Play With Fire ~Zuko X Reader~

By SomefanChick

212K 5.6K 1.9K

Lady (Y/N) was exiled along with her best friend, prince Zuko. She has conflicted feelings about hunting the... More

Author's Note + Outfit You Start With
-1- Finding the Avatar
-2- The Agni Kai and the Warriors of Kyoshi Island
-3- The Winter Solstice
-4- Pirates and Storm Stories
-5- The Blue and (F/C) Spirits
-6- The 'Death' of a Prince
-7- The Siege of the Northern Water Tribe
-8- Azula's Lies
-9- Traveling Refugees
-10- Lost and Found
-11- Lessons to Learn
-12- Way to Ba Sing Se
-13- First Week and I'm Already Fighting
-14- The Tale of Zuko
-15- Appa
-16- The Lie I Told
-17- New Allies
-18- The Headband
-19- Sokka's Master
-19.5- Assassin and Friendships
-20- Nightmares and Daydreams
-21- The Day of the Black Sun Pt1
-22- The Day of the Black Sun Pt2
-23- The Western Air Temple
-24- The Firebending Masters
-25- What She Wants
-26- The Boiling Rock Pt1
-26- The Boiling Rock Pt2
-27- The Southern Raiders
-28- Memories We Have
-29- The Ember Island Players Act 1
-30- The Ember Island Players Act 2
-30.5- The Ember Island Players Final Act
-31- Hesitation
-33- Agni Kai: The Rematch
-34- Happily Ever After
Author's Note About Epilogue
-Epilogue- The End

-32- The White Lotus

4.1K 121 68
By SomefanChick

I had changed back into my outfit from before the play. I walked out of the house to find everyone else.

Sokka was sitting on Appa, "Okay, that's everything."

Toph stood up, "No, it's not. Where's Aang?"

I rubbed my arm, "I didn't see him in the house, but I wasn't really looking for him."

I followed the others back to the house.

"Aang? Aang!"

"Come on, lazy bones, let's go."

We split up to look for him. I found Aang's staff, then brought it to meet back up with the others.

I held out the stick, "He left the glider."

Sokka grabbed it from me, "That's so strange."

Zuko walked out of the house, Toph at his side, "Aang's not in the house. Let's check the beach."

"Look, there's his footprints," Sokka pointed out the footprints, we followed them to the ocean, "The trail ends here."

Suki placed her hand on her hip, "So, he went for a midnight swim and never came back?"

Katara looked out over the water, "Maybe he was captured."

Sokka examined the foot prints, "I don't think so. There's no sign of a struggle."

Toph sighed, "I bet he ran away again."

"Uh-uh. He left behind his glider and Appa."

"Then what do you think happened to him, oh sleuthy one?"

Sokka stiffened up, "It's pretty obvious. Aang mysteriously disappears before an important battle? He's definitely on a Spirit World journey."

Zuko pointed out the flaw in his logic, "But if he was, wouldn't his body still be here?"

"Oh, yeah. Forgot about that."

"Then he's got to be somewhere on Ember Island. Let's split up and look for him."

As soon as the words left Katara's mouth, Toph latched herself on me and Zuko, "I'm going with Zuko and (Y/N)!"

We all looked at her, "What!? Everyone else went on a life-changing field trip with the lovebirds. Now it's my turn."

I blushed, "Toph we aren't-"

She moved her head to 'look' me dead in the eye, "Don't lie to me Sparky."

We walked along the beach as Toph was telling us her life story.

"And then when I was nine, I ran away again."


"I know I shouldn't complain. My parents gave me everything I ever asked for, but they never gave me the one thing I really wanted, their love. You know what I mean?"

Zuko stopped and turned to her, "Look, I know you had a really rough childhood, but we should really focus on finding Aang."

He then kept walking.

Toph lowered her head and sighed, "This is the worst field trip ever."

I went back over to her and placed my hand on her shoulder, "You and me can have a therapy session after we defeat the firelord okay?"

She smiled slightly, then we followed after Zuko.

