durning their transformations. I remember my transformation like it was yesterday.

Wylie, England 1452:

It was a bright and sunny day out, in the middle of summer. I was outside laying in the grass when I saw my older brother, Zachariah disappear into the woods.

I followed after him, being as quiet as a mouse. I followed him to the middle of the woods, where there was a well sticking out of the ground. He used a rope and put it down the well. When he pulled the rope back out there was a young girl on the end of it. I sighed, it was just another heroic act by my older brother.

Then, it happened. Zachariah bit into her neck and started to drink her blood. I came out from behind the tree I was hiding behind and screamed.

"Zachariah! What are you doing?"

He looked up and dropped her. Then he smiled and held out his hand,

"sister, your here. Just as the prophecies have said. Come it is your turn now."

I walk towards him slowly, he slowly brings up another person, a boy this time. He holds onto the boys collar, I see how scared the boy looks. There's a smile on Zachariah's face, a smile I had never seen before. I shake my head,

"No, I will not. You are a monster, brother."

He chuckles,
"No sister, we all are."

He opens his mouth and I see sharpened fangs come into his mouth. He bites the boys neck, then he throws the boy to me. I fall to my knees beside him and look at his bloody neck.

Then something happens to me. I feel a very sharp pain in my mouth and suddenly, my stomach starts growling. I grab my stomach and fall to the ground crying. I scream as an even sharper pain enters my mouth.

"Gnaah!" I scream out, "help me! Please!"

Finally, the pain in my mouth ends, I feel around. There are two sharpened fangs now in my mouth.

"No!" I cry out and throw myself on the ground, "what's happening to me?"

He smiles, then goes over to the young boy. He looks the boy deep into the eyes and says,

"You won't be afraid. Get up and offer your blood to my little sister."

The boy stands up and comes over to me, he holds out his hand. I take it and stand up. He smiles at me and bends his neck, flashing a bleeding bite on his neck.

"I want you to drink my blood."

He says, putting his hands on my hips. I bite my lip and come closer. I put my hands on his shoulders, then press my lips onto his neck. Before I know it, I'm drinking his blood. He's moaning, then he stops.

There's no more blood, I push him off of me. His limp body falls to the ground. I look at my older brother, his red lips in an evil grin. I gasp for air,

"what am I?"

I ask him, tears streaming down my face. He walks over to me and lifts my face to meet his gaze. He strokes my face and says,

"why your a vampire, my dear."

Back to Present day:

Today me and my brothers were going to try to be normal kids again. Me, Conrad, Josiah, and Justin we're going to go to high school today.

My father thinks that trying to be normal kids again will help us sat intact with our humanity. It's my first time ever going to a high school, to be honest I'm a little nervous. I hope people like me.

When I woke up this morning I showered, blow dried my hair, and curled my hair. After that, I brushed my teeth, put on my makeup, and stood in front of my closet. I had no clue what to wear.

Finally, I decided on a dark pair of skinny jeans, black heels, a button down checkered shirt, and a leather jacket. I had to admit, I looked pretty bad ass.

I sigh as I walk down the stairs, my brothers already down there. When I go into the living room my father claps his hands together and laughs,

"finally my lovely daughter you are ready! Come, my sons. Let us take a picture for your first day of school."

Justin rolls his eyes,

"father, we have one million photos! Please, no more."

My father gives Justin a look, Justin sighs and stands in front of the fireplace. The rest of us gather in around the fireplace. Zachariah watches from the couch as we take a photo. When we're done I hold my hand out to Zachariah.

"Come," I say, "take a picture with us."

He stand up and starts to walk out,

"I would rather drive a wooden stake through my heart, sister."

He says to me over my shoulder. I cross my arms and sigh,

"he'll come around."

Then we were off. I drove my yellow slug bug behind Conrad's mustang, Justin drove behind me on motorcycle. Josiah was in the passenger seat of my car. I glanced over at him to see what he was wearing. His style hadn't changed for 500 years. He dressed preppy. He had on khaki shorts, a light colored button down shirt, and sperry's.

He smiles me,

"do you think we can do it?"

I look back at the road and sigh,

"do what Jo?"

He leans his head back,

"be around all those people without losing control."

I look over at him and smile at my little brother,

"Josiah, you'll be fine."

Bulgaria 1567:

After you become a vampire, there's like a switch inside of you. A switch to turn off your humanity and to turn it on. It's a lot easier to turn it off, for a while I did. So did most of my family. That meant that we had no remorse for human life or feelings. We can't control ourselves around people. Whenever we were in large crowds it was as if we could get every single heart beat of everyone. After that, we could lose control. Meaning, we would kill every living thing in sight. It was horrific. Josiah never turned off the humanity in him.

I remember once when the family was in Bulgaria and our mother was still alive. My mom sat on the couch in our house in Bulgaria. It was a beautiful purple felt couch with a golden blanket draped across it.

Josiah's head was in my mothers lap, he looked like a mess. His light blonde hair was matted to his sweaty forehead. His face was pale, the rouge of his was long gone. His lips looked gray and he could barely hold open his eyes. My mother stroked his face and held up a glass of blood up to him,

"Darling, please drink."

He shook his head,


His voice wasn't baby smooth anymore, it was scratchy now. My mother looks up at me and sighs,

"Josiah, please love. Just drink a little. You look bad."

He just shakes his head again. He catches my eye and smiles dimly at me.

"I know what your thinking,"
he whispers looking at me, "I'm not crazy. I swear."

I roll my eyes at my little brother and say,

"then why are you doing this? Why are you making yourself suffer?"

He closes his eyes,

"at least I can feel pain."

It clicked then, what he meant. He wanted to save his humanity. I honestly loved my brother more than I ever have in that moment.

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