Reincarnation of The Stronges...

By springdallas

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Starting over once more, he has entered this "living game" again in order to control his own fate. This time... More



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By springdallas

Chapter 1221 - Hidden Strength

"Scorpion, take the party with you and find an opportunity to strike. Don't attack unless you're absolutely confident of succeeding." Hundred Leaves nodded.

After entering the secret land, aside from the starting point, there would not be many places where their various fleets would encounter each other. Only those that chose to go down the same legacy path would get to meet again at the rest point, where players could escape the harassment of monsters, located in the middle of each legacy path. Aside from these two locations, there would be no other opportunity to strike at Shi Feng.

Therefore, the time before the various fleets decided on the path they would take would be the perfect time to strike.

Although attacking Shi Feng would also mean severing all friendly relations with Passing Monarch, she was willing to take this loss to complete the Demon God's quest.

"The party? Is there really a need for that? He is just one person. I alone am enough to kill him," the black-clad Assassin said contemptuously as he sent a glance at Shi Feng.

He was a peak expert the Sacred Temple had dispatched to protect Hundred Leaves in secret.

He was also a peak Assassin known to practically everyone in the outside world, as he was ranked 69th on the God's Domain Experts List. In the entire God's Domain, the number of peak experts capable of stopping his assassination could be counted on the fingers of both hands.

Killing an unknown brat would be a piece of cake for him. There was no need to mobilize the entire security party at all.

In order to ensure Hundred Leaves's safety, the six members of the security party usually took turns protecting her. Moreover, even the weakest of them was at the Half-step Flowing Water Realm, while most of them were at the Flowing Water Realm.

Having all six of them take on a random kid was akin to humiliation to them.

At this time, the other five members of the security party also nodded in agreement with Scorpion's words. Just having their party leader take action could already be considered an overestimation of Shi Feng's abilities. After all, not a single person in the entire Sea's End could stop their leader's assassination tactics.

"There's no harm in being careful. This quest is very important to me. If I succeed, I might be able to improve further," Hundred Leaves said in an extremely stern tone.

Immediately, Scorpion and the others shuddered as massive pressure washed over their bodies.

Meanwhile, only Scorpion and the security party members felt this pressure, as it was not the result of a difference in strength but a difference in status.

"I understand," Scorpion said hurriedly, realizing the gravity of the matter.

The other members of the security party also nodded promptly, not daring to speak another word.

Following which, Scorpion and the others activated Stealth and approached Shi Feng from different directions, clearly intending to form an encirclement, which would give Shi Feng no opportunity to escape alive.

Just as Scorpion and the others were gradually closing the distance to their target, Shi Feng released the Swift Dragon Speedboat.

The instant the Swift Dragon Speedboat appeared, a storm stirred up the previously peaceful waters, a massive vortex forming in the water. The entire cavern shook as if it would collapse at any moment.

"What's going on?!" Everyone automatically went on alert.

Danger plagued the entire secret land. It was not uncommon for a single mistake to result in death. Now that such a huge commotion occurred in the cavern, how could everyone not feel frightened?

"Look at the distant grotto!" a Ranger with good eyesight suddenly shouted.

Immediately, everyone turned to look at the grotto in the distance.

At this moment, the strong gusts of wind blew away the fog filling the grotto. Although the situation inside the grotto was not entirely clear, everyone could still see what had happened.

The cavern, which originally had twelve grottos leading out of it, had another one added to it, taking everyone unawares. Meanwhile, the entrance of this grotto was extremely large.

"What?! How can this be?!" This scene came as a tremendous shock to everyone.

The Freedom Alliance had already done their research on the situation inside the secret land.

It had a total of twelve legacy paths, and each entrance leading to these paths differed in size. The paths were divided into three groups, those with entrances with a diameter of 20 yards, a diameter of 30 yards, and a diameter of 50 yards. The larger the entrance of a path was, the more danger one would encounter inside that path—this was the conclusion the Freedom Alliance had drawn after their last expedition, because every fleet that had entered the 50-diameter paths had failed to set foot into the inner area of those paths. On the other hand, the First Fleet, which had chosen a 20-diameter path, had managed to pass all the way through.

Meanwhile, the new entrance that appeared had a diameter of at least 100 yards. It could easily accommodate four speedboats moving in parallel.

"How can this be possible?! There wasn't such a path the previous time we were here!" Passing Monarch had a conflicted look on his face as he stared at the massive grotto.

His reaction was because this new grotto might be the greatest secret of the Sea Dragon Secret Land. Only, he did not know whether he should choose this path or not, because it went without saying that this path was undoubtedly the most dangerous one. Nevertheless, if he did not enter this path, there might not be another chance to do so in the next expedition. After all, no such situation occurred during his last visit here. It was uncertain whether this grotto would appear again in the next expedition or not.

A chance! Hahaha! Our chance has come! Identical Summer was inwardly ecstatic at this situation. Sending a private message to Heavenly Spider, he said, "This is our chance! If we obtain the strongest legacy in the Sea Dragon Secret Land, no matter how many times Entropy and the others enter this place, they will never be able to compete against us for Heavenly Ocean City!"

"But I'm afraid the difficulty of conquering it will be quite significant," Heavenly Spider, the commander of Fourth Fleet, said somewhat worriedly.

"What's there to be afraid of? Don't forget, we still have that," Identical Summer said nonchalantly. "If we don't give it a try now, we might not get another chance in the future."

Saying so, Identical Summer took out a glass bottle and immediately began chanting an incantation.

Suddenly, a Small Sailboat with two main sails appeared on the surface of the water. Before the sailboat's massive size, even a Bronze Speedboat looked no different from a small rowboat.

"Is this Summer's trump card?" The other fleet commanders' jaws dropped when they saw the Small Sailboat.

Until now, there had been no news of anybody in possession of a Small Sailboat.

Passing Monarch and Hundred Leaves, who stood at a distance, frowned when they saw this scene, their complexions turning somewhat ugly.

A Small Sailboat was on an entirely different level from a speedboat. If a speedboat could be considered a machine gun, then a Small Sailboat was akin to a tank. The latter could completely suppress the former. A Small Sailboat could even go up against a Great Lord ranked sea monster easily. The reason for this was because a sailboat could accommodate many more passengers.

"Hahaha! We'll be going ahead!" As soon as the Small Sailboat was released, Identical Summer and his crew immediately boarded it and dashed towards the largest grotto without hesitation.

Although the Small Sailboat he had was only Common rank, its speed was not something speedboats could keep up with. Moreover, it could accommodate up to 100 passengers at a time, allowing them to carry a lot of MTs to tank the damage from Bosses. After including the eight Bronze Speedboats their Second and Fourth Fleets possessed, they were definitely the strongest fleet in the entire Freedom Alliance right now.

"As expected of Summer. His preparation is indeed amazing," Silent Entropy laughed. He then took out a glass bottle from his bag and began chanting as well.

In the blink of an eye, another Small Sailboat appeared before everyone. The commander of Eleventh Fleet boarded the sailboat together with Silent Entropy without hesitation. The Small Sailboat then promptly chased after Identical Summer's fleet. Meanwhile, in terms of strength, Silent Entropy's fleet was even stronger as it had nine Bronze Speedboats in total.

The commanders of the other fleets were dumbfounded.

Although they knew that the top-ranking fleets had hidden a lot of their strength, they had never suspected that those fleets had hidden this much.

"Silent Entropy! Identical Summer!" Hundred Leaves's eyes were filled with anger as she glared at the two Small Sailboats disappearing into the largest grotto.

Originally, she had planned on directly becoming the First Fleet of the Freedom Alliance in this expedition. Now, however, those two people had ruined her plans.

"Leaves, Passing Monarch and the others are also starting to move out," the cloaked woman said as she pointed at Shi Feng and the others, whose ships were already heading towards the largest grotto.

"Have they lost their minds?" Hundred Leaves was filled with confusion as she looked at the five speedboats rapidly moving towards the largest grotto as well.

Chapter 1222 - Sea God's Legacy

"Leaves, what do we do now? Give chase?" the cloaked woman asked Hundred Leaves as she watched the speedboats sail away.

They had planned to set off after Scorpion's party killed Shi Feng, but they hadn't expected anything like this.

"Give chase! We cannot let them get ahead of us!"

Hundred Leaves frowned. Reluctantly, she withdrew a pitch-black crystal bottle from her bag.

Unlike the others who recited an incantation to release their ships, Hundred Leaves threw the black bottle into the water.


When the crystal bottle sank into the water, a massive, black magic array appeared on the surface. A Small Sailboat, even larger than Silent Entropy and Identical Summer's, emerged from the magic array, covered in magic patterns.

After the Eighth Fleet's members boarded, the Tenth Fleet joined them on this Small Sailboat. It was clear that the Eighth Fleet and Tenth Fleet had agreed to cooperate.

The remaining fleet commanders revealed bitter smiles when they saw this.

"There's no way we can compete with them. The gap is simply too vast."

The various fleets had intended to compete for the third rank in the Freedom Alliance. However, after seeing one Small Sailboat after another, they had lost the heart to do so. Even obtaining the Legacy of the Sea from the other grottos wouldn't change the outcome.

A Magic Bottle? Shi Feng was somewhat surprised to see the Small Sailboat emerge from the massive magic array. The Sacred Temple's foundations are truly impressive.

A Magic Bottle could contain a myriad of items. The bottle's value changed based on the items contained within. For example, if a Magic Bottle stored a Small Sailboat, it could easily be worth several thousand Gold. This was because Magic Bottles did not drop from monsters. Rather, they were treasures that could only be obtained by raiding ancient ruins.

However, Magic Bottles had one fatal flaw; they were one-time-use items.

"Hundred Leaves cannot be underestimated. She actually obtained a Small Sailboat without anyone knowing. Brother Ye Feng, let's choose another grotto. We cannot compete with them."

As Passing Monarch watched Hundred Leaves's approaching fleet, he questioned the idea of competing for the greatest Legacy in the Sea Dragon Secret Land. Even if they had Shi Feng's Secret-Silver Speedboat, it would be a waste of time.

Moreover, now that Hundred Leaves had also entered the largest grotto, their Third Fleet had no competition in the other grottos. They could obtain Legacies more easily.

Glancing at Silent Entropy and the others, who had already entered the largest grotto, Shi Feng nodded and said, "That's fine. According to our previous agreement, the first Legacy we obtain belongs to you, while the second belongs to me. Which grotto should we choose?"

"This..." Passing Monarch hesitated.

If given the choice, he would never willingly forsake the greatest Legacy of the Sea Dragon Secret Land. However, with so much powerful competition in a single grotto, it was unknown whether or not he could even obtain the Legacy.

He was wrought with indecision.

"Why don't we give it a try? If we think that it's impossible, we can give up on the largest grotto," Passing Monarch decided after considering the matter further.

"That won't do. If you waste too much time before heading to another grotto, what will happen to my Legacy? Why don't we do this? We'll split the time in half. We'll each take command of the fleet for five hours. We'll keep the harvest we obtain during our command. If we do so, I don't mind if you want to join the competition in the largest grotto," Shi Feng said as he shook his head. He was not here as free labor.

After seeing the situation for himself, he was no longer interested in the Legacy of the Sea.

He had remembered something about the Freedom Alliance's Legacy of the Sea.

In the past, one of the reasons that the Freedom Alliance had been able to move about God's Domain's seas uncontested was its large number of players who had obtained the Legacy of the Sea. Even the various Super Guilds had avoided provoking the Alliance for no good reason. Another reason was Silent Entropy's Ancient Weather Book.

The player that wielded the Ancient Weather Book could manipulate the weather in an area. When used in naval combat, one could offer their side an absolute environmental advantage.

Rumors had it that Silent Entropy had obtained the Ancient Weather Book when he had obtained the Sea God's Legacy.

The Freedom Alliance obtained their Legacies of the Sea from the Sea Dragon Secret Land. After taking into account the information Passing Monarch had given him about the secret land, it was not difficult to determine that Silent Entropy had obtained the Sea God's Legacy here. In the past, the Sea God's Legacy had been known as one of the Four Great Legacies at sea.

Now that the strongest Legacy in the secret land had appeared, the Ancient Weather Book would be available as well.

While he could ignore the Sea God's Legacy, the Ancient Weather Book was an extremely important item. When used in naval combat, it was a strategic weapon.

"That's fine. However, we'll split our time four-to-six. I get six hours. Later, I'll use one hour to test the waters. If it really isn't possible, we'll switch to other grottos. This will also give you the chance to learn the largest grotto's difficulty," Passing Monarch said.

"Alright, let's do that, then," Shi Feng smiled before taking out a contract.

Following which, the two renewed their contract. Passing Monarch released a sigh of relief as he quickly directed the fleet into the largest grotto.

In reality, the secret land's grottos were portals that would transport players to another space.

As the Third Fleet's ships entered the largest grotto, after a few minutes of drifting along a heavy current, the fleet left the grotto and appeared before a massive island. The island had a white, sandy beach and an azure blue sky above it. It looked like paradise.

This island was none other than their rest point.

Another island waited across from this paradise. Unlike the first island, dark, thundering clouds covered the sky above the second. One could also see plenty of massive sea monsters roaming the island. This was where the Legacies hid.

Silent Entropy and Identical Summer's fleets had already engaged these sea monsters in battle.

"Why are there so many sea monsters?!" Passing Monarch was shocked when he saw the creatures.

Both Silent Entropy and Identical Summer's fleets stood against more than twenty sea monsters. These sea monsters looked like sea turtles, but unlike normal sea turtles, a long horn grew from the heads of these monsters. Their bodies also emitted arcs of blue electricity, and all of their attacks used lightning. Not only were their attacks very fast, but they also contained massive destructive power.

[Thunder Horn Beast] (Sea Monster, Lord)
Level 51
HP 35,000,000/35,000,000

Although Silent Entropy and Identical Summer's fleets each had a Small Sailboat, their ships suffered against so many Thunder Horn Beasts. If not for their Small Sailboats taking the brunt of the attacks, they would've already been annihilated.

Passing Monarch paled at this sight.

Speedboats stood no chance against those monsters. The Third Fleet couldn't even reach the island. If they could not get on the island, how were they supposed to obtain the Legacy?

In the Sea Dragon Secret Land, all Legacies were in the center of the legacy island at the end of each grotto. The ships' role was to transport the players through the obstacles on the way to the legacy island. However, with so many sea monsters in the outer perimeter, one could just imagine how many sea monsters waited for them around the legacy island...

"They sure move quickly." At this moment, Hundred Leaves had also emerged from the grotto. When she saw the ongoing battle, she simply smiled and said, "It seems this Legacy is fated to be mine!"

In the next moment, the Small Sailboat and Bronze Speedboats in Hundred Leaves's fleet sliced through the water towards the legacy island, bypassing the Thunder Horn Beasts.


As Hundred Leaves's fleet entered the outer perimeter, a large group of Thunder Horn Beasts broke through the water's surface, attacking Hundred Leaves's fleet.

Peng... Peng... Peng...

A series of lightning strikes bombarded the fleet. However, Hundred Leaves's Small Sailboat showed no intentions of dodging the attacks. Instead, it forged ahead.

When the lightning strikes were 30 yards away from the Small Sailboat, they dissipated into nothing as if they had met an invisible barrier that nullified magical attacks.

In a short moment, Hundred Leaves's fleet broke past the blockade and entered the inner perimeter...

Chapter 1223 - Who Says We Don't Have a Sailboat?

"They made it through so easily?" Passing Monarch's mouth gaped as he looked at Hundred Leaves's fleet getting past the outer perimeter.

Although the outer perimeter was not large, there were still roughly 5,000 yards to cross to reach the inner perimeter. Crossing such a distance while weathering the attacks of over twenty Thunder Horn Beasts was easier said than done.

Even Silent Entropy's fleet had yet to cross half the distance and had already lost four players. It was clear that Silent Entropy's fleet would lose over twenty people by the time they reached the inner perimeter.

Of course, Silent Entropy's fleet could use another method that would incur fewer losses, gradually killing off the Thunder Horn Beasts. However, killing the sea monsters would take a lot of time. Meanwhile, they only had ten hours inside the Sea Dragon Secret Land. If they wasted one or two hours in the outer perimeter, they would have to waste even more time in the inner perimeter. By the time they reached the legacy island, they would've already run out of time to search for the Legacy.

Seeing Hundred Leaves's fleet enter the inner perimeter, Identical Summer grew anxious.

The Legacy on the island was on a first come, first served basis. The sooner one reached the island, the higher their chances were of obtaining the Legacy.

"All MTs, take turns activating your Lifesaving Skills! We're forcing our way through!" Identical Summer commanded, gritting his teeth.

A group of six MTs stormed the Small Sailboat's deck, receiving the Thunder Horn Beasts' attacks. The ship blasted away any monsters in their way with cannon fire.

Silent Entropy's side fared far better than the other fleet. Silent Entropy had used a Tier 3 Defensive Magic Scroll to receive the Level 51 Lords' attacks.

By the time both fleets had reached the inner perimeter, the difference between Silent Entropy and Identical Summer's fleets was obvious at a glance. Silent Entropy's fleet hadn't lost a single player. On the other hand, Identical Summer's fleet had lost 17 players, with five of them being MTs. The players that died would automatically resurrect on the rest island. They would not be able to rejoin the main force and would have to wait for their companions to retrieve them or be sent out of the secret island once time was up.

Fortunately, the death penalty in the secret land was similar to that of Dungeons. Hence, players that died would only lose a small portion of their EXP.

"Commander, are we still waiting?" Blue Joy asked Passing Monarch, a hint of worry in her eyes. It was obvious that she was not optimistic about their chances of breaking past the outer perimeter.

"Forget it. It's too difficult. There's no need for us to waste our speedboats' durability here," Passing Monarch said, sighing deeply. In the end, he decided to give up on the greatest Legacy as this area was far more challenging than he had imagined. With their fleet's strength, they had no hopes of reaching the legacy island.

"Hold up," Shi Feng said suddenly. "If you really want to reach the island, we're not entirely out of options."

While the Thunder Horn Beasts were terrifying, after watching them for some time, Shi Feng could tell that the majority of the Lords' attacks were magical. Others might find it difficult to defend against magical attacks, but to Shi Feng, it was a simple task.

"Brother Ye Feng, you have a plan?" Passing Monarch asked curiously.

These Thunder Horn Beasts was extremely fast. Even Bronze Speedboats could not outrun them. If they were surrounded, they would be utterly helpless. They would need a Small Sailboat to force open a path.

"I'll attract these sea monsters' attention while your speedboats use the opportunity to get past them," Shi Feng explained.

Passing Monarch was surprised by Shi Feng's words. He had never thought that Shi Feng would willingly sacrifice his speedboat as bait. However, since Shi Feng was willing to do so, he would not object.

Meanwhile, Hundred Leaves and the others, who were currently resting at the edge of the inner perimeter, noticed Passing Monarch's fleet speeding towards the outer perimeter.

"They're overestimating themselves," Identical Summer sneered. "Do they really expect to get past those Thunder Horn Beasts without a Small Sailboat to open a path?"

"Do they really need to waste time here?" Hundred Leaves rolled her eyes as she watched Passing Monarch.

There was no way to repair one's ship inside the Sea Dragon Secret Land. If the Thunder Horn Beasts bombarded Passing Monarch's fleet, even with players splitting the damage, the speedboats' durability would deplete rapidly. Once a ship's durability reached zero, it would be useless. Even if Passing Monarch's fleet escaped with their speedboats intact and proceeded to the other grottos, their chances of obtaining a Legacy would decrease due to the lost durability.

