Almost Lovers||H.S

By Didi_94

154K 5.1K 8.2K

A girl meets a boy. The boy asks the girl out. They start dating, they kiss, they have sex and eventually, th... More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 11

4.7K 157 214
By Didi_94

"Got my mind on your body
And your body on my mind
Got a taste for the cherry
I just need to take a bite
Don't tell your mother
Kiss one another
Die for each other
We're cool for the summer"



I'd like to tell you everything about the mind-blowing orgasm Mr Hottie gave me but I can't because it didn't happen.

I didn't get my fucking orgasm again.

And no, not because it was all a dream and he didn't really show up at my door with pizza and beer.

Everything was perfect, I was a panting mess, my leggings were gone along with the sweater I was wearing, leaving me just in my panties - no bunnies, lace this time - his shirt was gone leaving his upper half-naked, one of his hands was cupping my boob while the other was touching me over the fabric of the panties while he kissed my neck and trust me: I was more than ready to go.

But just when he decided to move his fingers under the fabric and between my folds, something or better, someone decided to start liking his feet, and no, it wasn't me.

It was Odi. With his big eyes and wagging tail he was looking at us from near Harry's and mine feet and decided to lick his ones because he wanted to be cuddled and needed attention.

Yeah well, I needed an orgasm.

Needless to say, he completely ruined the mood, especially after I said to Mr Hottie to just ignore him and keep going, but to make me pay for it Odi trotted near my face and gave it a long lick.

Little shit. He is grounded.

At that point, Mr Hottie start laughing in front of the grim glance I gave Odi and after leaving a kiss on my lips he stood up on the couch and handed me my clothes back.

We spent the rest of the night eating the pizza and watching TV. He was... Nice and contrary to what I thought a real cuddler. He kept reaching out for my hand, pulling me closer and touching me in some way, and even if I'll never admit out loud, it felt good to have someone by my side again.

Anyway, we ended up falling asleep on my couch and this brings us to now. My back is killing me, my body is incredibly hot and I can't really move because Mr Hottie is practically laying on top of me, his face hidden in the crook of my neck makes my body tingle when his hot breath hits my skin.

I don't really want to get up though, even if my body is aching I slept well and I feel comfortable being here with him.

Sadly, I have duties, one of them being taking Odi out for his morning walk and if I don't get up now, my whole schedule will be postponed and I'll end up being late for work, something that is happening more times than I'd like to admit these days.

I gently push Harry's body off of mine paying attention to not wake him up. He grunts and closes his arms around my body, pulling me closer and making me chuckle.

" 'S early, where're you going?" he mumbles, hiding his face.

"I have to take Odi out, go back to sleep," I whisper back, running a hand through his curls.

He mumbles something incompressible back and turns to his side, letting me stand up as he hugs a couch pillow.

I stretch my limbs and walk to the kitchen to prepare some coffee before I go to my room and change, Odi hot on my heels.

I put on a pair of sweatpants and hoodie and go to the bathroom to wash my face and pee quickly before going back to the kitchen and take a chocolate bar out of a cabinet. Odi barks when he sees me eat and I shush him, looking briefly at Mr Hottie who is still sound asleep.

"Sorry, you're right." I whisper, opening another cupboard to get one of Odi's biscuits before crouching down, "Here, good morning buddy."

I pat his head and leave a kiss onto it as he eats, before standing up and pouring some coffee in my to-go cup.

"Ready? Time for your walk." I mumble, taking the leash from the hanger and attacking it on the collar he has around his neck. He shakes his head and tries to bite it like every time I put it on him, "Just until we reach the park. You know the drill, Odi."

Once outside, London's cool air makes me shiver, making fold and arm around my body and take the hood of the sweatshirt I'm wearing over my head.

Maybe I should have put on a jacket, it's 6.30 in the freaking morning and it's just the begging of April for fucks sake.

