HDN - Father and Daughter


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What if the 4 CPU had a father, and this father was you? Follow Y/N, a human, who take care of 4 girl, who ar... More

Chapter 1: Responsability
Chapter 2: Family life
Chapter 3: A father Fury
Chapter 4: One man army
Chapter 5: Meeting the Candidate
Chapter 6: A father wish
Chapter 7: No rest for a father
Chapter 8: Human, but still the strongest
Chapter 10: Neptune is gone?! Still no rest for a father
Chapter 11: Grandfather?
Chapter 12: The family is back Together
Chapter 13: Over
Final Chapter: Forgiveness
Epilogue: Family

Chapter 9:No matter what

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It's been 4 days since i freed the girls from ASIC, and 2 day left before Arfoire show up

I've been talking with Histoire and Mark about the fight and how we should plan it

Histoire: It will be difficult with the level of share we have, we will need help from the mascott

Mark: Finding them in less than 2 days is impossible, we need another plan

Y/N: No, Histoire idea is the best we have, the CPU are still tired from the 3 years, and the candidate can't transform yet. We need the mascott help, and raising the nation share at the same time

Mark: And how do you plan to do that?

Y/N: Histoire, how much time do you think we have to find all the mascott?

Histoire: If we start from now on, then i guess we will need 2 days and 6 hours

Mark: See? It's impossible, we nee-

Y/N: I will buy time

Both: Huh?!

Y/N: I will buy you all the time to find the mascott, so we can finish this once and for all

Mark: Are you insane?! Your going to fight ASIC at their full power!

IF: What's wrong dad?

Mark: Y/N here is planning to fight alone ASIC again!

IF: What?! But you can't take them all!

Y/N: That's why the plan is to buy time

Noire: What's wrong?

Y/N: Noire, dear, call everyone in the main room, we will have to talk about the plan against ASIC

Noire: Okay dad

Histoire: You know they are not going to let you, right?

Y/N: Yup, but it's something i have to do

Mark: For what?

Y/N: It will be their final step, to their bright future


Everyone was around the table, where a map of Gameindustry was shown

Y/N: The plan will be in 3 different part

1st: Small groups will be created to find the mascott to help us against ASIC

2nd: Raising the share to their fullest so you all can be at full power in the next fight

3rd: We fight ASIC, and we all return home, safe

Nepgear: But finding the mascott will take too long, we have only 2 days left

Uni: And we also need to raise our share, in 2 days, it's impossible

Twins: It's impossible!

Y/N: That's where things goes easier for you all

Everyone was curious, as Histoire looked down, and Mark clenched his fist

Blanc: How?

Y/N: I will hold back ASIC for 6 hours, so you all can be ready

Candidate: What?!

CPU: No!

Everyone turned to the CPU, and they were angry

Neptune: Your not fighting anymore!

Noire: You already saved us!

Blanc: You need to take some rest!

Vert: We're not kids like back then!

Y/N: Girls

They looked at me, and calmed down when they see my sad smile

Y/N: It's the least i can do for Gameindustry's sake, right?

They were silent, but still didn't wanted to let me do it

Y/N: If you truly want me not to fight, then hurry and find those mascott!

They came back to their sense, and they had a determined look

CPU: All right! Let's do this!

Y/N: Before you go

They turned to me

Y/N: Help your sister, they will be great help if they can transform

They smiled and all looked at their sister

Except Vert, and she seems sad about it

I sigh and looked at Mark

Mark: I know what you're thinking and i'm not doing it

Y/N: Come on, it's just a one time thing

Mark: I said no!

Y/N: But your saying doesn't count. IF!

IF: Yes?

Y/N: Can you go, you and compa, with Vert?

Vert looked at me surprised

IF: Why?

Y/N: So it will be faster to found the mascott and raise the share of Leanbox

I winked at her, and she understood what i meant

IF: Oh! Right, then it will be my pleasure

Vert smiled at me, and she walked to IF

Vert: Let's do our best, IF!

IF: Yes!

I smiled at this, as Mark punched me in the face

Mark: I told you i don't want it!

Y/N: You want to fight?!

I jumped at him, and we started to fight

Everyone laugh at us, as i came out victorious

Y/N: You will never beat me, kid

Mark: You're just 4 years older than me....

