Female Crush X Male Reader

By Luigitails789

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Just a bunch of stories and oneshots about you being with your crush. Don't expect this book to updated on a... More



9.6K 76 119
By Luigitails789

(Y/N) - Your Name
(C/N) - Crush's Name
(C/HC) - Crush's Hair Color
(FF/R) - Fastfood Restaurant


Male Reader X Rejected!Crush

(Your POV)

(C/N): H-Hey Jonathan!

Jonathan: Hey (C/N), how's it going?

(C/N): I'm d-doing okay!

I sighed to myself as I was witnessing my long time crush stuttering over this boy that she likes. It makes me slightly upset that she likes someone else, but I have to support her no matter what. She's one of my best friends, and I did promise her on her life decisions.

So if it means being the best man at her wedding, then I have to accept.

(C/N): S-So... Umm... You wanna go to t-that cafe we usually go to?

Jonathan: Sure, I'm free today, so why not?

(C/N) and I used to hang out together for the longest time. Playing video games, eating out at (FF/R), or basically just being together in general. I eventually fell in love for her.

I don't know what it was that made me fall in love with her though. Maybe it's her cute looks, her tomboyish attitude, or possibly her charming vibe she always give around me. Whatever it was, it made me fall for the (C/HC) girl.

The reason for not telling her? Well, honestly I was scared that it may ruin the relationship we already have, and I definitely didn't want that to happen. Mainly because, well, she was the only female friend I ever had. I decided to keep my mouth shut about my feelings towards her until I was mentally prepared about telling her.

However, a few months ago, Jonathan came in as a transfer student from a different school. I was kind of surprised that we were getting a transfer student halfway through the school year, but that's besides the point. He looks like one of those typical jocks, but he doesn't act like one. Sure he's confident of himself and his abilities, but when it comes to talking to people, he was REALLY shy.

(C/N) was the first to introduce herself to Jonathan, and they pretty much got along pretty well. I smiled, because this is pretty much (C/N) when she meets a new friend. I knew she was overly excited that she's going to make a new friend, and I'm cool with that.

As a few weeks goes by though, I noticed something different about (C/N). She was spending less time with me and she was more busy with something else. Or should I say, someBODY else.

I eventually confronted her about this, and she was fidgeting in place. I actually remember how it actually went.


(C/N): So, what did you want to talk to me about?

(Y/N): It's about... You.

(C/N): Me? Well, what about me?

(Y/N): I've noticed that you were more busy than usual. What's up?

(C/N): (blushes deeply) O-Oh, umm... You see the thing is...

She was completely embarrassed, trying to look away from my very confused expression.

(C/N): I-I'm just busy doing lots of homework! That's all.

(Y/N): (C/N), you're a terrible liar, you know that?

(C/N): E-Eh?!

(Y/N): When it comes to homework, you ALWAYS procrastinate.

(C/N): I-I do not!

(Y/N): You do so (C/N). Even still though, even if you had homework you actually needed to complete, you will be at my doorstep with the homework in your hands in a heartbeat.

(C/N): I-I...

I basically just cornered her there. Sighing to herself, she gave up and confessed.

(C/N): Promise me you won't tell anyone?

(Y/N): Your secret is safe with me.

I should've kept an open mind first, because the next sentence she said literally blew me away in shock. Blushing darker, she finally spoke.

(C/N): I-I have a crush on Jonathan.

My eyes basically looked like dinner plates as they widen in shock. That, and my heart was basically tearing away from my chest.

The person I ever cared so much for is falling in love with someone else.

(Y/N): Wait... S-Seriously?!

(C/N): Yeah... Honestly it started out at a small crush, but I just ignored it. However, as I hanged out with him more and more, I founded myself falling in love with him.

My vision around me was all blurry, as if anything else didn't matter right now. The only thing I was hearing was (C/N)'s voice and my heartbeat. My heart was slightly slowing down, as if I was slowly dying.

(C/N): ...but yeah that's why I wasn't spending that much time with you (Y/N). I'm sorry for not telling you anything sooner.

I snapped out of my daze when (C/N) gives me a small smile. Blinking a few times, I gave her a slightly convincing fake smile and give her a thumbs up.

(Y/N): Don't worry, I understand now.


Eventually, (C/N)'s focus was mainly on Jonathan. It REALLY stabbed my heart, but what can I do? My best friend has fallen in love with another boy. It makes me want to hate Jonathan, but I couldn't.

He was a nice guy, very chill. We both have similar tastes when it comes to anime and manga. He was also sweet and kind to (C/N), so I guess that's why she fell for him.

It was also partially my fault too.

I was the only who was a coward and not telling her about my feeling sooner. If I would've confessed to her sooner, then none if this would've happened.

Back to present day, (C/N) told me earlier this morning that she was going to confess to Jonathan at the cafe they always go to, and it made me even more depressed. I didn't show it though, I just showed a fake smile and gave her unconditional support.

The end of the day arrives, and the thought of my best friend and crush leaving me was unbearable. It's like my heart is going to burst and explode in my chest.

Seeing (C/N) wave goodbye to me was one of the most heartbreaking things I've experienced in a while. That smile she has on her face could've been the last time I would've seen her for a long time.

Sighing sadly to myrself, I just readjusted my glasses and walked to the entrance of the school.

(scene break)

(Crush's POV)

Oh my god... I'm so damn nervous right now. I'm literally about to confess to Jonathan! I barely ate anything since I was that nervous! We just finished eating our lunch and Jonathan was paying for it.

Jonathan: Thanks for asking me for this lunch. I was starving at school.

(C/N): N-No problem...

After we left the cafe, I led Jonathan to the park. (Y/N) said that the park was a good place to confess to him. Man, I got to thank him for helping me.

