Hogwarts Mystery: Kenneth Rus...

By CanadianCrushclaw

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Chronicling the life of my character in Hogwarts Mystery game. There wasn't enough fleshing out of the charac... More

Chapter 1: The Letter
Chapter 2: Diagon Alley
Chapter 3: The Merpeople Colony
Chapter 4: Dance of the Forest Fairies
Chapter 5: Platform Nine and three-quarters
Chapter 6: The Sorting Hat
Chapter 7: Hogwarts Touring
Chapter 8: Merula Snyde
Chapter 9: Dealing with Trouble
Chapter 10: Revenge is Best served Magical
Chapter 11: The Duel
Chapter 12: A Curious Corridor
Chapter 13: Class Matters
Chapter 15: Cecil Lee
Chapter 16: Let the Investigation Begin
Chapter 17: Chiara's Secret
Chapter 18: Moonlight
Chapter 19: Injuries and Rewards

Chapter 14: Hallowe'en

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By CanadianCrushclaw

Kenneth couldn't believe his eyes when he saw the amount of students cheering and applauding whenever he walked through the corridors the following day. News of his duel against Merula had spread like dragon fire and within two days, the whole school now knows of it. The duel was the only thing anyone would talk about.

The original rumours of Merula besting Kenneth in their first 'duel' was immediately corrected by the witnesses that saw the real duel first hand. The moment they saw Merula cowardly try to jinx Kenneth when his back was turn made them realize the truth: Merula lied about the rumours and her reputation was now tarnished.

It was now her turn to face the wrath of jeers and taunts whenever she walked through the corridors. She would more than one time lose her temper and threaten to hex anyone. She made the foolish mistake of saying it with Professor McGonagall nearby - earning her another day's detention.

Kenneth may have received a week's worth of detention and lost a decent amount of house points (though he did get them back and an extra thirty from his classes), but the good outweighed the bad. For starters, he earned the respect from his fellow older Gryffindors, including the rude third-year he met on his first night. Angelica, indeed, was very proud and looked as though she was going to kiss him the moment she learned that Kenneth had managed to earn back the points and an extra thirty more.

All the other houses, except Slytherin, congratulated him. Slytherin had the look of murder in their eyes whenever he came across any of them. They were not going to let Kenneth get away with embarrassing one of their own and having cost them sixty house points. Some leered at him, others cracked their knuckles in intimidation and a few others threatened him publicly. Kenneth would have to turn his cheek and ignore the threats, or suffer further consequences. He had suffered enough punishment of having to polish the trophy room without magic.

The room was full of trophies and memorabilia. He saw plaques of Quidditch teams that have won the Cup. James Potter and Lily Evans were Gryffindor's Head Boy and Girl. A student named Tom Riddle had received the only Special Award for Services to the School; although Kenneth had never heard of this particular student before. His other punishment was to help organize and decorate the Great Hall for the Hallowe'en Feast, a punishment that sounded more like a privilege than a punishment and Kenneth enjoyed it more.

Another good thing that happened to Kenneth was it wasn't just Angelica and other students that sang his praises. From that moment on, since talking to her that afternoon in the corridor and having dinner with her the following day, Penny Haywood had become a new friend. It paid to have someone like her be one because she was in the know of everything going on in the vast castle. She wasn't bragging when she said she knew all the gossip around Hogwarts, it was a fact. Her gossip was more of the day-to-day lives of the castle, like a newscycle and it was never mean-spirited or to talk badly about someone behind their back. If she heard any gossip that was mean-spirited, she would not proceed further into it. It amazed Kenneth that despite her popularity, she was so kind-hearted and sweet, and he began to deeply admire her even more.

Getting to know Penny personally was something that Kenneth enjoyed immensly, and Penny seemed to reciprocate that feeling, as well. This revelation of having Penny as a friend caused Kenneth to receive a large number of jealous and angry looks of many first-year students that tried desperately to be a part of Penny's inner circle. Winning Penny over, Kenneth noticed, seemed to be equivalent to winning a war. The boys eyed Kenneth with envy, knowing that he could make her smile or laugh without trying. The girls eyed him disapprovingly, feeling that he was unworthy to be breathing the same air as Penny when they walked together in the corridors towards their classes. Because he gave his undivided attention to the professors, Kenneth now noticed that he actually shared several classes with Penny other than Flying Class.

"Are they always like this?" he asked Penny one day as they passed by few glaring students.

"Usually," she sighs sadly. "I keep telling the boys that I can carry my own books but they constantly keep insisting that they can do it. They'll even rudely push other students around just to give me room to move. I never liked it."

"Some of those burly sycophants look like they're waiting for me to slip up," said Kenneth, eyeing several stocky older students. Feeling mischievous, "Would holding your hand or carrying your books piss them off further?"

"Probably," she giggled while blushing a deep shade of pink.

Extending his hand. "Shall we?"

"No." Blushing red, while fighting the urge to take it. "Let's just try to ignore them."

"I'm good at that. Follow my lead."

Penny giggled again. "Lead the way then, o' Hero of Hogwarts."

"Stay close, princess."

With that, Kenneth stuck his chest out in mock heroism with Penny laughing alongside him. They ignored all the other students that eyed them as they entered their classes. Penny had now given Kenneth the nickname of The Hero of Hogwarts. The ever quick-witted Kenneth retalitated with his own nickname for her: princess.