Y/N: That's still count


The 2 days have passed, and i was in front the Graveyard, ready to fight

I was calling Histoire to ask her about the stats

Y/N: How is the nation stats doing?

Histoire: They have all increased and are now at 80%, if things goes nicely, the CPU will be here to help you in 4 hours

Y/N: So, 4 hours to hold huh?

I hang up, and walked to the center

Every monster i encountered let me pass, as they were hesitant to fight me

I finally arrived, as i could the 4 fellons alive, with a giant monster behind them

Magic: Well, look who showed up

Judge & Trick: You!


Arfoire: Is that him?

Magic: Yes, master Arfoire

Y/N: Yo! It's been a while since i haven't see you Arfoire!

Magic: How do you know the goddess?!

Arfoire: It's truly have been long, you damn brat

Y/N: Seems like you've become more.... hideous since last time

Arfoire: Talk all you want, i will kill you with my own hands!

Y/N: How about i take care of the 4, and then we start the date?

Judge: Don't think it will happen like last time!

He charged at me, like last time, i killed him in a instant

Trick was the second one, as i sent my sword at his head

Brave charged at me, but this time he was more cautious, as i punched him, and he blocked

Y/N: Seems like your the real deal of the 4 after all

Brave: It's an honour to fight a legend like you!

Y/N: We clashed sword, as i was much faster and slashed him, killing him instantly

Y/N: You truly were a real fighter, a shame you were an ennemy

I ducked down, dodging a slash from Magic, as i kicked her in the head, sending her at the feet of Arfoire

Y/N: Have you got weaker since last time?

Magic: Why you-!

She was silenced as she was trampled by monster Arfoire

Arfoire: Now, let's do the real fight, shall we?

Y/N: Damn, your one cruel girl, but i can agree with you

I walked in front of her, and get into my guard stance

Y/N: Let's finish this!

I rushed at her, ash she tried to hit me with her giant arm

I dodged each of them, and slice one, leaving her with only 3 arms

Arfoire: I will kill you!

She managed to hit me, sending me into a mountain, as she started to laugh

Arfoire: See?! You can't beat me!

Y/N: Why does every bad guy think they won after they hit once?

I rushed back at her and unleashed my sword

Y/N: Ultimate move......

I was standing behind her, as she wasn't moving

Y/N: Kami o kitta chichi!(Translation: the father who slashed the god)

She was cut in half, as i let a sigh

Y/N: She wasn't that big deal after all

I was about to walk avay, before a light came behind me

I turned around, and dodged a slash from a woman like bunny

Arfoire: I shouldn't have understimated you, after all

Y/N: So, is that you're true form?

Arfoire: Yes, now you shall die a painful death, like everyone in Gameindustry

Y/N: You know i won't go down easily, right?

Arfoire: And that's when i take all the fun


It's been 7 hours since i started to fight Arfoire in her new form

I was tired, while she was just fine

Arfoire: Until people will have negative thoughts about the CPU, i will be here!

Y/N: Yeah, thank you for the information, i didn't remark it after the 3rd time i slashed your f*cking head!

Arfoire: Hmph! You shall die now, i grow tired of you

She rushed at me, as i couldn't dodge

Y/N: Heh, i'm going to ask you something

Arfoire: What is it?!

Y/N: Who said i will fight alone?

As i said that, 2 beam hit Arfoire at full power, as she was sent back away

Arfoire: Argh!

Y/N: Took you all long enough!

Noire: We're sorry dad, it's Neptune fault if we are this late

Neptune: My fault?! I didn't do anything!

Blanc: Before we started to come and help you, Neptune had the great idea of taking a nap

Neptune: But i was tired after all the quest i did!

Vert: You didn't do any quest

Neptune: Neppu?!

Y/N: Okay girls, you can all argue later, now we need to take care of Arfoire

CPU: Right!

4 People walked in my direction, as i smiled

Y/N: So you 4 have finally transformed?

Nepgear: Yes! Now we are strong enough to protect Gameindustry!

Uni: You did good, now let us do the rest

Ram: We will beat her for what she did to Blanc dad!

Rom: Yes, she will pay!