Appa landed at the bottom of the stairs with Sokka in the saddle, the rest of us sat on the stairs, "Judging by the looks on your faces, I'm guessing you guys didn't find Aang, either."

Zuko looked up "No. It's like he just... disappeared."

Toph sat up, "Hey, wait a minute. Has anyone noticed that Momo is missing, too?"

"Oh no! I knew it was only a matter of time! Appa ate Momo!" Sokka jumped off Appa and opened the bison's mouth, "Momo, I'm coming for you, buddy!"

I glared at my friend, "Dude, Appa didn't eat Momo. Aang probably took him with him."

Sokka climbed into the bison's mouth, "That's just what Appa wants you to think."

Zuko sighed and placed his arm over my shoulder, "Get out of the bison's mouth, Sokka. We have a real problem here. Aang is nowhere to be found and the comet is only two days away."

Katara spoke as everyone looked at us, and by us I mean mostly Zuko, "What should we do Zuko?"

He stood, "I don't know," Everyone's gaze averted to just him, "Why are you all looking at me?"

"Well, you are kind of the expert on tracking Aang."

"Yeah, if anyone's got experience hunting the Avatar... it's you."

I burst into laughter, "They're not wrong buddy."

"And the reason you've brought us to a seedy Earth Kingdom tavern is what now?"

Zuko pointed to a really hot girl fighting in the bar, "June."

Sokka's face lit up in recollection, "Oh yeah, that weird bounty hunter with the giant mole."

Suki looked at her, "Mole? Her skin is flawless."

"No, she has this giant mole creature she rides around on."

"The shirshu. It's the only animal that can track Aang's scent anywhere in the world. It's the one shot we have of finding him."

I looked at Zuko, "Is this what you and Iroh did when I was healing from the entire... arrow in the leg thing?"

Katara's eyes widened, "Arrow in the leg!?"

I shrugged, "It happened when we saved Aang from Zhao's fortress. Could have been worse."

June threw a thug into a table, caught her drink, and took a long sip, "I don't know who this June lady is, but I like her."

Sokka began fussing at Zuko, "Hey, I remember her! She helped you attack us!"

"Yup," Zuko walked towards her, "Back in the good old days."

I really hope that was rhetorical.

June met our gaze, "Oh great. It's Prince Pouty. Where's your creepy grandpa?"

"He's my uncle. And he's not here."

June questured to Zuko and Katara, "I see you worked things out with your girlfriend."

"I'm throwing her off a cliff," I stepped forward, but Suki held me back.

The two protested in unison.

I looked back at Suki, who was still holding me back, "I'm ether throwing her, or throwing hands. You pick."

June jokingly raised her hands in surrender, "Okay, okay. Sheesh. I was only teasing. So what do you want?"

Zuko crossed his arms, "I need your help finding the Avatar."

"Hm. Doesn't sound too fun," She took a sip of her drink.

Zuko leaned closer, placing his fist on the table, "Does the end of the world sound like more fun?"

"Nyla," June threw the creature some meat, "Who's my little, hmm, Snuffly-Wuffly? Whoa! Careful there," She turned back to us, "Okay. So who's got something with the Avatar's scent on it?"

I grabbed the staff from the bison's saddle, "Here's Aang's staff."

Nyla sniffed the staff, then walked in a circle, looking for the scent. Finally the creature covered it's nose and lied down.

Zuko pointed to the Shirshu, "Well, what does that mean?"

June was petting Nyla, "Means your friend's gone."

Toph glared, "We know he's gone. That's why we're trying to find him."

"No, I mean he's gone gone," June looked at us, "He doesn't exist."

Sokka looked at the bounty hunter, "What do you mean Aang doesn't exist? Do you mean he's... you know, dead?"

June climbed on her pet, "Nope. We could find him if he were dead. Wow, it's a real head-scratcher. See ya."

Toph sighed, "Helpful. Real helpful."

Zuko turned to June, "Wait. I have another idea. There's only one other person in this world who can help us face the Fire Lord. I'll be right back with a smell sample."

Zuko fished out Iroh's sandel.

