A sunset's last shimmer.

By _Lxvely_Shimmer_

7.5K 298 598

This book is basically the aftermath/sequel to the Fall Formal. I will update this book whenever. Because I c... More

Prologue 2
Chapter 1
Chapter 2 + A Distorted Nightmare
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
nOt A CHapTer - -;;
Chapter 9a

Chapter 9b

467 14 37
By _Lxvely_Shimmer_

Before you ask any questions, I made this chapter to show how Sunset dealt throughout the week and these scenarios are going to be short(NO THESE ARE WAY TOO LONG NOW THAT IM WRITING THIS, THESE AREN'T SHORT AT ALL😭) until I come back and do some re-writing. Okay, let's start the chapter now ;<;

Thank you for over 2k readers and over 100 votes, I really didn't think this book would get this far. <33


ˢᴼᴹᴱᵂᴴᴱᴿᴱ ᴬᴿᴼᵁᴺᴰ 12ᴬᴹ

'I'm bored. This stupid apartment doesn't have anything that I can do. Only sleep, eat, repeat.'

Sunset was on her bed, her arms were on either sides making it seem like she's T-posing while laying down.

She looked at the empty soda can on her bed side table, then switching her gaze to her phone next to it.

'Should I open it and see how many messages I got? Hmm..'

She sat up, taking the phone and turning the small thing on.

'I forgot, I'm on airplane mode.' she snickered.

Turning airplane mode off, which she should've regretted, the small device started to fill up with notifications.

'Wow, I'm famous.' she laughed.

'Eh, I won't care anyways.' she threw her phone somewhere in her room and continued to stare at her boring ugly ass ceiling.

Incoming call

"Oh my god- WHO THE HELL IS CALLING ME?!" she yelled at her phone which was on the floor now.

It wasn't pretty far, but not really close to her either so she did have to flop out of her bed to get her phone.

She took it and looked at who was calling her.

' "Unknown number", well that's a first.' she accepted the call and put it on speaker to hear what the "unknown caller" had to say to her. Which as expected..

"Hey demon! Where the hell are you? You got scared and left school because we huwt your wittel feewings?"

The voice was girl like. But there were some giggles heard from other boys and girls.

"Jesus christ, you're really annoying. And yes, I did leave school, got a problem with that?"

"Pfft, I knew that you were weak. Weak as a tiny kitten."

"Tiny kittens are cute. Are you calling me cute? Thanks random person whom I won't care about tomorrow."


As it sounded from the other side of the phone, the caller was flustered of Sunset's comeback.

"What? Cat got your tongue?"

"I- j-just go jump off of a roof for a change will ya?"

"Let's do it together then. Will be more meaningful, you know."

"YOU- I-"

"Wow, you have a stuttering problem? Do you need to see a doctor about it? If you go to the doctor, I hope they tell you that you're going to die of a dangerous disease and they'll have to put you down."

"I knew it, you're still the same bitch as always."

"Atleast I stopped. Unlike you who is bullying the former bully now. And to be honest, I won't care two fucks on what you say to me so, hope you live a hell hole of a life as well! Bye!~"

Sunset didn't let the other person speak and ended the call. She sighed, "Will they ever stop with their stupidity? Probably not, knowing them of course."

"Since I have nothing else better to do, I will sleep through the rest of the day."

She put her phone somewhere, forgetting to put it back on airplane mode and crawled onto her bed.

'I should probably go to a store tomorrow since I'm running out of food.'

And that was the last thought before she fell asleep.



The sun was up. The sun hit Sunset's face like a beam.

"Ugh, do I really have to wake up? What time is it anyway?" she took her phone and looked at the time and all the notifications she got.

'I did NOT just forget to put it on airplane mode, did I?'

Sunset saw that the airplane mode was off and immediately facepalmed. 'Why in the name of hell am I so stupid?'

She quickly put it to airplane and checked the time.

"10:27 in the morning, awesome. At least it's not like 6am or something."

Sunset got out of her bed and walked towards her closet. She opened it and took some of her clothes out that she was going to wear.

"I guess these will do." she mumbled to herself.

She quickly changed out of her clothes she was just in and put the fresher ones on.

"Much better. They got uncomfortable anyways."

Sunset brought her clothes to the washroom to wash later or just forget about them. Like usually.

'I should eat something. Though, I'm not in the mood for some cake. And I really don't have anything else.'

"Guess I'll have to go to the store now, before I actually starve myself."

She gathered all of her things, such as apartment keys, some left over money, her phone and ear buds.

She plugged her ear buds on and connected it to her phone, putting on some of her favorite songs.

"Wait a second.." she stopped herself before leaving the apartment.

"Did I forget to wash my teeth? Really amazing of me to forget."

Sunset ran into the bathroom and started to brush her teeth after putting some toothpaste on the toothbrush.