"What's the lastest gossip, Penny?" asked Kenneth as they neared the greenhouses that contained the Herbology Class.

"Greyback," replied Penny, with noticeable fear in her voice.

"The werewolf that likes to attack even when he's in his human form?"

"The one and the same."

Fenrir Greyback was the most savage werewolf alive. He made it his mission in life to infect as many people as possible to in order to create an army to take over the wizarding world. He had a special preference for targeting children. They had arrived in the greenhouse and began pulling out their gloves.

"Great," sighed Kenneth, putting on his gloves. "I had to hide in my bedroom with enchantments placed to protect me from him. My brother was in his room but managed to break out. He almost got attacked if it wasn't for my dad. He managed to drive Greyback off."

"How'd you take it?" asked a worried Penny, putting on her gloves.

"I was only five, so I didn't understand the danger. I stayed where I was. Jacob was a stubborn fifteen year old and wanted to fight him."

"I see where you get your stubbornness from," teased Penny playfully, nudging his arm. She then took a serious tone. "You don't think he'll come here do you?"

"I hope not," answered Kenneth. "He'd be foolish with all the enchantments protecting the school; but then again, there are loads of children here. Like I said: foolish."

"I hope you're right. I wouldn't want to tangle with someone as ferocious as him. Especially you."

"What about me?" asked Kenneth, pulling out a smock.

"Promise me you won't fight him," she pleaded


"Promise!" she said sternly with fear in her voice.

"All right, I promise." said Kenneth.

Penny sighed in relief as she put on her smock.

Either him or the corridor, thought Kenneth, following suit and putting on his smock.

Thinking about the corridor crossed Kenneth's mind every so often, but he knew that he had to prepare and not investigate until he felt truly ready. Luckily for both Rowan and Kenneth, Filch didn't suspect them of being out of bed after hours. That didn't stop his horrid cat, Mrs. Norris from continuously hiss at them whenever they ran into her in the corridors. Even Ben or Penny weren't so lucky when either of them were with Kenneth.

Just as he finished polishing the last of the trophy room, a first-year Hufflepuff boy was waiting for him in one of the corridors. He had a note in his hand and with disappointment etched on his face, begrudgingly gave it to Kenneth. Kenneth looked at the note and as he looked up to say 'thank you', the boy had ran off. Kenneth opened the note and began to read. The penmanship of the writer was beautiful and neat.

Dear Kenneth,

I hope this note finds you quickly. I'm so happy that your detention is finally over! Come down to the Great Hall, the Hallowe'en Feast will start soon. Don't be late!

With love,


With excitement like that of a Snitch being caught, Kenneth sped walked through the corridors towards the Great Hall. He turned a corner and ran right into...

Hiss, came the sound of a cat. Looking down, it was Mrs. Norris.

"HISS!" hissed Kenneth back.

He finally had enough of the cat. His last day of detention polishing the trophy room was now over and the last thing he wanted was to run into that cat. The cat ran off, almost scared of having someone hiss at her in return. The moment of renewed enjoyment to the feast was short lived as she came back with a wheezing Filch.

"What are you doing, you snivelling brat?!" wheezed Filch. Mrs. Norris circled his skinny ankles while eyeing Kenneth scornfully.

"Walking." said Kenneth bluntly. "Is it a crime? My detention is over and the Feast is about to begin."

"You deserve more detention for hissing at my cat," wheezed the cantankerous caretaker. It wasn't a question, but as a-matter-of-fact statement.

"So?" No longer having the energy of denying it, nor caring. "She hisses at everyone all the time."

"No one hisses at my cat." Gazing at his cat with adoration that made Kenneth uncomfortable.

"I believe I just did," said Kenneth impatiently. "You might want to write that in a record book."

Kenneth couldn't believe or expect Flich to get any angrier than he already was at that moment. His bony hands were clinched in fists so tight that his knuckles turned white.

"I should hang you by your wrists and whip you," he snarled.

"Then go ask the Headmaster if it can be arranged," shrugged Kenneth, "but it would be redundant if you did."

Kenneth thought he might have gone a little too far in his snarky attitude, because at that moment Filch had grabbed the hem of Kenneth's robes and lifted him off the ground.

"Don't hiss at my cat again," spat Filch. His crooked, yellow-brown teeth bared in a snarl.

Kenneth caught the smell of Filch's breath and he scrunched his nose.

"Not unless I want to," Kenneth retorted. "Now, could you put me down, please? The smell of your breath is going to make me lose my appetite."

Filch gave a nasty smile. "I'm going to enjoy shackling you."

"If you don't put me down," bluffed Kenneth, "I'll be forced to perform a jinx. And I won't say it will be you or your cat."

"No magic can be performed other than class."

"And no caretakers are allowed to manhandle students."

Having enough of Kenneth's tongue, Filch roughly puts Kenneth back down and released his grip of the young boy's robes.

"Get out of my face, you little-"

"You kiss your mother with that mouth?"

Filch's face turned beet red with rage. Mrs. Norris hissed angrily at Kenneth.

"Careful now, kitty," said Kenneth eyeing the cat. "You keep hissing at me, I'll have you as Transfiguration practice."

That threat made Filch's face turn purple with rage.

"Just kidding," said Kenneth dismissively. "Happy Hallowe'en. Can I go no."

Filch's face slowly turned back to a fair shade of red and said "Get out of my face."

"Gladly," retorted Kenneth. He then turned on his heel and walked away.