Though, looking at it from another perspective, the fact that Passing Monarch and the others were willing to attempt reaching this legacy island benefitted Hundred Leaves. This way, she would have an opportunity to kill Shi Feng and complete the Demon God's quest.

At this time, Shi Feng steered the Swift Dragon Speedboat into the outer perimeter.

Thunder Horn Beasts immediately emerged from the water, one after another, rapidly encircling the Swift Dragon Speedboat. At the same time, electricity gathered at their horns as they prepared to attack.

However, Shi Feng paid no attention to these monsters as he continued towards the group of sea monsters before him.

Seeing the numerous arcs of lightning arcing towards him, Shi Feng activated Magic Barrier, making the Swift Dragon Speedboat immune to magic damage and reducing the physical damage it received by 60% for ten seconds.

After blocking the attacks, the Swift Dragon Speedboat arrived before the group of Thunder Horn Beasts, letting the sea monsters surround it.

"It's over..." Passing Monarch could not help but sigh.

If the massive Thunder Horn Beasts surrounded a speedboat, there was no hope of escape.

"What a fool! He sacrificed a speedboat for nothing!" Identical Summer laughed.

In the past, he had always seen Passing Monarch as his rival. After all, the two had fought for a long time, and the man had caused him plenty of trouble. Now, however, Passing Monarch was no longer a threat. His only competition now was Silent Entropy and Hundred Leaves.

As more Thunder Horn Beats gathered around the Swift Dragon Speedboat, the likelihood of Shi Feng breaking through the encirclement grew smaller and smaller.

Rather than worrying, however, a smile appeared on Shi Feng's face.

It's about time to make a move! Shi Feng observed his surroundings and noticed that practically 80% of the Thunder Horn Beasts had gathered around him.

Energy Pulse!

Dragon Cannon!

Suddenly, a blue ripple spread out from the Swift Dragon Speedboat, paralyzing the surrounding Thunder Horn Beasts. At the same time, a black-white beam shot out from the Swift Dragon Speedboat's bow.

In the next moment, three Thunder Horn Beasts that blocked the Secret-Silver Speedboat's way had been blasted back. At the same time, the three Lords lost over 2,000,000 HP each. The surface of the water caved in at the might of the black beam. Suddenly, an empty path opened up before the Swift Dragon Speedboat.

Shi Feng activated Accelerate, increasing the Swift Dragon Speedboat's Movement Speed by 100%. Before the Thunder Horn Beasts could react, the Swift Dragon Speedboat had already sped away from the encirclement and made its way to the inner perimeter.

Meanwhile, Passing Monarch and the others tore across the water to the inner perimeter from another direction.

As only five Thunder Horn Beasts chased after Passing Monarch's group of four Bronze Speedboats, they were able to get away with minimal damage, their speedboats' durability decreasing only slightly. As for the remaining sea monsters chasing the Swift Dragon Speedboat, due to the paralyzation, their Movement Speeds had reduced to less than half of their original. As a result, the distance between them and the Secret-Silver Speedboat rapidly increased. By the time the paralysis effect wore off, the Swift Dragon Speedboat was over 300 yards away. By then, all the Thunder Horn Beasts could do was watch as the Swift Dragon Speedboat entered the inner perimeter.

"What rank is that speedboat?" Hundred Leaves blinked in astonishment as her gaze followed the unharmed Swift Dragon Speedboat.

"So, this is the expert Passing Monarch recruited? Not bad." The Swift Dragon Speedboat's performance had also surprised Identical Summer. The speedboat's main cannon was strong enough to throw three Thunder Horn Beasts. Even his Small Sailboat wasn't capable of such a feat. "However, they won't get much further. They'll never reach the island."

Identical Summer's words earned the agreement of those around him.

The difference between the inner and outer perimeter's difficulty was like the difference between heaven and earth. Although one had to face fewer sea monsters in the inner perimeter, these monsters were obviously stronger. Moreover, the condition to cross the inner perimeter was different.

After entering the inner perimeter, they noticed a magic barrier around the legacy island. It was obvious that they were required to kill the guardian sea monsters before they could dock. However, the sea monsters guarding the inner perimeter included one Level 55 King-class Sea Monster and two Great Lords. Without a Small Sailboat, it was simply impossible to defeat such a powerful force.

"What a pity, Brother Monarch. Even if you make it here, it's all for nothing. Without a Small Sailboat, you are doomed to remain in the inner perimeter," Identical Summer laughed. "However, rest assured; you'll at least rank seventh. Only, you will no longer be able to use the Large Shipyard."

When Passing Monarch noticed Silent Entropy's fleets fighting a Level 55 King-class Sea Monster, his jaw dropped as he lost heart.

The King-class Sea Monster guarding the inner perimeter was far stronger than the one they had previously fought. That had only been a Great Lord, while the this was a Grand Lord. Moreover, the current one was an even higher level...

Shi Feng's Secret-Silver ranked Swift Dragon Speedboat could never tank it. Furthermore, the King-class Sea Monster was accompanied by two Great Lord ranked sea monsters.

"Who says we don't have a Small Sailboat?" Shi Feng suddenly asked.

Chapter 1224 - Combat Power Assessment

"You have a Small Sailboat?"

Identical Summer stared at Shi Feng as if the man had told the funniest joke in the world. Although Identical Summer had not said anything else, there was no doubting the contempt in his eyes.

The other Freedom Alliance members smirked at Shi Feng's words.

"That brat sure knows how to boast. Even our Sacred Temple hasn't obtained a Small Sailboat until recently. How could an independent adventurer team with no background possibly have one?" The cloaked woman from the Sacred Temple chuckled softly.

The Sacred Temple was one of the Super Guilds that had begun to develop its naval strength early in the game, yet even now, it had only found a Magic Bottle containing a Small Sailboat, not an actual Small Sailboat. They had obtained this Magic Bottle from an ancient ruin in the Sea's End. For this Magic Bottle, the Sacred Temple had sacrificed dozens of experts and thousands of elites.

As for Silent Entropy and Identical Summer, while both had only acquired a Small Sailboat due to luck, they also had the support of powerful backers. The power supporting Silent Entropy, in particular, was intense enough that even the Sacred Temple avoided casually provoking it.

Passing Monarch was merely an independent player with great individual strength. The naval adventurer team he had formed lacked the support of any major power. It was a miracle that he had led his team to become the Freedom Alliance's Third Fleet. Obtaining a Small Sailboat was impossible for Passing Monarch.

"Brother Ye Feng, do you really have a Small Sailboat?" Passing Monarch stared at the Swordsman in shock.

He had already investigated Zero Wing and learned that the Guild didn't possess any particular naval power. The Guild hadn't even begun to develop its naval forces. Zero Wing had focused on competing with the various large Guilds on land all this time.

Just the fact that Zero Wing possessed a Secret-Silver Speedboat was astounding.

Even now, no one throughout the Freedom Alliance possessed a Secret-Silver Speedboat.

Blue Joy, who stood by a side, blinked in astonishment. She wondered if Shi Feng had simply made the claim to save the Third Fleet from humiliation.

"You'll know once you see it," Shi Feng said as he looked around him. He could clearly feel the doubt and contempt everyone aimed his way. Following which, he took a delicate crystal bottle from his bag and began to chant an incantation.

With each verse Shi Feng chanted, black mist emerged from the crystal bottle, shrouding a large section of the sea water before the Swift Dragon Speedboat. Suddenly, a silver sailboat appeared before these players. This silver sailboat was no smaller than the sailboat Hundred Leaves had summoned with the Magic Bottle. Moreover, magic runes decorated every inch of the silver sailboat. At first glance, it was obvious that the silver sailboat was a higher rank than the Common Sailboats Silent Entropy and Identical Summer had summoned.

This Small Sailboat was none other than the Bronze ranked One-horned Sailboat he had obtained from the King-class Sea Monster he previously killed.


"When did Small Sailboats become so common?!"

Everyone was stupefied. None of them could believe their eyes.

"Just who is that man?" Hundred Leaves shifted her gaze to Shi Feng when she saw the One-horned Sailboat.

First, the man had earned himself a bounty from the Demon God. Then he revealed a very high-rank speedboat. Now, he revealed a Small Sailboat. If someone claimed that this man wasn't supported by a major power, she wouldn't believe it.

"I have really underestimated you, Monarch. I never thought you would recruit such an expert. However, you'll never get to the island. At the end of the day, passing the inner perimeter's test depends on one's strength," Identical Summer snorted. He then steered his sailboat towards the legacy island to challenge the inner perimeter's sea monsters.

Passing Monarch's fleet might have crossed the outer perimeter with some trick, but the inner perimeter required them to face the joint attacks of a Grand Lord ranked King-class Sea Monster and two Great Lords. Without defeating these monsters, they would not be allowed to dock on the island.

Although Passing Monarch's fleet now had a Small Sailboat, the fleet's disadvantage was still obvious—the fleet lacked manpower.

The Third Fleet was only allowed to bring 90 members to the secret land, while Identical Summer, Silent Entropy, and Hundred Leaves's fleets each had over 100 people. Not only could they employ their Small Sailboats, which could accommodate 100 passengers, to their fullest potential, but they also had extra men to control multiple Bronze Speedboats. On the other hand, Passing Monarch's fleet did not even have enough players to exert its Small Sailboat to its full potential. How could Passing Monarch's fleet possibly defeat a King-class Sea Monster?

At the same time, the members of Third Fleet gazed at Shi Feng with admiration.

"Brother Ye Feng, thank you, truly. However, I still intend to give up on this grotto." Passing Monarch was extremely grateful to Shi Feng. In reality, Shi Feng could've easily decided not to help him. After all, both had already agreed that they would determine each other's harvest based on time. However, when Passing Monarch had seen the distant King-class Sea Monster, he had decided to relent.

[Magic Whale] (Marine King Creature, King-class Sea Monster, Grand Lord)
Level 55
HP 200,000,000/200,000,000

[Razorshark] (Marine King Creature, Sea Monster, Great Lord)
Level 55
HP 80,000,000/80,000,000

Seeing these sea monsters' statistics, even a naval expert like Passing Monarch felt powerless. Just one Great Lord ranked Razorshark was already a difficult foe, not to mention two and the Magic Whale. Without dozens of speedboats attacking at the same time, it was practically impossible to defeat all three sea monsters.

Meanwhile, the fleets Silent Entropy, Identical Summer, and Hundred Leaves commanded had some hope of victory as they each had around seven or eight Bronze Speedboats to assist them.

For example, Silent Entropy's Small Sailboat was currently tanking the Magic Whale while two other Bronze Speedboats dealt with the Razorsharks. As for the remaining speedboats, they focused their fire on the Razorsharks. Although each Bronze Speedboat only inflicted around -200,000 damage, the total damage from six or seven Bronze Speedboats still surpassed the sea monsters' battle recovery. It was only a matter of time before the speedboats dealt with the two Razorsharks. Once those two sea monsters had been dealt with, Silent Entropy's fleet would slowly, but surely, whittle down the Magic Whale's HP.

On the other hand, they couldn't even exert the maximum combat power of their Small Sailboat. How were they going to whittle away the sea monsters' HP?

Hence, rather than waste time here, exploring the other grottos would be more beneficial. With their fleet's strength, they wouldn't have any issues obtaining two Legacies.

"Brother Monarch, since you wish to give up, why don't you let me command the fleet for the first four hours?" Shi Feng asked.

Passing Monarch's decision hadn't particularly surprised him. After all, assessing an opponent's combat power was the basics of being an expert. If Passing Monarch couldn't even do that much, he would not have become an expert at all.

Only, Passing Monarch's assessment was slightly different from his.

"Brother Ye Feng, is there really a reason to waste time here?" Passing Monarch could not figure out what was going through Shi Feng's mind. It was already clear that they had no hope of victory, yet this Swordsman insisted on jumping into the jaws of death. However, when Passing Monarch saw the determination in Shi Feng's eyes, he had no choice but to nod, saying, "Alright, then. We'll follow your command for the next four hours. Once these four hours are up, we'll leave immediately."

Following which, both sides renewed their contract yet again. From the next four hours, the Third Fleet would be under Shi Feng's command.

After finding nothing wrong with the contract, Shi Feng stored it away in satisfaction.

"Let's go." Shi Feng smiled at the distant Magic Whale.

Others might not know the One-horned Sailboat's might, but he did. While King-class Sea Monsters were quite powerful, a Bronze Sailboat could not be underestimated, either.

Following which, Shi Feng allocated tasks to the Third Fleet's members. The Swift Dragon Speedboat and one of the Bronze Speedboats had a 20-man crew each, while each of the remaining three Bronze Speedboats had a party of six. The remaining fleet members would board the One-horned Sailboat and deal with the Magic Whale.

"This is nuts. We'll only have 32 people on our strongest ship? How are we going to hold back the Magic Whale?"

When Passing Monarch and the others saw Shi Feng's distribution, they were confused. The other fleets had three full MT parties each, splitting the Magic Whale's damage. Those fleets also had the other crew members on their Small Sailboats sharing the damage. Only then could they minimize the damage to their sailboats. Otherwise, before their respective fleets even finished off one Razorshark, their sailboats would be reporting for duty in Davy Jones' Locker.

However, Shi Feng insisted on this setup, and Passing Monarch had no choice but to agree. After all, Shi Feng now held authority over the fleet. Moreover, the sailboat belonged to Shi Feng.

As the One-horned Sailboat approached the island, a Magic Whale and two Razorsharks emerged from the water. Their massive frames resembled large mountains, blocking the legacy island from view.

"Begin!" Shi Feng fired the Thunder Cannon at the Magic Whale.

Chapter 1225 - The Might of a Bronze Small Sailboat

"Leaves, this Magic Whale's attack range is too wide. We won't hold at this rate. We need to use Magic Scrolls," the cloaked woman from the Sacred Temple said, frowning at their sailboat's remaining durability.

The Razorsharks were only Great Lords. Moreover, their Skills were monotonous, making their attacks easy to dodge. Bronze Speedboats were more than enough to cope with the Razorsharks. The problem was the Magic Whale. Although the Grand Lord was clumsy and slow, and its attack patterns were not particularly complex, it was still a powerful foe.

Aside from ruthless headbutts, the Magic Whale's main attacks were Ice Meteor and Icicle Rain. When casting Ice Meteor, the Magic Whale would call down a massive globe of ice. Even with six MTs sharing the attack's damage, all six would lose over two-thirds of their HPs. Furthermore, the Grand Lord used Ice Meteor frequently. Only when all eighteen MTs took turns blocking could they keep up with the attacks. The burden on the healers was also massive as one mistake could spell the end for a party of MTs.

However, this was not the team's greatest challenge. The Magic Whale's Icicle Rain was what left everyone speechless.

When the Magic Whale cast Icicle Rain, countless icicles would rain down from the sky. Although each icicle only dealt around -10,000 damage and could easily be blocked by any player, they could not keep up with how many icicles bombarded their ships. One could say that this Skill specifically targeted ships. By the time Icicle Rain's duration ended, their Small Sailboat would've lost roughly three or four points of durability.

If they continued this battle of attrition, their Small Sailboat's 700 durability would have long since bottomed out before they could shave away the Magic Whale's 200,000,000 HP.

"Sure enough, a King-class Sea Monster is not an easy foe." Hundred Leaves frowned as she watched another batch of icicles form in the sky. She then said to the cloaked woman, "Use the Tier 3 Summoning Scroll. Have the summoned creature share part of Icicle Rain's damage."

The cloaked woman nodded before retrieving a Tier 3 Summoning Scroll and chanting the incantation.

With a Tier 3 summoned creature sharing the damage, the Small Sailboat only lost one point of durability by the time the Skill ended.

At the same time, the cloaked woman redirected a portion of the sailboat's cannon attacks towards one of the distant Razorsharks, assisting the Bronze Speedboats in whittling down the Great Lord's HP.

As a result, the Razorshark's 80,000,000 HP decreased at a visible rate.

95%... 94%... 93%...

"Leaves, Passing Monarch and the others seem to be taking action." As the cloaked woman controlled the summoned creature, she noticed the One-horned Sailboat moving deeper into the inner perimeter, and an odd feeling rose in her chest.

Passing Monarch's fleet only had 90 members. Even with a Small Sailboat, such a small team was not enough to defeat the Magic Whale. Any expert worth his salt should know this, much less a fleet commander like Passing Monarch.

"They're actually pushing forward?" Hundred Leaves glanced at Shi Feng, who stood aboard the One-horned Sailboat. Smiling, she muttered, "What an interesting person."

She was very familiar with Passing Monarch. While Passing Monarch's individual combat standards were not particularly high, his leadership abilities and assessment for monsters' strengths were first-class. He would never take such a risk. The only possibility was that Shi Feng had persuaded him to do so.

Silent Entropy and Identical Summer had also noticed the One-horned Sailboat's approach.

"They're not giving up?" Identical Summer asked contemptuously. "I want to see just how long they can last."

Currently, his fleet barely held its ground against the three guardian monsters. He still didn't know if his team could kill the Magic Whale. In the case of Passing Monarch's fleet, however, just killing the two Razorsharks would be a huge challenge.

As such thoughts ran through the various commanders' minds, a golden beam exploded from the One-horned Sailboat's bow, slamming into the Magic Whale's thick hide.


As it struck, the golden beam carved out a small wound from the Magic Whale's side, blue blood spilling into the water.

"How can it possess such power?!" Hundred Leaves was shocked.

No matter how many times her Small Sailboat attacked the Magic Whale, they had only taken a fraction of the Grand Lord's HP. The sailboat's attacks could not cause any substantial injuries to the Grand Lord.

"How can this sailboat possess such a high-rank cannon? Could it have been modified?" As Identical Summer stared at the wound on the Magic Whale's body.

In God's Domain, no ship was static. They could all be modified. Only, there was a limit to how much a ship could be modified and strengthened as the ship's construction materials were a limiting factor.

Furthermore, it was very difficult to modify and strengthen a ship. The task required Lifestyle players of considerably high rank. To modify a ship, one also had to risk reducing the ship's quality or destroying it altogether. Hence, even now, nobody actually dared to modify their precious ships.

"Aaarrooooooo!" Enraged, the Magic Whale beat its tail fin violently and propelled itself towards the One-horned Sailboat.

The two Razorsharks followed after the Magic Whale.

A Bronze Small Sailboat's cannon fire is really quite impressive. Shi Feng was very satisfied with this outcome. Seeing the Magic Whale and Razorsharks swimming closer, he activated Thunder Blast, the One-horned Sailboat's strongest move. This attack was many times stronger than the Swift Dragon Speedboat's Dragon Cannon.

Immediately, several snakes of golden lightning surged forward, dealing devastating damage to the area 500*30 yards ahead of the One-horned Sailboat.

As the golden lightning snakes slithered towards the Magic Whale and Razorsharks, the three sea monsters revealed a hint of fear, trying to avoid the incoming attack. Unfortunately, Thunder Blast was not cannon fire. Rather, it was a magical attack channeled from a magic array. It was many times faster than cannon fire. The arcs of golden lightning had crossed several hundred yards in the blink of an eye.

Boom... Boom... Boom...

When the golden lightning streaked past the Magic Whale and Razorsharks, all three sea monsters screamed in agonizing unity. The Magic Whale and Razorsharks were all in a miserable state. The Magic Whale was covered with wounds with fresh, blue blood coloring the water. A damage of over -900,000 had appeared above its head. As for the Razorsharks, many areas of their bodies had scorched black. The two Great Lords had clearly suffered serious injuries, significantly affecting their combat powers. Each had lost over 2,000,000 HP in the attack.

Thunder Blast's might stupefied everyone present.

" impossible!"

The watching players instinctively refused to accept this reality.