Jonathan: Let's sit down for now, to enjoy the view.

(C/N): Yeah.

We sat in silence, but Jonathan doesn't seem to mind it. After a few minutes of mentally preparing myself, I finally spoke.

(C/N): Hey Jonathan...

Jonathan: Yeah (C/N)?

(C/N): There's something I've been wanting to tell you.

Jonathan: What is it?

(C/N): I... I-I love you... And I want to be your girlfriend!

Jonathan was shocked to hear me say that. Afterwards though, his smile stayed the same.

Jonathan: I'm sorry (C/N), but I'm gay.

(C/N): Wait... W-What?

Jonathan: Yeah... I never wanted to tell anyone, I just as if I'm not ready to come out of the closet of everyone. I'm sorry, but I can't accept your feelings.

It was really hard to keep my smiling composure. I was barely able to give him a small smile.

(C/N): I-It's okay, really.

Jonathan: I hope you aren't bothered that I'm gay...

(C/N): N-No! Not at all! I was just shocked, is all.

Jonathan: I'm glad. I hope we can still be best friends though.

(C/N): O-Of course...

Jonathan: Thanks (C/N), you're the best. Anyways I better get going. My older brother is probably gonna be wondering where I'm am. I'll see you soon okay?

(C/N): Bye...

Jonathan gives me one final smile before getting up and running off towards the exit of the park. After he was out of my line of sight, I could feel tears running down my cheeks. My smile finally gave up on me and turned into a giant frown. I got up and started running the opposite direction from where Jonathan was running.

(scene break)

(Author's POV)

You were in the living room, eating some popcorn while watching some cheesy, but happy romantic movie. It was mainly because you were trying to block all the thoughts about (C/N) and Jonathan out of your head. However, it wasn't working the way it was planning.

(Y/N): As long as she's happy... I should be happy... Right?

Your little self-motivation talk wasn't helping either. You just couldn't get the fact that you and (C/N) will just stay as friends.


You jumped at the sudden knocking at your front door. Your parents weren't home and won't be back for a couple of hours, so who could it be?

Removing the blanket that was wrapped around your body, you walked to the front door and opened it. However, you weren't ready to see a VERY upset (C/N) who was crying in front of you.

(Y/N): (C/N)...

(C/N): Wahhhhhhh!!!

She wrapped her arms around you, giving you a giant sorrowful hug. Red covered your cheeks as you were both surprised and confused at the same time. However, piecing it all together, the conclusion became clear as day.

(Y/N): What happened to Jonathan?

(C/N): He (sniff) rejected me...

You returned (C/N)'s hug, feeling your shoulder getting slightly wet.

(Y/N): Come inside, I'll make us something to eat.

(C/N): Okay...

You sat (C/N) down at the couch and wrapped your blanket around her. You then warmed up some hot chocolate since it was kind of cold outside.

(Y/N): Here's some hot chocolate. You can also have the rest of the popcorn if you want. (gives TV remote to her) Also go ahead and watch whatever is on.

(C/N): Thank you (Y/N)... I can really forget how kind you are to me.

(Y/N): Anytime (C/N), I mean what are friends for right?

(C/N): Y-Yeah...

(Y/N): Now sit tight, I'm gonna cook us some dinner.

You then disappeared into the kitchen, preparing to cook you two something to eat. However, as (C/N) takes small sips of the hot chocolate, she started thinking about you.

The way you were so kind to her, how much you both spent together, hell even the fact you stayed by her for all these years. Her heart started to ache as she realized what was happening.

(C/N): (Y/N)...

About ten or so minutes later, you came out with two small plates of macaroni and cheese. (C/N) giggled, since she remembered you used to love mac and cheese when you were younger.

(Y/N): Sorry if it isn't something you would eat. You kinda came at a short notice...

(C/N): It's okay. I can't believe you still like mac and cheese though. I thought you would've stopped since you ate so much when you were younger.

(Y/N): Nah, mac and cheese will always be my favorite food.

(C/N): (giggles)

(Y/N): Let's eat.

You both then ate in silence, but completely enjoying the mac you made. A blush appeared on (C/N)'s face as she takes a glance at you eating.

(C/N): Hey... (Y/N)?

(Y/N): Hmm?

(C/N): I never deserved that guy. He was amazing and all, but then again, I had a feeling he wasn't the right for me.

(Y/N): Don't worry (C/N). I'm sure there's someone out there who is willing to care for you. You just gotta find him.

She noticed that you had a slightly sad expression. Through that cute smile of yours, she saw sorrow. She blushes deeper as she continued.

(C/N): That's the thing... I already found him.

(Y/N): Wait what? Who is i-

Red flared onto your cheeks when (C/N) leaned in to place her lips onto yours. You both melted into the kiss as it got heated pretty quickly. After about a minute or so, (C/N) pulled back, having the same expression as yours.

(C/N): I was dumb to think that Jonathan would take care of me. I was looking for the love of my life when he was here, right in front of me the entire time.

Words couldn't form in your mouth, you were shocked, surprised, and speechless. Your crush basically just confessed that she liked you!

(C/N): I know I was just rejected by Jonathan, but now I know who I really wanted to spend the rest of my days with. Will you be my boyfriend (Y/N)?

(Y/N): Yes, I really want to! I loved you ever since we were in middle school!

You answered almost immediately, and your the redness of your cheeks just darkened with embarrassment. (C/N) didn't care though, her smiled only widened and tears were prickling out of her eyes. She gave you a warm embrace with her crying of joy.

(C/N): I'm sorry for being so blind... I love you (Y/N).

(Y/N): Don't worry about it... And I love you too (C/N).

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