Mr. Demon

By Kookiejams6

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"You don't believe me do you?" I shook my head while laughing. He pushed me to a wall and pinned me to it. ... More

1. Moving
2. Friends
3. Demon
4. Sleepover
5. Siblings
6. Project friends
7. Fight
8. The demon attack
9. Exposed
10. Kingdom
11. Prison
12. Fake relationship
13. Another person in prison
14. London
Thank yoouuu
15. The demon queen
16. Fight a queen
17. Games
18. Powers
20. Plan
21. Doing the plan
22. Job
23. Flirting
24. Maybe Rape
25. What to do
26. Sus
27. The annoying date
28. The talk
29. Unfriend
30. Message
31. Marking
32. Spy
33. Going back
34. Fake
35. Soulmate
36. Funeral [Ending]

19. News

63 7 0
By Kookiejams6

Well ah shit! Jimin just fainted because of loss of blood.

Jungkook started moving more and woke up. "What's going on? Why is Jimin on the ground?"

"Jungkook come here! Don't wake up Beomgyu! Jimin is a vampire, you know right?" I whispered

Jungkook got up and came to me "wait really?" He whispered back and I nodded

"Jimin needs blood and if he don't get it, he'll die. I think I should give him my blood."

"What are you crazy?!" Jungkook whisper yelled "what if it is like hospital stuff. That he can only drink the same blood type. I don't know his blood type but I know that we two don't have the same blood type"

I thought about it for a moment "if it is like you said then it's probably fine. He have bitten me before and nothing happened to him"

"What????!!!!!" Jungkook whisper yelled again

"Shh! It was an accident! I'll give him blood from my wrist" Jungkook started at me for a moment then nodded.

I put my arm near Jimin's nose and made him smell my small scar that I made while sleeping. By the close up smell of blood, his fangs came out. I put my wrist on top of his mouth and waited.

A few seconds later I felt the bite. I whinced in pain.

"Does it hurt?" Jungkook asked and I nodded.

It hurt more than last time. This time it actually hurt, but not to the point to make me scream or cry. Period pain is worse to be honest..

Soon I felt myself being really sleepy. I tried to take my hand away from Jimin but he didn't let go. He was sleeping after all.

"Jungkook.. I'll faint soon and I can't get my hand off."

Jungkook panicked "what should I do"

"I don't know!" Soon I felt sleepier and everything went black.

Jungkook's P.O.V

Ellie fainted with her hand still on Jimin's mouth. This scene looks so evil.. Jimin looks evil! I can't blame him.. he is sleeping and can't control it!

What should I do now? Ellie fainted and I need to get her wrist away from Jimin.

Jimin's eyes started slowly opening up. He noticed what was going on and quickly got Ellie's wrist off then got up. His fangs got in and he removed the blood dripping from his mouth with his arm.

"No no no not again! What did I do?!" He was looking at Ellie then looked at me. "Jungkook? When did you wake up?"

"Just now, doesn't matter! What will you do with Ellie?" I whisper asked to not wake Beomgyu up.

"She'll wake up soon. Just let her rest." Jimin said and I nodded.

Jimin's P.O.V

I took my hoodie that is now kind of Ellie's since I haven't used it in a while and she uses it everyday. I put the hoodie on the floor and made it in the most comfortable way possible.

I went back to Ellie and carried her then put her down over the hoodie.

"You can go to sleep, I'll stay with her" I said to Jungkook and he nodded and went back to sleep.

I'm so sorry! I wish I could control my powers more! With you I'm another person. You make me crazy Ellie!

Ellie's P.O.V

I woke up and saw Jimin sleeping uncomfortably beside me. Like he fell asleep while sitting.

I sat up and saw Jungkook and Beomgyu already awake.

"What happened?" I asked and looked at Jungkook.

"He told me to sleep and that he'll keep an eye on you. I don't know more" Jungkook explained. So Jimin woke up before I fainted.. that's good.

"Why what happened?" Beomgyu asked

"I didn't feel too good and fainted. I think it's some normal hormonal problem because of my powers" I gave a lame excuse.

Beomgyu made the 'oh' face and continued doing what he were doing.

We got four trays of food and Jimin were still sleeping. We even ate and he were still sleeping.

I opened my phone only to see that Jisoo and Lisa have sent messages.