They had lived in Sea's End throughout their career in God's Domain. They had lost count of how many times they had fought sea monsters. Hence, their naval understanding ranked at the peak of God's Domain. However, the One-horned Sailboat's attacks were unbelievable.

"Brother Ye Feng, just...what rank is your sailboat?" Passing Monarch gulped audibly as he looked at the heavily injured Razorsharks.

Only now did he understand why Shi Feng was so confident. With such firepower, it was no wonder why Shi Feng wasn't worried about killing the Magic Whale.

"What do you think?" Shi Feng smiled mysteriously, not offering a concrete answer.

Players still assumed that Small Sailboats were similar to speedboats, which had only a small gap in power between each rank. They had not yet realized how vast the divide was between a Common ranked Small Sailboat and a Bronze rank. In terms of firepower, a Bronze Small Sailboat could rival a Fine-Gold Speedboat.

This was the reason that Passing Monarch's assessment of each side's combat power was incorrect.

"Brother Monarch, you guys deal with the Razorsharks. Make sure you lure them away from each other. Leave the Magic Whale to me," Shi Feng instructed after noticing the Magic Whale and Razorsharks approach.

"You're going to deal with that thing with only one ship? This.... Won't we be cutting it a little too close?"

Chapter 1226 - Hidden Effect of the Bronze Small Sailboat

Shi Feng's commands confused Passing Monarch and the others.

The One-horned Sailboat might possess frightening killing power, but when all was said and done, the Magic Whale was still a King-class Sea Monster. It was still a terrifying foe.

Although Silent Entropy and the other Fleets relied on their Small Sailboats to tank the Magic Whale, they constantly had two or three Bronze Sailboats assisting from the side. The speedboats occasionally shared some of the Magic Whale's damage, giving the Small Sailboats a break.

Furthermore, the One-horned Sailboat only had a 32-man crew on board. In terms of endurance, it was far weaker than Silent Entropy and the others' Small Sailboats.

Without a doubt, sending the One-horned Sailboat to deal with the Magic Whale alone was mad.

If it were up to Passing Monarch and the others, they would've refused the idea. After all, it was nothing more than gambling with a Small Sailboat.

A Small Sailboat's value went without saying. One wouldn't even necessarily trade such a ship for a Fragmented Legendary item.

However, it was too late for Passing Monarch and the others to argue as Shi Feng had steered the One-horned Sailboat directly towards the massive Magic Whale. Meanwhile, the two Razorsharks had swum around to launch a pincer attack against the One-horned Sailboat from the sides.

"Commander, are we really not going to help him?" Blue Joy asked Passing Monarch worriedly.

"He is the commander now. We'll only stop him if it truly seems impossible." Passing Monarch could not help but sigh. He did not know what was going through Shi Feng's mind. Normally, anyone who obtained a Small Sailboat would treat it like a priceless treasure, avoiding anything reckless that might destroy it. Shi Feng, however, pitted his Small Sailboat in a dogfight against a Grand Lord ranked King-class Sea Monster. Looking at this situation, Passing Monarch could not help but feel sorry for the One-horned Sailboat.

Following which, under Passing Monarch's command, all speedboats took action.

With the four Basic Mana Pulse Bombs Shi Feng had provided them, they fired two bombs at each of the Razorsharks, each bomb dealing over -1,000,000 damage. Instantly, the Razorsharks' aggro split between the One-horned Sailboat, the Swift Dragon Speedboat, and one Bronze Speedboat.

As the Razorsharks were about to reach the One-horned Sailboat, the MTs on board the Swift Dragon Speedboat and Bronze Speedboat used Crowd Mock, securing the Great Lords' aggro. Immediately, the two speedboats split up and moved away from the Magic Whale, the Razorsharks following closely after them. The timing of Passing Monarch's commands was extremely accurate.

Meanwhile, the Magic Whale bellowed when it noticed the One-horned Sailboat approaching. Three Ice Meteors then appeared in the air.

"Hahaha! Now you've done it! I want to see how you intend to clean up this mess!" Identical Summer smirked when he saw the three Ice Meteors. When his and the other fleet's Magic Whales used Ice Meteor, they only summoned two attacks.

Thunder Blast has surprised him; he was even somewhat jealous.

However, it was obvious that this frightening firepower had angered the Magic Whale. Even his fleet would suffer against three Ice Meteors at the once, not to mention the One-horned Sailboat, which faced the Magic Whale one-on-one.


"Leaves, look at the Small Sailboat in Passing Monarch's fleet!" the cloaked woman from the Sacred Temple called out in surprise and pointed at the One-horned Sailboat. "There are less than 50 people on board!"

"Less than 50?" Hundred Leaves, who commanded her own battle, turned to look at the One-horned Sailboat upon hearing this, her brows rising in surprise. "They actually did something like that?"

This was ludicrous!

She had a 100-man crew aboard her sailboat to deal with the Magic Whale's attacks, yet her sailboat still lost a significant amount of durability. If the One-horned Sailboat had less than 50 players on board, its durability would fall several times faster. The sailboat would likely sink to the bottom of the ocean before the two Razorsharks were dealt with.


"Aaarrroooo!" the Magic Whale bellowed as it controlled the Ice Meteors, aiming for the One-horned Sailboat's blind spots and making its attacks difficult to dodge. In terms of speed and angle of attack, this Magic Whale used faster and more accurate Ice Meteors than the others.

When the three Ice Meteors were less than 30 yards away from the One-horned Sailboat, Shi Feng activated Mana Drive, increasing the sailboat's speed by 30%. This allowed the sailboat to dart out of the Magic Whale's attack trajectory in the nick of time.

After dodging the Ice Meteors, the One-horned Sailboat's four Thunder Cannons rang out simultaneously.

Four golden beams struck the Magic Whale, tearing a pained cry from the Grand Lord's throat as a series of damages appeared above its head.





The four cannons instantly devoured nearly 2,000,000 of the Magic Whale's HP.

Sure enough, it won't be possible to kill it with the One-horned Sailboat's firepower alone. Shi Feng felt a headache brew as he looked at the Magic Whale's HP. It seems we'll have to kill the Razorsharks first and then focus fire on the Magic Whale.

Although the One-horned Sailboat was quite powerful, the Magic Whale could recover 2,000,000 HP every five seconds. With the Thunder Cannons' long Cooldown, it was impossible to kill the Magic Whale without help.

Following which, Shi Feng readjusted the One-horned Sailboat's course, circling the Magic Whale while waiting for the Thunder Cannons' Cooldown to finish.

When the enraged Magic Whale saw that its first wave of attacks had failed to land, it used its AOE attack, Icicle Rain. Even with the One-horned Sailboat's increased speed, it couldn't avoid this attack.

"All members, prepare to block the icicles!" Shi Feng shouted.

Although Shi Feng had issued the command, he knew it was unrealistic to expect 32 people to block so many icicles.

As the icicles began to descend, Shi Feng took a Tier 3 Summoning Scroll from his bag.

Immediately, a massive Golden Gorilla appeared, joining the defense.

Dang... Dang... Dang...

Under Shi Feng's control, the Golden Gorilla executed Sword's Orbit, using its arms in place of swords. This was another method of utilizing combat techniques. Only, doing so required considerably fine control and a great understanding of a combat technique.

Although Shi Feng could not execute Sword's Orbit through the Golden Gorilla as freely as with his own body, with the summoned creature's massive frame and wide attack range, it easily protected over half the One-horned Sailboat from the icicle attacks. The players blocked the majority of the icicles, protecting the remaining half. Overall, less than one-tenth of the icicles had actually struck the sailboat. This outcome was on par with Hundred Leaves and the others.


"How did he do that?"

The players watching from afar were flabbergasted.

Despite having similarly summoned Tier 3 summoned creatures, their summoned creatures could only block around one-third of the Magic Whale's Icicle Rain. Their summoned creatures even lost over 1,500,000 HP with each wave of attacks, yet the Golden Gorilla had blocked half of the Icicle Rain, losing less than 500,000 HP. This was simply inconceivable.

It wasn't just the Golden Gorilla that had received less damage than expected. Even the players on the One-horned Sailboat had only lost around 7,000 HP when struck, 3,000 less HP than their players. This allowed the One-horned Sailboat's crew to endure many more attacks.

However, what everyone did not know was that Bronze Small Sailboats had a hidden effect. The runes lining the hull weren't just for decoration. They possessed a damage mitigation ability. The runes could reduce an attack's damage by 10% to 30% based on the attack's might. Although the Icicle Rain was a powerful Skill, the individual icicles did not pack a lot of power. Hence, their damage was reduced by 30%.

In addition, a Bronze Small Sailboat's Defense was superior to that of a Common Small Sailboat. Despite receiving roughly the same amount of attacks, the One-horned Sailboat had not lost a single point of durability after the last wave of attacks.

This was also the reason that Shi Feng dared to challenge the Magic Whale with a crew of fewer than 50 people.

Time passed quickly. While keeping the Magic Whale distracted, the One-horned Sailboat launched attacks at the distant Razorsharks. In less than 15 minutes, both Razorsharks were dead, fueling the team's EXP bars. In contrast, each of the other fleets had only dealt with one Razorshark so far. The difference between them was obvious instantly.

Now that only the Magic Whale remained, Shi Feng's side had a much easier time. Although it took a long time just to reduce the Magic Whale's HP by 1%, they slowly, but surely, depleted the Grand Lord's HP.

When the Magic Whale's HP fell to 10%, it spread its colossal jaws, and a frightening amount of Mana began to concentrate in its mouth.

"All speedboats, hide behind the sailboat!" Shi Feng shouted hurriedly.

All King-class Sea Monsters possessed powerful team-wipe moves. The Magic Whale was no exception. The King-class Sea Monsters inside secret lands might not be as powerful as those elsewhere, which possessed second lives, but it still shouldn't be underestimated.

"Aaaarrrrooooooo!" An evil glint appeared in the Magic Whale's eyes.

The Magic Whale snapped its mouth shut. Its body then began to release dark blue beams of light that directly devoured Shi Feng and the others.

As the light show ended, the sea around the One-horned Sailboat and the Magic Whale had transformed into a frosty world.

"This..." Everyone gasped at this sight.

The Magic Whale was simply too fierce. This last move could rival the power of a Tier 4 large-scale destruction Spell.

As a result of the Spell, the Magic Whale had lost 5% of its HP.

As the icy fog surrounding the One-horned Sailboat dissipated, it received significant damage as the blue barrier protecting the ship crumbled and disappeared.

This was none other than the One-horned Sailboat's Lifesaving Skill, Magic Shield. When activated, it would create a barrier capable of absorbing up to 1,000,000 damage for five minutes. Although the barrier couldn't mitigate all of the damage, at the very least, it had prevented many of the crew's deaths. After sharing the damage, 19 people were still alive on the One-horned Sailboat.

As for the speedboats behind the One-horned Sailboat, only the Swift Dragon Speedboat and the Bronze Speedboat with a full crew had half their original crew members. The other Bronze Speedboats had lost their entire crews, leaving behind ghost ships...

"The Magic Whale has entered a Weakened state! Throw everything you have at it!" Shi Feng had less than half of his HP remaining. Although he had prepared for this, the move had shocked him. Even after activating Magic Shield, everyone on board had still received so much damage.

Although only the One-horned Sailboat, Swift Dragon Speedboat, and one Bronze Speedboat remained, the Magic Whale's Defense was crippled. Moreover, it had lost its ability to recover in battle. It was nothing more than a living target for Shi Feng and his crew now.





"Die!" Shi Feng activated Divine Blessing and used Thunder Blast.

Countless arcs of golden lightning devoured the Magic Whale's remaining HP. In the end, the Magic Whale released an agonized cry as its body disintegrated into particles of light. Immediately after, a large group of golden dots descended towards the water.

Chapter 1227 - Upgrading the Seven Luminaries Ring

"It's dead?!"

Silent Entropy, Identical Summer, and Hundred Leaves's crews were dazed for a long time after watching Shi Feng and his team kill the Magic Whale.

Even now, they had only whittled down their respective Magic Whales to 30% HP, and both their Small Sailboats and their member count had suffered significant losses. Their healers, in particular, were nearly out of Mana. They were barely holding on by relying on Mana Recovery Potions and special tools.

Needless to say, the longer they continued this battle, the greater their losses would become.

"Damn it! Why are they the ones to kill the monsters first?!" Identical Summer's eyes were bloodshot when he saw the golden orbs of light floating above the water's surface. When he noticed that only a few members remained on Passing Monarch's fleet, he smiled coldly as he said, "Change our course! As long as we get the item to dock, we can get to the island without killing the Magic Whale!"

At this moment, Passing Monarch's fleet was a remnant of its past glory. On the other hand, his fleet was still in considerably good shape. With the numerical advantage, they should have no problems stealing the Magic Whale's loot.

As Identical Summer's fleet took action, Silent Entropy commanded his fleet to charge at Passing Monarch and the others as well.

The Freedom Alliance had not set any rules or signed any contracts forbidding them from attack each other in the secret land. After all, with so many Legacies, it wasn't very likely that two fleets would find the same Legacy.

"Leaves, should we go as well?" the cloaked woman asked Hundred Leaves. "Not only can we steal the item to dock on the legacy island, but we can also kill that person and finish the quest."

The fact that Passing Monarch's fleet had managed to kill the Magic Whale first had given it an advantage over the other fleets. Unfortunately, the nail that stuck out was usually hammered down first.

None of these players were good people. Why would they let this opportunity escape?

Hundred Leaves did not reply immediately. Instead, she looked towards Shi Feng, who stood aboard the One-horned Sailboat, various emotions flashing in her eyes.

After giving the matter some thought, Hundred Leaves said, "Let's wait."

If it were only Passing Monarch, she would've joined in the fray without hesitation. Now, however, there was the unknown factor named Shi Feng.

Although Shi Feng was only one person, she felt that something was off.

Silent Entropy and Identical Summer did not know Shi Feng's secret.

The Soul Orb was important enough to drive even the Demon God frantic, and Shi Feng currently carried this item. He had also revealed priceless treasures like the Swift Dragon Speedboat and One-horned Sailboat. Moreover, Shi Feng had displayed his skills in controlling a summoned creature, allowing the beast to exert extraordinary combat power. Most likely, not even the Sacred Temple's old monsters could accomplish such a feat. No matter how she looked at it, Shi Feng wasn't a simple character.

It was unwise to take action against him right now.

"But..." The cloaked woman grew anxious as she watched Identical Summer's and Silent Entropy's fleets sail closer to the Magic Whale's loot.

"Enough. I've made my decision. Let's concentrate on dealing with our own Magic Whale. If there is an opportunity, I won't let it get away," Hundred Leaves commanded indifferently.


Meanwhile, as soon as the Magic Whale had died, Shi Feng steered the One-horned Sailboat towards the dropped items' location, completely ignoring the fact that the Magic Whale had provided enough EXP to net him one whole level. Currently, he was at 24% of Level 51. Meanwhile, Passing Monarch and the other members of the Third Fleet had leveled up twice, reaching Level 45.

Perhaps due to Divine Providence, the Magic Whale had dropped over 30 items. This was a considerable harvest for a monster in a secret land.

The monsters in secret lands were mainly there to test players' worthiness of the final treasure. Hence, while they provided higher EXP than normal, their drop-rate was generally low. Take the two Razorsharks for example. Both had only dropped four items in total...

Although the Magic Whale's 30-plus items were scattered, Identical Summer's and Silent Entropy's fleets were too far away. Even if they sailed at full speed, it would be quite some time before they arrived. Shi Feng had more than enough time to pick up all of the loot.

"Hand over the loot, and I'll let you all off the hook!" Identical Summer, who arrived first, shouted at Shi Feng and Passing Monarch. "If you don't hand it over, none of you will leave this place alive. I'll have my men kill you until you drop all of the loot!"

"Summer, you're too shameless! Didn't we agree to rely on our own skills once we enter the secret land?! We killed this Magic Whale!" Passing Monarch surveyed his surroundings and noticed that Identical Summer's fleet had already surrounded them. They would have to fight their way out now.

After entering the Sea Dragon Secret Land, players couldn't leave the secret land during the first six hours. So far, only one hour or so had passed. With the number of players in Identical Summer's fleet, he definitely had the power to kill them multiple times.

"Hahaha! Monarch, while we did agree to rely on our own capabilities, we never said that we aren't allowed to plunder each other's ships!" Identical Summer sneered. "I don't have that much patience right now. I'll count to three. If you don't hand the loot over, don't blame me for being ruthless!



Both he and Silent Entropy intended to plunder Passing Monarch's loot. As his fleet was closer to the One-horned Sailboat, he got there first. However, if Silent Entropy joined the battle, the situation would become even more complicated. If there was going to be a battle, he needed to end it quickly.

Passing Monarch also understood that Identical Summer was fully capable of acting on his words. He had no way of buying more time. He turned to Shi Feng and said quietly, "Brother Ye Feng, rest assured; even if I have to put my life on the line, I won't let Identical Summer get away with this. Later, I'll distract Identical Summer while you get to the island. Once you've entered the island, he won't be able to touch you."

Hearing this, Shi Feng was moved. Even in such a dire situation, Passing Monarch placed friendship above all else. If it were anyone else, they would've long since advised him to hand over the loot. After all, according to their contract, the Magic Whale's loot belonged entirely to him, not Passing Monarch.

"It's fine. I'll fight with you. Worst case scenario, it'll just be one death," Shi Feng said, laughing.

While Passing Monarch was also moved by Shi Feng's response, he sternly insisted, "Don't be stupid! The island houses the strongest Legacy in the Sea Dragon Secret Land! If you clash with Identical Summer, you might even lose your Small Sailboat!"

"Since you have no intentions of abandoning me and are treating me like a brother, I, Ye Feng, will treat you as a brother as well! I would never abandon a brother!" Shi Feng shook his head as he glanced at Passing Monarch. "Besides, if it really comes down to a fight, we don't know who will win or lose."

"Three!" Identical Summer's expression twisted as Shi Feng and Passing Monarch showed no signs of giving up. "Annihilate them! Don't let a single person get away!"

As Identical Summer issued his command, numerous cannons rang, all of them bombarding the One-horned Sailboat.

To Identical Summer's fleet, speedboats were no threat. As long as the players on board the One-horned Sailboat were annihilated, the battle would be over.

"Since you want a fight, come!" Shi Feng simply smiled as he watched cannon balls fill the sky. He then rapidly leveled up the Seven Luminaries Ring.

The Seven Luminaries Ring was the best Epic ring Shi Feng had seen thus far.

It provided immense help to any player that wore it.

Shi Feng hadn't leveled the ring for quite some time. Due to the Seven Luminaries Ring' high demand for EXP, he hadn't bothered doing so until now. Now that he was Level 51, he could start leveling the ring once again.

Immediately, Shi Feng upgraded the Aura of Fire, Aura of Wind, and Aura of Earth to Tier 1, which in turn upgraded Firestorm, Wind Rider, and Absolute Defense to Tier 1. In the blink of an eye, Shi Feng fell to 2% of Level 50.

Chapter 1228 - One Strike

Sure enough, the Skills have grown significantly stronger after reaching Tier 1. Shi Feng smiled faintly as he looked at the newly improved Seven Luminaries Ring.

The instant the three Skills reached Tier 1, they had undergone massive changes.

Originally, Absolute Defense only granted immunity to all damage for five seconds. After reaching Tier 1, it also gave immunity to all allies within 15 yards for three seconds. Meanwhile, the Skill now had a Cooldown of 1 minute 30 seconds.

As for Wind Rider, the Movement Speed increase it provided had risen from 220% to 300%. The Skill also increased the damage of his next attack by 500%. As for the duration, it increased from 24 seconds to 30 seconds. The Cooldown hadn't changed, remaining at two minutes.

