Nobody Compares

By BreannaLynn1497

596 20 6

When Lydia Steel goes to Vegas for the weekend with her older sister, all she expects is a weekend of gamblin... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4

Chapter 3

90 5 1
By BreannaLynn1497

I changed the title.

               "I guess that explains the room." Niall mutters as he sits on the ground next to me.

For a moment, we had both sat and stared at the slightly crinkled piece of paper, waiting for it to disappear or for someone to jump out and say that its all a joke. Niall had ended up sighing, throwing himself down next to me.

I look up and notice that the room decor was made up of different shades of pinks and reds. The pillows that were scattered around the room were heart shaped and an empty bottle of champagne laid on the dresser. We were in the honeymoon suite.

I chuckle, shaking my head as I run my fingers through my hair.

               "What are we gonna do?" I re-ask a question that I knew netiher of us knew how to answer.

               "Do you mind if we go find Liam and Zayn? I wanna see what they think we should do." He says, standing up. He brushes his pants off before offering a hand to me. I shove everything back in my purse before taking his hand and slowly standing up.

I slip on my heels, turning to Niall as he opens the door and steps out of the dark room and into the bright hall. 

               "This is the hotel that my sister, her friends and I are staying." I tell him as I look around the hall, feeling alittle bit safer now that I know where I am.

               "The boys and I are staying here to." He says. "This floor to." He points to the room numbers, which all have alittle gold 6 placed in front of them. 

               "I was on the 4th floor." I tell him as we continue to make our way down the hall.

My head was still pounding and the lights were making it worse but I couldn't worry about that, all I could worry about was getting out of this marriage.

               "I don't have a room key." Niall says as we stop in front of a door with the number 604 on it.

               "Knock."I tell him, rolling my eyes.

               "But that's embarrassing, this is my room, how did I loose the key." He says, patting all of his pockets.

I roll my eyes again , lifting my right hand and knocking on the door. Niall shoots me a dirty look, shoving both of his hands in his pockets and pouting like a little kid.

No noise came from inside but a moment later, the door swung open and a very ruffled looking and half naked boy stood there.

               "Hi Niall." The boy said, rubbing at his eyes. 

               "Zayn." Niall nods at him, grabbing my wrist and pulling me into the room. The door swings shut behind us. 

The hotel suite is slightly larger than the one me and my sisters are staying in. The living room is much bigger with a full bar. There are more bedrooms, even though the boys only need three.

               "Niall!" A boy with a shaved head comes running out of one of the rooms, I knew enough about One Direction to know that this is Liam Payne. "I was worried about you." He says to Niall, who is still holding on to my wrist.

               "Im fine, just alittle hung over." Niall says, giving Liam a smile. 

               "Who is she." Liam asks, looking around Niall and at me. I had been hiding behind Niall, not wanting to be seen.

               "My wife." Niall mutters, his face turning a deep red.

For a moment, it's silent. Niall lets go of my wrists and I look down at my shoes, not sure if I should be saying something. Liam's face is slowly turning red as he looks like he is processing what he's just been told. Niall's red face was out of embarrassment and it's becoming very clear that Liam's is out of anger.

               "Your wife!" He shouts, he glares at the two of us. "You got married! Zayn, did you let Niall get married." He keeps shouting, his face getting redder.

Zayn comes running out of his room, a hand on his head. "I was wasted last night and can not be held responsible for any decisions that I made." He says, closing his eyes. "How would it be my fault?"

               "You need a witness to get married. I figured that's where you came in." Liam says, moving over to the bar where a black bag sat, he dug in it for a moment before pulling out a bottle of Tylenol. He tosses it to Zayn, moving back towards Niall and I.

               "Do you have something that proves your married?" Liam asks, his arm crossed over his chest.

Niall elbows me and I nod, digging into my purse and pulling out the marriage certificate. My hand is shaking as I hold it out to Liam. He rips it out of my hand, opening it up.

               "Be nice." Niall tells him. "It takes two to get married and I'm sure she didnt force me into it." Niall says, sitting down on the couch and patting the space next to him for me. I take a seat next to him, keeping my mouth shut.

               "She didn't, you had to talk her into it." A girl with long wavy black hair walks out of the room that Zayn had come out of. She was wearing a green dress with a pair of white heels in her hand.

               "Please tell me you didn't get married to." Liam whines to Zayn. 

               "We are so not married." The girl says, slipping on her heels and sitting down next to me, I scootch closer to Niall, who chuckles.

               "Didn't even have sex." Zayn says, shaking his head.

               "I was Lydia's maid of honor." She says smiling at me. I give her a small smile back, not sure on how to react.

               "What's your name?" Liam asks, sitting on the love seat across from us.

               "Ashlyn." She smiles.

               "Alright, Ashlyn could you please tell us what happened last night." Liam says tipping his head back.

               "I met Zayn at Cesar's Palace, Niall was with us and we walked around for awhile before ending up back at this hotel. We went out on to the casino floor and Niall ditched us. Zayn and I snuck a couple of drinks from the bar before Zayn got a call from Niall. We met up with Niall, who had Lydia with him outside of the hotel. We were walking down the boulevard while Niall tried to convince Lydia to marry him. It was hilarious because she kept saying she wouldn't marry a silly boy band member." She stops as she bursts out laughing, Zayn laughs to. " Niall got fed up and laid down in the middle of the road. He said he wouldn't get up until she agreed to marry him. Lydia freaked out and said yes." Ashlyn is still smiling.

               "Then we went to a little wedding chapel and a guy dressed as Elvis married you to." Zayn laughs.

               "Do you remember anything." Ashlyn asks. I shake my head, while Niall mumbles a no. "That's a shame, it was alot of fun."

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