As Kenneth entered the Great Hall, he did a double take at what he saw. The Hallowe'en Feast had just begun. The decorations that Kenneth helped make had paid off with more additional features. Countless giant jack-o-lanterns were floating instead of the standard flouting candles. The pumpkins had to have come from Hagrid. A thousand live bats fluttered from the walls and ceiling while a thousand more swooped over the tables in low black clouds, making the candles in the pumpkins stutter. Food was piled in the golden plates and there were piles upon piles of sweets.

Kenneth could hear Hagrid among the excited chatter in the background proudly stating that he grew the pumpkins in his garden. While Nearly Headless Nick stated he was planning his five-hundredth Deathday Party. Snape was gloomily heard stating "the only thing I hate more than holidays are parties". Dumbledore was no where to be seen.

Kenneth noticed Penny smiling and waving at him from the other side of the Hall. Acknowledging her, he walks over to meet her.

"Happy Hallowe'en, Kenneth!" said Penny beaming with excitement.

"You too, Penny," said Kenneth smiling. He points out the entire Great Hall. "Can you believe this place? It looks amazing."

"From what I heard, a lot of these decorations were made by you," said Penny, beside herself with excitement. "They're fantastic! I need to come to you for decorating inspirations."

"Thanks," said Kenneth sheepishly. "They were part of my detention. I'll take this over polishing trophies any time."

"I'm just happy that you're here to celebrate. I've been looking forward to the Hallowe'en Feast all year. What are you most looking forward to?"

I can list at least three things I'm looking forward to," said Kenneth and he began to list each one by one. "The first one is the entertainment. I've heard of rumours of ghosts flying in formation."

Penny giggled. "I heard Snape is going to sing A Cauldron Full of Hot, Strong Love."

Kenneth couldn't help but burst out laughing. "The odds of seeing that is like Merula dating Ben."

Penny joined in the laughter. "Fair point. What are the other two?"

"The second thing," Kenneth responded, "is I'm just happy that we get to enjoy it with all our friends. Everyone is having so much fun."

Penny smiled, but her attention was distracted by something she just saw.

"Even Snape is smiling!"

"Wait, what?!" Kenneth exclaimed, turning.

"No, I take it back," said Penny guiltily. "He was just gritting his teeth. I'm sorry, Kenneth. What's the last?"

"It's all right, Penny," dismissed Kenneth. "The last, and perhaps the most important, is the sweets. Massive lollipops, carrot cake, goblets of coloured bubblegum, everything."

"Me too!" squealed Penny with excitement. "You'd better get to there before Hagrid finishes them off. I saw him stuffing his pockets with Peppermint Toads."

Kenneth then gestured towards the tables and said, "Let's see how how everyone else is enjoying the Hallowe'en Feast. Shall we have healthy food first before gorging ourselves with sweets?"

Penny agreed vigourously and she joined Kenneth at the tables with Rowan and Ben. Ben was sitting at the end of the table, he looked as though he was ready to flee from the slightest movement.

"You all right, Ben?" asked Kenneth, helping himself to a roast potatoe.

"Yes," he said timidly. "I'm staying close to my favourite dining table just in case..."

"I don't think anything is going to happen," assured Rowan.

"That's because you've never gone trick or treating," said Ben, still looking scared.

"Trick-or-what?" asked Rowan, raising an eyebrow.

"Trick-or-treating," explained Kenneth, "is a Hallowe'en ritual where people dress in costumes and go house to house, asking for treats with the phrase 'trick or treat'.

Rowan and Ben looked at Kenneth with astonishment. Penny looked impressed.

"What?" asked Kenneth, now feeling uncomfortable and self-concious.

"How did you know that?" asked Rowan.

"I grew up with Muggles," explained Kenneth. "It shouldn't be that surprising. Muggle children go trick-or-treating all the time. I've even done it."

"I've done it too," said Penny joining in. "I, too, live around Muggles as well. Plus I'm a half-blood, so I've grown up around both worlds. It was the only time I could get away with calling myself a witch."

Kenneth chuckled. "I went as a wizard. The other kids didn't mind, but I had to stop because I would go as a wizard every year and I feared they would've caught on."

"You didn't use magic, did you?" asked Rowan.

"No," said Kenneth and Penny in unison. They looked at one another and then laughed.

"There won't be any trick-or-treating here, Ben," said Kenneth. "I'm sure it will be fine."

"Nothing to worry about," said Penny in agreement.

Ben gave a weak smile. "Thanks, all of you."

"Enough fuss, let's enjoy the Feast," said Rowan. All three nodded in agreement and began consuming their meals. Kenneth would from time to time look around at the students eating. A lot of them were enjoying themselves. Even Merula was shockingly enjoying herself with a licorice wand at the Slytherin table. She saw Kenneth looking at her and she immediately gave a look of venom at him.

After almost an hour had passed with Kenneth chatting with his friends and eating regular food, he looked around again and noticed something seemed off. Dumbledore still wasn't in the Great Hall.

"Looks like everyone is having a great time," said Kenneth to Penny, "except for the ones who are always miserable."

Penny looked around and nodded in agreement. She then looked puzzled. "It's nearing the end of the feast. When do you think the entertainment will start?"

"Dumbledore usually introduces the entertainment, but he isn't here," answered Kenneth. He then rose to his feet. "Maybe I should go and look for him."

"Do you want me to come with you, Kenneth?" offered Penny.