Lastly, Firestorm, which had dealt 1,200% damage to an area of 45*45 yards for six seconds, now dealt 1,500% damage to an area of 50*50 yards for six seconds. As for its Cooldown, it still lasted five minutes.

After Shi Feng finished upgrading the Seven Luminaries Ring, he steered the One-horned Sailboat towards the incoming cannon balls. At the same time, he activated Absolute Defense.

Boom... Boom... Boom...

Although the cannon balls were fast, the One-horned Sailboat had still dodged a portion of them, while Absolute Defense blocked the remaining attacks. The sailboat itself did not receive any damage whatsoever.

"They dare make their way over here. They must want to die." Identical Summer sneered. "All speedboats, scatter and attack! Don't let them get away!"

If Shi Feng and the others gave it their all to escape to the outer perimeter, they had some faint hope of getting away. Now, however, they charged straight for his Small Sailboat.

He had several times more players than Shi Feng. Moreover, every one of them was extraordinarily skilled.

The One-horned Sailboat took only three seconds to cross the distance of 150 yards. When it arrived before Identical Summer's Small Sailboat, before it sailed past, Shi Feng jumped to the other ship's deck.

"What is he trying to do?!" Passing Monarch, who watched from a distance, was stupefied. Shi Feng had safely arrived before Identical Summer's Sailboat. As long as he continued forward, he could've shaken off the enemy sailboat and docked on legacy island, yet the Swordsman had boarded the enemy sailboat alone for a melee battle. This was insane!

Unlike the fight on Demon Island, they still bore the damage from the fighting the Magic Whale for so long. In fact, Shi Feng's HP bar was not even half full right now. On the other hand, Identical Summer's crew was only slightly battered.

"You've arrived just in time. In any case, I had thought of taking your sailboat for myself." Seeing Shi Feng board his sailboat, Identical Summer looked to the fifteen cloaked players around him and said, "Get rid of him. Everyone else, collect the sailboat."

Nodding, these fifteen cloaked players slowly approached Shi Feng.

Although these fifteen players' footsteps were casual, their positioning was far from it as they had sealed off Shi Feng's path of retreat.

"Brat, you really are unlucky to have crossed us. But don't you worry. We won't come at you together." At this moment, a man that was as robust as an ox stepped away from the formation and said, "I'll be your opponent now."

As soon as this man said so, he threw off his Black Cloak and revealed his steel-like muscles and the two short swords hanging from his waist. Both swords bore a delicate flame engraving, the marks giving off a light blue flame. The weapons were clearly a pair.

Although the robust man's figure was abnormal for his Assassin class, when everyone present saw this man's face and game ID, they realized that it was only natural.

"Why is Mad Beast here?" Passing Monarch was surprised when he saw the robust Assassin.

The Assassin's name was Residual Innocence. Although not many people were familiar with this name, the Assassin had another name that was famous throughout Sea's End—Mad Beast.

Mad Beast was known as one of the top five Assassin experts in Sea's End. Aside from his robust form, Residual Innocence had earned the title Mad Beast in Sea's End due to a fight in which he had overwhelmed the seventh-rank Berserker with his Strength alone.

Mad Beast was not a Guild player, but an independent player. He was also a member of the House of Seas, the number one adventurer team in Sea's End.

There were countless adventurer teams in Sea's End, yet the House of Seas had been publicly acknowledged as the number one adventurer team in the area. Not only did the adventurer team possess many experts, but it also operated several popular Shops.

Passing Monarch and his fleet members weren't the only ones surprised. Hundred Leaves and the others hadn't expected to see Mad Beast, either.

They had never imagined that Identical Summer would join hands with the House of Seas.

"This makes things a bit tricky. If Identical Summer has joined hands with the House of Seas, it could cause some trouble for our plans to take over the Freedom Alliance," the cloaked woman from the Sacred Temple said, frowning.

Although the House of Seas was merely an adventurer team, it was backed by an extraordinary power. During the Sacred Temple's investigation, it discovered that the House of Seas had secured the support of a certain major corporation from overseas. If the Sacred Temple wanted a hand in the Freedom Alliance's First Fleet, it would likely have to compete with that corporation in the future.

"The Freedom Alliance's top-ranked fleet commanders cannot be underestimated. Let's get ready. We cannot let Identical Summer monopolize the loot," Hundred Leaves said, smiling.

Originally, she had worried that Identical Summer would not be a match for Shi Feng. However, it would seem that both sides were equally matched. It was likely that they would enter a stalemate. If that happened, she would have a golden opportunity to rake in a fortune.

However, as Hundred Leaves considered such thoughts, Shi Feng exploded into action.

Instant Strike!

In the blink of an eye, Shi Feng appeared before Mad Beast and executed Sword's Orbit.

Instant Strike increased his Attack Speed by 500% and damage by 400%. Even someone like Mad Beast was caught off guard. Before the Assassin could even activate Vanish, Shi Feng's sword bit into him.

Only after Shi Feng's second slash descended did he successfully activate Vanish. However, it was too late.


A terrifying damage devoured all of Mad Beast's 30,000 HP.

Even after his death, Mad Beast could not figure out how a normal attack had taken his life.

"How is he so fast?!" Mad Beast's companions suddenly wore serious expressions.

Mad Beast had literally died in the blink of an eye.

This had to be a joke.

Mad Beast could rank third among their group of fifteen. Although there were players who could defeat Mad Beast in Sea's End, his survivability was incredible due to his Assassin class. If he focused on escape, very few could kill him. There wasn't even one expert in Sea's End who could kill him instantly.

Yet, now...

"Mad Beast lost?! This can't be possible!"

Identical Summer's eyes nearly fell from their sockets when he saw this. While he had considered the possibility of Shi Feng defeating Mad Beast, he had never expected Mad Beast to die instantly.

"Who is that man?" Hundred Leaves was stunned as she stared at Mad Beast's lifeless body.

Based on her investigation, Mad Beast was a Flowing Water Realm expert. Although he was no match for her guard, Scorpion, he wasn't an easy target.

"Who's next?" Shi Feng licked his lips as he glanced at the remaining experts from the House of Seas.

Chapter 1229 - Glory and Collapse

Shi Feng's taunt instantly enraged his enemies.

However, due to Shi Feng's frightening performance and chilling killing intent, nobody dared to rush at him casually, either.

"We've got ourselves a tough one. Melees, distract him! Ranged players, assist from the sides! I refuse to believe that we can't take him down!" a thin Elementalist behind the group shouted.

The heavy pressure these players felt from Shi Feng vanished the moment the Elementalist finished speaking.

Five melee players then charged at Shi Feng.

A Guardian Knight used Justice Roar. A Berserker used Flame Slash; a Shield Warrior used Shield Bash; a Swordsman used Wind Blade, and an Assassin used Stealth and circled to Shi Feng's back.

All five were Level 43 and equipped with Dark-Gold Weapons and Equipment. In terms of weapons and equipment, they were not the least bit inferior to Mad Beast. Moreover, these five had excellent coordination. While the Guardian Knight and Shield Warrior were distracting Shi Feng, the other three launched attacks from Shi Feng's blind spots. Even peak experts would have to retreat temporarily in the face of such an attack. After all, if hit, Shi Feng would definitely be at a disadvantage.

At the same time, the slim Elementalist waved his staff and double cast, sealing off Shi Feng's only path of retreat with an Ice Wall as well as sending five Great Fireballs following the Guardian Knight and Shield Warrior.

Amazing! Identical Summer was inwardly impressed by the timing and execution the House of Seas' experts displayed.

Whether Shi Feng tried to run or fight after repelling the Guardian Knight and Shield Warrior, the five Great Fireballs would strike the instant he pushed the two MTs back.

If Identical Summer had to face such a well-planned assault, he would die.

Contrary to expectation, however, Shi Feng smiled as the five melee players moved towards him. Immediately, he used Silent Steps and vanished. He reappeared behind the slim Elementalist and swung down his sword.


However, before Shi Feng's Killing Ray could strike the Elementalist, a layer of ice stopped it in mid-swing.

Impressive reaction time.

The Ice Barrier before him surprised Shi Feng slightly. He would not underestimate Mad Beast and the other House of Seas' experts. Otherwise, he wouldn't have used Instant Strike right from the start.

The House of Seas had been one of the six major maritime trading firms in the past. The wealth it amassed was unimaginable. Meanwhile, To grow one's business to such an extent, one first needed enough strength to protect it.

In fact, Mad Beast and the others represented the House of Seas' strength. They were all incredibly strong, and every one had been an apex expert that had reached Tier 5. Even on land, the House of Seas had been strong enough to challenge Super Guilds.

After Shi Feng's attack met the Elementalist's Ice Barrier, the other House of Seas members reacted and bombarded Shi Feng with attacks.

Dozens of arrows and Spells flew at Shi Feng, giving the Swordsman no other choice but to retreat momentarily.

"Be careful. This bastard as quite a few Instantaneous Movement Skills," the Elementalist warned his companions. "Don't hold back."

If not for Shi Feng's previous display against Mad Beast, even he would have been slow to react.

He was second-in-command in the House of Seas, nicknamed the Frost Saint. He had also been born with faster reactions than most ordinary people.

Even so, Shi Feng had nearly caught him off guard and killed him. This proved that Shi Feng's Basic Attributes and combat standards were extraordinary.

"I really never imagined that we would one day meet an opponent that could force all of us to activate our Berserk Skills and work together." The Shield Warrior sighed as he looked at Shi Feng, who remained unharmed. However, he did not take the situation lightly as he activated his Berserk Skill. Immediately, his HP doubled, soaring past the 70,000-threshold. His Strength and Agility Attributes had also improved significantly.


"This guy's too nimble! I'll try to restrain him!" a distant Ranger announced as he took five silver arrows from his bag.

"Savage, you're so generous!" the Shield Warrior chuckled as he glanced at the silver arrows.

The Ranger named Savage treasured these silver arrows, each worth 10 Gold Coins. Crafting the arrows required many rare materials. Aside from dealing with Grand Lords, he had never seen Savage use the arrows on anything.

Just one of those silver arrows packed enough power to injure a Grand Lord, not to mention five of them.

Even if he activated a Lifesaving Skill, he couldn't avoid the Ranger's treasures.

"He should be proud to die under my arrows," Savage boasted as he activated his Berserk Skill and released his bowstring.


All five silver arrows flew towards Shi Feng simultaneously.

As the silver arrows sliced through the air, they twisted the space around them.

Gravity Arrows? Shi Feng frowned when he saw the incoming arrows. Originally, he had intended to preserve some of his Skills, but he scrapped that idea. Without hesitation, he activated Thunder God's Descent, increasing his Movement Speed and Attack Speed 150%, damage by 50%, and decreasing all damage received by 50% for 30 seconds.

He then charged straight at the Shield Warrior and five Gravity Arrows.

As Shi tightened his grips on his two swords and brandished them, starlight sparkled around him.

Sword's Orbit!

Peng... Peng... Peng...

Shi Feng's blades repulsed the Shield Warrior instantly, forcing the man to take several steps back. As for Shi Feng himself, he was knocked back by roughly eight yards, his blades emitting a low hum.

"He blocked them!?" Savage's mouth twitched.

Sure enough, fighting so many Refinement Realm and above experts is taxing. Shi Feng revealed a bitter smile as he glanced at his trembling hands.

He had lost 10,000 HP when he had blocked the five Gravity Arrows. Without Thunder God's Descent, he would've lost double that. He only had around 10,000 HP remaining.

Normally, killing any one of these players in a one-on-one would be a piece of cake with his level, weapons, and equipment.

However, even he couldn't end this battle in a short time with these fourteen players working together. His best option was a battle of attrition, slowly wearing down his opposition. Unfortunately, it was obvious that he didn't have that luxury.

Currently, Identical Summer's men had already begun to clash with Passing Monarch and the others. It was only a matter of time before so many enemies annihilated Passing Monarch and his fleet.

It seems that I don't have the option of holding back any longer. Shi Feng sighed. He then activated Heavenly Dragon's Power.

He had yet to reach the legacy island. Nobody knew what would happen once they docked. In addition to the time limit, Shi Feng had wanted to conserve some of his strength in case of emergency.

However, now that the House of Seas experts had already their Berserk Skills, he had lost his advantage of higher Basic Attributes.

The slim Elementalist felt a chill crawl down his spine when he saw this situation. He immediately shouted, "Careful. He has used his Berserk Skill."

"Damn it! How is he so strong?! Frost, find an opportunity to use a Tier 3 Magic Scroll!"

"We'll pay for this trade."

The House of Seas' members wore serious expressions. They glared at Shi Feng was as if he were their greatest enemy, focusing on the Swordman's every move.

Meanwhile, Shi Feng no longer held back.

Wind Rider!

In the blink of an eye, Shi Feng appeared before the slim Elementalist, who had been 16 yards away. He swung down his sword.

It was a simple and straightforward slash.

However, despite such a simple attack, the Elementalist couldn't dodge in time. He was forced to use Blink, instantly appearing 15 yards away.

Too close! Although Shi Feng's sudden appearance had shaken the slim Elementalist, he had use Blink in time. With this, Shi Feng couldn't close in on him again so easily.

"Be careful!"

As the Elementalist refocused his attention on Shi Feng, he heard his companion's warning. Unfortunately, the warning came too late as Shi Feng already stood before him...

The upgraded Wind Rider increased Shi Feng's Movement Speed by 300%. With the Movement Speed and Agility buff from the Aura of Wind, Shi Feng could easily cross a dozen yards or so in the blink of an eye. His speed might not be comparable to Blink or Instantaneous Movement, but in such close quarters, he was not very far behind.


Although the Elementalist tried to retaliate, Killing Ray had already sliced open his neck, draining all of his HP.

Chapter 1230 - Horrific Difference

"So fast!"

Everyone on the sailboat glared at Shi Feng as if he were a powerful enemy.

Despite Shi Feng being alone and having less than 25% of his total HP, they somehow felt as if they were at a disadvantage.

However, Shi Feng did not plan to give the crowd around him time to react. Advancing, he dashed towards his next target.

"Everyone, attack! Do not let him leave here alive!" Identical Summer shouted.

"Summer, if everyone attacks him, who will deal with Passing Monarch's fleet?" Heavenly Spider asked as he watched their fleet members currently engage Passing Monarch's fleet.

"Ignore them! This brat is our most important target!" Identical Summer snapped, rolling his eyes at Heavenly Spider. Passing Monarch was but a fish on a chopping block. Shi Feng was different. If they didn't stop him quickly, his frightening combat power would cost them dearly.

Under Identical Summer's command, his fleet members shifted their focus to Shi Feng. Only a small number of players remained to distract Passing Monarch and the other Third Fleet members.

Identical Summer's assumptions were correct. Even a peak expert would be hard-pressed to avoid every attack if surrounded by plate armor classes and over a hundred melee players. More melee players waited on the side as well, waiting for an opportunity to strike. Even an Assassin with high survivability would not escape death.

Unfortunately, Shi Feng wasn't what they expected. With Wind Rider's Movement Speed increase, it would be very difficult for ranged classes to get a lock on the Swordsman. Moreover, Shi Feng's range wasn't limited to the ship's deck. He could also fly through the air. He could easily throw off his opponents and dodge attacks with abrupt turns and stops mid-air.

Furthermore, fighting on the Small Sailboat was convenient for Shi Feng. In the cramped space, he didn't need to chase his enemies. He could easily arrive before another player with a few steps.

Shi Feng slaughtered one player after another. Every time he swung one of his swords, one of Identical Summer's fleet would lose their life. The Shield Warriors with over 35,000 HP were no exception.

There was already a massive gap between their levels. After Shi Feng activated Heavenly Dragon's Power, his Strength had also increased by 150%. In addition, he had Angry Tyrant's Passive Skill, Blood Frenzy, which increased his Strength by another 20%, Attack Speed by 30%, and reduced damage received by 20% when his HP was below 50%.

He could even kill Shield Warriors with high HP and Defense instantly if the latter did not activate Shield Wall in time.

In ten short seconds, Shi Feng had killed eleven people, yet his HP had not decreased. Rather, it had begun to recover...

Heavenly Dragon's Power increased his HP by 500% and Defense by 300%. This put his maximum HP at over 210,000. With his battle recovery, he could regenerate 1% of his HP every five seconds. When normal arrows struck, Shi Feng only took around -400 damage. In the case of Frost Arrows or Fireballs, due to Shi Feng's high Magic Resistance, they dealt even less, with each attack dealing around -200 to -300 damage...

During the ten seconds of combat, Shi Feng had been struck three times.

However, these three hits had been extremely expensive. Each attack had cost the House of Seas a Refinement Realm expert...

How is this possible!? How is his HP increasing without a healer?! Identical Summer felt his skin grow cold as he watched Shi Feng eliminate his fleet members. What kind of monster is he?!

Every member of his fleet that he had brought with him to the secret land was an expert, yet against Shi Feng's blades, they were no little more than thin sheets of paper.

"This transaction has cost us. Morning, help me pin that guy down! I'll use the Space Shattering Arrow to finish him off!" the Ranger named Savage whispered to the Guardian Knight before him. "One second. I just need him to stay still for one second!"

"One second?" The Guardian Knight, First Morning, hesitated. He could hold down any other expert for ten seconds easily, much less one. However, Shi Feng was simply too strong. Even with his Berserk Skill, he was not confident in holding Shi Feng down for that long. "I'll give it a try."

Savage did not say anything in response. Instead, he retrieved a crimson arrow from his bag, removing the seal placed upon it.

The Ranger class wasn't like other classes. Aside from the player's Attributes and bow, their arrows played a major role in how much damage they dealt. With a powerful arrow, a Ranger could even display several times more combat power than usual.

"I refuse to believe that you can block this Space Shattering Arrow." Savage smiled confidently after removing the seal.

The Space Shattering Arrow was not a craftable item. Rather, he had obtained it from an ancient ruin. It was the strongest arrow he had ever seen. As soon as he removed the seal, the arrow exuded a pressure on par with that of a Great Lord. Even injuring a Grand Lord wouldn't be an issue with his bow's effects.

"Savage, now!" First Morning shouted. The instant he noticed Shi Feng kill one of his companions, he launched himself forward and tackled the Swordsman. Even if Shi Feng used a Control Removal Skill, there was no escape. Shi Feng could only break free with brute force.

"Nice job!" Savage released the Space Shattering Arrow.


The crimson arrow flew towards Shi Feng; space itself cracked as the arrow passed. Even a Tier 4 Skill paled in comparison to the Space Shattering Arrow's power.

Shi Feng's expression darkened when he noticed the rapidly-approaching crimson arrow. If he were struck, even with Heavenly Dragon's Power active, he would sustain heavy injuries.

Shi Feng took a deep breath and used Dragon Breath on the arrow.

A silver beam of light clashed with the Space Shattering Arrow.

Unfortunately, Dragon Breath had only delayed it for a brief moment before the Space Shattering Arrow shattered the counterattack.

However, the brief moment was just enough time for Shi Feng to break free from First Morning's hold. Almost instinctively, he executed a complicated, mystical footwork technique before vanishing.

Void Steps!

"He disappeared?!"

First Morning cried out in confusion. Although he searched for Shi Feng, the Space Shattering Arrow had already pierced his heavy armor. Not only had the arrow killed the Guardian Knight instantly, but it had also punched a hole in the Small Sailboat.

"How is this possible?!" Savage couldn't believe his eyes.

The Space Shattering Arrow was extremely fast. While Shi Feng's speed was frightening, he shouldn't be able to dodge the arrow, yet.... Shi Feng had used Dragon Breath to stop the Space Shattering Arrow temporarily. He had then used the brief delay to break free from First Morning's hold and dodge the Ranger's attack.