I stared at him with large eyes, "You kept Iroh's sandel? Isn't that from the day before the winter solstice?"

Toph smiled, "I think it's kind of sweet."

Nyla sniffed the sandel and found the scent, June smirked, "Let's do this."

They took off.

"Hey! Wait up!"

We stopped outside of Ba Sing Se, Zuko looked at June, "We're going to Ba Sing Se?"

"Your uncle's somewhere beyond the wall. Nyla's getting twitchy so he can't be too far. Good luck," She rode off.

Zuko turned to us, "It's been a long day. Let's camp and start our search again at dawn."

I woke up surrounded by a wall of fire. I sat up, pulling myself from Zuko's arms. I looked to see a bunch of old men, I recognized one as Sokka's old sword master. For some reason I found my hand on my hip-pouch.

One of the men spoke up, "Well, look who's here!" He started laughing and snorting.

Katara and Sokka were excited, leaving the others confused. I just watched it all go down.

Toph kept her hands on the ground, "What's going on? We're surrounded by old people."

I stood.

So did Katara, "Not just any old people. These are great masters and friends of ours," She bowed to one of the men, "Pakku."

He bowed back, "It is respectful to bow to an old master," He held his hands out to get a hug, "but how about a hug for your new grandfather?"

Katara was overjoyed, "That's so exciting!" She hugged him, "You and Gran-Gran must be so happy to have found each other again!"

"I made her a new betrothal necklace and everything."

Sokka ran up and hugged him to, "Welcome to the family, Gramp-Gramp!"

He pussed Sokka away, "You can still just call me Pakku."

"How about Grand-Pakku?"


Katara gestured to another one of the men, "And this was Aang's first firebending teacher."

He bowed, "Jeong Jeong."

Sokka bowed to his old master, "Master Piandao."

He bowed back, "Hello, Sokka."

Suki joined the conversation, "So wait. How do you all know each other?"

The man who had laughed before kept smiling, he had this madness in his eye, I loved it, "All old people know each other. Don't you know that?"

Master Piandao spoke up, "We're all part of the same ancient secret society. A group that transcends the divisions of the four nations."

I grabbed the tile out of my bag, "The order White Lotus," I bowed, "I'm honored to see so many members in one place."

The crazed man laughed, "That's the one."

Jeong Jeong kept a calm face, "The White Lotus has always been about philosophy and beauty and truth. But about a month ago, a call went out that we were needed for something important."

Pakku turned to Zuko, "It came from a Grand Lotus: your uncle, Iroh of the Fire Nation."

Toph smiled, "Well, that's who we're looking for."

Master Piandao smiled, I put away the tile, "Then we'll take you to him."

"Wait! Someone's missing from your group," the crazed man looked around the group, "Someone very important. Where's Momo?"

"He's gone," Sokka frowned, "And so is Aang."

"Oh well," He pat Sokka on the chest, "So long as they have each other, I'm sure we have nothing to worry about. Let's go!" He then launched himself away with earthbending.

The others had a pleasant conversion, and the man I had now learned was named Bumi, smiled, "Well, here we are. Welcome to Old People Camp."

Zuko grabbed onto my hand, then turned towards the older men, "Where... where is he?"

Master Piandao pointed to a tent on the other side of camp, "Your uncle's in there, Prince Zuko."

We walked together towards the tent, I looked at Zuko, "Are you doing okay?"

"No. My uncle hates me, I know it," I sat him down, sitting myself beside him, "He loved and supported me in every way he could, and I still turned against him. How can I even face him?"

"I forgave you," I sighed, "I know Iroh pretty well. And I know he'll be happy you made the right choice in the end. He loves you. I know that. He really loves you. I know he'll forgive you Zuko."

He looked at me. His eyes had this fear in them. I wanted more than anything to take that fear away.

I acted before I thought., placing my lips on his cheek. When I pulled back, I stood and pointed to the tent, "Go on. I bet he's been waiting for this reunion. I'll get my time with him later."

I walked away. Zuko went into the tent. I then processed what I just did. Heat rushed to my face as I noticed Sokka giving me a thumbs up.