At the park, I let Odi free and seat on the grass as he trots around me, running after pigeons and rolling around. I watch him amused, throwing him a branch that he takes back from time to time as I drink my coffee.

When the clock on my phone hits 7 am I bring Odi back to my flat. Harry is still asleep, sprawled on my couch on his tummy. I don't know what time he needs to be at work, but I guess I can let him sleep another half an hour while I take my morning shower.

"Be a good boy and don't wake him up, will you?" I whisper to Odi as I scratch under his chin before leaving him in the leaving room and I walk into my bedroom to take some clean underwear and clothes to put on for work.

After the shower I blow dry my hair and put on the high-waisted blue pencil skirt I chose with a white shirt tugged into it.

I wore my usual makeup and walk out of the bathroom and back into the kitchen, ready to drink my second cup of coffee of the day.

Odi is on his cushion, playing with the chicken-shaped toy I bought him a while ago and Mr Hottie has now rolled on his side.

I smile crouching beside him, his lips are pouted and his expression relaxed. He looks even more beautiful when he sleeps.

"Hey, time to wake up," I say softly, running my fingertips over his cheek.

Now, if at his place was Ronnie or Jace at his place, I would have probably jumped on them and shouted on the top of my lugs to wake them up - it's a ritual, we woke each other up that way, we are a bunch of crazy bitches - but I don't think Mr Hottie would like my technique.

Maybe I can wake him up with a blowie.

Snap out of it Al, you horny ass. He doesn't budge, just creases his brows and parts his lips, letting out a sigh.

"Come on sleepy head. Rise and shine," I try again, moving my fingertips to his hair this time.

He stirs, reaching out with his hands to rub his eyes before opening them and looking at me almost lost.

"Good morning," I smile, letting my hands fall on the couch.

His eyes are a clear green this morning, so bright they take my breath away for a second.

"What time is it?" he groggily asks. The deepness of his voice sending chills down my body.

"7.30... I don't know what time you need to be at work but I need to leave in thirty." I inform him, keeping my voice low.

He nods, rubbing his eyes another time and jawns, "I didn't mean to fall asleep here..."

I stand up and peer down on him as he sits, "We were both tired, don't worry. I left a spare toothbrush for you near the sink in the bathroom."

"Oh, thank you."

I nod in reply, shifting on my feet, "I don't have much to eat but I made coffee if you want. Or I can make you some tea if you prefer it." I say in thought.

I need to go grab some groceries after work.

"Cofee'll be fine. No sugar or milk, please," he utters, running a hand through his curls.

While he uses the bathroom I pour the coffee left in two mugs and take another chocolate bar out of the cupboard for him, it's the only thing I can offer him for breakfast.

As I wait, I sit on the counter and scroll through my phone.

I have two texts from Ronnie reminding me of our lunch together and one from Chris, he wants to meet up for a drink after work. I quickly reply to them both - telling him the hour I'll be out of work and to meet up at The Culpeper since is near for the both of us and we both know it - and lock the phone, yelping when the cup I have in hand is taken from me and my legs are jerked open, making the skirt I'm wearing lift up my thighs, as Mr Hottie steps between them.

Oh well, good morning to me.

He puts on hand on my waist, pulling me closer to him as he drinks from my mug.

"Morning Pretty eyes," He smiles lazily one he gives me back my mug.

"You know, I made a nice cup of coffee for you too. It's there." I smile, pointing to the mug standing near the stove.

He smiles, biting his lips he lets his hand move up and down my bare legs, "I prefer yours," he states matter of factly, "Did I already tell you how much like skirts on you? They do things to me."

Please tell me this will go where I think it will, please, whatever higher force is listening, let it be it.

Honestly, when I woke him up earlier, I thought we would make a bit of conversation, drank our coffees and parted ways. I wasn't expecting him to act this way. But then again, he is Mr Hottie for a reason.

"What kind of things?" I ask back, feeling bold as I bring my hands on his shoulders. He didn't put his sweater back on yet, and the shirt he was wearing underneath it is partly open, revelling part of his tattooed chest.