"Yeah," said Kenneth eagerly. Almost too eagerly. "I could use your help to find Dumbledore faster."

"We need to hurry back so we don't miss celebrating Hallowe'en and all the sweets. I certainly don't want to miss Snape singing A Cauldron Full of Hot, Strong Love." Penny added giving a mischevous look that Kenneth had never seen before.

"Shall we help?" asked Rowan. Ben hesitated but relented knowing that he wasn't alone.

"Sure, why not?" said Kenneth. "You and Ben search for him at his office and see if he's there. Penny and I will start with the Training Grounds."

Rowan and Ben nodded, rising to their feet, and all four proceeded to walk together out of the Hall. Rowan and Ben took the corridors towards the stairs, while Kenneth and Penny stayed on the ground floor towards the training grounds.

"Why the Training Grounds first?" asked Penny as they walked together.

Before Kenneth could answer, his attention was caught by the flapping of wings descending towards them. It wasn't an owl, it was a golden eagle.

"An eagle?" said Kenneth surprised. He then noticed a note in its talons. It dropped the note towards Kenneth and then flew off again out of sight. Kenneth proceeded to open the note.

"What's it say?" asked Penny leaning in.

Kenneth didn't recognize the handwriting, but it was short and looked urgent:

I need help! Come to the Training Grounds immediately. It's an emergency!


"I'm hoping that this is not a prank from Peeves, since it's Hallowe'en," said Kenneth with a hollow chuckle.

"I hope not," said Penny unsure, "but I think we should go there just in case."

Kenneth nodded and led the way towards the Training Grounds.

"Who's Chiara?" asked Kenneth, looking at the note again.

"If the last name is Lobosca," said Penny, "she's a first-year in Hufflepuff and a dormmate of mine. She's very quiet, timid and reserved, but I think she's very nice."

"Thanks for the info."

"Any time."

As they entered the Training Grounds, it was dark but light radiating from the moon provided enough light to see clearly.

"What is that?" asked Kenneth, pointing at a mound on the ground several meters away.

"I don't know," said Penny, "but I don't like this."

As they moved closer, Kenneth noticed the mound turned out to be a small figure on the ground. The figure had robes that represented Hufflepuff house and silver hair reflected off of the moon light.

"Is that-?"

"Chiara!" exclaimed Penny, running towards the body. She then fell down to her knees beside the body. Kenneth, rushed over to join her. As Kenneth stood beside her, he looked down at Chiara. Chiara's eyes were closed as if she was sleeping peacefully. She would've appeared that way if she hadn't had been covered in bruses, blood trailing her face and robes shredded. She looked as though she was just attacked by a beast.

"Is she alright?" asked a worried Penny.

Kenneth kneeled down, and placed a hand and pressed two fingers against the side of Chiara's neck. He sighed in relief, feeling a pulse.

"She's alive," he said. "She looks to be unconscious."

"Thank goodness," sighed Penny. "Kenneth," she said suddenly, "what is it? What's wrong"

Kenneth instinctively got up and pulled out his wand. He had the uncomfortable feeling that they were being watched.

"I think there's someone or something here," said Kenneth, eyeing his surroundings.

A snap of a stick and Penny's gasp caught Kenneth's attention, and he pointed his towards the sound. Kenneth could feel his heart hammering against his ribcage. Three large figures came walking slowly towards Kenneth, Penny and the unconscious Chiara. The three figures came into view and they were three men, their appearances made Kenneth feel sick. The two men on either side looked pale and emaciated as though they hadn't eaten in days. Their clothes looked a size or two too big and gaunt, sunken faces.

The one in the middle looked healthy but he made Kenneth's eyes immediately turn yellow with fear. He was a large, vicious looking man with matted grey hair and whiskers. He looked to be the leader. He had long yellowish fingernails and wore tight black robes. His teeth were pointed and he was smiling evily at them.

"No...no...no..." Kenneth could hear Penny saying. The colour had completely drained from her face and her eyes were wide with terror. She couldn't move.

"Nothing to be afraid of, love," said the leader, clearly taking pleasure in seeing Penny's fear. "We're here to free you from your little lives. To show you what true power feels like."

Kenneth, like with his confrontation with Merula a week earlier, instinctively pulled Penny behind him, shielding her.

"Who the bloody hell are you and what are you doing here?" asked Kenneth, ignoring his heart beating rapidly through his throat now.

"Kenneth," whispered Penny, clearly frightened and holding his arm tightly. Kenneth could feel Penny's body pressed against his back and her breathing was coming in short panicked gasps. "That's-"

"Fenrir Greyback," said the leader, bowing mockingly. He then sniffed the air. "Kenneth? The younger brother of the Cursed Vaults enthusiast Jacob Russell and offspring of that bastard John Russell?" A truly evil smile spread on his face. "I was expecting someone with your family's reputation to be tougher looking. You look nothing more than a runt with that little stick of yours."

"Yeah," retorted Kenneth, "well the Daily Prophet doesn't do you much justice. You're even uglier than I thought and expected. In fact, you look like an overgrown, hairy imp, so I guess looks don't count for much."

Penny groaned behind him. Greyback gave a throaty inhuman laugh.

"After what your father did to me years ago," said the savage man, "I'll be takin' care of you from now on. After I get a bite or two."