The crazy girls groupchat 😜

Jisoo: Hiii

Lisa: Hiii

Jisoo: It's been a while Ellie

Lisa: Yeah true

Lisa: How are you?

Jisoo: I'm good

Jisoo: You?

Lisa: Good

Lisa: Ellie haven't been online for quite a while

Lisa: I'm worried

Jisoo: Me too

Jisoo: Have u seen the news?

Lisa: Yeah

Lisa: About Busan right?

Lisa: And the kidnapping

Jisoo: yeah

Jisoo: Ellie moved to Busan

Jisoo: What if it is her school

Jisoo: Or she 😳😳😳

Lisa: Oof no don't say that

Lisa: I hope she's okay

Lisa: Ellie you good?

Jisoo: Reply when you see these messages

Lisa: The news said it was 3 boys and 1 girl

Lisa: from the same school

Jisoo: Yeah

Jisoo: I'm very worried 😔😔😔😔

I wanted to answer but of course I couldn't. This is very bad! It came on the news that we were kidnapped. That's awful!

Lisa: Now changing topic

Lisa: How's Luhan and you Ellie?

Jisoo: Did he come to your school?

Lisa: He told us that he did but he's maybe lying

Lisa: Also we stopped being friends with him

Jisoo: Turns out he was friends with us just to get closer to you

Jisoo: I heard Beomgyu stopped talking to him to because of the same reason

Lisa: yeah

Lisa: okay I'm worried

Lisa: She always reads or answers our messages right away

Jisoo: true

Jisoo: but I have to go

Jisoo: Bye

Lisa: Bye

So that bitch really were fake with all of us not just me. All this just to get a little more popular.

I heard some movements so I looked up and saw Jimin waking up.

He sat up "goodmorning I guess" he said with a tired voice still looking like a snack even when he just woke up. Wait what did I just think.

Jimin tiredly looked at me then looked back at the guys.

"Here's your food!" I got up and brought him his tray of food.

"Thanks!" He said tiredly while looking at the food. He looked at me "but I need to wash up first" he got up and called a guard to bring him to the toilet.

Then I got a notifacation and at the same time, Beomgyu got it too.

Hodi ladi what a good day 🥳🥳🥳🤪🤪🤪

Lisa: Hello hello 😁😁😁

Jisoo: Helloooo

Luhan: Hi

Lisa: Oh right

*Luhan has been kicked out from the groupchat by Lisa*

Jisoo: That's better

Lisa: Ellie is still not answering nor online

Jisoo: Neither is Beomgyu

Lisa: Babe are you okay?

Lisa: Is Ellie okay too?

Jisoo: Now we just gotta wait to see if they answer

Lisa: Let's wait until tomorrow

Jisoo: 👍👍👍

I looked up from my phone. "Beomgyu did you read that?" Beomgyu nodded. "I wanna reply so bad" I pouted

"Same! Lisa is so worried! She has sent me over 10 long texts. News came out that 4 students in Busan has been kidnapped. After that news came out Jisoo and Lisa had been crazy.

"My friends are also spamming. I think the news are making them crazy" Jungkook said and I nodded.

Jimin came back into the room. "Guys is it just me or are my friends spamming asking if we're kidnapped since morning?"

"Me too!" Jungkook said

"Bruh, we're in the same groupchat" Jimin said and I lightly chuckled.

"But yeah we too! They're spamming like crazy. I think they know since the news clearly said that it's in Busan and that it was 3 boys and 1 girl. From the school we were in, 3 boys and 1 girl stopped going in that school at the same time which is us so it's obvious." Beomgyu did and we all nodded.

Jimin sat beside me. "True, that's maybe why they are so worried and crazy."

We all nodded then it went silent and everyone went back to what they were doing.

"Hey.." I whispered to Jimin and looked at him "thank you yesterday that you took care of me." he looked back at me.

"No, thank you!" He whispered back "I could have died but you saved me" He gave me a light smile that brightened up my day.

"You're welcome!" I smiled back then continued doing whatever I was doing on my phone.

I opened Instagram and looked through some posts.

"Guys!" Jimin suddenly said out of nowhere "I think I have a plan"

"Finally! What is it? Blurt it out!" Beomgyu said

"We should run away!"

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