This was the first time he had ever seen such a fine, bold strategy.

"Where is he?" Identical Summer muttered in confusion. Even after searching the deck, he didn't catch a glimpse of Shi Feng.

However, after Identical Summer had finished his three words, a blue longsword emerged from his chest.

"You..." Identical Summer tried to turn his head. Before he had noticed, Shi Feng had stood right behind him. Although he couldn't see Shi Feng's appearance due to the Black Cloak, he could somehow tell that Shi Feng had flashed him a ridiculing smile.

All this time, he had thought himself the hunter, but in reality, he was the prey.

Only after Identical Summer's HP reached zero did he finally realize that he had fallen into a monster's den without knowing it.

Identical Summer's death had frozen every member of his fleet in shock.

Despite an assault from so many people at once, not only hadn't Shi Feng's HP dropped in the slightest, but the man had also taken their commander's life. How were they supposed to defeat such a monster?


No one knew who had shouted this word, but everyone instinctively followed the command.

"You want to escape? Do you think it'll be that easy?"

Following which, Shi Feng raised Killing Ray high and activated Lightning Edge against the fleeing players.

As Lightning Edge had a 0.5-second channeling time, it had limited effects against expert players. As he had previously stood in the center of the deck, he wouldn't have been able to hit as many players. Now, however, he stood at the tip of the stern. Lightning Edge's range was more than enough to cover the entire Small Sailboat. In addition, as these players turned their backs to him and fled, they had lowered their guard against the attack.

Countless arcs of lightning shot forth from Killing Ray. Although some experts reacted quickly and dodged in time, over half of the team, consisting of over a hundred players, died instantly. As for those who survived the attack, they had already jumped ship.

"Let's go!"

After Identical Summer, the Small Sailboat's captain, had died, Shi Feng smiled in satisfaction. Now, even without Identical Summer's permission, any player could simply steer the sailboat away. Following which, Shi Feng sailed towards the legacy island. As for Passing Monarch and the others, they followed closely after on the One-horned Sailboat and Swift Dragon Sailboat.

Only now did Silent Entropy's fleet arrive.

"Commander, are we going to chase after them?" an indifferent man in blue mage robes asked as the fleet commander.

"Forget it. The battle is over. If we fight that person, we'll likely let that little girl take advantage of us. Let's head back and finish off the Magic Whale." Silent Entropy shook his head as he watched the distant Shi Feng.

Chapter 1231 - Hidden Reward for the First Kill

"It's over?" Disappointment flashed in Hundred Leaves's eyes when she saw Silent Entropy's fleet turn back.

Originally, she had thought that she could get to understand Shi Feng more through Silent Entropy and the others.

In the end, however, the outcome wasn't what she had hoped for. After watching Shi Feng's battle with Identical Summer's fleet, she ended up with even more questions than before.

"Leaves, your prediction was quite accurate. Fortunately, we didn't intervene. Otherwise, we would've suffered severe losses as well," the cloaked woman said as she watched Shi Feng's departing figure in shock.

Not only had Shi Feng wiped out over half of Identical Summer's fleet by himself, but he had also taken a Small Sailboat from his enemies.

Even in the Sacred Temple, there were only a few people capable of such a feat. When Shi Feng had dodged the crimson arrow, in particular, he had displayed perfect timing and Skill usage. Had his aim with the Skill been off, he would've lost his life then and there.

"Could he be...a Domain Realm expert?" The cloaked woman suddenly thought of this possibility and shuddered.

Domain Realm experts were peak existences even in the Sacred Temple. The Guild would host an all-day celebration if such an expert joined.

The cloaked woman also knew how fearsome a Domain Realm expert was as she had once fought one.

Despite both parties having the same level and Attributes, the battle had been completely one-sided. She had not even injured her opponent before her HP dropped to nothing.

The fact that Shi Feng had kept up with the crimson arrow was already impressive, not to mention counterattacking the arrow with a Skill of his own. Without sufficient understanding and perception of physics, the feat would have been impossible.

She was a Void Realm expert the Sacred Temple had nurtured. Although she had only recently reached the Void Realm, she knew that she was not capable of using a Skill to strike an incoming arrow.

"A Domain Realm expert?"

Hundred Leaves fell into deep thought. She felt both fortunate and frustrated.

If Shi Feng really was a Domain Realm expert, then it would be impossible to kill him with their forces. After all, the previous fight had shown her that Shi Feng was a true monster when it came to Basic Attributes. With both the advantage in Basic Attributes and combat standards, how were they supposed to defeat him?

Currently, there were only two known methods to deal with Domain Realm experts. The first method was to catch the Domain Realm expert in an ambush and supplement the lack of quality combat standards with quantity of experts. However, for this method to work, certain conditions—such as the expert being unable to escape—needed to be met.

The second method was to use a special tool to catch the other party off guard. Similarly, however, certain conditions needed to be met for this to work.

Dealing with Domain Realm experts gave the various superpowers headaches.

Not only were they extremely powerful, but they were also very hard to kill. Hence, the various superpowers normally avoided provoking Domain Realm experts, trying to recruit and befriend them as much as possible.

Understanding Hundred Leaves's worries, the cloaked woman suggested, "Leaves, why don't I use that?"

They had the full support of the Sacred Temple for their operation. Hence, the Sacred Temple had provided a considerable amount of assistance. Aside from experts, the Temple had supplied extremely powerful tools. This was also why they were so confident in obtaining the greatest Legacy of the Sea Dragon Secret Land.

"Forget it. Even if they dock, it won't be that easy to obtain the Legacy." Sighing, Hundred Leaves said, "Let's get rid of the Magic Whale for now."


Shi Feng and the others rested on legacy island's shore.

After the battle with the Magic Whale and Identical Summer's fleet, the team members were badly battered. Meanwhile, dangers plagued the island. They had to recuperate before searching for the Legacy.

What a huge harvest. Shi Feng was ecstatic as he smiled at the crystal bottle in his bag.

This crystal bottle contained none other than Identical Summer's Small Sailboat.

Although it was only a Common Small Sailboat, its value far outstripped that of Epic items.

With the addition of this Small Sailboat, Zero Wing's naval power would increase significantly.

Moreover, the Magic Whale had dropped a plethora of relatively valuable items. Although its loot could not compare to that of King-class Sea Monsters in the outside world, every item among the 30-plus that had dropped was a treasure in its own right. The Magic Whale Skin, in particular, could strengthen ships.

Shi Feng even regretted not killing a few more Magic Whales.

[Magic Whale Skin] (Dark-Gold Rank Tool)
Improves a ship's Defense by 10%, Movement Speed by 3%, and Durability by 10 points. (A maximum of three Magic Whale Skins can be used to strengthen a ship.)

While players could modify their ships in God's Domain, the risk was quite high. A single mistake could ruin the ship entirely.

However, there was also a risk-free method to strengthen a ship by using certain precious tools.

In the past, the best ship-strengthening tool Shi Feng had seen was only Secret-Silver rank. Said tool was only capable of increasing a ship's Defense by 5% and Durability by three points. Even then, it could have easily sold for 500 Gold on the market.

One might consider the price steep, but many had fought over the item like crazy.

If one used a ship-strengthening tool on an advanced speedboat, it wouldn't be worth the 500 Gold. However, if used on a Bronze Speedboat or above, one could easily earn back their investment.

Now, a total of eight Magic Whale Skins had dropped. Just looking at them excited Shi Feng.

The Magic Whale had also dropped two items that Shi Feng valued above the rest. One of them was a Growth-type support tool called the Alchemy Pot. The Alchemy Pot could increase a player's alchemy success rate. To alchemist players, this item was worth no less than an Epic item. As for the other, it was the map of Sea God's Island, which was the name of the legacy island they rested on. The map recorded all of the island's secrets, and it allowed players to reach the Legacy without wasting a lot of time with exploration.

Is this the benefit of getting the first kill of a Magic Whale? Shi Feng smiled at the Sea God's Island Map in his hands.

No one would have imagined that getting the first kill on the Magic Whale would offer such a benefit. Otherwise, Silent Entropy and the others would've used everything they had to kill their Magic Whales first.

"Brother Ye Feng, you are incredible! You wiped out so many experts all by yourself! You are the strongest player I've ever seen!" Reverence filled Blue Joy's eyes as she praised Shi Feng.

The Third Fleet had clashed with Identical Summer's second fleet in the outside world frequently. She knew full well how powerful Identical Summer and his subordinates were, yet Shi Feng had not only defeated them so easily, but he had also killed the House of Seas' Mad Beast with a single hit.

Finally, Shi Feng had even stolen Identical Summer's Small Sailboat. Identical Summer was most likely dying inside right now.

"Blue, don't just praise Brother Ye Feng. Didn't you see my heroic performance? I faced Heavenly Spider and three of his experts at the same time," Passing Monarch boasted.

"Commander, Brother Ye Feng only used one move to annihilate over half of Identical Summer's experts. When you can defeat dozens of experts of Identical Summer's caliber by yourself, I'll praise you as well," Blue Joy retorted, giggling.

"This..." Passing Monarch fell silent. While he wished that he could accomplish such a feat, he was not a monster like Shi Feng.

"Now that we've rested, let's set out." Shi Feng simply smiled in response. In reality, his performance was average at best.

In the past, the experts that had become legends in God's Domain were the truly amazing players.

One expert had defended an entire city by himself. Moreover, said expert's opponent had not been an ordinary Guild, but a Super Guild. Watching the expert face off against hundreds of the Super Guild's top forces had been spectacular.

There was also one instance where an expert had held their ground against three God-ranked players. That battle had been truly breathtaking.

Blue Joy and Passing Monarch had experienced too few battles in God's Domain, particularly between famous experts.


While the legacy island seemed small from afar, in reality, it was massive. Its size could rival a regional map. The island was also home to many powerful monsters; the weakest of which were Chieftain rank, while the strongest were Grand Lords. Fortunately, the maximum level was Level 55.

However, the most troublesome part about getting through the island would be the many fatal traps that waited for them.

Fortunately, under Shi Feng's lead, the group had managed to reach the heart of the island after only two hours.

The Tower of Falling Stars!

Chapter 1232 - City's Management Rights

"This should be where the Legacy is." Excitement flashed in Passing Monarch's eyes as he looked at the tower hidden in the gorge.

He was impressed by how fast Shi Feng had found the greatest Legacy of the Sea Dragon.

On his last visit to the secret land, the Third Fleet had taken over four hours to clear the trials. Afterward, they spent the remaining time searching legacy island. However, they failed to find the Legacy and lost some of their members to the islands various traps.

Yet, Shi Feng had located the Legacy in less than three hours. It was a miracle.

Although Passing Monarch was a little frustrated that Shi Feng would be the one to obtain the greatest Legacy, after giving the matter some thought, it was much better than letting it fall into Silent Entropy or the others' hands. Moreover, if he had Shi Feng's help later, he should have no problems obtaining the Legacies in the 50-yard grottos. He could then stabilize his fleet's position as Third Fleet in the Freedom Alliance.

Had he not cooperated with Shi Feng, his fleet would've likely fallen to Seventh or Eighth Fleet after this expedition. If that happened, his fleet would no longer qualify to use the Freedom Alliance's Large Shipyard.

When Shi Feng saw the Tower of Falling Stars, although he was slightly excited, he did not hurry to approach the tower. Rather, he turned to Passing Monarch calmly and quietly asked, "Brother Monarch, are you interested in a trade?"

At this point, he practically had the Sea God's Legacy in the bag, fulfilling his initial goal in coming here.

However, Zero Wing currently lacked both money and resources to develop. The Candlelight Trading Firm's income was not enough to sustain Zero Wing. If he wanted to increase the Candlelight Trading Firm's income, he needed to expand.

Meanwhile, the Freedom Alliance occupied three of the twelve major cities in the Sea's End. If he could set a Shop up in each of these three cities, the trading firm's income would skyrocket.

However, setting up Shop in these major cities would not be as easy as it was on land, where all he needed was a sufficient amount of Reputation and Coins. When purchasing a Shop in Sea's End's NPC cities, one did not require any Reputation. Instead, a player needed the approval of the city's manager. This was similar to how player-constructed towns and cities operated.

Due to this, Sea's End's businesses hadn't developed overmuch.

After all, to get the city manager's approval, one normally needed to sign a profit-sharing agreement. While some kind-hearted managers only asked for 30% of the profits, some black-hearted managers went as far as to ask for 50%. This was why most players in Blue Jade City had opted to set up street stalls to sell their items as that method did not require them to split profits; they only needed to pay a small fee.

"A trade? What do you have in mind, Brother Ye Feng?" Passing Monarch asked, curiosity gripping his heart.

"Are you interested in becoming First Fleet's commander?" Shi Feng asked, laughing.

"First Fleet's commander? Brother Ye Feng, are you joking? You know what kind of foundations Silent Entropy and Hundred Leaves possess. Even if I obtain a Legacy this time, I'd be lucky to keep the third seat," Passing Monarch said, shaking his head.

"That's why I'm offering a trade." Suddenly, Shi Feng grew serious as he said, "You've seen my strength. You also know that I have the Zero Wing Guild behind me. If you have Zero Wing's full support, how confident are you in becoming the First Fleet's commander?"

Shi Feng's words rendered Passing Monarch speechless.

If not for Shi Feng's help, the Third Fleet would've suffered in this operation.

"Although I don't know exactly how strong Zero Wing is, in my opinion, I'd be lucky to have a 20% chance of becoming the First Fleet's commander. Silent Entropy is not as simple as you assume," Passing Monarch answered.

"Twenty percent?" Shi Feng chuckled. "Not bad. At the very least, it's more than nothing. If I help you become the First Fleet's commander, I want management rights for the city under your rule. We'll split the profits evenly. What do you think?"

The Freedom Alliance was not a Guild. Becoming the First Fleet's commander did not mean that one would gain control over all three major cities under the Freedom Alliance. However, one could gain control over Heavenly Ocean City, which had the largest player population out of the three. The commanders of the remaining ten fleets commanded the two other cities.

This was also why the Sacred Temple meddled in the Freedom Alliance's affairs.

By becoming the First Fleet's commander, one could monopolize a major NPC city. If managed properly, the riches one could obtain would be staggering.

"The city's management rights?" After giving the matter some thought, Passing Monarch said, "Alright, I agree to your conditions. I can deal with that as long as I become the First Fleet's commander."

An adventurer team had formed the Third Fleet. To them, a city's management rights were of little importance. As long as they received sufficient resources and Coins, they'd be satisfied.

"However, contesting for the position of First Fleet will be difficult. The sea monster invasions we have to deal with test a fleet's overall strength. It isn't something that can be handled with just two Small Sailboats and several high-quality speedboats." Passing Monarch understood that Shi Feng was in possession of powerful ships. However, those ships would not be of significant help when contesting for the position of First Fleet.

Once a month, a competition would be held for the management rights of Sea's End's various cities. During these competitions, sea monsters would invade these cities. The fleet that defended the most locations in a particular city would become said city's manager. The Freedom Alliance's fleets also used this competition to compete for the various seats in the Alliance.

Silent Entropy was able to hold the First Fleet position due to the scope of his unmatched defense.

Although Shi Feng appeared confident about the situation, Passing Monarch was not.

"I understand. I will think of a way to increase your overall strength," Shi Feng said, chuckling. "Let's sign a contract."

He more or less understood the Freedom Alliance's seating competition. After all, the Freedom Alliance had been one of the overlords at sea in the past.

Following which, Shi Feng established a contract with Passing Monarch.

The contents were very simple. Shi Feng would help Passing Monarch become the commander of First Fleet. In return, Passing Monarch would hand over all management rights of the city he controlled to Shi Feng. As for the profits city's profits, they would split them equally. While Shi Feng managed the city, Passing Monarch also had to provide assistance in maintaining it.

After they signed the contract, Shi Feng nodded in satisfaction. He then led Passing Monarch and the others towards the Tower of Falling Stars.

The tower had a total of three floors. According to the Sea God's Island Map, the rewards on the first floor were available to all players that reached this place. Players would have to fight for the rewards on the second and third floors. Moreover, the rewards on the second and third floor were unique; only the first player to clear the floor could walk away with them. Any players that cleared the floor afterward would obtain nothing.

As Shi Feng and the others arrived before the Tower of Falling Stars, Shi Feng stopped the team abruptly. This confused Passing Monarch and his sailors. A moment later, however, a familiar voice reached everyone's ears.

"We've been discovered already?"

Several figures suddenly emerged from the nearby forest. The person speaking was none other than Hundred Leaves.

Silent Entropy stood by her side casually.

"How did you guys get here so quickly?" Passing Monarch was shocked to find Hundred Leaves and Silent Entropy here.

The Magic Whale was not an easy opponent. The final, team-wipe move was particularly threatening. Even if Hundred Leaves and Silent Entropy defeated their respective Magic Whales, it should take their fleets quite some time to do so, yet they were here as soon as his group had reached the Legacy's location. No matter how he thought about it, this shouldn't be possible.

Understanding Passing Monarch's thoughts, Hundred Leaves chuckled and said, "There's nothing to be surprised about. I simply formed a temporary alliance with Commander Entropy and established a 200-man team. We then sacrificed my Small Sailboat and Commander Entropy's two Bronze Speedboats to get here quickly. Although we sacrificed a lot, fortunately, we caught up to you. Otherwise, the Legacy really would have fallen into your hands."

Passing Monarch could not help his astonishment.

He had never dreamed that Hundred Leaves would sacrifice even a Small Sailboat.

"Commander Leaves, your subordinate is truly amazing. Even in such a situation, he managed to track us," Shi Feng offered his admiration as he glanced at the cloaked Assassin beside Hundred Leaves.

On their way here, he had tried to hide their tracks as much as possible. To track them, one needed to have leveled their Tracker subclass to Master rank at the very least.

"Well, enough talk. Since we're here, we should conclude this matter." Hundred Leaves smiled at Shi Feng and the others.

Chapter 1233 - Breaking a Magic Array with One Sentence

Hearing this, Passing Monarch's expression darkened as he prepared for an attack.

He had less than thirty people. In contrast, Hundred Leaves and Silent Entropy had a force of over 150. Aside from the numerical disadvantage, his men had already used their Berserk Skills to deal with Identical Summer's men. Without their Berserk Skills, they were even less of a match for Hundred Leaves and Silent Entropy's people.

However, what Passing Monarch had not realized was that Hundred Leaves's subordinates had long since taken action.

Suddenly, a crimson barrier appeared around Shi Feng's group, enveloping them.

"Commander Monarch, I'll have to ask you and your crew to wait here while we go ahead," Hundred Leaves said, giggling as she glanced at Shi Feng, who stood beside Passing Monarch.

There was no limit to the number of people that could enter the Legacy's location. However, the sooner one entered, the higher their chances were of obtaining it.

If not for witnessing Shi Feng's combat power personally, she would've killed Passing Monarch and the others instead of wasting a magic barrier.

"Hundred Leaves, you're despicable!" Blue Joy gnashed her teeth, glaring at the female commander.

If the other party had simply wanted to fight, they could have accepted that. After all, they could have found an opportunity to escape into the Tower of Falling Stars. Once inside, they would enter a separate space. By then, Hundred Leaves and the others would not be able to touch them, and they could compete for the Legacy fairly. However, they wouldn't escape this trap for some time. If they were stuck in the barrier for too long, Hundred Leaves and the others might secure the Legacy before they broke free.

"Don't worry. I have a Tier 3 Magic Scroll. It should not be difficult to break this magic array." Passing Monarch shot Hundred Leaves a glare. He hadn't expected the woman to waste a magic array willingly. He couldn't help but smile bitterly as he turned to Shi Feng.