He grins, gripping my knees and bends them against his hips as he pulls me even closer, my ass hitting the edge of the counter.

"The kind of things that will have you screaming my name. Would you like that, babe?" Dear Lord, I'm already out of breath and he didn't even touch me. "Think I can pick up from where we left off yesterday?"

I let my eyes go on Odi, sprawled on his cushion with his eyes closed, sound asleep, and then on the clock hanging on the wall.


"I have to leave for work in ten," I grunt, rolling my head back in frustration as I grip his shoulders.

He chuckles, bringing his lips near my ear, "I just need five."

Yeah, sure. You're good but you can't be that good.

Before I can even think about protesting his lips are latched on my neck as his hand reaches under my skirt and his fingers slid under the fabric of my panties, immediately parting my fold and massing my clit.

It's raw, passionate, his movements are made with the mere purpose of giving me pleasure in the shortest time possible.

"Oh fuck," I mewl, tighten my legs around his waist when his mouth reaches my earlobe and he sucks in it in his mouth, swirling his tongue around it while he teases my entrance with his fingertips.

"So wet for me, you're such a dirty girl, aren't you?" he growls huskily in my ear, thrusting his fingers inside me and immediately curling them the reach the spongy spot inside me that has my legs trembling and mouth fall slack open.

His thumb goes on my clit, circling it and his mouth reaches mine, closing it in a salacious kiss that muffles my whimpers and moans.

My walls throb around his fingers as I dig my nails into the skin of his shoulders, making him hiss in the kiss.

"You like me fucking you with my fingers, don't you?" He says again, moving his open lips along my jawline as he thrusts his fingers faster in and out of me. "Be a good girl and use your voice." He adds, slowing his movements when I just give him a sharp nod, biting my lip to keep me from being to loud.

I circle my hips against his fingers, looking for my release and pinch my eyes close in frustration, "Yes... Fuck-yes." I cry out, feeling the heat at in the pit of my stomach increase.

"Tell me what you want, baby" He orders, slowly circling my clit with his thumb, "Want to me to make you cum?"

Remember when I said I wasn't used to dirty talk and it made me laugh? Scratch that. If I could, I would record him as he voices his thoughts. The deep, raspy, almost hoarse tone he uses while talking is enough to make my pussy throb.

Maybe it's the combination of cock and voice that do the voodoo shit.

"Yes. Yes, please make me cum," I whisper breathlessly, circling my hips again.

He growls and smashes his mouth on mine bringing the hand that was on my thigh around my throat, just below my jawline and presses his fingers on it lightly, just enough to make me feel the pressure, and deepens the kiss, lapping his tongue around mine as he increases the motion of his fingers inside me.

In a matter of seconds, my vision goes blank as I feel my walls clench around his fingers like a glove and my stomach jolt as the pressure on my lower abdomen is released.

Mr Hottie moves his mouth away from mine, letting me catch my breath as his fingers slowly coax me through my high as I let out quite whimpers, feeling my body get dumb and relaxed.

Orgasm from breakfast. A great way to start a day. Can I keep him locked here?

I'm so absorbed by the orgasm that just hit me that I don't even notice Mr Hottie taking his fingers out of me, when I open my eyes again he has a smug smile playing on his lips as he sucks them clean, a mischievous gleam ban his eyes as he watches me.

I clear my throat and let my legs fall on place as I run a hand through my hair and look down, between us.

"I don't think I have time to help you with that," I mumble, pointing at the hard budge in his trousers.

He follows my stare and chuckles, "Don't worry about it." He says, taking my chin in between his fingers to make me look up at him, "What did I tell you? Five minutes." he adds, matter-of-factly, indicating the clock on my wall.

"Yeah yeah... Bravo." I utter, earning a chuckle from him. I'm honestly surprised I didn't cum the second he touched me, it's been a while since I last had an orgasm after all. "Can you move? I need to use the bathroom and I really should get going."