Knowing that Greyback was serious and ready to pounce at any moment, Kenneth turns his head to Penny while not taking his eyes off of Greyback and trying to keep his composure at the same time. He needed to get Penny away, but he couldn't leave Chiara there with Greyback.

"Penny," Kenneth said gently, "run."

"B-but...I...can't leave you...with them..." stammered Penny, squeezing his arm tighter.

Kenneth places his hand on Penny's and gently gets her to release her grip on his arm. He held her hand gently and gave it a small squeeze.

"Please, Penny," not looking at her. "Run!"

"I'll go and get help, please be careful."

Penny wrapped her arms around him, and then turned and ran back inside the castle. Once she was out of sight, Kenneth raised his wand in a combat stance.

"You don't belong here, ugly."

"That's where you're wrong, little wizard," said Greyback, stretching himself. "Everything belongs to us." He then bared his teeth. "You will see the truth soon enough. Or you'll be dead. I'll give your father my regards after I'm through with you."

"We'll stop you," said Kenneth, standing his ground. His eyes changed to a yellow orange.

"That's what this girl said," gesturing towards the unconscious Chiara. "Now look at her. Lying on the ground like a pretty little slab of meat. I wonder what the other girl tastes like, she's prettier than this one."

He then gestured to the two men standing beside him. "What sort of leader would I be if I didn't let my pack have a bite or two..."

"You talk too much," said Kenneth, annoyed from this savage man's threats. "I won't let you hurt anyone at Hogwarts."

Greyback then points at Kenneth and the man on his left steps forward.

"Bring him to me. Alive, but not bitten. I want us to take our time with this one."

The man then crouches down like a beast and runs straight towards Kenneth. Kenneth was quicker to think. He waits until the man is a foot away.

"Lumos!" Kenneth roars. A ball of light expels from his wand like a small sun.

"AAARRRGHH!!" screamed the man, shielding his face.

"Rictusempra!" A jet of silver light expels from his wand and hits the man in the face. The man is then laughing uncontrollably, but still standing.

"Flipendo!" A bang and a fiery jet of blue-white flame hit the man square in the chest sending him flying towards the other man beside Greyback. Their heads collided with each other and they sank to the floor in a heap. They were both knock out unconscious. Greyback looked at the two men and then turned towards Kenneth.

"Hmm," said Greyback with mild amusement. "You're strong for a little one. You might just make a valuable addition to my pack. If not, you'll at least make a decent meal." He then crouched into a beast-like stance.

"Just tell me what you want," Kenneth said, trying to reason with the man and stall for time. "I could help."

Greyback hesitated for a second. He smiled sadistically.

"I want to do what I do best. I want to sink my teeth into your friends and teachers. I want to make every witch and wizard in the world a werewolf, and kill anyone that tries to stop me. Can you help with that, little wizard?"

"Of course," Kenneth said sarcastically. "But sadly, I have a counter-offer. Leave. Because if you don't, I'll kick your arse myself and you'll look worse than your friends there."

Greyback laughed. "A brave one." He then jumped and charged at Kenneth with blinding speed. Kenneth managed to jump out of the way in time. Pointing his wand.

"Flipendo!" The jinx hit Greyback, but it merely pushed him a foot backwards.

"That wasn't smart at all," he said sadistically. "Now, I'm gonna have to do this the slow way."

He charged again and Kenneth wasn't as lucky this time. Kenneth found himself square on his back, struggling with the weight on top of him. His wand was knocked out of his hand. He was holding Greyback's neck pushing against it, but it was drawing nearer to his neck. Kenneth caught the smell of sweat, dirt and blood off of Greyback. His long fingernails dugged deep into Kenneth's shoulders. Kenneth gasped in pain.

"You can scream if you want. It makes the taste better."

"I won't give you the satisfaction of a scream, you giant, ugly, knarl," said Kenneth defiantly through gritted teeth.

Greyback gave a toothy grin and said, "Have it your way."

Greyback then pushed harder, inching closer to Kenneth's neck. Kenneth sees his wand a few feet away. He takes his wand hand and stretches it outright. His wand comes pulling towards his outstrecthed hand like a magnet. Taking his wand and unable to perform a spell on time, he jabs his wand hard towards Greyback's face.

Greyback gave a roar of pain and retreats backwards, getting off of Kenneth. Greyback holds a part of his face, blood dripping from his nose. Kenneth had tried to poke one of Greyback's eyes, but he move upwards at the last second and Kenneth's wand went straight up one of Greyback's nostrils. Kenneth sat up, massaging his shoulder.

"You'll pay for that, boy!" roared Greyback, wiping the blood off of his nose. He crouches again, and just as he was about to charge, he sniffs the air again with his good nostril.

"Dumbledore," Greyback mumbles. The two other men woke up from their loss of conciousness and slowly stand up. Greyback turns and races towards them. Grabbing both of them with each hand.

"We need to leave," said Greyback. "Now."

The two men merely nodded and joined Greyback, racing away from the Training Grounds and into the forest. Out of sight.

Kenneth, rose to his feet, wincing from the pain in his shoulders and falling back down again. He could hear a set of footsteps behind him and they stop beside him.

"Are you all right, Kenneth?" asked a deep, calm voice etched with concern. Kenneth turned to see the source of the voice. Standing beside him was a man with a long silver beard. It was Dumbledore.