After saying so, Passing Monarch took out his only Tier 3 Magic Scroll, Storm Spear.

As Passing Monarch activated the Magic Scroll, a blue magic array appeared behind him. Several spears, shaped like tornadoes, bombarded the crimson barrier.

The attack struck the barrier six times. However, after trembling slightly, it quickly returned to its original state. Meanwhile, the fifteen players maintaining the magic array only lost 1% of their Mana.

"Don't bother. Although this is only a Basic Magic Array, it is among the best. Even Grand Lords of the same level need some time to break out," Hundred Leaves explained when she saw the grim look on Passing Monarch's face.

In reality, she had been reluctant to use the magic array. However, with the possibility that Shi Feng might be a Domain Realm expert, she could not afford to be careless.

Silent Entropy glanced at Shi Feng as well, before chuckling and said, "Commander Leaves, our agreement ends here. Once we enter the legacy location, we'll compete with our own abilities."

As the first person to have obtained a Legacy from the Sea Dragon Secret Land, he was familiar with how these locations operated.

Everyone believed that obtaining a Legacy upon reaching the location was easy. In reality, that was not true. One first needed to pass the location's trials.

Now that they had trapped Shi Feng, who possessed frightening combat power, they had one less serious competitor. Now, he only had to worry about Hundred Leaves.

After speaking, Silent Entropy led his men into the Tower of Falling Stars.

"That old fox really moves quickly." Hundred Leaves clicked her tongue. She commanded, "Let's go in. We can't let that old fox get ahead of us."

After Silent Entropy and Hundred Leaves entered the Tower of Falling Stars with their subordinates, only Shi Feng's group and the players maintaining the magic array remained outside.

However, shortly after Silent Entropy and Hundred Leaves left, Shi Feng, who had been silent all this time, grinned.

"Brother Ye Feng, you're still in the mood to smile?! If we don't get out of here quickly, they will get the Legacy!" Passing Monarch complained anxiously.

Despite their efforts to take down the magic barrier, the players maintaining the array hadn't lost much Mana. At this rate, they would need an hour of constant attacks before they could escape.

"Relax. We'll be able to get out of here quickly," Shi Feng consoled, chuckling.

"With just you? Maybe in another hundred years," one of the Elementalists maintaining the array laughed when he heard Shi Feng's boast.

"This magic array is a Six-star Crimson World, an extremely rare Basic Magic Array. It can even hold Grand Lords for a short time. Am I right?" Shi Feng chuckled as he asked the Elementalist.

"How do you know this array?!" the Elementalist cried out in surprise.

Before Hundred Leaves had given them this magic array, they had neither heard of it nor seen one before.

"What do you think?" Shi Feng did not bother answering. Instead, he offered a sophisticated smile.

In the past, the Six-star Crimson World had been the Sacred Temple's trademark magic array. The Temple had frequently sold the magic array for a steep price. Just one Magic Array Scroll had cost 5 Gold Coins. To complete the set, one needed 15 scrolls. The magic array had been used in Dungeon raids specifically. As players progressed to the game, encountering two Bosses at once in large-scale Team Dungeons became common. To cope, players had normally trapped one Boss while dealing with the other.

He couldn't possibly tell them that he had purchased the magic array in the past...

"So what if you know about it? Do you think you can escape just because you know its name?" the Elementalist asked contemptuously.

The other players maintaining the array nodded in agreement. They considered Shi Feng's words to be nothing more than baseless arrogance.

"You guys, attack the six corners." Immediately, Shi Feng commanded his group.

In God's Domain, all magic arrays had weak points. Only, players didn't usually know them.

Had his enemies used a relatively rare magic array to trap him, he wouldn't have known how to break it. However, he was very familiar with the Six-star Crimson World. If Hundred Leaves had to blame anyone, she should blame the Sacred Temple for selling so many Basic Magic Arrays in the past.

Following which, under Shi Feng's command, the team ruthlessly attacked the array's six corners.

The magic barrier, which had been unshakable, began to tremble violently. Their combined efforts were even more effective than Passing Monarch's Tier 3 Magic Scroll. Meanwhile, the players maintaining the array watched their Mana deplete rapidly. Each wave of attacks stole 2% of their Mana. After several dozen waves, the 15 magical class players' Mana fell below 50%.

"Brother Ye Feng, you're too amazing!" Blue Joy and the other members of Third Fleet gushed.

They had already been impressed after watching Shi Feng slaughter so many experts. Now, he had dealt with a powerful magic barrier with a single sentence.

"How is this possible?!" the players maintaining the magic array were going mad as they watched their Mana plummet.

The Six-star Crimson World was even capable of trapping a Grand Lord, yet it faltered in the face of a small team of Tier 1 players.

"Here's the final hit." As Shi Feng made the announcement, he activated Firestorm.

After reaching Tier 1, Firestorm's might had become extraordinary. In the next moment, little butterflies of fire landed on the magic barrier's corners. When these little butterflies touched the barrier, the resulting impact resembled that of a high-speed truck crashing into a wall.

After a mere three seconds, the Six-star Crimson World crumbled as the players maintaining it ran out of Mana.

Without Mana, magical class players were little more than Berserkers without weapons. Very quickly, Passing Monarch and the others massacred them.

"Let's hurry inside," Passing Monarch ordered.

Although they had been only stuck inside the magic barrier for several minutes, those minutes might give Hundred Leaves and the others' a lead in the race for the Legacy.

Meanwhile, inside the Tower of Falling Stars, Hundred Leaves received a notification from a subordinate, which included a video of Shi Feng breaking the magic array.

"Just who is this guy?" Confusion swirled in Hundred Leaves mind as she stared at Shi Feng in the video.

Chapter 1234 - Secret Footwork Technique

After Hundred Leaves watched the video of Shi Feng taking command, her expression grew grim.

The Six-star Crimson World was unique to the Sacred Temple as they had the only magic array design. Even now, they had never announced this to the public.

No matter how she looked at it, Shi Feng couldn't have located the Six-star Crimson World's weak points coincidentally.

"It seems I'll have to report this to the Guild Leader." Hundred Leaves's gaze remained fixed on Shi Feng in the video.

Originally, the Guild had planned to make a fortune with the Six-star Crimson World. The fact that someone had discovered the array's weak points was no trivial matter.

Hundred Leaves immediately contacted her superior.

"Interesting. There's actually someone capable of locating the Six-star Crimson World's weak points," the handsome man wearing exquisite blue robes in the video replied, a faint smile appearing on his face. "This person is a problem. We need to teach him some humility. I'll send Uncle Li and the others over. Keep an eye on that player."

"You're sending Uncle Li?" Hundred Leaves could not help her growing joy. "This is great! With Uncle Li's help, this guy is doomed!"

The Sacred Temple was a Super Guild that recruited a large number of new talent every year. Various outstanding players rose within the Guild each year as well. However, those who truly withstood the test of time and became the Sacred Temple's mainstays were the Guild Elders. Uncle Li was one of these Guild Elders. He was an old monster that had grasped a Domain many years ago.

Even if Shi Feng were a monster that had reached the Domain Realm, he was no match for Uncle Li.

Furthermore, Uncle Li wasn't coming alone. His party members would be joining him.

Following which, Hundred Leaves notified her security party and had a few of them split up and head towards the rest area. As long as Shi Feng appeared, they would keep a close eye on him.

Inside the Sea Dragon Secret Land, whether one obtained a Legacy or not, they would be automatically transferred to a rest area once their time in the secret land was up. Players were then required to return to the starting point to leave the secret land. Otherwise, they'd be stuck here; not even Return Scrolls could be used to escape. At that time, even if Shi Feng wore a cloak, they could simply use a tracking tool to mark Shi Feng. For a certain amount of time, they'd be able to find him even if he ran to the ends of the world.

And here I thought I wouldn't get the chance to kill you. If you have to blame someone, blame yourself for knowing too much. Hundred Leaves smiled after disconnecting the call. She then took a Tier 3 Summoning Scroll from her bag as she shifted her gaze to the Great Lord that had appeared on the second floor. Now, all I have to do is obtain the Legacy as quickly as possible.

There were only rewards awaiting players on the Tower of Falling Stars' first floor. Only after reaching the second floor would the trial truly begin.

The second floor's trial required players to defeat the monsters that appeared before them. They would have to face a total of three monsters. The first monster was a Chieftain, the second was a Lord, and the last was a Great Lord. All three were set at the same level as the challengers, and each one was stronger than the last. However, to experts of her standards, soloing these monsters wouldn't be a problem if they had come prepared. The real problem was how quickly they could defeat these monsters.

Although the Six-star Crimson World had not trapped Shi Feng for very long, these several minutes had been long enough to remove him from the competition.


This is the space inside the Tower of Falling Stars? Shi Feng quietly examined the tower's interior.

Although the Tower of Falling Stars appeared massive on the outside, he found himself in an empty space no larger than a basketball court after he entered the building. Aside from the various carvings on the walls, the room only contained a lone staircase leading to the second floor.

So, this is the reward. Shi Feng's expression was serious as he investigated the carvings on the walls. The owner of this tower is truly generous.

The carvings were none other than the Secret Technique that many expert players current sought.

Unfortunately, the Secret Technique was incomplete.

With Shi Feng's standards, a single glance was all he needed to tell that this Secret Technique resembled Phantom Steps. However, compared to the Phantom Steps he had seen performed in the past, the version here was more simple and refined. If he could learn this footwork technique, it would definitely benefit him in PvP.

Following which, Shi Feng recorded a video of these carvings. This way, his Guild members could learn it as well.

Phantom Steps was not a particularly complex technique. It was simpler than Void Steps. With enough effort, one could easily grasp the technique to a certain degree.

"Hm?" When Shi Feng activated the video recording mode, he noticed that something was amiss. Smiling bitterly, he said, "Sure enough, the Main God System won't let players obtain a Secret Technique so easily."

When he tried to record the images on the walls, the video contained nothing but darkness. It was clear that the system did not allow players to record the technique.

"What a pity." Shi Feng gave the carvings on the walls one last glance before heading reluctantly to the second floor.

If given enough time, he could get a general gist of the technique very quickly. However, he didn't have that luxury right now. After all, he had other competitors ahead of him. If he spent several hours trying to learn Phantom Steps, he would be offering up the Legacy on a silver platter.

Upon reaching the second floor, Shi Feng noticed that the space here was roughly three times larger than the first floor. A three-meter-tall, muscular, black-skinned Orc stood inside the room, waiting for him. The Orc wielded a stone cleaver that was as tall as itself.

[Blackstone Orc] (Chieftain)
Level 50
HP 4,300,000/4,300,000

A magic barrier sealed off the staircase to the third floor. It was obvious that he had to defeat this Blackstone Orc before he could proceed.

Shi Feng glanced at the stone monument beside the staircase. The requirement to proceed to the next floor had been recorded on the stone, as well as a list.

Although the list didn't name any players, it did display the progress of the top five players on the second floor.

Currently, the first ranking player was fighting against a Great Lord, which still had 96% of its HP remaining.

The second-ranked player was also facing a Great Lord, and the boss still had 97% HP remaining.

The third was going up against a Lord with 12% HP remaining.


So, this is the situation. It seems I'll have to move a bit faster. After reading the introductory text, Shi Feng took out the Bible of Darkness and summoned a Tier 2 Battle Demon.

Shi Feng had also activated the Ice-Blue Devil Flame, Phantom Kill, and Nine Dragons Slash.

To ordinary experts, fighting a Chieftain of the same level might be very difficult. However, neither he nor the others challenging the second-floor trial were ordinary experts. To put it simply, the second-floor trial was a contest of damage.

With the Battle Demon tanking, Shi Feng and his doppelganger focused on DPS.

In less than 40 seconds, the Blackstone Orc fell. Shi Feng's damage was off the charts...

The Blackstone Orc's death only provided a small amount of EXP. It didn't take long before a Lord ranked Blackstone General appeared before Shi Feng.


Elsewhere, Hundred Leaves and Silent Entropy fought the Great Lord before them frantically.

Although neither possessed the Bible of Darkness, both had used Tier 3 Summoning Scrolls and relied on their summoned creatures to whittle down the enemy Great Lord's HP.

"That old fox sure is quick." Hundred Leaves smirked as she glanced at the monument beside the staircase leading to the third floor. Currently, she still ranked first in terms of progress, with 71% of her Blackstone Chieftain's HP remaining. Silent Entropy's had 72% HP remaining. There was only a difference of 1% between them. If this continued, she would be the first to clear the second floor.

As Hundred Leaves thought of a way to finish the Blackstone Chieftain off sooner, the fifth place on the progress list changed.

Previously, No. 72 of the Tower of Falling Stars had occupied fifth place, and that player's Great Lord had 94% of its HP remaining. Now, the occupant of the fifth position was entrant No. 141, and their Great Lord had 93% HP remaining.

When Hundred Leaves saw the entry number, she knew it was Shi Feng. However, instead of panicking, she chuckled as she said, "How fast. Unfortunately, you are too late."

Had they entered the tower at the same time, Shi Feng would've definitely posed a threat.

But before Hundred Leaves could use another Skill on the Blackstone Chieftain before her, the progress list changed once again.

This time, No. 141 had jumped to third place, with his Great Lord at 87% HP.

Immediately, the Great Lord's HP fell from 87% to 82%, its HP decreasing at a frightening rate...

Chapter 1235 - Is He Hacking?

"What's going on?"

Hundred Leaves couldn't believe her eyes as she looked at the progress list on the stone monument.

A Great Lord was the equivalent of a Team Dungeon's Final Boss. Not only did they possess very high Defense, but they also possessed potent Skills.

Take the Blackstone Chieftain for example; Hundred Leaves had already seen it use three Skills.

The first was a Passive Skill called Stoneskin; the lower the Blackstone Chieftain's HP fell, the higher its Defense and Magic Resistance would rise. The second was an Attack Skill called Flame Charge. When activated, the Boss would randomly attack one target on the battlefield. During this Skill's duration, the Boss's Movement Speed would increase. If not dealt with properly, it could easily kill players instantly. As for the third, it was an AOE Skill called Stone Shower. When this Skill was activated, players had to deal with falling stones from above. If struck, players would lose at least 10,000 HP. When alone, without the support of a healer, players would have an extremely difficult time fighting the Blackstone Chieftain.

Due to these three Skills, staying alive was a challenge. It was even more difficult to deplete the Boss's HP quickly.

As such thoughts ran through Hundred Leaves's mind, another change occurred to the progress list. This time, No. 141's Great Lord dropped from 82% to 78% of its HP; Shi Feng had nearly caught up to Silent Entropy, who's Great Lord was at 72% HP.


"Seeing the Boss's HP fall so rapidly, he should've used a powerful Magic Scroll." Silent Entropy had also noticed the change on the progress list. However, he wasn't particularly worried. On the contrary, he smiled and said, "How unfortunate. Young people really are quite brash. The Blackstone Chieftain isn't an easy Boss. Wasting your trump card so early in the fight will only make things difficult for you later."

He had his own methods of dealing explosive amounts of damage as well. The same could be said for Hundred Leaves. Only, neither of them had chosen to use those methods yet.

The proper way of dealing with a Boss like the Blackstone Chieftain, which became harder to deal with as its HP dropped, was to wear it down slowly before finishing it off with a bang. The less time they had to spend fighting the Boss in its final phases, the easier clearing the second-floor trial would be.

However, to quickly catch up to them, Shi Feng had used plenty of precious tools. On the surface, it might seem as if he had made up for the lost time, but in reality, he was doing more harm than good, so much so that he might even fail to kill the Boss in the end. After all, practically every Boss entered a berserk state when its HP fell to a certain point. If one couldn't cope with the Boss then, they would be annihilated.

Seconds, then minutes, flew by.

Although Shi Feng devoured the Blackstone Chieftain's HP at a staggering rate, the longer the battle continued, the less HP the Boss lost. From the initial 4% to 5% decreases, it gradually slowed to 2% decreases before falling to 1% decreases.

By the time the Boss had 42% HP remaining, its HP no longer fell at a visible rate.

"Your drive to win has doomed you." Hundred Leaves smiled as she glanced at the progress list. Although she was somewhat annoyed that Shi Feng had overtaken her progress, pushing her to second place, when she saw Shi Feng's progress bar grow stagnant, she felt a little gleeful.

According to her plan, she would only go all-out when the Boss's HP fell to 20%. The Level 44 Blackstone Chieftain had 36,000,000 HP. After taking into account its later Defense and Magic Resistance, it wasn't time to make her move just yet.

Moreover, this was only the second floor. The Legacy was on the third floor. She needed to save enough trump cards. This way, she could secure the second floor's reward and the third floor's Legacy.


As expected of a Guardian Boss. It's HP has fallen to 40%, yet its Defense has increased by 50% and Magic Resistance by 70%. Shi Feng analyzed the Blackstone Chieftain's Defense and Magic Resistance growth while controlling the Battle Demon. It's time to make my move.

To catch up with Silent Entropy and Hundred Leaves, he had used all of the Tier 2 and Tier 3 Attack-type Magic Scrolls he had brought with him.

He had used the Magic Scrolls to deal with the Boss to buy time while he waited for his Skills' Cooldowns to finish.

Following which, Shi Feng activated Power of Darkness, increasing all of his Basic Attributes by 60%.

Nine Dragons Slash!

Abyssal Curse!

The Level 50 Blackstone Chieftain had a total of 44,000,000 HP. It was far more powerful than the Blackstone Chieftains Silent Entropy and Hundred Leaves faced. However, after Shi Feng activated his Berserk Skill and taking into account Abyssal Curse, which decreased the Blackstone Chieftain's Attributes by 10% for five minutes, his Strength was on par with the Great Lord's.

"Die!" Shi Feng activated Firestorm.

A raging inferno rose from the ground. Immediately, the Blackstone Chieftain's HP fell by 150,000 every second; 300,000 if it received a critical hit. The Battle Demon had also used its ultimate move, the Tier 2 Skill Purgatory Assault. The Demon launched six attacks in quick succession, each taking over 120,000 HP from the Great Lord. At the same time, Shi Feng controlled the twelve Abyssal Blade phantoms to attack the Blackstone Chieftain, each dealing over -5,000 damage. A wave of the phantoms' attacks easily dealt over -60,000 damage.

In six short seconds, the Blackstone Chieftain's HP fell by 8%.

After Firestorm ended, Shi Feng activated Phantom Kill, both he and his doppelganger striking the Great Lord.

Thundering Flash!

Thunder Flame Explosion!

With the Battle Demon as a shield, Shi Feng rapidly chipped away at the Blackstone Chieftain's HP. Although his current damage output couldn't compare to the Magic Scrolls', the Great Lord's HP still fell rapidly.

After a short moment, the Blackstone Chieftain's HP dropped below 30%. On the other hand, Hundred Leaves, who was in second place, had just managed to reduce her Boss's HP to 56%.


"How is he still so fast?" Hundred Leaves could not help her shock when she saw Shi Feng's progress bar. "Does he plan to give up the third floor?"


"This little lunatic!" Silent Entropy's anxiety grew when he saw Shi Feng's progress bar.

He had to admit that Shi Feng had interrupted his plans.

As the Legacy's location in the Sea Dragon Secret Land, the second-floor reward should be considerably valuable.

If Shi Feng was truly going all-out on the second floor, he might really obtain the floor's reward. After all, there was a huge gap between them right now. If this gap continued to grow, Silent Entropy would lose the second-floor reward.

Silent Entropy hesitated on whether or not he should try to compete with Shi Feng.

"Damn it! To think you would dare to spoil my plans!" Since joining God's Domain, this was the first time Silent Entropy had lost control of a situation. His expression turning frosty, he declared, "You're ten years too early if you think you can compete with me!"