He flicks his eyes between mine and leans in, leaving a kiss on the tip of my nose, an action I wasn't expecting from him after the way he just spoke and touched me.

It was rough, and I liked it.

"It was okay, yeah? I wasn't too much?" he makes sure, fixing his eyes in mine.

It's like dealing with Doctor Jekyll and Mr Hyde. One second he is pressing his fingers on my throat and talking dirty to me, the second after he is giving me puppy eyes and making sure I'm okay.

"It was more than okay," I breath out, pressing my lips on his for a brief moment, "Now move, I need to pee," I add, patting my hand in his side.

He finally steps aside and helps off of the counter, slapping my ass hard as I walk away and making me yelp in surprise.

"Don't start what you can't finish," He grins when I give him hard look.

Once I did my business and put a jacket and heels on, we are ready to leave my flat, I pat Odi head and leave a kiss on his head while Mr Hottie crouches near him and takes his paw, shaking it.

"See you soon, big guy," he says, scratching his head and making my heart melt.

Walking in front of Jace flat's door I leave his copy of my keys on his doormat like I told him I would do.

"So... I'll see you soon ?" I ask Mr Styles once we are out of the building.

He pulls me closer by my waist and tilts his head to the side, "What are you doing after work?"

"I'm going out for drinks" I inform him, without gon into details, "And then I guess I'll have to go grab some groceries."

He nods, lacing his arms around my waist, "Tomorrow?"

"Eanger, aren't we?" I chuckle, shifting my weight from a heel to the other.

"I have a dinner to make it up for."

"I can't. I have dance classes 'til late." I frown, biting the inside of my cheek.

He pouts, looking like a kid, "When are you free then?"

"Don' t know, the weekend maybe?" I shrug, taking my arms up to close them around his neck.

"I'll text you then, okay?"

I nod, smiling widely, "I really have to go now."

He tangles his fingers in my hair and pulls my face closer, moulding his lips on mine in a hard kiss that knocks the air out of me and turns my knees into jelly.

"Have a nice day, love," he whispered on my lips, taking a step back.

"Yeah... You too." I breathe out, feeling my cheeks redden as I wave at him before turning around and walking away from him.

Later that day, I'm making my way between bodies as I run out of the subway. My day was shitty, meeting after meeting with mediocre writers, the head of the publicity department and Eric - who's book Still wasn't ready.
The highlight of my day - apart from the mind-blowing orgasm - was probably my lunch with Ronnie.

She noticed my relaxed features as soon as she stepped into my office and was on my case until I told them everything about Mr Hottie. As I was expecting she told me I'm way to sweet, and that I had to stand my ground more. In her opinion even if Mr Hottie showed up at my door with beer and pizza and was really sweet, he still was two hours late.

She said that if I give in every time he does something wrong this easily, he'll think he has me wrapped around his finger. And we don't want this.

We want him to go a little bit crazy and know who's in charge. That's why from now on I will follow the three dates rules, and not have sex with him until that time comes.

It's all Ronnie idea - if I had my way I'd jump on his bones as soon as I see him next - but if I have to be honest, I know she's right. I don't want him to think I'm the kind of girl he can mess around as he pleases.

It all sound right and simple said in words... But I already know it will be a hard task... Mr Hottie is... Well, the nickname says it all, but I will make it, I know I will.

I hope.

"Sorry, I'm late." I trail off, bending down to leave a kiss on his cheek before throwing my bag on the chair nearby as I plop down on another and hive Chris a big smile, "Don't look at me like that." I add when I notice him roll his eyes as he tapes his finger on the glass he is holding.

"30 minutes late. Couldn't you send me a text at least?" he grunts, making me chuckle as I shake my head. He absolutely spites when people are late.

"You know me, I can't text and walk." I assert, snapping his glass out of his hand and taking a sip as he watches me astonished.

"That was mine." He states, folding his arms over his chest.

