Steamed Broccoli (IzukuXReade...

By squishychanz

79.5K 1.8K 4.3K

Since the beginning, since Elementary school you' both have become great friends. He's so sweet and innocent... More

Chapter 2: Dinner With The Midoriyas
Chapter 3: Underaged Drinking
Chapter 4: An Overly Supportive Mom
Chapter 5: Birth Control
Chapter 6: Cat Cafe
Chapter 7: A Walk Home
Chapter 8: Home From The Park
Chapter 9: Time Skip To Monday
Chapter 10: Lunch Break

Chapter 1: Snoozing & Bruising

17.5K 316 1.1K
By squishychanz

Once again, you have fallen asleep in class. In the most unattractive way too. Why are you like this? Why can't you just sleep normally? I mean seriously it's not that hard, dude just lay your head down!

Sitting up straight at your desk, head bobbed back, drool coming from both sides of your mouth. Snoring  loud, you sound like an old man! Y/N wake up! Aizawa looks like he is about to lose his patience with you. You might want to wake up. A large hand grips your hair pulling it back hard. You let out a loud  moan. Your eyes widen as everybody awkwardly shifts their eyes away from you.

You glare back at Bakugo who's face is flushed red. "Why you gotta make noises like that dumbass." He whispers. "S-shut up! It's your fault!" You grumble, turning around to see Aizawa visually annoyed as he continues to write the lesson on the chalk board. "Y/N, Bakugo. You're both staying after for clean up duty, and extra lessons. Since you both seem to enjoy disrupting class."

"..Sorry Mr.Aizawa" you lay chin on your desk and continue to write notes off the lesson on the board. Bakugo rests his shoes at the top of your chair gently tapping the back of your neck with the tip of his shoe. You shudder and scoot your desk forward quietly to get away from him.

Bakugo slips his foot under the open spot on the chair and pulls you back to him. You glare back at him. "Could you stop, I can't concentrate. You Pomeranian looking fucker." He smirks. "Picking a fight? You sure you want to do that, you masochistic bitch."  He digs his toe of his shoe into your back. You shift uncomfortably in your chair trying to move away from him.

The bell rings for class to end, you grumble and get up when everyone is excused, Bakugo leaves and Aizawa heads out to the faculty office. A familiar fluffy green haired fellow appears next to you. You look up. "My sweet Broccoli boy!" You wrapped your arms around him holding him tight. "Bakugo keeps on harassing me!"

He rubs your back. "You know you could always request to get your seat changed Y/N." You look at him astonished. "I can do that?! That would be nice. I think Bakugo might of bruised my back earlier.." You pout, resting your chin on his shoulder.

"Do you want me to check for you..?" You nod. "Yes, please." He moves behind you then squating behind you. You blush as he starts to untuck your shirt so he can lift it up to check. He pulls up your shirt grabbing them from the sides, accidentally pulling your underwear up as well, leaving you with a wedgie. "I-Izuku.." you whine covering your face.

"Yes Y/N?" He slides the back of your shirt up inspecting your back. "Y-you..—" he touches a spot on your back. You tense up, covering your mouth before a unwanted sound escapes. "Ah, you do have a bruise Y/N.." he softly slides his thumb over it. You stomp your foot as you bite your hand.

"You okay?" He peeks over at you, quickly getting up, then moving your hand out of your mouth. "Why you biting yourself." He softly rubs where you bit your hand. "You're going to make yourself bleed."

You shift around. He looks at you. "Are you okay?" He gently puts his hands on your shoulder. Your faces red. "N-not exactly.." he stares at you "Why do you say that?" You stay quiet. "I-I'd rather not tell you." You grumble as you keep shifting around. "I can help you just tell me what's wrong."

"N-no it's embarrassing." You whine. "Y/N, Don't be stubborn what's wrong." You whine covering your face. "Y-you pulled up more then my s-shirt..— and n-now I have a wedgie...." He blushes "I-I'm so sorry!" Without thinking he reaches behind under your skirt trying to fix it. "I-Izuku!" You shrieked trying to jump back but you slip and he falls on top of you, your underwear in his hand, knee in between your thighs. 

Bakugo walks in zipping up his pants and staring down at the both of you. His eyes drift off to your underwear in Midoriya's hand. He pulls him off throwing Midoriya against a desk. "What the hell do you think you're doing you damn nerd!" His hand spark.

Your hair begins to grow in length, quickly grasping Bakugo's wrist with it. "It was an accident! And why would you care what we are doing. He was checking if I had bruise because of you!" He looks at you. "Did you..? He pulls your hair off his wrist and walks up to you squatting down in front of you to you. "Yes I did you asshole" you glare up at him.

He grabs your ankles and spins you to where your on your stomach. "H-hey!" You put your hands behind you to keep your skirt down on the fact it almost lifted. "What do you think your—" Bakugo lifts the back your shirt and gently runs his hand on the large bruise on your back. You tense up. "D-don't touch it." You whimper.

"I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to do that to you.." you look back to see his face is sincere. You sigh. "It's whatever but.. this is embarrassing I just want to sit correctly.." you hold down the bottom of your skirt and sit up, turning around quickly getting up to check on Midoriya.

