Billionaire's Redemption

By AmateurRomanceWriter

1.6M 53.2K 1.7K

Harry Elizabeth Adams fell in love with her billionaire boss at first sight. For 2 years she hoped and prayed... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 10

74.4K 2.2K 61
By AmateurRomanceWriter


The whole gala seems like a blur. All I could think about now is that look in Alex's eyes. Could he really be in love with me? But how? I still can't believe that there is a chance, that Alex might love me too.

"Hey, you're quiet, are you okay?" Alex asked me, interrupting my thoughts.

"I'm okay, just tired," I lied.

"Well then, when we get home, you should head straight to bed, so that you'll regain your strength and energy for our exploration tomorrow," he said.

What does he mean? "What do you mean? Don't we have more meetings to go to?"

"Well I finished everything early, so I figured we could use the time we have left to tour Paris. I'd love to be your tour guide and show you around," he said, smiling sheepishly.

I feel like I'm about to burst with joy, he's just so sweet. I jump on him, hugging him tight. Then I quickly release him before he could hug me back, and I kiss him on his lips. Then I realized, what I had done and I pulled back and smiled at him sheepishly. "Sorry, I just got too excited."

He chuckles, "Hey, if you're going to jump me and kiss me like that, then I have no complaints." He pulled me closer and tucked me beside him, while hugging me. "I'm glad you're happy," he said. I smile and I savour the feeling of being in his arms. Whether he loves me or not, I know for a fact that hey cares deeply for me, and that's all that matters...for now.

I wake up to the sound of Alex's voice waking me up, while using my hair to tickle my face. "Wake up, sweetheart," he said. I groan and he chuckles, "Come on sleepyhead, time to wake up. He nuzzles my face with his nose.

I start to giggle and I push him away. "Okay, okay, I'm awake," I said while laughing. Alex helps me out of the bed.

"Good morning sweetheart," he said, giving me a chaste kiss on the lips.

I smile at him. "Good morning."

"Now off you go. We have an exciting day ahead of us, the sooner we leave, the more things we could do," he said to me. While pushing me to the direction of the bathroom.

Instead of our usual breakfast, Alex took me to his favourite Cafe called, 'Des Gateaux et du Pain.' They are known for having the best tasting croissants, and between Alex and I, I think we could live with eating croissants every single day. After we had breakfast, he took me to a famous gallery known as, The Louvre, where the painting of Mona Lisa can be seen. Then he took me to the Arc de Triomphe, the largest triumphal arch in the world, commissioned by Napoleon. Lastly, Alex took me to the Notre Dame cathedral. It's where I most wanted to go. It's where my parents met. When we reached the top of the towers, I feel so much joy. I turn to Alex and I see him admiring the beauty of the city.

"Thank you," I said to him. He turned his head to look at me and he smiles. "My pleasure. I saved the best for last," he said to me.

I look at the man standing before me, in awe. He doesn't know how special and sweet he is. A man who doesn't do relationships and doesn't believe in them, sure knows how to romance a girl.

"How did you know, I wanted to go here?" I asked him.

He smiles sheepishly, "I may have looked at your notes," he says guiltily.

I bring my hand up to caress his face," thank you, you have no idea how happy you made me," I smile to him tearfully. I turn back to look at the view. "This is where my parents first met. My dad said, he saw my mom crying, so she went up to her and offered her his handkerchief. He said that, instead of being grateful, my mom looked at him, clearly annoyed at him for sticking his nose in her business. My dad said that he fell in love with her in that moment." I turn to look at Alex. He keeps quiet, waiting for me to continue. "I told my dad, that it was silly of him to think he has fallen in love that quickly. I told him it was impossible to fall in love with someone that fast. He shook his head, and he looked at me and said, 'I took one look at her, and I knew. I can't explain the feeling, but when you meet the one you're meant to love forever, you'll know.'"

"That's it? You'll just know? How?" Alex asked me.

"I asked myself the same question everyday, until it happened to me." I don't know what drove me to say that, but I did.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"I mean, I finally understand, what my dad was trying to say. He was right. When you meet the one you're meant to love forever, you just know."

"You mean, you've been in love...I mean you're in love? Wait you mean you have a boyfriend and you let me kiss you, and you've been sleeping beside me and all this time..." He said, his voice getting upset.

"Woah, wait stop for a second. I'm really offended by you insinuating that I would be with you in any way if I were in a relationship. I am not that kind of woman." I said angrily.

"I'm sorry." He said with remorse in his voice. "I'm just confused. I mean, why aren't you with him? Can you explain it to me?"

"The first time I saw him, I had this feeling inside me, and I just knew. I can't explain it. Don't even ask me to. I...I just...I don't know I just knew I was going to love him forever. But he doesn't love me back." I said to him. He doesn't even know that he's the one I'm talking about.