"I-I'm fine," stammered Kenneth, slowly getting to his feet and rubbing his shoulder. He felt warmth and he looked at his fingers, there was blood on it and flowing freely off of his shoulders. He then looks at Dumbledore tries to explain. "There were--"

"Kenneth!" came another voice and the sound of racing feet. The next second he felt the wind knocked out of him and he was on his back again. Kenneth gasped in pain.

"Kenneth! Are you O.K?!" came the voice that belonged to Penny. Her head was on his chest. She was ontop of him with her arms wrapped around him.

"I'm fine, Penny," grunted Kenneth. Penny's eyes were filled with tears. "Penny, your cheek. It's got-". She loosened her hug and sat up. She instinctively put a hand on her cheek and then looked at her hand. There was blood on it and she then noticed the blood on Kenneth's shoulders and upper chest, and her eyes went wide with shock.

"Oh, Kenneth, you're hurt!" Getting off of him and help pull him to his feet. "He didn't bite you, did he?"

"No, but he almost did," he winced. "These aren't bites. He dug his nails or claws into my shoulders."

"Thank goodness," sighed Penny with relief. She wiped the blood off her cheek with a sleeve.

*Ahem* came the sound of Dumbledore clearing his throat.

"Oh, Professor Dumbledore, my apologies," said Penny, blushing slightly.

Dumbledore merely chuckled. "It's all right, Miss Haywood. Thank you for telling me of Kenneth's plight."

"It was you that got Professor Dumbledore here?" asked Kenneth to Penny, astonished.

Penny smiled weakly and nodded.

"I guess I owe you my life, Penny. Thank you."

"My pleasure," said Penny. "I feared I was too late."

Kenneth smiled and then turned to Dumbledore.

"As I was saying, sir, there were--"

"Werewolves," said Dumbledore. "I'm aware. I just removed five of them from Hagrid's hut. Just as I finished, Miss Haywood found me in the Entrance Hall and told me where you were. Why were you two out here?"

Kenneth explained that they were looking for him and decided to check the Training Grounds after receiving a note from an eagle. Kenneth then turns and points at the body of Chiara. Kenneth and Penny lead Dumbledore to Chiara.

"What happened to Miss Lobosca?" asked Dumbledore, as he kneels down to examine her.

"I...don't know," admitted Kenneth. "We found her lying there..."

Dumbledore eyes Chiara carefully and then nods. He rises to his feet.

"She doesn't appear to have been bitten. For now, Miss Haywood, you will return to your dormitory."

"Can we do anything to help?" asked Penny.

Dumbledore smiles thoughtfully at the question but then shakes his head.

"No. I'll bring an expert from the Werewolf Capture Unit. The Hallowe'en Feast will have to be postponed. All that matters right now is you're both safe."

He turns his attention to Penny. "Return to your dormitory and we will discuss what to do next later." He then turns to Kenneth and noticing the amount of blood on his robes. "Kenneth, you go to the Hospital Wing and get your shoulders checked."

"What about Chiara?" asked Kenneth, now starting to feel lightheaded and stumbling.

Dumbledore looked at Kenneth carefully, as though he could read his thoughts.

"Your concern is admirable, Kenneth, but I need you to go to the Hospital Wing immediately. I will have her taken to the Hospital Wing. She will be fine. I bid you two a good night and a Happy Hallowe'en."

Clearly telling them without saying the words that they were dismissed, Kenneth and Penny began to walk towards the castle together. Kenneth was now feeling dizzy and Penny had to catch him from falling over.

"Miss Haywood," called Dumbledore, "on second thought, you may escort Kenneth to the Hospital Wing." He noticed Kenneth's blood loss.

"I will, I promise," said Penny. "Happy Hallowe'en."

"Happy Hallowe'en," muttered Kenneth.

Penny wrapped one of her arms around Kenneth's waist and began to half-carry him towards the castle. Penny insisted in holding Kenneth upright, in case he fell again.

"I'm fine, Penny," grunted Kenneth weakly and stubbornly. His robes were now thoroughly covered in blood and he was now feeling even dizzier than before.

"Kenneth, you're losing a lot of blood," said Penny looking at him with a icy stare that Kenneth hoped he'd never see again. "I'm not leaving your side until I get you to the Hospital Wing, so you can cease the stubbornness"

Kenny smiled weakly as he had an arm around her shoulders for support. "There's no talking you out of this, is there?"

"Nope," she answered. "I promised Dumbledore and I intend to keep that promise. Besides, I'd never forgive myself if you..."

She couldn't get the last word out as she chocked back a sob seeing his bloodstained robes. Tears were starting to fill her eyes.

"I should be the one to apologize, Penny," sighed Kenneth.

Penny looked at him with wide eyes.

"What for?" she asks quietly.

"I broke my promise that I wouldn't fight him and this is the end result. Plus," he smirks, "you're right, I am stubborn."

That joke made Penny giggle and she wiped her tears away.

"What am I going to do with you?"

"Probably treat my wounds," he shrugged. "Something tells me this won't be the last time I wrestle with a werewolf."

"And I hope you're wrong. We're here."

Sure enough, they had arrived at the Hospital Wing door. Penny tried the knob but it was locked. She knocked on the door with her free hand, while struggling to hold Kenneth upright. She could hear footsteps approaching on the other side of the door and she looks back at Kenneth's face with a smile of reassurement.

"Kenneth?" she asks, shaking him. Her face turned from contentment, to concern, and then to horror. "Kenneth?! Kenneth!"