Y/N: Damn, they look like you4 when you where kids

CPU: Hey!

I laugh a little, before i looked to Arfoire, and she seems angry

Arfoire: How dare you be in the way when i was about to kill him?!

Neptune: We will not let you harm him!

Noire: And you will never hurt anyone else!

Blanc: It's our turn to save Gameindustry!

Vert: And it's not someone like you...

4 CPU: Who will break our father dream!

My eyes widen, as i remember that time


Histoire: What is your dream?

Y/N(kid): My dream is where every people of Gameindustry will be happy, and have no fear, like we are now!

Histoire: But it's going to be difficult, people may start to hate you

Y/N(kid): I don't care! A hero doesn't save people to be liked!

A hero is someone who save people, no matter who they are!

*Flashback end*

I smiled as i stand up, and walked to my daughter

Y/N: So what are you going to do Arfoire? You're alone, against 8 CPU at full power, and me

Arfoire: It doesn't matter! I will kill you all and destroy Gameindustry!

She charged her energy, as clone of the 4 fellons came, and stood in the way

Arfoire: Now, it's fair again!

I grabbed my sword, and looked at Neptune

Y/N: Neptune

Neptune: Yes dad?

Y/N: I give you my sword

Neptune: Huh? But how are you going to fight?

Y/N: With martial art, isn't it oubvious?

I walked to Arfoire, as the clone didn't move

Y/N: Obvious, they are juste here to slow the CPU down, huh?

Arfoire: You're right, and soon everyone will die!

She charged at me, as i dodged

Y/N: You're wide open!

I kicked her in the gut, stunning her, as i followed with a punch to her ear

Y/N: In this fight, everything is fair!

She recovered as she tried to hit me with her spear

I kicked it, sending it in a mountain

Y/N: Now, it's just our fist

She charged thunder in her hand

Y/N: And it's not fair again

She rushed at me and tried to punch me, as i dodge every hit

When i tought i could counter, my body jolted in pain, because of when she sent me in that mountain, when she was in her monster form

She punched me in the gut, thunder filling it, as i was sent into a wall

Candidate: Y/N!

CPU: Dad!

Arfoire: Now, it's my win, accept your limit, you're just a human

I started to move, as i stood up

Arfoire: Why are you standing up?! Accept your limit!

Y/N: Limit? What's that?

I smiled as i was fully up

Y/N: My duaghter teached me that even for me, it was still possible to break their limit!

I started to charge a blast in both of my hand as Arfoire panicked

Arfoire: As if i let you!

She sent thunder to me, as i screamed in pain

Arfoire: Just fall down already!

Y/N: Everyone!

The CPU looked at me

Y/N: Move well! Learn well! Play well! Eat well! Rest well!

Enjoy your lives, merrily and to the fullest!

Arfoire: Why won't you fall?!

Y/N: I will be forever in your heart!

This is the greatest, most powereful, Kamehameha!

I fired it at Arfoire, as she screamed in pain

Arfoire: No! I can't fall like that! Not at the hand of a pitful human!

She vanished into nothingness, as the clone vanished too

Change POV to Narrator

The CPU cheered to the victory, before they turned to Y/N

To their shock, the said man started to fall on the ground, face first


They rushed to him, made him turn around

They coud see his eyes and they were lifeless

The CPU started to cry, before Neptune placed her hand on the heart of Y/N

She sent her share energy into his heart, working as shock to make his heart beat again

The other CPU understood her action, and tried too

But it was useless, it wasn't working

The candidate joined as they all charged to one final shock

After the shock, the CPU started to look down

CPU: Dad...

Y/N: *cough* *cough*

CPU: Huh?!

Y/N started to open his eyes

Y/N: Did i overslept again?

The CPU hugged him, and started to cry


The candidate smiled, as Y/N tapped on the CPU's back

Y/N: Come, the fight is over, stand up and give me a shoulder

The CPU smiled, and helped him stand up

This was the final step for them to grow up and have a bright future

It happened

The father dream have finally came true


This chapter is the longest i did for this book with 2.4k word

I hoped you enjoyed it, because now we will attack Ultradimension!

Next chapter: Neptune is gone?! Still no rest for a father

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