"We'll order another round, chill. Do you want onion rings? Or jalapeños? I'm starving." I babble, sending a smile to Bob when he notices me.

"Both, and we should take fries too." He says, finally relaxing.

"What about a bit of everything? Like, jalapeños, fries, onion rings and nuggets? Like a mix of them. Bob always makes it for me." I suggest, knowing he will agree with me. When it comes to food, we are very similar.

"Yeah, why not." He utters, resting his back on the chair and giving me a look, "How are you?"

"Tired, but good. How are you? How's work?" I ask back, signalling to Bob we are ready to order with my finger.

"I'm good, work has been stressing lately but nothing I can't handle."

I order a beer while Chris orders another whisky added to the plate of mixed fried appetizers, Bob stays at the table with us for a bit and when he walks away, Chris puts his elbows on the wooden table, resting his tilted head on his open hands.

"Odi? How is he? Are you following his diet?"

I frown, squinting my eyes at him, "Of course I'm following him, he is good" grounded for the next week though, no afternoon biscuits for him, "When do you want to keep him?"

"This weekend? Next one I'm going back home," He informs me, thanking the waiter when he brings our drink.

"Again? My mum told me you were there like... Two weeks ago?" I pry, bringing the glass to my mouth and taking a long sip.

"Yeah, my dad asked me to help him with some works on his boat, SO I'll try to go back twice a month now. When was last time you get back?"

"Two months ago? Three maybe?" I shrug, really not remembering when it was. Don't get me wrong, I love my mum and dad deeply, but they are a lot to take, especially my mum.

"Allegra..." he trails out, with a scolding tone.

"I was planning on taking a few days off of work next month and go there, I swear." I bring my hand on my heart and make a cross over it, "I'm just really busy lately."

"We can drive there together if you want, there's no need for you to take the train." He offers, smiling tenderly.

"It would be great, thank you. " I smile back, thankful I won't have to catch a train.

Our food arrives a few minutes later, making my stomach growl in anticipation.

"You look... Relaxed." He states, popping an onion ring in his mouth.

Must be the morning orgasm after weeks of nothing.

"You think? I feel the same." I lie, taking a drink from my glass.

"Yeah... You're glowing," he comments at the same time my phone dings signalling a new text.

I press my thumb on the screen and unlock it, reading just the message preview.

Mr Hottie: What about Friday night?

I grin, locking the phone again and Chris clears his throat, making me look up at him as he squints his eyes and tilts his head to the side.

"You met someone, didn't you?" He utters, flickering his eyes between mine like he is trying to read me.

And he is so good at this.

"What?" I blink, looking at the big plate in front of us.

"You meet someone. Your eyes are shining." He states again, matter-of-factly.

I gulp, biting the inside of my cheek as I move a strand of hair behind my shoulder. I don't know how I feel talking about this with Chris.

"I-... Kind of." I admit, keeping my eyes down.

"Okay." He breaths out, making me look up at him.

"Okay?" I ask, almost surprised.

He nods, taking a frie and playing with it before popping it in his mouth, "As long as you're happy and he treats you right, I'm happy for you. Maybe remind him I'm a cop and I know how to use a gun." he jokes.

I chuckle and shake my head at his protectiveness, " I mean... We are just," having sex, "starting to know each other, it's nothing serious."

"What's his name?" he asks, frowning as I see the wheels run inside his head.

"I won't tell you. You'll go all detective on him" I affirm with a smile.

He grins back, taking his glass and bringing it to his lips, "Promise I won't, only if you'll ask me to."

"Really?" I ask, tilting my head to the side to give him a better look.

He takes a gulp and puts the glass back on the table, then bring his hand over his heart and smiles, "Cross on my heart."

"Harry. Harry Styles."


What he says in the gif. It's not all fun and roses as it seems.

What do you think of the chapter? I always find kind of difficult to write them and I really hope you are enjoying this story!

Thank you so much for all your love, it means a lot to me!

As always, leave a comment and a vote if you want!

All the love,

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