Novalyn Faye Swan

By Courtneylynn177

91.9K 1.6K 151

Isabella isn't the only Swan sister. She has a little sister that is 6 months younger than her (Charlie cheat... More

Accidents and soulmate meeting
The Greenhouse
Port Angeles
Bella 'Meets' the Cullens
Baseball and Nomads
Bella is ok
Bella's birthday and Pregnant Nova!
Zombie Bella for Months!
Werewolves Exist?!?
Graduation/newborn army
The Battle part 1
The Battle Part 2
Wedding prep
Wedding Day!!
Renesmee Carlie Cullen
Oh Shit!
Back in forks
Volturi Battle

Dealing with Cullens being Back!

3.7K 75 4
By Courtneylynn177

I came out of my room and saw Carlisle sitting on the floor so I said "can I help you?" He stood up and said "can we talk?" I said "yeah after school it is Thursday" I walk away and head to my car. I traded the Jeep in for this car.

And yes I already have the car seats installed. I head to school and ignore everyone which is only Edward, Jasper, and Alice, at lunch they sit with me and Alice said "I get that your mad they ignored you when we left but what did I do?" I looked at her like she was stupid and said "how about spontaneous trip to Italy to visit vampires that wanted to kill my sister. How about not telling me my baby daddy was back after he purposefully left me pregnant 6 months ago?" She looked down.

I finished school and then went home, grabbing a snack of chips. Since I've been pregnant I can eat whatever the hell the babies want. I went upstairs and saw Raiden's light on so I went into his room and saw Carlisle I said "you wanted to talk?"

He turned to face me and said "I do. First off I want to apologize I shouldn't have left you. Is there anything I can do to earn your forgiveness?" I sat in the chair cause standing too long hurts and said "you broke me, I trusted you, and you left me knowing I was carrying your child well... children. Forgive you? Done I did that 3 months ago. Love you? Hell I never stopped. But trust you? I don't know if that's even possible anymore. I will always love you but I don't trust you to stay and not leave me again. Trust takes time, if you want me to move out I will buy a house for me and the kids but we are not together. I love you so much but you have to prove I can trust you and you got to figure out how to do that." Raiden kicked really hard so I gasped and rubbed the spot.

He said "are you ok?" I said "yeah Raiden likes to kick" he said "I don't want you to move out and I will prove you can trust me. How did you decide on names?" I said "Summer Paige was easy I've always wanted a little girl with that name. Jasmine is a flower and Elizabeth is my great grandmothers name from my moms side. Raiden means rain and James well I remember you telling me your fathers name was James." He smiled and said "can I feel?" I grabbed his hand and put it over Raiden since he kicks a lot. After a few minutes sure enough he kicked his fathers hand. He kneeled next to me and said "that is absolutely amazing" I said "sometimes other times when he kicks an organ it's not so amazing"

Alice came in and said "am I out of trouble now?" I said "Alice I need to be able to trust people. For some reason you all prove your not trust worthy. Now I have homework." I got up and went to my room and started on homework. After like 4 hours Carlisle brought me up dinner so I said "thank you, come sit" and I ate it. After I finished eating I put the plate to the side and took out a box pulling out this picture to show him his children.

I said "Baby A is Raiden, Baby B is Jasmine, and Baby C is Summer" he held the picture and just smiled at it. I said "they grow a little quicker than the average baby but not enough for my human doctor to notice. I don't know how it will affect them once they are born." I got up and went to take a shower and get ready for bed.

After my shower he said "Goodnight Novalyn" I said "goodnight" then I went to sleep and he left the room.

The next morning I woke up and said "can someone make me pancakes and bacon this morning please?" Then I got dressed in this.

Then I went downstairs where breakfast was made. So I went into the kitchen and thanked Carlisle and said "oh by the way I'd stay away from Charlie he knows you got me pregnant then left and he doesn't like you anymore" he said "oh good" I finished eating then went to school.