She spat it out into the sink, washed her mouth with water and quickly ran back to her apartment door. She unlocked it from the inside and pushed it lightly open. She got out of her apartment and locked the door.

'Why do I still bother to lock my door? It's not like any burglar wants to invade an almost empty apartment. Besides, no one else lives here besides me and that one homeless dude who probably already died.'

She walked down the stairs since there was no elevator. Well- there was but it was broken so if you tried to use it, you will most likely get stuck. And no one would really come to help either.

She ran out of the big old apartment and made her way to the nearest store.

Surprisingly the store was open. Not much of a surprise since stores do open early.

'How much money did I even bring?'

Sunset looked down to her hand to see herself holding only 10 dollars.

'You have only 10 dollars left, spend it wisely.'

She looked around the snack area and saw some gummy bears. She took those since it's the only edible thing in the whole snack section.

She took some chips too which weren't very expensive, and a drink.

She went near the cashier and let them do their thing.



"That will be 6 dollars and 99 cents." the cashier said, who was a male in fact. He is and was so obviously done with his job, but since it made him get alot of money, he kept working there.

Sunset proceeded to give him the 10 dollar's to him. He exchanged the 10 dollar's to the left over 4 of it.

Sunset took her things, the money she got back and nodded a thank you to him. She left the store to not probably make it anymore awkward as it already was awkward enough.


When she got back into her apartment in no time, she literally wanted to just flop onto the floor and not get up, that's how lazy she was at the moment. But as much as she wanted to, it will hurt her since the floor wasn't very soft.

She put the things onto her kitchen counter and headed back into her room, forgetting to eat anything.

She sat onto her bed, slowly taking the jacket off of her(which was very hot to look at, ik bc i was the bed) and opening up her phone. She took off airplane mode and to her surprise, no new messages were sent.

'I should probably take a look at some and see if they were once original with their insults.'

She opened the messaging app and went from top to bottom of the list.

Some messages were just asking if Sunset was doing okay or if she's feeling better, some were.. Opposite of that.

'Welp, nothing they said was original how amazi- wait, the person who called me messaged me. Wonder what bull shit they might have for today.'

She opened the message and saw a long ass lengthy text message.

Hey bitch, how dare you end the call so quick!? We weren't done with you and you end it like that?! I mean, knowing you, it was really pathetic honestly. Probably because we huwt your wittle feewings. Anyways, we saw you at the store by that homeless apartment you live in. No wonder! A she-demon who was also a queen bee in this school is HOMELESS! So pathetic. Tommorow, at 12 o' clock, were coming to beat your ass! You can't hide no longer, we will come and make you suffer more and more like you did to us! I don't care if you read this or not, but if you do, I hope we filled you with more despair! Seeya tommorow she-devil.

'Eh, like they'd have any balls to do that."

Sunset turned off her phone and sighed.

'I think I'll call it a day since I have nothing else better to do.'



"Ugh, what time is it?"

Sunset sat up and checked the time, seeing it was 5 in the morning.

"Jesus Christmas tree, why so early? I'm so tired."

She layed back down on her big bed, only staring at her cracked ugly ceiling.

'I'm really bored. I can't go to sleep anymore either, so I guess I have to start my day.'

She sat back up, proceeding to get off her bed.

"I need to take some shit with me if they really are going to come by here. Can't risk losing anything important." she monologged.

She quickly changed out of her pajamas to her usual outfit and got ready for the day like always, except this time she needed to run away from whatever was going to happen today.

'Oookaayy.. so I need to take my phone definitely, my apartment keys, some food and other things that would be useful.'

She took a bag to put things in and started taking her phone, apartment keys, left over money, food and things like that into her bag.

"This should be enough." she said, putting knives inside the bag as well, for protection of course, nothing else you dum dum.

She slightly smiled and looked at the time that displayed on a near by clock in her room that still seemed to work.

'8am. I should probably hurry up and think of a spot where I can go to.' she thought for a moment before coming to a not-so-good of a conclusion.

"The only place I can really stay at is an abandoned alleyway. There's no other place, at least I don't think there is."

"I need to hurry up, these few hours go by fast and I need to leave faster." she took some other things with her and quickly left the apartment and started running to a place unknown to her(IN TO THE UNKNOOOOOW- ok ill stop).


After a few minutes of running, she found a place to hide in and stay safe at.

She sighed before running into the alleyway. It wasn't really the greatest place to be at since it was filled with garbage, rotten things and more garbage. Maybe even dead things.

'Am I sure this isn't my home already?' she joked.

She sat down on the cold hard ground and took her phone out of the bag to look at the time.

'It's almost 9am, was I too early? Nah, being early is better than being late.'

She put her phone away and just doze off. Her mind was blank but filled with many thoughts, some positive, some not so positive.