Saying so, Silent Entropy took out two Tier 3 Magic Scrolls. One was his prized Domain-type Magic Scroll, while the other was a Tier 3 Summoning Scroll.

With two Tier 3 summoned creatures and a Tier 3 Domain attacking the Blackstone Chieftain simultaneously, the Boss's HP began to plummet.

Shortly, Silent Entropy overtook Hundred Leaves and dominated second place.


"This old bastard must've lost his mind! Since you want to fight, let's see who has a sturdier foundation!" Hundred Leaves gnashed her teeth. She then retrieved an orange crystal ball and multiple Magic Scrolls.

As Hundred Leaves began to chant an incantation, the crystal ball shattered and disappeared. A magic array then formed around the Blackstone Chieftain, rapidly decreasing its Attributes. Very quickly, its Attributes fell to 70% of their original values. Moreover, its Defense and Magic Resistance had weakened significantly.

In the blink of an eye, ten Tier 2 summoned creatures appeared around Hundred Leaves, every one frantically assaulting the Level 44 Blackstone Chieftain.

Now that neither Silent Entropy nor Hundred Leaves were holding back, their progress bars swiftly increased.

When Shi Feng's Boss had 15% HP remaining, Hundred Leaves and Silent Entropy's Bosses had 25% and 26% HP remaining, respectively.


"How fast." Shi Feng smiled at the two's progress bars. He then took several Basic Mana Pulse Bombs from his bag and tossed them at the Blackstone Chieftain.

Every bomb contained the might of a Tier 3 large-scale destruction Spell. The bombs could even injure a Mythic monster. Against a Great Lord, one was enough to inflict heavy injuries.

Shi Feng threw six Basic Mana Pulse Bombs in a row.

Before the Blackstone Chieftain had the opportunity to use its ultimate move, its HP fell to 1%. Shi Feng then used Silent Steps to appear behind the Boss, both swords radiating a scorching heat.

Flame Burst!

Of the fifteen consecutive strikes, every strike devoured at least 60,000 HP from the Blackstone Chieftain. In the blink of an eye, the Blackstone Chieftain's remaining HP vanished.


Meanwhile, Silent Entropy and Hundred Leaves only saw Shi Feng's progress bar jump, his Boss's HP reaching 0% instantly...


"How is his Boss dead already?!"

"Did he hack the game?!"

Chapter 1236 - Dragon Knight

The Blackstone Chieftain's sudden death had stunned Silent Entropy and Hundred Leaves momentarily.

"How did he do it?"

While 15% HP was not much, it wasn't a small amount, either. The Blackstone Chieftain's special characteristics made it tougher as its HP decreased. However, Shi Feng had stolen the Great Lord's remaining HP almost instantly.

"Did he use several Tier 3 Magic Scrolls at once?" Hundred Leaves suddenly thought of this possibility. There was no other explanation for how quickly Shi Feng had killed the Boss. "What a crazy bastard. Does he think the third floor's trial will be easier than the second?

"Or does he know that he can't get the Legacy on the third floor, so he decided to use all of his cards on the second floor?"

Hundred Leaves had only guesses at this point. After all, it was extravagant to use various tools to defeat a Great Lord of the same level. Such resources were generally difficult to obtain, only dropping after a large number of Bosses or several difficult quests. They were precious resources. If not for a particularly important goal or something incredibly profitable, one normally avoided using these tools.

However, if Shi Feng understood that he didn't have sufficient foundations and that he could not compete for the Legacy on the third floor, he may simply aim for the second floor's rewards.

Silent Entropy entertained similar thoughts.

Although he was frustrated, he continued to whittle away the Blackstone Chieftain's HP, trying to get to the third floor as quickly as possible.

Meanwhile, due to soloing the Level 50 Blackstone Chieftain, Shi Feng's EXP bar had risen significantly. However, the greater harvest was the three rewards that had appeared after he had defeated the Boss.

Three dazzling crystal balls rested in the center of the second-floor room, and each one of these crystals contained one item within.

System: Congratulations! You have cleared the Tower of Falling Stars' second-floor trial. You may choose two of the three items as your reward.

Sure enough, the system wouldn't be that generous. Shi Feng quietly clicked his tongue.

To kill the Blackstone Chieftain as quickly as possible, he had invested a considerable amount of resources, yet he had only been awarded two items for his efforts.

Shi Feng approached and investigated the items.


After looking through the items carefully, Shi Feng's eyes shone with excitement.

Every one of the three rewards was extraordinary. It was no wonder why the system only allowed him to choose two.

The items included the Ancient Weather Book, Time-space Herb Garden, and Secret Body Technique.

Any of the various large Guilds would covet each of these items. Even Shi Feng had a hard time choosing which to take and which to abandon.

[Ancient Weather Book] (Epic Rank Item)
The Ancient Weather Book allows its wielder to control the weather of an area. However, due to damage during the war between Gods, it can only exert a fraction of its original power.

Additional Active Skill 1-
Weather Control: Changes the weather in a 2,000-yard radius for two hours.
Cooldown: 10 hours

Additional Active Skill 2-
Reshape Nature: Concentrates the Mana within a 200-yard radius, increasing the Mana density within a 15-yard radius by 100%. Can be used even if the Ancient Weather Book is stored in a bag space. No Cooldown.

The Ancient Book has sustained significant damage. Initial restoration will require 100,000 Magic Crystals. (Current absorbed number: 0)

[Space-time Herb Garden] (Epic Rank Item)
There is an independent space inside the Space-time Herb Garden which can be used to cultivate herbs.
Current rank: Basic (Upgrading to Intermediate rank requires 70,000 Magic Crystals.)
Cultivation space: 500*500 yards
Flow of time: Twice of that of the outside world
Survival rate increased by 10%

[Secret Body Technique] (Bronze Rank Tablet)

The Ancient Weather Book's importance went without saying. After all, the Ancient Weather Book was Shi Feng's main goal. Aside from its Weather Control Skill, which could be a significant advantage in naval combat, the book could also be used to train and improve oneself. It was an excellent Epic tool.

Meanwhile, the Space-time Herb Garden could help trading firms massively.

In God's Domain, while scavenging in the fields was most Guild's main herb source, there were other methods players could use to obtain herbs; they could cultivate them themselves. However, having a town of one's own was the prerequisite. It was practically impossible for independent players to cultivate their own herbs. Generally, only Guilds could accomplish such a thing. As town's had a limited amount of space, Guilds rarely made this a priority.

Normally, Guilds that wanted to do so would only try it after occupying a considerable number of towns with plenty of space to spare. Moreover, cultivating herbs was not an easy task. Not only was it time-consuming, but it also required a lot of manpower to manage. Most importantly, herbs survival rate wasn't high. More often than not, the cost of cultivating a herb was higher than its market value.

However, the Space-time Herb Garden was different. Although it didn't offer a lot of space, it could increase the flow of time as well as survival rate. These effects put the Space-time Herb Garden's value on par with the Ancient Weather Book. Moreover, the Herb Garden was only Basic rank right now. It could be improved. If managed properly, it could become a goldmine.

Lastly, the Secret Body Technique.

According to Shi Feng's current understanding of Secret Technique tablets, the Secret Body Technique was considerably rare. It was useful to both magical and physical class players. Even the Dragon-Phoenix Pavilion did not possess a single tablet of this type. Despite this Secret Body Technique being only Bronze rank, it was no less valuable than a Secret-Silver rank tablet.

After considering all three items, Shi Feng realized they were equally valuable to a Guild. He wished he could walk away with all three. However, as the system had determined the regulation, he wouldn't get that third item even if he offered to pay a greater price.

The Ancient Weather Book indispensable if I wish to develop a naval force. I have to choose that one no matter what. Then, there is the Space-time Herb Garden and Secret Body Technique. Shi Feng's gaze moved back and forth between the two items. The Herb Garden can earn more money for the Guild, whereas the Secret Body Technique can increase the combat power of the Guild's experts. Should I go for money, or combat power?

The seconds passed by as Shi Feng fell into deep thought.

"Forget it. I'll choose this one."

After much contemplation, Shi Feng eventually chose the Ancient Weather Book and Space-time Herb Garden.

While improving the combat power was important, developing the Guild's financial strength was a priority right now. Zero Wing needed to invest funds in several aspects. Some of the Candlelight Trading Firm's potions, in particular, required rare herbs. Purchasing these herbs in bulk was difficult as doing so would inflate their prices. Rather than give others the profits, it was more beneficial to cultivate the necessary herbs themselves.

Now that players were inched ever closer to Level 50, they would experience severe environments in future maps. Players would need more potions as they explored and leveled up. If he prepared for that eventuality properly, he could make a fortune.

Most importantly, Shi Feng recalled a certain matter.

In the past, the Freedom Alliance's trading firm had risen to an impressive height. This was especially for its potions. Despite not having any outstanding Master Alchemists, the Freedom Alliance's trading firm had contended with many powerful maritime trading firms. Now that Shi Feng looked at it, the Freedom Alliance's success had resulted from Silent Entropy obtaining the Space-time Herb Garden.

Although many resources were available at sea, there was a severe shortage of herbs. With the Space-time Herb Garden, one could easily compensate for this.

Following which, the system placed both items into Shi Feng's bag space. At the same time, the barrier surrounding the staircase to the third floor dissipated.

"This is the third floor?" After Shi Feng emerged from the staircase, he was stunned by what he saw.

He stood at the top of a large mountain, a sea of clouds drifting below.

A middle-aged man in silver armor stood in the center of this 'room.' After taking a close look, Shi Feng discovered that the middle-aged man was actually a Tier 4 NPC. Moreover, the man had the peak class, Dragon Knight.

Chapter 1237 - Challenging a Tier 4 NPC

The trial can't be a duel against this NPC, right?

Shi Feng was at a loss for words as he looked at the silver-armored Dragon Knight.

As a peak class, the Dragon Knight's Defense and Strength were superior to both the Guardian Knight and Berserker classes. Furthermore, the NPC before him was a Tier 4 class, on par with a Mythic monster.

Even if he had a bag full of powerful tools, he was no match for the NPC in a one-on-one fight.

Unlike monsters, NPCs possessed very high intellect. Their ability to deal with tools was beyond any monster.

A group of ordinary players using special tools might be able to challenge, and even defeat, a Mythic monster. If these players' opponent were a Tier 4 NPC, however, they wouldn't even have a shred of hope.

This was also why some players might be capable of defeating Mythic monsters in Dungeons, but were helpless if a Tier 4 NPC decided to rob them in broad daylight.

The Dragon Knight class was no ordinary class, either.

[Rhinebeck (Vice Knight Commander of the Sea God's Temple)] (Human, Tier 4 Dragon Knight)
Level 50
HP 19,000,000/19,000,000

In God's Domain, divine temples such as the War God's Temple and Sea God's Temple normally had their own knight divisions. Even these divisions' normal members would be highly influential people in a kingdom, not to mention a vice commander; even the King had to show respect to these individuals.

Following which, Shi Feng began to search for clues relating to the third floor's trial.

Yet, even after examining the room for a long time, he couldn't find an introductory monument like the one on the second floor. There was no progress bar, either. There was only a massive magic array carved into the ground and Rhinebeck standing in the middle of it.

It seems that I'll have to take this one step at a time. Failing to find any hints, Shi Feng decided to face-off against Rhinebeck.

The instant Shi Feng stepped into the magic array, a powerful aura washed over him, making it difficult to take another step forward. He felt as if he had stepped into a muddy swamp, his advance slowing to a crawl.

When Shi Feng was within 20 yards of Rhinebeck, the NPC finally turned his gaze towards Shi Feng, a faint killing intent flashing in the man's eyes. Suddenly, Shi Feng found it even more difficult to move.

"Adventurer, you should not have come to this place. If you do not wish to die, turn back," Rhinebeck said sternly. "Not just anyone can obtain the Sea God's Legacy."

"Lord Dragon Knight, I wish to take the challenge even if I cannot succeed," Shi Feng replied earnestly.

He had come so far. How could he leave after just a few words?

"Are you sure you wish to take the challenge?" Rhinebeck said, a hint of mockery in his tone. "Even if you are a heaven-blessed individual, you will have to pay the price in blood for failure. You won't get away with a single death. Think this through carefully. This Legacy is extraordinary. Luck will not help you obtain it. You are not permitted to use any external factors to assist you, either. You must rely on your own strength. Are you sure you wish to take the challenge?"

There's another price to pay for failure? Shi Feng was slightly surprised. He hadn't heard any of this in his past life.

According to Passing Monarch, players only had one chance to obtain the Legacies in the Sea Dragon Secret Land, and failure had only resulted in a single death. Moreover, as they were in a secret land, the death penalty was considerably light.

However, based on Rhinebeck's warning, it would seem that he would have to pay a high price if he failed the challenge.

"Enough. Adventurer, turn back. Those who know not the truth cannot obtain the Legacy."

As Rhinebeck waved his hand lightly, Shi Feng felt as if he had been hit by a truck. Before he could react, he had been sent flying out of the magic array.

What amazing control over his Domain. Shi Feng was shocked as he stared at Rhinebeck, who returned to his motionless vigil.

It was common knowledge that Tier 4 was a colossal turning point in God's Domain. The biggest difference that separated a Tier 4 and a Tier 3 class was their ability to control a Domain. However, Tier 4 NPCs could, at most, suppress their enemies with their Domains, making it difficult for their enemies to move, yet Rhinebeck had sent Shi Feng, a player who was very close to obtaining their Tier 2 class, flying with a wave of his hand.

Rhinebeck's control over his Domain could already rival that of the ancient abyssal monsters in the Fallen Ark.

Even the weakest among those ancient abyssal monsters had reached Tier 5 during their prime. Their tiers had only fallen due to their severe injuries.

Determined, Shi Feng approached Rhinebeck once more.

The consequences for failure might be severe, but he needed to know the "truth" Rhinebeck had mentioned. What did the NPC mean by "those who know not the truth cannot obtain the Legacy"? No matter what, he had to try.

"Lord Dragon Knight, I wish to continue with the challenge!" Shi Feng declared.

"Young adventurer, since you are so determined, I will not stop you," Rhinebeck said, smiling. "Don't you wish to obtain the Legacy?"

Shi Feng nodded. Why was he here if not for the Legacy?

"I shall be your opponent. As long as you defeat me, you will obtain the Legacy tablet. If you lose, not only will you die, but you will also receive the Sea God's curse.

"However, you should rejoice. As you are so weak, I will not use all of my strength against you. As long as you are able to walk up to me, you will be victorious."

Once Rhinebeck finished explaining the rules of this challenge, the magic array's atmosphere changed. It was as if space itself had frozen, and Shi Feng even struggled to breathe.

Suddenly, wind blades flew at Shi Feng, one after another, moving nearly too fast for Shi Feng to dodge.

Seeing this, Shi Feng had no choice but to unsheath his swords and defend himself.

Dang... Dang... Dang...

After a series of metal clangs, Shi Feng was forced to take five steps back. He had almost been forced to the edge of the magic array.

So, this is how it works. Shi Feng suddenly understood how challenging the trial was after experiencing the wind blades.

The attacks inside a Domain were omnipresent. Moreover, Rhinebeck had proper control of his own strength. These wind blades were just slightly stronger than Shi Feng. Every time Shi Feng blocked a wind blade, he was forced to take a step back. Of course, if he were struck directly, the attack would throw him from the magic array.

Moreover, he couldn't use any of his Skills or tools.

He couldn't rely on any external factors. He had to use his own strength to approach Rhinebeck.

In the next moment, a new wave of wind blades bombarded him. This time, however, Shi Feng moved towards the wind blades.

Sword's Orbit.

While his Skills and tools were unavailable, his combat techniques were not.

The wind blades vanished, one after another, as they collided with Sword's Orbit. This time, Shi Feng didn't retreat by a single step.

Following which, Shi Feng slowly advanced.

The closer Shi Feng got to Rhinebeck, the more pressure he felt. Similarly, more wind blades flew towards him. From the initial five, Shi Feng began to face six and seven with each wave. By the time Shi Feng was halfway there, he had to protect himself from ten wind blades at once. However, this still wasn't anything he couldn't handle.

"Hm, not bad. Unfortunately, your movements are too rigid and mechanical. You are still far from comprehending the truth. You should return and train more."

Rhinebeck chuckled. With a light wave of his hand, the attacking wind blades increased from ten to fifteen. Moreover, these wind blades were much faster and more powerful than before.

The instant a wind blade encountered Sword's Orbit, Shi Feng felt as if his hands had been struck by a steel hammer, the vibrations aching to the bone.

With each wind blade Shi Feng deflected, he moved ever closer to the edge of the magic array.

Chapter 1238 - Technique Evolves

What precise control over his attacks!

The more wind blades Shi Feng blocked with Sword's Orbit, the more he understood how amazing Rhinebeck was.

As soon as he had started executing Sword's Orbit, he had become capable of executing more attacks containing more Strength, yet Rhinebeck had responded with more wind blades containing more of his own Strength. He attacked with just slightly more than Shi Feng could endure, forcing the Swordsman to retreat.

So, this is the third-floor trial. It really is a mystery how Silent Entropy had managed to walk away with the Legacy in the past.

Shi Feng glanced at the outer edge of the magic array. He would be forced out of the magic array in a dozen steps at most, yet the wind blades showed no signs of letting up...

When Silent Entropy had obtained the Sea God's Legacy in the past, the man had only been at the Flowing Water Realm. In terms of combat techniques, Silent Entropy was far weaker the current Shi Feng, yet he had succeeded where Shi Feng was about to be blasted out of the magic array. Shi Feng simply could not wrap his mind around it.

Could the so-called truth be unrelated to a player's combat standards? Shi Feng guessed.

Just as Shi Feng was about to be blasted out of the magic array, he executed Void Steps and vanished from Rhinebeck's sight.

"An interesting footwork technique." A small smile graced Rhinebeck's face. He then turned to look at Shi Feng, who had appeared elsewhere, and said, "How long can you keep that up?"

Saying so, Rhinebeck launched another fifteen wind blades, while Shi Feng executed Void Steps once more to avoid them.

A Domain is truly impressive. Void Steps' effect is limited against him. Although Shi Feng dodged the incoming wind blades, he couldn't move beyond the array's border and approach Rhinebeck. He could only move along the edge.

Void Steps was a special footwork technique that forced others to actively ignore the user's presence. Although Void Steps was effective against Rhinebeck, the technique only distracted the NPC for a brief moment to determine Shi Feng's exact location, preventing the NPC from sealing Shi Feng's movements completely.

Suddenly, Silent Entropy and Hundred Leaves ascended to the third floor as well.


The moment the two players reached the third floor, they were stupefied by the scene before them.

Unlike the first and second floors of the Tower of Falling Stars, all challengers converged on the same location upon reaching the final floor.

Hence, they had been greeted by the sight of Shi Feng appearing and disappearing in the magic array, dodging countless wind blades. They then turned to Shi Feng's opponent, but when they realized that his opponent was a Tier 4 NPC, their expressions soured.

"We're required to fight that Tier 4 NPC for the third floor's trial?" Seeing Rhinebeck standing proudly in the array's center, Hundred Leaves demanded furiously, "How are we supposed to clear this?!"

"No. I don't think we're required to defeat the NPC. Otherwise, that brat would've died already," Silent Entropy said as he shook his head. Fear filled his eyes as he stared at Rhinebeck.

Tier 4 NPCs were top-class existences even in Sea's End's twelve major cities. Rhinebeck was also the vice commander of the Sea God's Temple's knight division.