April was pretty boring I'm sure I will give birth anytime now because I am 7 months along with three vampire ish children. May 14th however was big news we had just gotten home from school when we heard the news talking about continuous bodies found drained of blood.

I sighed and sat on the couch "now what?" Jasper said "the amount of bodies means newborns" Bella said "what? Like new vampires?" Jasper said "yes and they were created to fight they're undisciplined and untrained." Edward said "we can't let the Volturi come out this far, Bella hasn't been changed yet and Nova is human and pregnant" I wrapped my hands protectively around my stomach.

I closed my eyes and listened tot hem talk when Emmett said "Nova where did your heartbeat go?" I said "it's still there I promise" Carlisle said "we can't hear it" I put his hand over my heart so he could feel it. He breathed a sigh of relief and said "that's weird" I said "is it though? I'm pregnant with three children that have vampire blood in their systems. How is it surprising that one or all of them have gifts. I'm estimating that they are 1/4 vamp and 3/4 human." Everyone stared at me.

I said "look I was by myself I researched. Then Found out this isn't a thing so sorry for assuming anything can happen." Carlisle nodded and they continued talking.

The next day we were at the diner waiting for Bella when Edward and her showed up. We stood waiting for Charlie to get done talking to some parents, their son is missing. He came out and said "it is still gonna be the three of us for dinner right?" Edward said "no I'm just dropping her off?" He walked toward his car then said "oh Bella Carlisle wanted me to remind you about the airline ticket to go see your mom you should use it soon before it expires." Bella said "I can't go right now?" He said "it might be the last time to see her before you graduate" Charlie smiled and said "absolutely it would be great to get some distance"

Bella said "yeah I wouldn't mind seeing mom as long as you use the companion ticket?" Charlie said "why don't you take your sister?" I said "because said sister is 7 months pregnant and doesn't want to travel" he slowly nodded and his smile left his face.

Now that Carlisle is back we do the ultrasounds here at the house in the hospital room. Carlisle spends all his time with me and I'm starting to trust him again. On Friday Bella and Edward left to Florida, and they chased Victoria. On Sunday I went into labor so that was fun Charlie had to call the school and tell them that I wouldn't be in and will finish online.

Labor was horrible pain but I refused an epidural it took 36 hours of labor and I thought I was gonna die thats what it felt like. Finally it was time to push Carlisle was delivering our children. Raiden came out first then 10 minutes later Jasmine came and 1 minute later little Summer arrived.

Raiden was born on May 21ST at 11:55pm 5 lbs and 4 oz and Jasmine was born May 22nd at 12:05am 6 lbs and 5 oz followed by Summer on May 22nd at 12:06am 5 lbs and 0 oz. We have been back together about a week Carlisle wrapped my precious babies up and handed them to me.

I was so exited I started crying and hugging my little babies. Carlisle tried to touch them and I held them closer to me "don't take my babies please" I was full blown crying. I don't know where it came from either like I knew he wasn't gonna take them away from me.

Everyone left the room and he sat next to me and said "Novalyn no one will ever take them from you, you are their mommy I won't let anyone take them I promise" I nodded still crying and leaned against him. He said "how about we get them dressed?" I said "there is a bag under my bed please grab it for me." He nodded and left the room.

He came back with the bag I asked for, we laid them on the bed I reached in the bag and pulled out three diapers handing him one. Once I diapered the girls I pulled out three outfits.




I got dressed in this.

Then I fed the babies and getting them to latch was kind of difficult at first. But I managed to get all three breastfed. After they ate he grabbed Raiden and I grabbed the girls and we slowly walked downstairs. I said "Alice I know I look like shit but I don't care"

I sat on the couch and held my little girls Carlisle let Charlie hold my little boy Alice said "which girl is which?" I said "the blue tutu is Jasmine and the pink pants is Summer. Summer is smaller than Jasmine by a whole pound." After a little bit I needed sleep so I said "me and the babies are going to bed" I walked upstairs Carlisle following me. I had bassets beside my bed for them so I don't have to move much to feed them.

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