"I should rest for a bit, I'm still tired from waking up so early and running so much." since she didn't have anything for sleeping, she just had to sleep on the ground and wait until after 12pm to go back to her apartment and check what kind of bs they've pulled.

She put her jacket on top of her to use it as a blanket and layed down. She looked out the alleyway one last time before closing her eyes and falling asleep.


The cold hard ground, right against her skin, it made her shiver. Her jacket didn't cover her all that much but that was all she could've done.

Sunset opened her eyes to see that it was still bright outside.

'Ugh.. what time is it now..?'

She sat up, taking her phone and looked at the time.

"It's... Huh? 1pm? So that means.."

Sunset thought to herself. She knew the people had already gone to her apartment a while ago, but she wasnt sure if they were still there. Or even if they went there at all.

"I'll wait til 2pm so its a bit safer to go. But what am I going to do for an hour?" She got lost in thought before coming to a conclusion really quick.

'Guess I'll walk around till then. Got no other choice.'

She got up from the hard cold ground, putting some of her belongings back into her bag and putting her jacket back on.

"Alright, lets go."

She walked out of the dark abandoned alleyway to be greeted with a bright light shining onto her face.

"Wow, its really sunny today." She looked at the sky. The sky was clear, with no clouds in sight.

"Now, where should i go..."


After a long hour of walking around the town, she checked her phone and saw it was 2pm.

'Time to go back to my apartment and check if everything is alright.'

She put her phone away and started to run back to her apartment as fast as possible.

It didn't take her a long time to get there. She was cautious and looked around if anyone was near, hiding somewhere out of sight. But to her surprise, she saw no one.

She opened the door to the building and went inside, running up the stairs to her apartment. Once she made it in front of her door, she was really out of breath, but when she looked back up to look, her expression dropped.

Her apartment door was unlocked.

This already alarmed her that someone had broken in. Now she felt even more uneasy to go inside.

She lacked courage, but still went inside. Seems like her door got lock picked. It wasn't too much of a surprise since this door is kinda easy to unlock.

When she first entered her apartment, nothing seemed out of place. Her living room looked "normal" to her eyes. The couch was the same, with ripped spots all over the place and some dust on it. The window being cracked with old ragged curtains covering it and some old crusty wallpaper already coming off.

'Seems like this room looks the same.' she thought.

Sunset walked into her kitchen, which also looked the same. The table being dirty with some old food still stuck onto it which was already there before she even came here, the fridge looked somewhat new-ish normal although it was dusty in some places, her counters were covered in some very weird substance that even she couldn't make out what it was supposed to be and her sink was just filled with dishes that needed to be washed.

'Seems like this room is normal as well.'

She check some other rooms as well, for example her bathroom. But a room she didn't check was her bedroom.

Right as she put her hand on her bedroom door's doorknob, uneasiness had washed over her.

She hesitated to open it, which she shouldn't because her bedroom should be fine too, right?




Right as she turned the doorknob and opened the door, she couldn't believe her eyes.

The walls had markings all over the place. But they weren't just some markings, they were words. And lets say, they weren't kind.

Her clothes were taken out of her closet and ripped apart. There were random cloths everywhere.

But something else caught her attention. Burn marks.

'Were they.. trying to set my apartment on fire..?'

That thought scared her. If this apartment- or better to say, building, was put on fire, she'd have no where else to go. No where else to live.

'Seems like they failed to even put it on fire.'

Sunset touched some of the burn marks, they felt cold and.. wet?

"Its wet? Did they pour water or... oil?"

She couldn't make out what the substance was supposed to be. Maybe it was water, maybe it was oil, but that didn't matter now since she was glad they failed to set it on fire.

"This isn't even bullying me anymore. If they did set it on fire then this would've become a crime. If I didn't leave my apartment, what would then happen?"

That thought seemed to scare her. What would've happened if she didn't leave. Would she still be alive?

"Whatever.. that doesn't matter anymore since they failed."

She began to clean up her room and cover up some things like those burn marks.

"That was an awful lot to clean up.. im tired." she flopped onto her bed, closed her eyes and took a nap.




"How you doinnggg~?"

'What... who... who are you..?

"You really are an idiot huh.. Well, whatever."

"Well excuuuusseee me."

"ANYWAYS. You seem like you're going through a lot. You know.... turning back evil is still an option."

"Yeah, and getting rid of you is also an option."

"Oh come on now... no need to get all feisty with me."

"I don't care. go away."

She waved the 'evil' figure away and sighed.




"I'm still here you know."



She sat up and quickly looked at her surroundings.

"Oh, it was just a dream. I think. Oh well, I dont care anyways. What time even is it?"

Taking her phone from wherever she left it, she checked the time to only see that an hour as only passed.

"Well, isn't that fun."

She got out of bed, and thought of what else to do during the day to waste time away.








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