"I don't think we'll be passing the trial this time. It is impossible for magical class players like us to dodge so many wind blades at a time. Moreover, it seems that we can't cast Spells or use tools here." As Hundred Leaves watched Shi Feng struggle, she relaxed. "However, this is acceptable. Although we won't get the Legacy, he won't, either."

However, as Hundred Leaves tried to reassure the other commander, Silent Entropy approached the magic array.

The instant Silent Entropy entered the magic array, Rhinebeck turned his gaze towards the man.

"Another one that doesn't fear death?" Rhinebeck chuckled. "Are you sure you wish to face the challenge?"

Stealing another glance at Shi Feng, Silent Entropy turned towards Rhinebeck and nodded seriously.

"Very good. However, as you are so weak, I won't go all-out against you. You'll pass so long as you arrive before me," Rhinebeck explained.

As soon as he finished his explanation, two wind blades shot towards Silent Entropy, giving the Elementalist no time to prepare. Unlike the wind blades Shi Feng faced, the two wind blades Silent Entropy faced were much slower. In response, Silent Entropy began to double cast, countering the wind blades with two Ice Arrows.


After a brief pause, the wind blades shattered the Ice Arrows and continued towards Silent Entropy. Meanwhile, Silent Entropy took the opportunity to move out of the wind blades' attack trajectory, taking two steps towards Rhinebeck.

"That old fox!" Realization immediately dawned on Hundred Leaves.

As the first person to obtain a Legacy from the Sea Dragon's Secret Land, Silent Entropy knew far more secrets than she did.

Clearly, the trial before her didn't treat all challengers equally. Rather, it varied depending on the player's strength.

Magical classes had an advantage in this trial.

After all, a physical class like Shi Feng had to counter fifteen powerful wind blades at once, whereas magical classes only had to face two. Moreover, after Silent Entropy entered the magic array, he could still use Spells. If that were the case, it blocking two wind blades would be a piece of cake.

Sure enough, Silent Entropy approached Rhinebeck, step by step, by blocking the wind blades with his Spells. After realizing the nature of the trial, Hundred Leaves dashed into the magic array to challenge the trial.

However, despite Hundred Leaves also defending herself with Spells, she couldn't proceed. She could only move left or right to dodge the incoming wind blades.

What's going on? Hundred Leaves was confused as she glanced at Silent Entropy, who had already taken over a dozen steps forward. Are my wind blades stronger?

She had similarly grasped double casting and assaulted the wind blades with her Spells, yet she was forced to dodge left and right, not forward. If she advanced recklessly, both wind blades would strike her.

Seeing Shi Feng and Hundred Leaves, Silent Entropy smiled as he said, "You youngsters are impressive. It's a pity that you've experienced too few hardships. I'll accept the Legacy on your behalves."

Silent Entropy took another step forward and finally reached the halfway point.

"Not bad. It seems you have an initial understanding of the truth, adventurer. What shall you do with this, then?"

Saying so, Rhinebeck smiled and waved his hand lightly. Suddenly, Silent Entropy had to face three wind blades rather than two. The wind blades had also grown slightly faster.

Damn it! They've gotten stronger!

Silent Entropy's expression darkened. Hurriedly, he used two Ice Arrows to block two of the wind blades. Unfortunately, he had no choice but to dodge to the right to avoid the third; he was no longer able to advance.

Hundred Leaves could not hide her grin. She had worried that Silent Entropy would really snatch the Legacy.

"It seems that none of us will get the Legacy this time. Since that is the case, I won't waste my time here." After seeing this outcome, Hundred Leaves lost interest.

However, as Hundred Leaves was about to give up and leave, Shi Feng, who had quietly observed the other two from the side, made his move.

"I see. It's no wonder why I couldn't get through them before," Shi Feng muttered in a self-mocking tone.

"Have you learned something?" Hundred Leaves asked when she noticed Shi Feng laugh for no obvious reason.

However, Shi Feng did not bother with answering her. Instead, he moved forward to welcome the oncoming wind blades before executing Sword's Orbit.

Dang... Dang... Dang...

After a series of clangs, he leaped forward, rather than being knocked back.

"How is this possible?!" Hundred Leaves was astonished, unable to understand what had just happened.

"Impossible!" Silent Entropy was similarly shocked. "How could you have grasped it so quickly?!"

"I have you to thank for that. I wouldn't have figured this out without you." At this moment, Shi Feng felt exhilarated. He finally understood why Rhinebeck had said his movements were rigid and mechanical. He hadn't been thinking outside the box. Both his combat style and his technique utilization had been stiff and clumsy. He only knew how to learn the techniques, not how to make the techniques his own.

Silent Entropy could both defend and advance because he hadn't stopped moving while he had cast his Ice Arrows. On the other hand, Hundred Leaves had only moved after she finished casting her Spells. As she started moving later, it was only natural that she hadn't had enough time to advance.

Now that Shi Feng understood this "truth," he could block the wind blades far more easily.

In the blink of an eye, Shi Feng crossed the halfway point. At the same time, Rhinebeck increased the number of wind blades he sent at Shi Feng. However, the NPC had only added one wind blade this time.

To Shi Feng, who had already reached the Void Realm, this minor increase was no problem. By deflecting the attacks while moving, he had broken through the wind blades' blockade.

Upon seeing Shi Feng cross the halfway mark, Silent Entropy muttered incredulously, "Is he a monster?"

After a short moment, Shi Feng stood before Rhinebeck.

Chapter 1239 - Strongest Legacy Obtained

"Good! Excellent!"

A hint of praise flashed in Rhinebeck's eyes as he looked at Shi Feng, unlike the previous indifference. He looked down at Shi Feng as if he were an excellent junior.

"Who is he?" Silent Entropy wore an incredulous expression as he watched Shi Feng, unable to calm his pounding heart.

He had learned to make a combat technique his own after clearing a legacy trial the last time. However, achieving that was easier said than done. Many of the techniques in God's Domain were extreme and contrary to humans' natural movements. The brain programs fixed signals to manipulate the body's muscles based on a person's habits, which allows them to perform actions faster and more efficiently.

If one wished to execute God's Domain's extreme combat techniques swiftly, they needed to alter their brain's signals.

Silent Entropy had spent an entire month reshaping his habits to get to where he was now.

Yet, after watching his performance for a few moments, Shi Feng had executed the same to a skillful degree.

"Since someone has passed the trial, the rest can leave!" Rhinebeck announced, waving his hand once more. Suddenly, both Silent Entropy and Hundred Leaves were teleported out of the Tower of Falling Stars.

In the blink of an eye, both players appeared in the rest area.

"Commander, why are you out so earlier?" Scorpion, who had stood guard by the Resurrection Temple, asked in surprise when Hundred Leaves appeared.

Hundred Leaves had just completed the second-floor trial. With the third-floor trial's difficulty, logically, it should take her even longer to clear, yet she had only reached the third floor a few minutes ago and was out already.

"That person has already obtained the Legacy," Hundred Leaves said, frowning. When she thought about Shi Feng's performance in the magic array, she warned her subordinate, "It won't be long before he comes out. Keep a close eye on him once he does. He isn't an ordinary player."

"Commander, rest assured; I'll use the Soul Lock Scroll on him the moment he appears. Even if he is more powerful, he won't escape my tracking for five hours," Scorpion said, laughing.

In God's Domain, there were many methods of tracking a player. However, there were only a handful of expert trackers like himself.

Not only was his Tracker subclass at Master rank, but he had also obtained the design to produce the Soul Lock Scroll in an ancient ruin. The Soul Lock Scroll allowed the user to keep a lock on a player's soul. No matter where the targeted player went, he could find them on the system map. Its only flaw was its low accuracy. The map would only tell him the target's general location. However, he could easily deal with this flaw with his Master Tracker subclass.

"I'll leave this to you. I have to head to the other locations and obtain the Legacies there as quickly as possible." Hundred Leaves nodded, considering that she worried a little too much.

No matter what was said or done, Scorpion was one of the Sacred Temple's peak Assassins. With his skills and the various tools, it was impossible for anyone to escape his pursuit. When Uncle Li and the others eventually arrived, it would be very difficult for Shi Feng to get away, even if he could grow wings and fly.

Following which, Hundred Leaves led her subordinates to another cavern. Silent Entropy's fleet did the same. After all, the Sea Dragon Secret Land had more than one Legacy. As long as they still had time, they could obtain as many Legacies as they wanted.


Back on the Tower of Falling Stars' third floor, after Silent Entropy and Hundred Leaves teleported out of the tower, Rhinebeck led Shi Feng through the magic array to a dazzling, golden temple.

Numerous crystal pillars had been situated around the temple, and every pillar had an item on top of it. Every item, whether they be tools, weapons, or equipment, was top-tier in the current God's Domain. Shi Feng even saw the Secret Body Technique, which he had not taken from the second floor.

As expected of the Freedom Alliance's lifeline. The Sea Dragon Secret Land is really extraordinary. Shi Feng's eyes shone as he looked at the various items before him. If he could take everything here with him, Zero Wing's strength would skyrocket.

Rhinebeck led Shi Feng to a stone monument inside the temple. All sorts of divine runes and images had been carved into the stone, depicting ancient history. The entire monument radiated Divine Might, so Shi Feng knew it was extraordinary with a single glance.

"You have passed the legacy trial, so you can now obtain the Sea God's Legacy. However, whether or not you inherit the Legacy will depend on your own abilities," Rhinebeck said. He then began to chant an incantation, which caused the massive stone monument to shrink. Eventually, it became a tablet that was only the size of a palm. "This is the Sea God's Legacy item. How you use it depends on you. Aside from this legacy tablet, you will be awarded 10,000 Sea God's Temple Points. You may use these points to trade for items in any Sea God's Temple. Likewise, you can trade for items here. However, once you leave this temple, you will not have access to these items in the future. You can only use your points in the Sea God's Temples elsewhere. You may now choose. If you wish to leave this place, step into the magic array."

After saying so, Rhinebeck transformed into a streak of light and disappeared.

What a pity. If I knew something like this would happen, I would've earned some Sea God's Temple Points before coming.

Like the War God's Temple, the Sea God's Temple had a point system that allowed players to earn points.

Take the Runic Crystal for example. Each crystal could be traded for 10 points. It was one of the fastest means of earning Sea God's Temple Points. The only other method of earning points was to complete special quests from the Sea God's Temple.

The reward of 10,000 points was a huge windfall. He would have to spend 1,000 Runic Crystals to obtain so many.

Forget it. Let's see what items are available first. Shi Feng walked up to each of the crystal pillars, one after another, investigating the items.

There were 88 crystal pillars in the temple. Unfortunately, some were empty. Currently, there were only 82 items available for trade. The cheapest item among them cost 5,000 points: a Mysterious-Iron pick that would make it easier to mine ores. The pick also increased the chances of obtaining high-ranking ores. If auctioned off, it could easily fetch over a hundred Gold.

The most expensive item cost 111,000 points.

Naturally, Shi Feng wanted this item more than any of the others as it was a Fragmented Legendary item. It was the sole Fragmented Legendary item in the temple. The item was called the Sea God's Shield. It could also be restored to Legendary rank.

An excellent shield's value to a team went without saying. Without a powerful MT, defeating a powerful Boss would be very challenging. If an MT used a Fragmented Legendary shield, killing powerful Bosses would become a lot easier.

However, Shi Feng could only drool over the shield; he didn't have nearly enough points to obtain it.

Let's go with the Secret Body Technique first. Shi Feng immediately retrieved the Secret Body Technique, which he had failed to obtain before, from its pillar.

The Secret Body Technique cost 3,600 points. With how valuable the technique was, it was definitely worth the price. The Secret Spellcasting Technique had sold for several hundred thousand Magic Crystals, yet this technique, which was more valuable, only cost 360 Runic Crystals.

What should I pick with my remaining points? After obtaining the Secret Body Technique, Shi Feng considered his options.

Every item here was powerful. There was no lack of Epic Weapons or Equipment. He could even trade for rare Intermediate Magic Array Designs. Unfortunately, with his remaining points, he could only choose three more items.

Chapter 1240 - Three Items

Of the three items that caught Shi Feng's eye, every one of them was worth as much as the Space-time Herb Garden he obtained.

The three items were the Mystic's Necklace, the Basic Enchantment Design, and the Arcane Lightning Design.

Although he could also choose an Epic Weapon, at the end of the day, an Epic Weapon could help improve only one player's strength. On the other hand, the three aforementioned items could increase the overall strength of an entire Guild.

The Mystic's Necklace, which cost 6,150 points, was a Dark-Gold necklace. It did not possess any level restrictions and was not meant for combat. Instead, it was a necklace for Lifestyle players.

Upon equipping the Mystic's Necklace, a Lifestyle player would receive a 5% increase to their production success rate as well as a 30% increase to production speed.

Setting aside the 5% higher success rate, the 30% increase to production speed could enable Burning Abyss to produce Advanced Transport Carriages at a much faster pace. In turn, this would allow Stone Forest Town to develop much more quickly. Moreover, the Mystic's Necklace would come in handy when manufacturing advanced speedboats in the future.

Meanwhile, the Basic Enchantment Design, which cost 6,000 points, allowed Enchanters to learn how to produce Runestones. Similar to armor kits produced by forgers, Runestones strengthened weapons and equipment. However, unlike armor kits, they were consumable items. Like potions, they had effectivity periods. Moreover, players could only strengthen one item at a time with them.

Even so, Runestones were still highly sought-after items and had been one of the must-have items when raiding Dungeons in his past life.

Back then, a Basic Runestone sold for 20 Silver. Nevertheless, players had still fought to purchase them. After all, a Basic Runestone could strengthen an item by 10% for ten hours. If used on a player's weapon or an MT's shield, it would bring about considerable results.

As for the Arcane Lightning Design, it was similarly extraordinary. It cost 6,300 points and was an extremely rare item that required an Alchemist and an Engineer. Arcane Lightning possessed extreme destructive power that was superior to even ordinary Tier 2 Magic Scrolls and had an effective range of 15*15 yards.

In the past, wealthy players that entered God's Domain after the game had been launched for quite some time would frequently use Arcane Lightning to grind for levels. However, while their levels indeed skyrocketed, the amount of money they spent was also ridiculous, as a single Arcane Lightning was even more expensive than an Advanced Frost Grenade; each one sold for roughly six Gold.

Moreover, even if one made the Arcane Lightning themselves, the expenditure remained considerably high. Just the materials needed to produce one cost one Gold. Depending on the people producing them, each Arcane Lightning could cost anywhere from two to four Gold.

All three items could make Guilds drool over them. Even Shi Feng found it difficult to choose between them.

If I have to pick one, it will have to be something that can help the Guild in the near future. While the Arcane Lightning is a nice item to grind monsters and do PvP with, it's a pity that it takes too much time and money to make. Moreover, producing it would require a Master Engineer and a Master Alchemist for it to be cost-efficient. Shi Feng shook his head as he looked at the Arcane Lightning Design. After deciding to give up on it, he shifted his gaze to the Mystic's Necklace and Basic Enchantment Design. The Mystic's Necklace will be of great help to only one Lifestyle player, and within the short term, its usefulness would be limited to accelerating the production of the Advanced Transport Carriage. In the end, it seems the Basic Enchantment Design is the better choice.

The Basic Runestone would be a boon to both ordinary and elite players. It was a very beneficial item for large Guilds.

Currently, the various large Guilds in God's Domain should not have obtained the Basic Enchantment Design yet. If he could mass-produce Basic Runestones, they would definitely sell like hotcakes. Moreover, the cost of making the Basic Runestone was not very high: only around seven Silver. Its production difficulty and production time were also relatively low; even Advanced Enchanters could produce them at a reliable rate. This was a good opportunity to extend the Candlelight Trading Firm's fame further.

Moreover, the Basic Enchantment Design was different from regular production designs, where each design normally allowed only one player to learn it. Up to five Enchanters could learn the Basic Enchantment Design. Hence, there was no need to worry about the production volume being too low.

Following which, Shi Feng chose to exchange for the Basic Enchantment Design. His remaining points immediately fell to just 400.

Now that I've already obtained everything that I should get, it's about time I leave this place. Shi Feng stored the Basic Enchantment Design with satisfaction before turning around and walking to the teleportation magic array.


At the rest area of the Sea God's Legacy, Passing Monarch and the other members of Third Fleet were currently lingering on the island.

Although they had not cleared the second-floor trial of the Tower of Falling Stars, they had gained a considerable harvest from the Secret Footwork Technique taught on the first floor. Even though they hadn't managed to master the footwork, they could still use it for reference.

Unlike players on land, players at the Sea's End focused mainly on naval battles. Players had never attempted to incorporate personal combat techniques into naval battles. However, after learning the Secret Footwork Technique, they realized that such a thing was possible.

"Commander, look at Identical Summer's side. They don't seem to be showing signs of leaving at all. Do you think they're planning to steal the Legacy?" Blue Joy asked worriedly as she looked at Identical Summer's group, who were currently resting at a distance.

In the previous naval battle, Identical Summer and Heavenly Spider had both suffered grievous losses. Particularly, Identical Summer had forfeited his Small Sailboat to Shi Feng. Only a gullible fool would believe that he did not have any ulterior motives right now.

"Ignore him. If they couldn't take advantage of us before, it is even more impossible for them to do so now. Rather than camping here, it would be much better for them to simply search for Legacies in the other caverns," Passing Monarch said, chuckling. He did not mind Identical Summer and Heavenly Spider's actions at all. "Once Ye Feng returns, we'll immediately head for another cavern."

Previously, their battle against the Magic Whale had lost them over half their members. The survivors had also been in a battered state. Even then, they had still managed to win against Identical Summer's and Heavenly Spider's fleets. Now that everyone from Third Fleet had regrouped and recovered back to their peak state, with the inclusion of an expert like Shi Feng, what could Identical Summer and the others possibly hope to achieve?

On the other side, Identical Summer was currently glaring at Passing Monarch and his crew.

"Enjoy it while you can. You all will get to feel complacent for only a little bit longer," Identical Summer sneered.

"Brother Summer, are you really going to sever all pretenses with Passing Monarch?" Heavenly Spider asked worriedly. "You've already seen that person's strength for yourself. Even Mad Beast and the other House of Seas experts were no match for him. If we continue fighting against him, we might end up not getting a single Legacy at all this time."

"What are you worried about? I have naturally taken this point into consideration. While Mad Beast and the others aren't a match for them, even if Passing Monarch and the others are more powerful, do you think they can overpower every fleet in the Freedom Alliance?" Identical Summer asked, a crazed look in his eyes.

"You couldn't have..." Heavenly Spider suddenly thought of a possibility, and he couldn't help but shudder.

"That's right. The nail that sticks out gets hammered down. I notified the other fleets regarding Passing Monarch obtaining the greatest Legacy as well as two Small Sailboats," Identical Summer said, laughing. "The other fleet commanders have already agreed to cooperate with us for the sole purpose of preventing Passing Monarch from ruling over the Freedom Alliance with an iron fist in the future.

"Whether it is the two Small Sailboats or the strongest Legacy of the Sea Dragon Secret Land, Passing Monarch should not even think of keeping either one.

"Out at sea, we might not be able to do anything against Passing Monarch now that he has two Small Sailboats. However, on land, only death awaits them. The experts of the other fleets have long since hidden themselves on the island. Once that person comes out, it will be doomsday for Passing Monarch and his crew," Identical Summer said, laughing maniacally.

The operation this time involved not only the Second and Fourth Fleets but also every other fleet aside from Third Fleet. Even Silent Entropy and Hundred Leaves had dispatched some of their subordinates to help out. Even if Passing Monarch doubled his fleet's member count, he would have no chance of victory at all.

At this moment, an Assassin, who was sneaking around the Resurrection Temple, suddenly reported, "Commander, that person just came out from the Resurrection Temple."

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