A half-an-hour passed. Iroh and Zuko came out of the tent. I ran up and gave my old teacher a hug. I found tears in my eyes.

"I missed you Iroh," I pulled back, he had his hands on my shoulders, "I'm so happy to see you."

He smiled, "I'm glad to see you again. I'm happy you and Zuko have both found the light."

I laughed, "Took him long enough."

Iroh let me go and looked me up and down, "You look well."

I sighed and rubbed the back of my neck, "I'm fine. But I can't bend. Unless you count rage fire."

He smiled, "I doubt you'll have trouble with that much longer. Now let's discuss plans with the others."

The three of us sat with the rest of Team Avatar.

Zuko looked at his uncle, "Uncle, you're the only person other than the Avatar who can possibly defeat the Father Lord."

"You mean the Fire Lord."

"That's what I just said!"

Iroh hummed.

I spoke to him, "We need you to come with us."

My teacher turned to me, "No, (Y/N), it won't turn out well."

"You can beat him!" Zuko gestured to the others, "And we'll be there to help."

"Even if I did defeat Ozai, and I don't know that I could, it would be the wrong way to end the war. History would see it as just more senseless violence, a brother killing a brother to grab power. The only way for this war to end peacefully is for the Avatar to defeat the Fire Lord."

Zuko looked his uncle in the eyes, "And then... then you would come and take your rightful place on the throne?"

"No. Someone new must take the throne. An idealist with a pure heart," Iroh looked at his nephew with a smile in his eyes, "and unquestionable honor. It has to be you, Prince Zuko."

"Unquestionable honor? But I've made so many mistakes."

"Yes, you have. You've struggled; you've suffered, but you have always followed your own path. You restored your own honor, and only you can restore the honor of the Fire Nation."

Zuko looked away from us, "I'll try, Uncle."

I placed my hand on his.

Toph looked to Iroh, "Well, what if Aang doesn't come back?"

Iroh locked eyes with her, "Sozin's Comet is arriving, and our destinies are upon us. Aang will face the Fire Lord. When I was a boy, I had a vision that I would one day take Ba Sing Se. Only now do I see that my destiny is to take it back from the Fire Nation, so the Earth Kingdom can be free again."

Suki smiled, "That's why you gathered the members of the White Lotus."

"Yes," Iroh and Zuko met eyes once more, "Zuko, you must return to the Fire Nation, so that when the Fire Lord falls, you can assume the throne and restore peace and order. But Azula will be there, waiting for you."

"I can handle Azula."

"Not alone! You'll need help."

"You're right," Zuko met my eyes, "(Y/N), how would you like to help me put Azula in her place?"

I smirked, "I'm ready. But let's bring Katara too. We'll need another bender. And water vs. fire is a relatively good idea," I turned to the waterbender, "Katara?"

She smiled, "It would be my pleasure."

Sokka gestured to him, Suki, and Toph, "What about us? What is our destiny today?"

Iroh looked at him, "What do you think it is?"

Sokka got a determined look on his face, "I think that, even though we don't know where Aang is, we need to do everything we can to stop the airship fleet."

Toph smiled, "And that means when Aang does face the Fire Lord, we'll be right there if he needs us."

Iroh smiled brightly.

I got on Appa with Zuko and Katara.

Zuko turned to his uncle once more, "So if I'm going to be Fire Lord after the war is over, what are you going to do?"

Iroh smiled, "After I reconquer Ba Sing Se, I'm going to reconquer my tea shop, and I'm going to play Pai Sho every day."

He flipped a tile in his hand. I jumped off Appa and gave him another hug, "Thank you teacher."

He smiled as I pulled back, "I know you will do what's right. You always have. Also," He pointed to my bag, "Keep that lotus tile. I feel that after the war is over, we might have to talk about it."

I bowed, "I can't wait to play a game of Pai Sho with you when this is over."

I got back on Appa.

Katara looked at my teacher, "Goodbye, General Iroh."

"Goodbye, everyone. Today, destiny is our friend," He whispered out the last part, "I know it."

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