By avengenemesis

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The current me is just a hastily glued mess out of sharp shattered pieces. I plastered myself with gold tryin... More

The Mother of Sin - PRIDE


718 40 8
By avengenemesis

"Hey, Raven!"

I flinch hearing Gregory's awful voice behind me.


Really, dude? I just need at least 5 minutes to get to my next class. Why do I have to fucking meet them in the hallway?

"What the fuck happened to you?" I heard Gregory asked he-who-shall-not-be-named.

I frown and hastened my pace.

Ignore them, Nathan. Calm the fuck down. Do you see that door? That's your next class. That's the door for another hour without the devil.

"This?..." he-who-shall-not-be-named asked obviously building up the tension.

I walk faster.

Ignore them. Ignore them.

He chuckled but without the humor. "I was with a feisty one last night."



Fuck him. I almost Trip, shit.

Finally, I couldn't help angrily turning back anymore.

I knew it. The fucker's looking straight at me with that irritating smile in his lips.

My eyes moved to the bandage on his cheek and the wound on the side of his mouth.

I really should've punched him harder last night.

He smirk. 'Get the fuck ready' he mouthed.

I can't help but gulp. This manipulative bitch. Does he think he would be able to overturn whatever he did just because he spout ridiculous lies?

My jaws tighten and I raise my middle finger. 'Fuck you.' I also mouthed.

His eyes turn to golden Crescent when he smirk larger. "I'll fucking do you if you just ask a little nicer." His teasing but dark voice resounded in the crowded hallways.


I didn't just dropped my bag. I almost drop my heart too.

Fucking shit!

How could he say that aloud?!

I started panicking and frantically look all around me.


All of them surely heard him.

All of them knew he's talking to me.

They are fucking watching!




What if they knew what happen?

What if they misunderstood and think that I'm... That I ... Did that with a man...


Holy fucking shit.

I knew I'm trembling but I had to act normal.

Take it as if he's joking, Nathan.

Respond, damn it.

"F-fuck! A-as if! Stop shitting me!" I mustered all my remaining calm to immediately pick up my bag on the floor and take the last few step to the classroom.

I ignore his eyes still boring down on me. I've got the feeling that he is seething with rage.

But who the fuck cares?!

I surely don't !

At last, I was able to enter the class and take the farthest table possible.

My mind is a mess.

How the fuck could he do that?!

Does he want to air that drunken mess to the whole world just to spite me?

Doesn't he even think how that will affect us?!

I put my head on the table and tried to calm down.

Just fuck. That devil drives me crazy. He's really living up his threats.


After another 2 class, I wasn't able to keep it up anymore.

I feel like I'm getting suffocated. Like there is something ugly and gruesome clenching my neck.

Like all of a sudden, some asshole would just block my way and call me 'gay' to my face.

W-well, not that I discriminate or hates gays!

I'm cool with it!!

But me? definitely not me!

I took a depressing deep breath and roam my eyes to the blue sky.

I'm not on the rooftop. That shit's off-limits. Mist of all, I'm scared I'll suddenly jump when I saw an opportunity.

I decided to cut my classes and get the fuck out of school to roam around and chanced to this park. How I did that? You don't have to know.

All that matters is that I will be able to breath even just a little. Just knowing that I'm in the same gated establishment and might encounter the devil again make my lungs swell and tighten a bit.

I'll be fine as long as I'm away from him.

In fact, of all days, and of all time, Isn't that my cheating ex walking towards me?

Did it made me feel worse? Nah.


I didn't respond. Silently telling her that I don't give a lil bit damn about her.

But maybe I'm not good at it. Since she still wasn't able to notice that I want her to scram this very minute.

She even had the guts to sit beside me.

I sigh.

Why the fuck am I stuck with people like this?

I continued sitting still looking far away ignoring her even when she started crying.

God, dude. You were the one who cheated on me. You even did it while carrying my saliva on you. And now you're crying like I wronged you? The fuck?!

Two elderly women walk in front of us giving me a 'disgusting man' look while whispering with each other.

Hotdamn. If I'm a scumbag douche, I woul've stand in this bench and point my finger at this shameless cheating ex of mine while screaming. 'Fuuuuuuuckkkkk!!!!! She was the one who cheated!!!!! I'm the stupid loser here, damn! Stop looking at me like that!'

Cathy even cried harder driving me to a corner.

I rolled my eyes, breath out heavily and finally grace her with my attention. "Do you really have to do this? Why don't you hang a sign telling everyone here I'm a fucking dreg of a human being?"

The veins in my temple throb. Shit, i think my hangover's not over.

She look at me incredulously. Like she saw me for the first time.

'no shit, Sherlock. I just learned you're a two-timing bitch. Do you expect me to treat you the same? How selfish and narcissistic can you be?'

We've been together for a couple of months and I've never thought she has the 'female lead syndrome'.

"I-i'm sorry... I didn't mean it..." She apologized while sobbing.

'Yeah, you didn't mean it. I'm sure you just got lost and wound up in front of his door.' I watch her cry as if the world owed her everything.

I snort 'You just fucked him a couple of times. Yeah. No biggie. '

Giving up, I look up at the sky, slouch and hope that the sun melt me.

I'm too tired now to even think.

In the end, I'll still be the pathetic loser everyone seems to think of me as.

Might as well just soak myself in this depressing pit with the heartbreaking sobbing of a hypocrite cheating woman plays in the backdrop.

What could be worse, right?

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