Kenneth could now barely hear her. His eyes were heavy and he was starting to feel sleepy. Madam Pomfrey, the matron opened the door and gasped at the state Kenneth was in. He was starting to lose consciousness and Penny was now doing her best to hold him up from the dead-weight. Madam Pomfrey didn't ask what happened; instead, she immediately grabbed and half-dragged him (with Penny's assistance), to the nearest bed and stripped his robe off.

Penny stood to his other side and gasped, eyes wide and hands covering her mouth in horror at the severity of his injuries. Each shoulder had five hole puncture gashes. Four of which were on his clavicles and two on his breast. Without the pressure of his blood-soaked robes pressing down, his blood was now pouring out freely like a leaky faucet. Kenneth was now beginning to breathe in short rapid breaths.

Madam Pomfrey waved her wand and sealed each wound from expelling more blood. She then tapped her wand to scour away the dried blood and began examing the puncture gashes in his shoulders. The outer tears of his flesh were now a shade of yellow and green, indicating infection. She begins summoning vials of potions.

"Will he be all right?" asked Penny, trying to keep herself from going hysterical. Fresh tears were filling her sapphire eyes as she looked at Kenneth's rapid breathing.

Madam Pomfrey looked at Penny with a concerned look. "All right? He's lucky to be even awake!" she says, fumbling with all the vials of potions. "He may not be in immediate danger anymore, but because he lost so much blood he will be going into hemorrhagic shock if he stays like this."

She then pulls out pour a large bottle full of dark red potion.

"Blood-Replenishing Potion!" gasped Penny.

Madam Pomfrey merely grunts in acknowledgement, pulls out the cork and forces it into Kenneth's dry mouth. He was now semi-conscious.

"Drink this," she orders. "If you fall asleep, you will never wake up."

Penny's face went white with terror at that last statement. She bends down towards Kenneth's head.

"Kenneth, please drink," she pleads, whispering in his ear. "Please."

Kenneth used the last of his stength and drinks the potion slowly and chocks at the awful taste.

"What do you expect?" said the exasperated matron. "Pumpkin juice? Drink! It will help replenish the blood you've lost."

As Kenneth drank, he started to feel he was getting less lightheaded and his hand slowly grabbed hold of the bottle and drank with more force after every gulp. His vision and his awareness steadily became sharper, but his eyelids were still heavy. His rapid breathing was now starting to slow down. The matron continues examing him and taps her wand against one of his wounds.

"You're a really lucky young man," Kenneth could hear the matron say. "Whoever or whatever did this cut your subclavian arteries. If your robes weren't thick in the shoulders, these punture wounds would've completely severed them and you would've bled out faster. Your aorta wasn't punctured, which is good."

Kenneth could only muster a grunt. He was still woozy. Madam Pomfrey then pulls out another bottle.

"I will warn you, this is going to sting really bad, but I need to place this on your gashes to prevent infections. You, dear," gesturing to Penny, "hold his hand for support, but be careful. He might squeeze hard."

Penny blushed and carefully took Kenneth's hand into her's. She intertwined her fingers into his. Her touch was soft and warm compared to his cold and clammy. She took her other hand and gently began to rub his cool, sweaty forehead.

"You're going to be fine, Ken," she whispered. Was she saying it to him or herself? Was she scared of being wrong? What if he doesn't make it?

"Try not to scream," Penny could hear the matron say.

Kenneth nodded, still delirious and braced himself. Madam Pomfrey then pours the liquid onto Kenneth's shoulder. The moment the green liquid touched his shoulder the skin began to hiss and sizzle and the stinging sensation felt white-hot. Kenneth didn't scream but he winced loudly and squeezed Penny's hand hard. Penny hissed quietly at the squeeze. Fighting the tears of pain in her eyes, she distracted herself by rubbing his sweaty forehead.

This boy is strong! she said to herself.

"I wasn't expecting that amount of blood in his muscles to contract with that much force," mused Madam Pomfrey. "He's stronger than he looks."

The matron then pulled out an ointment and applied it onto the wound, then tapped her wand. The gash closed and the scar tissue remained. She then proceeded the same thing to each gash one at a time, causing Kenneth to wince and groan every time. After the fourth drop, he steadily became used to the pain that he merely breathed heavily.

After each wound was healed, Madam Pomfrey applied bandages onto Kenneth's shoulders and chest. She then gives Kenneth another bottle of Blood-Replenishing Potion and orders him to drink it. Kenneth, after drinking another potion finally became conscious and more aware of where he is.

"What is your name and what is your house?" asked the matron, lifting each eyelid one at a time.

"Uh...I'm sorry...wh-what?" asked Kenneth, confused and struggling with his words.

"What is your name and Hogwarts house you are in?" she asks again.

"Kenneth...Russell...and...Gry-Griffindor...h-house" he says slowly.

"Good. And what's the name of the blonde-haired girl and Hogwarts house that you were with this evening?"

"P-Penny! Penny Haywood! Hufflepuff!" with more determination.



"It will relieve you then, that you haven't suffered any memory loss or delirium from the blood you had lost tonight."

"Ken?" came a painful groan beside him.

Kenneth recognized the voice but it sounded like it was in considerable pain. He turns to the source of the voice and looks to see that it is Penny standing beside him. Her eyes were half closed and she was wincing immensly and breathing in short breaths. He then looks at his hand. Her fingers were bent in awkward positions and a shade of purple. They looked as though they were about to break at any moment.