"I-Izuku.. are you okay?" You reach your hand out to him. He grabs your hand and gets up. "I'm fine, I'm sorry.." he blushes handing you back your underwear. You blush, grabbing your underwear "And It's really okay, Izuku. I know you didn't mean too and thank you.."

Could you both maybe.. you signal them to turn around. Bakugo rolls his eyes and turns, Izuku turns around as well. You pull them up one leg then slowly move to get them in the other leg hole.

Aizawa walks in. "I got your extra class work..—" you stare at him uncomfortably paused pulling your underwear up. He looks at you then Bakugo and Midoriya, and back again.

"Really, one this is a classroom—" You quickly pull them up, waving your hands in front of you panicked. "I-it's nothing like that!— I don't even know how to explain the situation.." you whined.

"Either way, that is not allowed on school grounds, do that somewhere else." He heads to his desk. "...Y/N, Bakugo. You two sit down. Midoriya, unless you want to join them. I'd suggest you leave." Midoriya quickly walks out signaling that he'll wait for you in front of the gate. You nod then sit down at your desk, Bakugo sits in his seat behind you.

"First—" Aizawa rambles on, having you both write notes on all of a hero's duties. A timer goes off after an hour of notes, answering questions and reading aloud. You sigh and wait to be excused so you can put your stuff away. "Alright, you two just clean up the classroom and you can head home. Be safe and weary of your surroundings." He organizes his desk neatly dusting it off. "Don't forget to study, we have a big test coming next week, see you Monday."

You sigh, pack up your stuff into your bag then laying it on your desk. "I'll clean off the chalk board." You get up heading to the board, tip toeing to get the writing m at the top. You sigh and pull a chair, standing on it wiping down the board.

Bakugo sweeps the classroom occasionally peeking over at you. You turn around. "I can feel your eyes burning through me, what do you want?" He smirks. "I'm wondering why you wear such daring underwear to school." You blush, throwing the eraser at him. "Pervert! You're almost as bad as Grapehead!" You cross your arms grumpily.

"You say that but you hang out with him all the time!" He yells back at you. "That's because I get along with him!" He rolls his eyes at you. "And I'm sure his short ass self enjoys the view under your skirt." You stomp off in front of him tripping over your hair.

(Quirk: Hair Manipulation. Can grow hair to any length and can control it to grab onto things, it's strong enough.But once grown it must be cut, it doesn't retract.

It doesn't hurt to cut the hair. Also the hair doesn't grow from others pulling on it, only Y/N can control and manipulate her hair. Once cut she cannot grow it for about a few hours. A hobby of hers is that she enjoys donating her extra hair to people in need.)

"Dumbass. Well I'm done cleaning up my part. Bye Rapunzel." He throws his bag over his shoulder and leaves. You grumpily finish your chores then head out of the classroom, to head to the faculty room to let Aizawa know you have finished cleaning. He excuses you, you sigh and walk out to see Izuku sitting up resting on the bench by the gate.

You sigh smiling, you softly tap his shoulder. "Hey Izuku." He yawns as he holds his back pack. "Oh! You're done." You laugh. "You shouldn't be falling asleep in public places dummy." You softly hit his shoulder. "You're right I'm sorry" he rubs the back of his head.

"Sooo, you ready to start walking?" He nods, getting up. "My moms been wanting you and your mother to come over for dinner. Do you think you both would like to..?" You nod. "That would be nice, I love your mom's cooking Izuku. I'll talk to my mom about it. When?" He rubs the back of his head. "My mom was hoping tonight?"

"Oooh let me call her real quick then." You pull out your phone, dial her number. "Hey mom, Izuku's mom wanted to know if we wanted to have dinner with them tonight." You laugh. "Yes mom that means you don't have to make dinner." You pull your phone away from your ear. "Mom yeah relax, just go get ready. I'm on my way home with Izuku right now. I'll explain when I get home why I'm so late okay. See you later, Bye.— yeah love you too." You hang up.

You sigh. "My mom has more energy then me.." you laugh. "But yeah mom says she'd love too, and she says Hi." He smiles and texts his mother real quick. "I let her know your both coming."

You stretch. "Bakugo is tiring to deal with.." He looks over at you. "Sorry Y/N, I wish I sat closer to you." You softly punch his shoulder. "Izuku, you apologize too much." You chuckle poking at his sides to tickle him. He laughs, trying to grab your hands to get you to stop.

You laugh but trip over your hair once again. "Y/N stop real quick." You stop. He gently runs his hands up your hair and pulls a hair tie, putting your hair into a high ponytail. "Oh! Thank you Izuku!" You smile and play with your long ponytail. "Why do you have hair ties though?" He rubs the back of his head. "Well I know you tend to need them so I bought some.. and I keep them on me for you."

"Wow! You're so sweet Izuku!" You hug him, clinging onto him still walking beside him. "So what's your mom making tonight?" He shrugs. "I don't know." You see your house ahead you let go and wave. "I'm going to go get ready! See you later!" He waves and heads to his house.

(Which is only 3 houses down across the street.)

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