"See, this is what I don't get, why subject yourself to pain and disappointment? I mean I get it, some couples do find love, but I still believe that there are higher percentage of unsuccessful relationships, than successful ones."

"That's why people, who do have a successful relationship are blessed. They have the greatest gift," I said to him sadly. You'll see Alex, one day you'll see, I say to myself.

The next couple days went by so quickly. Alex kept his promise and was the best tour guide I could ever ask for. Today is our last day in Paris. We're leaving tonight at 6pm. I can't help but feel sad that this will be over soon. I'm also confused as to what's going to happen once were back in New York. Honestly, I'm not sure what Alex wants.

I feel Alex's arms come around me from behind. "Looks like you're deep in thought beautiful." He said, while nuzzling my neck.

I giggle, "I'm just trying to savour our last hours in Paris."

"Hmm...we still have a few hours, what do you want to do?"

"I...I actually just want to buy a couple of souvenirs, if you don't mind," I said to him.

He smiled and said, " Not at all, I know just the place."

After we got ready, Alex took me to a few shops, and I was able to get a couple of magnets and a snow globe with the Eiffel Tower inside it. Alex insisted on paying for the things I got but I refused. He was clearly unhappy about it, but he didn't argue with me. As we were walking, we walked past by an antique shop, and I saw a locket displayed on the window. I stopped to admire it, it looks so beautiful.

"Let's go inside," Alex said from behind me.

I nod enthusiastically. Alex asked the lady if we could see the locket.

The lady came back with the locket, she said it was one of a kind and that was over 100 years old.

I can't believe the locket is that old. It still looks beautiful.

"Here, why don't you try it on," Alex said to me. Alex put the necklace around me, and it felt so right. I feel like it was meant to be mine.

I asked the lady how much it was, "Combien ça coûte?"

"600 euros" she said.

I almost fainted. My god, it's so expensive.

"Nous les prendons," we'll take it! Alex said.

"What? No, I can't afford it Alex,"

"Don't worry. It's my gift to you," he said to me.

"No, Alex you don't have to give me anything. Please, let's just go. Besides I don't need it and I definitely won't have any reason or occasion to wear it to." I said, while taking off the necklace to give it back to the lady.

"Let your man, buy it for you sweetie," the lady said to me. She chuckled, "My husband is American, we met, while I was buying antiques in New York." She said to us.

I smiled at her politely and thanked her, "thank you very much, but we won't be buying it."

"Harry!" Alex exclaimed.

"Let's just go," I said, as I turn to leave the shop.

"Hey, what's the matter?" I hear Alex ask from behind me.


"Ok, have you got everything you need?" He asked me. I'm glad he didn't push the issue.

I smiled at him and said, "yup, we should head back, and get our things ready."

He nodded and grabbed my hand as we head back to his apartment.


I don't know why Harry won't just let me buy the necklace for her, I mean it wasn't a big deal. I could afford it. She has refused my offer to pay for the things she bought. I know if I should be annoyed at her stubbornness, or admire her. She is definitely different. Most girls would demand that I buy them things, but Harry? She won't even let me pay for a 2 dollar magnet. I laugh to myself.

What Harry doesn't know is that, I bought the locket. Right when she walked out of the store, I quickly paid the lady for the locket. It looked so perfect on her and I knew she absolutely loved the locket. It was meant for her. No matter how hard she tried to make excuses about how she doesn't have a reason or an occasion to wear it to, I knew that she wanted the necklace badly. I also that it was hard for her to walk out of the shop without it. I smile to myself. I can't wait to give it to her.

"Are you ready?" I asked her. I know she was sad to go, but we have to get back for my meetings with important clients.

She smiled at me and nodded. "Alex?"

"I just want to say thank you again for everything. I understand that, now that we're going back, we need to go back to the way things were. I mean..." I put my finger to her lips. Now that I know, that there is no danger of her falling in love with me, since she's in love with someone else, there is no reason for me not to pursue her.

"Ry, I want you. You know that. Let's just enjoy what we have. I mean, I'm still not into relationships and commitments and all, but so far I like how things are going for us. Let's just enjoy this," I said to her.

I don't know if it was my imagination, but I saw a flash of hurt in her eyes, when I said it, but just as quickly, it was gone. She simply smiled and nodded.

I couldn't have hurt her could I? I mean she said it herself, she's in love with some guy. Who the hell is that guy anyways? I don't know why, but I feel this ache in my gut every time I think about Harry being in love with some other guy. I ignore the aching feeling and I focus on one thing....Harry. But why do I feel like I want to beat the shit out of the guy she's in love with? Damn it, get your head together Harrington, I scold myself.


I try to contain my pain and sadness with what Alex said to me. It's during these times that I question myself whether I should just give up hope of Alex ever loving me.

I try to act as though everything is okay. But deep inside, all I want to do is cry.

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