"Oh, Penny!" he gasps, relinquishing his grip and with renewed strength in both body and mind. "Sorry! I'm so sorry! Did I hurt you?"

Penny shook her head while smiling weakly. "I'm okay," she says weakly, massaging the circulation back into her fingers.  "Glad to see you're awake. You've got a really strong grip." 

"I'm so sorry," he said guiltily, his eyes changing to grey-blue. Impulsively, he grabs her hand into his and proceeds to rub it himself in order to make up for what he did. Penny began to blush at the gesture but lets him continue. She smiled and took her other hand held it in his. Kenneth's eyes turned pink as his met her sapphire ones. Realizing what they were doing, they both take their hands back and shyly looked away.

"Now, dear," said Madam Pomfrey interuppting while smiling at Penny. "It's late. It's best to head over to your dormitory. Mr. Russell will have to spend the night here, I'm afraid."

"Can she stay a little longer?" asked Kenneth looking at the matron and avoiding to make eye-contact with Penny. His eyes changed back to honey-gold. "I don't want to be alone."

Madam Pomfrey sighs.

"Very well, I will make an exception. But I need to change you for the evening."


He then looks down and yelps in surprise, grabbing the blanket from under him, and covering himself up to his chin. Madam Pomfrey had stripped Kenneth down to his briefs. Kenneth felt the new blood in his cheeks grow hot as he saw Penny covering her mouth with one hand and giggling. She too, turned a fair shade of pink.

Great, he thought with bitterness and embarrassment. She just saw me naked.

"She was with you the whole time," said the matron, clearly finding the moment amusing. "There's no reason to be embarrassed." She turns to Penny. "You may stay awhile, but I think he might want to have some privacy."

Penny smiled and moves away, allowing Madam Pomfrey to set up the curtains for Kenneth's privacy. Once she's finished, she leaves the curtains up but allows Penny to return to Kenneth's side. Madam Pomfrey pulls out a small vial from her robes that contained another potion; this time a dark purple.

"Drink this," she orders, pulling out the cork.

"What is it?" asked Kenneth, taking the vial and inspecting it.

"Sleeping Draught," said Penny cutting in.

"You know your potions," said Madam Pomfrey, raised eyebrows and impressed.

"She's the best potioneer in our year," complimented Kenneth.

"Kenneth!" exclaimed a blushing Penny, looking away and rubbing the back of her neck bashfully.

"What? There's no need to be modest, Penny," shrugged Kenneth. "It's true."

"Th-thank you."

Kenneth nods and then drinks the potion in one gulp, handing the empty vial back to Madam Pomfrey.

"Thank you," said Kenneth, feeling the effects of the draught working quickly. "For everything."

"It's my job," the matron says smiling. "Sleep well."

"Could I have one too, please?" asks Penny. "I'd rather sleep here tonight, than in my dormitory."

Madam Pomfrey eyes her carefully. She then shrugs and pulls out another small vial of Sleeping Draught from her robes.

"You may sleep in the bed beside him," she says handing the vial to Penny.

"Thank you," says Penny.

*Knock knock*

Comes the sound of knocking on the door that catches their attention and Madam Pomfrey leaves to answer it.

"Not another one," she mutters.

Kenneth and Penny could hear a gasp after hearing her open the door which only meant that Chiara had arrived. Wanting to know how Chiara is doing, but too tired to even move, Kenneth lets Penny help him into bed, adjusting his pillows behind his head.

"Thank you, Penny," says Kenneth yawning. "Thank you for staying, also."

"You're welcome," she says smiling sweetly, sitting on her bed adjacent from him. "Thank you for letting me stay."

Kenneth lazily moves to the side, so that he could look at her but it was getting more difficult, since his eyes were growing heavy again. Penny takes off her shoes and her outer robes. She then reaches up and begins to untie one of  her braids.

She's so pretty, he thought, while smiling weakly.

She notices Kenneth looking at her and she stops immediately. Blushing, she proceeds to tie up her braid.

"What's the matter?" he asks.

"Nothing," she says, redoing her braid.

Kenneth wasn't convinced, but he let it go. Penny uncorks the vial of potion, drinks the contents in a single gulp, places it ontop of the nightstand and crawls in to her bed. She lies on her side to look at Kenneth.

"Feeling better, Ken?" she asks, still concerned after knowing how much blood he lost.

"Much," he yawns again. His eyes were now closing, unable to keep them open. "How 'bout you?"

"Same. Now that I know you're safe." She shuffles a little to get more comfortable on her bed.

"That's my job. Good night, princess."

Kenneth could hear Penny get off of her bed and walk quietly towards him. She opens her arms and embraces him in an awkward hug. He caught the familiar scent of lilac, lavender and peppermint.

"Good night, Hero of Hogwarts," she whispers in his ear. "Thank you for trying to protect me."

Kenneth could only muster a grunt of 'you're welcome', before his eyes fully closed. Penny gives her hug a final squeeze before letting go of him and she crawls back into her bed.

I thought it would be odd that there are werewolves shown when the full moon in October of 1984 was October 9. There wasn't another full moon until November 8. So I decided to have the accomplices in human form. I hope it works. A bit of inspiration for Penny For Your Thoughts: Love Sick. I might change the last part, but I'll let you all decide. I'm also torn on whether I should do the entire sub quest in one chapter or not. It would be longest chapter so far. What do you all think? Should I be writing it all in one chapter?

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